Right-sided pneumonia in the child

Focal pneumonia in children and adults. Symptoms and Treatment of Focal Pneumonia

Focal pneumonia is one of the most common lung diseases. Both adults and children suffer from this ailment. That is why many readers are interested in additional information about the disease. What are the causes of this form of pneumonia? What symptoms are accompanied by the disease? What complications can be encountered? What does treatment look like?

What is the disease?

Focal pneumonia is a disease that often occurs in modern medical practice. This acute inflammation, which is accompanied by the defeat of limited areas of lung tissue, in particular, lobules of the lung.

According to statistical data, about 65% of cases of pneumonia are just this form of disease. In modern pulmonology, some other terms are used for this disease - "lobular pneumonia" or "bronchopneumonia". Inflammation in this case usually begins with small terminal bronchi, and the process captures one or more lobules of the lung. Small foci of inflammation can be either single or multiple. By the way, bronchopneumonia is often diagnosed in children, and infants are also susceptible to the disease.

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The main causes of focal pneumonia

Focal pneumonia can be both secondary and primary. Primary forms of the disease, as a rule, arise when a viral or bacterial pathogen penetrates into the respiratory system. In particular, the cause of the disease can be rhinovirus, parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial viruses. As for bacterial microorganisms, in about 70-80% of cases, the ailment develops against the background of activity of various types of pneumococci. But focal pneumonia in children is often manifested with the activation of opportunistic microflora - streptococci, Escherichia coli, staphylococci. In addition, rickettsia, mycoplasma, chlamydia may act as causative agents.

By the way, it is noted that the body becomes more susceptible to such a disease against the background of influenza and other acute respiratory infections.

Secondary pneumonia develops as a complication of some other disease. For example, often an ailment appears against the background of whooping cough, scarlet fever, measles, purulent otitis, dysentery, meningococcal meningitis, peritonitis, furunculosis, osteomyelitis and some other diseases.


Focal pneumonia is characterized by the appearance of single or multiple foci within the pulmonary lobe. In this case, the pathological process, as a rule, develops in the longitudinal direction - first the bronchi are involved, then the bronchioles and the alveoli. For this form of inflammation, three stages are characteristic: it is the stage of serous effusion, followed by curation and resolution.

Exudate in the alveoli, as a rule, serous with impurities of alveolar epithelium and leukocytes. Most often the disease affects the posterior segments of the lungs.

Case history: focal pneumonia and its symptoms

To begin with it is worth noting that the clinical picture in this case largely depends on the characteristics of the inflammatory process. Nevertheless, we can identify some common features. How does focal pneumonia occur? Symptoms of the first stage are an increase in body temperature, as well as general weakness, headaches, increased sweating. Some patients complain of chest pain that occurs during a cough.

As a rule, the body temperature comes back to normal after the beginning of antibacterial therapy. Separately it is necessary to talk about a cough. At first it can be dry, and as the disease develops it becomes wet. During coughing, serous or serous-purulent sputum may be isolated.

When examining the patient, you can notice a rapid increase in respiratory movements. In addition, the inflammatory process affects the work of the cardiovascular system - for example, tachycardia is often observed.

Focal pneumonia can also be accompanied by shortness of breath. Most often this symptom is present in children - difficulty with breathing occurs with physical stress or at rest. In any case, the insufficiency of the respiratory system can lead to hypoxia, which is accompanied by cyanosis and severe weakness.

On the other hand, in some patients the disease is hidden - there is no fever, no pain in the chest, no breathlessness. Such forms of ailment are considered quite dangerous, because sick people turn to the doctor too late.

Bronchopneumonia and its forms

As already mentioned, bronchopneumonia in children is more common. And during the diagnosis it is extremely important to find out its shape and degree of severity, since it depends on this depends on the doctor's chosen technique of treatment. In modern medicine, there are several classification systems for such a disease. For example, depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, the following forms can be distinguished:

  • The most commonly diagnosed right-sided focal pneumonia in a child or adult, which is associated with some anatomical features. The fact is that the right main bronchus is shorter and wider, which facilitates the progression of the infection in the lung tissue. By the way, right-sided inflammation is much more common with lubricated symptoms, which greatly complicates the diagnostic process. However, this form of the disease is well suited to standard therapy.
  • Left-sided inflammation also has some features. In particular, the diagnostic process can be difficult. That's why to identify small foci of inflammation it is recommended to conduct a computer tomography.
  • The more severe is bilateral pneumonia. Such inflammation, as a rule, occurs on the background of depletion of the body or after carrying out artificial ventilation of the lungs. Symptoms in this case are more pronounced - there is a strong chill and weakness, a sharp and persistent increase in body temperature, as well as severe pain in the chest. Treatment of this form is carried out exclusively in a hospital.
  • The most dangerous is the focal-drain pneumonia. With such a disease, the inflammatory process covers several segments at once or even a whole fraction of the lung. At the same time there is a change in pulmonary tissues and the type of emphysema and the appearance of microabscesses. In patients, such symptoms of respiratory failure as cyanosis and severe dyspnea appear.

Modern diagnostic methods

Of course, in the presence of the above symptoms it is necessary to immediately seek help from a specialist - it is impossible to determine the presence of the disease. The diagnostic process in this case includes a set of several activities. Only a specialist knows what constitutes a focal pneumonia, the symptoms and treatment of which we are considering today.

Naturally, at first the patient will be assigned standard examinations. When analyzing blood, one can notice an increase in ESR, as well as an increase in the number of neutrophils. In the most severe cases, a blood test is performed on the blood culture.

The sick person must be sent to the X-ray of the lungs. The results of such a study may be different, since everything here depends on the stage and form of the disease, the localization of the inflammatory process, and so on. If the radiography does not allow you to get enough information, additional studies are carried out, including bronchoscopy, MRI and CT of the lungs.

To determine the causative agent, mucus, sputum and flushing from the bronchi are examined. The samples obtained are analyzed by various techniques, including PCR and bacterial culture. Only after receiving the maximum amount of information the doctor will be able to make an effective treatment regimen.

How is focal pneumonia treated?

What therapy requires bronchopneumonia? Treatment in this case is selected by the doctor individually for each patient and includes a whole range of recreational activities.

Therapy primarily depends on the nature of the pathogen. Inflammation of a viral origin is treated with antiviral drugs and immunomodulators. If the cause of the inflammatory process are bacteria, then the administration of antibacterial drugs is indicated. As a rule, cephalosporins are used for treatment ("Cefazolin" Cefepime "Ceftriaxone"), penicillins ("Ampicillin "Ampioks" Carbenicillin "), fluoroquinolones (" Levofloxacil "Moxifloxacil" Gatifloxacil ") and combinations of data preparations. The course of admission lasts at least 10-14 days. In most cases, drugs are administered intramuscularly or intravenously, but in more severe cases, endobronchial and intrapleural administration is possible.

Naturally, detoxification is also carried out, which helps to alleviate the condition of patients (intravenous infusions of glucose, saline, etc.). It is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs - in the most severe cases, hormonal corticosteroids are used.

In order to facilitate the departure of phlegm, patients are prescribed mucolytic and bronchodilator agents. Quite effective are "Bromgexin" Eufilin "and" Teopek which dilute sputum, facilitate its withdrawal and expectoration. As an auxiliary therapy are various inhalations - they can be medicinal, enzymatic, alkaline, oil, etc. Patients also take multivitamin complexes, which accelerate the process of recovery of the body.

After the inflammatory process subsides, the course of therapy includes various physiotherapy techniques that help restore the normal function of the respiratory system. Quite effective is chest massage, DMV therapy, as well as UHF, electrophoresis.

With the development of respiratory failure (it happens rarely) oxygen therapy is indicated. After completion of the course, the patient is again examined to confirm the results of treatment.

Focal pneumonia in children: treatment and its characteristics

As already mentioned, this form of the disease is often found in babies. So what kind of therapy in this case requires bronchopneumonia? Treatment of mild forms is done at home. Preparations and dosage are determined by the attending physician - parents only have to follow his recommendations.

It is extremely important to create suitable conditions for the recovery of the baby. For example, do not forget about the full nutrition, despite the lack of appetite in the child. Make sure that bed linens and clothes are always clean and dry, because patients sweat profusely. The room needs to be ventilated regularly, but there should not be drafts. In the first few days it is extremely important to observe strict bed rest, even if the child remains active.

Hospitalization of children is carried out only in severe cases, namely:

  • in the presence of chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  • in the presence of encephalopathies of any origin;
  • if the child is less than two months old;
  • in the presence of congenital malformations of the cardiovascular system;
  • Children from disadvantaged families are also hospitalized, or if the child lives in unsuitable conditions for treatment, including orphanages.

Are complications possible?

In most cases, focal pneumonia results in complete recovery of the patient. However, in the absence of treatment, improperly administered therapy, or in extremely difficult conditions, dangerous complications are possible.

For example, against the background of such a disease, obstructive syndrome may develop. In more severe cases, this form of pneumonia results in the formation of an abscess or gangrene in the lung tissue. There are some other consequences of the disease, in particular, acute respiratory failure and inflammation of the pleura.

On the other hand, extrapulmonary complication of focal pneumonia is also common. The patient may develop a toxic shock in a serious condition. Sometimes, against the background of the disease, cardiovascular diseases, including endocarditis and myocarditis, also appear. On the other hand, the infection can spread to the tissues of the nervous system, which leads to the development of meningitis or meningoencephalitis.

Basic preventive precautions

Certainly, focal pneumonia can be an extremely dangerous disease. Unfortunately, there are no vaccines or other drugs that can protect a person from such a disease. Therefore, the only way to prevent disease is to strengthen the immune system.

A healthy lifestyle will have a great effect on the condition of the body. Proper nutrition, physical activity, breathing exercises, hardening, wiping with cold water, taking multivitamin complexes - these measures reduce the likelihood of developing inflammatory infectious diseases. And since pneumonia often develops precisely against the background of influenza, it is necessary to treat all ARVI in time and correctly.

After the inflammation of the lungs, a person needs time to restore the body. Therefore, the epicrisis is given only 10 days after the disappearance of the symptoms, and only if the blood tests and the results of other studies are within normal limits.


Treatment of lower lobe right-sided pneumonia

Pneumonia is lower-right-sided is diagnosed much more often than left-sided. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory system on this side. The lower section of the right bronchus lies at an angle, which contributes to the accumulation of viruses and bacteria. With a decrease in immunity and inhibition of local protective reactions, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly. The x-ray image at the same time reflects the symptoms of bronchopneumonia: the presence of darkened focal regions.

If you do not start treatment on time, the disease leads to the destruction of lung tissue and the violation of gas exchange between them and blood. Due to lack of oxygen in the blood, the functions of the remaining organs are violated and the immune system is suppressed. Pneumonia can be focal (infiltrates have sizes up to 11 cm), segmental (affects part of the lung), total (inflammation of the entire organ) and bilateral (both lungs suffer). The diagnosis of right-sided lower-lobe pneumonia means that the inflammatory process is localized in the lower part of the right lung.

Right-sided pneumonia in children

In children, this disease develops very quickly, without proper treatment, focal infiltrates soon turn into segmental or lobar inflammation. This is due to the fact that the body of the child is not able to produce antibodies to the causative agent of such infection, since he has not yet met with it. The body's response to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the lungs is expressed in the increased activity of alveolar macrophages, which destroy bacteria.

With a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, macrophages can not cope with their task. At some point, the number of microorganisms is so high that macrophages become unable to destroy them in a timely manner. If the pathogens of infection win in this fight, they begin to multiply intensively.Reception of antibiotics allows to avoid the spread of infection and the occurrence of serious complications.

Pneumonia in children has the following symptoms: elevated body temperature, cough with sputum discharge, runny nose, rapid breathing. Low-floor pneumonia can lead to the following complications: a decrease in the volume of lung tissue, accumulation fluid in the pleural cavity, narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, allergic reactions from other organs, abscess lung.

Lower-right-side right pneumonia is characterized by the following features, according to which the disease can be diagnosed even without radiography: pain in the right side of the chest, severe fever, fever, separation of viscous sputum when coughing, the appearance of blood in it, severe chest pains with deep inhalation. In children, these symptoms are less pronounced, making it difficult to make a final diagnosis. The lost time contributes to the development of complications. According to statistics, pneumonia in children in the early stages is detected only in half the cases. This is due to the fact that parents are not always able to notice the first symptoms of this disease in their child, taking pneumonia for an ordinary cold. Pneumonia, complicated by pleurisy, is treated only in a hospital.

Therapy of right-sided pneumonia is outpatient rather complicated. Even with all the necessary medications, the inflammatory focus can expand, capturing the whole lung.

Inflammation of the lungs in children is most often associated with viral infections, usually this disease occurs in the autumn-winter season. With weakened immunity against the background of influenza most often it is right-sided pneumonia. Viral inflammation of the lungs in children has the following features: acute form of the disease, dry cough during the first stages of the disease, fever, extensive infection of lung tissue.

Treatment of right-sided pneumonia in adults

Timely diagnosis of the disease not only allows you to properly treat it, but also significantly reduces the timing of therapy. Proper treatment of pneumonia involves taking antibiotics. If the use of an antibacterial agent does not give a proper result, it is considered that the causative agent of the infection is insensitive to the drug. Antibiotics should only help the body cope with the infection, so treatment should be directed not only to the destruction of pathogens, but also to an increase in protective reactions immunity.

Very often doctors either increase the dose of the drug, or choose stronger antibiotics. However, in the treatment of pneumonia this is unacceptable: such drugs can lead to pathologies of other organs. Long-term use of antibiotics is allowed only in the chronic course of the disease.

Treatment of right-sided pneumonia in children

In the treatment of this disease, antibiotics are also used in children. Therapy must be started immediately. It is carried out under bacteriological control even before determining the causative agent of infection. To this end, sputum smear microscopy is performed and the pathogen is injected into the nutrient medium. Antibiotics are prescribed in such doses that they are constantly present in the blood throughout the course of treatment. Usually they are used until the body temperature drops to normal. Then the body's own defenses must turn on. Many doctors believe that the patient must necessarily undergo a 5-day course of treatment with antibacterial drugs, otherwise pathogenic microorganisms will develop antibiotic resistance.

However, in the course of recent studies, it was found that with the correct dosage of the drug, bacteria die in the first days of treatment. A longer reception of antibiotics in a child is not advisable, as this leads to undesirable side effects. To monitor the disappearance of foci of inflammation, an X-ray examination is performed. The damage from irradiation will be less than from the wrong reception of antibiotics.

The cause of pneumonia in children is most often caused by infections caused by streptococci, pneumococci and hemophilic rod.


These bacteria die after 4 days of taking antibiotics. If the inflammation of the lungs is caused by mycoplasma, legionella or chlamydia, the course of treatment is increased to a week. If the effect of taking the drug is not observed within 2 days, the treatment is replaced. In severe complications of right-sided pneumonia, administration of several antibacterial agents is prescribed.

With prolonged use of antibiotics, children may develop symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis. Therefore, antibiotic therapy should be combined with the intake of B vitamins. After the abolition of antibiotics prescribe drugs that restore healthy intestinal microflora.

When treating a physician should carefully monitor the immune system of the child: antibiotics contribute to the suppression of his functions.

The effectiveness of the therapy is assessed by the following criteria: normalization of the general condition the decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood, the temperature drop, the absence of dyspnea and pus in phlegm.

With symptomatic treatment, the amount of sputum to be separated should decrease, small bubbling rales and hard breathing cease.

Treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies

The drugs described below do not replace traditional treatment, but they can be a good addition to it. To support the immunity of the child with antibiotic therapy, the following remedy helps: 750 g of honey is boiled with 100 g of birch buds for 5-7 minutes. After that, honey is filtered. 1 hour l. medicines are bred in a glass of water and taken every night before going to bed within a year.

Compresses with leaves of plantain help well in the treatment of pneumonia. They need to be rinsed with warm water and allowed to dry. After that, the leaves are applied to the back, chest and sides, covered with cellophane and woolen cloth. The procedure is best done before bedtime. Such a compress can be made from honey. Back and chest should be smeared with honey and covered with a tissue moistened with vodka.


Polyethylene and warm cloth are put on top. The procedure is recommended to be performed 2 times a day.


How is right-sided upper-lobe pneumonia manifested and treated?

As the name of the disease shows, right upper-lobe pneumonia develops in the upper part of the right lung. This disease is severe. The victim suffers from shortness of breath, fever with a possible transition to a state of delirium.

Pneumonia affects the right lung more often than the left one. This is due to the anatomical structure of the body: the right bronchus is shorter and broader, so the infection is easier to spread over it.

Inflammation of the lungs is another name for pneumonia. The disease was very dangerous until the discovery of penicillin. At this time, the disease is well treated, especially if diagnosed at the beginning of its development. But about 5 percent of the number of patients die to this day. Therefore, pneumonia should be taken seriously.

How is manifested upper lobe pneumonia

Diseases of the infectious and inflammatory nature are difficult to distinguish from each other, so the sick person does not always understand if he simply has caught a cold or is already starting to develop a more serious illness.

With right-sided pneumonia, the inflammatory process develops in the right lung. Accordingly, the left-sided affects the left.

Blame for the development of the disease of pneumococcus bacteria and Klebsiella. The human body into which they fall, for example, by airborne droplets, does not immediately react to their presence. Pathogens are delayed for some time on the mucous membranes, for example, the nose or larynx. The disease does not start to overpower a person, but his immune system understands that foreign organisms have appeared, and it's time to get ready to fight them.

If, for some reason, the immunity weakens, the bacteria from the mucous are transferred to the lungs. Here they are actively multiplying. The cause of reduced immunity may be hypothermia, colds, repeated contact with a sick person.

Upper-lobar pneumonia differs from others in severe disease. The patient's condition worsens very sharply. He feels a prolonged fever. Perhaps the onset of delirium. There is a poisoning of the whole organism, the health of other systems is disrupted.

This disease is most affected by elderly people and those who have problems with the immune system.

Symptoms of the disease resemble fever:

  • the patient is constantly shivering;
  • he experiences muscle aches;
  • it causes severe headaches.

Upper-lobar pneumonia manifests itself suddenly. If the patient was sick in the evening and experienced some malaise, it is so insignificant that he did not associate it with a possible ailment. And already in the morning there are difficulties with breathing: it becomes superficial. The person even is afraid to take a deep breath, as it experiences thus a pain. It begins a painful cough, dry and exhausting.

The temperature that has appeared is not lost, and if it can be done, then only for a short time. Gradually, the following symptoms are added:

  • digestive problems, nausea;
  • the whites of the eyes turn yellow due to the destruction of red blood cells in the blood;
  • on the lips appear rashes;
  • at rest, shortness of breath does not stop.

Sometimes there comes a state similar to what happens with meningitis. Sometimes the patient is haunted by hallucinations.

Diagnosis and treatment of right-sided pneumonia

Determine the presence of pneumonia with the help of radiography.

At the reception the doctor examines the patient and interrogates him. The specialist must listen to wheezing in the lungs, because this method remains to this day the best in detecting pathology. Even with modern technology, an experienced doctor will be able to correctly hear and understand what kind of noise in the respiratory organs.

The radiograph shows how much of the lung is affected by inflammation. This is a very objective method. It is also good that in the absence of an experienced doctor it will always help to correctly diagnose.

Other methods of diagnosis - a laboratory blood test, bacterial culture of sputum. By blood, changes in leukocytes, ESR and others are determined. A sputum indicates the type of pathogen. But this analysis is ready only a few days after the sampling of the biomaterial. Doctors do not wait for the result, and prescribe the treatment immediately, using the standard scheme. And after receiving data from the laboratory, additional drugs are prescribed.

Right-sided pneumonia of the upper lobe is fraught with dangerous complications if it is not treated. It happens that the pathology leads to disability of the patient and even to death.

Treatment of the disease is carried out with antibacterial therapy. Penicillins, ampicillins and many other things are applied, depending on the type of pathogen. The patient takes them strictly according to the doctor's prescription. The entire medical process is controlled by radiographs and laboratory analyzes.

It happens that a patient enters a hospital in a serious condition. In this case, the treatment begins with the normalization of the patient's condition. This can be ventilation with artificial means, adjusting the balance of water and salts, restoring blood pressure and other measures.

The doctor can prescribe antipyretic drugs, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, painkillers.

Without fail the patient accepts the funds that help to strengthen or correct the immunity.

To all medications can add therapeutic massage, physiotherapy procedures, therapeutic exercise.

Inflammation of the lungs is a serious disease, therefore, only the doctor prescribes all the treatment procedures. Often the patient needs appropriate care, special procedures. Therefore, upper-lobe pneumonia is most often treated in a hospital.

Upper-lobe right-sided pneumonia in children

This disease most often develops in those children who have recently had a flu, colds or inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. The main cause of the disease is weakened immunity.

Pediatric right-sided pneumonia refers to focal ailments. It develops after diseases of the bronchial system. Several foci of varying degrees of inflammation develop in the upper lobe of the right lung. Bacteria can not penetrate into one vast area, but affect different foci. Subsequently they can unite into one big one. This complicates further treatment.

Symptoms of this disease in a child are similar with more mild ailments. This cough, fever, excessive sweating. The doctor can listen in the child's lungs with constant wheezing with gurgling. The baby does not have enough air, so he has difficulty breathing: it becomes intermittent and stiff. Children's health can not be risked. Malicious bacteria have a harmful effect on the immunity of the child. Delay in treatment is unacceptable.

Treatment for a sick child is prescribed depending on the stage of the disease. The most effective is considered antibacterial therapy.

Right-sided inflammation in a child requires in-patient treatment, since proper care and constant monitoring of the patient's condition due to the action of antibiotics is necessary.

With properly organized treatment, the child's condition improves on the 6th day. At the end of the treatment course, radiography is mandatory, as this is the best way to diagnose pneumonia.


Upper-lobar pneumonia on the right side of children is not so common. Prevention of this disease is possible in the form of vaccinations. They are carried out with special vaccines, pneumococcal and influenza. But not all children are shown. There are risk groups that can not be done.


Causes and treatment of pneumonia right-sided

Pneumonia right-sided is a common lung disease. Inflammation of the lungs, also called pneumonia, is characterized by the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the vital organ of man. Pneumonia affects the lungs and can be one-sided, that is, localized in one lung or bilateral. Most often observed right-sided pneumonia.

Inflammation of lungs is provoked by bacteria, viruses and various fungi. In the recent past, the disease was fatal, since there were no methods of treatment. But today only a small percentage of people are threatened with death.The earlier the doctor diagnoses the disease, the faster the recovery will follow.

Causes of right-sided pneumonia

Inflammation occurs after infection of the body with a virus and transmitted by airborne droplets. With the banal sneezing of a patient with pneumonia, harmful microorganisms are released and enter the lungs of another person. Then they multiply and fill the organ, causing inflammation. It is necessary to use all precautions so that it does not become infected if someone is sick at home.

With a weakened immune system, microorganisms that live on the human mucosa begin to attack the body.

In the normal state of health, there should not be problems, but weakened immunity can not overcome them. Thus, the body affects bactericidal pneumonia.

The cause of the disease can be fungi, which penetrate into the body and begin to "host" there. These microorganisms can also be present in a house where there is increased dampness.

It is not difficult for them to provoke a disease, it is enough only that the body is weakened. Being a long time in a room with harmful fungi, the body can well get negative consequences.

Symptoms of pneumonia

Pneumonia has its own distinctive symptoms, which make it possible to diagnose. One of the most important signs of the disease is chest pain, if you want to take a deep breath. But there are cases when only one of the symptoms manifests, then carry out additional studies.

The main symptoms of pneumonia:
  • high body temperature, which indicates an inflammatory process;
  • cough due to which pneumonia can be confused with acute bronchitis;
  • coryza;
  • Shortness of breath, doctors fix tachycardia;
  • pain in the chest with deep breathing;
  • wheezing in the lungs.

Since there are almost no symptoms at an early stage of the disease, there is a certain danger to health. By the appearance of the patient you can see that he is quickly tired and has no appetite. Symptoms do not always manifest in young children. Parents need to be careful and sound anxiety for any ailments. Children can not always explain what hurts, so the responsibility to monitor their health rests with the parents.

How to diagnose right-sided pneumonia?

The most effective method of diagnosing pneumonia remains radiography. In the picture you can see how the disease itself, and its localization on the lung, the area of ​​the organ damage. Radiography is the most accessible method of diagnosis.

The luminescence in the picture indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of pneumonia, the doctor must prescribe an X-ray study that records the presence of the disease.

To find out what caused the disease, it is necessary to make an analysis of sputum, which is coughing up. If the cough is of a dry type, then analysis can not be done. Thanks to such diagnostics, it is possible to accurately identify the causative agent of pneumonia and start to expel it from the body.

The blood is taken for analysis on a mandatory basis. If the number of white corpuscles is increased, a malfunction is observed in the body. An overestimated index of ESR also indicates inflammation. With any malaise, you need to do a blood test: this will tell you where the problem lies.

Early diagnosis helps to save time and quickly start effective treatment.

Small children also have pneumonia. Parents should be alerted if the child has a high body temperature, and antipyretic drugs are not effective. If with the illness of an older child you can try to cope on your own, then if the baby's fever, immediately call for an "ambulance".

Treatment of pneumonia with medicinal preparations

Antibiotics are the most effective drugs in the treatment of pneumonia. Since the causes of the disease are different, respectively, and the treatment must be selected depending on the pathogenic microorganism. Until recently, penicillin was a miracle cure for all bacteria, but today microorganisms are more resistant and do not react to one type of antibiotic. Increasingly, second and third generation drugs are used.

Pneumonia right-sided is dangerous because bacteria have the ability to spread rapidly throughout the bronchial tree. Therefore, it is important to eliminate the malaise at an early stage. There is a danger that the inflammation from the right side can go to the left.

Before receiving the results of the analysis, pneumonia is treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. If such therapy is ineffective, then a group of antibiotics is changed. It happens that it is impossible to pass an analysis on sputum, so doctors need to think carefully about the scheme of treatment. Right-sided pneumonia is treated with levofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole, amoxicillin. Such treatment is effective only with bactericidal infection.

If the cause of the disease is a virus inside the body, antibiotics will not bring visible results. It is necessary to start antiviral therapy. Bactericidal pneumonia is easier to cure than viral. Spores of fungi that cause inflammation of the lungs, multiply rapidly within the body, so you need to start treatment with a remedy against a specific type of fungus.

With such a disease it is better not to joke, there is no place for self-treatment. The patient can not prescribe medications for himself, even if he is ill not for the first time, since the etiology of the disease can be committed by another. With prolonged illness and improper treatment, a lethal outcome is possible.


Prevention of pneumonia

The best prevention against any malaise is to strengthen immunity. If a person has strong immunity, then illnesses will not attack him. The body itself can overcome the unexpected guests - microorganisms, only if it is strong enough.

To have a good protective function, you need to eat right. Food should be balanced and contain both proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins, microelements. From time to time drink the vitamin complex, especially during the vitamin deficiency. Drink a sufficient amount of water, since the liquid has the ability to rinse the body and free from bacteria.


Moderate exercise, only improve the performance of all organs. Physical exercises always benefit, choose the kind of sport that is not contraindicated for you. Hiking and cycling will not only strengthen the muscles, but also help to cope with stress. The usual everyday exercise in the morning prolongs a person's life for several years.

One more thing that should not be forgotten is a dream. No wonder he is called a great healer. It is scientifically proven that if a person suffers from constant lack of sleep, then he has more opportunities to get sick than others. Thanks to a dream, the body recovers and recruits energy for active work during the day. An adult person needs to sleep from seven to nine hours a day, then no disease will not scare you.

Be healthy!


What is right-sided lower-lobe pneumonia

Pneumonia is an acute infectious and inflammatory disease that affects one or both of the lungs. Most often, its pathogens are viruses or bacteria, less common fungal pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs can develop as an independent disease or arise as a consequence of other pathological processes occurring in the body.

What is a lower-right-side right pneumonia?

Depending on the location of the affected area, pneumonia can be one-sided or bilateral: with one-sided inflammation affects only one lung, with bilateral - both. In right-sided pneumonia, the right lung is affected.

The human right lung is anatomically somewhat different from the left one. First, it is shorter and somewhat larger in volume. Secondly, the right lung is divided by intersecting fissures into three lobes - the upper, middle and lower ones, whereas in the left one, there is only one interstitial fissure, and only two, respectively, the upper and lower lobes.

If the inflammation affects the entire lower lobe of the right lung (also the pleura - the lining of the lungs can be involved in the process), we can talk about right-sided lower-left pneumonia. If the site of inflammation does not extend to the entire fraction, it can be restricted to one or more its segments or one lobule of the lung - in these cases, diagnose segmental or lobular pneumonia.

Features of the lower right lateral pneumonia

Inflammation of the right lung is more common because of the anatomical structure of the bronchi - the right bronchus is shorter and wider than the left one, so the infection spreads faster. Following the defeat of the bronchi, a focal lesion of the lung tissue develops, and it is in the right lung that several inflammation foci can be located simultaneously in different stages of development. This explains the typical course of right-sided pneumonia - the disease proceeds undulating, after a period of temporary improvement in the patient's condition, deterioration may again occur. Inflammation of the lower lobe of the lung can be accompanied by symptoms similar to those of the "acute abdomen" - inflammation of the peritoneum, which to some extent complicates the diagnosis of the disease.

Symptoms of right-sided low-grade pneumonia

Shared pneumonia, as a rule, begins acutely - with high fever, severe chills, sweating. When coughing, viscous sputum is released, sometimes having a "rusty" orange tinge. Any physical activity causes severe dyspnoea in patients.

Pain in the chest can appear both with a cough and with an attempt to take a deep breath. Most often, the pain sensations are localized in the area of ​​the affected area of ​​the lung and mean that the inflammation has affected the pleura.

Right-sided lower-lobe pneumonia, like some other types of pneumonia, in some cases occurs in an erased form - the symptoms are very few or absent. Such pneumonia is extremely dangerous, especially if it is a child's illness - the risk of complications increases several times because of the inability to diagnose the disease on time. Usually, pneumonia is treated in a hospital environment, however, if the patient's condition allows and there are no complications (pleurisy, cardiac or pulmonary insufficiency, bronchial obstruction), pneumonia can be cured and at home under supervision district doctor.


Features of the course of pneumonia segmental

Pneumonia segmental is a serious enough problem that needs immediate treatment. Otherwise, it can cause dangerous complications, which will not be easy to cure.

Segmental pneumonia - what is it

This disease is nothing more than a very serious damage to the airways of a person, which never spreads beyond the limits of a particular pulmonary segment.This form of pneumonia is in second place in the frequency of occurrence in humans. On the first place there was an inflammation of lungs of focal type.

Most often you can find pneumonia, which occurs in the lower lobe of the right lung, develops in most cases, it is in adults. It is interesting that in children there is an inflammatory process in the opposite side - left-sided pneumonia. This difference is caused by a certain difference in the structure of the chest.

In addition, subsegmental inflammation and the usual segmental inflammation are distinguished. The difference lies in the fact that in the usual inflammatory process, much less alveoli are affected, and the inflammatory process takes place in a smaller part of the lung. It should be noted that using X-ray to determine which type of disease in an adult or a child is very difficult. For this, it is necessary to do additional tests and examinations.

What is the pulmonary segment in man?

In order to understand the causes of this complex disease, it is worth considering a little the anatomy of a person and find out what exactly are the segments of the lungs.

The lung segment is a small cluster of alveoli. In this case, this cluster has a common blood supply to the body, as well as innervation. From other segments it is separated by thin layers, which are formed from connective tissue.

If we consider each segment of the human lungs in the x-ray image, then they are characterized by special localization both in the direct image and on the side. Therefore, in order to determine quite accurately the place in which the focus of inflammation is located, it is necessary to take pictures of the chest in two projections.

In addition, during the diagnosis it is very important to determine in advance which lung segmental pneumonia is observed. It can be done by a therapist or pulmonologist after carefully examining and studying X-rays.

Causes of the disease

This type of inflammation of the lungs arises because the local defense of the organism is sharply reduced. Such a change can result from the development of a cold or after a severe hypothermia. In addition, the cause of the development of the disease may well become pathogens of pneumonia, which begin to actively breed only in a particular area of ​​the lungs.

So, right-sided segmental pneumonia in adults develops due to the following reasons:

  • significant deformation of the bronchial system;
  • rather often the wall of the lower respiratory tract becomes inflamed, which results in defects, for example, the amount of connective tissue increases;
  • immunity in this part of the body is very much reduced due to the fact that blood flow is disturbed;
  • under the influence of nicotine there is a sufficiently strong spasm of the vessels of the lungs, which causes the further development of the disease.

If we talk about the occurrence of pneumonia in children and in the elderly, the reasons for this are somewhat different. First of all it can be too weak immunity. To provoke the disease can the pathogen, which falls directly into the respiratory system. Even if it is the most common streptococcus, it can become the impetus to the fact that the inflammatory process in the lower part of the lungs will begin to develop.

Types of segmental pneumonia

To date, experts distinguish several types of segmental pneumonia and, depending on this, assign the patient treatment:
  • typical view;
  • atypical;
  • viral;
  • toxic;
  • fungal;
  • drug.

Symptoms of the onset of the disease

Approximately two days after the inflammatory process began to develop in the human lungs, the first signs of the disease begin to appear. Symptoms of segmental pneumonia include the following:

  • if the cause is a bacterial infection, then there is a sharp increase in temperature to 39 and above degrees;
  • as a result of intoxication the person feels constant and strong fatigue, there is a headache, in especially severe cases, there may be delusions or even hallucinations;
  • under the ribs one can feel the soreness that arises from the damage not only to the lungs, but also to the stomach;
  • begins to develop tachycardia: this indicates that in the blood are in large quantities of toxins or even products of the decay of cells and tissues;
  • if there is an adynamia in the patient, then this indicates a very serious course of the disease (in this case experts are guided by the temperature: the higher it is, the faster the inflammatory process);
  • about the general intoxication of the whole organism can be understood by the fact that a very large amount of sweat begins to be released at each change in the position of the body by a person;
  • a few days later there is a strong enough cough, a lot of sputum is released;
  • there is shortness of breath.

Each specialist, in order to assign the right treatment to the patient, will pay attention to the patient's sweating. Thanks to sweating, you can understand how well the metabolic processes are going on in the human body. In addition, the degree of sweating warns about the possible occurrence of fever in humans. For example, if a person sharply began to stand out in a lot of sweat, it means that in a few minutes the body temperature will rise quite strongly. In this regard, it is necessary to take a medicine as quickly as possible against the heat.


If all the symptoms of the disease have disappeared and there is also nothing to be seen in the X-ray images, but at the same time there is sweating and general malaise, this indicates that the disease was cured not to the end.

In such situations, doctors can prescribe an additional intake of antibacterial and vitamin preparations to support the patient's body.

Treatment of allergy due to segmental pneumonia in an adult

Rarely, but in the presence of segmental pneumonia, an allergic reaction may occur. In this regard, a person may experience suffocation and even anaphylactic shock. If this happens, you need to inject the adrenaline dose as soon as possible to the sick person and immediately take him to the pulmonology department.

Shortness of breath in people who suffer from segmental pneumonia, arises because a small area of ​​the lungs does not participate in breathing. Other segments thus become larger due to the fact that the usual amount of air is placed in a smaller number of alveoli. This is due to the fact that the body is trying to eliminate all the possible ways of shortage of oxygen. If there is a similar problem with the disease, the patient should be taken to the hospital and at the same time to make artificial ventilation of the lungs. Thus, it will be possible to restore very quickly the amount of oxygen necessary for the body.

Inflammatory processes in the lungs are a very serious problem that needs immediate treatment. The recovery process can take a very long time, and even if the X-ray images do not show affected areas, the disease can still not leave the sick person for a long time.

With children, the situation is even more severe than with adults. The fact is that the child's immunity is of a reactive type. This means that just a few days after all the symptoms of segmental pneumonia have disappeared, they can appear again and again in a heavier and more dangerous form for the child.


As practice shows, treatment in most cases ends without complications and quite successfully. The main thing is to take all the necessary measures in time and not to start the disease.


Community-acquired pneumonia: diagnosis, treatment. Prevention of community-acquired pneumonia

Community-acquired pneumonia is considered to be the most common infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. Most often, this ailment is the cause of death from various infections. This occurs as a result of a decrease in the immunity of people and the rapid adaptation of pathogens to antibiotics.

What is community acquired pneumonia?

This is an infectious disease of the lower respiratory tract. Community-acquired pneumonia in children and adults develops in most cases as a complication of a viral infection. The name of pneumonia characterizes the conditions of its occurrence. The person is ill at home, without any contact with the medical institution.

Pneumonia in an adult

Adults most often get pneumonia due to ingestion of bacteria, which are the causative agents of the disease. Community-acquired pneumonia in adults does not depend on geographical zones and socio-economic relations.

Throughout life on the airways and lungs of a person are constantly affected by pathogens: viruses and parasites. On the way to the lungs, bacteria encounter protective barriers, which are represented by the upper respiratory tract and the oropharynx. If these barriers are overcome by pathogenic organisms - bacteria, viruses and fungi, infection begins to develop.

What is pneumonia?

This disease is divided into three types:

  1. Light pneumonia is the largest group. She is treated out-patiently, at home.
  2. The disease is of medium severity. Such pneumonia is treated in the hospital. The peculiarity of this group is that most patients have chronic diseases.
  3. Severe form of pneumonia. She is treated only in the hospital, in the intensive care unit.

Community-acquired pneumonia happens:

  • Focal. A small area of ​​the lungs is inflamed.
  • Segmental. Characteristic is the defeat of one or at once several parts of the organ.
  • The equity. Some part of the body is damaged.
  • The total. The defeat is all the lungs.

Community-acquired pneumonia is one-sided and two-sided, right-sided and left-sided.


  • The body temperature rises.
  • There is a chill and weakness.
  • Decreased efficiency and appetite.
  • Sweating appears, especially at night.
  • The head, joints and muscles aches.
  • The consciousness gets confused and the orientation is broken, if the disease is in severe form.
  • Pain in the chest.
  • Herpes can appear.
  • Pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Shortness of breath, which occurs during exercise. When a person is at rest, this does not happen.


Community-acquired pneumonia develops when microbes enter the weakened human body and cause inflammation. The causes of the disease are as follows:

  • Subcooling the body.
  • Viral infections.
  • Concomitant diseases: diabetes, heart, lungs and others.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Long stay on bed.
  • Postponed operations.
  • Elderly age.

Pathogens of the disease

  • Pneumococci (most often the cause of the disease).
  • Staphylococci.
  • Atypical pathogens: mycoplasma and chlamydia.
  • Klebsiella.
  • Viruses.
  • Pneumocystis.
  • Intestinal bacillus.
  • Haemophilus influenzae.


During the examination, it is very important to identify and evaluate the clinical symptoms of the disease, such as fever, chest pain, cough with phlegm. Therefore, if a person has community-acquired pneumonia, the history of the disease is mandatory for every patient. In it, the doctor records all the patient's complaints and appointments. To confirm the diagnosis, a radiological examination is carried out: chest x-ray. Clinical manifestations of community-acquired pneumonia are:

  • Cough with discharge of muco-purulent sputum, in which veins of blood are present.
  • Pain in the chest during breathing and coughing.
  • Fever and shortness of breath.
  • Trembling of the voice.
  • Chryps.

Sometimes the symptoms differ from those typical for this disease, which makes it difficult to establish the correct diagnosis and determine the method of treatment.

Radiation examination

The patient is assigned radiography if he has community-acquired pneumonia. Diagnosis by the radiation method involves the examination of the organs of the chest cavity in the anterior part of it. The image is taken in a straight and a side view. The patient underwent an X-ray examination as soon as he consulted a doctor, and then half a month after the treatment with antibacterial agents began. But this procedure can be carried out earlier, if the treatment has complications or the clinical picture of the disease has changed significantly.

The main sign of community-acquired pneumonia during X-ray examination is the compaction of lung tissue, a darkening is determined in the picture. If there are no signs of densification, then there is no pneumonia.

Lower-lobe right-sided pneumonia

Many patients go to the hospital when they are disturbed by such symptoms as dyspnoea, cough, accompanied by discharge of mucous sputum, an increase in temperature to 39 degrees, pain with a sensation of tingling on the right side under edge. After hearing complaints of the patient, the doctor examines it, listens and probes where necessary. If it is suspected that the patient has a community-acquired right-sided pneumonia, which, as a rule, occurs much more often (why we pay special attention to it), he is assigned a full examination:

  • Laboratory tests: general, clinical and biochemical blood analysis, urine and sputum analysis.
  • Instrumental studies, including chest radiography, fibroblochoscopy and electrocardiograms. The form of darkening on the radiographic image allows us to clarify the diagnosis, and fibroscopy - to reveal the involvement of bronchi and trachea in the process of inflammation.

If the results of all tests confirm that the patient has a right-side community-acquired pneumonia, the medical history is supplemented. Before starting therapy, the patient's chart records the results of studies on all indicators. This is necessary in order to carry out its adjustment as necessary.

Laboratory and instrumental studies can show inflammation of the lower right lobe of the lung. This is another story of the disease. Community-acquired lower-lobe pneumonia - this will be the diagnosis. When it is accurately established, the doctor prescribes a treatment that is individual for each patient.

How to treat community-acquired pneumonia?

Patients with this diagnosis can be treated both in a hospital and at home. If a patient has community-acquired pneumonia, the history of the disease is mandatory, regardless of the place of treatment. Patients in out-patient treatment are conventionally divided into two groups. The first refers to people under 60 years of age who do not have concomitant diseases. The second - over 60 or people with concomitant diseases (of any age). When a person has community-acquired pneumonia, treatment is performed with antibacterial drugs.

For patients of the first group, the following are appointed:

  • "Amoxicillin" with a dosage of -1 g or "Amoxicillin / Clavulanate" 25 grams at a time. Accepted during the day 3 times.
  • An alternative to these drugs may be: "Clarithromycin" or "Roxithromycin" in a dosage of, g, and 5 g, respectively. Take twice a day. Can be appointed "Azithromycin which is taken once a day in the amount of, g.
  • If there is a suspicion that the disease is caused by an atypical pathogen, the doctor may prescribe "Levofloxacin" or "Moxifloxacin" in g, g, g, respectively. Both drugs are taken once a day.

If patients of the second group have community-acquired pneumonia, the treatment is performed using the following drugs:

  • "Amoxicillin / clavulanate" is prescribed three times a day for, 25 g or twice a day for 1 g, "Cefuroxime" should be taken in an amount, g at one time twice a day.
  • Alternative drugs may be prescribed: "Levofloxacin" or "Moxifloxacin" in g, g, g, respectively, once a day per day. "Ceftriaxone" is prescribed for 1-2 grams intramuscularly, too, once a day.

Treatment of the disease in children

Community-acquired pneumonia in children with uncomplicated form of the disease, depending on age, is treated with the following drugs:

  • Children under 6 months are prescribed: "Josamycin" twice a day for a week in the calculation of 20 mg per one kilogram of body weight. Maybe "Azithromycin" - the daily norm should not exceed 5 mg per kilogram of body weight, the duration of treatment - 5 days.
  • Children under the age of 5 years are prescribed "Amoxicillin" inside 25 mg / kg twice a day, the duration of treatment is 5 days. Can appoint "Amoxicillin / clavulanate" in recalculation per kilogram of body weight 40-50 mg or "Cefuroxin aksetil" dosage of 20-40 mg / kg, respectively. Both drugs are taken twice a day, the duration of treatment is 5 days.
  • Children older than 5 years are prescribed "Amoxicillin" with a dosage of 25 mg / kg in the morning and in the evening. If there are suspicions of SARS, prescribe "Josamycin" inside, increasing the dosage to 40 mg / kg per day for a week or "Azithromycin" according to the scheme: 1 day - 10 mg / kg, then 5 mg / kg for 5 days. If there is no positive result in treatment, you can replace "Amoxicillin" at a rate of 50 mg / kg once a day.

Preventive measures for the prevention of disease

Preventive maintenance of community-acquired pneumonia is carried out using pneumococcal and influenza vaccines. If necessary, they are injected simultaneously, only in different hands. For this purpose, a 23-valent unconjugated vaccine is used. It is introduced:

  • People who are over 50 years old.
  • Persons living in nursing homes.
  • Adults and children with chronic lung, heart and vascular disease or under constant medical supervision.
  • Children and adolescents (from six months to adulthood) who have been taking aspirin for a long time.
  • Pregnant women 2-3 rd term.
  • Doctors, nurses and the rest of the hospital staff and outpatient clinics.
  • Employees of nursing departments.
  • To family members of those people who are at risk.
  • Medical workers caring for the sick at home.

Prevention of community-acquired pneumonia is:

  • The correct way of life, which involves exercise, regular long walks in the fresh air, active rest.
  • A balanced healthy diet with a normal content of proteins, vitamins and trace elements.
  • Annual vaccination of children and adults against influenza, which is done before the onset of the cold season. Very often, the flu gives a complication. A person gets pneumonia, which is difficult.
  • Life without hypothermia and drafts.
  • Daily cleaning and airing of the room.
  • Frequent washing of hands and rinsing of nasal passages.
  • Restriction of contacts with patients with ARI.
  • In the period of mass spread of infection, the intake of honey and garlic. They are excellent immunostimulating agents.
  • If you become infected with flu yourself or your child, do not self-medicate, but call a doctor.


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