Eye Drops Ofthan Katachrom: Instructions for Use

Ophthalmic drops Oftan Kathahrom is one of the most popular drugs that can be used to treat cataracts for patients of different ages.It is considered one of the most effective and safe to use. So that you can also freely apply it for your treatment, let's examine what kind of medicine it is, what is it its effect, what indications and contraindications to use it has, and what side effects can give.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Application
    • 3.1Indications
    • 3.2Contraindications
    • 3.3In pregnancy
    • 3.4To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Analogues
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Description of the preparation

Drops Ofthan Katachrom - a solution used in ophthalmology. The main active components of this solution are such substances:

  • cytochrome, the content of which in a milliliter of the solution is 675 μg;
  • adenosine with a content of 2 mg in a milliliter of solution;
  • Nicotinamide, the content of which in a milliliter of solution - 20 mg.
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Oftan Kathahrom

Also, this medication contains a number of auxiliary components, including sodium phosphate, sodium succinamide, water for injection. The medication itself is a clear liquid of red color.

The composition of eye drops "Oftan Katakhrom"

The drug is available in vials-droppers with a capacity of 10 ml.These bottles are intended solely for individual use.

Pharmacological action and group

Oftan Kathahrom is a stimulator of tissue regeneration.This drug is considered combined. Its active components have the following effect on the eye tissue:

  • Cytochrome prevents the development of clouding of the lens, and also protects the cornea and the lens from all sorts of damage.
  • Adenosine improves blood flow. This component has a pronounced vasodilator effect, due to which it successfully copes with inflammations in the eye chamber and improves the exchange of fluids.
  • Nicotinamide stimulates the restoration of the cellular structure of the lens, thereby slowing the development of cataracts.
Pharmacological group Oftan Kathamroma

The presented components practically do not enter the systemic blood flow, but penetrate well into the corneal tissue, thereby achieving the necessary therapeutic effect. Since the concentration of active components both directly after the administration of the agent, and through several hours after the administration of drops remains low, cases of overdose with this drug are not have been identified.


Instructions for use of this drug recommends using it as follows: daily inject one or two drops of the agent into the conjunctival sac of the affected eye at least three times in day.The treatment schedule for each patient is determined by the attending physician according to the indications.

Application of Oftan Kathahroma

The patient can not independently adjust the timing of the medication, as well as its dosage. All this can have a very negative impact on the effectiveness of treatment, regardless of at which stage of the drug the regimen was arbitrarily adjusted.

There are also special recommendations for the use of this drug.They provide for:

  • Refusal to drive vehicles in the first hours after the administration of the drug.During this period, a person may have a temporary visual impairment.
  • Strict implementation of hygienic norms when using a vial-dropper.A person should be careful to ensure that the spout of this vial is not in contact with anything, otherwise an infection can get into it.
  • Careful handling of contact lenses during treatment with this remedy.Immediately before the introduction of the drug a person must necessarily remove the lens, and then re-dress them only after the introduction of drops. If this rule is violated, the preservatives contained in the preparation may be deposited on the lenses.

Also, the patient must comply with the conditions and terms of storage of the product. Their violation can also lead to the appearance of various side effects.


Presented drops are used to treat cataracts of different etymologies.The drug is given to patients at various stages of the development of the disease.


The main contraindication to taking this drug is an individual drug intolerance.Also, this medicine is not prescribed for pregnant women and persons under the age of 18.

In pregnancy

This drug is not used to treat pregnant and lactating women, since there is no data on the safety of the use of such medication during these periods.This category of patients for treatment appoint other drugs that have a similar effect.

Admission of this drug is allowed in those cases when its expected effectiveness exceeds the level of risks for the mother and fetus. In the same situations, the treatment with such drops should be completely controlled not only by the ophthalmologist, but also by the gynecologist who leads the pregnancy.

To small children

The drug is not recommended for patients under 18 years of age.This is due to the fact that physicians do not have reliable data on the safety of this medication for patients of this age group.

Parents are forbidden to give these drops to their children without prior consultation with doctors. Violation of this rule may lead to the occurrence of side effects on the medicine in the child.

Possible complications caused by the drug

In most cases this drug is well tolerated by the patient. Rarely, and only in the presence of hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary components of this drug, the patient may experience side effects.These can be:

  • Allergic reactions from the eyes: conjunctivitis, increased tear, feeling of rez, itching.May be accompanied by allergic reactions to the skin of the eyelids, including contact dermatitis.
  • Systemic disorders: general weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea.These side effects may occur as a result of the vasodilator action of nicotinic acid.

If any of the above-mentioned side effects occur, it is recommended to stop taking this medication immediately and consult a doctor for further examination and selection of other medicines. Otherwise, the side effects caused by this medication may only increase.


On the pharmacological market there are several analogues of this drug.These are the following eye drops:

  • Aloe vera extract according to Filatov.
  • Ointensin concentrations, 5%.
  • Azidrop in the release of 15 mg / g.

In spite of the fact that these substances are analogues of Oftan Katahroma, they can not be used instead of this preparation without preliminary consultation with the attending physician. It can harm your health.



As you can see, ophthalmic drops Oftan Katachrom are a simple and safe to use drug that can be widely used for cataract treatment in wide groups of patients.For the same reason that treatment with this drug does not create any problems for the patient to whom these drops appointed, he should carefully study the doctor's recommendations for taking this drug and strictly to follow. In this case, he will not have any problems with this medicine.