Retinal detachment: causes

The retina is a thin and complex structure.It is responsible for the perception of light pulses and the transmission of information from the eyes to the visual department of the brain. When, for some reason, the layer separates from the photoreceptor cells, this causes retinal detachment.It is very important to know why exfoliation occurs and how to treat it correctly. We will tell you about this and much more.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
    • 4.1More about laboratory diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Retinal detachment is a serious eye disease that develops as a result of the separation of the mesh shell from the vascular.Between these two layers fluid accumulates, which prevents the normal feeding of retina layers, so vision begins to fall rapidly.

There are five types of retinal detachment. All of them are caused by various reasons:

The structure of the eye. Retina - this is the retina of the eye.
  1. instagram viewer
    Regmatogenic exfoliation.This species is also called primary. Primary exfoliation occurs due to the appearance of a rupture of the retina, through which the liquid produced by the vitreous body flows beneath it. The rupture occurs due to retinal dystrophy or as a result of sudden movements, excessive physical exertion.
  2. Traction detachment.Traction or retina tension, which occurs because of the pressure on her vitreous body with ingrown fibrous strands or vessels. This situation is often observed with diabetic retinopathy.
  3. Traumatic exfoliation.It is caused by some kind of injury. This detachment occurs either at the time of injury, or after it (even years later). The surgical operation, which entailed the detachment of the retina, is also the cause of the injury.
  4. Secondary exfoliation.This kind of detachment appears due to diseases and pathologies of the eyes. The causes of secondary exfoliation are various inflammations, hemorrhages, thrombi, neoplasms and so on.
  5. Exudative detachment.It is also called serous. Serous detachment occurs in the case of development of a pathological process under the retina caused by the accumulation of fluid. But in this case there are no gaps on the retina itself.

Usually, in the initial stages, detachment does not manifest itself. But it can lead to complete blindness, so do not hesitate, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.


The main cause of primary retinal detachment is its rupture and accumulation of fluid.Secondary exfoliation occurs most often due to tumors and other neoplasms.

In addition to these main reasons, there are also such things as:

  • Viral infections;
  • Stress;
  • Retinal dystrophy;
  • Problems with blood circulation;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Injuries of the eyes.
  • Age-related damage to the visual apparatus.

It should be noted that detachment with high probability can occur with myopia, thinning of the retina, diabetes, vascular diseases. Injuries and surgeries are also risk factors.


The main symptoms of retinal detachment are difficult to confuse with any other disease.Therefore, if you have the following "bells you should immediately contact your ophthalmologist:

  1. Part of the field of view is in a shadow.In the place where this shadow appears, you can find the area of ​​exfoliation. When you rotate and move your head, the shadow can shift.
  2. Black spots appear in the field of view.Their presence suggests that a vitreous hemorrhage from the vessels damaged by the rupture occurred.
  3. Suddenly, in the area close to the temple, various flashes, lightning and sparks appear.

In addition to these symptoms, when the retina detaches, the vision deteriorates, the observed objects oscillate and deform.

Sometimes a person who has an exfoliation, notices that after waking up he sees a little better. This can be explained by the fact that when a person takes a horizontal position, his retina returns to its place. When a person gets up, the retina departs, therefore vision falls.


If suspicion of detachment is suspected, a thorough and thorough examination is necessary.The sooner this is done, the more likely that the loss of vision can be stopped.

All methods for diagnosing retinal detachment can be divided into three groups:

  1. Standard diagnostic methods:
    • Perimetry;
    • Tonometry;
    • Vision;
    • Biomicroscopy;
    • Ophthalmoscopy;
    • Study of entoptic phenomena.
  2. Special diagnostic methods:
    • Ultrasound in B-mode;
    • Electrophysiological methods.
    • Analysis of blood and urine;
    • Research on HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, syphilis;
    • Conclusion of all doctors.
  3. Laboratory diagnostics.

More about laboratory diagnostics

Ophthalmoscopy is the most important method of diagnosing retinal detachment. It consists in examination of the fundus.

Ophthalmoscopy allows to determine the place of exfoliation, ruptures, and form of exfoliation.Examination of the fundus is carried out with the help of lenses that can be contact and non-contact, while a direct or indirect head ophthalmoscope can be used.By combining various methods of examining the status of the fundus, more complete information can be obtained.

During such a survey, the ophthalmologist will see that the fundus at the detachment site acquires a gray-white hue.If the course of the vessels has changed, and the vascular membrane has lost its clarity, then the detachment has a small height.And if a white-gray bubble is observed, which, when the eye moves, also becomes mobile, then the detachment is high.If the detachment occurred quite a long time, then on the retina you can see folds and scars.

If the rupture of the retina is located in the upper half of the fundus, the progression of the disease is accelerated, and if in the lower half, the outcome of the disease is more favorable.


The most effective way to treat retinal detachment is surgery.The sooner it is done, the better results it will give.

The purpose of the operation is to block the rupture of the retina, reduce the volume of the eyeball and restore contact between the layers of the retina.

Methods for treating retinal detachment are divided into two groups:

Visual impairment in retinal detachment
  1. Extracleral operations.They are carried out on the surface of the sclera. This includes extrascleral filling (performed in case of partial exfoliation) and ballooning (with complete detachment).
  2. Endovitration operations.Such operations are carried out from the inside of the eyeball. This includes a method such as vitrectomy - it is the removal of the vitreous body, the place of which is introduced the preparation (saline, liquid silicone, etc.), which presses the retina to the vascular shell.

Treatment of delamination with a laser is only carried out if the detachment is "fresh."This method is called preventive peripheral laser coagulation.It allows to limit the areas of ruptures and thinning of the retina.


Complications most often occur during operations and are associated with defects in her technique.

  • Injury of the epithelium or stroma of the cornea can lead to a violation of the transparency of the cornea.
  • Perforations and ruptures of membranes, hypotension and miosis.
  • Hemorrhages under the retina and the vitreous can occur due to damage or blockage of the vorticoid vein or large arteries.
  • Hit through a rupture under the retina of silicone or gas.
  • Strabismus, diastasis or symphobaron.
  • Dropout of the vitreous humor and rupture of the choroid and retina.
  • Cutting of scleral sutures.
  • Erosion of the cornea.

Postoperative complications may be associated with defects in surgical technique or a violation of postoperative recovery:

  • Re-detachment due to excessive formation of scars.
  • Re-peeling due to incomplete blocking of the fracture.
  • Repeated detachment due to a violation of the regime.
  • Hemorrhage due to incomplete vascular thrombosis.
  • Massive preretinal fibrosis.
  • Iridocyclitis (due to traumatic surgery).
  • Endophthalmitis, rejection of seals, inflammation, panophthalmitis.
  • Compression after suturing.
  • Sealing the seal through the sclera.
  • Persistent decrease in eye size due to depression.
  • The flow of silicone into the front chamber or under the conjunctiva.
  • Exfoliation of the choroid.


Prevent detachment of the retina with preventive measures.

In the presence of myopia and hyperopia should regularly visit an ophthalmologist and carry out the necessary treatment.

A good prevention of detachment is laser coagulation.If vitreous body pathologies have been found, it is possible to perform an operation to replace it.Traumatic detachment of the retina can be prevented if you follow the safety rules and take care.


A practical guide in the form of an article - how to improve vision at home in a short time.

What is fraught with the opacity of the lens in old age read by clicking on this link.

How quickly to cure conjunctivitis:




Detachment of the retina is dangerous due to complete loss of vision, so it is so important during the treatment. It often occurs with injuries, eye diseases, tumors, diabetes and so on. Retinal diseases are the main cause of the appearance of detachment. In this case, surgical intervention can help. To prevent the development of complications, one should carefully choose an ophthalmological clinic for the operation, and also observe a postoperative recovery regimen. Preventive measures will prevent the occurrence of detachment of the retina. If you are a member of the risk group, then you should not risk your eye health, as often as possible visit an ophthalmologist.