Causes of hyperopia or hypermetropia

Among the most common visual impairment is hypermetropia or farsightedness.In contrast to myopia, this anomaly is treatable and at the first stages of development there is the possibility of complete restoration of the visual function. Many people ask the question, "far-sightedness is a plus or minus?" Let's take a look at this article.

Interesting is the fact that due to hypermetropia the first spectacle lenses appeared. Even during the first stages of book printing, the monks, by virtue of visual deviations, hardly considered the scriptures described. The use of massive lenses for reading, which were installed above the text, was a salvation for such chroniclers. After that, personalized lenses were invented, which at the moment are called glasses.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Ophthalmic and contact optics
    • 5.2Hardware treatment
    • 5.3Medication Therapy
    • 5.4Surgical
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

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For hypermetropia or farsightedness is characteristic refractive pathology, in which the image focuses behind the retina.This occurs because of a shortened ocular axis (less than 23.5 mm) or a weakened cornea that is unable to refract the rays with due force. Very often, patients with hyperopia do not experience inconveniences, as the ability to accommodate them is well developed.

  • If the degree of the disease is rather weak, there are no problems with the near and long-sighted eyes, however, in this case, headaches, fatigue and discomfort can occur with large visual loads.
  • Average degreeis due to good vision at long distances, but on close visual acuity noticeably decreases.
  • High degreedoes not allow a person to focus his vision near or far, in this case, the potential of the eye drops sharply and all possibilities are exhausted.

Not everyone knows what presbyopia eyes are. This age-long farsightedness, which occurs due to a decrease in the elasticity of the lens, a noticeable weakening of all muscle groups of the eye, which reduces the accommodation function.

Presbyopia, and so it is called in the medical world, the age-long farsightedness, usually overtakes all people after the age of 45. For some, this happens somewhat later.

Hypermetropia is divided into three stages of development:

  1. Weak farsightedness - up to +2.
  2. Average - up to +5.
  3. Strong over + 5 diopters.


There are several reasons for the development of pathology:

  1. Deformation of the anterior chamber of the eye followed by deformation of the entire eyeball. With farsightedness, the eye becomes more flat and elongated in a vertical direction, when the point of refraction remains fixed.
  2. Insufficient refractive power of the cornea itself. The size of the eyeball remains fixed, but the cornea does not refract light rays sufficiently, which displaces the focal point beyond the eye bottom.
  3. Decreased lens function. This is the main reason for the development of presbyopia due to loss of elasticity of the natural lens. In connection with the loss of transparency, the quality of refraction is lost and the focusing is broken. At a younger age, the lens is modified because of the lack of nutrients.

Separately, we should consider the last point.

The lens is a natural lens that is responsible for the function of collecting the light beam and projecting it onto the posterior plane of the eyeball.It has the form of a biconvex lens and consists of crystalline, a special protein responsible for its transparency. Due to age-related changes, this element loses its natural properties, which leads to a clouding of the lens, and further to the development of cataracts.

In addition to the refractive force, the lens is responsible for accommodation by means of the curvature of the surface. Accommodation, however, is responsible for the clarity of the vision of objects at different distances from each other.

To reduce the function of the lens can cause such changes as its increase or decrease, the loss elasticity and transparency, the surface structure changes - cone-shaped or spherical, the presence colophony.

Colombia's eyes

If a child is diagnosed with farsightedness, this is usually a congenital defect that is difficult to treat. In addition, aphakia can be diagnosed - congenital absence of the lens.


The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • Weak vision near and far.
  • Age-related inflammations of the eye system.
  • Fast and noticeable fatigue during reading.
  • Noticeable tension and inability to relax the oculomotor muscles during work.
  • Developing strabismus and in childhood the "lazy eye" syndrome.

The insidiousness of this disease is that the obvious symptoms, manifested in childhood, can very remotely resemble any eye pathologies. The child quickly becomes tired and begins to learn badly, becomes capricious and can not be focused during school and at home, there is a violation of sleep.

Therefore, it is so important to determine the ailment in its early manifestation. Optical correction with the help of glasses or lenses can at early stages not only not only stop the development, but also rid it completely.

Possible complications

Complications of hyperopia may appear in several directions. Among the most common stands out strabismus and lazy eye syndrome (amblyopia). Increased intraocular pressure is also a common phenomenon in the form of complications, which in turn can lead to glaucoma.


There are several main areas of treatment for hyperopia:

  1. Ophthalmic and contact correction of vision.
  2. Drug therapy.
  3. Refraction and laser correction.
  4. Hardware treatment.
    Selection of glasses for farsightedness

Ophthalmic and contact optics

Basic provisions for the correction:

  • Method of correction with glasses. The modern optical market allows you to choose glasses in such a way that their use does not cause discomfort in the wear. With farsightedness, as a rule, progressive, trifocal, bifocal and specially designed glasses are used to consider subjects at the near and far distances.
  • Contact lenses- a more convenient form of corrective optics for people whose profession is associated with increased concentration. With farsightedness appoint lenses of any type of wearing (daily, prolonged, prolonged), and orthoratology can also be used.
    Orthokeratological lenses

Optical correction is permissible only in case of the development of the disease at a weak and medium degree.

Hardware treatment

Refers to conservative methods of improving eyesight and is aimed at restoring the optical power of the eye. The following methods are used:

  • therapy with ultrasound;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • vacuum massage;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • glasses - massagers and a way of vacuum massage.

Medication Therapy

In the case of this pathology, there are no narrowly directed drugs that can restore vision, so, to a large extent, the scheme treatment is based on the use of vitamin complexes, funds that relieve the stress of the eyes, mydriatics in neglected cases. These drugs include:

  1. Vitamins: Riboflavin, Taufon, Taurine.
  2. To relax and relieve fatigue: Korneregel, Systein, Vizin, Innoksa, Artelak.
  3. Mideatiki: Cyclomed, Cyclomentolate, Midratsil.
    Typhon is used in the treatment of visual defects

When choosing a medicine, it is best to consult an ophthalmologist. Preparations from the group of mydriatic are prescribed by prescription, and moisturizing drops for the eyes can have a vasoconstrictive effect, which will lead to the development of side effects.


Treatment for hyperopia is carried out by refractive and laser correction:

  1. Laser correction is prescribed for hypermetropia up to +5 D, and its essence is that under the influence of a laser the shape of the cornea changes in such a way that the refractive force will correspond to the necessary indicators. Surgical ophthalmology offers a sufficient number of techniques described here, which allow you to choose the appropriate one depending on the individuality of the case.
  2. Refractive correction implies the implantation of the intraocular or phakic lens in the case that the hyperopic indices reach +20 Dpt.
    Replacement of the lens

Surgery in ophthalmology is a radical method of treatment, when all the others do not help slow or restore the reduced function of vision.


Preventive methods include:

  1. Limited visual load.
  2. Mode of alternation of physical and visual activity.
  3. Gymnastics, specially designed to eliminate hyperopia.
  4. Correct and timely diagnosis, in-depth examination and wearing the necessary simulators for vision.
  5. General strengthening of the body and nutrition.
  6. The use of vitamins and trace elements in food and as biologically active additives.

All these measures will stop the developing visual impairment, and with timely diagnosis and proper treatment, get rid of the disease forever.



Do not take hyperopia as something insignificant. This disease can result in real negative consequences and lead to a severe loss of vision. Your eye health depends on a timely and thorough examination, as well as on correcting the actions in case of negative indicators. A keen vision of your children also depends on identifying abnormalities at the earliest stages.

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