The anomaly of kimmerle: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Kimerli anomaly
    • 1.1Pathogenesis of vascular disorders in the Kimerli anomaly
    • 1.2Symptoms of Kimerli anomaly
    • 1.3Treatment of Kimerli anomaly
  • 2Anomaly of Kimmerle - how to treat the disease, symptoms and life expectancy
    • 2.1What is the anomaly of Kimmerle
    • 2.2Symptoms of anomaly
    • 2.3Partial anomaly
    • 2.4Diagnosis of the anomaly of Kimmerle
    • 2.5The anomaly of Kimmerle - how to live with it
    • 2.6Physiotherapy
    • 2.7Massage
    • 2.8How to treat Skimmer syndrome
    • 2.9Conservative treatment
    • 2.10Operative treatment
    • 2.11Anomaly of the kimmerle in children
    • 2.12What is dangerous is the anomaly of Kimmerle
    • 2.13: Disease of the Kimmerle
  • 3What is Kimmery's Anomaly, Symptoms and Treatment Methods
    • 3.1What is this - neck anomalies Kimmery
    • 3.2Etiology and pathogenesis of vascular disorder
    • 3.3Methods of diagnosis and treatment of Kimmery anomaly
    • 3.4How to treat a neurological anomaly Kimmerle
    • 3.5Therapeutic prophylaxis of Kemmerly syndrome
  • 4How to treat Kummerle anomaly
    • 4.1Anomaly Kimmerle: what is it?
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2Classification of pathology
    • 4.3Symptoms of Kummerle anomaly
    • 4.4Diagnostics
    • 4.5Treatment of Kimmerle syndrome
    • 4.6Prevention of complications

Kimerli anomaly

Kimerli anomaly- the presence in the structure of the first cervical vertebra of an additional bone arch, limiting the movement of the vertebral artery and causing the syndrome of its compression.

Kimerli's anomaly is characterized by dizziness, noise in the ears, gait unsteadiness and frustration coordination, "flies" and darkening in the eyes, fits of loss of consciousness and sudden muscle weakness.

Possible motor and sensory disorders, the emergence of TIA and ischemic stroke.

The Kimerli anomaly is diagnosed during the X-ray examination of the craniovertebral junction, magnetic resonance angiography, duplex scanning, and ultrasound of the head and neck vessels. Vascular disorders, which accompany the anomaly of Kimerli, are subject to complex conservative treatment. The operation for resection of the abnormal arch is performed only in severe cases.

Along with Chiari anomaly, platibasia and assimilation of the Atlantean anomaly, Kimerli refers to the so-called craniovertebral malformations - congenital disorders of the structure of the articulation area of ​​the skull with the first cervical vertebrae.

According to some reports, Kimerli anomaly occurs in 12-30% of people. By causing compression of the vertebral artery, the Kimerli anomaly is accompanied by chronic ischemia in the posterior parts of the brain. However, this situation does not always occur.

By itself, the Kimerli anomaly is not a disease and its presence does not indicate that it causes vascular disturbances in the basin of the vertebral artery.

When examining patients who have vertebral artery syndrome and Kimerli anomaly, only 25% have a causal relationship between the presence of an abnormality and the development of the syndrome.

Pathogenesis of vascular disorders in the Kimerli anomaly

The right and left vertebral arteries move away from the corresponding subclavian arteries. Each vertebral artery passes along the cervical spine, being in the canal formed by the holes of the transverse processes of its vertebrae.

Then she enters the large occipital foramen, thus falling into the cavity of the skull. Vertebral arteries and their branches form the so-called vertebrobasilar basin, the blood supplying part of the spinal cord in the cervical spine, the cerebellum and the brain stem.

Exiting the cervical canal, the vertebral artery circumscribes the cervical vertebra and horizontally passes through a wide bony fossa where it can move freely when the head moves.


Bone marrow, the presence of which is characterized by the Kimerli anomaly, is located above the bone marrow and limits the movement of the vertebral artery in this place.


Kimerli's anomaly can lead to the development of the vertebral artery syndrome in two ways: by triggering the perivascular vegetative-irrational mechanisms of sympathetic innervation and due to reduced blood flow to the vertebrobasilar basin due to mechanical compression of the vertebral arteries. Factors leading to the fact that Kimerli's anomaly becomes clinically significant are atherosclerosis, vascular wall damage with vasculitis, cervical spondylarthrosis, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, arterial hypertension, the presence of other craniovertebral malformations, scar process, craniocerebral trauma or spine trauma with injuries in the area craniovertebral junction. To the appearance of a clinical picture of the syndrome of the vertebral artery in patients with Kimerli anomaly cause injuries to the shoulder, causing damage to the limited bony arch of the vertebral artery by whiplash mechanism.

In neurology, there are 2 types of Kimerli anomaly. The first is characterized by the presence of a bone arch connecting the articular process of the atlas with its posterior arch. In the second variant, the Kimerli anomaly is represented by a bone arch between the articular process of the atlas and its transverse process.

The Kimerli anomaly can be of a one-sided nature and observed on both sides of the first cervical vertebra. In addition, the Kimerli anomaly can be complete and incomplete. The full anomalous ossicle has the form of a semicircle, the incomplete bone arch is an arcuate growth.

Symptoms of Kimerli anomaly

The clinical manifestations that accompany the Kimerli anomaly are caused by a reduced inflow of blood to the posterior parts of the brain.

As a result, patients experience noise in the ear or both ears (whistling, ringing, hum, hissing), flashing "flies" or flickering "stars" in front of the eyes, a sudden transient darkening in the eyes. These symptoms are worse when the head turns.

Since the Kimerli anomaly is accompanied by a violation of the blood supply to the cerebellum, dizziness and unsteadiness of the gait occur, which can also be aggravated by head turns.

Against the background of the uncomfortable position of the head or overstrain of the neck muscles in the Kimerli anomaly, patients may experience loss of consciousness. There is a sudden appearance of muscle weakness, leading to a patient falling without losing consciousness.

In cases of more severe course, Kimerli's anomaly may be accompanied by headache, tremor of hands and feet, nystagmus, disorders coordination, hypoesthesia and / or muscle weakness of a part of the face or trunk, sensory and motor disorders of one or more extremities. Transient ischemic attacks in the vertebrobasilar basin may be observed. A particularly serious complication of the presence of Kimerli anomaly is ischemic stroke.

When the patient is treated with symptoms of circulatory failure in the vertebrobasilar basin the brain primarily produces a radiograph of the skull and radiography of the spine in the cervical department.

Kimerli's anomaly, as a rule, is fairly clearly visualized on the lateral radiographs of the area of ​​the craniovertebral transition.


If there is an ear noise to exclude ENT pathology (cochlear neuritis, chronic otitis media, labyrinthitis) may require consultation of an otolaryngologist, audiometry and other studies hearing.


A study of the vestibular analyzer (vestibulometry, electinustagmography, stabilography) is also performed.

Since the detected Kimerli anomaly may not be the cause of vertebral artery syndrome, the neurologist should exclude other possible causes of vertebrobasilar insufficiency.

To reveal thrombosis, arterio-venous malformation or aneurysm of cerebral vessels, compression a vessel with volume formation (a tumor, a cyst or an abscess of the brain) is capable of contrasting angiography. To determine whether the Kimerli anomaly is clinically significant, i.e.,

the degree of its influence on the circulation in the vertebrobasilar basin, allows the application of a number of hemodynamic studies: UZDG extracranial vessels, transcranial dopplerography, duplex scanning and magnetic resonance angiography of the head vessels the brain.

With their help with the anomaly of Kimerli it is possible to identify the localization of compression of the vertebral artery and its dependence on the position of the head and neck.

Treatment of Kimerli anomaly

Kimerli's anomaly requires treatment in the presence of clinical and hemodynamic signs of circulatory disorders in the vertebrobasilar basin, which is associated with this pathology.

Patients who have a Kimerli anomaly should follow certain precautionary measures within the protective regime.


When the Kimerli anomaly should be avoided forced physical exertion, sharp near-bound head turns, head counters, somersaults, sports and games related to head blows (wrestling, football, gymnastics and etc.).


When passing a massage or manual therapy of the cervical spine, the patient needs to warn the masseuse and the chiropractor that he has an anomaly of Kimerli. Deterioration of the patient's condition is the reason for immediate contact with a doctor.

In most cases, Kimerli's anomaly, leading to clinical manifestations of vascular insufficiency, is subject to conservative treatment.

Vascular therapy is aimed at improving cerebral blood flow (nicergoline, vinpocetine, vincamine, cinnarizine).

Under indications under the control of a coagulogram at an anomaly Kimerli the preparations improving a reagical properties of a blood (pentoksifillinum) are applied.

Complex therapy also includes antioxidants, nootropics, neuroprotectors and metabolic drugs (piracetam, ginkgo biloba preparations, nicotinoyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid, meldonium).

The anomaly of Kimerli is not an indication for surgical treatment.

The need for surgical treatment can arise in the decompensated flow of the vertebral artery syndrome, leading to severe circulatory failure in the vertebrobasilar basin in the absence of sufficient collateral blood supply.

Operation with Kimerli anomaly consists in resection of the anomalous arch and mobilization of the vertebral artery. In the postoperative period, patients need to wear a Shant collar for a period of 2 to 4 weeks.

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Anomaly of Kimmerle - how to treat the disease, symptoms and life expectancy

Any deviation in the functioning of internal systems, the anatomy of the development of the body in a person leads to a deterioration of well-being.

The anomaly of Kimmerle is the pathology of the cervical spine, which leads to the squeezing of the artery feeding the brain.

This is not a fatal disease, sometimes even young men are enlisted in the army, but there is a certain discomfort, which can sometimes have serious health consequences.

What is the anomaly of Kimmerle

For the first time the disease was diagnosed in 1923, described in detail by the Hungarian scientist A. Kimmerle in 1930

Anomaly of the development of the cervical spine (the first vertebra (atlanta), which leads to the formation of an additional bone jumper between the posterior arch of the vertebrae and the edge of the joint of the Atlanta process.

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Because of this disturbance, a hole appears in the structure that covers the occipital nerve and the vertebral artery. The doctor also noticed that people with this pathology are more likely to have cerebral circulatory disorders.


Unlike other vertebrae, Atlanta does not have a body, it looks like a ring that has a back and a front arch. A vertebral artery passes through the posterior arch of the first cervical vertebra.


When the anomaly develops, this lumen is closed with a calcified ligament and an additional bone bridge, which results in the closure of the opening.

Under certain conditions, this deviation leads to different clinical symptoms due to irritation of nerve endings, poor circulation of blood to the brain.

At the moment, the reasons for the anomaly of Kimmerle and the factors that provoke the development of malformation have not been clarified.

Experts share this pathology into several species, which sometimes explains their origin, for example, congenital and acquired.

According to statistics, 10% of newborns have such a jumper. The development of the acquired anomaly is associated with diseases of the spine.

Symptoms of anomaly

If the disease is congenital, the signs of pathology may not be manifested for a long time. Some people until death do not know about the presence of Kimmerle's disease. However, symptoms may appear from the very childhood. The following main features of the anomaly of the kimmerle are distinguished:

  • rustling, noise in the ears (bilateral), with the turn of the head they become brighter;
  • Strong headache;
  • numbness of facial muscles;
  • dizziness, which is aggravated by turning the head;
  • problems with coordination;
  • darkness in the eyes, fainting with a turn of the head;
  • attacks of pain in the hands, legs when turning the neck;
  • in the face area weakened muscle tone.

Doctors distinguish not two types of disease according to the form of an abnormal bone ring.

A complete anomaly of the kimmerle develops if the connecting atlant with the skull binds ossified.

This is a particularly severe kind of pathology, which provokes the emergence of serious symptoms. The level of comfort of a patient with such a diagnosis is significantly reduced.

Partial anomaly

This version of kimmerle does not provoke so many serious violations. A patient with this pathology should be regularly visited by a doctor and supervised.

An incomplete anomaly of Kimmerle requires treatment if it has a negative effect on the level of comfort of a person's life, but in some cases its presence remains unnoticed for the patient.

Diagnosis of the anomaly of Kimmerle

For many pathologies that are associated with a violation of blood pressure, there are similar symptoms.

For this reason, the diagnosis of the Kimmerl anomaly can be made only due to certain characteristics. As a rule, the disease manifests itself during head turns, body movements.

The degree of anomaly determines the degree of change of the vertebra. For diagnostics use such tools:

  1. The resulting changes will help to identify the radiography of the cervical spine.
  2. Tomography of the cervical department.
  3. To determine the need for additional research, the doctor can, according to the patient's complaints, characteristic for the disease of kimmerl: tinnitus, darkening in the eyes, dizziness when turning the head and etc.
  4. On the basis of a primary examination, the therapist can refer the patient to a neurosurgeon or pediatrician.
  5. To detect the presence of pathology will help indirect signs, for example, the intensity of the flow of blood. To test this indicator it is possible by means of ultrasound examination of the cervical arteries, which supply nutrients to the brain.

The most reliable option for diagnosis is X-ray. Based on the results of diagnosis, the doctor determines the best, optimal treatment for the patient.

Sometimes the symptoms confuse specialists and determine immediately the pathology does not work, establish an accurate diagnosis only allows x-rays.

Timely therapy helps to avoid complications.

The anomaly of Kimmerle - how to live with it

A person who acquired the disease after birth, feels a significant decrease in the quality of life. When the first symptoms appear, the patient wants to know how to live with the anomaly of Kimmerle.

Many people experience all the symptoms described above, but do not associate their manifestations with the disease.

Sometimes they mistakenly make a diagnosis and doctors, based only on the symptoms described by the patient, lead to the appointment of an incorrect treatment.

Kimmerle can lead to disruption of coordination, memory, loss of sensitivity, mental decline. The most terrible scenario is an ischemic stroke that leads to death.

For the prevention of the disease, it is recommended to closely monitor your health, when getting injuries or the appearance of the first signs - see a doctor.

It is recommended to receive moderate sports loads, to be more outdoors, to follow the body weight.


This is one of the treatment options that help to cope with the manifestations of the disease.

Exercises for the anomaly of kimmerli are of a curative nature, aimed at stretching the suboccipital muscles, this is a special gymnastics for the cervical spine.

A full-fledged effect of therapy can be obtained if the condition of the entire ridge is normalized, and posture is improved. Such therapy will help to normalize blood flow, weaken the muscle pressure around the vertebral artery.


This is one of the options to relieve tension in the cervical region, improve blood flow to the brain. Massage with an anomaly of the kimmerle must necessarily be performed by a qualified specialist.

If you came for the first time to a massage therapist, you should warn him about the presence of an anomaly, so that he takes it into account and selects the appropriate technique. The procedure will help to relieve muscle spasms, improve overall health.

Under the supervision of a doctor, you can use a variety of massage applicators.

How to treat Skimmer syndrome

If the symptoms of the disease are disturbing and creates discomfort for a person, then they use a complex treatment option.

Treatment of the anomaly of kimmerle is carried out at once in several directions: medicamental, manual therapy, mass, physiotherapy exercises.

In extreme cases, surgery (surgery) may be prescribed, but first the doctors try to use all possible other methods.

Conservative treatment

This group includes all therapies that are not an intervention.

Typically, this is a symptomatic treatment, which is aimed at improving the patient's well-being during anomalies, increasing his level of quality of life.

This therapy includes massage, medication, physiotherapy. The following categories are used from the drugs:

  • Trental, Pentoxifylline is prescribed for the regulation of fluidity, viscosity of the blood;
  • for improvement, stimulation of cerebral circulation apply Cinnarizin, Devinkan, Cavinton, Sermion;
  • means for normalizing pressure;
  • in some cases, the anomaly is additionally prescribed metabolic drugs (Mildronate, Pyracetam), neuroprotectors, antioxidants.

Operative treatment

For most cases, there is a conservative treatment, surgical intervention is not required.

Operation with an anomaly of kimmerly is carried out only in the event of a decompensated manifestation of the vertebral artery syndrome, which creates disturbances in the blood flow in the vertebrobasilar basin.

During the operation, the surgeon performs mobilization of the vertebral artery, a resection of the pathological arch. The patient then undergoes a rehabilitation process, for 14-30 days it is necessary to use the collar of Shantz.

Anomaly of the kimmerle in children

As a rule, this pathology is diagnosed at an early age by chance.

An anomaly of Kimmerle is formed in the child at the stage of intrauterine development, but the specific cause of this process is not revealed.

A kid can live with this violation for a long time and not suspect about it. An aggravating factor may be:

  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • strong physical activity;
  • long sitting position (for example, at the computer).

Because of the clamping of the channel of blood flow to the brain, children can learn worse, the endurance can be reduced. Actively manifested in the progression of the disease kimmerle following signs:

  • nausea;
  • prostration;
  • weakness;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • dizziness;
  • unstable emotional background.

What is dangerous is the anomaly of Kimmerle

One of the first questions of patients who learned their diagnosis: to decrease the life expectancy and what are the consequences of the anomaly? The pathology does not carry a mortal danger, only in some cases, when the course of the disease is started, and treatment is not performed, a stroke can occur. In other cases, the disease causes migraines, has a deforming effect on the structure of the vessels, which leads to a violation of the blood circulation of the brain.

Chronic pain and other symptoms of Kimmerle's disease dramatically reduce a person's standard of living, the patient can not perform active actions, with physical exacerbation there is an exacerbation of symptoms: coordination problems, numbness, movement eyeballs. All this becomes a harbinger of a stroke in the craniovertebral basin. It is necessary to make an X-ray for accurate diagnosis, start treatment of the pathology of Kimmerl and follow all the doctor's instructions. All this will help to avoid complications.

: Disease of the Kimmerle

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What is Kimmery's Anomaly, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Mobile head movement function is assigned to the craniovertebral region of the cervical spine. Also this zone is the most sensitive to a different kind of damage.

Clinical symptoms of injury of the craniovertebral zone have various symptoms and signs.


However, there is a neurological anomaly in the development of the cervical spine, which draws in the pathological process is the basic anatomical structure - the vertebral artery and the surrounding nerves plexus.


Kimmerle's anomaly is the most common pathology that has a negative effect on the arterial canal and the surrounding nerve endings.

What is this - neck anomalies Kimmery

The disease was first diagnosed in 1923, however, in more detail about the bilateral syndrome of the cervical vertebral artery, in 1930, Hungarian physician A. Kimerly.

The scientist considered a variant of the anatomical atlant (the first vertebra of the cervical region - C1) with an anomaly, when an additional pathology, that is, there is a bone membrane that fuses between the back of the body of the vertebral joint and the edge of the joint of the appendage. This anatomical discrepancy forms an additional hole in which the occipital nerve and vertebral artery begin to grow together and grow together. With such a pathology, a person is diagnosed with disorders of spinal functions, and there is a disorder of cerebral circulation. The revealed anomalies of the spine have acquired their definition, henceforth the fusion of the cervical vertebrae in the craniovertebral zone is called the Kimmery syndrome.

The International Classification of Diseases of the Tenth Revision (ICD-10) defined the disease code - G 99.2 "Syndrome of compression of the anterior spinal or vertebral artery".

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The modern formulation of Kimmery's anomaly is as follows: "Kimmerle syndrome is a complete or partial neoplasm of bone an appendix around the vertebral artery in the region of the posterior arc of the atlas, which appears as a result of ossification by the atlantoocylipital oblique ligaments. " The pathological symptoms of this anomaly arise when the fused vertebrae have an incommensurably small lumen of the bone ring around the vertebral artery. The anatomical norm of the lumen is 2-4 mm. The thickness of the bone ring bridle varies depending on the severity of the neurological pathology. It can have a discontinuous structure, look like a solid ossified body, appear with one, or on either side of the bone ring. The frequency of a pathological anomaly is no more than 10% of all neurological conditions of a person.

Etiology and pathogenesis of vascular disorder

According to some medical experts, the emergence of neurological pathology is due to the human genetic code associated with the morphological features of the craniovertebral zone.

Some scientists from the US, France, Germany and Israel believe that the Kimmerle anomaly is an anatomical norm, since in about 75% of cases an incomplete an abnormality of the vertebra that does not have certain symptoms, and does not affect the life expectancy of a person, and therefore does not require an appropriate therapeutic treatment.

Complaints of the patient with cervical vertebra and vertebral artery syndrome are very similar to other neurological abnormalities, for example, symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • noise in ears;
  • uncomfortable sensations in ocular motor activity;
  • pain syndrome in the cervico-occipital region;
  • a violation of the sensitivity of the conductor activity of the shoulder girdle.

All these neurological symptoms are caused by circulatory failure in the vertebrobasilar basin in the first atlas, that is, in the vertebral system of the cervical vertebra (C1).

In rare cases, the neurological pathology is marked by bulbar syndrome, when the cranial nerves are affected, and by the syncopal condition, that is, an episode of short-term loss of consciousness.

The risk factor leading to the development of clinical pathology of Kimmerli syndrome is:

  • atherosclerotic lesion of the vascular system of the cervical region and the brain; inflammatory processes in arterial or capillary walls of blood vessels;
  • degenerative-dystrophic destruction of cervical vertebrae - spondylosis, osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, etc .;
  • mechanical effect on the cervical spine - stroke, fracture, bruise, etc., the consequence of craniocerebral trauma;
  • Associated pathologies affecting the anatomical structure of the craniovertebral region;
  • increased arterial and intracranial pressure;
  • scarring in the craniovertebral zone of the vertebral column.

Methods of diagnosis and treatment of Kimmery anomaly

Diagnostic examination consists in determining the cause-effect relationship of insufficient cerebral circulation.

Typically, Kimmery syndrome is detected by chance, when there is a need for a neurological examination after the patient's complaints about dizziness, headache and increased intracranial pressure.

Instrumental diagnostics includes X-ray scanning of the skull and cervical spine. The neurologic anomaly, as a rule, is visualized quite clearly on the radiographic image in the area of ​​the craniovertebral cervical transition.


In severe cases of the disease, the patient is noted tremors of hands and / or feet, coordination of movement is disturbed, hypertension and muscle facial tic are manifested. It is believed, perhaps, an especially serious complication of Kimmery's anomaly is ischemic stroke.


A complete diagnostic examination of neurological abnormalities includes:

  • spondylography with functional evaluation of the pathological situation;
  • selective angiography of blood vessels;
  • ultrasonic frequency examination with Doppler;
  • computer tomography of a layer-by-layer examination of the internal condition of the cervical tissues.

Differential diagnosis of contrast angiography reveals the presence of thrombotic formations, malformation of the arterio-venous state, determines a possible aneurysm of the cerebral vessels, and also explores the possibility of the appearance of volumetric neoplasms - cysts, tumors or abscess in the head brain.

How to treat a neurological anomaly Kimmerle

Treatment of clinical manifestations is based on the intensity of blood flow to the posterior regions of the brain.

In most cases, the manifestation of Kimmerle's anomaly is treated with a conservative therapeutic method, only in rare cases, a surgical correction of the pathology of the blood flow is required.

If the defect of the first cervical vertebra is determined randomly, and does not cause a hemodynamic disorder in a person, then treatment consists in physiotherapeutic procedures and therapeutic prophylaxis of the atlas that does not allow the clamping of the vertebral arteries. The patient should visit the neurologist periodically for routine examination.

The attending physician will recommend a course of therapeutic massage or manual therapy.

Medical treatment provides for the use of vascular drugs that restore healthy blood flow in the vessels of the cervical region, as well as prevent spasmolytic overstrain in the vascular bed atlanta.

Among the effective pharmacological drugs can be identified:

  • Actovegin - the pharmacological action of the solution for injections consists in the transport and utilization of glucose, stimulating the oxygen supply of plasma cell membranes of the brain.
  • Sermion - a drug that improves peripheral and cerebral circulation.
  • Stugeron is a selective blocker of the slow calcium saturation of the arterial canal, which actively affects the smoothbore musculature of the arterioles.
  • Vinpocetine is a medicinal form that exerts a vasodilating, antiaggregant and antihypoxic effect on the functions of the brain.

Improve microcirculation and restore high-quality blood rheology, help:

  • Pentoxifylline is a pharmacological drug of vasodilating activity.
  • Trental is a vasodilating drug form, which improves microcirculation in all areas of blood supply disorders.
  • Stabilize metabolic processes in the cerebral cortex, and prevent the development of hypoxia, will help formulations containing vitamin components of group B, as well as pharmacological treatments based on the natural plant component - dry leaf extract ginkgo biloba. Also effective is acupuncture, which normalizes the functioning of the vegetative and nervous system.

Eliminate severe headaches with anesthetic medications, such as Ketorol, Naise or Ibuprofen.

Among other medical and preventive measures, in order to ensure the correct position of the musculoskeletal system of the cervical department and reduce muscle tension, it is recommended to massage the neck and wearing a special orthopedic bandage - tires Shantz.

Expressed severe blood flow disorders in the vessels of the head and neck, in the case of ineffective methods of conservative therapy, surgical intervention is indicated.

Surgical manipulation is to remove the bony arch and release the vertebral artery from compression compression. The subsequent treatment is a long rehabilitation way of restoration of all cervical system of a backbone.

In the postoperative period, the patient is recommended wearing a Shanz collar for 6-12 months, until the treatment of the atlant has the maximum effect.

Unfortunately, biological and morphological methods of preventing congenital neurological pathology does not exist, since the causes and effects of the syndrome have not been established to the end Kimmery.

To date, a neurological anomaly, increasingly defined randomly, occurs in young people during the passage of a military medical commission on the recruiting sites. The future defenders of the Motherland are concerned about the question, but are they taking on the army with Kimmerle syndrome.


According to the statistics of the expert military medical commission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Kemmerly's anomaly, of varying severity, was determined for slightly less than 1% of the military.


It becomes obvious that the neurological pathology does not release from the honorable duty, and the future draftee will still be taken into the army.

Therapeutic prophylaxis of Kemmerly syndrome

Special therapeutic and prophylactic measures for neurological pathology are not provided. All prevention is based on the observance of general rules similar to the prevention of cervical osteochondrosis:

  • Prevention of overloads to the cervical vertebrae and muscles.
  • Compliance with a balanced diet.
  • Active lifestyle.
  • Prevention of infectious diseases.
  • Preventative examination with a neurologist.

Take care of yourself and be always healthy!

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How to treat Kummerle anomaly

Kimmerle's anomaly or Kimmerle syndrome is a congenital pathology, in which an extra bone arc is formed in the first cervical vertebra. This neoplasm can lead to squeezing of the artery feeding the brain.

The contraction occurs mainly during the movement of the head. This causes characteristic symptoms of cerebral circulation disorders: dizziness, tinnitus, impaired coordination, black flies and darkness before the eyes.

A person can suddenly become weak or lose consciousness. With age, Kimmerle's anomaly can lead to the development of neurological disorders and ischemic stroke.

Kimmerle syndrome is diagnosed on the basis of X-ray examination of the cervical spine and ultrasound of the cerebral vessels.

Treatment of the disease is conservative. You need therapeutic exercise, massage and taking potions that improve cerebral circulation. To treat the syndrome better means of traditional medicine. This treatment has a milder effect on the body, improves cerebral circulation and nourishes the brain cells.

Anomaly Kimmerle: what is it?

Erroneous names of the disease that can be found in the literature: an anomaly or syndrome Kimerli, Kimmerli or Kimberly.

The disease was named in honor of Kimmler, the Hungarian doctor who described it in detail. This syndrome refers to a number of congenital disorders of the structure of the articulation of the skull and the spinal column.

In this case, the patient develops an osseous ring or an arch in the first cervical vertebra (atlanta).


The syndrome is quite common and develops in 10-12% of people. By itself, the anomaly is not dangerous and does not impede movement in the cervical region. However, it results in the squeezing of the artery feeding the brain during movement, especially when the head is tilted.


This anomaly is the cause of chronic ischemia and impaired cerebral circulation. The syndrome is manifested by a number of unpleasant symptoms and, subsequently, can lead to serious consequences: neurologic disorders and ischemic stroke.

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Classification of pathology

According to the structure of the outgrowth, the Kimmerle anomaly may be complete or incomplete. A complete anomaly is characterized by the formation of a whole ring, incomplete - an arcuate outgrowth from the vertebral body.

Also, the anomaly can be one-sided or two-sided. If the outgrowth is formed on both sides of the atlant, then both arteries carrying blood to the brain are affected, and the human condition is heavier.

Symptoms of Kummerle anomaly

Kimmerle's syndrome manifests itself in a variety of ways, but all symptoms are associated with a violation of the blood supply to the brain, namely its posterior parts.

Symptoms of pathology:

  • noise in ears;
  • visual disturbances: "flies "stars darkness before the eyes;
  • dizziness, impaired coordination of movement, which arise due to a violation of the blood supply to the cerebellum;
  • in some cases, fainting or severe muscle weakness may occur.

Symptoms of the pathology increase with sharp turns of the head, with an uncomfortable position of the head, tension of the neck muscles.

In more severe cases, the patient also has the following symptoms:

  • tremor of upper and lower extremities;
  • ocular nystagmus (spontaneous movement of the eyes);
  • constant headache;
  • decreased sensitivity or movement disorders;
  • the constant muscle weakness of a certain group of muscles;
  • ischemic attacks and ischemic stroke.

Ischemic stroke is an acute violation of the blood supply to the brain caused by the difficulty or cessation of blood flow to a particular department, which is accompanied by damage to brain tissue.

Thus, timely diagnosis and treatment of this condition is very important. This will not only improve the quality of human life, but also save his life.


The disease is diagnosed on the basis of X-ray examination of the skull and cervical spine.

Bony outgrowth is clearly visible on lateral X-ray photographs of the junction of the skull and spinal column.

After determining the presence of an anomaly, a study is made of its effect on the health of the patient.

If there are symptoms from the side of hearing, conduct audiometry and determine the severity of hearing.

Conduct an ultrasound study of cerebral vessels, dopplerography, contrast and magnetic resonance angiography.

These studies of blood vessels make it possible to detect abnormalities in the blood supply to the brain and accompanying vascular pathology, which can only exacerbate the patient's condition.

Treatment of Kimmerle syndrome

It is impossible to treat the syndrome itself. In critical cases, traditional medicine conducts surgical removal of the outgrowth, which prevents blood flow. Thus, the Kimmerle anomaly can be eliminated.

However, most often conservative treatment of the disease, aimed at improving the cerebral blood supply.

For these purposes, it is advisable to use folk remedies that gently affect the vessels and improve the nutrition of brain cells.

At the same time, the symptoms of pathology decrease, and the patient's quality of life improves.

Folk recipes:

  1. Celandine. 1 tbsp. l. dried herb celandine pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist a quarter of an hour, then filtered and take 2 tbsp. l. infusion 3 times a day. Treatment lasts 3 weeks, then make a week-long break. Do not increase the dosage.
  2. Cranberry. 500 g of cranberry berries mixed with 350 g of honey, add 150 g of grated horseradish. All mixed with a blender, stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. Take 2 hours. l. after each meal.
  3. Alfalfa. The seeds of this plant contain unsaturated fatty acids, useful for nourishing the brain. In 100 ml of hot water is steamed for 1 hour. l. seeds, insist an hour and drink half an hour before a meal. Take the medicine three times a day every day. Treatment lasts at least six months.
  4. Hop. In 200 ml of boiling water steamed 1 tbsp. l. shredded hop cones, insist on a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then filter. Take 1 glass of infusion three times a day, each time prepare a fresh drug.
  5. Elecampane. In 200 ml of boiling water steamed 1 tbsp. l. crushed root elecampane, insist night, then filter. Use 2-3 tbsp. l. 4 times a day for half an hour before meals.
  6. Oregano. In 400 ml of boiling water steamed 1 tbsp. l. oregano, insist half an hour, then filtered. Use 100 ml after each meal.
  7. Sagebrush. In 200 ml of boiling water steamed for 1 hour. l. crushed leaves of this plant, insist 5 hours, then filter. Take 100 ml three times a day after meals.
  8. Pine. Pine cones are used in therapy. Fresh bumps are thoroughly washed, crushed and piled in glassware. 10-12 cones pour 500 ml of vodka, insist in glassware for two weeks, then filter. 1 hour is added to 1 cup of boiled water. l. this infusion. Take the drug three times a day. The treatment lasts a week, then take a break in 1 month.
  9. Mother and stepmother. The leaves of this plant are ground and steamed in boiling water. 1 cup of water is taken for 1 glass of water. l. vegetable raw materials. Insist half an hour, then filter. Consume 1 tbsp. l. for half an hour before a meal.
  10. Mulberry. 10 fresh leaves of this plant are crushed and poured in half a liter of water, boil for 2-3 minutes and simmer for half an hour, then filtered. The broth is drunk instead of tea 2-3 times a day. You can add honey to taste. Every day, prepare a fresh drug. Treatment lasts 3-4 months.
  11. Herbal collection number 1. Three-liter jar loosely filled with red clover heads. Add 20 g of the ground root of the Caucasian dioscorea and the Siberian blubber. All herbs pour vodka to the top of the can, close and insist in a dark cool place for two weeks, then filter. Store the tincture in a glass bowl. Take 1 hour. l. such tincture three times a day for 30 minutes before a meal. Treatment lasts a month, then make a month's break.
  12. Herbal collection number 2. Shredded leaves of periwinkle (1 hour. l.) pour 500 ml of boiling water and boil on low heat for 5 minutes, then add 1 tbsp. l. flowers and leaves of hawthorn and remove from the fire. Insist drugs 2-3 hours, then filter. Drink half a glass three times a day for an hour before a meal. Treatment lasts at least a month.
  13. Herbal collection number 3. Grind and mix 10 grams of leaves of Veronica and Melissa, 30 g of strawberry leaves and 40 g of a mixture of flowers and hawthorn fruit. In 300 ml of boiling water steamed 1 tbsp. l. such collection, insist half an hour. You can add honey to taste. Take 100 ml before meals.
  14. Herbal collection number 4. Grind and mix on 2 parts of leaves of a birch, leaves and fruits of cassia holly, a grass of a balm, kidney tea and cassia, and fruits of carrots (seeds), burdock roots and 3 parts of the root of Eleutherococcus and fruits rose hips. 1 tbsp. l. This collection is poured into 200 ml of water and simmered for a quarter of an hour. Then insist an hour, filter and bring boiled water to 200 ml. Take 1/3 cup three times a day after eating.
  15. Herbal collection number 5. Grind and mix 10 grams of mint leaves, herbs of oregano, flax seeds and color of immortelle and 20 grams of birch leaves, herbs of kidney tea and hawthorn fruit. 2 tbsp. l. Collect 400 ml of water, bring to a boil and insist for 3 hours, then filter. Use 1/3 cup of infusion three times a day.

Massage treatment and physical exercise are also useful. Regular courses of therapeutic massage improve the blood supply to the brain and reduce the symptoms of pathology.

In addition to professional massage, you can daily do the procedures yourself. It is necessary to rub and knead the muscles of the neck and shoulders for 10-15 minutes.

This will promote the flow of blood to the head and improve the filling of the arteries.

Prevention of complications

Treatment of pathology and prevention of complications also provides for a healthy lifestyle. First of all, you must protect your neck and protect yourself from injuries and damage to the cervical spine. Such a trauma can lead to a breach of the bone process and damage to the artery.

A patient with Kimmerle syndrome is not recommended to engage in sports that require turns or head or head (for example, football, wrestling, gymnastics).

Also it is necessary to avoid racks on the head, somersaults, sharp rotation of the head. An unfavorable effect on cerebral circulation will have too strong physical activity.

In general, sports for people with cerebral blood flow disorders are very important.

Regular sports training contributes to the flow of blood to the brain tissues, improve nutrition and oxygen supply of tissues and reduce the symptoms of pathology.

Sports activities should be regular (several times a week for 30-60 minutes) and moderate.

It is very important for patients and a full-fledged correct diet with enough fresh vegetables and fruits. Such a diet will improve the nutrition of brain tissue and reduce the symptoms of the disease.

If all the safety rules are observed, the disease will not make itself felt.

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