Cough does not pass a week

Cough does not pass 2 weeks - what to do?

cough does not pass 2 weeks what to do

What to do when the cough does not pass for 2 weeks, directly depends on many factors, but the main one is the correctness of the diagnosis. A usual cough caused by a cold or flu should subside within 7-10 days. If this did not happen, then the treatment was not selected correctly. The reason for this is most often the faulty diagnosis, or its absence at all. After all, admit, not all of us after the first sneeze run to the doctor.

Why does the coughing last 2 weeks or more?

The fact that coughing for two weeks does not go wrong with the mistakes in the treatment. Usually with colds, we try to knock down the fever as soon as possible and cope with a runny nose and cough. But after all, all these symptoms are not the disease itself, but the reaction to it of the organism! And the nature of these symptoms is quite logical: at a temperature of 37-38 degrees, bacteria lose the ability to multiply and perish.

The same goes for viruses. With the help of a cold the human body cleans the nasal passage, flushing new bacteria from the mucous membrane, and cough serves for deducing the products of vital activity of pathogenic microbes and mucus from the lower parts of the respiratory organs. That's why, when a dry cough does not pass for 2 weeks, you should take not antitussive medicines, but mucolytics. They contribute to the dilution of phlegm and make the cough moist. When the bronchi are cleared - the cough will stop by itself, without the use of medication. This will avoid such serious complications as bronchitis and pneumonia.

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Also, one should not forget that drinking with colds should be abundant, otherwise the body will not have the opportunity to produce mucus, remove toxins and metabolic products. Incidentally, it is the excessively dry air in the room and the lack of fluid in the body with an increased external temperature most often caused by coughing in children. It may not be associated with a cold at all, being a reaction of sensitive mucous nasopharynx to climatic conditions.

In addition to colds and complications on its background, the reason that an adult can not cough for 2 weeks may be such factors:

  • allergy;
  • smoking;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • presence of benign and malignant tumors in respiratory organs;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • neurological diseases;
  • defeat of pulmonary structures.

Than to cure if it does not pass 2 weeks?

The first thing that should be done with a prolonged cough is to consult a doctor. Only after the true cause of this symptom is identified, it will be possible to talk about treatment. Do it yourself is very difficult: to recognize pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, or pneumonia without special manipulation is impossible. In addition, often the cause of coughing may be an allergy, a reaction to medications, or chemicals. It has long been noted that many drugs used in the therapy of heart disease cause a cough as a side effect. Also, the cause of a protracted cough may be osteochondrosis or cramping of the neck muscles. There are cases when a cough provokes excessive emotional stress and stress. Agree, it is better to entrust diagnostics to professionals.

cough 2 weeks does not pass

If you are sure that the cough is caused by a cold, we can recommend such ways of fighting it:

  • bed rest and copious drinking;
  • cleanliness in the room, good air humidity;
  • reduced temperature in the patient's room;
  • peace;
  • if necessary - the reception of expectorant medicines, antibacterial and antiviral drugs.

Under these conditions, the body is much easier to cope with a bacterial and viral infection on its own. But it is worth remembering that this is possible only if there is enough good immunity.

Why does not it cough and what to do?

If the cough does not pass more than three weeks, then experts call it protracted or chronic. Most often, this condition is caused by chronic bronchitis, which is often observed in smokers and in people working in harmful industries (paint, pharmaceutical, industry). If a prolonged coughing disturbs a child or a non-smoker and when the effect of possible irritants is ruled out, an early examination and consultation of a specialist is recommended.

When chronic coughing is primarily examined for getting secretions from the nose into the nasopharynx, ejection of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus or pharynx, asthma. Also, the cause of long-term coughing can be more serious diseases - tumors, heart disease or connective tissue of the lungs.

Why does not it cough?

The reasons for not being cough for a long time can be many. In some cases, this condition is caused by benign lesions in the lungs, smoker's bronchitis, impaired functions or vessels.

In addition to constant coughing, other symptoms can also be present (wheezing in the lungs, runny nose, impurities of blood in the sputum, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, etc.).

The most common cause of prolonged coughing is asthma. With this disease, coughing can disturb constantly or periodically (in case of exposure to allergens).

Also, a prolonged cough can provoke an untreated cold, usually this condition is caused increased susceptibility of the lungs due to what cough can appear on the reflex level.

Why does not cough after angina?

If after a transited sore throat cough does not pass for a while, then there may be several reasons for this. First of all, this state is promoted by the immune system weakened against the backdrop of disease and treatment, which not able to resist both new viruses attacking the body, and the "old", untreated. Sometimes it happens that the diagnosis is incorrect or the sore throat is on the background of another disease.

For example, in viral rhinitis, mucus from the nasal cavity enters the throat, which causes reflex coughing, thus the body releases the throat from pathological contents.

By external signs, angina is often confused with viral pharyngitis. To establish the exact diagnosis it is possible by means of a smear and crop. The causative agents of angina are bacteria, and pharyngitis is provoked by viruses. With angina, antibiotics are invariably prescribed, but such drugs are fatal only for bacteria, and viruses continue to attack the body. As a result, the immune system weakened by antibiotics can not withstand viruses, which leads to disease progression and prolonged coughing. Viral pharyngitis against a background of inflammatory processes in the throat can cause a dry cough with spasms in the larynx.

Also, coughing can be a sign of rheumatic fever, usually, in addition to coughing, pain in the chest, fast fatigue, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat.

If the cough does not go away for a long time, you need to go to the therapist and have a check-up, take an X-ray, and the doctor will prescribe the treatment.

Often it happens that after a cold cough still continues to torment. If cough treatment does not show proper results and this condition lasts more than two weeks, then do not postpone the visit to the doctor. In most cases, coughing is caused by a new infection or virus that the weakened immune system is not able to cope with.

Why does the cough last a week?

If the cough does not last a week, and other symptoms (cold, low fever) are observed, the common cold most likely is the body. With timely and proper treatment, and with a cold, and with a cough it is fairly easy to cope. With improper treatment, non-compliance with the regime or complete absence of treatment, a severe inflammatory process in the trachea or bronchial tubes can develop.

To treat cough in the early stages it is recommended to do inhalations. For a long time it is known that when inhaled by warm vapors a moist environment is formed, which improves the formation and excretion of sputum. For inhalations use decoctions and infusions of herbs, essential oils.

To prepare a solution for inhalation, 1-2 tablespoons are needed. medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, mint, thyme) pour 400ml of boiling water (you can also dissolve a few drops of essential oil in hot water). You can administer inhalation in several ways: to breathe over a bowl with infusion of herbs, cover with a towel, roll up from a paper a tubule and to inhale with its help medical pairs or to take advantage of the special inhaler.

Do not inhale over boiling water, as well as with high blood pressure.

Why does the cough last 2 weeks?

Sometimes there are situations when, against the background of the prescribed treatment, the cough does not go away and continues to torture for more than a week. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, undergo an additional examination and, if necessary, undergo a new course of treatment.

The long-lasting cough in most cases is caused by a new infection, with which the weakened organism has not coped. The most common causes of prolonged coughing are mycoplasmosis, pneumocystis, in more rare cases, cough causes fungal lesions (candidias, chlamydia) or mycobacterium tuberculosis.

It is worth noting that improper diagnosis and treatment can give severe complications even with a common cold.

Why does the cough last a month?

Cough can appear as a reaction of the body to pollen, wool or drugs. In this case we are talking about an allergic cough.

If cough does not pass under the influence of allergens for several weeks, in most cases it passes into bronchial asthma, so it is important to identify and eliminate the stimulus in a timely manner.

Also, the cause of a prolonged coughing can be a respiratory infection, against which there is an inflammatory process in the tonsils, pharynx, nasal mucosa, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs.

The cause of prolonged cough in children can be the presence of a foreign body in the upper respiratory tract. With paroxysmal coughing with deep breaths, it is possible to suggest the development of whooping cough.

Less often if the cough does not go away for several weeks, the cause is fibrous cystosis, bacterial pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung tumors.

Why does not coughing go Phlegm?

Sputum is a discharge from the bronchi and trachea, it can be normal (in a healthy person) and pathological (with the development of certain diseases).

In the human respiratory tract, mucus is constantly produced, which protects the body from pollutants (dust, small debris, etc.), and also resists pathogenic microorganisms.

The color of the sputum can vary from transparent to green against the background of the development of various respiratory diseases, and it can also contain various impurities (blood, pus, etc.).

Sputum production on cough is a good sign, because in this way the body gets rid of microbes. To help the body prescribed medications that facilitate expectoration, promote the production of sputum (ambroxol, bromhexine) and restore the bronchial secret (ATSTS).

With an allergic cough, antihistamines are prescribed (loratadine, fexofenadine).

If the cough does not go away, sputum is allocated, and there is no temperature, then the cause of this condition may be an allergy, heart failure, poisonous substances in the air, smoking, as well as mites that live in feather pillows.

To relieve the condition with a damp cough, you need to drink more liquid, it will help reduce the viscosity of phlegm and improve its excretion from the bronchi.

If the cough with phlegm does not pass through the background of treatment, you need to inform the attending physician and undergo an additional examination (blood test, sputum, X-ray).

Why can not I dry a cough for a long time?

Coughing without sputum is called dry, usually it occurs against a background of various diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

If dry cough does not go away for a long time, it is advisable to begin medical treatment. There are several types of medications, codeine and ethylmorphine-based drugs (codeine, glaucin) have a central effect and suppress the cough reflex, affecting on the medulla oblongata, preparations based on acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene (Kodelak bronchus, Omnitus, Falimint, etc.) affect cough receptors.

As an auxiliary treatment, you can use proven folk remedies that alleviate the condition with a debilitating dry cough. The most effective method for treating this kind of cough is warm milk with drinking soda, such a drink helps to reduce the cough reflex and improve your well-being.

Also 2-3 times a day you can drink a broth of black currant, peppermint, radish juice with honey, anise fruit extract.

With dry cough, inhalations with drinking soda are good.

Why does not cough go after pharyngitis?

With pharyngitis inflamed mucous pharynx, it can occur in both acute and chronic form. On the background of the disease there is a dry cough, which usually intensifies at night and leads to spasms of the larynx.

If even after treatment does not cough, then most likely the disease has not been cured or an ineffective therapy has been prescribed.

There are situations when the treatment stops on its own, even after a slight improvement in the condition. Usually in such cases a person does not want to "poison" himself with chemistry and stops taking medication, in the hope that herbal decoctions or strong immunity will help cope with the disease. However, this attitude towards treatment is unacceptable, since after the withdrawal of drugs the remaining viruses and bacteria can attack the weakened organism more strongly, which will lead to the development of severe complications.

Why does not cough after laryngitis?

When laryngitis worried about dry cough, without sputum, hoarseness, Usually the disease is a complication of the common cold, but it can develop and independently, after cold drinks, hypothermia, vocal cord strain, inhalation of icy or polluted air.

At the initial stages are shown inhalation, rinsing, warm drink, medicamentous means for improving expectoration. Usually after a few days, sputum production begins, and the disease gradually passes. In the event that the cough does not pass for a long time after recovery, then an additional examination is required. Cough can occur with inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx (adenoids, tonsillitis), and a prolonged wet cough can indicate an infection in the lower respiratory tract.

Why does not a cough go after pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an infectious inflammation of the lungs. In the beginning, the cough is dry, but with time, as the inflammation in the lungs increases, it becomes wet, mucus appears. With pneumonia, coughing does not last quite a long time, on average pneumonia lasts about a month, but after recovery, coughing is a necessity for the body, since this helps to remove the remains of mucus from the lungs, it is usually called a post-infection cough. The duration of the post-infection cough may range from two weeks to several months, depending on the condition of the body.

To improve well-being after pneumonia, it is recommended to do respiratory gymnastics, as well as undergo a course of physical procedures.

After treatment, the sensitivity of the cough receptors decreases, which is why the cough may appear when inhaled cold air, dust, etc., this condition is the consequences of the transferred infection, but not the manifestation of the disease.

Why does not it cough after a cold?

Cough almost always accompanies catarrhal or viral diseases. As a rule, the symptoms of colds disappear after a few days, and after a week the body is completely healthy, but the coughing can disturb for a few more weeks.

It is believed that cough after a cold (residual) is the norm, but if it continues more than three weeks, in most cases this is due to the development of complications (pneumonia, whooping cough, bronchitis, etc.).

The acute phase of the disease lasts several days, but during this period, pathogenic microorganisms destroy the respiratory mucosa, which leads to an increased sensitivity of the bronchi. After a cold a person is often disturbed by perspiration in the throat, a slight cough, the departure of a small amount of sputum. After the disease, the weakened body takes some time to recover and restore the mucous membranes. During this period, it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, it is desirable to drink a course of vitamins.

If after ail coughing does not go away, it becomes stronger, there are other symptoms (chest pain, fever, phlegm with purulent or blood impurities, etc.), it is necessary to consult a doctor to establish the cause and exclude the development of serious diseases.

Why does not cough after bronchitis?

After bronchitis, coughing occurs in about half of the patients. Most often, children suffer from residual cough, because they have more bronchial flaws than adults, and the recovery period lasts longer.

If the cough does not pass after bronchitis, the reasons can be as follows:

  • slow recovery process;
  • severe damage to the mucosa of the respiratory tract;
  • complications;
  • mistaken or incomplete treatment;
  • allergic reactions (in particular to drugs).

Acute bronchitis occurs on average from 7 to 10 days, but even after visible improvements, bronchos take time to recover.

The average cough completely passes two weeks after bronchitis, provided that the treatment process was normal, and there are no complications. If the coughing intensifies and lasts more than three weeks, a specialist consultation is needed, since such a condition may be associated with the development of other diseases (asthma, pneumonia, bronchial obstruction, allergy).

Why does not pass cough during pregnancy?

If a pregnant woman does not get a cough for a long time, this can lead to serious consequences. During the cough, the tension of the abdominal wall and uterus occurs, as a result, the tone of the internal organs rises. The tone of the uterus in the early stages of pregnancy threatens spontaneous abortion, in later terms - premature birth.

Coughing is usually a symptom of a viral or infectious disease, and it can also appear when exposed to irritants (allergic cough). A severe debilitating cough requires immediate treatment, which should be prescribed by a specialist taking into account the period of pregnancy, the condition of the woman and the cause of the cough.

What if the child does not get a cough?

If the child does not go through a cough for a long time, the first thing to do is to identify the cause of such a condition. If coughing worries after a previous illness (SARS, influenza, bronchitis, etc.), then in this case, coughing can be associated with the recovery period. Harmful microorganisms weaken the body, provoke inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and the body needs time to completely release the bronchi from the remains of mucus and restore the epithelium.

In this case, coughing does not pose a danger, usually the child occasionally coughs, there may be a slight discharge of sputum.

It is worth noting that each organism is individual, and the process of recovery in each individual case proceeds in its own way and can sometimes drag on for months.

If the cough lasts more than three weeks, while the amount of sputum increases, coughing becomes stronger, you need to show baby doctor, since in this case there may be a secondary infection, the development of complications or a severe allergic reaction.

Folk remedies for cough

If a long time does not pass a cough, you can use folk remedies that will help soothe the irritated mucous membrane, improve the process of excretion of sputum and accelerate the process of recovery:

  1. Infusion of dill seeds - take 1ch. fennel seeds, crush, pour 250ml boiling water, insist 20-25 minutes. This infusion is recommended to drink instead of water during the day until complete recovery.
  2. Serum with garlic - 2 tbsp. garlic pour 250ml of whey of cow's milk and put on fire, immediately after boiling remove from heat and cool. This broth should be drunk during the day.
  3. Honey - has unique anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, with a protracted cough, you can dissolve in the mouth 1hour. honey several times a day.
  4. Drug broth - mix in equal parts licorice, althea root and elecampane, take 1 tbsp. mix and pour 200ml of cold water, leave for two hours. Then put on fire, bring to a boil. Cooled and strained broth to drink in three divided doses during the day, treatment course 10 days (every day it is recommended to prepare a new portion). If the cough continues, after a week, you can repeat the course of treatment.

As already noted, coughing is a protective reaction of the body, helping to release the respiratory tract from small particles of dust, various contaminants, viruses, etc. If the cough does not pass a long time, you need to determine the cause of its appearance. It is worth remembering the residual effects that occur during the recovery of the body and helps cleanse the bronchi from the remains of mucus. Also, coughing may occur because of the increased sensitivity of the receptors, in which case coughing worries after inhalation of cold air, dust or the action of allergens.

Prolonged coughing, which becomes stronger with time, is accompanied by abundant sputum or other symptoms (chest pain, fever, runny nose, weakness, etc.) requires an urgent consultation of a specialist, since such a condition can be associated with a serious illness (asthma, tuberculosis).

What to do if a cough does not pass: an effective remedy

prolonged cough, need to see a doctor

There are situations when a cough, regardless of the treatment, does not go away, but takes on a protracted character. Such a condition can not be ignored, it is urgent to take urgent measures, undergo a second examination and a course of therapy. Prolonged cough can be diagnosed if it lasts more than 2 weeks.

This article describes how to use badger fat when coughing.


Various reasons can contribute to the development of protracted cough. Most often, this condition occurs because of ineffective or untimely treatment.

cough does not pass an effective cough remedy

Duration 1-2 weeks

If a cough for a long time worries you for more than 2 weeks, then you need to go to the hospital to see a doctor.Most often, the cause of a protracted cough is a repeated infectious attack on an organism that has not yet been able to overcome the disease.Promotes this mycoplasma or pneumocysts. Tuberculosis can also provoke pathology, but this is a very rare case. If the doctor incorrectly diagnoses, this can adversely affect your health and provoke complications such as pneumonia.

How to treat a cough and temperature in a child of 3 years is indicated in the article.

Month goes on

When a cough worries the patient for a month, then most likely the reason for its formation is an allergic reaction to the hair, pollen, cosmetics, medicines. Often, an allergic cough is transformed into bronchial asthma, it is caused by all the transferred diseases such as influenza. Therefore it is very important to determine the allergen and try to protect yourself from an irritating factor. But if the cough has passed and the sputum remains, then it is necessary to see the doctor.

The video tells what to do if the cough does not pass, an effective cough remedy:

What to do when a runny nose cough stuffed ears, you can learn from this article.

But a protracted cough may also indicate the presence of a respiratory infection. This symptoms worries the patient for a month, since the inflammatory process is still concentrated in the body. Another reason for prolonged coughing can serve as the following diseases:

  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Therapeutic events

Prolonged cough requires immediate treatment, otherwise it can develop into a more serious pathology and take a chronic form. Treatment for a cough depends on the cause, which triggered its formation.

How to treat a cough without fever with yellow sputum is indicated in the article.

Treatment of dry cough

If a patient for a long time worried about a dry cough, the consequence of which could be ARVI then after visiting the hospital, the doctor will prescribe to you drugs that affect the cough center:

  • Tusuprex;Tusuprex is a faithful assistant with a strong cough
  • Butamirate. In addition, therapeutic measures for prolonged dry cough should include medications that have antitussive effects.

Why there is a cough in the morning, you can find out by reading this article.

They include:

  • Libexin- reduces the sensitivity of the mucosa in the airways;Libexin is taken at the doctor's prescription
  • Delsim- a suspension that has a lasting effect and eliminates the symptoms of dry cough;
  • Robotussin- has a blockage of cough reflexes.

To eliminate dry cough, you can use homeopathic remedies. To make the most effective it is worth using a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice. Dosage should be determined by a doctor.

How green sputum is cured when coughing is indicated in the article.

If the wet cough does not pass

With prolonged wet cough, it is very important to withdraw phlegm from the bronchi, as coughing with phlegm is very dangerous for health. For these purposes, the following recommendations should be adhered to:

  1. Abundant drink.
  2. Take herbs and phytopreparations, which have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator effect. Thanks to them, it is possible to reduce the irritation of bronchial mucosa.
  3. Inhalations based on sodium bicarbonate, plant extracts. Such treatment contributes to the moistening of the mucosa, has an analgesic effect.
  4. Mucolytic drugs that promote liquefaction of sputum and normalization of bronchial secretion.mucolytic drugs for cough as directed by a doctor

Does not pass after bronchitis

Often it happens that after a bronchitis treatment for 14 days, the cough still worries the patient. This suggests that something is going wrong in the body. For the purpose of effective therapy it is worthwhile once again to undergo diagnostics. For the treatment of residual cough, the doctor uses the following methods:

  • strengthening of defensive forces:
  • phototherapy,
  • ethnoscience;
  • physiotherapy,
  • massage procedures.

The adult has a cough prior to vomiting, what can be read with this in this article.

The video tells what to do if there is no dry cough:

A huge benefit in treating a protracted cough after bronchitis in both adults and children is played by therapeutic exercises or massage. You can perform such manipulations at home.The effect of this therapy is aimed at improving the sputum discharge, as a result, it is possible to accelerate the recovery and restore the normal state of the bronchial tree.Gymnastics includes squats and slopes. As for massage, then tapping and tapping movements are involved.

What can be the reasons, when dry cough does not clear away, is indicated in this article.

If it does not pass after a cold and is accompanied by bouts

Any lingering cough, if accompanied by a runny nose, is a symptom of an untreated inflammatory process that occurs during a cold. Cure the disease can be with the help of inhalations, rinses. But they have a positive effect at an early stage of ARI, but they can not cure a protracted cough. Here, in the beginning, it is necessary to establish the cause of the pathology, and afterwards to prescribe the treatment.

a cough of two weeks does not pass


To eliminate residual cough after a cold, vibratory massage of the chest will help. It will help to sputum and quick cleansing of the lungs from accumulated mucus. An experienced doctor should perform the manipulation.

Why there is a dry cough with no signs of a cold, you can learn from the article.

Antibiotic therapy

Use an antibiotic is necessary only on the advice of a doctor. The choice of medication should be based on data obtained during X-rays and bacterial sputum analysis. If there is no bacterial infection in the patient's body, the treatment will include alternative therapeutic methods aimed at eliminating an old cough. In case if cough does not pass after a stroke, then it is necessary to inform the treating doctor.

After pertussis

When a protracted cough is the cause of whooping cough, the patient should spend most of his time in bed. There are no special drugs to eliminate this symptom, so doctors prescribe other methods of folk therapy to their patients.

cough does not go away after antibiotics

Abundant drink

If you have a chronic cough caused by whooping cough, then it is worth using the following drinks:

  1. Warm milk with garlic. To make it, take a glass of boiled milk, and strip off to it a chopped clove of garlic.
  2. Broth of figs on milk. Its preparation is similar to the previous version.


Coda cough does not allow you to withdraw all the accumulated sputum, then experts appoint them a massage. Massaging the upper back and chest. For these purposes, essential oil of fir and pine can be used. Then it is possible to overcome the surviving bacteria in the upper respiratory tract of the patient.

cough massage


The present agent can eliminate inflammation, strengthen and restore the patient's general condition. To prepare the composition you will need 0.1 g of mummy and add it to 50 ml of water. Drink the medicine before meals for 10 days.

mummy from a cough


Older cough can be treated with drugs. Antibiotics, ointments and syrups are very effective, but if the cough does not go away after antibiotics, it's urgent to contact a doctor.

The article indicates how to treat a tracheal cough.


Doctors with an old cough prescribe to their patients a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is also very important to take medications, the purpose of which is the dilution of sputum and its release from the body. The following medicines are considered effective:

  • ATSTS;ACS for cough
  • Fluidite;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Broncholitin.Broncholitin against coughing


When receiving syrups it is possible to exert expectoration, antispasmodic and antimicrobial effect. Preference is given to preparations based on natural components. Virtually all syrups have a pleasant taste and aroma, so taking them is a very pleasant procedure. But during pregnancy before taking such medications you need to consult a doctor. The most effective syrups for prolonged coughing include:

  • Prospan;Cough Propan
  • Flavamed;
  • Broncholitin;
  • Alteika;
  • Doctor Mom.Doctor Mom from a cough


Than to smear a breast that has passed or has taken place tussis, private or individual enough enough question. Cure can be cured with badger fat. It is he who is considered the most effective method of cough elimination. It is very simple to use it: rub the area of ​​the breast for several days. In addition to such an ointment, you can use pork, interior, goose fat. Presented fats can be supplemented with aloe, onion. The received structure to rub in a breast, a back, a neck.But after such a procedure it is very important to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, otherwise you can not get a positive effect.

Older coughing is a very dangerous symptom that can indicate a serious ailment. In this case, timely therapy is very important, which could not only eliminate all unpleasant symptoms, but also overcome the inflammatory process.

What to do if the month does not pass the cough

Prolonged cough may be a sign of tuberculosis or lung cancer

If the cough does not pass for more than a month, it is necessary to consult a therapist or a TB doctor to find out the exact cause of the cough and receive appropriate treatment. In the formulation of the diagnosis, the sonority of the cough, its productivity and the data of the x-ray study are crucial.

What is cough and why does it occur?

Coughing is a normal reflex reaction, expressed by the body to irritation of the respiratory system. It usually accompanies infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, but it can also arise as a result of a certain nervous shock.

Is it possible to call a cough a useful phenomenon? On the one hand, a person experiences some inconvenience when it occurs, but it is when it occurs that the bronchi are cleared. And the reasons for its appearance are as follows:

- inflammatory reactions of the respiratory tract of different severity;

- thermal irritation caused by inhalation of too hot or too cold air;

- mechanical irritation due to violation of bronchial patency;

- chemical irritation associated with the inhalation of gases with a sharp odor.

What is dangerous for a prolonged cough?

A cough that can not be cured within a few weeks is called chronic cough. Most often, a prolonged cough is a consequence of bronchitis, but in some cases it can be a sign of the development of a tumor, heart failure or interstitial lung diseases.

Health abnormalities that accompany a prolonged cough can be expressed by pathologies such as:

- dry wheezes;

- hemoptysis;

- sour belch or heartburn;

- Nasal congestion and a feeling of congestion in the chest.

In some patients, cough may not respond to treatment for more than a month and after a normal ARI, however, there is a health risk, including possible infection of the respiratory tract.

What should I do with prolonged cough?

If coughing bothers more than 4 weeks, you should visit the phthisiatrician to eliminate such dangerous diseases as pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and lung cancer. Often the adult population does not perceive cough as a serious deviation in the absence of other symptoms of the disease, but such attitude towards one's own health can have unfortunate consequences if the true cause of coughing is not identified and not eliminated.

It is not uncommon for doctors to have cases when a person seeks help with a chronic course of a respiratory illness ways, and all because he tried to fight on his own with a cough, following the advice of friends and recommendations of the pharmacist. Experiments with their own health are inappropriate - it is better to assign the medication to the doctor, and at home, supplement it with traditional medicine in consultation with a specialist.

How to cope with a chronic cough in the home

Crushed garlic head and a dozen bulbs are boiled in cow's milk until softened completely. The resulting mixture is diluted with honey and buddy juice. Ready-made formula is consumed hourly by 1 tablespoon.

Saline solution for rinsing the throat is prepared by simply dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 glass of warm boiled water. The procedure should be conducted every hour.

Inhalations that accelerate the process of sputum discharge, it is better to carry out using essential oils. Choose them from the oils of marjoram or lavender or use benzoin or incense. They both soften the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, and improve the separation of sputum.

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