Dry cough in a child's sleep

Coughing in a child's sleep

Paroxysmal night cough - this is a fairly common phenomenon, many are familiar with it. Such a cough prevents sleep, deprives the vitality and energy of not only the child, but also his parents. In this situation, panic begins, and many mothers immediately try to feed the child with all kinds of medications and antibiotics, which pretext is not recommended, because the wrong treatment will not only not have a curative effect, but it can also exacerbate the situation. Having studied the causes that cause coughing in a dream, you can easily avoid many mistakes and help your child in time.

Coughing is primarily a protective mechanism. But when a child with a strong cry wakes up in the middle of the night and coughs terribly, it is very difficult for parents to remain calm. They want to quickly help the baby and stop the cough in any possible way. In this case, potions, cough syrups, various grindings, and even folk remedies go into the course. In connection with the panic, many parents forget that coughing is a natural protective mechanism of our body. Thus, the human body reacts to infectious and bacterial lesions of the upper respiratory tract, lungs and bronchi.

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Why do cough attacks have a property to appear at night? Coughing attacks in a dream appear due to the fact that mucus in a lying position has the property of accumulating and slowly flow down the back wall of the nasopharynx, thereby irritating sensitive nerve receptors, such a cough is called reflex. In the prone position, sputum located in the bronchi is much worse, excessive sputum stasis provokes a cough push, so the body tries to get rid of mucus and various microorganisms.

Coughing during sleep in children necessarily indicates the presence of some kind of ailment:

  • Exacerbation of cough in a dream can be a symptom of such diseases:
  • The most common cause of cough in a dream is a viral infection;
  • Acute and chronic rhinitis provokes a paroxysmal dry reflex cough during sleep;
  • Presence of chronic pharyngitis;
  • Night cough is often a sign of asthma, especially if it develops on exhalation and is accompanied by a characteristic whistling sound. In children with mild asthma, this cough is almost the only symptom;
  • The presence of a prolonged cough that occurs only at night - this is usually a consequence of the previous pertussis. In whooping cough, a paroxysmal dry night cough appears at the same time intervals, an attack begins suddenly, the skin acquires a pronounced cyanotic color, cough is always accompanied by a characteristic whistling sound;
  • Night cough quite often occurs in children with adenoiditis, in such children breathing through the nose remains difficult and they have to breathe through the mouth, as a result of which the mucous nasopharynx quickly dries up, this provokes the appearance cough.

Such a disease as a cough requires a correct approach, its treatment should be handled exclusively by a qualified pediatrician. Because to determine the nature of the occurrence of cough in each specific case is only valid for a person who has received a special medical education.


Cough during sleep: causes and treatment

Cough is a common symptom of many diseases, while it indicates not only the pathological process in the airways, but also a number of other disorders. Especially anxiety arises in people when a cough occurs during sleep.

Why does a cough develop at night?

Paroxysmal cough at night delivers many unpleasant and even painful sensations, especially if the child coughs. He prevents a full sleep, deprives the rest and energy of not only the baby, but his parents. As a rule, parents try to feed as soon as possible and give the child medicines, but such actions often only worsen the condition of the baby.If you study the nature of night cough and establish the mechanisms of its development, you can quickly solve the problem and prevent the development of complications.

Why does cough appear at night? The fact is that in the lying position, the mucus has the property of accumulating and slowly flowing down the back wall of the throat, irritating it with the mucous membrane and causing coughing attacks. This type of cough in a child during sleep is reflexive. When a person is lying down, sputum is much more difficult to remove and therefore has the property of stagnating, provoking a coughing push. This reflex is aimed at getting rid of pathogenic microorganisms that have accumulated in the respiratory tract.

Causes of night cough

As a rule, cough during sleep is the cause of the development of a viral infection. In addition, nocturnal coughing attacks can indicate the development of such diseases as:
  • pneumonia;
  • allergy;
  • neurological disorders.

Night coughing is one of the most unpleasant, because it wears a debilitating nature, disturbing the sleep and rest of the patient. As soon as a person goes to bed or even falls asleep, a reflex appears, causing anxiety and unpleasant sensations.

The reasons for which nocturnal cough is observed in children are much greater, while they can be either quite harmless, or very serious. Pediatricians refer to such factors that cause this unpleasant symptom in a child:

  1. Allergic reaction. Perhaps, recently this is the most common reason for the appearance of a cough reflex. Most often this reaction of the body occurs on feather, down, woolen pillows, mattresses and blankets. Also, a child may be tormented by a cough due to the powder with which bedding and baby clothes were washed. In this case, the cough will pass only after the parents completely protect the child from contact with allergens. To alleviate the condition of the baby can be with the help of antihistamines, which must be taken with allergies;
  2. Teething. During the eruption of the first teeth, the child's salivation increases, so saliva drips into the throat and can cause a night cough. In such a situation, the child can not be helped by anything, the problem will immediately follow the eruption of the teeth;
  3. Too dry air in the room. During the heating season in the apartments, the air becomes excessively dry, overdrying the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, it causes a cough.To eliminate this problem, humidifiers can be used. If it is not there, hang wet towels at night;
  4. Coryza. With a cold in sleep, children and adults often get coughing, as mucus irritates the mucous membrane of the throat and this causes a cough reflex. To relieve the condition of a person suffering from a cold, you can, if you wash your nose with a physiological solution before going to bed;
  5. Some diseases. Not all diseases begin with a sharp current, many of them at an early stage of development are manifested only by a slight cough. It can be such pathological processes as sinusitis, pharyngitis and rhinitis. Eliminate coughing attacks can only be after these inflammatory processes are cured.

How to help your child

Despite the fact that after sleep a cough in the child passes and throughout the day it does not bother, do not delay with treatment. At night coughing attacks is categorically forbidden:
  • independently give antitussives;
  • to conduct antibiotic treatment without prescribing a doctor;
  • with dry cough apply expectorant.

If you find a night cough in your child, you should show it to your doctor. To facilitate the baby's condition, give him warm milk and butter and raise the bed at the head of the bed so that the child is in a semi-sitting position.


Cough during sleep in adults and in a child's sleep

It manifests itself as a protective reaction of the body, when a foreign body or slime accumulates in the trachea, pharynx or bronchi. A certain cough is accompanied by a variety of diseases of the respiratory system. To begin with, it is necessary to find out whether the disease itself began with a cough or, cough began in the course of its development. It is necessary to understand what kind of cough you have. why does a cough arise during sleep in adults and in a child's sleep and how to treat it?

Cough during sleep - analyze the problem

It is possible that cough during sleep will be wet or dry, expressed in the form of seizures or spasms; to deprive a person of peace mainly in the evening, in the afternoon, or at night, while the person goes to bed; may be a mild cough or will be frequent. Cough during sleep in an adult can be a sign of serious illnesses such as lymphogranulomatosis, malignant neoplasms or tuberculosis.

If you do not know about what caused a cough during sleep, you should not start taking antitussives medicines that take away the cough reflex, because these actions can cause your health more greater harm.

Especially there is no need for the first manifestations of coughing in adults to rush to take antibiotics, because it is possible in your they are completely ineffective, and therefore will not bring any positive results, but only disrupt the microflora intestines. In any case, it is necessary to pass an examination with specialists.

How to quickly remove a cough during sleep:

First of all, it is worth saying that the following tips will help get rid of a fit of coughing during sleep only for one night, so taking them for medicines is not worth it.

1. If you are coughing during sleep, take a sitting position or walk around the room a little.

2. Drink hot milk with cough or butter

3. You can drink a glass of warm water with honey

4. For such cases it is useful to have larvae from coughs in the medicine cabinet, they quickly take off the seizures, and you can fall asleep again.

5. To alleviate a cough during sleep in an adult can also be with the help of butter, for this you just need to slowly dissolve a piece of butter in your mouth. Or you can suck a spoonful of honey.

The main thing to remember is that even if these methods easily relieve you of a cough, do not postpone the visit to the doctor. Since coughing can be a symptom of a serious illness or can itself cause complications.

Coughing in a child's sleep - features of the problem

Coughing is a reflex that is aimed at restoring airway patency. Every person in life has a cough and very often day or night and often there is a coughing in a child's sleep. And therefore it is considered customary that coughing is not a problem, which can be cured by anyone: and an adult patient, and parents of the child, and friends or relatives, and even pharmacists, let alone doctors. But, unfortunately, such a common opinion sometimes becomes the reason for the wrong choice of therapy in the treatment of cough, and this can cause irreparable harm to the patient.

The latter is especially relevant for pediatrics - after all, the children's organism, and the diseases themselves at this age have their own characteristics. Moreover, coughing in a child's and an adult's washes varies considerably. That is why the use of mindless drugs taken in adult therapeutic practice, especially antitussive combination drugs, it can be not only useless, but even lead to deterioration state of the child.

How to treat a cough during sleep in a child?

The choice of antitussive therapy in pediatrics, as well as its use presupposes knowledge of the following items:

1. the cause of coughing during sleep in a child;

2. features in childhood of the formation of a cough reflex;

3. mechanism of action of the drugs used.

The main function of cough as noted above is the restoration of the respiratory tract by restoring mucociliary bronchial secretions and removing secretions.

The reasons for the occurrence in childhood of coughing during sleep in a child is quite a lot, but it is often a symptom of infection. The infectious and inflammatory process can be located in the upper parts of the DP. These are sore throats, pharyngitis, sinusitis, acute respiratory viral infections, exacerbations of tonsillitis, laryngitis. It is also a symptom of an infection of the lower DP - pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis or a combination of infection of the upper and lower DP.

Among the causes of cough during sleep in children, bronchospasm plays a second role in obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma. Then follows the obstruction of the airways with aspirated foreign bodies, viscous bronchial secretion, fluids, exogenous and endogenous formations, etc. Finally, the cause of coughing during sleep in a child can be irritation of the pleura, swelling of the pulmonary parenchyma, as well as other factors.


The child has a dry cough in a dream or after a dream. The doctor said it was ARVI. But somehow I do not really believe ...



us such a cough brought to pneumonia (doctors also say ARVI)
helped such a tool - 100 grams of raisins to twist (or grind in a blender) pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Then strain and wring out. Add a tablespoon of onion juice. Drink 3 times a day.


With any cough helps yellow card. Now everyone forgot about him, they try to smear with ointments, and he really helps!

Marina Shcherbinina

You have not written, is there a temperature? Need to drink expectorant potions.

elena harkavaya

we are now in this pose, a dry cough I give HERBION, it helps, the cough has become more moist and less

marishka Ivanova

try folk remedies, tablets always have time. at night, stalk the legs. Milk with butter and honey, oil will soften the throat, honey warms up. iodine net on the back and on the chest, the lecker is very good. mustard in socks for the night-warm. good luck :) get well;)

Inna Belovitskaya

My child as soon as he gets sick begins to cough horribly.
Always drank different Syrups until they got to a good doctor with constant pains in the abdomen.
Now we drink decoction of Mother and makhi (it helps a lot with dry cough). Breathe mineral water through a nebulizer. And EVERYTHING! CASH IS QUICKLY PASSED!
P.S. If all the same supporters of different syrups, it is better to breathe with them. r-rum (:) through the nebulizer, less harm to the body !!!


and maybe in a room where he sleeps just a very dry air??? it happens... Hang up wet towels on the batteries, air more often ...


Cough can be and from an allergy, we shall admit on a dust. If there are no symptoms other than a cough, it may even be an allergy, change the whole bed for him to a synthpone, and look for a further reaction. and if you really have ARI, then give an expectorant, as you advise.

What is dangerous and how to cure a dry cough in a child?

All children cough, but the reasons for this phenomenon can be different. The most unpleasant is a dry cough in a child. It can occur for several reasons, on which further treatment depends. During a dry cough, sputum is not excreted, which is why it is often painful for a child. To determine the treatment, especially a newborn child, you need to visit a doctor to find out the reason for which a cough occurs.

How to treat a cough?

Cough is a protective reaction that occurs due to irritation of the respiratory tract, and ensures the removal of foreign particles or mucus from the throat.Including the child can cough because of a virus or a bacterial infectious disease.

The main causes of cough are:

  • particles of a foreign character;
  • irritation of respiratory organs, that is, their walls with excessively dry air, chemical vapors or cigarette smoke;
  • presence of allergy;
  • diseases associated with respiratory organs;
  • bacterial infections;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helminthic penetration;
  • beginning of teething.

Dry cough as a manifestation of various diseases

By intensity, the cough is divided into a light, medium or simple cough. In toddlers, it can be either short-term or permanent. Time may vary by time:

  • in acute form - up to 3 weeks;
  • subacute - up to 8 weeks;
  • in chronic form - more than 8 weeks.

Such a cough can signal the diseases associated with the respiratory system, the circulatory system, and also the digestive system. With different diseases, cough has a specific character. He is paroxysmal, suffocating, whistling and barking. May be manifested in the morning or in the evening. There may be other symptoms: a stream of snot, a general weakness. Often, cough accompanied by high fever, but maybe without it.

Diseases that are accompanied by a dry cough

Often a child's cough is dry before the age of 1 year, it helps to free the respiratory tract from sputum and occurs most often in the morning hours.

Dry cough after an acute respiratory viral infection occurs due to the departure of accumulated sputum and means that the disease will soon end.

During the flu, the child coughs hard, strongly, feeling pain in the chest. The body temperature rises.

With a persistent narrowing of the laryngeal lumen, a dry cough happens in the baby before sleep or coughing occurs at night. Cough during pertussis is paroxysmal, dry, strong, accompanied by a specific buzz. The attack ends with sputum discharge. Often with pertussis cough in children goes into vomiting. The disease has a protracted character.

Cough may be present with some problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It occurs as a result of a reaction to irritation with gastric juice. In this case, seizures occur when the body position changes, during or after a meal. When dry cough occurs only at night you can suspect the presence of heart failure. Moreover, this cough occurs in attacks and in a dream.

Cough in combination with wheezing occurs with bronchial asthma. Not accompanied by an increase in body temperature. If the cough is strong, persistent and does not combine with other manifestations, then, perhaps, a foreign body has got into the airway of the child, while it occurs in the form of seizures and is regular. Occurs with pain in the chest and suffocation. If the baby coughs all the time with a dry cough, and other manifestations are not observed, the doctor's help is needed.

A dry cough with fever can be a symptom of measles, pleurisy, the onset of bronchitis and other diseases. Usually it does not last long and then goes into the wet one. A prolonged, constant, long dry cough often speaks of tumors of the respiratory tract or tuberculosis. With helminthic penetration, the child has a rare and prolonged dry cough.

Danger of dry cough

Dry cough may have complications:
  • deterioration of sleep quality;
  • vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • tearing of the mucosa;
  • sudden release of urine;
  • hemoptysis.

In newborn babies, an attack can lead to a short-term stoppage of breathing. When you have a dry cough in a child, you need to show it to the doctor.

Methods for detecting the disease:

  • X-rays of light;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of respiratory organs;
  • blood test;
  • other functional methods.

If violations of the respiratory tract are not identified, additional methods of examination are prescribed.

Medicines, warming compresses, rubbing and gathering

Medicines that can be given to a baby with a dry cough:
  1. Mucolytic agents (ATSTS, Bromheksin, Lazolvan, Ambrobene).
  2. Expectorants (Gedelix, Doctor Mom, Pertussin).
  3. Antitussives (Glaucine hydrochloride, Codeine).
  4. Means of combined effect (Ascoril, Bronholitin).

Rubbing should be done for children under the age of two. In addition, the procedure is not recommended for suspected false cereals and for bronchial asthma.

The remedies used for grinding are Dr. Mom, Pulmeks and Eucumbal.

Warming compresses, as well as mustard plasters give a local effect and help in the removal of accumulated sputum. These manipulations are forbidden at high temperatures. With regard to compresses, they are made in the space between the shoulder blades and the neck zone and left for the night. Mustard plasters are placed in the subscapular zone.

Nursing fees, which are sold in the pharmacy, are excellent preparations for dry cough. They are used for inhalation or as a decoction or tincture.

Treatment with traditional medicine and the use of antibiotics

There are many recipes of folk medicine from dry cough:
  1. Compress on the basis of sunflower oil: cotton material impregnated in oil, put on the chest, covered with polyethylene, then - with a dry cloth, a towel, left overnight.
  2. Soda inhalation with garlic: put boiled water in pre-ground garlic, boil for a few seconds and remove from the hot plate. Then add one teaspoon of soda. Inhale this mixture you need, covered with a blanket. Bactericidal qualities of garlic will also help to resist infection.
  3. Burnt sugar with milk: sugar is heated on the stove until it becomes dark brown. The syrup is poured into a bowl of milk. The resultant lollipop is placed in the mouth until absolute resorption.

Antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial cough, for example, with pneumonia or bronchitis, which are accompanied by fever. In the case of a viral cough, antibiotics will not remove this symptom.

In case of an attack, it is necessary to create certain microclimatic conditions in the room to begin with. The air must be humid and slightly cool. You need to open the windows and use the means to moisten the air. In the absence of such, you can hang wet towels in the room. To facilitate breathing, the child must breathe warm and moist air. You can take the child to the bath and turn on the tap with hot water. However, no foreign smells should be in the room.


For distracting therapy, while the attack begins, it is allowed to use hot baths on the legs. If the child does not have an allergic reaction, you can spread on the skin in the area of ​​the wrists or temporal zone ointment on eucalyptus. The child should be given plenty of fluids. It is best to drink baby lime tea, warm milk, cranberry juice, tea with a spoon of honey, warmed alkaline mineral water.

Preventive measures against dry cough

Preventive measure against cough is considered, first of all, to prevent the cause of its occurrence (viral diseases, infections, allergic reaction).


Including important role is the maintenance of the microclimate in the nursery at the optimal level. The normal temperature in the room is not more than 24 ° C, and the humidity is 60%. It is necessary to protect the baby from passive smoking and inhalation of suspensions of household chemicals.


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