This eye disease is of bacterial origin.In order to start treatment as soon as possible and not to provoke complications, you should consult a specialist at the first symptoms, who will tell you what to treat conjunctivitis in an adult.Many people start treating inflammation with folk remedies, thus delaying the process of recovery and causing the appearance of purulent discharge in even greater numbers.
1Definition of disease
2Types and causes of appearance
Definition of disease
Purulent conjunctivitis is a common ophthalmologic pathology, the occurrence of which provokes various infectious, bacterial pathogens.First, microorganisms get on the mucosa of the organ of vision (for example, as a result of contact with a foreign body, dirty hands), and then the infection begins to develop rapidly. The form and tactics of treatment of pathology is determined with regard to the pathogen.
The main patients with a diagnosis of purulent conjunctivitis are children. In order to alleviate the condition as soon as possible and to avoid the progression of pathology, consult a doctor to prescribe the treatment.
Purulent forms of conjunctivitis are accompanied by severe photophobia, pain syndrome, abundant lachrymation, redness, there is necessarily abundant discharge.Heavy forms are often accompanied by inflammation of the respiratory system, increased body temperature, severe headaches. In order not to start the situation, consult a doctor at the first symptoms. This is especially true when it comes to a small child.
Types and causes of appearance
Purulent conjunctivitis is divided into three groups and it happens:
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Firstgonococcal type is most often diagnosed in newborns, severe symptoms appear almost immediately after childbirth.The cause of infection is passage through the pathogens infected with the causative agent of gonorrhea. The gonococcal form is one of the most dangerous, since it can cause severe damage to the cornea, and in the absence of treatment causes complete blindness.
Gonococcal conjunctivitis is potentially very dangerous. Even after a complete cure on the conjunctival membrane, in most cases small scars remain.
Infection with the pathology of the staphylococcal form occurs by contact - that is, through personal hygiene, handshakes and so on.The main precaution in this case is compliance with hygiene rules. Pseudomonas enter the eye through micro-traumatic injuries, as a result of improper use of contact lenses (how to wear contact lenses is described here). This form rarely goes to the second eye, although such a probability can not be excluded. The main symptoms are lacrimation, discharge, fear of light, general irritation, and corneal erosion.If nothing is done, the process can be started - and keratitis will appear. After healing of ulcers, scars are almost always formed.
Very often, infection with purulent conjunctivitis occurs due to the fact that a person rubs his eyes with dirty hands.
Suffer can be like two eyes, and one. If both are affected, then it occurs simultaneously or with an interval of one to three days. The method of infection is almost always contact - that is, from an infected person or an animal to a healthy one.The vectors of infections can be including domestic dogs and cats. In a risk zone, people with poor immunity, to which any infection clings very quickly.
Symptomatic of purulent conjunctivitis:
Photophobia, increased lacrimation.
Unpleasant sensation of sand, severe burning and / or itching.
Redness, vasodilation.
General physical weakness, severe headache.
The defeat of the organs of the upper respiratory tract.
The discharge can be yellow, brown or gray (white). If it is very much, it can be difficult to open your eyes in the mornings.
A competent ophthalmologist diagnoses purulent conjunctivitis, taking into account external signs.To accurately determine the bacterial agent, the patient can be sent to analyze the purulent discharge.
The earlier treatment of the purulent form of conjunctivitis is started, the better, because over time, pathology tends to become chronic.In severe cases, doctors prescribe antibiotic therapy, washing with antibacterial and / or aseptic solutions are mandatory for any therapeutic program.Not bad help lotions and compresses on folk recipes.
In the treatment of purulent conjunctivitis, ointments and drops of antibacterial action are used.The main drugs are Aktipol, Oftan Ida, Ophthalmoferon, Vibakt, Albucid.They are laid for the night in the affected conjunctiva, which allows prolonging the antibacterial effect. Treatment continues until the symptoms disappear completely or as long as the doctor says.
drops for eyes from conjunctivitis with antibiotic
Resistance of staphylococcal flora in antibiotics is high, so for the treatment of conjunctivitis, fluoroquinolones are most commonly prescribed (eg, Ofloxacin ointment 0.3%). To the child of a drop from a conjunctivitis with antibiotics to use it is impossible. A treatment regimen for children's conjunctivitis is described here.
The order of treatment (it must be observed):
Every morning, rinse your eyes from pus- it is best to do so in a weak solution of potassium permanganate tampons or with a syringe, from which the needle will be removed first. Repeat the rinsing several times a day.
Bury the medication prescribed by the doctor every houror according to recommendations, with a large amount of purulent detachable rinsing can be done not only in the morning.
For the night, put a tetracycline ointment in the conjunctival sac.Tetracycline is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis
Every time you have purulent discharge, rinse your eyes with a solution of manganese.
When acute manifestations disappear, go on instillation of drugs up to 6 times a day.
Treatment of conjunctivitis with folk remedies is quite effective, if it is not just about neglected forms. The most popular recipes:
Lotion with chamomile infusion 4 times a day.For its preparation, take a spoonful of dry herbs on a glass of boiling water.
Tea compressesIs the simplest and most reliable way. Take black or green tea, brew it, cool it and use it for lotions. It is desirable to make a medium fortress. Tea is also suitable for washing eyes in adults and children.
Dill Compresses- Rinse fresh fennel, squeeze juice out of it and moisten them with a cotton pad or a piece of gauze. It is desirable to hold the compresses for 15 minutes. Dill can be used not only in its pure form, but also with field horsetail, chicory flowers, althea root, pink petals. It is very effective for purulent eye lesions with an infusion of dill seeds - for its preparation take a glass of hot water and a teaspoon of seed.
Brewing broth hips- Grind the berries, pour water (a glass of water for a couple teaspoons of berries), protrime on low heat for 10 minutes. Let it brew, cool, use for washing.
Masks with raw potatoes- Grate the fetus with the egg protein and apply to the eyes in the form of compresses for 15 minutes.
Drops with honey bee- for one part of honey take two parts of water, mix thoroughly and gently in your eyes. Also, this tool can be used for therapeutic lotions. Cook it optimally immediately before use, or store the finished mixture in the refrigerator.
Vegetable juices- they can lubricate the eyelids, rinse the eyes, make compresses, ingest. With purulent conjunctivitis, reception of the juice of parsley and carrots in a ratio of 1 to 3, or parsley, carrots, lettuce, celery (carrots take 4 parts, the remaining components of 1) helps not bad. Drink 3 times a day for 100-150 g before meals until full recovery.
Preventive measures relate mainly to the observance of personal hygiene,purity of hands, lenses, personal use, and general health of the body.
Children should change towels more frequently, teach them how to use contact lenses properly, make sure their hands are clean, use disposable napkins.
Purulent conjunctivitis is characterized by an inflammatory process that takes place in acute and chronic form. Factors of infection, as a rule, is non-compliance with eye hygiene standards, weakening of immunity, infection against other eye diseases (blepharitis, keratitis). If the approach to treatment is poor, the disease will progress and affect the deeper structures of the eye until the development of neuritis and inflammation of the retina.