How to remove a cold

How to cure a quick runny nose



You can get a cold and cure for 2 - 3 days. But you do not want to get a complication, and that's what will happen. The disease is simply hidden. You will feel that everything is fine, you are healthy. While one is not a pleasant moment, the failure of one or the other system of the body will not make itself felt. So have patience, and let the body do its job normally. For a week you will recover. Take the wand of garlic, set it on the side of the roots, it will shayat. Smother the smoke several times a day. Tears, snot and sneezing are a normal reaction. Means proven, helps. Rinse your nose with warm salted water with the addition of a drop of iodine. Drink ginger tea with honey. Good luck to you and Happy New Year!


Rhinitis or runny nose - inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis can be both an independent ailment, and a symptom of many infectious and allergic diseases. The occurrence of colds contributes to hypothermia.
There are several good folk recipes for combating the common cold:

instagram viewer

1) Mix 1 tablespoon fresh carrot juice and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (olive or sunflower), which is pre-boiled in a water bath. Add in the mixture 1-3 drops of garlic juice. Blend the mixture daily. Bury a few drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
2) Brewed or fresh beet juice to dig in the nose a few drops 4-5 times a day or wash your nose 2-3 times a day with broth beets. You can add honey to the broth. Cotton swabs moistened in beetroot juice, which are inserted into the nostrils 3-4 times a day, help.
3) Mix in equal parts the Kalanchoe juice and honey. Drink with infusion of melissa or St. John's wort - it perfectly removes the stuffiness of the nose.
4) Bury aloe juice 3-5 drops in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing your head back and massaging when digging in the wings of the nose.
5) Mix 2 parts of honey and 1 part of mint oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal mucosa.
6) Mix onion, mashed into a gruel, in the ratio: with honey. Take onions and honey mixture for 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The mixture will be more effective if you use onion juice instead of gruel.
7) Grate the beetroot on a small grater and squeeze the juice. Leave for a day in a warm place. Slightly fermented juice to dig in the nose for 3-4 drops 3 times a day.
8) A wonderful remedy for the cold is a hot foot bath with the addition of mustard (1 tablespoon of mustard powder to 7-8l. water), as well as drinking soda and salt.
9) Pour 6 dry tablespoons herb grasshopper (sold in pharmacies) 1L. water, boil for 3 minutes. Infuse, wrapped, 4 hours and strain. Apply in a warm form for irrigation of the nasal cavity with a strong rhinitis.
10) Mix in equal proportions of Kalanchoe juice and hunter's oil (sold in pharmacies). Lubricate the nasal passages with this mixture several times a day. It is good to combine with the inhalation of St. John's wort.
11) Grind the onion pulp with a glass of hot vegetable oil. Insist, wrapped, 6-8 hours, strain. With this oil, treat the nasal mucosa with a strong cold.
12) Add 50 gr. pine buds with cold water, close the lid, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink with a strong runny nose 5-6 times a day with honey or jam.
13) Add 10gr. crushed kidney black poplar 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes and strain. Drink a glass 3 times a day.
14) Pour 1 tablespoon of herb peppermint, l. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour and strain. Take a glass of hot infusion, sweetening honey. Also rinse with this infusion of the nose.


mix on a teaspoon: camphor oil, propolis, eucalyptus, vegetable and cotton buds to anoint in the nose - passes quickly

D. C.

Finely chop several cloves of purified garlic and stir in a glass of milk. Then boil this mixture and allow it to cool. Take several times a day on a teaspoonful - this will significantly soften the clinical course of the disease.
With a cold, bury 3-5 drops of menthol oil in your nose while lubricating your forehead, whiskey, nose. You can mix menthol oil with camphor and do the same procedure.
Fresh pine needles (100 g) rinse and grind, then pour 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and turn off the fire. To insist 1-2 hours, strain and drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day, dissolving in a drink 1 tablespoon of honey. Infusion is rich in vitamin C, as well as other vitamins and trace elements. It has a bactericidal effect, accelerates recovery in case of flu, cold.
From the cold, tea with ginger and honey will help. Rub 1/4 cup of ginger on the grater, add a glass of honey and cook. In the tea, add 1/2 teaspoon of this mixture.
Mix 30 g of sea buckthorn oil, 20 g of fresh marigold juice, 15 g of melted cocoa butter, 10 g of honey, 5 g of propolis. With a cold, moisten the fleece in this compound and insert it into the nose for 20 minutes.
To cure a runny nose, it is very useful to sweat in a steam Russian bath. At the same time it is recommended to rub the sacrum with grated radish (well in half with grated horseradish) mixed with a small the amount of honey and salt, and after leaving the bath, drink 2-4 cups of decoction from the flowers of lime, elderberry or chamomile with an admixture of juice sour berries.
With a protracted runny nose, the child sew a narrow bag of linen cloth, fill it with a warm, steeply cooked millet porridge and put the pouch on the nose area so that it covers the maxillary sinuses. Keep as long as heat remains.
With a cold, dig in 3-5 drops of aloe in each nostril 4-5 times a day, throwing back your head and massaging after digging in the wings of your nose.
It is very useful to use a decoction of fresh or dried berries of strawberries or raspberries, going to bed, and this is to breathe a decoction prepared from the leaves of sage, God's tree (wormwood medicinal) and wormwood bitter.
With a cold, it is recommended to instill 2 times a day a mixture of the extract of Ledum and vegetable oil. 1 g of Ligulium extract is mixed with 9 g of vegetable oil, boil and steal this mixture in the oven for several minutes. Extract of Ledum: brew 2 teaspoons of Ledum 1 cup of boiling water, put on a light yolk, keep until you boil half the water.
Boil a glass of milk. The onion head of medium size, grate on a fine grater, pour boiling milk and stir well. Let it brew for 10 minutes, then drink warmly for half an hour.
Stir in a glass of hot milk 2 tablespoons of honey and drink during the day for 2-3 hours.
Garlic, grate on a fine grater and mix with honey in the ratio:. Take 1 tablespoon 1-2 times a day with water.
A glass of black currant berries fill with a glass of vodka, add a glass of sugar syrup and insist 30 days in a dark place, occasionally shaking. Take 1 glass a day or pour 1 tablespoon tincture into a glass of hot tea.
At the very beginning of the common cold, if it does not accompany such a disease as the flu, it is recommended to drink 1/2 cup of water with five drops of iodine.
Against a chronic cold, iodine will also help. Dissolve 6-7 drops with 2 teaspoons of boiled water and bury the mixture 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. In addition, during the day, you often need to inhale vapors of iodine directly from the bottle first one, then another nostril. Sea salt is also rich in iodine and has a strong antiseptic effect. It is diluted in the proportion: 1 teaspoon per 250 ml of warm water for adults and 500 ml for children.
During the epidemic of influenza with a preventive purpose, it is useful to do the following procedure. Grate the onion and for 10-15 minutes, inhale the smell of freshly prepared gruel.


anaferon, arbidol.

Yevgenia Roganova

I can advise ointment-evamenol. At a cold only this ointment also I am rescueed. What is good, it is without any chemistry in the composition. Right in her nose you have to smear it. By the way with a cold it can be used up to 10 days. In comparison, a drop of a maximum of 5.

Elena Lesovaya

And there is still a great tool that personally always helps me out with a cold. I do or make lavage-dolphin. The composition of the sea water. What is important is that it is washing, not irrigation of the nose. That is, all the muck will be washed out of the nose.


and no one used such - devices for treating cold?

tic tic


Lika Gurieva

The main thing is to start a runny nose to heal as soon as it began to appear. Then there are all chances to get rid of the infection and not get sick. We now use essential oils for such purposes. I liked the Breath Plaster inhaler. It should be glued on clothing or on some surface near the bed. It is very convenient if the child has malaise. Than to drip vasoconstrictive drops, it is better to paste this plaster. He also kills the infection, and the nose begins to breathe normally. Just make sure that the child blew out the accumulated mucus from the nose.

URGENTLY!!! it is necessary to remove the runny nose NEEDED AS QUICKLY AND EFFECTIVELY TO CLEAR THE NASSMORK... Help!!!


* SS *

SNPU will help you.

Lusi Jaf

Treatment. If preventive measures still could not save you from the cold, then at the first symptoms it is necessary to begin treatment. In traditional medicine, vasoconstrictor drops are used to quickly eliminate nasal congestion. However, they should be used with extreme caution and not more than 3-5 days. With an infectious cold, antibacterial sprays and drops are often prescribed. They also give a visible effect and quickly get rid of the common cold, but there is one thing but - if each time to cure a cold means, the microorganisms causing the runny nose become resistant to the action of the antibiotic and the drug simply stops act. What to do and how quickly to get rid of the common cold? It is worth using the recipes of traditional medicine. A source: - How to quickly cure a cold with the help of folk remedies

Lydia Moiseeva

protolgol, calanchoe


If you have sinusitis, then urgently you will not remove it. In general, rinse your nose (salt water) or a drug buy in a pharmacy, something like Aquamaris. From the stuffiness for the night, Tizin will help. In general, snotty flow in the first 2 days, then there is just a stuffy nose. So be patient.


Go to Laura in the paid center for a cuckoo... Personally, I had a couple of times at the stage of a cold when nose and temperature, and in general PPC one day drank remantadine 3 times 3 times and a cold on the day was held

Nastya Egorova

go to a hot bath


If the "cuckoo" does not suit you, try to drip the beet juice... It hurts, but it really helps!

Irina Irinovna

First you need to understand what a cold. If the runny nose is transparent and frequent like water, similar to allergic, the first - to wash your nose with sea water, after splashing spray Rinomaris, further you can take antihistamines, antihistamines dry runny nose. In addition, with such a runny nose, especially if it has just started, you can get your feet stuck with mustard or sea ​​salt, you can also warm your nose with salt heated in a frying pan and wrapped in a towel or blue lamp. In addition, with a cold, you can rub the nose with a balsam asterisk. With a cold that has already thickened and a runny nose has become my color, you must first rinse your nose with sea water or furatsilinom or decoction of chamomile, after I also spray Spray Rinomaris. With such a cold you can not warm up your nose, and antihistamines will not be effective either. With a green runny nose, you may need antibiotics, because a green runny nose may indicate the attachment of a bacterial infection.

Bernar Berny

I wish you a speedy recovery and success in everything! =) I send you a cheerful postcard: s = 1

How to cure or at least reduce the common cold for 1 day?


artem dzyuba

Method number 1. Take a small glass (100-200
grams), pour hot water into it,
pour a tablespoon of salt. All this is necessary
stir until completely dissolved
crystals of salt. Allow the water to cool to
at room temperature, and wash it with your nose. How do I wash my nose? Fill in
nostrils or a syringe (without a needle), or
pour a little water in the palm of your hand and
sniffing. I used a palm, because
I did not find a syringe. One nostril was clogged,
so that it was poured badly into it, and in the second it went normally. After the water
let it out. Blow your nose,
whether. And by the way, do not experiment with hot water. From the inside, the nose is very gentle and
vulnerable, but about rancor generally keep quiet.
I sniffed the whole glass, well
blew his nose and went
watch Transformers. Method number 2. Take two chicken eggs and cook
their. With the shell. Personally, I do not boil water
waited, but it was noticeably hot.
Spoon got his rescuers and put in
breast pockets in the shirt. The shirt was
jeans, dense, because I felt only a pleasant warmth. We wait until the eggs cool down to the temperature when they can be
will keep in hand. We take an egg in the hand and
apply to the nose. Keep it until the eggs get cold. Can be a little
change the location, i.e., above, below, to the left,
to the right. Runny nose just evaporates! Method number 3. Keep your feet warm. Legs,
despite its size and seeming
brutality, very tender limbs and
very fond of warmth. So we put on socks, and
If it does not happen in the summer, you can
a few pairs of the thickest, plus slippers. Well, throwing a shirt, trousers. You should not
be cold! Tip: Using these three methods, I
healed his cold in one day. Moreover,
I can not say that I did it on time. Have
me first, second day - the most difficult.
Next, I only blow my nose sometimes, but in
The first days I can lime tons of paper and dozens of liters of water. And anyway, I think how to die soon. I did it all on the first day, in the evening. In the morning, no
traces of a cold was not. So, as soon as
feel the cold immediately prepare water with salt and
eggs! We will not let the cold run! Although he seems to be trying for us. Coryza -
only a protective reaction of the body to
some viruses and microbes. Well, now you also know how to cure a cold in one day. Health and good luck!


The usual nazol. ) All noses have their own nazole.)


rinikold or rinse drink according to the instructions, rinse the nose with salt water

olga ugrinovich

a nasty but extremely effective way - rinse with boiled water with a few drops of iodine and salt. And from drugs I liked snoop more.


Bioparox helps a lot. Do it in the nose and in the throat according to the instructions, buy Vibrocil Gel and Spray. Do every 2 hours. And drink 3 times 2 tablets of Acyclovir. The latter helps by 100%


Teraflu + anaferon (according to the scheme - every half hour) + chase teas with raspberries, honey and lemon + start to drink vitamins

Kirochka Svetljakova

Bury the nose with drops of Derinat, 2-3 drops in each nasal passage every 1 hour, during the first day, further 2-3 drops in each nasal passage 3-4 times a day. Runny nose will go away quickly, but you need to drip for a month, but to maintain a preventive effect. At the same time, and strengthen the immunity, less will continue to be ill.

How to remove the common cold?


Sanya Abramenko


Artmisa I recover

Use less drops, from them the rhinitis becomes chronic, they pierce the nose for a while, and then only worsen, the younger brother mama drops dripped - a runny nose did not pass, my father forbade dripping, just a couple of days, a runny nose that lasted for a year ceased
Soap just do not and salt, choke again, do not risk =)


wash with soap and saline, inhale.

Anastasia Dronova

Aqua Maris Spray


Drip with good, expensive drops.
Actually, it's always like this. When you dribble your nose, it breaks through.. and then mortgages again.
You thought at one time it would help? Drip for a week, and everything will pass away

Natalia Abaydulina

Be sure to go to the doctor.

Katya Gryaznova

onion peeled to the middle. and the nails in the nose to insert and walk. disgusting, but it will help


No matter how trite it may sound - he himself will pass, and it does not matter with or without drops.


EVAMENOL - ointment nasal, costs a penny and helps Pts well! I smear for the night and before going out, snotting everything up and preventing the penetration of viruses into the nasal sinuses. And with all the rubbish, do not wash your nose - you'll spoil all the mucous membranes and the rhinitis in the chronicle will outgrow the stage

Palm, beach, summer

Balm Golden Star grease

Ivan Kunin

folk remedy for the common cold:
Half a cup of tea spoons pour boiling water and insist on the bedside table until the full moon. If the runny nose does not pass, insist until the next full moon.

PS. but seriously, must pass by himself, eliminate the cause (cold, draft, weak immunity), regularly remove the mucus, if with this difficulty, moisturize - the same aquamaris (or if it's a pity for money for ordinary sea water, which he represents as a saline solution, or prepare it himself - 9 g of salt per liter of water) an overdose occurs unless in the case drowning.
a friend was helped by washing with tea, although this method seems to me a little extreme: I take a barely bare warm tea in the teapot, head sideways over the sink, into one nostril vlivaesh - from the other follows (seriously, himself saw) .

How to remove the runny nose if the drops do not help?


Sergey K.

Drops and will not help. They have a different mechanism of action. A girl with soplekami not walk beautifully.
If you want to get rid of this disaster reliably and quickly, I will now teach you how to perform a feat on yourself. Take a glass or a container of approximately the same volume. You put there one tablespoon of salt and in dogonku on the tip of a teaspoon of soda. Fill it with hot water, which you can tolerate, and stir.
You go to the bathroom. You can take one finger with one finger gently from one side with your finger. You bring this very glass, filled to the brim with this same solution, to the second nostril and with the breathing deeply draw yourself into the nose of this water. Once again I repeat, whenever possible, hotter. And so it's 2-3 times in each nostril. After 40 minutes, repeat the procedure.


Breathe over freshly brewed potatoes.

Tanya Hotuleva

Look like PTO!

Natalia Horoneko

Weld potatoes two, put a gauze on the nasal sinuses and on it kartoshiny. While holding hot. It helps.

Irina Irina

no way to the doctor) most likely an allergy


Coryza may be allergic to the drops themselves. try the aloe juice


take the cup. .
take the floor of the bulb.. .
trash on a grater onions or cut and pour into a cup. .
then you breathe this onion. .
1-2 days with a similar session - a runny nose will not. .
I once helped in one day. .
but I do not practice anymore. .
a very radical remedy ..

Personal Cabinet Removed

to loru address, tk. it can be a genyantritis.
better not delay. at a genyantritis can pus go to a brain


Then, most likely, an allergic rhinitis! Drops in this case can do much harm! It is necessary to consult a doctor to choose an antihistamine drug!

Katerina K.

You can use the ancient, proven, popular way - hot boiled in a steep egg in a rag to attach to the nose with one, and then on the other side. I was often forced to do this in my childhood.

Katya Ivanova

As trite as it may sound - a week later he himself will pass, and it does not matter with or without drops.


blow your nose and breathe the steam! steam-peel potatoes, clean the boil for 15 minutes, drain the water, and straight into the pan, they will bury their noses towel and breathe, the whole face will be covered with sweat, but the longer you breathe the faster you have everything will pass! the result is positive and effective!) By the way, and for the face skin is useful, but only after that, spread the cream, very well absorbed) in general 2 in one)

Julia Akulova

In such heat, be under the sun and less air conditioners.

Mironov Gennady

It is necessary to weld a pot of potatoes, to cover and breathe, until all the drops run out


Buy a spray. "Aquamaris is sea water and wash your nose. Although, if the allergic rhinitis, then to the doctor!

How can you cure a cold?

Many people are wondering about how to treat a cold. After all, you want to start breathing more quickly. However, this is not always possible to implement and one has to suffer for a week, or even two. But do not despair, because there are cures for the common cold that will help bring back the joy of life. But only they must be agreed with the doctor, otherwise ordinary rhinitis can lead to the development of more serious diseases.

How to cure a cold with the help of pharmaceutical products?

Drugs for the treatment of cold are represented in the pharmacy in a wide range. Choose the right one is difficult enough. You can choose to use moisturizers. They help to remove the symptoms of the common cold, but can not cure it, so these remedies should be used in conjunction with others. They are prescribed at any stage of the disease.It is better to prefer drugs from the common cold, which are based on sea or mineral water.They do not have side effects, but they will saturate the nasal mucosa with salts and trace elements. The most popular drugs are as follows:

  • Aqua Maris;
  • Saline;
  • Marimer;
  • Akvalor.
Apply them according to the instructions. In order not to become addictive, it is recommended to drip them in the nose for no more than 5-7 days. When the common cold runs mucus and stuffy nose, prescribe vasoconstrictor. Thanks to them, it will be possible to remove swelling almost completely, thereby restoring nasal breathing. An effective remedy for the common cold is selected individually, but most experts prescribe the following drugs:
  • Ximelin;
  • Nazivin;
  • Nasol;
  • Sanorin.

They have different duration of action. Usually it is from 3 to 12 hours.

Use them is allowed up to 7 days. If the runny nose could not be removed with their help, then continue treatment should not be.

Subsequently, they can provoke a violation of the olfactory function. If you have a cough, you can drink syrup or balm. To quickly remove the problem, it is necessary, along with drops in the nose, to take also tablets, powders from the common cold:

  • Rince;
  • Coldrex;
  • Cold storage;
  • Teraflu;
  • Rinzasip;
  • Insty.

The above preparations have vasoconstrictive, antiviral, anti-inflammatory action. In a few hours you will be able to forget about the common cold or the flu. However, they should be taken according to the instructions, not more than 3 days.

Antibiotics from the common cold and antiviral agents

Reception of antibiotics from the common cold is prescribed only in the event that complications occur, as well as during bacterial contamination. Such funds are issued in the form of sprays. Thanks to the dispenser, small particles penetrate into the distant sections of the nose and sinus. As a result, the active substance quickly eliminates bacteria, not spreading to the entire body. Such therapy can be prescribed even to pregnant and lactating women.

Antibiotics for cold are appointed only in the case when after 10 days other means have not yielded results. They are also used to treat rhinitis and sinusitis in the acute stage. The following drugs are considered to be the most effective:
  • Isophra;
  • Polidex with phenylephrine;
  • Bioparox.

To treat a strong cold is possible and with the help of antiviral agents. However, drinking them is necessary at the first symptoms of cold and flu, then the effect will be better. Among the most popular antiviral drugs are the following:

  • Anaferon;
  • Arbidol;
  • Grippferon;
  • Viferon.

They should be taken according to the instructions, in this case it will be possible to get rid of the cold in 1-2 days.

If the nose is clear mucus, then most likely, it is caused by an allergy. In this case, no new remedy for the cold will help. You need to take an antihistamine. They can be Tavegil, Zirtek, Claritin, Avil, Suprastin. In addition, with this problem can help antiallergic drops in the nose: Kromogeksal, Kromoglin, Kromosol.


Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies

It is difficult to find the best remedy for a cold in the pharmacy, but the main thing is that it should be safe. Unfortunately, most drugs have many side effects. However, you can get rid of the problem with the help of folk methods. It is important to coordinate such treatment with a specialist.

Cure a runny nose in an adult can be with the help of crimson stems. It will be necessary to grind them, pour boiling water and boil them. The broth should have a cherry tint. Then the drug persists for an hour. Use it is recommended daily for 200 ml twice a day.

The leaves of the acacia and the flowers of the lilac also help cure the ailment. It will be required to mix them in equal proportions. Then take 10 g of raw material, pour 100 ml of boiling water and insist 15 minutes. Use filtered infusion recommended 50 ml twice a day.

Clover also helps to get rid of mucus from the nose. To prepare the infusion, 10 grams of raw material should be poured into 200 ml of boiling water and 20 minutes. Then the product is filtered and 10 ml of honey is added to it. Drink medicinal drink should be twice a day for 200 ml. The next day you can forget about the snot.


Coryza can be cured with ordinary salt. It will be necessary to dissolve in 200 ml of warm water 10 g. Then the solution should be washed with nasal sinuses. It is desirable to repeat the procedure every 2 hours. Excellent solutions for the common cold are broths from oregano, clover, marigold, thyme, sage. They recommend that you wash your nose 5-7 times a day.

Garlic is an effective remedy for this disease. You need to take a denticle, grind it and put it in your nostrils. Despite the burning, you need to try to withstand 20 minutes. Then the garlic is removed from the nostrils. They can be washed with brine. In a few days I will be able to feel relief. The procedure is desirable to do twice a day.

Honey well helps with a cold. You need to dip into the beekeeping product the cotton wands and insert them into the nostrils. After 10 minutes they can be removed. Aloe does a good job of this disease. It will be required to dig in 5 drops into each nostril. The procedure can be carried out 3-5 times a day. Within a day, the snot will stop bothering. One of the best remedies for the common cold is mustard. You need to put a little powder in your socks and go to bed. In the morning, only memory will remain of the problem.

It is good for this ailment to help wash the nose with iodine solution. To make it, you need to dilute 5 drops of the drug in 200 ml of warm water. A solution is recommended to wash the nose 4 times a day.


Birch broth is good for sinusitis and rhinitis. It is necessary to pour 20 g of raw material 200 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Eat 100 ml twice a day. Similarly, you can brew and flowers of thyme. You need to drink the drug three times a day for 100 ml. If this or that means causes discomfort in its use, it is necessary to tell about it to the attending physician. He will have to prescribe another treatment.

How to remove a runny nose and cough (child 4 years old) ???


Tanya Kirsanova

Poor baby. The liver is not afraid to plant him?. Go to a simple doctor and a rhinostop from the common cold. Then finish the treatment, even if the signs of the disease have not passed. The organism will recover itself.

tea from lime flowers - let's drink and stop the child stuffing with medicines
read the labels for medicines - it can be the same tool in different names and packages! always read what ingredients are included!


It is necessary to stop poisoning the child with medicines and adjust the diet: to exclude milk porridge, meat broths, reduce the amount of boiled food, increasing the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits. The child from the boiled and mixed food is already packed with slime, which comes out in the form of snot and sputum.

Victoria @@@

Par your feet before going to bed with mustard after smearing with ointment "doctor mom" and dress warm socks!!! It works very well !!!


WE ALSO AFTER THE DAY of treatment are practically healthy! buy yourself an inhaler-from all diseases 3 times a day of inhalation with mineral water and 3 times a day dry medicine from a cough on a bag well and isofra drops at 1 = 3 times a day! in 2 days you will be healthy !!!

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