Bananas with gastritis

  • Are bananas useful for digestion
  • Can bananas be eaten with gastritis
  • When bananas are banned by
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The effectiveness of treating digestive tract diseases depends more on medication than on medication, but on what the patient uses for food. At an exacerbation doctors even appoint fasting to lower a functional load on the damaged organ.

Gradually, as the mucosa is restored, products are introduced that do not have an aggressive effect on the tissues of the stomach or intestines. Adding to the diet of an undesirable product may lead to an exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, many are interested in whether bananas will harm the gastritis.

In order to understand whether it is possible to eat bananas with gastritis, it is worth investigating whether they are able to enhance the inflammatory process that occurs in the gastric mucosa, and what is their benefit.

Bananas are useful for digestion.

Bananas contain a lot of useful substances, which makes this fruit not only a source of energy, but also a component of therapeutic diets( table No1, 2, 4, 5,15).From a medical point of view, they are valued for the high content of potassium, phosphorus, iron, carotene and B vitamins, nicotinic and ascorbic acid.

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Basically, the banana consists of simple carbohydrates that are safe for the inflamed mucous tissue of the stomach and give the energy necessary for the cells to the

. The microelements contained in the banana play an important role in the functioning of the whole organism. For example, potassium is a part of proteins and participates in carbohydrate metabolism( glucose passes through the cell membrane only together with this element).With insufficient intake of potassium in the body or with its accelerated excretion, hypokalemia may develop.

The use of tropical fruit can restore electrolyte balance and prevent rapid dehydration of the body as a result of excessive fluid loss. That's why it is recommended to eat bananas during diarrhea.

As in all fruits in bananas, there is fiber, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a fiber that, passing through the intestine, mechanically cleans its walls from clusters, and also removes endogenous and exogenous substances. Its amount is not enough to have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, but enough to clean the intestines.

Pectin and starch, dissolving in gastric juice, form a protective film that envelops the walls of the body and protects it from the corrosive effects of hydrochloric acid. The less mucous is exposed to burns and irritation, the faster the process of tissue repair and the less pronounced symptoms of the disease.

Protein in fruits is not so much, but important amino acids are contained, for example, tryptophan, lysine, methionine.

Thanks to the high concentration of vitamin E and C, the exotic fruit accelerates the regeneration of the gastric mucosa

. The substances that make up the tropical fruit improve blood clotting, which is why it is especially useful in erosive chronic gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Thus, the banana on the human body is affected as follows:

  • restores the electrolyte balance;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • fiber normalizes the stool;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • normalizes the intestinal microflora;
  • tryptophan is involved in the synthesis of serotonin "hormone of joy."

On the question of whether it is possible to eat bananas with gastritis, the answer is yes, but it is necessary to follow the individual reaction of the organism to this fruit.

Can I eat bananas with gastritis

For all its usefulness, bananas can have a negative effect on the stomach and intestines in the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, when using them, it is recommended to follow the rules that will avoid irritation of the mucosa of the digestive system and bloating. Recommendations relate to the time of consumption of fruits and their quantity.

When to eat bananas

Because the fruit consists of water and easily digestible carbohydrates, they are processed in the stomach by enzymes for about 30-40 minutes. After an hour, they find themselves in the intestines, where the microcells and vitamins they need are absorbed.

If the fruit was eaten immediately after a dense meal( porridge or meat is delayed in the stomach for 2-3 hours), then it will start to wander already in the stomach, which will cause the accumulation of gases and bloating.

You can eat bananas with chronic gastritis with high acidity, but on an empty stomach, however, you need to consider the individual tolerability of

. If bananas are perceived normally without causing increased gas production, then using them on an empty stomach will help secrete a secret that protects the mucosa from an aggressive environment. Getting in an empty stomach, a banana is retained in it for a minimum time, so the fermentation process does not begin, while the enveloping effect it exerts.

Since a fruit eaten on an empty stomach can cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and intense fermentation due to an increased amount of hydrochloric acid, it can lead to flatulence.

To avoid these effects, it is advised to eat fruit one hour after a meal and do not drink it with water. If you notice abdominal discomfort after eating a banana, you should increase the time interval between meals and snacks.

If the acidity of the gastric juice is increased, gastroenterologists recommend eating bananas directly before meals. This is explained by the fact that it envelops the walls of the stomach and promotes secretion production, which protects the mucosa from the aggressive action of hydrochloric acid.

But excessive consumption of fruit can affect the figure and provoke problems with digestion, so do not eat too much.

With reduced acidity, bananas are also allowed. They accelerate the regeneration of the gastric mucosa and give the body the necessary minerals and vitamins, which normalize the work of the intestine.

Experts advise them to thoroughly chew, as the hydrolysis of starch begins under the action of the enzyme secretion of the salivary glands, respectively, improves digestion of foods in the stomach. With a low content of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, it is recommended to eat overripe bananas because they are more quickly absorbed because they do not contain insoluble starch.

How much you can eat fruit with gastritis

A day is recommended to eat no more than two bananas. If this number is exceeded, the harm from the excess of some trace elements and amino acids may be more important than the benefits for the organism. In addition, this fruit is caloric and can provoke obesity.

Aloe for gastric treatment

You can not eat unripened green bananas because they are poorly digested and slow the progress of food into the intestines, in addition, they lack vitamins and amino acids. With reduced acidity of juice, you can eat only yellow fruits, but not with signs of rot.

It is recommended to eat fresh bananas in food of the digestive tract, because only in them all useful substances are completely preserved. Dried bananas do not stimulate the process of fermentation in the stomach, but they almost lack valuable micronutrients and vitamins, and calorie content is twice as high as that of fresh mature ones.

When inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the fruit can be consumed not only in fresh form, but also to cook mashed potatoes, juice, add it to yogurts or make a cocktail with yogurt. From fried bananas or banana chips should be discarded, since they are capable of provoking an exacerbation of gastritis.

To prevent unpleasant manifestations, it is recommended not to eat more than two bananas a day

When bananas are banned by

Bananas are not always good. Sometimes they can provoke undesirable consequences not only from the digestive tract. The refusal of the yellow tropical fruit costs under the following circumstances:

  • if an allergic reaction occurs. It, as a rule, is manifested by a rash on the skin, itching, hives, perhaps indigestion. Even if you did not experience an allergy after using the banana, it does not mean that it can not be manifested. The fact is that the free histamine, which provokes an excessive immune response, is able to accumulate in the body and, when it reaches a certain level, causes an inadequate reaction;
  • with severe pain in the stomach. Sudden intense pain can be the cause of complications of gastritis, for example, in pancreatitis, ulcers, and with these pathologies, any food can aggravate the situation;
  • with constipation. If problems with stools are caused by intestinal obstruction or excessive accumulation of gases in the intestine, you should not eat vegetables and fruits, as they will enhance gas production. In other cases, bananas will have a mild laxative effect and help cleanse the intestines. There are allowed only ripe fruit, forbidden by green or rotten;
  • contraindications for banana use are serious cardiovascular pathologies, ischemic disease, diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis. You can not eat them if you recently had a heart attack, a stroke.

Bananas are of high energy value and contain the necessary microelements and vitamins, they do not irritate the mucous, so they are recommended to include in the diet of the patient gastritis. This fruit with chronic gastritis can be used not only during remission, but also in the acute phase of the disease. It should be remembered that only mature bananas are allowed and in moderate quantities.

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