Treatment of bursitis heel methods of traditional medicine

One of the subspecies of bursitis of the foot, characterized by the localization of the inflammatory process in the synovial bag, located between the heel bone and the tendon of the heel (Achilles), experts call Achilles bursitis or bursitis heels.

Inflammatory process, touching the synovial bag, which is located between the skin and the Achilles a tendon is called the posterior bursitis of the heel, this form, in the absence of treatment, easily passes into chronic.


  • 1Causes of the disease
      • 1.0.1Mechanical impact on the heel from the outside
      • 1.0.2Infectious process in the field of the Achilles tendon
  • 2Clinical manifestations of calcaneal bursitis
  • 3Types of the disease depending on the course of the inflammatory process
  • 4Methods of treatment of the disease
  • 5Effective treatment at home
      • 5.0.1How to treat bursitis with compresses
      • 5.0.2Tinctures in the treatment of disease
      • 5.0.3Decoctions of medicinal plants and medicinal teas

Causes of the disease

All the reasons that can serve as a stimulus to the development of the disease, can be divided into mechanical and infectious.

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Mechanical impact on the heel from the outside

In this case, the cause of the development of the disease can be:

  • wearing uncomfortable shoes that do not fit in size, narrow or has too high a heel, stimulating the development of deformation of the joint bag;
  • trauma in the joint area - bruise, abrasion or sprain;
  • a constant excessive load on the joint;
  • excess weight, which increases the pressure on the joint of the heel.

Infectious process in the field of the Achilles tendon

Infection of the synovial bag can develop for several reasons:

  • penetrating trauma, opening infectious agents access to the bursa (puncture, cut);
  • infection of the joint as a result of the transferred inflammatory diseases - furuncle, arthritis, osteomyelitis, erysipelatous inflammation of the skin;
  • a change in the hormonal background;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  • decreased activity of the immune system.
A major role in the development of the disease is played by genetic predisposition to the development of the disease, which is inherited.

Clinical manifestations of calcaneal bursitis

Achillesbusset and posterior bursitis of the heel are usually accompanied by pronounced clinical manifestations, indicative of the development of the inflammatory process in the Achilles tendon.

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Such symptoms include:

  1. Puffiness, which is located in the area of ​​the joint of the tendon and bone.
  2. A sharp pain in the heel, which increases with palpation and while walking.
  3. Acute and purulent forms can occur with an increase in body temperature, and in the chronic form of the disease, local hyperthermia (local increase in the temperature of the skin) is observed.
  4. Local hyperemia (redness) of the skin.

Types of the disease depending on the course of the inflammatory process

Depending on the clinical course of the disease, we can distinguish itacute and chronic form, also differs symptomspurulent bursitis.

In acute heel bursitis, clinical manifestations occur suddenly, and a significant limitation of motor activity in the joint is attached to them.

The symptomatology grows slowly, at first the person practically does not feel discomfort (can only bother pain in the heel in the mornings), with time after long loads on the joint, pain, redness and local hyperthermia.

If untimely started treatment can develop an abscess.

For the final diagnosis is required:

  • conduct a laboratory analysis of synovial fluid obtained from the cavity of the inflamed bag;
  • to make a roentgenogram of the heel, with its help it is possible to exclude the presence of a built-up (calcaneal spur) and confirm the inflammatory process;
  • to pass the general analysis of a blood and urine.

Methods of treatment of the disease

Complex treatment includes:

  • immobilization of the affected joint;
  • drug therapy with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, non-steroidal or hormonal, depending on the course of the disease;
  • physiotherapeutic treatment;
  • if necessary, operational methods.
After eliminating inflammation, massage is often prescribed.

Effective treatment at home

With the initial manifestations of calcane bursitis, you can try to cope with it at home.Only preliminary it is necessary to be convinced of correctness of the diagnosis, for this purpose it is better to address to the doctor.

To treat tendon bursitis of the heel at home can be with the help of compresses made from natural components, lotions and fragments based on decoctions, tinctures of herbs, baths from medicinal herbs.

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How to treat bursitis with compresses

To ease the pain and remove the inflammatory process, you can use the following compresses:

From a fresh cabbage leaf, attached to the heel at night with bandage and woolen cloth wrapped on top.

Take natural honey, vodka (or moonshine) and aloe leaf in the proportion 1, mix thoroughly, insist on for 24 hours, soak the tissue tissue on the mixture, attach it to the diseased joint and wrap it warm cloth.

The warmed up flax seed should be folded into a tissue pouch, used to warm the patient's joint (it is forbidden to apply for a purulent form of the disease, since it will lead to a significant deterioration state).

Put the raw potatoes on a sick joint, sliced ​​into thin slices or ground on a grater, with cellophane and a warm cloth.

Treatment with compresses continues for at least a week, you can alternate several types of warming.

Tinctures in the treatment of disease

To rub the affected joint, you can use the following tinctures and decoctions:

  • pharmacy tincture of propolis,
  • decoction of burdock root,
  • tincture of lilac flowers,
  • tincture from Indian onions,
  • tincture from shoots of field horsetail.

To prepare the broth, a tablespoon of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water and insist for at least half an hour. Tincture is prepared from 100 gr. medicinal raw materials, a glass of vodka, filled with a strong brew, and insists for at least 24 hours.

Decoctions of medicinal plants and medicinal teas

To treat the disease from the inside you can drink broths of medicinal plantsor use them for the preparation of trays. With heel bursitis, baths from decoction of coniferous plants are useful (mostly using pine needles and pine kidneys), yarrows from yarrow and St. John's wort are drunk during the week three times a day.

Methods of traditional medicine are most often used as an auxiliary therapy, since to remove the inflammatory process only the use of herbal remedies is very difficult, and not cured in time the disease can go into a chronic form or give complication.

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