Can not hear the ear after a cold what to do

After a cold, my ear fell! The cold had already passed a month, and the ear had not been postponed, the doctor said there were no traffic jams.


Irene Nietzsche

1. In the ear - otinum or otypax - 4 -5 days, or cotton wool with camphor alcohol, or a sheet of geranium, or a tincture of propolis. OPTION to take a teaspoon of vodka, a little heat to add there a drop of honey, so that it dissolves in vodka and is dripped several times in the ear or put on a fleece.
2. If it does not cure for 1 day, you can not do without compress.
A solution for it can serve as a teaspoon of vinegar, diluted in, a liter of water, vodka or diluted with half-water alcohol.
Compress consists of three layers. The first is a piece of clean dense but soft cloth (better cotton, linen, you can cotton wool), soaked in one of these solutions and well wrung out. In order to put the compress on the otitis, this piece of tissue should be incised approximately two-thirds of the length and, as it were, put on the auricle. Soaked cloth should surround the ear and especially cover the head area behind the ear.

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The second layer of the compress - an oilcloth or polyethylene, from which bags are made. Cut them in the same way as a damp cloth.
The third layer is cotton wool (for heat), which is fixed on the head with a kerchief or bandage. I will specify that each layer should be wider than the previous one by 2 centimeters.
Alcohol compress can be kept for about two hours in a row. Bet it, of course, better before going to bed. After all, if you, having removed the compress, do not go to bed, and do household chores, the effect of warming will decrease. In order not to overcool, tie your head with a handkerchief.
If a chill is felt after the procedure, it means that the compress was not applied properly, the oilcloth and cotton wool did not fully cover the wet cloth.
If, on the contrary, burning is too strong a solution. Immediately remove and do with diluted.
The need for alcohol compresses usually disappears after 4 to 5 days.
3. Treat a runny nose! While there is a cold, the ear will not pass.
You can use preparations based on sea water AQUAMARIS, SALIN, PHYSIOMER, DOLPHIN.
A solution can be made by yourself. To do this, 1 / 4-1 / 3 teaspoon of table salt, preferably sea or iodized, must be dissolved in a glass of pleasantly warm water. A more concentrated salt solution (1 / 2-3 / 4-1 teaspoon per glass of water) is used if there is no discharge from the nose, but its inner shell is swollen and difficult to breathe through the nose.
Drawing water from the palm, that is, with a stream of air, is unsafe: it can get into the maxillary and other paranasal sinuses and cause their inflammation.
You can flush with a special device DOLPHIN, or a rubber canister-pear, or a syringe WITHOUT NEEDLE, which you buy at the pharmacy. Babies need to drip a few drops in each nostril from the pipette. To wash your nose to a child under 3 years old with a clyster is not worth it. In children, the fluid easily passes from the nose to the Eustachian tube, connecting the nose and ear. This can cause inflammation in the middle ear (otitis).
With severe pain and insufficient effect of nasal lavage, it will take several days to drip naphthysine or something like it 2-4 times a day. These are strong drugs and their use should be limited, but otitis is the case - when they are indispensable.
4. Folk method: treatment with propolis. If urgent - buy a pharmacy ready tincture, if not - do it yourself. 100 g propolis pour 200 grams of alcohol, put in a dark place, every day 2-3 times shake, insist 15 days. After 15 days, tincture to merge into another bottle, store in the refrigerator. Then, in another bottle of 5 grams of tincture, dilute 20 g of vegetable oil and shake to make it all homogeneous - the medicine is ready. When the oily solution is over, make it out of the tincture. For the treatment of otitis, hearing loss, gauze is rolled into a turunda, moistened with oil solution and placed in the ear for 12 to 24 hours, a break for 12 hours. With a cold, sinusitis - dig in your nose.
If it does not help for two days or if pus appears - to the ENT

Lilac Fairy

There is a way.
Dip a cotton swab in alcohol-containing (cologne, tincture, vodka) and lay in the ear (not deep) for the night.
Helps after a cold to restore stuffiness.
It is checked up on itself.

Ksenia Filatova

inflammation! Doctors do not need to listen... Irene is right!

Why did you lay your ear during a cold and how to deal with it?

Many people are familiar with the situation: the ear has been poured during a cold and there are very unpleasant sensations. When the street is very cold or very cold, many people get sick. Colds occur in such situations most often. As a rule, many people do not pay enough attention to treatment and do not observe bed rest during illness. They explain this only by the fact that they have absolutely no time to get sick.

In most cases, during a cold, symptoms such as cough, copious rhinitis, redness and sore throat are observed, in some situations there is even a stuffy ear or both ears. If you put your ear on a cold, then this, of course, causes discomfort. In addition, that you practically do not hear anything with a sick ear, so it also "shoots" from time to time, and this is accompanied by quite severe pain.

Why during the cold can lay the ears?

In order to understand the reasons why, after a cold or directly during the illness, lays the ears, one must know at least superficially the anatomy of the person and the structure of the ears, throat and nose.

The tympanum, which is in the ear of a person, is very closely connected with the holes located in its nasopharynx. Thanks to this structure, a small part of the air that a person breathes when swallowing or while chewing food, gets directly into the ear drum.

If a person is completely healthy, then there is some pressure. If there are any reasons that prevent the air from fully passing, then in this case the pressure goes down and, accordingly, after that, the ear lays.

If, during the onset of such a problem, there is also an inflammatory process in the nasal cavity, the mucous membrane swells several times more. This is reflected both on the ears and at the work of the human auditory tube. The air can not get into the drum cavity, and because of this ears pawns.

It should be noted that if the patient can not fully breathe through the nose, then at the time in the nasopharynx and on average Ear, there is such a phenomenon as back pressure, which becomes the main cause of ear congestion.If this is the case, then you need to start immediately to treat the nasopharynx, which will help restore not only the ability to breathe fully nose, but will also stimulate the elimination of stuffiness of the ears. As soon as you begin to breathe through your nose, after a few days, and sometimes even hours, you will have a problem with your ears.

Actions of the patient with ovulation of the ear

What should be done in that situation, if the ear is laid? In order to remove the cork in this organ, you can use some home recipes and methods. For example, you can drip a small amount of an aqueous solution into the diseased ear. It must necessarily be warm, in some cases a small amount of soda can be poured into such a solution.

In most cases, in order to drip the medicine in the ear, use either a pipette or a small disposable syringe. It is interesting that the water must be poured very sharply, but at the same time, make sure that there is not a lot of discomfort and pain. This method is not only fully available at home, but also shows very good results. In just a few such procedures, one can regain hearing, and the sounds will be even clearer than before the illness.

If the cause of occlusion in the auditory organ has become a chronic form of the common cold or, for example, sinusitis, then first of all you need to use enough salt water, in order to thoroughly rinse the nasal passages. In this case, even if the ear hurts, it can not be buried in any solution or mixture. The same goes for boric acid, which is often treated with ears from a variety of diseases and problems.

In order to pass the stuffing in the ear, you can make special movements of the lower jaw, which must be performed strictly in a circle.

Of course, it is necessary to do such movements very carefully and carefully, so that there is no dislocation. During a gymnastics of this type, the patient can often hear that a strange crackling and even a slight gurgling occur in the ear. This indicates that the fluid that has entered the drum cavity is returned to the nose. The liquid enters the ears only because of the increased pressure in the nasal passages and raises it upward.

Some people, in order to remove stuffiness in the ears, can use an incredibly simple, but very effective method, which also in most cases helps. They just hold their breath. In addition, you can close your nose with your fingers and at the same time drink a small amount of water.

If such manipulations did not bring the desired result, you can soak the cotton wool in a salt or even alcohol solution and put it in the ear canal. Then wrap your head with a woolen shawl or a warm towel. But this method can not be used by all. If there is a very serious ear disease or a strong inflammatory process, then such treatment should be discarded, since complications are possible.

Diseases that provoke stuffiness of the ears

Ejaculation of the ears can cause not only a cold. In some cases, the cause is the development of other diseases.

They include:

  • colds;
  • otitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve.
The inflammatory process begins to develop in connection with the common cold. In such situations, treatment consists in the use of heat. The ear must be warmed up well. For this very often use alcohol compresses.

The obstruction of the auditory organ can be the first signal that a person develops otitis - a serious inflammatory process that affects the middle ear. If the cause of congestion is otitis, then in no case can the ears heat up even in the most simple ways.

Under the influence of heat, purulent formation in the organ can break, and this will cause complete or partial loss of hearing. Of course, such a consequence is not the most dangerous. There are cases when pus got even into the human brain and led to a lethal outcome.

Zalozhennost can arise and in the event that you have not finished a cure rhinitis. It has already been said above that the ears, nose and throat of a person are interconnected. Therefore, if you do not completely cure rhinitis, a lot of mucus can accumulate in the nasal passages, which will cause discomfort and create a feeling that your ears have been laid. Check whether this is the reason, it is simple: you need to firmly grasp the nose with two fingers and exhale heavily. If during this procedure there will be gurgling and crackling in the ears, some amount of mucus has got into the tympanum.

If a person has inflammation of the facial nerve, then all signs of a cold and stuffiness of the ears will be present. In this case, the problem will be noted only in that auditory organ, on the side of which the nerve is inflamed. Sign of this problem is quite strong pain directly in the ear, as well as in the temples, cheeks or even in the chin.


In most cases, a small rash can be found behind the ear, and a person may begin to grow dull from the side where the inflammatory process is observed. Treatment with heat, compresses and even drops will not bring any result, and you will only spend precious time. If the facial nerve is inflamed, then it is necessary to treat it with the help of injections and special physical training. At the same time the treatment is quite long and can take up to six months.

Zalozhennost an auditory organ can arise because of the fact that for the treatment of cold you used some specific medication, which caused this side phenomenon.

Once you notice that you have problems with the ears (unpleasant or even painful sensations, stuffiness, unusual sounds), you should immediately contact a specialist. He will help determine the cause of discomfort and will appoint the right treatment.


In no case do not self-medicate, because it is very important to determine the cause of the occurrence of stasis. If the choice of treatment is incorrect, serious complications and health problems can arise, including loss of hearing or even death.

Has laid down an ear at a rhinitis or after cold: than to treat, what to do or make

When the cold comes, every person is exposed to a cold, which is characterized by symptoms such as a runny nose, cough and otitis. As a result of the formation of the last sign of a cold, hearing may deteriorate, as the nasal congestion arises.

Causes and Treatment

There is a very close connection between the hearing aid, nose and throat. The most common cause of ear congestion is a violation of the patency of the Eustachian tube. It, in turn, can be lost patency due to swelling of the lymphoid tissue and the presence of a large amount of mucus.

If these causes are present, then swelling of the lymphoid tissue takes place, and it closes the entrance to the auditory tube. A large accumulation of mucus causes a number of inflammatory processes in the ears, as it contains many microbes and bacteria.

To contribute to the stuffiness of the ears during a cold can be that during this period the patient sneezes all the time. The result of this process will be excessive pressure in the Eustachian tube. To avoid this, try to sketch out one at a time and do not apply strong efforts.

The video tells why he lays his ears with a cold:

Another cause of ear congestion for colds are the following reasons:

  • accumulation of sulfur in the ears;
  • inflammatory process of the facial nerve;
  • a sign of otitis.

The formation of sulfur plugs in colds is due to the fact that the immunity is weakened, and, consequently, sulfur production occurs in an increased mode. The external ear plug closes and presses the eardrum. The presence of sulfur plugs can cause pain in the head, a feeling of nausea, coughing and dizziness.

If there is an inflammatory process of the facial nerve, then the stuffiness arises in that ear where the inflammation originates. The patient is concerned about the feeling of vacuum inside the auditory organ. In addition, he is visited by pain, which gives to the lower region of the chin and temple.

When a patient complains of shooting and throbbing pain, aggravated at night, this is the first sign of otitis.

Also, it is characterized by fever, poor appetite, ear congestion and dizziness. As a treatment, an antibiotic in the ear is often prescribed for otitis.


Than to treat? To carry out therapy of such pathology it is possible at home, but under the prescription of the doctor. He can prescribe dripping drops in the ears with otitis, compresses and special exercises.

Application of drops

Before you start treatment, you should use vasoconstrictive drops. Thanks to them you can eliminate puffiness of the Eustachian tube to improve its patency and protect itself from the inflammatory process.

You can also use special drops for the ears. If you combine these two drugs, you will get the maximum effect and a speedy recovery.


To eliminate the stuffiness of the ear, use an alcohol compress. To do this, take alcohol and water in the ratio:. Wet the soft gauze in the prepared composition and attach it to the affected ear. Over the first layer, set the second, and cover with a plastic film. Then spread the third and cotton. Perform this treatment is necessary before a night rest.

Special exercises

You can overcome the stuffiness of the ear by performing the following exercise: strongly squeeze the nostrils with your fingers and try to exhale through the nose. Do this until you hear the cotton in your ear. It is enough to give only 15 minutes and the obstruction of the ear disappears.

The video tells what to do if the ear is stuffed with a cold:

If the ear is after a cold

Often, the ear can lay after a cold or a cold.The reason for this process is the peculiarities of the structure and performance of the auditory system.The design of the auditory analyzer assumes several elements and originates from the external passage. It, in turn, passes into a small canal and ends with a tympanic membrane. She is very vulnerable and can be injured at the slightest negative impact.

To maintain optimum pressure in the ear, the analyzer has an Eustachian tube. It is a special organ, through which the pharynx and the middle ear connects.

The cause of ear congestion after a cold is that the eustachian tube forms swelling. Due to the different pressure of the external middle ear, the eardrum is drawn inward, which causes unpleasant and painful sensations.

Learn how to treat cough with laryngitis in children.

In the photo you can see how the child's tonsillitis looks.

Reviews of honey cakes from cough:

Methods of struggle

If you have an obstructed ear after a cold, then you can try the following therapeutic measures:

  1. Clear nasal passages. During the blow-out, one does not have to strain much, otherwise the pressure created will transfer the microbes from the nose to other areas.
  2. Nasal drops. When you managed to get rid of mucus, you can use vasoconstrictive drops in your nose. As a rule, to eliminate the stuffiness of the nose is to cure a cold. After that, all the unpleasant sensations disappear. But the use of vasoconstrictive drops is necessary correctly, observing the time and dosage. On the link you can read how to quickly cure the throat and runny nose.
  3. Ear drops. When a painful sensation disturbs a person for a long time, it is necessary to apply special ear aids. But before this consult a specialist.
  4. Inflating of balls. To remove the stuffiness of the ear, you can try to inflate the balls. Then you will manage to normalize the pressure, and the institutional body will work as before.
  5. Rinsing of the nose. Be sure to include in your daily treatment the washing of the nasal passages with a saline solution. To get it you need a dessert spoonful of salt and 250ml of warm water. You can flush with two methods: using a syringe without a needle or using a kettle. Read also how to properly wash the nose of a child.
  6. Sea water. Rinse your nose with sea water. Such measures will eliminate mucus. After rinsing, dig in the nasal passages with vasoconstrictor drops. This medicine can be used even for instillation of the ear. Their main advantage is convenience of use.

When zalozhennosti yx in no case will be used cotton buds, boric alcohol. Such "treatment" will only exacerbate the situation and cause a number of complications.

In pregnancy

Today, there are many reasons why the ear is stuffy at the time the baby is born. The most common include tubo-otitis, sensorineural hearing loss and otitis media.


For this pathology, there is an inflammatory process, which is formed due to the common cold. Another affect on this ailment may be acquired or congenital curvature of the septum, polyps, sinusitis, whose aggravation most often occurs in 90% of cases.

Sensorineural hearing loss

For this pathology, a violation of the auditory function is characteristic. This happens as a result of hormonal failures. Another contributing to hearing impairment can be ischemic brain disease and blood pressure abnormalities. If a pregnant woman unexpectedly laid her ears and there is no cold, it's worth to see a doctor right away.

Otitis of different forms

If you have previously had otitis media, then very often you will be visited by various forms of ailment. The reason is that after the transferred disease on the tympanic membrane there are scars that impede the mobility of the membrane. As a result, in pregnant women, the ear is stuffy from time to time. To resolve the symptoms, you need to see a doctor.


When a pregnant woman began to pawn her ear, then it is not worthwhile to engage in independent treatment. Otherwise, you can reduce your hearing permanently. If a sulfur plug is found in the ear, then it is worthwhile to perform a simple procedure and clean the ears. If there is an infectious disease, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and ear drops.

If the cause of ear congestion is the curvature of the nasal septum, then it is required to continue the operation.If you get a foreign body, it is not recommended to remove it yourself, otherwise you can damage the eardrum and worsen its condition.

When during the diagnosis the doctor could not find the cause of ear congestion, the cause of this pathology is pregnancy. Here, nothing can be done, it is necessary just to suffer, since it is impossible to cure such a condition. As soon as your baby is born, all unpleasant symptoms will pass without a trace. Another common problem in pregnant women is snoring. Here you can read about the causes and treatment. Here you can read what to do if the cough does not pass during pregnancy.

On the video - more information about the stuffiness of the ears with a cold and cough:

Ejaculation of the ear is a very fragile and sometimes painful pathological process. It can occur for a variety of reasons. For effective treatment, you first need to determine the causes of the pathology and direct all efforts to remove it.

After a cold, the ear does not hear, but does not hurt. What to do (only not the doctor!)? A weak bolza is the ear of the bottom ...



Otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear. It is caused by obstruction of the eustachian tube and stagnation of the fluid in the middle ear. Often its cause is the penetration of microorganisms from the pharynx into the Eustachian tube and the middle ear.
Symptoms: Otitis is characterized by sudden and sharp pain in the ears, irritability, hearing loss, restless sleep. Often there are pus-like discharge from the ear.
Traditional methods of treatment: Otitis is treated with antibiotics. If the middle ear has accumulated a lot of fluid, the doctor sometimes pierces the eardrum and releases fluid and pus from the middle ear.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Mix the pomegranate juice with honey and lubricate the inner surface of the ear.
2) Bury in the ear for 3-5 drops of lemon. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day.
3) To relieve pain in the ears, bake a garlic clove on a candle and put it warmly in the sore ear. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day until complete recovery.
4) Wash the ear with hot milk, which was added hemp oil during boiling.
5) An excellent alcoholic bath possesses an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. The patient should be laid on his side on the side of a healthy ear and in a sore ear pour a dropper or a teaspoon of 5-6 drops warmed to a temperature of 36-37 degrees of alcohol. After instillation, the patient should lie down for 15-20 minutes. After 5 minutes, the pain in the ear will subside.
6) Dilute 1 teaspoon of mint juice and 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of water and bury it in a sore ear.
7) Bury in the ear for 5-7 drops of fresh juice from the basil leaves several times a day to reduce pain.
8) With pain in the ear, apply to the ears bags with steamed boiling water chamomile or elderberry flowers.
9) Pour 2 tablespoons of rhizomes of a blood-groove medicinal (sold in a pharmacy) with 2 cups of boiling water, heat on a water bath for 30 minutes, insist 15 minutes, drain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day with purulent otitis.


buy in the pharmacy ear phyto-candles
they are easy to use
you can put yourself, you can with the help of friends or a friend
better with the help of a nurse
The eye will be cleaned and will start working


If not a doctor, then... continue to stoop.
Although. most likely, the problem is solved at the doctor for three minutes and is called a sulfur plug.


from personal experience: take garlic, take out one tooth, steer it in half and apply it behind your ear, tie it with a kerchief and go like a day, or everything will pass for the night

Pink Panther

Yeah... if there is a desire to deafen completely - follow the advice received.. .
mlyat... stone Age.. .


I drip drops of SOFRADEX and I warm my ear with a blue lamp.

Anna Velyaminova

And if it is a trigeminal nerve? Better to the doctor!

Olga Tsyplukhina

Do not worry, it's not otitis and nothing else, it's all because of the flu (colds)! I also had the flu (cold), did not hear the ear as during illness, and after it, but soon passed! Ears and nose are also related, so if you have a cold (was or is), then the ear can very easily even stop hearing! But eventually everything will pass! Or ear dripping, and if it is still so, then it is worth buying drugs - the drugs, in the pharmacy! I say everything on my own experience, and most importantly do not worry... just do not waste nerves, they are not superfluous! ;)

Can not hear the ear after a cold


potap of counters

continue the treatment that the doctor appointed you or go to another.

Dmitry Romanyuk

Most likely the doctor is not very good caught. It is necessary to address another with this prescription and say that these drugs did not help.

Marina Olekhnovich

Such complications can be from taking antibiotics, right up to hearing loss at all... In your case, I think that everything is not so bad, you need advice from an otolaryngologist, Your problem is related to the difference in pressure (and possibly zalozhennostyu) in the Eustachian tube, you need a full examination and selection of the right treatment (selection of drugs).

alexey bazalaev

When you blow your nose and clog your ear, it helps, in your case I do not know?

Tatyana Kozlova

It is necessary to talk.

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