Pain in the heart with osteochondrosis: symptoms, differences


  • 1Pain in the heart with osteochondrosis: characteristic symptoms
    • 1.1Symptomatology
    • 1.2Pathogenesis
    • 1.3Differential diagnostics
    • 1.4Diagnostic measures
    • 1.5Healing measures
  • 2How to distinguish pain in the heart from osteochondrosis?
    • 2.1Why there are pains in heart at an osteochondrosis?
    • 2.2What are the symptoms of the disorder?
    • 2.3What if I have pain?
    • 2.4How to distinguish the pain syndrome of osteochondrosis from heart pain?
  • 3How to distinguish pain in the heart from osteochondrosis
    • 3.1The nature of pain
    • 3.2Location (irradiation)
    • 3.3Factors provoking the emergence of pain
    • 3.4Instrumental research
    • 3.5ECG
    • 3.6Ultrasound
    • 3.7Radiography
    • 3.8CT and MRI
    • 3.9The effect of drugs
    • 3.10Concomitant pathology
    • 3.11Age
  • 4Pain in the heart with osteochondrosis: symptoms, differences
    • 4.1Pain with osteochondrosis
    • 4.2Why does it arise?
    • 4.3Features
    • 4.4Angina pectoris
    • 4.5Cardialgia
    • 4.6To what doctor to go?
    • 4.7Additional diagnostics
    • 4.8Treatment
  • 5How to distinguish heart pain from osteochondrosis?
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1Differences in heart pain from osteochondrosis
    • 5.2Angina pectoris
    • 5.3Pericarditis
    • 5.4Myocardial infarction
    • 5.5Cardiomyopathy
    • 5.6Myocarditis
    • 5.7Defeat of the mitral valve
    • 5.8Thromboembolism
    • 5.9Stratification of the aortic aneurysm
    • 5.10Vegetosovascular dystonia
    • 5.11Pain in osteochondrosis

Pain in the heart with osteochondrosis: characteristic symptoms

Osteochondrosis is one of the most common pathologies of the spinal column, the incidence of which invariably increases with age. In elderly and elderly people there are often other chronic diseases.

Most often, elderly people complain of heart pain (doctors call it cardialgia), subjectively palpable heart failure.

Can one pathology somehow influence the course of another provided they exist simultaneously? What are the pains in the heart with osteochondrosis?

People, belonging to different age categories, often turn to specialists complaining of pain in the chest area. At first glance, this pain resembles the symptoms of angina pectoris: it is localized behind the sternum, irradiates (capable of giving) to the shoulder region and shoulder area.

Doctors, examining the patient, do not find signs of any cardiac pathology.

The ECG also demonstrates a satisfactory state of the heart muscle.

At the same time, X-ray diagnostics and tomography can reveal signs of degenerative changes in intervertebral discs in many patients.

Why periodically there are pains in the field of heart at an osteochondrosis? How to distinguish the pain in the heart from osteochondrosis? These questions concern people suffering from the pathology of the spine and pain in the heart.


In individuals diagnosed with chest osteochondrosis, when pathological changes affect intervertebral discs of the thoracic department, there may be such complaints, indicating that osteochondrosis gives to the heart (the so-called cardiac syndrome):

  • long-lasting soreness of the chest and palpitation;
  • discomfort grows gradually;
  • character of pain: pressing, drilling;
  • the intensity of the pain syndrome is relatively low;
  • pain in the chest is accompanied by a feeling of warmth;
  • after taking nitrates, the thorax continues to ache;
  • Sensations are aggravated by the movement of the upper limbs or the affected area of ​​the back.

If, along with the thoracic department, the pathological process has affected the neck area, the symptoms can be supplemented by a sensation of soreness in the region of the cervical vertebrae.

In a number of patients who are diagnosed with pain in the heart with osteochondrosis, its symptoms are different. They voice the following complaints:

  • Discomfort sensations capture almost the entire upper left part of the chest, extend to muscle tissue;
  • the soreness of the neck and face, the area of ​​the left shoulder;
  • duration of an attack from several hours to several days.

Signs that occur when the vertebral artery is squeezed:

  • sensation of weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • "Flies" before the eyes;
  • decreased visual acuity and hearing;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • pressing pains of the occipital region;
  • flushed face;
  • no effect after taking antihypertensive medication.


Several mechanisms explaining the effect of osteochondrosis on the heart and the state of the vascular bed are described:

  1. Violation of trophism of intervertebral soft-tissue structures leads to their thinning. The distance between adjacent vertebrae is reduced, the risk of squeezing the nerve roots, originating from the spinal cord, is increased. Pressure on the roots is associated with the development of pain.
  2. The source of pain is the heart muscle. Heart pain in osteochondrosis is explained by disorders that occur with sympathetic innervation. The nervous impulse informing about the impairment of the functioning of the spine extends to the branches providing the innervation of the heart muscle.
  3. The pathology of the cervical and thoracic region affects the innervation of the upper limb. Receptors that do not receive adequate stimulation affect the vegetative department of the nervous system, innervating including the heart muscle. Muscular tension of the upper limb promotes the appearance of cardialgia. ECG registration does not reveal any violations.
  4. Disorders of the structure and function of the lumbar spine affects the work of the abdominal organs. The adrenal glands begin to release an increased amount of stress hormones that increase the heart rate.
  5. Spasm of the back muscles and blood flow disorders along the vertebral artery also lead to an increase in the frequency of cardiac contractions to ensure normal blood flow through the narrowed vessel.
  6. The initiated degeneration of intervertebral disks provokes infringement of nerves. If the pathology has affected the thoracic vertebrae, the innervation of the heart may suffer. The emergence of extrasystoles - extraordinary cardiac contractions - is subjectively felt as interruptions in the work of the heart muscle. Extrasystolia may indicate insufficient intake of oxygen and nutrients (hypoxia).
  7. The brain also begins to suffer from hypoxia if the blood flow through the vertebral artery is slowed. The result is a violation of the innervation of the organs of the human body (including the heart).
  8. Pressurization with edematous tissues, spasmodic muscles and displaced vertebrae discs of the artery, which carries blood to the brain, causes not only tachycardia, but also an increase in blood pressure. This is necessary to increase the rate of blood flow through the narrowed lumen of the vessel.

Differential diagnostics

To recognize the nature of the patient's pain and answer the question, the heart or osteochondrosis is the cause of discomfort, the doctors are producing a Novocaine blockade. The drug is injected into the cervico-thoracic region of the spinal column, after the onset of its action, the effect is evaluated.

With osteochondrosis, the heart hurts for a long time, discomfort can arise without physical exertion in case of an unsuccessful turnaround, sneezing, coughing, tilting the head.

The discomfort of the thoracic region arises with the long retention of the static posture.

Stenocardia tension usually lasts no more than half an hour, its beginning is provoked by physical exertion.

To determine the nature of pain, you should take nitrates. Angina pectorized with nitrates, the frequency of seizures does not change with the use of medications that ease the condition of people with osteochondrosis. With the pathology of the spine, there is a reverse pattern.


Palpitation at an osteochondrosis is saved during all time. There is a tachycardia with a sinus rhythm not only with exercise or excitement, but also at rest. It increases if the load on the spinal column increases or when the posture changes to a less convenient one.


Differentiation of the pathology of the spine from cardiac disease is facilitated by ECG. Stenocardia is characterized by changes in the ECG.

Diagnostic measures

  • examination of the heart muscle: ECG, echocardiography;
  • tomography, with which you can visualize the structure of the spine, determine the degree of changes affecting the intervertebral tissues;
  • also with the help of MRI it is possible to assess the condition of large vessels (the study is performed with or without contrast medium);
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck;
  • electromyography.

Healing measures

  1. Application of non-medicamentous techniques: massage (especially well assisted acupressure), acupuncture, osteopathic sessions, manual therapy.
  2. Local application of ointments that improve blood circulation, relaxing the striated muscles, giving an analgesic effect.

    Spasmodic muscles relax, infringement of the nerve roots decreases, the rate of blood flow along the vertebral artery improves.

  3. Reduction in the intensity of pain syndrome is achieved by the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. According to the indications, diuretics, muscle relaxants, and dilating vessels are prescribed.
  5. Patients with hypertensive disease, the course of which is complicated by the pathological process of the spinal column, needs appropriate treatment.

    To improve the circulation of pentoxifylline. It promotes the expansion of small-caliber vessels and facilitates the flow of oxygen to organs and tissues.

    The impact on the strained muscles of the back is performed with the help of acupuncture, courses of therapeutic massage, and the intake of muscle relaxants. To reduce the severity of the edema of the tissues, compressing the vertebral artery, diuretics are used.

    Strengthen the therapeutic effect can be with the help of physical therapy, physiotherapy.

Cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis and heart are located close to each other, therefore the symptoms of diseases can be similar. It is reliable to know how the heart aches with osteochondrosis only after consulting a specialist and performing instrumental diagnostics.

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How to distinguish pain in the heart from osteochondrosis?

Many patients wonder why there is pain in the heart with osteochondrosis, the symptoms of which do not allow them to live fully.

Doctors are familiar with the situation when a patient comes to them with complaints of soreness in the heart, but the survey shows that there is no pathology from the side of cardiac activity.

And then it becomes clear why the heart medications that the person took before, he did not help. Pain sensations can come from the spine, if a person suffers from osteochondrosis.

Why there are pains in heart at an osteochondrosis?

Why there are pains in heart at an osteochondrosis of a backbone? The human spine is divided into three sections:

  • cervical;
  • thoracic;
  • lumbosacral.

When osteochondrosis, changes occur in the structure of the vertebral discs, resulting in inflammation of the nerve roots, which leads to the squeezing of the blood vessels. When this happens, a person feels very strong pain, which can give to neighboring organs.

How to distinguish the pain in the heart from osteochondrosis? When breast osteochondrosis, especially if it is in a neglected state, the pain syndrome by Nerve endings are transmitted to some parts of the heart, and in some cases can affect the whole myocardium. The person does not have any doubts that these are symptoms of cardiac dysfunction, since they are accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, which is taken for arrhythmia.

It should be noted that when thoracic osteochondrosis is developed, the cervical section usually suffers.

With cervical osteochondrosis, there is soreness in the hand, especially in the left, and numbness of the fingers.

Vertebrologists (specialist in the spine) have such a method, to determine by the numb fingers the diseased region of the spine. So, the little finger becomes numb with exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis.

How are osteochondrosis and heart related? Osteochondrosis and pain in the heart are very similar. To exclude one of them, you need to start by making at least an ordinary cardiogram, according to which the doctor will be able to determine the state of the heart at the moment.

If the heart is in order, then you should switch all your attention to the spine, or rather to his x-ray.


A conventional X-ray image is able to clarify the whole situation about the state of the spine and show the specific changes that have occurred in the vertebral disks.


Thus, a routine examination, which does not require special efforts and expenses, can return a person to his or her own strength.

What are the symptoms of the disorder?

Consider the pain symptoms that can appear in the heart area with osteochondrosis:

  1. Shooting pain, giving to the scapula - neuralgia.
  2. Feeling of lack of air. There are difficulties when trying to breathe.
  3. Darkening in eyes, semi-fainting.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Feeling of general weakness in the body.
  6. Weakness in the muscles due to poor circulation.
  7. Disturbance of heat regulation, increased sweating.
  8. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Signs of pain in the chest.

What stages passes or takes place an osteochondrosis? First, the elasticity and elasticity of the intervertebral discs decrease. Then there is a protrusion of the disc, which is called protrusion.

The next step is the appearance of a crack in the fibrous ring, which forms a hernia when it ruptures.

And the last stage of vertebra deformity is the infringement of blood vessels and nerves, which causes a strong pain syndrome.

That is, the patient turns to the doctor at the last stage of osteochondrosis, when he has severe pain, giving to the chest. Osteochondrosis does not appear in one day.

The cause of its appearance is the curvature of the spine (scoliosis) from the school bench.

It is very important to pay attention to it in time, so that in 40 years not complain about heartaches.

What worries the patient, heart or osteochondrosis? After examining the cardiologist, making sure that the pain does not come from the heart, but from the spine, the patients calm down and look at the problem through their fingers.


Ignore osteochondrosis in no case can not suppress symptoms, too, because the disease will progress and aggravate, resulting in a whole bunch of complications to be treated.


Because of the constant clamping of blood vessels, movement of blood is difficult. This condition can lead to:

  • the formation of a thrombus, and this is fraught with the separation or complete closure of the vessel;
  • deterioration of the blood circulation of the brain, which can provoke a stroke;
  • disturbance of the vestibular apparatus;
  • impaired vision;
  • the formation of protrusions and herniated intervertebral discs.

What if I have pain?

In the treatment of the spine in a patient who complains of heart pain, all the signs and pains of a piercing nature are transmitted, which give to the chest region.

Usually a complex treatment of osteochondrosis is carried out, which means that the patient will be assigned:

  • Special diet, with products containing calcium and magnesium;
  • physiotherapy;
  • manual therapy;
  • massage;
  • anti-inflammatory ointments;
  • anesthetics;
  • diuretic drugs for the elimination of swelling of tissues;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation.

What mistakes are allowed to relieve pain in osteochondrosis?

  1. An attempt to cure the disease by visiting a sauna or a bath. The fact is that reheating leads to edema of the intervertebral discs, as a result of which the patient can go to bed, experiencing severe soreness. With an intense pain syndrome, cold helps.
  2. Self-direction of the discs or their extension. At the slightest awkward movement, the nerve root can be injured, which will aggravate the situation. Therefore, such manipulations should be carried out by a professional. The most that can be done is voluntary movements, after which blood circulation improves.

How to distinguish the pain syndrome of osteochondrosis from heart pain?

Is it possible to distinguish independently from where the pain comes from? In order to be able to recognize, soreness has arisen from osteochondrosis or is heart pain, we will make a comparison between them:

  1. Pain in the heart with osteochondrosis lasts for weeks, sometimes even months, heart pains are short, but intense.
  2. The pain that gives in the heart with a sick spine does not pose a threat to life, which can not be said about heartache.
  3. If the pain similar to the cardiac does not go away after taking Validol or nitroglycerin, then it is false, and the pain associated with angina after the intake of these drugs is calmed down.
  4. Pain sensations in the region of the heart in the patient's spine do not show abnormalities on the cardiogram, when during a true heart attack the cardiogram gives a different picture.
  5. False symptoms of a heart attack do not cause anxiety and fear, but with true heart pain, fear of death appears.
  6. With osteochondrosis, during additional stresses on the spine, pain in the region of the heart increases, but the true cardiac pains from the loads do not depend.

The well-known kinesiologist Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, who put himself on his feet after a plane crash, believes that osteochondrosis is not a verdict.

A real disease is one during which the body falls into a crisis not on its own (there are viruses and infections in mind).

The patient's back is a payment for misuse of his body and an incorrect way of life.

After selecting the appropriate exercises for the thoracic and cervical spine, start with a minimum. It is important to learn one more thing - when performing exercises you need to monitor not for their quantity, but for the quality of performance.

The theme of our today's conversation is heart pain, the cause of which is osteochondrosis, and the reader will be interested in ways to get rid of these unpleasant symptoms.

To all of the above, you can only add a few words about a good dream and how important it is for a person suffering from osteochondrosis.

Its importance lies in the fact that during sleep all the muscles of the body relax and rest. By morning they are again ready for physical exertion.


In addition, during a full sleep, the body gets rid of toxins. If you do not give him this precious time, then someday he will fail.


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How to distinguish pain in the heart from osteochondrosis

Since the age of 30, each person is required to perform an ECG every year. This strategic decision was made for the early detection of angina and the prevention of myocardial infarction.

It happens that a person can not determine the nature of the arising discomfort. You can distinguish heart pain from osteochondrosis by some features.

The nature of pain

  • Heart pain can be described as constrictive. Attack-like growth to an unbearable level. There are gaps in which the pain subsides or completely disappears.
  • Pain from osteochondrosis gradually increases. It can begin with a slight pinching, but gradually the soreness grows and disrupts normal life activity. From the onset of the first manifestations to burning pain can pass from 2 days to a week.

Location (irradiation)

For an accurate understanding of this point, one should remember the anatomy of a person. The heart is located directly behind the breastbone and there is an opinion that it should only be there.

But the heart, like any other organ, receives innervation through the autonomic nervous system.

Thus, from the epicenter - the heart - the pain spreads along the vegetative nervous plexuses to the area of ​​the left arm, the left side of the back, the neck, the thorax.

Localization of pain in angina pectoris

The appearance of osteochondrosis is caused by wear of the joint elements. If the thoracic spine suffers, then often the pain resembles that of angina pectoris. In osteochondrosis, irradiation can be either to the left or to the right side of the trunk.

Factors provoking the emergence of pain

With heart disease, emotional overstrain plays a key role. Against the background of stress:

  • pain increases;
  • the number of seizures increases;
  • the duration of the pain syndrome increases;
  • there is a possibility of myocardial infarction;
  • with untimely medical care, a lethal outcome is possible.

Also, heart pain is provoked by physical activity. The more serious the disease progresses, the less stress will cause unpleasant sensations. In severe stages of the disease, even lifting a few steps is dangerous.

With osteochondrosis, physical activity can also increase pain. The difference is that if a person crouches and takes a comfortable position, the pain will gradually decrease.

Heart pain is often provoked by physical activity

Instrumental research

In the period of acute pain, it is best to seek medical help. In particular, this will certainly help to conduct differential diagnosis between osteochondrosis and heart disease.


When recording a cardiogram, the cardiac pathology will be immediately determined. If the ECG is normal, then, most likely, the cause of soreness is osteochondrosis or neuralgia.

ECG - an obligatory method of examination with the appearance of pain in the chest


This study can be performed for patients suspected of infectious heart disease (carditis of various etiologies). It is used only as an additional method.


And we recommend reading: pain in the region of the heart

X-ray is indicated to everyone who is suspected of osteochondrosis. The pictures will show destructive changes in the joints. With heart disease, the articular surfaces will be normal.

CT and MRI

Performed with ineffective radiography. And also to identify a more precise localization of the lesion.

Using MRI, you can diagnose both cardiac pathology and osteochondrosis.

But a heart attack is an emergency that requires urgent medical therapy, and MRI is a rather long procedure.

The effect of drugs

Most people after 50 years have at home a whole arsenal of medicines. And among them there are necessarily funds for increased blood pressure and nitroglycerin.

In case of acute attack of pain behind the breastbone, nitroglycerin intake under the tongue is justified. If the pain was of a cardiac nature, it will decrease or completely pass away. After that, doctor's consultation is still necessary to avoid complications.

If the soreness has arisen from osteochondrosis, then nitroglycerin does not affect.

Nitroglycerin will reduce the intensity of pain in angina attacks

Concomitant pathology

Diseases in which the likelihood of attacks of pain in the heart is high:

  • Arterial hypertension. It leads to changes in the vessels, including in the vessels that feed the heart muscle.
  • Angina. The same pathogen affects the tonsils in the throat and causes the development of endocarditis. The defeat of the heart can be a formidable complication of angina.
  • Thrombophlebitis. May provoke clogging of the vessel of any localization, including in the heart.

If the diagnosis of angina is made, the pain arises precisely because of problems with the heart. But it can happen that one person develops osteochondrosis and angina pectoris. In this case, the person himself can distinguish two types of pain and the source of origin.


Osteochondrosis develops with age. Gradually, a joint begins to hurt in a person (one or several) and over time the disease progresses, especially without treatment.

Heart diseases, unfortunately, can occur at any age. Even myocardial infarction, angina and hypertension have recently rejuvenated. They can develop from the age of 30.

Pain, which appears repeatedly, are of an intense nature, require supervision and supervision by a specialist. Therefore, even having coped with the attack, it is necessary to consult with the therapist and undergo a full examination.

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Pain in the heart with osteochondrosis: symptoms, differences

Many diseases of the musculoskeletal system have similar symptoms with diseases of the internal organs. This complicates the diagnostic process and confounds not only the patients, but also the doctors.

Pain in the heart with osteochondrosis - a fairly common phenomenon. This frightens many patients, as heart pain is a sign of a deadly disease. But not any pain in the heart is dangerous, we will try to understand how the heart hurts with osteochondrosis.

Pain with osteochondrosis

In most cases, osteochondrosis and the heart are not directly related. The effect of osteochondrosis on the heart is minimal.

The basis of pain in osteochondrosis is the pathology of intervertebral discs.

In the degenerative process in these cartilaginous structures, the surrounding structures are irritated, which is what causes the pain.

Heart pain usually indicates angina pectoris - oxygen starvation of the heart muscle in violation of the patency of the coronary vessels. This is due to atherosclerosis, thrombosis or spasm. Osteochondrosis of the spine is not to blame.

There is such a thing as cardialgia. This term refers to pain in the region of the heart, which is not associated with angina. Cardialgia is a composite concept, it includes a variety of diseases. Pain in the chest with osteochondrosis can also be considered a special case of cardialgia.

How to distinguish the pain in the heart from osteochondrosis? Each type of pain has a number of characteristic symptoms, but before you study them, you should find out the causes of this manifestation in osteochondrosis.

Why does it arise?

Pain in the heart with osteochondrosis of the spine is found only in the defeat of the disease of the thoracic region of the back. Neither cervical nor lumbar osteochondrosis causes such symptoms.

Symptoms of chest osteochondrosis are usually meager due to several factors:

  • The thoracic spine is the longest and most stable.
  • The neck and lumbar parts are subjected to the greatest load.
  • In the thoracic spine, only intercostal nerves leave the spinal cord.

However, even in these conditions, the disease can sometimes imitate heart pain.

Pain in the heart with osteochondrosis of the spine has no direct relationship to the heart muscle. Symptoms arise as follows:

  1. In the thoracic spine there is a degenerative process of intervertebral discs.
  2. Thoracic osteochondrosis first causes reflex pain in the heart area - the nerve surrounding the intervertebral disc is irritated. The pathological impulse passes through the intercostal nerve to the heart.
  3. When the disease progresses, a protrusion or a hernia is formed, they can squeeze the intervertebral roots and then the pain is further intensified.

Understanding the mechanism of pain allows you to determine whether the patient is worried about angina or osteochondrosis.


A certain set of symptoms of breast osteochondrosis can help in the correct diagnosis. It is on the totality of manifestations that one should orient in order to differentiate various diseases.

Pain in osteochondrosis can have such features:

  1. It has a more local character. Often follows the course of the intercostal space or rib.
  2. It increases with movement in the thoracic spine. Stress does not provoke pain.
  3. Can be carried to the upper abdomen or to give in the back.
  4. It spreads to different sections of the thorax - right or left.
  5. Has a longer course, can bother the patient for years.
  6. Increases the pain of the previous load, and the symptom persists for a long time.
  7. Nitrates do not give the proper effect, but nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are good.

This kind of pain is most often observed with chest osteochondrosis. Another disease is accompanied by a loss of sensitivity in the chest area. painfulness when pressing on the thoracic vertebrae, the intensity of the paravertebral muscles.

To correctly distinguish between diseases, it is worthwhile to understand the heart causes of this symptom.

Angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is a special syndrome, it can bother the patient for a very long time and become a harbinger of fatal catastrophes. To prevent this from happening, the diagnosis must be made on time, and the patient is given a full-fledged therapy.

The causes of angina were mentioned above. This pain is associated with a temporary ischemia of the heart muscle - oxygen starvation. This phenomenon is observed if the coronary vessels can not provide the heart with the proper volume of blood, and hence oxygen.

  1. It usually occurs after a physical or emotional load.
  2. It continues about 15 minutes.
  3. Passes by himself.
  4. Arises behind the sternum.
  5. Gives to the left half of the body.
  6. Has a pressing, compressive, burning character.
  7. It is stopped by the reception of nitrates or rest.

Angina should not be confused with pain in case of a heart attack. This condition is already characterized by the irreversible death of the heart muscle. Symptoms will be long, not stopped by nitroglycerin and accompanied by fear of death.

Both angina pectoris and myocardial infarction are clinical forms of ischemic heart disease. This pathology requires lifelong monitoring and proper treatment.


The third variant of pain in the chest is a whole group of different causes that cause cardialgia. This pathology often does not carry a risk to life, but can deprive patients of their ability to work and knock out of the usual rhythm of life.

The causes of cardialgia are:

  • Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of the heart muscle, more often with an infectious process.
  • Cardiomyopathy is a pathology of the heart muscle in a variety of diseases.
  • Endocarditis is an inflammation of the inner membrane of the heart.
  • Pericarditis - defeat of the cardiac sac, pericardium. Can have a different character.
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis. Due to the violation of blood supply and vascular spasm.
  • Neurosis and depression - the symptom is psychosomatic.
  • Shingles - due to the defeat of the intercostal nerves.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia - through the defect in the diaphragm the organs of the abdominal cavity penetrate into the thoracic cavity.
  • Gastric ulcer - pain can be given to the chest area.
  • Esophagitis is an inflammation of the esophagus wall. An unpleasant feeling is located just behind the sternum.
  • Diseases of the lungs - pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia, lung cancer. thrombosis of the pulmonary artery.

Each of these conditions can cause a different kind of pain. Usually cardialgia has these features:

  1. It changes with the position of the body.
  2. Little associated with physical activity.
  3. Character - piercing, cutting or scraping.
  4. The duration is different.
  5. Can be accompanied by a feeling of lack of air.
  6. It is provoked by food intake in diseases of the digestive tract.

The most important thing is to distinguish the listed conditions from angina pectoris, which requires an early application to a specialist.

To what doctor to go?

Such a variety of causes of pain leads the patient to a new question - which doctor should be treated? The treatment of such a symptom and its causes is carried out by a wide variety of specialists.

If the manifestations occurred for the first time, there are two options - contact the district therapist or emergency medical service. Call an ambulance if you are suspicious of angina and myocardial infarction, especially if the pain lasts more than 15 minutes and is not stopped by nitroglycerin.

The district therapist will examine the patient, will assign a number of examinations that can be performed on an outpatient basis. Then the doctor will refer the patient to the right specialist:

  1. Neurologist, vertebrologist - these doctors treat osteochondrosis. They will choose the methods of therapy depending on the results of the survey.
  2. The cardiologist - consultation of this expert and even hospitalization will be necessary at detection of a stenocardia or a heart attack.
  3. Pulmonologist - deals with problems with the respiratory system.
  4. Gastroenterologist - will treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which cause cardialgia.
  5. Psychiatrist - will be required to eliminate the psychosomatic version of the pain syndrome.

Each specialist has in the arsenal a different range of diagnostic and treatment procedures. What will be used for pain in the heart most often?

Additional diagnostics

Of course, every visit to the doctor begins with the collection of complaints and anamnesis of the disease. Already by results of this event, the doctor will be able to deliver a preliminary diagnosis and determine further tactics.

The examination of the spine and the thoracic region also makes it possible to obtain preliminary data. Auscultation of the heart, percussion of the chest, the detection of rashes in herpes zoster and other signs lead the doctor to the right thoughts.

Among the additional research methods used are:

  1. Electrocardiography. ECG allows you to fairly reliably detect the presence or absence of pathology in the heart. Angina requires recording a cardiogram at the time of a pain attack.
  2. X-ray of the spine in two projections - suggests the presence of osteochondrosis. The diagnosis can be confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging.
  3. Radiography of chest organs - used to confirm or exclude pulmonological pathology. Reliably indicates lung disease.
  4. Echocardiography - ultrasound examination of the heart. It is necessary to exclude pericarditis and endocarditis. Can indicate other diseases of this body.
  5. Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy. FEGS is performed with suspicion of diseases of the esophagus and stomach.

Laboratory methods bear an auxiliary role. They can indicate an inflammatory process or signs of damage to the internal organs.


To cure pain in the chest, it is important to establish its cause correctly. Each disease has different modes of therapy.

Symptoms of chest osteochondrosis are eliminated as follows:

  • Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants. vitamins of group B.
  • At an early stage of the disease chondroprotectors are used.
  • Massage and physiotherapy of the thoracic department.
  • Therapeutic exercises and swimming.
  • Radiofrequency ablation.
  • If necessary, surgery is performed.

Angina pectoris requires the use of nitrates, statins or fibrates to control cholesterol, antiplatelet agents. drugs that reduce blood pressure. In some cases, with ischemic heart disease, surgical treatment is also performed.

Each cause of cardialgia has its own principles of therapy. That is why it is important to consult a doctor on time, put the right diagnosis and get advice from the most qualified specialist.


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How to distinguish heart pain from osteochondrosis?

Pain in the heart is often masked for diseases of internal organs and other systems. Such conditions include osteochondrosis.

The disease significantly impairs the quality of life.

Therefore, it is important to know how to distinguish heart pain from osteochondrosis, in time to begin treatment and not to start the process.

Few can distinguish heart pain from osteochondrosis. With degenerative changes in the spine, thinning of the discs occurs.


Vertebrae begin to squeeze the nerve roots, and pain can be transmitted to the chest.


When such a symptom does not have a vertebral origin, then with many heart diseases it will be specific.

Differences in heart pain from osteochondrosis

There are the following types of pathology, in which it is affected:

  • angina pectoris;
  • pericarditis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • myocarditis;
  • mitral valve damage;
  • thromboembolism;
  • stratification of the aortic aneurysm;
  • vegetative vascular dystonia.

Angina pectoris

Most often, the pain syndrome occurs suddenly. Behind the sternum there are sensations of a compressive or pressing nature. At the same time increases blood pressure, and there are interruptions in the heart.

Patients report seizures at rest or during physical exertion of varying intensity. In some cases, it worries at night, it causes you to often wake up, or appears during overeating.

A characteristic feature of pain in angina pectoris is its short duration - no more than 15 minutes. All patients complain not only of its local nature.

It extends to the left arm, scapula, lower jaw or neck.

Painful sensations cease after the removal of strong emotions, physical exertion, at rest, or after taking Nitroglycerin. Additional symptoms accompanying pain in angina pectoris are unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, and sometimes - nausea and heartburn.


The difference in pain with pericardial is its gradual increase over several days.

It is rarely intense, but sometimes it becomes painful and unbearable for patients. The nature of the pain is pressing.

After taking the "Nitroglycerin" tablet, the attack does not decrease, and after a narcotic painkiller it stops for a while.


In addition to unpleasant sensations in the chest area, dyspnoea, palpitation, and cough are associated.


Pain is characterized by a connection with breathing, changing the position of the body (increases lying on the back), coughing.

Myocardial infarction

Pain is marked by its intensity, compared with other diseases. They extend to the left arm, neck and lower jaw.

The patient is characterized by pain as burning (compare with "dagger"), pressing. Its intensity periodically decreases and intensifies, and the duration is half an hour or more.

In addition, the patient has the following symptoms:

  1. Weakness.
  2. Feeling of fear.
  3. Dyspnea.
  4. Excitation.

After taking nitroglycerin, the condition is not relieved. In terms of severity of pain, it is easy to recognize an attack of myocardial infarction, if it occurs typically.


Pain in cardiomyopathy is varied. They are localized in the heart, or spread beyond it. They also do not have a tendency to radiate to neighboring parts of the body.

Pressing or cutting, they have no connection with physical exertion, stress. After taking Nitroglycerin, the pain syndrome is not weakened.

In addition, patients complain of severe weakness, drowsiness, fever.


Unpleasant sensations of pressing, aching character appear with inflammation of the heart muscle. After Nitroglycerin, the pain syndrome does not decrease. Additional signs are weakness and a sense of irregularities in the heart.

Defeat of the mitral valve

With its prolapse, the performance of the normal function is disrupted. Unpleasant sensations are pressing, compressive or stitching.

After the Nitroglycerin Tablets, pain does not decrease, and some patients note their enhancement. In addition, dyspnoea, dizziness, and a pulse increase, and sometimes fainting.

With stenosis in the chest, there is also a feeling of squeezing.


Pain syndrome in thromboembolism is diverse and depends on the severity of the condition. It is localized behind the thoracic and is described by patients as acute or tearing.

Pain of a similar nature occurs due to the squeezing of the nerves. In some, they resemble angina and can extend to the left arm, collarbone, lower jaw.

In rare cases, such sensations arise on the right, in the region of the liver. Additionally, the following attributes are attached:

  1. Pale skin.
  2. Increased body temperature.
  3. Bulging of large veins on the neck or lower limbs.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Fainting.

Stratification of the aortic aneurysm

Practically in 90% of patients, intense pain becomes the main sign indicating aortic dissection. It appears in the chest in front, or between the shoulder blades.

It depends on which part of the vessel is affected. As the pathological process spreads, the pain appears in the neck, lower, jaw, back, waist and groin.

The migratory character facilitates the diagnosis.

In addition to its typical localization, a sharp emergence is noted. Patients describe pain as bursting and intensity is not weakened. They are restless and try to find a comfortable position to ease the condition.

Vegetosovascular dystonia

Pain is characterized by the appearance at a young age. She most often aching or stitching, appears in the left side of the chest. Unpleasant sensations can occur both at rest and during physical exertion. Often the attack is preceded by a stressful situation.

Its specific feature is an independent disappearance without taking medications. Some patients drink a sedative, which also facilitates the condition.

In addition to the pain syndrome, there is weakness, a feeling of lack of air, a disturbance of sleep and irritability.

Pain in osteochondrosis

Describe several mechanisms of the occurrence of pain in the heart that are not associated with its pathology.

Symptoms are specific and allow you to understand the causes of the occurrence. It can be internal diseases or osteochondrosis.

In case of spine disease, the pain syndrome has the following mechanisms of occurrence:

  1. When the intervertebral disc nutrition is disturbed, a decrease in their thickness is observed. For this reason, there is a risk of squeezing the roots, which convey a sense of pain on the chest, and sometimes in the heart muscle.
  2. When osteochondrosis affects the cervical or thoracic spine, discomfort becomes like angina. This disease breaks the innervation of the upper limbs, from which the pain is determined in the heart.
  3. Spasm of the back muscles, compression of surrounding tissues with edematous structures and displaced intervertebral discs, as well as impaired blood flow, is the cause of this condition in the patient.

Many patients find it difficult to understand how to distinguish the pain in the heart from osteochondrosis. The mechanisms described above help to understand this.

Pain, not associated with cardiac pathology, has certain characteristics. They appear in the spine and often follow the intercostal spaces.

Unpleasant sensations have no connection with emotional stress. Their intensity changes when the position of the body changes, and increases during movement. For them, short duration is not typical, they can last several weeks or months.

Some patients think how to distinguish heart pain from osteochondrosis, not only by its characteristic features? It facilitates the diagnosis of taking medications.

From the tablet "Nitroglycerin" the patient's condition is not relieved, and the NSAIDs significantly reduce the severity of the pain.

In addition, during registration of the ECG during an attack on the film there is no deviation from the norm.

Pain sensations are characterized by a diverse course.

For this reason, in order to understand the diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as well as a set of diagnostic procedures, after which you can begin treatment.


Many heart diseases threaten the life of the patient, and therefore it is important to seek help in a timely manner.


Ekaterina Prilepova

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