Invitation for medical examination in 2018

Since 2013 in Russia, the entire adult population is undergoing medical examination. Both the prophylactic medical examination and the preventive medical examinations are free of charge, as defined in the Law on the Protection of Citizens' Health.

For those who work in organizations and enterprises, managers, supervisors, directors-employers should in no case be obstructed in the passage of this medical examination. Examination: what is it?

  • What is the purpose of the medical examination?
  • Stages of medical examination
  • How and where to undergo medical examination in 2018?
  • Clinical examination: what is it?

    Clinical examination is an excellent opportunity to check the quality of your health, to identify risk factors in a timely manner and, as a result, to protect yourself from the development of a variety of chronic diseases at an early stage of their occurrence and to cure them.

    Every adult citizen, from the age of 21 and, with a subsequent interval of three years - up to 99 years, has the full right to undergo free of charge medical examination at the place of his permanent or temporary registration.

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    On this page you can find out what birthdays fall in 2018 for a preventive examination.

    What is the purpose of the medical examination?

    The important goal of this medical examination is to detect diseases associated with disability and increased mortality as early as possible. In the course of clinical examination, new cardiovascular, broncho-pulmonary, oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc. are revealed. It is also important to diagnose in a timely manner tuberculosis( infectious diseases), alcohol, narcotic and psychoactive substances( addiction syndrome).

    Science has long proven that diseases of the cardiovascular system are more common in men older than 45 years, and in women older than 55 years. In this connection, during the dispensary examination, the studies are aimed at identifying these diseases and are associated with certain age groups. Without fail, the whole organization of this medical event, its order, principles must be observed.

    On this page you can watch a video about the OWN.

    The examination is also checked regardless of the sex of the patient on:

    1. glaucoma at the age of 39 years;
    2. stomach cancer from the age of 34 years;
    3. prostate cancer from the age of 50;
    4. colon cancer in the age range from 45 to 50 years.

    For any suspected pathology, the patient is sent to a specialist for a more detailed and in-depth examination.

    Clinical examination takes into account the sex, age characteristics of the patient. A precinctive principle of medical examination enables citizens to undergo medical examination not only working, but also unemployed. On a case-by-case basis, a specific list of all specialist examinations and diagnostic procedures has been determined.

    Stages of medical examination

    In all age periods, clinical examination is carried out in two stages:

    1. basic examination, which is determined by the general state of human health;
    2. additional examination, which is a more in-depth examination by specialists, in cases of deviation in the state of health of the patient during the initial examination.

    After the medical examination, three main groups of health are distinguished. The 1st group includes patients with a low and medium risk of developing diseases, to the second - with high and very high risk, and to 3 patients with confirmed disease.

    How and where to undergo medical examination in 2018?

    In order to undergo the prophylactic medical examination it is necessary to apply to the registry of the polyclinic of the Unified State Health Care Institution "Nekhavskaya CRH", located at the address: 403171, Volgograd Region, Nekhaevsky District, Nechaevskaya St, Pobedy Street, 3. At the same time, you should have a passport, an insurance certificate of the state pension insurance(SNILS) and compulsory health insurance policy.

    Next, you pass the initial reception in the observation room number 10.You visit your GP and get a route sheet that lists the medical examinations you need.

    For complete information, you can call 8( 84443) 5-13-05 in the medical prevention office of paramedic Smirnova Lyubov Mihailovna.

    Dispensary is voluntary, you have the right to refuse to go through it completely or to make a written refusal of any type of medical research. Then it is necessary to sign an approved form of refusal. But, nevertheless, do not hurry up to write refusal, after all to check up the health does not happen superfluous.

    Dear residents of Nekhaevsky municipal district! If your full years in 2017: 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69, 72, 75, 78, 81,84, 87, 90, 93, 96 or 99, we invite you to our clinic for the prophylactic examination of the adult population! Do not delay your visit for later and take care of your health!

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