Purulent conjunctivitis - diagnosis and control of the disease

Conjunctivitis is a disease that is quite common in adults.Since in most cases it is of a viral nature, it is practically impossible to avoid it, living in a society.However, a person can infect him on time and begin the correct treatment, so that in the future the ailment does not give complications.About what symptoms this disease has and how it can be combated, we will discuss this material.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Purulent conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva), accompanied by mucous secretions of brown or greenish color.

Appears after contact of the infection with mucous: when you get into the eye of dirt, touch unwashed hands and other similar situations.In most cases, purulent conjunctivitis is bacterial in nature.

Purulent conjunctivitis can be triggered by a number of pathogens, among them: staphylococcus, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and also E. coli, gonococcus, chlamydia, in rare cases - the herpes virus, the manifestation of which has a similar picture.

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Quite often, the appearance of the disease provokes several pathogens, which can have a harmful effect on the mucous membrane at the same time.

Despite the fact that almost all pathogens give a similar symptomatic picture, it is very important to identify which of the they are present in the patient, because this depends on the selection of medications, in particular, antibiotics for further treatment.

The disease is well amenable to drug therapy, but to be successful, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease, as well as to explore the symptomatology.


There are several main reasons leading to the development of purulent conjunctivitis. Among them:

  • Purulent-septic diseases;
  • A sharp decrease in immunity, especially as a result of the disease;
  • Non-compliance with personal hygiene, in particular, systematic.

Often, a number of factors lead to the appearance of this disease, for example violation of hygiene rules and weakening of immunity.

That is why it is so important to follow the recommendations for the prevention of the disease in order to exclude the possibility of its appearance.However, if this can not be done, special attention should be paid to the symptoms that have appeared and to consult a doctor.


Symptomatic of purulent conjunctivitis is usually pronounced. To its typical components include:

  • edema of the eyelid;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • sensitivity to light;
  • increased allocation of tears;
  • sensation of the "third century
  • widening of the vessels of the affected eye;
  • appearance of brown, yellowish or greenish purulent discharge.

All of the above symptoms can be accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, lethargy, drowsiness, as well as uncomfortable sensations from the affected eye: itching, cuts.In the morning, it may be difficult for a patient to open an eye, glued together with pus.Symptoms can be observed both on one eye and on both. Often the disease can begin with one conjunctiva and quickly enough to switch to another.

After 2-3 days, the excretion of pus decreases, on the tubules it dries up, a film typical for the disease is formed.Also, the general discomfort sensations inherent in this disease are reduced.

At this stage, the patient can decide that he has got rid of the disease, since her symptoms go to "no but it is not. It is also important at this stage to seek qualified help, otherwise there is a risk that the pathogen will remain in the body and with a slight deterioration in the state of immunity will again make itself felt.


In most cases, determine the nature of the disease, its stage, as well as the reasons for its appearance, can the ophthalmologist doctor during a direct examination of the patient. In those cases when the nature of purulent conjunctivitis is not clear to the specialist, samples of secretions are taken for analysis. If the bacterial origin of the disease is confirmed and the physician plans to prescribe an example of potent drugs, take samples of the patient's blood to study the general condition of the body, and also to investigate it for sensitivity to one or another medicines.If the symptoms of the disease do not cause special medical attention to the specialist, one examination of the patient may be enough.


Selection of drugs, as well as the formulation of a treatment scheme directly depends on the symptoms of conjunctivitis, but in most cases it reduces to the appointment of such medications:

  1. Eye ointments or eye drops with antibiotics, localizing the focus of infection and allowing to get rid of pus (selected for a certain type of infection);
  2. Preparations with interferon- with a viral infection;
  3. Common restorative means- vitamin complexes and the like.

In some cases, steroid drops are also prescribed, however, since this agent can provoke complications and side effects, it is very limited.

As a rule, with purulent conjunctivitis, the treatment regimen is designed for 7-10 days.If after this there is no improvement, you need to contact your doctor again.

During treatment of conjunctivitis it is impossible:

  • wear contact lenses;
  • Use decorative cosmetics (for women);
  • touch the eyes with your hands, even with severe itching - this is how microbes are transferred from the mucosa and provoke repeated infection;
  • work with a computer.

For the period of treatment you need to give maximum rest to your eyes.It is recommended to abandon the paper work, it is desirable to arrange a sick leave and wait for a complete cure so as not to provoke complications.

It should be noted that there are people's methods of fighting this disease.However, if it is a serious infectious disease, they can be used only to relieve the symptoms before going to the doctor.If the patient chooses them as the main method of fighting the disease, the risk of complications is high.

In most cases, this disease lasts only 3 weeks, however, with qualified medical care can pass and for a shorter period of time.


In the event that conjunctivitis was not properly treated, the patient preferred not to consult a doctor, or the patient's body at the time of infection was too weak (even with the correct and timely medical care), the ailment can give complications.Among the most dangerous:

  • defeat of the cornea (keratitis);
  • partial or total loss of vision.

The risk of such complications increases with the use of contact lenses, as well as non-compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

To avoid them it is possible, in time having begun antibacterial therapy in the acute course of the disease.


Conjunctivitis is a contagious disease that is much easier to prevent than cure.Prevention of such ailment involves the following activities:

  • Limiting contact with people- carriers of the disease;
  • Compliance with personal hygiene;
  • Maintaining normal immunity, since it is its weakening that leads to purulent inflammation of the mucosa.

Untimely treatment of colds, as often their pathogens, transferred to the mucous eyes, can provoke this ailment.

In the event that a patient with signs of purulent conjunctivitis appeared in your home, it must be isolated. During this period, it is very important to wash towels, pillowcases and other personal belongings of the patient frequently so that the disease can not spread, and the risk of re-infection is excluded.


If your child is sick, then find out if viral conjunctivitis is contagious for how many days.

What does toric lens mean, read this article.

One-day contact lenses: http://eyesdocs.ru/linzy/odnodnevnye/odnodnevnye-linzy-idealnaya-optika-kazhdyj-den.html




As we see, conjunctivitis, accompanied by purulent discharge, is an unpleasant and widespread disease of the eye. However, it is well treatable. Here you can read about the appearance of conjunctivitis, its types, sources of the disease. And if you go to a doctor in time and follow his recommendations without fail, you can get rid of the disease in a short time with minimal health damage. Conjunctivitis in children is also a common disease that occurs little different from an adult, but the difference in treatment.