Achillesback of the Ankle: Causes and Treatment


  • 1Methods of treatment of the ankle tendon of the Achilles tendon
    • 1.1What causes this disease?
    • 1.2Clinical picture of the disease
    • 1.3Basic therapeutic methods
  • 2Bursitis Achilles tendon: treatment, causes, symptoms
    • 2.1Achillesback of the ankle
    • 2.2Causes of appearance
    • 2.3Symptoms of the disease
    • 2.4Diagnosis of Achillobursitis
    • 2.5Treatment of Achillobursitis at home
    • 2.6Treatment of Achillobursitis with folk remedies
    • 2.7Complications
    • 2.8Rehabilitation period
  • 3Ankle bursitis: treatment of Achillobursitis
    • 3.1Types of bursitis of lower limbs and causes of Achillobursitis
    • 3.2Signs indicating a problem
    • 3.3Principles of treatment
    • 3.4Application of traditional medicine recipes, compresses
    • 3.5Traditional medicine - means taken internally
  • 4Effective treatment of Achillobursitis. Achillesbourgitis: symptoms, causes and treatment
    • 4.1A little anatomy
    • 4.2Causes of the disease
    • 4.3Symptoms of bursitis
    • 4.4Diagnosis of the disease
    • 4.5Disease therapy
    • 4.6Conservative treatment
    • 4.7Surgery
    • 4.8Treatment of bursitis: we treat with our own hands
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Achilles bursitis

Methods of treatment of the ankle tendon of the Achilles tendon

With the disease, Achilles bursitis treatment should be comprehensive. Under this diagnosis is understood the inflammatory process, flowing in the tissues surrounding the joint.

Albert's disease affects the synovial membrane of the Achilles tendon, which causes the formation of an inflammatory fluid. As a result, the tissues swell, the joint loses its inherent mobility.

The inflammatory process is most often localized at the junction of the Achilles tendon with the heel.

What causes this disease?

In Achillobursitis, the causes can be different, the main one being excessive load on the joint. The disease is often found in athletes and individuals whose work is associated with a constant standing in a standing position. To lead to inflammation of the periarticular tissues can:

  • wearing shoes with high heels;
  • penetration of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • excess weight;
  • ankle injury;
  • arthritis.

A prolonged course of the inflammatory process often leads to rupture of the tendon.

If there is any provoking factor, a person should carefully monitor his health.

When the first symptoms of Achillobursitis appear, you should consult a traumatologist or orthopedist, do not try to get rid of the disease yourself.

Clinical picture of the disease

Bursitis Achilles tendon - an extremely unpleasant disease. It is able to significantly limit the mobility of the joint and worsen the quality of life of the patient. The ankle swells, increases in size, the skin turns red.

The symptoms that arise with achilloburisite give the patient a lot of trouble. Severe pain interferes with normal movement, the strongest it becomes in the morning or after a long walk.

In order to detect this disease, you must carefully monitor the condition of the ankle.

If there is pain when using the foot as a support, you need to listen to your body and identify other symptoms of the pathology.

Restriction of mobility of the joint is manifested by difficulties when getting on the socks. Perhaps the appearance of swelling and hyperemia in the heel. The pain that occurs in the morning subsides to the middle of the day, but it intensifies with increased physical exertion.

Often there are cramps calf muscles. In the late stages of Achillobursitis, symptoms appear brighter. Body temperature often rises to febrile values. Pain takes a pulsating character, redness covers new areas of the skin.

In acute bursitis Achilles tendon treatment is carried out surgically.

How to treat Achilles?

Basic therapeutic methods

Treatment of this disease has several directions. Its effectiveness is enhanced by the simultaneous use of several methods. Therapeutic course includes:

  • taking medicines;
  • surgical intervention;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • UHT;
  • reducing the load on the joint;
  • folk ways.

Since the inflammation of the tendon promotes the appearance of severe pain, treatment should begin with the removal of this symptom.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are injected into the joint bag, which provides a quick result. Ophthalmic ointment is applied externally.


Shockwave therapy is the most effective way of treating Achillesbursitis. He practically has no side effects and contraindications.


The wave penetrates into the tissues and eliminates the signs of inflammation, without disturbing the functions of the joint. The number of sessions of wave therapy is determined by the stage of the disease. The break between the procedures is 3-6 days.

Treatment of achillobursitis without medications is also possible. To do this, use tight bandages and fixation devices. During the period of treatment, you should wear comfortable shoes with a low heel, preferably orthopedic.

If you have excess weight, you observe a special diet. If the methods described above are ineffective, the attending physician decides on the surgical intervention.

Operation is often the only way to get rid of this unpleasant disease. During the surgical intervention, the specialist opens the joint bag and assesses the condition of the affected area.

In the presence of pronounced destructive changes, thickening of tissues and damage to bone surfaces, a reconstructive operation is required.

When the tendon ruptures the tissue is sewn, the hematoma and the injured parts of the joint are removed. After this, the integrity of the joint bag is restored. The plasticity of the Achilles tendon is shown if more than a month has passed since the damage of the tissues.

Traditional methods of treating ailobursitis can be supplemented with folk. The most effective is the following remedy. Black radish rubbed on a fine grater and wrapped in a napkin. The compress is applied to the heel area and left for an hour.

Before the procedure, the skin must be applied with olive oil.

Help get rid of unpleasant sensations with apples with lard. It is applied to the affected area and left overnight. Before applying the compress you need to take a hot foot bath.


The flesh of aloe is mixed with honey and vodka in the ratio 3 and used as a compress. Cabbage leaf possesses anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is applied to the affected area at night.


Used in the treatment of achillobursitis and cold. A hot-water bottle with ice is applied to the affected area for 5-10 minutes. It helps to get rid of pain and swelling, reduces the intensity of inflammation.

A source:

Bursitis Achilles tendon: treatment, causes, symptoms

In ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases 10 revision), there is a 13th class that provides a group of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.

In this class, the codes M65-M68 hides one of the most common chronic diseases "Achilles tendon bursitis."

This article contains all the latest information on the bursitis of the Achilles tendon and its treatment.

Achillesback of the ankle

Treatment of ankle

Bursitis Achilles is a disease of the ligamentous apparatus of the lower leg, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the periarticular tendon bag. The disease develops relatively quickly and is primarily associated with repeated microtrauma ligaments.

Around the tendon is a periarticular bag, which is formed of synovial tissue. Her inflammation is always accompanied by accumulation in the lumen of a bag of fluid with a large amount of epithelial tissue and white blood cells.

Inflammation often descends from the lower leg and affects the ankle joint. It is theoretically impossible to link these diseases into one, but in practical medicine these 2 states are rarely found separately.

Causes of appearance

For successful treatment of any disease it is necessary to clearly determine its cause, then influencing the etiological factors of the disease can not only prevent the progression of the condition, but also completely get rid of From him.

The appearance of diseases of the Achilles tendon is mainly related to its traumatization. It is interesting that young people who lead an active lifestyle, athletes (runners), ballet dancers or climbers are at high risk of developing the disease.

Achillitis is most often diagnosed already in a chronic stage, when the injuries he has healed are so great that it is almost impossible to heal them completely.

Factors contributing to the development of Achillobursitis:

  1. Chronic microtrauma. Often observed in professional athletes. This is related to the peculiarity of the training process and the preparation of children for start-ups, concerts, etc.
  2. A large number of microtraumas in a short period of time. This often happens with young children aged 13-14 years. During this period there is an increased growth of bones in length, while muscles and tendons do not have time to change. In response to the load, there are violations of the histological integrity of the ligament, leading to an inflammatory process.
  3. An untreated acute inflammatory process in the tendon or a misfit Achilles rupture.
  4. Wearing shoes with high heels, without instep.
  5. The use of footwear is not designed for sports loads (running in sneakers).

In any case, all the causes and conditions provoking the occurrence of Achillobursitis can be combined into the column "prolonged overload of Achilles".

After the shot, the athlete begins to move sharply and this causes a slight disruption of the histological structure of the ligament. Of course, Achilles are the most powerful tendon in the human body, but it also consists of fibroblastic cells that have the property of tearing.

Symptoms of the disease

Any inflammation is accompanied by the same signs:

  • redness;
  • edema;
  • violation of function;
  • pain;
  • increase in temperature at the site of inflammation.

The inflammation of the Achilles tendon is no different. First of all, it is necessary to note the nature of the pain along the posterior surface of the shin.

It is rarely acute.

Often the sensations have the character of dull, aching pain that subsides when the leg is raised, a bandage is applied to fix the ankle and foot.

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The first signs of Achillobursitis:

  1. Pain when moving in the area of ​​the heel, gastrocnemius muscle and ankle.
  2. A crunch and a feeling of friction when you move your foot.
  3. Edema at the point of pain.
  4. Raise the temperature of the limb (to the touch, the leg will be hot).
  5. Pain when walking, running, changing leg position.

Diagnosis of Achillobursitis

Diagnosis of inflammation of the Achilles tendon is based on a thorough and detailed study of the patient's complaints. It is important to clarify which symptom is the first, where the pain in the ankle is localized, how the pain moves when the heel is raised above the floor level.

When examining the lower limb, much attention should be paid to the posterior surface of the tibia: is there any superficial bruises, abrasions, scars, confirming the presence of trauma. In the photo of a sick leg, you can often see hemorrhages and edema in its place, which probably speaks about a joint injury, rather than inflammation of the periarticular bag.

From the instrumental method of diagnosis using an x-ray machine and ultrasound.

Only if you link all the data obtained by the above methods can you easily diagnose bursitis Achilles tendon.

X-rays are a quick way to test for the presence of combined injuries of the shin bones and neighboring joints. You can also easily determine whether there are dislocations and growths on the peroneal, tibial and heel bone.

Treatment of Achillobursitis at home

Treatment of the foot after stretching

It is necessary to treat achillobursitis immediately after diagnosis or even if it is suspected, because the result and duration of therapy depend on it.

At home, uncomplicated inflammations can be treated that are not accompanied by a violation of the patency of blood vessels, a violation of the integrity of bone structures.

Also, a prerequisite is strict observance of the resting of the diseased leg, that is, one should not step on or perform any other movements in the joint until the acute symptoms of inflammation disappear.

Be sure to consult a doctor before self-medication, which will confirm or deny the correctness of the diagnosis and the prescribed treatment.

Edit dislocation, bone damage or self-immobilize the limb is not recommended, as this can exacerbate the course of the disease.

How to be treated at home:

  1. The first 3 days to the place of pain in the foot apply cold compresses. You can use a rubber bubble (heating pad) with ice cubes. Cold water in this case is not suitable, since such an aggregate state of water increases the cooling area, which is not always a positive effect.
  2. 5-6 times a day, with light tapping movements, apply gel-like anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, indomethacin, etc.) to the pain area.
  3. From 4-5 days of the disease, alternation of anti-inflammatory gels with ointments of reflex action (finalgon) will not prevent. Any cream with an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect is suitable. But you need to remember that applying any cream medicines especially to damaged skin can trigger allergic reactions.
  4. At the expressed inflammatory processes it is possible to do lotions with dimexide, analgin, hydrocortisone in a solution with water or alcohol in a proportion: respectively.
  5. With severe pain, you can make an intramuscular injection of NSAIDs (baralgetas, diclofenac, analgin).

The main way to recover from achillobursitis at home is immobilization and rest for the limb.

Treatment of Achillobursitis with folk remedies

The most effective and justified method of treating Achilles tendonitis inflammation with folk remedies is alcohol or vodka compresses.

To prepare such a compress you need to take chilled alcohol or vodka (moonshine), wet a bandage or gauze in it, folded into several layers.


Apply on the whole surface of pain, cover with polyethylene (foil) and top with a warm scarf. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours.


If for 14 days daily perform this treatment the symptoms of the disease significantly To decrease, but it is necessary to understand that finally folk methods of inflammatory processes are never cure.


With improperly prescribed treatment or non-compliance with the recommendations of a physician, ahibursite can be complicated by crepitating achillitis. This condition is characterized by ossification (ossification) of the tendon, which leads to disruption of gait and disability of the patient.

Such a condition can be treated exclusively by an operative route or with the help of a laser method. Feedback on the correction of the disease with a laser positive in 95% of cases.

Although the recovery period after this type of treatment is significantly less than after the surgical intervention.

Rehabilitation period

After elimination of inflammatory processes in the tendon, it is necessary to start restoring limb function. For this purpose it is necessary to visit LFK for at least 14 days.

It will not hurt the electrostimulation of the gastrocnemius muscle, during which a shock wave pulse will pass through the copper electrodes, stimulating muscle contraction to the right moment.

Such procedures will shorten the rehabilitation period as much as possible and prevent the recurrence of the disease and its complications.

A source:

Ankle bursitis: treatment of Achillobursitis

Bursitis is a pathology in which inflammation of the periarticular bags occurs.

In medicine, there are several types of bursitis, but regardless of the form of the disease, its main characteristic is a partial loss of motor activity in the joint.

Puffiness of tissues and fluid accumulation can be observed, as a result of which the tissues become denser.

Types of bursitis of lower limbs and causes of Achillobursitis

Bursitis can affect both upper and lower extremities, in the second case, experts divide the disease into:

  1. Bursitis affecting the knee - usually a lesion of the upper or lower popliteal region and subcutaneous zone is observed. The bursa of the knee is diagnosed most often because it is located in close proximity to the skin surface. The development of pathology accompanies puffiness of the lymph nodes, growth in the size of the bursal tissue, pain and slowness of movements.
  2. Ankle bursitis affects the ankles, ankles, this concept includes bursitis of the foot or heel, Achilles bursitis. Bursitis Achilles tendon often develops as a result of trauma improperly matched shoes. With this type of pathology, the swelling of the heel bag is observed, the lesion itself looks like a painful tumor of large size on the heel. Quite often achillobursitis is taken for the so-called "spur" - an infectious inflammatory process in the calcaneal region.
  3. With bursitis developing on the toe, the main sign is a tumor, which gradually transforms into a cone. More often from this type of bursitis suffer representatives of the weaker sex.

As for the causes of the disease, there are several factors that can affect:

  • Injuries in the heel.
  • Improperly selected (excessively tight or uncomfortable) shoes.
  • Excessively high heel.
  • Presence of gout.
  • Elevated loads affecting the Achilles tendon.
  • Complication of infectious pathologies with severe course.
  • Presence of arthritis of the ankle.
  • Systemic joint diseases, pathology of connective tissue.

Signs indicating a problem

The disease brings a lot of trouble not only in the physical plane, the appearance of the affected limb also changes. Treatment of achillobursitis becomes a necessity when the patient is observed:

  • A feeling of pain developing in the tendons or calf muscles.
  • The swelling of the heel develops, the redness of the skin in the affected area is noticeably red.
  • It is very difficult to move an ankle.
  • There is a pain when trying to step on the heel.

Usually, painful attacks occur in the morning. When you try to transfer weight to your fingers, the sensation of pain grows. With the running course of the pathology, an increase in temperature to 40 ° C is noted, the pain becomes pulsating, constantly felt, the tissues of the heel clearly turn red.

Simultaneously with these symptoms, calcination of the bag occurs, the formation of a dense cone begins. Painful sensations are aggravated, the adjacent to the problem zone of the tissue swell, muscle spasms are observed.

When the purulent inflammatory process is formed, general intoxication of the organism is observed, there is a muscular weakness, pain is of a pulsating nature, the treatment of achillobursitis at this stage is possible only by surgical way.

Principles of treatment

Consider how to treat achillobursitis. Before starting therapy, the attending physician usually suggests replacing the shoes for a more comfortable option, ideally, orthopedic models are supposed to be worn. This approach will help to avoid exacerbation of pathology.

As for the fairer sex, heels and high tankers will have to be abandoned.

When a disease is started, when the inflammatory process is too violent, it is recommended to place layers of tissue or cotton wool under the heel, which will reduce the irritation of the affected areas.

To reduce pain, injections of anesthetic, glucocorticosteroid are used.

In the acute stage, the patient will need complete rest, a tight compressive bandage is applied to the heel, compresses impregnated with medicinal drugs, or apply the treatment of folk remedies (it should be remembered that in the absence of a confirmatory diagnosis, traditional medicine is used is forbidden).

In the case of chronic achillobursitis, the treatment process involves the following stages:

  1. The exudate is removed.
  2. Purify the synovial bag by washing, using antimicrobials, antiseptics or anesthetics.
  3. With purulent etiology, a puncture of the bag and rinsing with the listed preparations is made.
  4. Such treatment at home is strictly prohibited, the procedure is carried out exclusively in the hospital.

In advanced cases, it may be necessary to remove the heel bone. However, this method is quite safe and ends for the patient favorably.

Application of traditional medicine recipes, compresses

With the development of bursitis ankle joint treatment will be more effective in the case of complex measures. So, traditional medicine is often supplemented with recipes of traditional medicine. Let's consider what means are the most popular and effective:

  1. Healers recommend using for the compresses root horseradish or bitter radish. For cooking, vegetable components are crushed together with the peel with a grater, the resulting gruel is placed on the gauze layer, and then placed on the affected area. The exposure time is 60 minutes. To avoid burns, the skin is previously lubricated with glycerin or oil. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening hours. The course of treatment is three weeks.
  2. When Achillobursitis occurs, the treatment can be carried out using dry warming of the salt in a pan heated by a frying pan. The warm-up time is half an hour, after which it is necessary to oil the affected area with oil, from above put on a tight toe.
  3. Effective means - fresh not salted bacon. Before using it, the affected area is well stripped. Top of the lard is put on, a sock is put on to fix this peculiar compress. This bandage is kept on the foot throughout the night.
  4. Well helps the root of burdock - dry ingredient is ground, a large spoonful of funds pour a glass of vodka and insist for 14 days. Then make alcohol compresses. The duration of the treatment course is 20 days.
  5. Simple treatment with folk remedies - use of ordinary cabbage leaf, which is applied to a painful patch at night.
  6. For compresses, fresh calanchoe can be used, after placing the leaves of the plant in a cold place for two days. After that, the leaves are slightly beaten and applied to the affected area, fixing with a bandage. The compress is held for four hours. Therapy lasts for a week.
  7. Apply thin plates of raw chipped potatoes, which overlay the diseased area. Above, the potatoes are covered with cellophane film and wrapped with a warm woolen cloth. Compresses are applied at night every day.
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Traditional medicine - means taken internally

With the development of achillobursitis, both external and internal remedies can be used, we consider the most popular medicinal compositions:

  1. Actively used products of beekeeping - take seven parts of crushed propolis and mix them with one part of butter (creamy). Means take inside before meals with one small spoon. Treatment is carried out for a week.
  2. Use a mixture containing the same amount of apple cider vinegar and honey. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then a small spoon of the composition is diluted in 200 ml of water. The remedy should be taken in the morning and evening hours.
  3. Take the bark of willow, crush, a large spoonful of funds pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist the composition of 20 minutes. Take the drug three times a day in the amount of one large spoon. The course of treatment is seven days.
  4. Prepare a tincture of St. John's wort, for which two large spoons of plants pour 500 ml of vodka and insist in the dark for 14 days. Then the product is filtered, taken three times a day as follows - in half a glass of warm water, 30 drops of tincture are dissolved. Treatment is carried out for ten days.
  5. Burdock root is crushed, put into a thermos two large spoons of the plant, pour 250 ml of steep boiling water. After the agent is infused, it is filtered and drunk before meals with two large spoons in the morning, evening and afternoon hours. Therapy is carried out for ten days.
  6. You can use poplar buds - two small spoons of the substance are poured with 250 ml of boiling water and insist in for one and a half hours, after which it is filtered and taken three times a day in an amount of one large spoons.

A source:

Effective treatment of Achillobursitis. Achillesbourgitis: symptoms, causes and treatment

The human body is a rather complex mechanism, but its structure is the best fit for the functions performed. This is well traced on the example of joints. Each of them, and there are many of them in the skeleton, is at the same time a strong and mobile connection.

The strength of the joint is provided primarily by the synovial bag and tendons. It happens that this mechanism breaks down and bursitis develops.

This disease is divided into different species depending on localization.

In this article, I would like to discuss the symptoms and causes, as well as the treatment of achillobursitis, which occurs most often.

A little anatomy

Achilles tendon, which comes from the triceps muscle of the lower leg to the calcaneus, is considered one of the most durable in the human body.

The triceps muscle in its lower part passes into the Achilles tendon. When it contracts, the foot bends. It is thanks to her work that we can stand on socks.

She takes part in various movements, from ordinary walking and ending with jogging and jumping.


If this muscle is constantly experiencing heavy loads, then there may be problems in the normal work of the Achilles tendon.


The bursa, or bag, is filled with a liquid that facilitates sliding in the joint. With its inflammation, a disease such as bursitis occurs.

Between the lower part of the tendon and the calcaneus is the bag of the Achilles tendon, if it becomes inflamed, the Achilles bursitis develops.

Symptoms, causes and treatment of bursitis will be discussed in more detail.

Causes of the disease

There is bursitis, usually from excessive physical exertion. This often happens in athletes, but, in addition, there are some other reasons that can lead to this problem:

  • wearing shoes with high heels (this problem is purely feminine);
  • hematogenous or lymphogenic infection; the inflammatory process in the bursa can lead to rupture of the tendon;
  • excess weight;
  • injuries and bruises of the heel;
  • tight and uncomfortable shoes;
  • arthritis of the ankle.

If there is at least one of the listed items, then you need to closely monitor your joints and pay attention to their own feelings, so that if necessary, in time to begin treatment Achillobursita.

Symptoms of bursitis

The first sign of this disease is most often pain that spreads along the Achilles tendon along the posterior surface of the shin. You can also observe:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • exacerbation of pain while walking.

If at this time to wear uncomfortable shoes, then the situation is further exacerbated. Gradually the inflammatory process spreads throughout the tendon, even the lower part of the triceps muscle swells up.

If suddenly the Achilles tendon ruptures, it is determined by the characteristic crunch, and the place of damage becomes swollen and painful. A person is very limp, but it's impossible to stand on socks.

We examined achillobursitis (symptoms). Treatment at home will be described below, and now we will talk about the diagnosis of this disease.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is not particularly difficult. The doctor talks with the patient, asks him about the sensations, the symptoms, he feels the foot. Surveillance often delivers pain to the patient, but the doctor must make sure that the tendon is intact and safe.

When very little time has passed since the moment of rupture, it can be determined by the swelling of the lower leg and the foot, and also by the hematoma. In the course of the examination, the doctor discovers an occlusion at the site of the tendon rupture. If you ask the patient to bend the foot, then he will not be able to do this.

The doctor prescribes bursitis of the foot - achillobursitis, and the methods of treatment will be selected after the specified studies.

  • Since soft tissues are poorly visualized on an x-ray, the patient is assigned ultrasound, which allows to determine the place of rupture of the tendon.
  • MRI is considered an even more accurate method, since the tissue structure is clearly visible.

Both these methods do not require preparation, but they accurately confirm or disprove the diagnosis of the doctor, and also allow To determine what treatment for Achillobursitis is required, whether surgery is necessary for the patient or it is possible to manage the medication therapy.

Disease therapy

Treatment of bursitis is carried out in several directions. It will be more effective if you conduct a whole range of procedures. The following treatment methods can be distinguished:

  • drug therapy;
  • shock-wave;
  • restriction of physical activity;
  • operative intervention;
  • folk ways of treatment.

It will be possible to achieve the best results if several methods are used in a complex.

Conservative treatment

Since the patient's tendon rupture is disturbed by severe pain, first of all it is necessary to carry out anesthesia.

To do this, use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs directly in the tendon.

Also, the doctor usually prescribes an anti-inflammatory ointment as a local remedy.

Treatment of achillobursitis with shock wave therapy is considered the most effective treatment, which is a good alternative to surgical intervention.

This method is good because it does not cause gross violations in the tissues of the body and does not have a negative effect. The number of sessions is usually determined taking into account the severity of the disease.

Between sessions, a break is established for at least three days, but not more than six. This is due to the fact that more than 2000 pulses of medium and low levels should not be submitted for one procedure.

If to speak about not medicamental treatment, then it usually includes the following measures:

  • the imposition of a tight bandage on the damaged area;
  • reduction in physical activity;
  • the need to wear low-heeled shoes;
  • it is desirable that the shoes were orthopedic, or better still make it to order;
  • in some cases you need to get rid of excess weight.
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We examined achillobursitis, symptoms and effective treatment of the disease with the use of medications and other procedures. But if the result of a whole complex of measures is ineffective, then it will be necessary to resort to prompt intervention.


Most often, there is no need to resort to surgical intervention, but there are cases when it is impossible to do without it. If drug therapy and physiotherapy do not give the proper result, the tissues thicken, the inflammatory process does not stop, then surgical treatment is indicated.

The doctor during the operation makes excision of tissues around the tendon and examines it. If there are degenerative changes, thickening of the body, and significant changes, then plastic may be required.

When the rupture is carried out, sewing of tissues, removal of bruises and damaged tissues. After this, the tendon sheath is carefully restored.

If more than 4 weeks have passed since the rupture, then, most likely, plastic Achilles tendon will be required.

Treatment of bursitis: we treat with our own hands

Folk methods can not cope with such a disease, but they can become auxiliary tools in treatment. All methods of such impact can be divided into several groups:

  • compresses;
  • heat;
  • cold;
  • of medicine.

From the compresses you can advise the following.

  1. Grate the black radish, wrap it in a napkin and attach to the joint for 1 hour. Before use, lubricate the place of application with vegetable oil. The procedure should be carried out twice a day.
  2. A good effect is the application of fresh unsalted fat to the heel. Before this leg should be well steam out, attach a piece of fat and fix it. You can do this procedure at night.
  3. Take 1 part of aloe, 2 parts of honey and 3 parts of vodka, mix everything and put a compress on the night for a sore spot.
  4. A fresh cabbage leaf, attached to the heel at night, helps a lot.

The effective method is the effect of heat:

  • use a salt or water heater;
  • the red-hot brick also fits; with the help of it you need to warm up the joint for about 30 minutes, and then lubricate with oil and wrap it around;
  • you can warm up the seeds of flax, put in a linen bag and attach to the leg.

The opposite of heat is cold, which can also alleviate the condition of the patient. To do this, you can attach a hot water bottle with ice water to the damaged area. Cold can reduce pain.

We examined achillobursitis, symptoms and effective treatment of this disease. It should be noted that not only athletes, but also ordinary people can get such ailment.

Such cases are often enough, because of injuries in this area no one is immune: sometimes enough unsuccessful jump - and the inflammatory process is already started.


At the first sign of the disease, you should not resort immediately to home methods of treatment. It is better to see a doctor so that the therapy is as effective as possible. Only in this case it will be possible to avoid surgical intervention.


A source: http://.ru/article/195054/effektivnoe-lechenie-ahillobursita-ahillobursit-simptomyi-prichinyi-i-lechenie

Achilles bursitis

External manifestations of the disease - pain in the heel when walking, redness and swelling of the ankle. Against the background of infection, severe consequences are possible: purulent bursitis, sepsis, phlegmon.

There are several causes of Achillobursitis. Most Frequent:

  • a long load on the joints of the legs, after which the body does not have time to recover: running, uncomfortable shoes, walking on high heels, overweight;
  • Secondary infection with trauma;
  • rheumatoid arthritis: the inflammatory process passes to the synovial bag of the tendon and provokes the development of achillobursitis;
  • other joint diseases;
  • infection.

Achilles bursitis (like the rest of bursitis) occurs when exudate accumulates in the synovial bag of the tendon - an inflammatory fluid that causes edema and tissue tightness. Due to achillobursitis, the functionality of the ankle joint is lost.

Achillesbursitis can manifest itself in acute and chronic form. Inflammatory process - one-sided or bilateral (on both legs).

In cases where achillobursitis is detected in combination with inflammation of other joints, one of the likely causes is rheumatoid arthritis.

If the tendon is affected only on one leg, Achilles bursitis is previously defined as traumatic.

The main symptoms of Achillobursitis are:

  • strong pain in the Achilles tendon and in the heel during walking, which do not stop at rest. Pain can spread to the entire ankle;
  • redness and swelling of the skin in the affected area;
  • edema in the ankle area, similar in shape to the spindle;
  • limited mobility of the ankle;
  • in acute disease, the body temperature rises to 38 or more degrees;
  • With continued stress on the affected joint, a tendon rupture is possible.

Classification of bursitis is carried out on several parameters:

  • the course of the disease - acute, chronic, relapsing;
  • type of pathogen - nonspecific (trauma, etc.), specific. Specific are divided by type of infection;
  • composition of exudate.

At the first stage, the doctor performs a visual examination of the affected tendon, fixes the symptoms and the nature of the course of the disease from the patient's words. Further diagnostics are performed by instrumental and laboratory methods.

Laboratory methods include the analysis of synovial fluid and a blood test for determining the level of urea.

Instrumental method - fluoroscopy: images show the nature of joint changes, assumptions about the onset of the disease - trauma or rheumatoid causes are made.

Based on the data received, a decision is made on how to treat achillobursitis.

How to treat achillobursitis, depends on the form of the disease:

  1. The acute form. Fixation of the joint with gypsum lantetum. Drug treatment of Achillobursitis: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, hormone injections into the joint.
  2. Chronic form. Periodic cleaning of synovial bag from inflammatory fluid, washing with antiseptics. In an extreme case, the operative removal of a part of the calcaneus.
  3. Purulent form. Mandatory punctures, washing bags. In severe cases, the joint capsule is opened and drainage is established. Secondary healing is performed without suturing the wound.

At the beginning of treatment the inflammatory process is stopped. Then follows the recovery stage (restoration of the joint tissues). The third stage is prevention, prevention of relapse.

At the first stage, the joint is rest (fix, apply a warming or pressure bandage).

Further, the treatment of achillobursitis is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor at home.

To remove the pain syndrome and treatment of Achillobursitis, Vishnevsky ointment, gels and ointments with anesthetics are used.

If the condition does not normalize, the joint capsule is punctured. An inflamed fluid is pumped out, antibiotics and glucocorticoids are injected into the joint cavity.

Glucocorticoids block the movement to the inflammatory focus of tissue-destroying enzymes (nuclease, protease, etc.), neutralize their activity. Minimize vascular permeability, localize the inflammatory process.

Strengthen the action of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

With prolonged course of Achillobursitis, with the development of purulent bursitis surgical methods are used:

  • puncture of inflammatory fluid;
  • partial excision or dissection of the synovial bag;
  • removal of its upper wall;
  • tamponing;
  • removal of the synovial bag without its opening.

After surgical intervention, measures are taken to quickly heal tissues.

At the stage of rehabilitation recommended therapeutic exercises, massage, physiotherapy procedures.

Possible treatment of Achillobursitis folk remedies - plant tinctures and compresses.


The scheme of treatment of Achillobursitis with the help of folk remedies must be agreed with the attending physician and regularly visited to monitor the condition.


Prevention is to prevent the recurrence of symptoms of the disease and to eliminate its possible causes. As applied to Achillobursitis, this means:

  • avoid injuries. In the first place - injuries of the affected joint;
  • use in everyday life, fixatives to protect the joint capsule;
  • in time to treat wounds with antiseptic compounds, prevent suppuration and development of inflammatory processes.

The right choice of shoes and balanced nutrition are necessary to prevent the development of the disease.

The main requirement for choosing shoes is convenience:

  • avoid close models that worsen blood flow;
  • avoid hard backs;
  • it is advisable to use orthopedic insoles;
  • women who spend most of their time on high heels are not recommended frequent sharp transitions from the heels to the flat sole.

You need to watch for food to minimize excess weight, which creates an increased burden on the musculoskeletal system.

Do not recommend radical measures - hunger strikes, overly stringent diet. It is important to observe the regime, not to eat at night. Eliminate fatty foods from the diet. In the rest, adhere to a balanced diet.

The most useful vegetables - zucchini, pumpkin, garlic, onions - contain zinc, which helps strengthen joints. Recommended porridge, whole wheat bread, low-fat meat and fish dishes.

Gelatin is useful for the restoration of cartilage.

To develop a diet tailored to the individual characteristics of the body should consult with your doctor.

A balanced diet, the correct regime will help to remove extra pounds, contribute to the speedy restoration of joint tissues, cleaning of blood vessels, improving the body as a whole, strengthening the immune system system.

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