How to deal with a runny nose at home

How to quickly cure a runny nose at home: effective methods

Rhinitis is a very unpleasant disease that has many causes. Treatment of the common cold is carried out depending on the nature of its origin and the nature of the course. Many people want to learn how to quickly cure a cold in the home, because to visit the clinic does not always work.Some people wish to cure rhinitis in one day, however, in such a short time, it is impossible to get rid of the symptoms of the disease, you can only improve the patient's well-being.

How correctly to treat a rhinitis?

Before starting treatment it is important to determine the causes of the disease. It is also necessary to choose the right medicine and an effective method of treatment. Obligatory actions in the common cold should be such events:
  • washing of nasal passages;
  • use of correct drugs;
  • administration of inhalations;
  • application of warming compresses.

To cure a runny nose at home, you need to wash your nose with special solutions. It is known that recovery can occur only after removal from the body of all pathogenic microorganisms, which is what the washing procedure is directed at

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nasopharynx. Therapy is carried out in the morning and in the evening, washing the nose until absolutely clean water or a solution without mucus admixtures begins to flow from the nasal passages. To prepare a solution for washing the nose, take a spoonful of salt on a glass of water. Adults can wash the nose with a decoction of beetroot, which has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the mucosa. To carry out at home, fast treatment of the common cold can be done using such a solution: a liter of water is taken a teaspoon of salt, l. soda, 5 drops of iodine.

After the nasal passages are cleaned, you can apply drops from the cold. Among the drops that help with the common cold, homeopathic, vasoconstrictive, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed.

Vasoconstrictors are mainly prescribed for the purpose of removing puffiness, they do not have a therapeutic effect.

Folk methods against rhinitis

If you seek help with traditional medicine, how to cure a runny nose at home, you can find many effective and safe methods. You can use such methods of treatment of the disease:

  1. Soap your finger with soap and apply it to the nose from the inside, carry out the procedure three times a day. This method can also carry out prevention procedures, which will reduce the likelihood of developing rhinitis.
  2. The mustard will help get rid of rhinitis. To do this, attach to the feet mustard plaster or pour mustard in the socks, leaving it for the night. Foot baths with mustard are also useful for colds. After the procedure, the nasal breathing and well-being of the patient improve.
  1. Onion is an effective remedy that will help with a cold. You can breathe in pairs of chopped onions, and it is also useful to keep onion gruel on the wings of the nose, wrapping it in a napkin. The compress should be kept on the wings of the nose for 15 minutes, repeat the procedure 4 times a day. In the nose, you can also insert small cotton swabs, soaked in onion juice.Drops of onions diluted with water: remove inflammation of the mucosa, improve nasal breathing, destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
  2. With a cold, children often use beetroot juice with honey. Take 1/3 h. l. honey, dilute it in a tablespoon of water, mix with a teaspoon of beet juice. Warm and drip into the nose 7 drops every 2 hours.
  3. At a question as in house conditions to cure a rhinitis, many people recommend to use juice of an aloe and kalanchoe. When a combination of these two plants produces a powerful medicine for rhinitis of bacterial and viral origin. In addition to the destruction of bacteria and viruses, the nasal cavity is well cleansed of mucus due to the sneezing property of the Kalanchoe. Mixing the juices, you need to drip 4 drops 3 times a day.
  4. The juice of the viburnum is also something that will help with the common cold. To prepare the medicine you need to mix a glass of vine juice with a glass of honey, but the prepared product is not intended for outdoor use, but for internal use. It should be taken on a tablespoon three times a day. The product should be kept in the refrigerator, but you need to drink it in a warm form. As a rule, mucus from the nose goes out within a day from the start of treatment.
Nasal warming is another method that will help with a cold. The procedure uses a warm boiled egg or salt, which is wrapped and applied to a sore spot. Cure a runny nose will help steam inhalation, for which natural ingredients are used. Onion, garlic and horseradish finely chopped, put in a pan with hot water, breathe over healing couples, closing your eyes. A good therapeutic effect in the affected mucosa is eucalyptus oil, a few drops should be poured into warm water, breathed for 10 minutes. This essential oil is also useful to lubricate the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

If you need to cure a runny nose in a child, such essential oils are suitable:

  • fir;
  • mint;
  • orange, lemon, grapefruit;
  • pine;
  • oil of thuja.

In pregnancy, the runny nose should be treated with special care, excluding the use of drugs dangerous to the mother and child. It is important to know how to treat a cold in the home, because it is not always possible to consult a specialist.

How to treat a runny nose at home?


Insomnia Insomnia

Broom and drip the aloe. The nose will pass well, the sensations are not pleasant, but the effect is worth it. Better than any drops.

Evgeny Ustalov


Bakyt Kadyrov

first blow your nose, then have a drink of hot tea, wrap yourself in a blanket and lie on your back helps me :)

епуцке canon280

There is no such person in the world who would not know this unpleasant disease, it makes us less sexy and attractive, prevents us from sleeping and creates a lot of inconvenience. Women of different ages were interviewed, as a result of these surveys, 80% confessed that they preferred Do not show up in public places in this form, and feel embarrassed about their own, reddened from a cold nose. And, of course, meetings, meetings and similar events are often delayed until full recovery. Treatment of a common cold at home, we learn from this publication. With a cold you need to fight in all possible ways, and our advice will help you.

Methods to combat colds at home

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Let's seriously talk about how to treat a cold and what a runny nose is. In autumn and winter, we often encounter colds and catch colds. Rhinitis or rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, and is a symptom of ARVI, ARI and so on.

The causes of rhinitis, when various irritants, allergens, bacteria and various viruses enter the nasal mucosa of the nose, causing inflammation.

To treat rhinitis use different inhalations with different oils (eucalyptus, mint), vitamins, homeopathic remedies, antibacterial, antiviral, vasoconstrictive drops in the nose. All this is done according to the doctor's prescription, depending on the degree of manifestation of rhinitis, the course and nature of the onset.

A few tips for a cold:
1. Drops for the nose should be changed every three days, because it is getting used to the drops and their effectiveness decreases.
2. You should not abuse vasoconstrictive drops for the nose, and if you misuse them, you can only worsen the condition.
3. If you blow your nose often, it can clear the back of the pharynx, from the accumulated sputum.
4. It is advisable to consume a large amount of fluid during a runny nose, this will keep your nose moist.
5. For the nose, one should use nasal disposable handkerchiefs.

A zombie farm

In no case do not use drops for more than 3 days, there may be a dependence and then without them you can not breathe at all

Boris Sergeyev

Radish you eat and a lot. You will be immune to the weak juice of the radish... and everything will pass, for half a day. Only if the kidneys are healthy

Galina Osetrova

The best thing I've ever tried is to take the central stem from the head of garlic. Burn it and smell the smoke. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day, depending on the abundance of the common cold.

Guys help please!!! As in the home, fight with the common cold ((atom drugs spoiled



Cure a common cold of all origin

Artur Vagazov

write in the search engine "how to cure a runny nose at home" !!!

Ira Gorskaya

chamomile to drip with a camomile.

Natasha Shkir (Shpakova)

buy a device for washing the nose dolphin and cold is not present


If there is no allergy - juice of fresh beets. Tweaks strongly, but effectively.

Danilova Anna

salt of sea taste in a mug with warm water!!! and drink the water of this every nostril. at the same time try to open your mouth (so that nothing gets into your ears from the inside)


cut the onion finely and breathe over it, just close your eyes! a speedy recovery to you!

Ivan Ivanov

juice of beets, aloe, honey one to one all (even from a genyantritis helps as an auxiliary means-it is checked up on itself), and in general ANAFERON under the instruction-SUPER !!!

Natalia Tolkach

Runny nose is a common cold. If the common cold is one thing. If allergic is different. The genyantritis can be, a pharyngitis. We need to find out what you have. And then take action.


If you want to forget about him completely, get the fir oil. Inhalation, 5 drops \ since this is real \ a not so 10. hide over your pelvis and breathe through your nose, everything will fly out. And in the morning, wet your finger with fir and gently anoint your nostrils. First you will burn, inflamed after all, and after 2 - 3 days you will forget about them. CHECKED FOR THE FAMILY AND FOR YOURSELF PERSONALLY.

Help How to deal with a runny nose in a house condition? urgently


Alive Vodičk

Keep your throat clean and clean your nose. And the stomach needs to be cured.

Love Dolmatova

Kalanchoe... And sneeze, sneeze


By popular means:
The most effective way

Valery von Oglio

Put a piece of stale bread on the fork, hold it over the fire (for example, with gas), until the smoke begins. Inhale this smoke, but, of course, so as not to burn.
Then the kitchen is ventilated.

Alexey .

With a runny nose you can not fight... Runny nose is the exit of dead lymphocytes.. drip with naphthyzin and pus will go to the lymph. It is necessary to remove the inflammation that contributes to the development of pus.

Masha Mysh

Rinse your nose! This is a very ancient and effective procedure. Here it is well described how to do [the link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]

How to deal with cold in pregnancy? It seems like she was dressing warmly, but she was cold, the cold just tortured her.



Pinosol, bioparox, they can be used during pregnancy. although they do not help everyone.. And can at you an allergic rhinitis?


In pregnancy, to fight something, you need to go to the doctor, so as not to harm the future child


Try to breathe over freshly cooked potatoes, helps for the throat and nose.

The old woman for 40

It can be and an allergy on any products or vitamins


Coryza may be of an allergic nature.


folk remedies, you can cook two chicken eggs, wait until they stop burning and attach to the nose on both sides, very well warm up, try it!


you can set fire to the leg of winter garlic and breathe, or just cut a few cloves of garlic and put next to you, pierce and others do not infect


Bioparox is possible. The doctor advised me. Well helped. You can also aquamaris.


Grippferon and runny nose will cure and the body will strengthen

Lois 333

Try often to rinse your nose with water - into a handful - pulled in a little - blew your nose. I have been doing this for many years, a runny nose rarely happens :)


Spray Aquamaris, bioparox (I used it myself), you can instill carrot juice (more often), drink vitamins (although you surely drink them). It is possible still ointment, type Doctor Mom, on wings of a nose


Try the juice of fresh beets with honey (ochechn shchipet but helps), but from pinosol I was sick and vomited so I still can not see these drops


wash your nose with salt water, do inhalations and drink vitamin C, tea with lemon and honey

Ekaterina Velmisieva

try to drip the aloe juice diluted with water 50/50


bioparox and pinosol can not-can cause allergies. to descend or go with a problem not to the therapist, and to the gynecologist. she should give a direction to a blood test, the shorter will show-infectious. or allergic. problem.


I used drops from the cold for babies.


Aquamaris very well helps


squeeze the juice 1/4 of the onion, add 1/4 teaspoon of honey, 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil and a little aloe juice. Insist for half an hour and drip 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day. If it burns hard, dilute it. oil. You can drip aloe juice, mixed with colanhae. Before instillation, you can drip the halosaline (it can be done during pregnancy) to narrow the capillaries. The main thing is that you do not have any allergies to all the ingredients!


Protargol or Grippferon

malinina katya

if a cold really colds then you must drink hot, bed rest, honey if there is no allergy, aquamaris, nazivin not advise to drip often, it dries the mucous that will increase the snot.. .
and even often in pregnant women become dry mucous and if the air is dry or frequent drops, then the so-called common cold of pregnant women begins, when not snot green, and so something is wet in the nose... in this case, it is necessary to moisten the air and mucous membranes.. the same aquamaris will help... I had such a cold all winter... At home it was passing, and at work it was running wild... escaped with aquamaris. .

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