
width = Pantocrinum is a biostimulator of natural origin, which has a restorative effect and is used for asthenic conditions. The active component of the drug has a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system, the nervous system.

Due to the properties of the active substance, Pantocrin normalizes mineral metabolism, activates enzymatic reactions, positively influences neurological status, promotes an increase efficiency, increases the nonspecific resistance of the organism, motor activity of the intestine, increases the tone of skeletal muscles, normalizes pressure in arterial hypotension.

Amino acids contribute to the normalization of carbohydrate and protein metabolism, disrupted due to the transferred stress, pathological process. Phospholipids stabilize biomembranes, restore ion exchange. The microelements that are part of the Pantocrin preparation are qualitatively and quantitatively the same as the microelements in the human body.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Adaptogenic means.

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Conditions of leave from pharmacies

It is released on prescription.

Price list

How much does Pantocrin cost in pharmacies? Price Pantocrinum in the form of an extract is from 60 rubles, depending on the volume of the bottle. You can buy tablets at a cost of 350 rubles.

Form of issue and composition

Pantocrine with an active substance - an extract of noble deer antlers, is released in the form:

  • Tablets of 75 mg, 150 mg and 250 mg;
  • Liquid extract for oral administration, in vials of 30 ml, 50 ml and 100 ml;
  • Solution for injection, in ampoules of 1 ml and 2 ml.

Pharmacological effect

Active substance Pantocrinum has a stimulating effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular system.

The micronutrients included in Pantokrina in terms of quantitative and qualitative composition are almost identical to the composition of the microelements of the human body. Amino acids contribute to the restoration of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, disrupted as a result of the transferred stress or pathological process. The phospholipids contained in Pantocrin normalize the transmembrane ion exchange and exert a stabilizing effect on the biomembranes.

Thus, Pantocrin, providing a neurotensive effect, thanks to the properties of the active substance:

  1. Increases the general nonspecific resistance of the body;
  2. Normalizes mineral metabolism;
  3. Positively affects the neurological status;
  4. Normalizes blood pressure in arterial hypotension;
  5. Activates the course of enzymatic reactions;
  6. Increases the tone of skeletal muscles;
  7. Promotes increased efficiency and motor activity of the intestine.

In addition, Pantocrine reviews improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and has a pronounced therapeutic effect for the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

Indications for use

Due to the active components of Pantocrin, it is used for the following indications:

  1. A sharp decrease in the body's immune defenses.
  2. Constant fatigue, the need for additional stimulation of the nervous processes in the brain.
  3. Neurasthenia, combined with low blood pressure.
  4. Restoration of the body after severe treatment courses, for example, after chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  5. Violations of potency, erectile function in men of any age.
  6. The need to increase the activity of muscle tissue. Often pantocrine becomes a component of sports nutrition products.
  7. Menopause period in women. The drug helps to improve the condition during hot flushes and normalize sexual function, reduce unpleasant symptoms, which are manifested in the form of headaches, weakness, dizziness. Also, pantocrin brings back to normal sleep, improves mood and enhances sexual desire.

Pantocrin is a broad-spectrum drug that affects all areas of the body, improving its overall condition. This explains the large list of indications for the use of pantocrine. And this tool is prescribed for both men and women.


The drug should be taken only as directed by a doctor. Contraindications to the use of the solution are the following conditions:

  1. Angina pectoris;
  2. Diarrhea;
  3. Heavy forms of jade;
  4. Sleep disorders;
  5. Increased excitability;
  6. Organic heart disease;
  7. Severe atherosclerosis;
  8. Arterial hypertension;
  9. Increased coagulability of blood;
  10. Malignant neoplasms;
  11. Pregnancy and lactation;
  12. Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Children up to the age of 12 are not allowed to take the drug. This is due to the fact that they did not conduct studies on the effect of the medication on the body at an early age and at the stage of its development.

Use in pregnancy and lactation

Since the safety of the drug for intrauterine development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy in general is not proven and experience the use of the extract among pregnant women is absent, Pantocrine solution is not recommended for treatment of expectant mothers.

Since the drug can be excreted in breast milk, the drug is not prescribed for the treatment of nursing mothers. If necessary, the patient should decide whether to stop lactation.

Dosage and route of administration

The instructions for use indicate that for maximum effect, the duration of taking the drug should be at least 2-3 weeks.

The drug in the form of an extract and tablets is recommended for taking half an hour before eating 2-3 r. per day, in order to prevent the course should be repeated three times a year with an interval of 7-10 d.

Pantocrine in the form of injections should be administered 1-2 ml per day subcutaneously or intramuscularly, the duration of the course should not exceed 20 days. If necessary, the course of therapy can be repeated 2-3 r. with an interval of 10 days.

It is recommended to start treatment with elderly patients with small doses, this is necessary to establish a reaction to the active substance.


Side effects

In general, the drug is well tolerated by patients with respect to the prescribed dose. In individuals with increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, the following negative reactions may develop:

  1. Allergic skin rashes.
  2. Headache.
  3. Itching of the skin, hyperemia of the skin, urticaria.
    Change in blood pressure indicators.

As a rule, with a decrease in the recommended dose, side effects go by themselves, without requiring any medical intervention. With the progression of adverse reactions, drug treatment should be discontinued completely and seek medical attention.


Cases of overdose have not been noted, but there may be an aggravation of side effects, mostly of an allergic nature.

special instructions

Patients with severe impairment of kidney function, in particular chronic forms of nephritis, treatment with Pantocrine is contraindicated.

The experience of using the drug among children under the age of 12 is not available, so if necessary, therapy in children is important be sure to consult a doctor, it is possible that a specialist will select a similar remedy for the patient that is authorized for his age.

During the treatment with the drug should be careful when driving a car or complex equipment that requires increased concentration.

Drug Interactions

Simultaneous use of this drug with anticoagulants, calcium salts and some stimulants peristalsis of the intestine can cause a mutual enhancement of effects or lead to a disorder of the gastrointestinal function.


At Pantocrin reviews are mostly positive. Often it is prescribed for addition to sports nutrition. This helps to quickly achieve a general toning effect. In general, men's reviews of Pantocrin are often positive. Most of the reports contain information that for men this remedy is a good support for the body, which increases the vitality.

Patients are often mentioned in the recommendations that the effectiveness of the use manifests itself fairly quickly, as well as it copes well with the effects of stress and increases efficiency. Often mentioned and affordable price for all dosage forms of the drug. Despite positive recommendations, it must be remembered that the remedy should be taken only after consulting a doctor. After all, the effectiveness of the drug depends on the correct dosage and with accurate adherence to the rules of admission.


Analogues of Pantocrin include preparations:

  • On active substance - Pantokrin Pantey;
  • According to the mechanism of action - Herboton, Ginrozine, Biozhensen, Aloe, Befungin, Apilak, Bemitil, Apimikroelfit, Ladasten, Panziol, Milife, Ginrozin, Likol, Limonar, Adaptovit, Amrita, BioSed, Aralia tincture, Gerimax Ginseng, Doppelgerz Vitalotonik, Doppelgerz Ginseng, Dr. Theiss Swedish bitterness, Ginseng biomass dry, Limanowit E, Life 600, Oats tincture, Rhodiola rose rhizomes and roots briquette round.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Keep out of reach of children, protected from light. Observe the temperature regime from 12 to 20 ºС.

Shelf life - 3 years.

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