The sides are sore from both sides from the back: why does pain arise?


  • 1The sides are sore from both sides from the back
    • 1.1Why does the loin on the right hurt?
    • 1.2Syndromes of lumbar pain
    • 1.3Symptoms of the pathological process
    • 1.4The main causes of back pain in the kidney area
    • 1.5Learn more about the reasons
    • 1.6Primary Causes
    • 1.7Secondary causes of back pain
    • 1.8Causes that affect the nature of back pain
    • 1.9Causes of acute pain
    • 1.10Causes of chronic pain
    • 1.11Diseases of internal organs
    • 1.12The back aches in the field of kidneys. What causes pain?
    • 1.13Causes of acute pain in the lower back
  • 2What to do if the sides are sore from both sides from the back: the possible causes of discomfort and ways to eliminate them
    • 2.1Causes of pain syndrome
    • 2.2Features
    • 2.3Diseases of the spine
    • 2.4Kidney Diseases
    • 2.5Pathology of the digestive system
    • 2.6Diseases of the respiratory system
    • 2.7Diagnostics
    • 2.8General rules and effective methods of treatment
  • 3The sides are sore from both sides from the back
    • 3.1The back hurts in the right side, why do the backs hurt?
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.2Why are the sides hurt under the ribs
    • 3.3Sometimes the ribs hurt
    • 3.4At what diseases does it hurt between the ribs
    • 3.5In which cases are the ribs hurt during pregnancy
  • 4The sides are sore from both sides from the back: why does pain arise?
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2Symptoms
    • 4.3Diseases of the spine
    • 4.4Kidney pathology
    • 4.5Diseases of the digestive system
    • 4.6Diseases of the respiratory system
    • 4.7Infectious processes
    • 4.8Injuries
    • 4.9Additional diagnostics
  • 5Why are sore sides on both sides from the back and what should I do in such a situation?

The sides are sore from both sides from the back

Pain in the lower back is a sensation that is familiar to every person, not by hearsay.

Even prolonged exposure in an uncomfortable position can lead to pain and discomfort in the lumbar region.

However, severe pain in the lower back and sides is a dangerous symptom, as they can arise due to the development of the pathological process in the body.

Why does the loin on the right hurt?

Very often, the cause of pain in the right side of the waist may be various pathologies of the internal organs. This condition is associated with diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, intestines, urogenital system, gall bladder and musculoskeletal system.

Characteristically, these pains are both temporary and permanent (or periodic) in nature.

So, temporary pain in the lower back on the right can be triggered by various sharp movements, uncomfortable posture during sitting, as well as an unsuccessful attempt to straighten or bend over.

In the event that back pain, giving in the right side, are periodic in nature, an urgent specialist consultation, since they can signal the development of a chronic inflammatory process in organism.

First of all, the pain that gives to the right, can warn about the initial stage of prostatitis or gynecological pathology.

Sometimes aching lumbar pain is the cause of osteomyelitis.

Simultaneous pain in the right side and in the waist signals about cholecystitis, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, right-sided pneumonia and other internal diseases.

If back pains are given in the sides, this may be a symptom of acute atypical appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, and also certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Syndromes of lumbar pain

  1. Tinea pain in the back of the primary syndrome is caused by degenerative-dystrophic changes of various vertebral parts.

    As a rule, this condition is typical for osteochondrosis, during which bone and cartilage tissues are affected. In the event that the lesion affects the intervertebral joints, spondyloarthrosis is diagnosed.

  2. Secondary syndrome of shingles develops due to curvature of the spine (scoliosis), and also due to other growth diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

    It should be noted that this category also includes arthritis, tumors, various infectious diseases, fractures of the dorsal vertebrae, stroke states that occur in violation of cerebrospinal circulation, STDs and other pathologies of small organs pelvis.

Very often, the cause of severe lumbar pain is the displacement of the intervertebral discs.

There are cases when shingling pain in the lower back signals the development of herpes zoster.

Symptoms of the pathological process

Sometimes shingling or giving back lumbar pain may be the only symptom of any illness. So, with pathologies of the pelvic organs, pain arises in the sacral region, and in cases of diseases of the abdominal cavity organs, it gives to the lumbar region.

Very often shingles retain the characteristics of the pain syndrome of the affected organ.

If the lumbar pain is giving to the left side, there is a suspicion of an inflammatory process in the lower part of the large intestine. As a rule, this condition is accompanied by a violation of the stool, rumbling in the abdomen and increased gas production.

Cramping lumbar pain can signal renal colic.


It should be noted that all shingles or back pains in the side require competent qualified diagnosis, which allows to identify the cause of the disease, and to prescribe adequate treatment.


In this case, additional methods of investigation are the x-ray of the spine, magnetic resonance and computed tomography, as well as compulsory ultrasound of internal organs and laboratory studies blood and urine.

The main causes of back pain in the kidney area

Pain sensations in the subcostal area of ​​the back, at the location of the kidneys, are symptoms of not one disease.

Pain never appears on its own - it reflects the course of pathological processes in the human body.

It is very important to correctly diagnose which pathology provokes these manifestations, then it will be possible to assign effective treatment, both to eliminate symptoms, and for reasons disease.

Learn more about the reasons

The causes of back pain in the kidney area can be divided into two groups:

  1. Primary or vertebrogenic, associated with disorders of the spine;
  2. Secondary, associated with the pathology of internal organs.

Primary Causes

There are the following primary causes, because of which the most common back pain in the kidney area:

  • The main ones are neurologic manifestations of osteochondrosis;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Protrusion of intervertebral discs;
  • Spondylarthrosis of small intervertebral joints;
  • Vertebral fractures;
  • Rachiocampsis.

Secondary causes of back pain

  • Tumors in the spine;
  • Inflammation of the vertebrae caused by infectious diseases (tuberculosis, brucellosis and others);
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Spondylitis;
  • Spinal stroke;
  • Osteomalacia;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • With kidney disease.

Causes that affect the nature of back pain

Pain in the kidney area can be:

Causes of acute pain

  • Sharp spine stretch: back pains are felt on both sides of the spine, they usually do not radiate, but there is a restriction in the movements;
  • Fracture of the lumbar vertebrae: immediately after the injury there is a very severe pain, the back hurts when walking, but gradually the pain sensations fade, and only increases in the sitting position.
  • Displacement of intervertebral discs: there are unilateral back pain in the kidney region, the patient takes a forced position, bent to the right or left side, possibly pinching of the final part of the spinal cord, as a result there is a sensitivity disorder, the Achilles or the knee reflex decreases (or completely disappears), the pelvic functions;
  • Osteoarthritis of intervertebral joints: there is a faceted pain syndrome, which most often manifests itself in the form of unilateral pain on the part of the back, sensitivity disorders appear on the same side and decrease reflexes.

Causes of chronic pain

  • Deforming spondylosis: a syndrome of intermittent claudication appears aching pain in the lower back, weakness and decreased sensitivity (more often in both extremities), soreness increases with walking;
  • Ankylosing spondylarthrosis: young people get sick more often, lumbar pain passes into the hips, restrictions appear in the movements, stiffness in the morning, curvature of the spine, respiratory movements of the chest decrease, with inspiration the back hurts;
  • Tumors;
  • Myeloma;
  • Osteomyelitis.

Diseases of internal organs

Pain in the kidney area with lesions of internal organs have their own distinctive features: they arise as at movements, and at rest, stiffness is absent, local symptoms practically are not are observed.

Painful sensations in the lower back are caused by the following diseases: peptic ulcer, stomach, pancreatic and 12-colon tumors, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, tumors colon, endometriosis, uterine and ovarian carcinoma, chronic prostatitis, prostate carcinoma, myoma, kidney disease, exfoliating aneurysm aorta.

Damage to the kidneys or the inflammatory process (infection) is almost always accompanied by painful sensations in this area.In diseases of the kidneys, the back is hurted above the lower back, and not at the waist itself.

It is necessary to know that pain in the area of ​​the kidneys appears together with disorders of urination, fever, edema, impaired general health or accompanied by a change in the quality of urine (an admixture of blood, flakes and other).

The back aches in the field of kidneys. What causes pain?

It should be understood that the pain in the back under the ribs is not a disease, it is a symptom that reflects the processes going on in the patient's body.

Accordingly, the pain itself can not arise, it is necessarily the manifestation of a disease, so it is very important to find out why the lower back hurts.

The reasons for which the back pain in the kidney region hurts can be divided into two: primary, or vertebrogenic (associated with the spine) and secondary, associated with the pathology of the internal organs.

Primary syndrome, which results in a pain in the back of the kidneys.

    1. The main disease - osteochondrosis.

Secondary causes of low back pain.

  • Tumors in the spine.
  • Infection of the vertebrae: tuberculosis, brucellosis ...
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Spondylitis.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Osteomalacia.
  • Spinal stroke.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs.
  • In diseases of the kidneys, the back is hurted above the lower back, and not in the lower back, which is a common misconception.

In addition to the cause of pain syndrome, pain can be acute and chronic, which also has its own causes and affects the nature of the pain.

Causes of acute pain in the lower back

    1. Sharp sprain, which is characterized by the following symptoms:
  • The pain is localized on both sides of the spine.
  • Movement in the back is limited.
  • Usually the pain does not radiate.

    Fracture of lumbar vertebrae:

  • Pain occurs immediately after the injury.
  • The pain is very strong.
  • When walking, the back hurts.
  • Gradually, the pain weakens, and the patient can forget about the trauma.
  • Pain increases in sitting position.

    Displacement of intervertebral discs is characterized by:

  • The back aches in the field of kidneys.
  • The patient takes a forced position.
  • Radicular one-sided pain, that is, it hurts the right side from the back or the left.
  • There are disorders of sensitivity.
  • Decreased knee and Achilles reflex.
  • Violation of pelvic functions.
  • Pincering of the horse tail.
  • Most often, one-sided pain manifests, for example, the left side hurts from the back.
  • Sensitivity disorders appear on the same side.
  • Reflexes decrease on the side of the lesion.

Chronic aching pain in the back in the lumbosacral section.

    1. Deforming spondylosis:
  • Rubbed back pain.
  • Syndrome of intermittent claudication.
  • Decreased sensitivity in both extremities.
  • Weakness in the lower limbs.
  • All the symptoms develop mainly when walking.
    2. Ankylosing spondylarthrosis:
  • Mostly young people are ill.
  • Pain gives in the hips.
  • Limitation of mobility.
  • Morning stiffness.
  • Reduced respiratory movement of the chest.
  • When you breathe in, your back hurts.
  • Curvature of the spine.

Diseases of internal organs, in which the lower back hurts.

When the internal organs are damaged, the nature of the pain in the back changes slightly:

  • Pain does not depend on the movement of the spine.
  • No stiffness.
  • There are no local symptoms.

Back pain is caused by the following diseases:

    2. Tumors of the stomach, pancreas and 12-типерстной guts.
    7. Carcinoma of the uterus and ovaries.
    9. Prostatic carcinoma.
    12. Relaxing aneurysm of the aorta.

Given how many different causes cause pain in the lumbar region, it is necessary, when they appear, to consult a therapist who will prescribe a certain examination and find out why the lower back hurts. You can not engage in self-medication, because the pain syndrome can really go if the patient takes a medicine for back pain, but you miss the moment of the development of any disease.

Many patients are lost when their back starts hurting, and they do not understand which doctor should be treated. As we have already said, first a survey is conducted, and only those specialists who have discovered the disease will be able to treat pain in the lumbar region.

Strangely enough, the gastroenterologist, gynecologist, infectious disease specialist, traumatologist, orthopedist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, urologist, nephrologist, therapist, proctologist and surgeon can treat the lumbar pain.

And, of course, physicians are physiotherapists, who in any case are connected to prevent the onset of exacerbations in back pain.

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What to do if the sides are sore from both sides from the back: the possible causes of discomfort and ways to eliminate them

Pain is a reflex reaction to the pathological changes in the body that the brain signals. The most multifaceted are pain sensations in the back, in which a large accumulation of nerve fibers is concentrated.

One of the localizations of pain are the sides. To hurt sideways from two sides of a back can for the different reasons, the expert after carefully spent diagnostics can name them only. Based on the results of the study, the correct tactics of treatment of the patient will be chosen.

Causes of pain syndrome

Objective and non-objective causes can cause pain.

For objective reasons, one can include:

  • physical exercise;
  • prolonged sitting position;
  • supercooling.

Pathological conditions that cause pain on both sides of the back:

  • diseases of the spine;
  • respiratory system diseases;
  • pathological processes in the kidneys;
  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • infection.


The pain syndrome in the sides is only one of the signs of the clinical manifestation of a particular disease.

Upon examination, the doctor must specify the features of the pain:

  • view (sharp, aching, searing);
  • exact localization;
  • periodicity;
  • intensity.

Be sure to pay attention to whether the occurrence of pain depends on the influence of certain factors (for example, nutrition, physical activity). The presence of concomitant symptoms is also considered.

Diseases of the spine

The mechanism of the occurrence of pain in vertebral pathologies can be different. the cause of pain is the compression of the spinal nerve endings due to the intervertebral hernia, the proliferation of osteophytes, spondyloarthrosis.

Pain syndrome can acquire a different character. It can be sudden lumbar lumbago, aching pain (lumbalgia), pain giving in the leg.

Violation of blood circulation in the lesion can lead to ischemia of the nerve root, if there is still compression, the patient develops neurological disorders:

  • impaired skin sensitivity;
  • numbness of limbs;
  • muscular atrophy;
  • change of reflection.

Important!Severe cases of pathological changes in the spine may be accompanied by lesions of the spinal canal. With untimely treatment, this leads to a significant limitation of mobility and even disability.

Kidney Diseases

The kidneys are located outside the abdominal wall, closer to the spine. If their work is disturbed, back pain may arise from the two sides.

It can be an inflammatory process or a blockage of the ureter with a stone in kidney stones. More often, bilateral pain occurs due to glomerulonephritis - an inflammatory process in the glomeruli.

Pyelonephritis and nephrolithiasis, as a rule, are accompanied by one-sided pain.

The clinical picture in many renal pathologies is similar:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • cloudiness of urine, blood impurities in it;
  • painful sensations when tapping along the costal arch of the back;
  • weakness;
  • prostration.

If the kidney disease is chronic, the pains become aching and intensified by hypothermia, increased humidity.

Pathology of the digestive system

Back pain from the two sides can be troubling in the inflammatory process in the gallbladder, intestine or pancreas.

Accompanying signs are:

  • poor appetite;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • stool disorder;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • temperature.

Primary pain in digestive diseases occurs in the abdomen, and then irradiate in the sides from the back.

Diseases of the respiratory system

If the pulmonary tissue, pleura, inflames, often appear on the sides in the upper back. These diseases include pleurisy, pneumonia, pneumothorax. With inflammation of the lung tissue, pain, as a rule, appears suddenly. It is acute, it intensifies when inhaled or exhaled.

Other accompanying signs of pulmonary infections:

  • cough with sputum;
  • wheezing in the chest;
  • heat;
  • dyspnea.

Insufficient ventilation function of the lungs leads to the development of respiratory failure. Due to lack of oxygen, the patient has headaches, blanching and cyanosis of the skin.


To correctly diagnose a disease that causes pain in the sides from the back, such studies can be assigned:

  • radiography of the lungs and spine;
  • MRI and CT;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidney;
  • extended blood and urine tests;
  • coprogramme.

The further tactics of treatment will depend on results of diagnostics. If necessary, the patient is referred to a specialist for consultation.

General rules and effective methods of treatment

Since the pain on the sides of the back is a consequence of different diseases, the therapy for each patient will be different.

If the problem is not serious and is connected with banal muscular overstrain as a result of physical exertion, the treatment will consist of such a complex of measures:

If the pains are due to degenerative changes in the spine, the therapy should be more thorough.

During the exacerbation of the disease, a complex of medicines is prescribed to relieve pain and relieve muscular spasm:

  • NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Xefokam, Movalis, Indomethacin, Celecoxib);
  • muscle relaxants (Midokalm, Baclofen, Baclosan, Sirdaloud);
  • vitamins of group B (Milgamma, Neurorubin, Neuromultivitis, Neurobex Neo);
  • corticosteroids (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone).

During the period of remission, a massage and exercise complex is prescribed to strengthen the muscles of the back, improve the mobility of the spine.

Additionally it is recommended to take courses of physiotherapy:

With inflammatory processes in the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary infections, the tactics of treatment will be completely different. You may need the use of antibiotics, diuretics, cholagogue, vitamin therapy. Anywayyou can not engage in self-medication,it is necessary to consult a doctor.

If the sides are sore from both sides from the back, it is a signal that everything is not right with the body. At random, it's impossible to say what caused the pain. It is necessary as soon as possible to turn to a professional for help. The doctor will take into account the results of the diagnosis, the exact localization and nature of the pain, the accompanying symptoms, on the basis of this information, will appoint competent treatment.

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The sides are sore from both sides from the back

If you have pain in the sides of your back, this may indicate abnormal operation of your spine.

In fact, most people experience such pain.

In most cases, they are not as dangerous as they seem at first glance, but there are serious diseases that begin with just such a symptom.

The most serious cause, of course, is osteochondrosis. Cure it completely, unfortunately, almost impossible.

However, if you find it in the early stages, then it's in your hands to slow down and practically stop its development. Unfortunately, this pathology is not the only severe outcome of back pain.

Sometimes lateral pain can be caused by diseases of the internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract.

There are often cases when people try not to notice the obvious symptoms of an impending disease. Of course, until the pain becomes unbearable.

But even then, some people try to recover themselves.


This is their main mistake, because any self-treatment can only lead to deterioration, which in some cases can not be corrected.


If you have a standard pain caused by excess weight, poor posture and a constant sitting position, then your situation can help physiotherapy, which will include moderate physical activity aimed at restoring normal operation of the spine. However, do not try to identify the source of the symptom yourself. Remember, if your back hurts on the sides, then you need a detailed examination from a neurologist who can diagnose the true problem. Next, he will acquaint you with the current state of the spine and internal organs. Only after this the doctor together with the patient will start to make the further course of treatment.

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The back hurts in the right side, why do the backs hurt?

Pain sensations from the right side of the back never arise from scratch.

If you have a backache in the right side, then the cause of this can be various internal disorders of the body.

including disorders of the urinary, sexual and nervous system, as well as respiratory diseases and circulatory problems.

The site of pain in the back is directly related to the pathology of the organs in a particular problematic structure. In some situations, the pain irradiates, that is, gives to other organs, because of what painful sensations appear in the remote foci of the disease areas of the body.

At least approximately understand why the back pains hurt in this or that place can be at the place of pain localization:

1) The central part is the diseased kidney.

2) Under the scapula to the right - pinched nerve, lung problems, bronchial oncology, pneumonia and pleurisy

3) Under the ribs on the right - problems with the liver, pancreas, gall bladder, cholecystitis.

4) Right below - spine pathologies and intervertebral hernia, disorders of the urinary system

To establish the correct diagnosis, the doctor needs to know the nature of the pain, take into account how often and how much the back pains in the right side painfully.

If, for example, the back hurts in the morning, then the cause may be an irregular shape of the mattress or muscle degeneration.

Painful sensations, regardless of localization, can arise in different ways:

- In the form of spasms. Muscles of hollow organs are sharply reduced.

- Have a constant and long aching, pulling and dull character.

- Increase the intensity with time. It is a distinctive feature of inflammatory processes.

- In an acute form. It testifies to perforation of the internal organ, rupture of education, intra-abdominal hemorrhage.

- In the form of a lumbago. He speaks of problems of the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.


If you have unbearably pain in the sides of your back, then you can take an anesthetic. However, the prevention of pain is not a cure, but only allows you to rest a little.


A drug that relieves acute pain, which strongly hinders your movements, gives you time to seek help from a qualified physician, since only he can properly decipher the symptoms and find out the true cause of the pain sensations.

In many situations, an operation can not be avoided and, the earlier the treatment begins, the more likely the patient will avoid serious complications and, in extreme cases, death.

Immediately call an ambulance you need if the pain on the right side has appeared abruptly, unexpectedly and does not stop with the passage of time.

Urgent intervention by a physician is required when sharp and sharp pain under the ribs or at the bottom of the back is aggravated by fainting, dizziness and general weakness.

Why are the sides hurt under the ribs

Sometimes the ribs hurt

Many patients ask us that sometimes they hurt their ribs why it happens and how to eliminate discomfort. And if the ribs hurt, why does dyspnea occur? Let's try to answer these questions in an accessible and understandable way.

So, pain in the ribs can be provoked only if there is a violation of the integrity of an internal organ. In particular, the ribs can ache after physical exertion.

This happens if the person is not physically prepared and his muscular apparatus is poorly developed. When hyperventilation of the lungs there is tension between the intercostal muscles. Later, lactic acid accumulates in them.

Her decomposition and provokes that the ribs hurt.

Also, the ribs may occasionally ache with osteochondrosis of the spinal column. This is due to the infringement of nerve endings.

Well, at the end, the pain in the ribs can be associated with a disease such as herpes or shingles.

In any case, if you periodically get sore ribs why this occurs you do not know, then immediately consult a doctor to establish the correct diagnosis. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chances of success.

At what diseases does it hurt between the ribs

Do you have a long time hurting between reberi you can not do anything about it? You do not benefit from various ointments and pain intensifies with physical activity?

In that case, you should immediately see a doctor. The specialist will perform the following manipulations:

will examine your skin, even minor rashes in the area of ​​pain may indicate that you have herpes or shingles;


will probe the vertebral column and intercostal spaces, if the palpation is painful, then, most likely, you have intercostal neuralgia or osteochondrosis of the spine;


to test the syndrome of Pasternak to exclude renal pathology;

will palpate the anterior abdominal wall, with pain can be detected liver disease.

In which cases are the ribs hurt during pregnancy

Many women suffer from ribs during pregnancy during fetal growth. This is associated with several factors:

expansion of pulmonary volume;

compression of the stomach and spleen.

Very often ribs are hurt during pregnancy during rhesus conflict. This is due to the destruction of blood bilirubin and its deposition in the spleen. Accordingly, the spleen increases in volume and gives pain in the ribs.

If the ribs hurt during pregnancy from the back, then this indicates a weak ligamentous apparatus that supports the spinal column. With increasing fetal mass, this can cause stretching of the back muscles.

It is recommended to wear a bandage with such phenomena, which also helps to avoid the appearance of stretch marks and umbilical hernia


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The sides are sore from both sides from the back: why does pain arise?

Back pain is a common problem that many people face, regardless of age and professional activity.

Such patients come to the reception to traumatologists, neurologists or general practitioners, because dorsalgia is a multidisciplinary situation, requiring qualitative differential diagnosis.

And there may be several varieties of this syndrome, for example, often you have to deal with pain in the side of the back.


Everyone who has experienced unpleasant sensations in the back, wants to know why the sides hurt.

This symptom has a fairly diverse origin, ranging from simple muscle overstrain and ending with serious pathology.


Almost all structures located in the lumbar region and chest can be affected: soft tissues, skeletal system, internal organs.


The situation is further complicated by the fact that the pains often have a reflected character, giving back from other areas. But do not worry too much - the qualified training of a doctor and his experience will not lead to a mistake in the diagnosis.

The causes of dorsalgia hide among a wide range of pathologies. Pain on the sides of the back is a universal sign, which can equally indicate in favor of such conditions:

  • Diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, hernia, Bekhterev's disease, spondylarthrosis, etc.).
  • Renal pathology (pyelo- and glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis).
  • Diseases of the digestive system (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis).
  • Diseases of the respiratory system (pleurisy, pneumonia).
  • Infectious processes (herpes zoster).
  • Injuries (bruises, sprains).

Thus, pain can manifest inflammatory, degenerative-dystrophic processes, mechanical damage.

But every disease is accompanied by its own set of symptoms, which can be identified by a doctor.

And the patient is only required to notice the change in his condition in time and come to the reception to a specialist.

Causes of pain in the side of the back are very diverse. Therefore, it is difficult to independently determine the origin of the symptoms, and often it is completely impossible.


The clinical picture of any disease consists of a set of symptoms. And the pain in the side is just one of them.

But by her nature, one can learn a lot about probable pathology.

It's not for nothing that the doctor during the interview tries to detail the patient's complaints as much as possible, paying attention to such features of pain:

  1. Type: acute or chronic.
  2. View: aching, stitching, pulling, shooting, burning.
  3. Localization: only behind or with the transition to the abdomen and the front of the chest.
  4. Duration: short-term or practically constant.
  5. Intensity: strong, moderate or weak.
  6. Dependence on certain factors: physical activity, breathing, diet.

It is extremely important to determine what else a person is worried about. In addition to pain, often there are other symptoms, according to which we can assume the nature of pathology. Therefore on them it is necessary to pay special attention in diagnostics.

Diseases of the spine

When the spinal column suffers pain in the back have several mechanisms of development. The main cause is irritation of the nerve roots leaving the spinal cord (hernial protrusions or bone growths).

In turn, this is accompanied by muscular spasm and tension of the ligamentous apparatus. And inflammatory changes, for example, with Bechterew's disease, or degeneration of cartilage in spondyloarthrosis, also contribute to the formation of pain syndrome.

With localization in the lumbar region, it can acquire a different character:

  • Lumbago - sharp lumbago.
  • Lumbalia is aching and deep pain.
  • Lumbo-schiaalgia - pain giving in the leg.

The picture is aggravated also by the fact that in many diseases and traumas disorders of local blood flow that lead to ischemia of the root are observed. And in combination with its mechanical clamping, it contributes to the development of neurological symptoms:

  • Numbness, tingling, burning.
  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • Changes in reflex reactions.
  • Decreased muscle strength.

These disorders are localized in the innervation zones of the affected root, most often affecting the abdominal region, inguinal zone and lower limbs.

There may be a disorder in the function of the internal organs: the intestine, bladder, prostate or uterus. This is due to pathological impulses along vegetative fibers.

A severe destructive pathology of the spine is often accompanied by a lesion of the spinal cord, which creates the prerequisites for finding a group of disabilities.

Spine diseases are the most common cause of pain in the back area. But exclude other factors, too, can not.

Kidney pathology

If the back hurts, and the vertebrogenic pathology is not confirmed, then one should think about the possible pathology of the kidneys. They are located retroperitoneal, and therefore closer to the spine than other organs.

As a rule, it is an inflammatory process or a stone formation.

In the first case, the capsule is stretched because of the parenchyma edema, and in the second case, the ureter is obstructed with an obstruction to normal urodynamics.

When the sides are sore from the back on both sides, most often you have to deal with glomerulonephritis - an inflammation of the glomeruli. And with pyelonephritis or urolithiasis, the process is in most cases unilateral. But many of the signs are similar:

  1. Dysuric disorders (frequency of urination, urges).
  2. Change of color of urine (turbidity, admixture of blood, a kind of "meat slops").
  3. Soreness when tapping along the costal arch from behind (Pasternatsky's symptom).

Chronic renal pathology is dangerous in that it eventually leads to a decrease in the concentration and filtration functions of the glomerular tubular apparatus due to the death of nephrons. This leads to organ failure, a severe degree of which is accompanied by uremic intoxication.

Diseases of the digestive system

This symptom, like back pain from the side, can enter the clinical picture of the pathology of the digestive system.

It is characteristic for inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreas or intestine. Depending on the affected organ, the localization of pain will be different: on the right, on the left or on both sides.

But there will definitely be some signs of dyspepsia:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • The taste of bitterness in the mouth.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Bloating.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.

With pathology of the digestive system, pain sensations are primarily localized along the anterior wall of the abdomen, but are given back.

Diseases of the respiratory system

The back can also become ill with inflammatory changes in the lung tissue and pleura. In these cases, the association of pain with respiratory movements will be traced, and other symptoms will appear:

  • Cough.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Excretion of sputum.
  • Temperature increase.

Pleurisy is characterized by the stagnation of pain in the position on the affected side - this is due to the limitation of chest excursions.

If there is a serious violation of the ventilation function of the lungs, there are signs of respiratory failure: pale skin with a bluish tinge, headaches, dizziness.

Infectious processes

Unilateral pain along the nerve trunks often becomes an early sign of a common form of herpetic infection - shingles. They are accompanied by burning and redness of the skin.

And after a while on this place there are characteristic eruptions: bubbles with transparent contents (vesicles). The latter can burst when combing.

exposing a bright erosive surface, later covered with a crust.


It is possible that back pain is the result of trauma.

And if the stretching of the muscles is nothing other than a small puffiness and local soreness, then bruises and ruptures can be accompanied by abrasions, bruises and bruises.

With a strong mechanical effect, there is a risk of damage to the internal organs: kidneys, liver, spleen. It is dangerous by internal bleeding and hemorrhagic shock.

Injuries, as the cause of pain in the lower back or thoracic region, are often found. But along with minor injuries, there can be severe bruises, accompanied by ruptures of internal organs.

Additional diagnostics

Important in the definition of conditions in which the sides may be hurting, additional diagnosis is given.

With the help of laboratory-instrumental studies it is possible to establish the localization of the pathological process, its nature and prevalence, which is very important for subsequent treatment.

Therefore, patients are advised to undergo certain procedures, including the following:

  1. Radiography of the spine, lungs.
  2. Tomography (computer or magnetic resonance).
  3. Ultrasonography of the kidneys, organs of the abdominal cavity.
  4. Irrigography.
  5. Blood test (general, renal and hepatic tests, markers of inflammation, alpha-amylase, antibodies to herpes viruses, etc.).
  6. Analysis of urine (general, according to Zimnitskiy and Nechiporenko).
  7. Sputum analysis.
  8. Coprogram.

Considering the variety of pain syndrome, to determine why the side hurts, the general practitioner will be assisted by related specialists: neurologist (vertebrologist), traumatologist, nephrologist, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist. And only after receiving a complete picture of the pathological process can we proceed to the next stage of medical care with dorsalgia - its treatment.

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Why are sore sides on both sides from the back and what should I do in such a situation?

With the problem of sensation of pain in the lumbar zone, people face every day. Why sore sides from two sides of the back, can explain only a specialist, after diagnosing. Pain comes as a signal to the body for help. The stronger it is, the faster you should take action to eliminate it.

The cause of pain syndrome are not only the effects of injuries or age changes. The variety of diseases is great. Concentrated discomfort in the sacrum and coccyx, manifests itself suddenly.

A clear sign of the inflammatory process is the temperature of 3, -3, ° C.

An unpleasant feeling of discomfort in the sacrum is possible with inflammation of the organs that are located in the small pelvis.

Inflammatory processes taking place in the peritoneum, transmit pain to the region of the waist. When urinating, there is frequent or, on the contrary, a difficult process of urine output.


Diseases of the intestines, accompanied by disorders of the digestive process, make themselves felt on the left side of the waist. If the left or right lumbar region hurts, then this is the pathology of the kidneys.


The type of pain is divided: acute, chronic. By duration it can be short-term and permanent. By intensity it is weak, moderate and strong.

There are 5 types:

  1. 1. Naked.
  2. 2. Stitching.
  3. 3. Drawing.
  4. 4. Shooting.
  5. 5. Burning.

Places of dislocation:

  1. 1. The lower part of the scapula to the right is a pinched nerve, pulmonary diseases.
  2. 2. The lower part of the ribs to the right - it is necessary to concentrate attention on the liver, gall bladder, pancreas.
  3. 3. In the center of the right side are kidney problems.
  4. 4. The right lower side of the back - hernia, spinal injury, urogenital system.
  5. 5. The left side hurts at illnesses or diseases: heart, urogenital system, urolithiasis. Possible inflammation of the respiratory and digestive organs.

They differ in two ways. It can be circumscribed and localized from behind, usually it is characterized by degenerative and dystrophic changes in the spine. This condition is typical for osteochondrosis and spondyloarthritis.

Disturbance of metabolism leads to growth diseases, where in the final process the structure of the spine is changed, the presence of shingles with secondary syndromes: arthritis, tumors of various etiologies, vertebral fractures, pelvic organs pathologies, infectious disease.

Continuous aching pain is a sign of inflammation in the urogenital system (pyelonephritis, cystitis), internal genital organs (salpingitis, prostatitis, etc.)

), the digestive system (pancreatitis, cholelithiasis).

Sharp spasms in the back can say that there is a rupture of the aortic aneurysm and inflammation of the urinary tract.

The first sign of a tumor will be a constant dull pain in the lumbar region.

In diseases associated with the spine (osteochondrosis, the formation of hernias between the vertebrae, pinching nerve) spasms appear when the position of the muscles of the spine changes (slopes and lifting of heavy subjects).

Diseases of the respiratory system, such as pleurisy, oncological pathology of the respiratory tract is accompanied by a cutting pain in the sternum and passes to the back.

The first part or both parts of a back in the field of a loin hurts - a pathology of kidneys. Drawing pain indicates that the cause lies in the inflammatory processes in women.


If it appears after menstruation, then this is a sign of inflammation of the appendages or endometritis. This condition persists for a long time.


Elevated temperature and unbearable pain occurs with fibroids and cysts on the ovary.

The transition of the drawing pain to the acute stage is present during the ectopic pregnancy. Spasms from both sides of the back testify to inflammatory processes behind the peritoneum.

These organs are closest to the spine, inflammation in them arises from the formation of stones, which causes a violation of the outflow of urine.

In chronic kidney diseases, the risk of reducing the function of concentration and filtration renal apparatus, this is due to the death of the kidney cells, as a consequence, a severe degree of uremic intoxication.

Pain sensations on the right side of the side and under the rib - inflamed liver and gallbladder.

Concomitant symptoms of the disease of these organs will be nausea, vomiting, an unpleasant feeling of bitterness.

Perhaps a sharp increase in temperature, dizziness, in rare cases, hearing loss. The abdominal cavity is tense, spasms in the intestine are possible.

The side pain hurts - an exacerbation of a pancreatitis. Rarely, back pain is associated with this disease, but as a reason for the survey should not be rejected.


Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) is characterized by pain in the heart, lower chest and under the left scapula in the ribs. Sensation of pain at night and after eating.


With inflammation of the lung tissue and the pleura, coughing, shortness of breath, sputum discharge, and fever are traced. Pain appears when inhaled or exhaled.

The lungs do not perform the functions assigned to them, there is poor ventilation, which leads to respiratory failure. There is a constant dizziness, pale skin with a cyanotic shade.

Symptoms of a heart attack are easily distinguishable. A sharp pain in the heart, transmitted to the scapula, the left side and shifting to the hand. There is nausea, hard breathing, sweating. The correct action in this situation will be a call to the emergency room.

Pain caused by compression of the thoracic spinal nerves, speaks of an aneurysm of the aorta. Symptoms are easily recognizable: unceasing pain with burning effect, lumbago in the chest, left side of the back.

Its cause is irritation of the nerve roots, which leads to a spasm in the muscle tissue and tension of the ligamentous apparatus. There is a change in blood circulation.

Diagnosis - neuralgia, developing on the basis of ischemia in combination with mechanical compression of nerve endings.

This process of change contributes to the disorganization of the internal organs (intestine, bladder, prostate, uterus), which is associated with pathology in the vegetative fiber. Whatever the pain in the back, it is necessary to consult a specialist and a laboratory examination.


The first doctor to be contacted is the therapist. If necessary, consultations of doctors of narrow specialization are appointed: orthopedist, nephrologist, surgeon, oncologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist and cardiologist.


To determine the cause of pain, the doctor prescribes a complete laboratory examination (general and detailed analysis of urine and blood), fecal and sputum tests. Ultrasound examination and, if necessary, X-ray, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography.

The obtained results of the survey play an important role in further treatment, where exactly the therapy will take place (at home or in the hospital). Treatment of acute pain requires the help of a specialist, the quicker the treatment will be to a doctor, the sooner the healing process will go.

Eliminate acute or chronic pain will help preparations of a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They will not cure the disease, they will only relieve the pain syndrome.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed only by a doctor for two reasons, during the administration of drugs there is a risk of side effects.

Contraindications for this group of people with violations of the liver and kidneys. They do not apply to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Adhering to some rules, recovery can be accelerated. It is necessary to drink during the day more fluid, do not eat too salty and spicy. Limit the amount of flour and sweet.

Do not panic at the first sign of pain. It can be associated with daily workloads or other causes, the nature of which has nothing to do with disease.


Incorrect position when working on a computer, uncomfortable bed or posture during sleep, air conditioning, late pregnancy may cause back pain.


With such pain, massage, an ointment with a warming effect, wraps with warming tinctures, exercises, whose action is directed at relaxing muscle tone, will help.

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