Features of treatment of bursitis of the big toe

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The inflammatory process that occurs in the synovial bag of the joint of the big toe is called bursitis. The main function of the joint bag, located between the tendons and bones entering the joint, is their protection from excessive friction during movement. Bursitis of the big toe is a fairly rare disease. More often the inflammation of the synovial bag develops in large joints - the knee, elbow and shoulder.

When inflammation in the synovial bursa begins to accumulate exudate, which significantly reduces it functional features and leads to chronic irritation of the skin in the area of ​​the first phalanx of the thumb. Under the influence of constant irritation, a rounded seal is formed, which in time increases in size.


  • 1The causes of development of valgus deformity
  • 2Clinical manifestations of bursitis of the big toe
  • 3Principles of treatment
      • 3.0.1Immobilization
      • 3.0.2Medication Therapy
      • 3.0.3Surgical methods of treatment

The causes of development of valgus deformity

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There are four main reasons for the progress of the disease:

  1. Different degrees of flatfoot.
  2. Excessive mobility, which is due to the weakness of the ligament apparatus.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the joint (arthritis).
  4. Minor, but a long time does not heal the injuries of the big toe.

There are also secondary causes:

  • congenital pathology of foot formation;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders (gouty arthritis);
  • allergic arthritis (reactive);
  • intoxication of the body;
  • constantly repeated, monotonous load (for example in ballerinas);
  • inflammatory process, localized in the tissues surrounding the joint.
Wearing uncomfortable, narrow shoes is not the cause of the onset of the disease, it is just a factor that provokes its growth.

Clinical manifestations of bursitis of the big toe

The main symptoms are:

  1. The formation of puffiness in the lesion is the first symptom of the disease. The tumor has a rounded shape, its size depends on the severity of the inflammatory process, and to the touch the formation resembles a sac filled with a liquid. The tumor is consolidated as the disease progresses.
  2. Pain first arises only with pressure on the puffiness, then it becomes permanent, and its severity increases.
  3. In the late stages of the disease, the limitation of movements in the joint can be developed, due to its deformation and curvature of the thumb of the foot.
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Purulent form of bursitis is characterized by the spread of pain on the shin and the entire foot, increased body temperature and symptoms of general intoxication of the body.

Principles of treatment


In order to reduce pain and speed up the treatment of the disease, it is applied:

  • immobilization (immobilization) with the help of plaster casts or special devices;
  • shoes should be chosen comfortable, without a heel and in size;
  • During rest, the foot should be kept on a raised platform.

Medication Therapy

To remove the pain and reduce the activity of the inflammatory process are applied depending on the stage:

  • non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, tilfen, diklak-gel). In the early stage of the disease, topical preparations (ointments and gels) are used, in later cases - tablets and injections;
  • the introduction of corticosteroids in the affected area;
  • in the chronic course of the disease, antibiotic therapy is prescribed, sulfonamide preparations are used.

Surgical methods of treatment

Operative methods of treatment are used in the late stages of the development of the disease and consist in excising the inflamed joint bag and removing the damaged parts of the bone. The second method of surgical intervention is called osteotomy and consists in carrying out the plasticity of the foot and fixing the bones with a plate.

The prognosis of the disease depends on the degree of the inflammatory process, the state of the patient's health, the state of his immunity and the body's resistance. The most favorable prognosis is acute bursitis of the thumb with minimal changes in the shape and functionality of the joint. In the late stages of development and significant changes in tissues, even surgical treatment may be inconclusive (since a relapse of the disease may develop).

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