Underwater extension of the spine with a hernia


  • 1Extension of the spine with a hernia
    • 1.1The purpose of stretching
    • 1.2How it works
    • 1.3Types of traction
    • 1.4Horizontal
    • 1.5Vertical
    • 1.6Underwater
    • 1.7Benefits of stretching
    • 1.8Contraindications
  • 2Extension of the spine in water
    • 2.1What is the essence of the method
    • 2.2Indications and contraindications to the procedure
    • 2.3Types of underwater traction
    • 2.4Vertical traction of the spine
    • 2.5Horizontal underwater traction
    • 2.6How is stretching
    • 2.7Patient Reviews
  • 3We stretch the spine with a hernia - all for and against
    • 3.1What is spinal traction?
    • 3.2When is it necessary to stretch the spine with a hernia?
    • 3.3All the arguments for and against
    • 3.4Types of procedure
    • 3.5Horizontal spinal traction
    • 3.6Vertical traction of the spine
    • 3.7Underwater traction of the spine
    • 3.8How can you stretch your spine at home?
    • 3.9Reviews
  • 4What is the effect of spinal tract traction with a hernia?
    • 4.1Why does the disease appear and how to treat it?
    • 4.2What is traction?
    • 4.3Treatment options
    • 4.4Prevention of disease
    • 4.5Contraindications to the procedure
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Underwater extension of the spine: a description of the procedure, contraindications, effectiveness and feedback
    • 5.1The essence of the procedure
    • 5.2How does the procedure work?
    • 5.3Efficacy of the procedure
    • 5.4When this technique is used
    • 5.5Contraindications to therapy
    • 5.6Extension in horizontal position
    • 5.7Stretching in vertical position
    • 5.8Recommendations depending on the disease
    • 5.9The peculiarity of the curative effect
    • 5.10Cost of procedures
    • 5.11Patient's opinion

Extension of the spine with a hernia

Extension of the spine with a hernia is a new direction of medicine, helping to overcome the disease.

The tract - the extension of the vertebrae began to be used quite recently.

Extension of the spine with hernias formed on it is carried out in two directions - mechanically and naturally (natural).

The purpose of stretching

Herniated spine is a common and dangerous disease in the category of degenerative manifestations of a pathological nature in bone tissues.

The anomaly is expressed by bulging the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc through the microcracks. The hernia exerts a strong pressure of the branches of the nerve endings and into the spinal cord.

Pain is initially not expressed very intensely, but, in parallel with the formation of the disease, gradually increases and increases.

Painful radicular syndrome, which is formed with the disease, can be accompanied by paresis or paralysis of the muscles of the extremities.

There may be impaired susceptibility, disability of the pelvic organs and their functions.

Lack of proper therapy increases the risk of developing disability.

We advise you to read:sprained spine with a hernia at home.

Increasing the distance reduces the load on the nerve branches. Sometimes the muscle fibers are stretched, the blood circulation is normalized, the metabolism is restored. There are two methods of performing the procedure - dry and underwater.

The procedure is performed only after relieving the exacerbation. Underwater traction by medics is used not only as the main treatment, but also to improve the physical condition of patients with scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis and other diseases of the ridge.

How it works

Many patients who have experienced spinal problems are offered a stretch procedure.

It can be carried out at home, but it is not recommended if the disease is in an aggravation stage. It is very affective stretching of the spine under water.

It helps to eliminate the displacement of the vertebrae and stops the deformation of the column.

A single opinion for today does not yet exist when it is shown, and when the extract is contraindicated. But at appointment the doctor necessarily considers:

  • The sex of the patient;
  • Age category;
  • Current state of health;
  • Active lifestyle leads the patient.

It is extremely dangerous to start independently such treatment, it can provoke the development of irreparable consequences.

The risk of their formation is not ruled out in a medical institution under the close supervision of doctors.

Agreeing to the traction, it is necessary to weigh all the circumstances in favor of the procedure and all against it.

Despite the fact that the advertising booklets position the hood as a new direction in the therapy of the spine with hernia, it has a thousand-year history of origin. The dry method of the fraction is actively used by eastern medicine. Yoga provides a complex of asanas aimed at solving problems with the ridge.

  • Be sure to read: yoga asana for the muscles of the back and spine

Types of traction

There are several methods of stretching the vertebrae: horizontal, vertical dry, underwater.


The patient is placed on the surface with a hill for the head, limbs of the hands and feet are fixed with special loops so that he does not feel any discomfort. The essence of the procedure is the natural extension of the vertebrae under its own weight.

For greater effect on the patient can put weighting devices.

The considered method of stretching the ridge allows to increase or decrease the degree of stretching, proceeding from the state of health and well-being of the patient.


Vertical extraction of the spine with a hernia is used in the initial phases of the development of the disease.

As a basic treatment - dry stretching of the spine doctors are considered ineffective, because it can not be controlled.

The advantage of the technique is the ability to perform the procedure at home. Use as a basis an ordinary horizontal bar.


Underwater extension of the spine with hernia is performed exclusively in clinics.

This technique is considered the most sparing, the procedure is carried out in the pool, equipped with special additional equipment: shields, handrails, etc.

Water softens the procedure, helps reduce stress in the body and nerve endings, so that the stretching process improves.

The aqueous method of traction reduces the discomfort that the vertebra feels, so it can be used with exacerbations and the presence of pain syndrome. For greater effect, the underwater exhaust is combined with other water procedures that are useful for the spine with or without hernias.

Benefits of stretching

There is no consensus on the benefits or harm of treatment by stretching for today, despite the fact that positive feedback from patients exists a lot on all sorts of forums and sites. Some doctors believe that this direction allows:

  • Avoid surgical intervention and drug treatment;
  • Achieve quick relief of physical suffering to the patient;
  • Reduce the pathological tension in the muscle tissue;
  • Reduce the stress inside the vertebral discs;
  • Reduce the flow and decompression in the nerve roots.

Another part of health workers believes that this technique is ineffective because:

  • There is a chance of relapse;
  • Microtrauma may occur in neighboring areas;
  • Edema will increase;
  • Inflammatory processes will intensify.


Extraction of the vertebrae with the hernia present on it should be carried out with extreme caution. Actions should be stopped immediately when:

  • Increase in the intensity of pain after the procedure;
  • Increased pain on sessions;
  • Absence of positive dynamics after a minimum of 5 sessions.

Is it possible to perform the procedure yourself - the answer is unambiguous - no!At all sessions near the patient there must always be an instructor or a nurse.

Their task is to monitor the patient's well-being and individual choice of the load on the spine.

Treatment of the vertebra by the method of drawing should be trusted by professionals, since there are cases when self-medication patients became worse.

A source: https://pozvonochnik.guru/gryzha/vytyazhenie-pozvonochnika-pri-gryzhe.html

Extension of the spine in water

Underwater spinal traction is a relatively new technique for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the vertebral pillar, which in recent years is becoming increasingly popular due to its simplicity and high effectiveness.

The success of water traction (traction) lies in the fact that under the influence of warm water and a small load on the spine there is a complete relaxation of muscles, increases the distance between adjacent vertebrae, improves blood circulation and trophic processes in intervertebral disks.

Spinal traction can be dry, which is carried out under the influence of the body weight of the person lying on the inclined plane, and underwater when the extract is in the water.

The second method is more gentle and safe, in addition, combines the positive effect of warm ordinary or mineral water.

Let us consider in more detail how the underwater extension of the spine occurs and what it is capable of.

Extension of the spine is prescribed only by a doctor

What is the essence of the method

Most often, spinal traction in water is used to treat or prevent intervertebral hernia.

This defect is formed due to the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes inside the cartilaginous tissue of the discs.

A major contribution to their development is provided by the critical tension of the connective tissue fibers of the capsule of the disc, which develops as a result of the increased pressure of adjacent vertebrae on the disc.

In the development of the latter phenomenon, the main role is given to a sharp reduction in the intervertebral and deep muscles of the back. This mechanism develops as a protective reaction to increased mobility and instability of vertebrae in osteochondrosis.

Muscles, contracting, pull together and stabilize the damaged segment of the spinal column, but also exert too much great pressure on the disc, the capsule of which does not stand up and develops a hernial protrusion with all outgoing consequences.

It is proved that it is impossible to eliminate this functional muscle block without applying special methods of mechanical action on the back muscles. This is not possible for medicines. But with this task, the underwater stretching of the spine is doing very well.

When stretching, the distance between the vertebrae increases and the pressure on the damaged intervertebral disc decreases

During traction, deep vertebral ligaments and muscles are stretched. This creates a negative pressure and promotes decompression of the disc. In addition, warm water is very conducive to the process of relaxation of muscle fibers, so the extraction takes place without much effort and in "safe mode".

During traction, the distance between the vertebrae increases, the compression of the nerve roots and vessels, their edema decreases and, accordingly, the symptoms of pathology (pain, neurological manifestations). Also, during the stretching process, the ability of the intervertebral disc to retain water is increased, which helps to restore its normal height.

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It is important to know about one more mechanism of therapeutic action of tractions of the spine.

When the adjacent vertebrae are stretched in the region of the intervertebral disc, a vacuum effect is created, which, according to the laws of physics, facilitates the retraction of the hernial protrusion into the disk. This helps to reduce the size of the intervertebral hernia after the course of stretching.

Indications and contraindications to the procedure

The water extract of the spine is shown in such cases:

  • intervertebral hernia of any part of the spine (best therapy is susceptible to hernial protrusion, localized in the lumbar region);
  • lumbulgia and lumbago;
  • scoliosis and other deformities of the spine;
  • radiculitis and other radicular syndromes;
  • osteochondrosis and spondylarthrosis;
  • deforming spondylosis;
  • the initial stages of ankylosing spondylitis.

Contraindications to underwater traction of the spine:

We advise you to read:Non-surgical treatment of vertebral hernia

  • exacerbation of the pathology of the vertebral column with acute pain syndrome;
  • horse tail syndrome;
  • the development of hernia sequestration (separation of its part);
  • marked instability of the spine;
  • compression of the spinal cord and violation of its blood supply;
  • injuries of the spinal column;
  • individual intolerance of the procedure;
  • spinal surgery in history;
  • osteoporosis;
  • age over 60 years;
  • obesity (weight more than 100 kg);
  • tumor lesions of the spine;
  • tuberculosis of bones;
  • the last stage of cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency;
  • tendency to increased bleeding;
  • some dermatological diseases;
  • acute infectious process in the body.

Types of underwater traction

There are 2 main ways of water traction of the spine:

  • vertical,
  • horizontal.

Vertical traction of the spine

It is carried out in special pools 2 m deep. In this case, the patient, attached to a special rack by straps, is immersed in the neck along the neck. In some cases, an additional cargo can be attached to the legs. This method is called "according to Moll".

Vertical traction of the spine

Horizontal underwater traction

There are several options for this drawing: according to Lisunov, Oliferenko, Kiselev.

Such tractions are carried out in shallow basins or baths on a special shield, which is placed in a container with water at a certain angle (the greater the angle, the higher the load).

At the same time, the head is fastened with straps to the head end of the shield, and the legs remain free.

Also, stretching can occur in ordinary fresh water or in a special mineral water. As a rule, the second variant of traction is offered by specialized sanatoriums. For example, additional therapeutic effect is provided by radon, chloride-sodium, turpentine, hydrosulphuric baths.

Horizontal water stretching procedure

It is worth mentioning about the traction regime. There are two:

  1. Continuous, when during the entire session on the spine affects the force of traction.
  2. Variable, when the extension is regularly replaced by relaxation according to a given program.

The second option is considered more effective.

How is stretching

The water temperature in the basin reaches 32-35 ° C. At the beginning of the session, the patient simply must stay in the water for 5-7 minutes to relax and relax the muscles.

Then it is fixed on a shield or hemmed on a special frame. The first 2-3 procedures take place without the use of additional cargo, the exhaustion occurs due to the mass of its own body.

The session time is 5-6 minutes.

With good portability with each subsequent procedure, the load is increased by 1-2 kg, and the time spent in the pool is 1 minute.

The maximum load in women is brought to 8-10 kilograms, and for men - up to 15-18, the time of the session - up to 10-12 minutes.

When these indicators are reached in the middle of the treatment course, the load and time are reduced in the reverse order.

For a full course of treatment, 10-12 sessions are required at intervals of one day.

After stretching, the patient should stay in the water for 5-6 minutes. Further, a smooth ascent from the pool is carried out for four minutes to a horizontal level.

For a positive result, you must complete a full course of water traction

A longer person should lie on a hard surface for 1 hour, after which a transition to a vertical position is possible. Without fail, the spine is fixed with an elastic belt or corset.

The price for a course of underwater traction depends on the equipment that is used, and the clinic where the procedure is performed. On average, it varies between 1300 and 2500 rubles.

Patient Reviews

Marina, 24: "I regularly undergo a course of underwater horizontal spinal traction for 4 years already. I had no special testimony to this procedure, no less than contraindications. I just wanted to improve my posture.

I pass traction once a year for 10 sessions every other day. In my city the equipment is only in one polyclinic, so a long queue. After the session, I always "grow" by 1-2 cm and feel like a ballerina.

In addition, this is a very pleasant procedure, although from the side it looks like a medieval torture. I recommend to all".

Antonina, 37 years old: "I tried this method of treatment in a sanatorium. The diagnosis at me - an intervertebral hernia at a level 3-4 lumbar vertebra. Constantly suffer from back pain.

The hood was made horizontal, but lightened, on the recommendation of the treating doctor, that is, without additional cargo. In addition, the water was mineral (sanatorium with radon baths).

After each session, it seems that I do not go, but steam above the ground. By the way, it's insanely nice and it does not hurt a bit. I recommend this kind of treatment to everyone, if possible.

My back after the sanatorium did not bother me for almost 2 years. "

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/lechenie/vytyazhenie-pozvonochnika-vode

We stretch the spine with a hernia - all for and against

Intervertebral hernia - a common disease that occurs as a consequence of osteochondrosis or other diseases of the spinal column.

With a hernia, the outflow of the nucleus of the intervertebral disc is observed through the fibrous ring-sheath.

Symptoms of the intervertebral hernia are pain in the leg (with lesion of the lumbar spine), drawing pains in the region of the heart, in the hand (with a hernia between the thoracic vertebrae).

Diagnosis of the intervertebral hernia consists in examining the neurologist, orthopedist and carrying out radiography or computed tomography.

There are several options for treating this disease, perhaps even surgical treatment of the intervertebral hernia.

It is rarely resorted to, because the result of the operation does not always justify expectations: a relapse is possible.

The intervertebral hernia well lends itself to persistent conservative therapy. Extensive orthopedic method of therapy of the disease is spinal traction.

What is spinal traction?

The essence of the method of spinal traction is to increase the intervertebral spaces by stretching the ligaments and muscles of the spine

Extension or traction therapy consists in the gradual extension of the ligament-muscle apparatus surrounding the spine.

Depending on the type of therapy, traction occurs with the help of additional devices or under the patient's own weight.

When the course of traction is completed, ligaments can be lengthened to 4 millimeters.

Due to this, intervertebral spaces expand, pressure on the intervertebral disc decreases, the symptoms of the intervertebral hernia decrease, the appearance of a hernia in another department of the vertebral post.

After the beginning of the course of traction therapy, an improvement in the patient's well-being is soon observed - the pressure of the intervertebral hernia on the nerve roots disappears - the pain disappears.

When stretched to the muscles and ligaments, more blood flows, the cellular nutrition improves, oxygen starvation disappears.

This leads to an improvement in the condition, slows the development of the disease.

When is it necessary to stretch the spine with a hernia?

The photo shows two spine: one as a healthy person, and the other with an intervertebral hernia

Extension of the spine with intervertebral hernia allows you to eliminate pain syndrome, strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the spine.

Doctors recommend conducting traction therapy when:

  1. moderately severe pain syndrome;
  2. Radiologically proven curvature of the spine;
  3. compression of the blood vessels of the intervertebral hernia is observed;
  4. The weakness of the muscular corset is proved, but spasms are excluded.

All the arguments for and against

The modern orthopedic world was divided into two camps: supporters and opponents of spinal traction with the intervertebral hernia. Each of the camps operates with different data, leading to convincing reasons for their rightness.

Before the beginning of traction therapy it is better to consult several specialists to add a voluminous picture of what is happening and to decide on the tactics of intervertebral hernia therapy.

For the convenience of perception, a table has been compiled that lists the main arguments for and against traction therapy, based on the opinions of specialists.

1. Extraction relieves pressure on the spinal nerves and blood vessels, facilitating the patient's condition Physical effects on the spine are contraindicated in severe pain syndrome
2. When stretching, the distance between the vertebrae increases, preventing further exit of the hernia from the intervertebral space There is evidence that traction caused an increase in the intervertebral hernia and accelerated development of osteochondrosis
3. There is a strengthening of the muscular corset of the spine, creating additional protection for the affected areas The result of traction therapy can not be fixed
4. Nutrition and metabolism in the structures of the spine Extension of the spine has a number of contraindications, sometimes contrary to the indications
5. The spine returns to its natural position Extension is an unconventional method of treatment

Types of procedure

Extension of the spine has several options for carrying out. Each specialist has his own preferences, based on personal experience. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.

The type of traction therapy is selected individually.

The main types of therapy there are three:

  1. Horizontal traction
  2. Vertical
  3. Underwater traction

Horizontal spinal traction

Occurs on a horizontal table for traction therapy. Previously, the muscles of the back warm up with a massage and a warmer, after which the patient lays down on the table, the shoulders and legs are fixed.

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Under the influence of a cargo weighing up to 10 kg, stretching of the spine and an increase in intervertebral spaces occur.

After the session, the patient should walk in a specialized corset, designed to maintain the position of the spine.

Vertical traction of the spine

The basis for vertical traction is the person's own weight. Classics of the vertical method of therapy is on the horizontal bar, occasionally to the legs an additional minor weight is attached.

Underwater traction of the spine

Unlike dry methods, when only the cabinet and the table are needed for the procedure, underwater traction requires a more serious device - a bath or a pool.

The patient is fixed on the traction table and immersed in water to the neck. It is possible to change the angle of inclination - from almost horizontal to vertical. The water temperature is maintained at 37 degrees - physiological for humans.

The session lasts from a couple of minutes to several hours, the weight of the suspended load is determined by the attending physician. The course of intervertebral hernia therapy involves 14-20 sessions.

How can you stretch your spine at home?

Extension of the spine at home shows good results, especially with diseases of the lumbar spine.

Before starting the independent traction therapy, you need to consult with a specialist to determine the state of health, the complex of exercises and the duration of the session.

It is desirable to hang a bar at home, on which you could hang for 1-5 minutes a day.

A gymnastic complex designed to increase the spacing between the vertebrae and sprain of the spine:

  1. Lie on the floor, hands along the trunk. Perform alternate tightening of the knees to the chin. Each leg needs 7-10 movements.
  2. Lying on the floor as much as possible bend your knees, putting your feet as close as possible to the buttocks. Bowing his head forward, clasp his knees, fixing himself in this position. At least 3 repetitions.
  3. Become on a flat surface, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands up, alternately with one hand pull the other as high as possible. 10 replicates per hand.

During the gymnastics there should be no pain. Do not exceed the number of repetitions of each exercise.

Do it every day, avoiding training after eating. The effect of therapy is expected in 2-3 weeks of regular physical education.


Алексей, 37 years old: As a complication of osteochondrosis at the age of 30, a hernia appeared in the lumbar region.

In a private clinic procedures for stretching the spine were performed, the doctor advised.

I went through 21 sessions, began to feel better in the beginning, but then everything resumed. On X-ray, no changes were noticed.

Марина, 41 years old: I was treated for the started lumbar osteochondrosis and hernia. There were pills, ointments, compresses, gymnastics at home, diet, vitamins.

When hernia left, for prevention and fixing the result, they advised the house to hang on the bar and do gymnastics for stretching the spine. I did 2 weeks, I go to the bar every day.

The condition is satisfactory.

Petr, 40 years old: When I was diagnosed with an intervertebral hernia, I came to the doctor with a request to give direction to the spine traction.

The doctor refused, arguing that the procedures would only aggravate the condition and make complete recovery impossible.

He said that many times he was led to advertising, and the results are bad.

A source: http://OsteohondrozInfo.com/lechenie/vytyazhenie-pozvonochnika

What is the effect of spinal tract traction with a hernia?

Diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system are considered to be among the most serious. Recently, such diseases have significantly grown younger, now they are also affected by young people.

Arthritis, osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia complicate life, inhibit movement and do not give full pleasure to pleasant moments. And the hernia of the spine is the most common and severe manifestation of bone tissue changes.

And although modern medicine has developed many methods of treating back problems, spinal tract traction with hernia is the most effective of them.

Initially, after the appearance of a hernia, a person feels a slight pain, but over time it intensifies, becoming unbearable.

If the nerve roots are jammed, paralysis of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, disorders of the pelvic organs function, and a decrease in sensitivity may occur.

The disease requires timely treatment. Otherwise hernia can lead to disability.

Why does the disease appear and how to treat it?

There are several reasons that cause the development of an intervertebral hernia:

  • suffered injuries;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • spinal column overstrain;
  • inflammation of the connective tissue;
  • a metabolic disorder;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • heredity.

Treatment of a hernia is a long and complicated process. First of all, the patient is prescribed the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines.

Observing bed rest, the patient will feel relief in a couple of weeks. However, for a couple of months, the patient is contraindicated in excessive activity.

About 20% of patients with this diagnosis are prescribed surgical intervention.

Also, additional methods of treatment are used: massage, acupuncture, water procedures, therapeutic gymnastics, manual therapy. The method of traction or stretching of the spine began to be applied quite recently.

What is traction?

Spine extraction is a medical procedure aimed at increasing the distance between the vertebrae.

During this process, the spinal cord and muscle fibers are stretched, thereby reducing pressure inside the disc, blood circulation and metabolism are normalized, intensity decreases pain.

When stretching, the muscles around the spine stretch and relax. This leads to their strengthening, which is very important for patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

There is no consensus on the benefits or harms of this method. His adherents argue their opinion with the following arguments:

  • rapid improvement of the patient's condition;
  • possibility to avoid taking medication;
  • relaxation of the invertebral muscles;
  • removal of tension within the intervertebral discs;
  • reduction of puffiness.

However, there is an opinion that stretching the spine with a hernia can only exacerbate the patient's condition.

After the procedure, each vertebra does not take its natural position, therefore, microcracks may appear.

Since the factors fixing the position of the spine after traction are absent, it will certainly return to its original state.

Also, according to some doctors, stretching can cause an increase in the size of the hernia. This will lead to the spread of inflammation and swelling, which will complicate further treatment. To avoid this, the patient must strictly follow all the recommendations of the physiotherapist.

Treatment options

Modern medicine involves the use of several methods of stretching the spine. These include: dry and water. And the latter is considered the most effective.

Confirmation to that is the positive feedback from the patients. Dry back hood can be horizontal or vertical.

In this case, the patient lays down on a special traction table with a slight elevation under the head.

To reduce discomfort during the procedure, his hands are fixed with loops. Extension occurs under the weight of the patient's body or with the help of weighting agents.

Carrying out a dry stretch allows the doctor to control the process, changing its intensity. To get the proper effect, the patient needs to undergo about 15 sessions of the procedure.

After its completion, it is recommended to wear a pull-down corset or bandage. This will help to fix the result, fixing the correct position of the spine for a couple of months.

Unlike dry, underwater traction of the entire spine with a hernia is carried out gently and smoothly. When the patient immerses in water, his muscles completely relax, so he does not feel any discomfort when stretching.

The patient is laid on an inclined surface, fixed his body with special straps and immersed in water.

After that, the belts are stretched, pulling the patient's spine in opposite directions.

As a result, the pain becomes less noticeable due to a decrease in the load on the intervertebral discs.

Prevention of disease

In order not to have to go to the physiotherapist, undergo the procedure of drawing, it is recommended to take preventive measures. This should be done with the first pain symptoms in the spine. The main ways to prevent the onset of a hernia include:

  1. Active lifestyle. Morning exercises, swimming, pilates or yoga have a beneficial effect on the condition of the back. Regular exercise will strengthen the muscular framework;
  2. Admission of a course of multivitamins.
  3. Eating foods containing calcium.
  4. Strengthening the body's immune system.
  5. Timely treatment of infectious diseases.
  6. Avoidance of hypothermia.
  7. Absence of stress.

In the presence of a hernia of the spine, it is also useful to perform a special set of exercises aimed at its extension.

Of course, to carry out such gymnastics is necessary only under the supervision of a doctor who will take into account all contraindications.

For example, you can lie on your back, pull your socks on yourself, and press your chin to your chest.

Contraindications to the procedure

Like any other method of treatment, stretching the spine has its contraindications. They need to be taken into account not only by specialists, but also by patients who often practice this procedure at home.

The main contraindications include the following:

  • oncology of the spinal cord;
  • severe pain in the spine;
  • inflammation of bone tissue of the skeleton or skeletal muscles;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • disruption of normal kidney and liver function;
  • trauma or fractures of the spine.

In addition, the passage of the procedure is not recommended for patients with overweight and sick in old age. Extension of the spine in this case can lead to the formation of cracks in the vertebrae and deformation of the spine.

Alternatively, special gymnastics can be used to treat the spine. It includes a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscular framework of the back. As a result, the intensity of pain decreases, and the functioning of the spine normalizes.

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Of course, exercise therapy does not guarantee fast results, but it has no contraindications and negative consequences, so it can be used at any age.

At the first pains in a back it is important to address immediately to the expert. This will protect against the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as complications of existing ailments.

A source: https://spina.help/gryzha/vytyazhenie-pozvonochnika-pri-gryzhe-pozvonochnika.html

Underwater extension of the spine: a description of the procedure, contraindications, effectiveness and feedback

Today, many people face diseases of the spine. They perfectly know how unpleasant and painful these pathologies are.

To combat such ailments, many methods are used, one of which is traction, or, scientifically, traction.

There are irrefutable facts that indicate that such procedures have been carried out for more than two hundred years. They provide an excellent result. However, along with such facts, there are other data.

They testify that such treatment does not always give a positive result. There were cases when tractions were conducted without proper involvement of professionals, and the results were very sad.

Consider the underwater extension of the spine. What is the essence of the method, under what diseases will it bring the maximum effect. In addition, we will disassemble, at what illnesses it is necessary to refuse extension.

The essence of the procedure

Underwater traction of the spine is a stretching of the vertebrae under the patient's own weight. Sometimes, for better traction, we also use additional loads. If necessary, the procedure can include manual intervention.

There are several methods of stretching. The trajectory can be:

  • dry or underwater;
  • horizontal or vertical;
  • with vibration or with warming.

But, despite the variety of methods, the essence of the procedure is the same: spinal cord stretching. This allows you to remove spasm in the muscles, reduce pain, return the discs in place.

How does the procedure work?

Underwater spinal traction is performed as follows:

  1. The patient is securely fixed with special fasteners (straps) on the stand in the form of a platform.
  2. Then the person with the whole structure is lowered into a pool filled with water, or into a deep bath.
  3. The belts start to stretch. Due to this effect, stretching appears.
  4. The pressure on the intervertebral discs is significantly reduced. At this point, the spine looks like a straight spring.

Underwater spinal traction is used to treat a variety of different pathologies associated, one way or another, with human bones (fractures, hernias, osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis).

Efficacy of the procedure

However, in medicine this method of treatment causes many conflicting opinions. More than one generation of scientists and doctors are arguing on this issue.

Some doctors are sure that the process of stretching the spine provides nerve compression, relieves pain. Other doctors argue that traction is not capable of eliminating the cause of the pathology.

After all, traction can not change the destructive processes taking place in the bone system.

In addition, doctors emphasize that underwater spinal traction sometimes leads to quite serious complications:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • microfractures of muscles;
  • lumbago.

By the number of negative consequences this method of treatment is equated to manual therapy. The question arises: is this procedure effective or harmful?

No matter how many disputes on this score, one can not disagree with the positive effects of traction on the body. The procedure providing stretching of the spine, provides the muscles of the back with elasticity. Therefore, the vertebral column as a whole becomes stronger.

To achieve positive results from this therapy, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts. And you should start by finding a good specialist.

It is very important that the traction occurs under the supervision of a competent doctor. It is he who will carefully study your pathology and choose the appropriate treatment method.

The effectiveness of this procedure depends on this.

When this technique is used

Initially, it should be remembered that only the doctor can prescribe these measures, having carefully studied the examinations.

Most often, under the following pathologies, underwater spinal traction is recommended:

  1. with a hernia;
  2. osteochondrosis;
  3. spondylosis of the deforming species;
  4. lumbulgia;
  5. radicular compression;
  6. kyphoscoliosis;
  7. the initial stages of Bekhterev's disease;
  8. lumboschialgia, which caused limited movement and worsened flexibility;
  9. compression radiculopathy.

Contraindications to therapy

Like any medical procedure, spinal traction has a number of limitations.

Failure to do so or ignoring them can seriously harm the body, and sometimes even lead to disability.

That is why it is necessary to remind once again, initially consult with an experienced doctor, and only after his approval, consider underwater traction of the spine.

Contraindications to this procedure:

  • disorders of cerebrospinal circulation;
  • osteoporosis;
  • instability of the spine in the patient;
  • sequestered hernias;
  • spinal inflammatory syndromes (epiduritis cicatricial or arachnoiditis);
  • pathology in acute form, accompanied by severe pain;
  • fractures of the spine;
  • overweight (over 100 kg) and elderly age (over 60 years);
  • poor tolerance of traction (the procedure leads to increased pain);
  • rehabilitation after laminectomy;
  • bans for balneotherapy and hydrotherapy (with tuberculosis spondylitis, cardiopulmonary decompensation, tumors of the spine or spinal cord, predisposition to bleeding, skin diseases).

Underwater traction can occur in two ways:

  1. in the horizontal position;
  2. in the vertical.

Let's look at both options.

Extension in horizontal position

This method is recommended by many specialists. After all, it allows you to get excellent results by changing the load. Underwater-horizontal spinal traction, unlike other methods, is the safest procedure.

To apply this therapy patients are laid on a platform in the bathroom that is moving. The upper part of the body is fixed with straps, and weighting is hung on the lumbar region. Then the bottom of the platform is lowered slightly (at an angle of 15-30 degrees).

Stretching in vertical position

This method is not suitable for all patients. Underwater vertical spinal traction is a more intensive procedure.

It takes place in large pools. In addition, the patient no longer lies, but is in an upright position.

This procedure fixes only the upper part of the body. The head is also fixed with the help of a reliable head-holder.

Legs with vertical extension should not touch the bottom of the pool.

The waist and the hip area are worn with special belts, on which the loads are placed. Weight weighting is selected by the doctor and can vary from 2 kg to 20.

This method is good because it allows you to pull the entire spine. Within 20-40 minutes, while the procedure lasts, the patient can not move.

After all, reliable attachments hold down any movement.

This method is almost never used in practice. After all, it is based on a rough selection of cargo. In addition, with this method it is quite difficult to influence precisely the area that needs such an extension.

Recommendations depending on the disease

In addition to vertical and horizontal traction, the procedure can be intense or gentle. The choice depends on how strong the pain is, at what stage the disease is. The correct diagnosis is very important here.

Distinctive features:

  • Gentle method. It is a stretch that occurs under the action of its own body weight. Additional loads in this method do not apply.
  • Intensive method. If you need a stronger pull, then the procedure includes loads (from, kg). The weight of the load depends on the weight of the patient. This increases the time of the session - up to 40 minutes.

If there are concomitant diseases, such as a violation of venous circulation, then the doctor can designate a special complex of underwater spinal traction, supplemented with baths with sodium chloride. When radiculopathies are recommended, hydrogen sulphide or turpentine. And if you suffer from acute pain, then you will appoint a bath with joy.

To improve the effectiveness of the method, it is often combined with a hydromassage. This greatly improves the therapeutic effect.

The peculiarity of the curative effect

What is the essence of the therapeutic effect of this procedure? The whole secret lies in water, or rather, at a certain temperature. It is very important that it be 36-37 C. It is at this temperature that you can achieve the necessary effect, which will help in the fight against the disease.

The bath of underwater extension of the spine, the water in which it reaches the above-mentioned indicators, provides such effects:

  1. reduces muscle tone;
  2. reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings in the spine;
  3. the spaces between the disks become larger;
  4. expands the holes through which the nerve endings of the spinal cord pass;
  5. relaxes the muscles, due to this the pain subsides;
  6. eliminates spasms.

So, gradually, the necessary ratio between the vertebrae is restored, the disc is unloaded, the pressure decreases and, of course, the spinal root is released.

Cost of procedures

Unfortunately, it is not a cheap procedure to underwater traction of the spine. The average price varies from 1200 to 1600 rubles. A procedure may need 10-12.

Patient's opinion

Despite the doctors' perennial argument about the effectiveness of the procedure, most patients note a significant improvement after underwater spinal traction was performed. The reviews indicate that the technique helps with hernia, scoliosis, spondylosis.

People note that pain discomfort significantly decreases after 3 procedures. A 5 session allows you to move freely.

However, do not forget that the choice is always with the doctor. After all, only a doctor can evaluate the indications, weigh the contraindications and decide how necessary and important the patient is for the procedure of spinal traction.

A source: http://.ru/article/254989/podvodnoe-vyityajenie-pozvonochnika-opisanie-protseduryi-protivopokazaniya-effektivnost-i-otzyivyi