Cold remedy

The list of inexpensive drugs for the flu and cold

Almost every person, at least once a year, suffers from a cold. No matter how strong the human body, it can not be fully insured against viruses and infections, especially if there is an off-season or winter. Producers for disease control offer inexpensive medicine for colds and flu. You need to know which ones are not just cheap, but also effective.

Antiviral drugs are inexpensive but effective

All flu and cold remedies are divided into three broad categories:

  1. Antiviral. These drugs fight the virus, make the body cells more resistant to its effects.
  2. Immunomodulators. Preparations to correct the body's defense reactions to the natural level.
  3. For symptomatic treatment. Drugs of this group do not suppress the infection, but simply remove the symptoms of a cold or flu.

Antiviral tablets

The most famous drugs of this category:

  1. "Tamiflu", "Oseltamivir".Adults and adolescents drink 1 tablet twice a day for five days. The medicine is not recommended for those who have diseased kidneys.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. "Amiksin".Adults drink on the first day of illness two tablets of 125 mg, and then - a piece every other day. The dosage of a child's drug is halved. The drug is not allowed for pregnant women.
  4. Ribavirin. The drug is a new generation, very effective. Adults take on 0.2 grams four times a day. Course - 5 days.


Inexpensive good cures for cold and flu of this category:

  1. "Cycloferon".The drug for adults and children, who are already four years old. The course is 20 days, take a pill every other day.
  2. Kagocel. This medicine can be combined with antibiotics. Adults drink two tablets three times the first two days, and then one each."Kagotsel" can not be taken for the first three months of pregnancy.
  3. Anaferon. Homeopathic remedy. Adults drink one tablet 3-6 times a day.

For symptomatic treatment of

List of drugs that can remove signs of illness:

  1. "COLD CONTACT FLUIP Plus".Capsules with paracetamol and excipients. Drink them one by one every 12 hours. During treatment it is necessary to refuse categorically from alcoholic beverages.
  2. Coldrex. Helps with a cold with a wet cough. It is necessary to take one tablet 3-4 times a day. This drug can not be drunk if you have diabetes, liver or kidney failure.
  3. "Rince".Tablets take a piece 4 times a day. They can not be drunk with pregnant women, children under 15, people with heart disease, blood vessels. Course - 5 days.
  4. "Fervex".The drug is released in the form of sachets of powder, which must be dissolved in warm water. Do not use "Fervex" for more than three days. A day can not drink more than 4 packages.

Cold remedies

In addition to tablets, there are many other drugs that fight disease effectively. If you do not want to take antiviral medications for cold and flu, drink complex means of symptomatic action, then you can try another treatment tactic. The decision must be made based on the severity of the disease. There are many inexpensive drugs for cold and flu that will ease your condition.

From a sore throat

To remove an inflammation and irritation to you such drugs will help:

  1. «Grammidine».Quick-acting tablets for resorption with anesthetic. Take them two times four times a day, observing a weekly course.
  2. Strepsils. Relieve pain and have an antiseptic effect. Tablets must be dissolved one at a time every three hours. Children over five years of age are allowed to be treated with the drug. Completely remove the pain in the throat for three or four days.
  3. "Pharingosept".A powerful medicine that is forbidden to children under six. Tablets are recommended to dissolve after eating and then for a while not to drink liquids. For a day - no more than five pieces. The course of treatment is three days.

Drops in the nose

Runny nose will help you remove these drugs:

  1. "Sanorin".Have vasoconstrictive effect. Do not treat nasal congestion, and temporarily eliminate it. These drops can not be used for more than five days in a row. The composition of the reduced concentration of vasoconstrictor substances and eucalyptus oil.
  2. "Pinosol".Medicinal drops that have a curative effect. They struggle slowly with the causes of the common cold, but they do not eliminate the stuffiness.
  3. "Aqua Maris".Means for moisturizing the nasal mucosa. It does not dry the blood vessels, it speeds up the healing process. Moisturizing drops are recommended to apply for any type of common cold.
  4. "Vibrocil".Antiviral drug. Drops remove not only the common cold, but also its cause. They have vasoconstrictive, antihistamine action, kill bacteria, and reduce swelling.


Rapidly reduce the temperature of such drugs:

  1. "Paracetamol".A time-tested and inexpensive remedy that removes heat, relieves pain and inflammation. There are practically no side effects. Paracetamol is the main active ingredient of many other medicines: Panadol, Fervexa, Flukolda, Coldrex.
  2. "Ibuprofen".This medicine is rather anti-inflammatory, but it also lowers the temperature well. Do not take those with an ulcer, kidney or liver disease. It is part of the "Nurofen", "Ibuklina".
  3. "Aspirin"( acetylsalicylic acid).Antipyretic and analgesic. Do not take pregnant women, children under 12, those who have low blood coagulability. It is the main component of a huge number of other antipyretic drugs.

From herpes

This unpleasant symptom of the common cold will help to overcome such ointments:

  1. "Acyclovir".The most inexpensive means. It struggles with the virus, does not allow it to multiply. If you are pregnant or are breastfeeding, do not use the drug. If herpes you often appears, it is better to alternate "Acyclovir" with another antiseptic ointment or cream, so as not to cause addiction.
  2. "Zovirax".The composition of the cream includes propylene glycol, thanks to which the active substance penetrates into the cells faster and more efficiently. It is well absorbed into the skin."Zovirax" should be used clearly according to the instructions.
  3. "Fenistil Pencivir".Very powerful medicine that eliminates herpes immediately. Does not allow the wound to become scarring. The drug can not be used by pregnant, lactating mothers, children under the age of 12.

From a cough

Table of drugs:

From a dry cough

From a wet cough

  • "Lazolvan";
  • Ambroghexal;
  • "Herbion";
  • "Libexin";
  • "Stoptussin".
  • "ACTS";
  • "Broncholitin";
  • "Acesstad"( analog of ATSTS);
  • "Pertussin";
  • "Mukaltin";
  • Doctor MOM.

Inexpensive drugs analogues

If even the cheapest antiviral drugs are too expensive for you, use Paracetamol, Aspirin or Ibuprofen. For symptomatic treatment, use local remedies: nasal drops "Naphthyzine" or "Farmazolin", tablets for the treatment of sore throat "Septifril", medicine "From coughing".It will also be effective to rinse your throat with "Chlorophyllipt".

Drugs for the prevention of flu and colds

To protect yourself from the disease, but not cope with its manifestations, it is best to use drugs with immunomodulatory effect. The rules of preventive reception are described in the instructions of each of them. You can try capsules "Broncho-munal", which is allowed to combine with almost all drugs. A good prophylactic action is possessed by such drugs as Ribomunil, Immunal, Rimantadine, Arbidol, Amizon.

Video: home Coldrex for cold


Olya, 27 years old: At the first symptoms of flu I always take some symptomatic medicine, for example, "Rinzu" or "Coldrex".This does not allow the infection to "play out".Immunomodulators did not drink at all because of the high price. And I try to treat the child with folk remedies, but I knock down the temperature with Paracetamol. I trust more domestic products.

Lena, 35 years old: Now the pharmacy offers so many names of medicines for colds that it's hard not to get lost. I try to use antipyretic drugs, for example, "Aspirin" or "Paracetamol."If the runny nose begins, then I use "Pinosol".He helps well, though he does not break his nose. If you start a sore throat, I use "Chlorophyllipt".

Tanya, 24 years old: I have ARVI always with fever and cough. I drink Fervex in powders, and I also buy ACTS.Thanks to this treatment, my illness lasts for three or four days. Last winter, saw for the prevention of "Arbidol", but still sick, so I do not recognize any medications for correcting the immunity. I'm cured when the cold has already begun.

Effective folk remedies for cold

In the days of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, at the first signs of a cold, no one thought of fleeing to the chemist's shop for medicines, and in villages and villages, even more so. In the best case, when the ill did not go out for a long time, they led the sick woman to some grandmother, she offered her methods. In the rest - at hand have always been proven folk remedies for colds.

For a modern person is a completely customary ritual with the symptoms of various diseases - to open a magical first-aid kit and print out another box of medicines. Perhaps this is the only way out when the disease is at its peak. But the disease is better to prevent or eliminate it at the beginning of development than to fight the developed disease and, worse still, its possible complications. Our ancestors well understood this and at the first signs of a cold they stopped it "in the bud".If the moment is missed, and the disease begins to develop, it is not worth to give up. How to cure a cold with folk remedies? You will learn this by reading the recipes our grandmothers used.

Symptoms of a cold

Symptoms of a cold are familiar to everyone. And anyone will easily list them. But cough, runny nose, fever often appear when the disease has already made its way into the body. The very first signs of the disease are a decrease in tone, fatigue, as people say, "the desire to lie down."Appetite disappears and mild apathy appears. Often people do not attach importance to this, writing off everything on a nervous environment at work or an unpleasant conversation with a loved one. But if the nose lays, there is heavy breathing, begins to "twist your arms or legs," and there is a headache - it's time to sound an alarm. Your body sends the first signals that it gets sick, which means it's time to start preparing a folk remedy for a cold.

Beer with egg yolks

It is believed that the treatment with hot beer gives a positive effect. If there are signs of the disease, we suggest using a relatively simple prescription. A couple of egg yolks( better from home healthy chickens) thoroughly rubbed with added two tablespoons of granulated sugar. You should get a thick foam. In the container, pour the beer( about half a liter), heat it to 50 degrees and add to the foam ground on a grated lemon zest, a pair of cloves rods, a little cinnamon( a half teaspoon).In the pan, place yolk sugar foam and gently, continuously stirring, pour beer into it. Continuing to stir, we put the pan on the fire and heat it. After a lapse of 3 - 5 minutes we remove from the fire - and the people's remedy for cold cures is ready! Slightly cool, before going to bed we drink a glass of hot potion, put on warm socks and go under the blanket. The body covers a pleasant languor, the body sweats, and the person falls asleep. And next morning for colds there should be no trace.

Onion broth

If drinking is for some reason unacceptable for you, you can use a decoction of onions. It is prepared as follows. A small onion is thoroughly crushed, the mass is poured into a mug and poured over with boiling water. The mug should be covered with a lid or a saucer and let it stir for 5 minutes. Then the hot broth should be drunk, preferably as soon as possible - for 2 or 3 minutes, so that the phytoncids that are contained in onions and actively help the body, did not dissolve. This is an effective folk remedy for colds, not very pleasant and tasty, but affordable. The medicine can cook for everyone, only two ingredients - onions and boiling water.

Honey with butter

Honey has been known since ancient times for its healing properties. And, of course, with its help, a common disease such as the common cold is cured. Treatment of a child's folk remedies is not always acceptable - often mixtures and adults do not really like taking because of the bitterness of the ingredients, for example. But this does not apply to honey! Prepared by the following prescription means very much toddlers. About 100 grams of honey mixed with the same amount of butter, add vanilla sugar( enough will be one sachet).A fragrant and useful home remedy is ready! As you can see, this is a quick national remedy for colds, and it is quite effective. It is recommended to give the children 1 teaspoon per day.

Decoction of walnuts and honey

Another recipe with a delicious ingredient - honey - will help get rid of the disease. This powerful folk remedy for colds is used mainly when the ailment is in full swing, in strong form. The most difficult thing in this recipe is to crush four walnuts with the shell. But our people are inventive, and we are sure that you will succeed. Next, add a tablespoon of dried elderberry flowers and the same amount of honey. Stir, dilute with water( about half a liter) and put on the stove. After boiling on a small fire, cook for 15-20 minutes. We carefully filter - and the healing broth is ready. Take it at least 3 times a day for a tablespoon.

Green cones with honey

This method is used by experienced domestic "samsebedotora", and you can not prepare it for a quick hand, because it requires preparation. When there is a cold in a child, folk remedies do not fit everything. And we already talked about this. The most important thing in medicine for children is that it is sweet and tasty. In this case honey comes to the aid of mummies and grannies. For the preparation of an effective remedy it is necessary in May to collect green pine cones. In our case, we need 2 kilograms. Cones put in a container and pour 1 kilogram of honey. We insist in a warm place, but better in the sun 2-3 months. In cold weather, when immunity is weakened, this remedy will help cope with a cold, cough and sore throat. Take syrup on one tablespoon up to 4 times a day before meals. Children dosage can be reduced to a teaspoon.

Cotton swabs of aloe plus pepper shreds from

The next set of methods will help cure colds with folk remedies quickly, about a day. To do this, we will need from the aloe leaf( it grows on the windowsill for many) to squeeze out the juice. Then for two matches to wind small pieces of cotton wool, the tampons thus obtained must be moistened with aloe juice and inserted into the nostrils. After the juice is absorbed( it takes 20-30 minutes), tampons need to be removed, and after a while to lay new ones. The procedure should be repeated up to 5 times a day.

And for the evening it is required to make a special burning rubbing. For its preparation, ground red pepper( in the amount of 5 tablespoons) should be diluted with vegetable oil( about half a liter), carefully stirred and placed on a water bath. All the while stirring, stand 15 minutes. Then the mixture must be removed and cooled. At night, the patient grind the resulting mixture of chest and back, wrap it in a warm, give us a hot vitaminized gull. Over night, the cold will magically escape, and in the morning a vigorous and healthy organism will be ready for new achievements.

Inhalation for cold

Inhalation as an auxiliary folk remedy for cold is desirable to apply in combination with other methods. If the house has an inhaler, it is better to use it, if not, you can breathe over the steam brewed in a pot of herbs. Very effective inhalation with the use of calendula, pine buds, chamomile, eucalyptus leaves. It is also recommended to make inhalations with essential oils of juniper, lemon, pine or fir. Therapeutic teas

Many readers are probably somewhat familiar with how to treat common cold with folk remedies. The simplest methods are the use of medicinal drinks and teas. We recall the useful properties of some plants that help strengthen the body. Undoubted favorites among the drinks are infusions of raspberries, lime and lemon. Usually a spoon of one of the products is brewed in a glass of boiling water, and the healing agent is ready. A good anti-inflammatory agent is chamomile, if you add lime to hot boiling water to it, and a little later( in 20 minutes later) a spoonful of honey, you will get a wonderful anti-cold infusion. Very good in confronting with this disease and ginger tea. To make it, enough a glass of boiling water to pour half a teaspoon of chopped ginger, squeeze the lemon( to make a tablespoon of juice), and drop the same amount of honey. You can add a few mint leaves. Therapeutic drink "On health" is ready!

How to get rid of a cough

One of the most unpleasant manifestations of a cold is a cough. Sometimes it can not even be cured even in a month. However, folk remedies for cold will help to overcome even the most protracted and deep cough. One of the simple methods is a drink from the mother-and-stepmother. Dry leaves of the plant( proportions arbitrary) are boiled and used instead of coffee or tea. Very popular folk medicine and radish juice. It is a good anti-inflammatory and expectorant. To make an elixir, it is necessary to mix one part of the squeezed juice with two parts of honey. The medicine should be taken up to four times a day on a tablespoon.

Catarrh from the cold

Another unpleasant side of the disease - a runny nose - can solve folk remedies for colds. The simplest methods are washing the nose with a solution of sea salt or soda. As an option, of course, less pleasant - to wash the nose with freshly squeezed onion juice. Nasal sinuses are recommended to warm up with saccules with heated salt or, according to the old grandmother's method, boiled hot eggs. Also, with a cold, as with other manifestations of cold, garlic helps well. A good remedy: several cloves of garlic( 5-6 pieces) to crush and stir in a glass of milk. The mixture should be boiled, cooled and several times a day to take a teaspoon.

Sore throat goes away

Perspirations and sore throats often accompany colds. Rinsing and drinking will help to cope with these problems. Such folk remedies for colds, like healing teas, have already been considered. Together with gargling and hot foot baths, these are quite effective actions. Prepare the same decoction for rinsing from the herbs will not be difficult: one tablespoon of chamomile, sage or violet( and maybe mixtures of these herbs) pour a glass of boiling water. After 20 minutes you can gargle. The procedure should be repeated no less than 5-6 times a day. Also effectively eliminates the pain in the throat the next rinse mixture. For a glass of boiling water, add a teaspoon of salt, as much soda and 2-3 drops of iodine. Than not sea salt!

General recommendations

In the treatment of common cold, the main thing is understanding the need for an integrated approach. It can not be expected that the disease will pass by itself. It is necessary to help the body to fight. The most simple recommendations: to observe personal hygiene, to wash hands after visiting public places is obligatory, as often as possible to ventilate the room where the patient is. It is better to do this every two hours. Must be wet cleaning. You can often ignite a room with an aroma lamp with healing essential oils( unless, of course, the patient is not allergic).If the disease is only at the beginning to prevent its further development( provided there is no temperature), we remind you that nobody has canceled the hot bath yet! And if it's far to the bath, it's just right to get your feet in the basin.

You should also adjust your diet. If possible, exclude heavy food for several days, be sure to leave vegetables and fruits. It should be used for colds as much as possible liquids: teas, tinctures, decoctions, juices. On the table during this period must be present onions and garlic. If all the same disease overcame you - we are treated for colds with folk remedies, which we described above. These recipes will help mobilize the strength of the body in the fight against the disease. And at last one more national recipe - your positive mood and good mood become an excellent improving means!

Effective remedies for cold and flu

This article will indeed be useful and interesting to those who quite often have more different colds. If you still do not know how to quickly and effectively treat flu and cold, then below is a list of the most effective medications.

As a rule, a cold occurs in a person quite suddenly, and especially at a time when it is completely out of place. At the first sign of acute respiratory viral infection( acute respiratory viral infection) begins with cough, cold, increased weakness in the body, sneezing, stuffy nose. What to do in this situation? If you go to work tomorrow, or study, it is most likely that the cold should be eliminated today.

For most of us, colds and flu are a time-consuming disaster. How can you protect yourself from the disease? Everyone knows that the most effective treatment is prevention.

In the risk group of those who catch a cold the first time you can include children and the elderly, as well as all those with reduced immunity. The disease attacks a person mainly in spring and autumn. Therefore, knowing this fact, you must take multivitamin complexes throughout the whole winter, and actively lean on vegetables and fruits in the summer. That is, the first thing that is included in the treatment of influenza is the strengthening and enhancement of the body's defenses.doctors recommend starting sports, tempering, abandoning bad habits, it is useful to drink vitaminized cocktails and for the prevention of taking vitamin c. Your food should be filled with a maximum of useful substances and trace elements.

If you understand that your lifestyle is far from ideal, then you can strengthen immunity with immuno-fortifying preparations in the form of an Immunal or the usual tincture of echinacea that can be purchased at a pharmacy for a mere penny. In winter, especially during the flu epidemic, physicians are advised to use oxolin ointment. It can lubricate the nasal sinuses in order to interfere with the penetration of infections and pathogens.

First aid for colds

If you are cold, the first thing you should do is to warm your body with hot tea with lemon and raspberry jam. Everyone knows that honey and lemon are the most optimal means for treating the disease. Further, it is recommended to take antipyretic natural remedies that contain salicylic acid. In folk medicine, you can find recipes using eucalyptus infusion. This plant has both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

The habit of Russians lingering with the treatment of influenza and getting sick "on their feet" leads to complications. About 40% of those infected with influenza risk getting bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, less often - pyelonephritis, stomatitis and other diseases. Therefore, the appearance of chills, a cold and other symptoms that resemble the flu should become a signal for the patient to start treatment.
In the first hours of development of the flu, the body needs support, and the patient - getting rid of the symptoms. If you suspect a flu, you can start treatment with a symptomatic drug, for example, a drug of European quality, Antigrippin. The use of this symptom in the complex treatment of influenza will help to alleviate the condition of the patient and prevent the development of complications.

With a mild cold, you can soak your feet in hot water, having previously added mustard powder to it. Then, after a 20 minute home session, wipe your feet dry, put on woolen socks and do not leave the house for several hours, and preferably the whole day. Their natural "antibiotics" effectively help in the treatment of common onions and garlic. Traditional healers recommend making tampons of crushed garlic and inserting them into the nasal sinuses. This remedy will save you from a protracted cold or just a beginning cold.

Cold remedy

Almost all viral diseases lead to severe and more serious complications. Proceeding from this, it is necessary already on the first day of a malaise to drink a medicine that can reduce to "no" all harbingers of complications. For example, Arbidol is an effective antiviral drug that will several times reduce the duration of the disease. For the treatment of colds and flu, the preparation Antigrippin, which is aimed at accelerating the production of interferon in the body, that protects cells from the effects of the virus.

If you have an inflammatory process in the throat, it cuts, cuts and tortures you, then you urgently need to take mucolytic drugs in the form of ATSTS, Bromheksin and Ambroxol. The effect of these drugs is aimed at expectoration of sputum and its effective removal from the pulmonary ways. If you do not want to resort to the use of medicines, then get in the pharmacy the grass of chamomile, lime-colored or special fees, which are referred to as "Thoracic."It is useful during this period to drink hot tea with honey or warm milk mixed with several spoons of honey.

Coryza - medicines

At the first symptoms of nasal congestion, dip in the nasal sinuses of vasoconstrictive drugs( to choose from) Naphthysine, Sanorin, Galazolin. They are used to remove swelling from the nasal mucosa and thereby improve breathing. Remember that these drops do not apply for more than a week. To purify the nose with a cold, sprays Otrivin, aquamaris, will help. They are necessary for the removal of mucus with a protracted runny nose.

Home remedies for iodine can be given iodine tincture. Add a few drops of iodine to warm boiled water( 100 ml) and dig in the sinuses with this solution. Also in the pharmacy you can buy menthol oil, which softens the nasal mucosa and effectively eliminates the common cold. To bury your nose you will need only 5 drops of oil. In addition to colds with menthol oil, you can lubricate the skin on the temples, nose and forehead.

For the treatment of the common cold, folk remedies are also used. Among them, carrot juice freshly mixed with absolutely any vegetable oil that you have in stock( you need to do this in equal proportions).Several drops of garlic juice are added to this healing mixture and this remedy is used to treat the common cold. It can be buried in the nasal sinuses as well as taken internally. What is the best remedy for flu and colds?


Svetlana Rubtsova

I drink Arbidol and Antigrippin-Anvi in ​​such cases. It helps me. From the common cold - "Rinonorm".

A1 and PND

A1 and PND

antegrypin = like so


milk with honey for the night

Oleg Studenikin

I use effervescent antigrippin - it's corny but helps - effervescent vitamin C 1000 mg - cytovir-3( immunostimulant). ..what is some tea honey lemon. ..still recommended in tea Echinacea


ocilococcinum + plentiful drink with honey and raspberries, hot..bath or sauna

Vasily Anoshko

Influenza is not treated at all, there is no flu, so far, drugs, everything else is durilovo.
It is possible to ease the course of the disease.
Ascorbic packaging at a time( no more than 10 pieces) 3-4 times a day, a powerful oxidant that binds toxins( the products of vital activity of viruses) and copious drink, the products of the vital activity of viruses are derived.
And that's all, nothing else in the world exists.


teraflyu, especially with honey and lemon. Delicious, damn it. It is a pity that you can not be healthy.

Oksana Danilova

hot bath with aromatic oils, and after you drink 50 g of vodka, chilled with chili, lie in woolen socks in a warm bed, cover with a warm blanket and let the cold go. Why do you need honey.preparations?

Marina Anatolyeva

Antigrippin Maxi and Arbidol, - proven drugs - really help. Get well!

Max Naurov

glass of vodka with salt-glass without salt glass with pepper-glass without pepper glass with cinnamon-glass without cinnamon ------- microbes will definitely rest but treatment is long and should be done in 1 day off and 2 days off will be a weaknessafter illness


advice or councils as to recover to you and without me will help or assist and I shall tell or say as not to be ill. Every morning in the spring and autumn of the month, I eat one and a half slices of garlic( on a hungry stomach, cut gently as tablets and drink a glass of warm water).There is a lot of energy, an ointment mood and I'm not sick! GARLIC CHILD NOT THEN ODOR WILL NOT BE! !!


Try folk remedy: 15 spoons of vodka in a to boil( 1-2min), throw a pinch of tea leaves.remove from heat, cover with a lid.when a little cool, drink a half-full of infusion, get a spoonful of honey, and go to bed. Cold recedes! It is better to do at night. It is checked up on itself! !!!And more: heat 200 grams of cahors, dissolve in it 2 tablespoons of honey and drink 30-40 grams three times a day.




1) Vodka with pepper 2) Drink plenty of liquids, preferably tea( with lemon), and cough better infusion of honey and radishes 3) Acetyl for the night to ripple 4) Apply baths and baths in no case!!

Kozlova Marina

The best remedy is tea with lemon and ginger. If there is a linden tree, you can.

Yulia Gurushkina

And Amiksin helps me best, it's the virus that struggles, and not the symptoms that it removes like these powders. And I am getting better with it much more quickly. Tea with a lemon is also good, but as an addition, all the same medicine is needed.

Natalya Sergeevna

Flood klüd plus

Popular remedies for cold

Among the popular remedies for cold are vitamin C, zinc, honey, teas with various herbs. But these funds need to be applied competently, otherwise why then be treated for a cold? Studies show that not all drugs about which we thought they were effective actually do not do any good. Be careful with the cold remedies that you apply. Ask the attending physician if you doubt the effect of your folk medications.

See also: Flu treatment with folk methods

Vitamin C and cold treatment

There are many scientific disputes about the fact that vitamin C helps prevent colds. Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling discovered the effective effects of vitamin C on colds in the 1970s. Some studies have shown that this vitamin for colds does help. Others have concluded that vitamin C does not help fight colds at all its stages.

There are some reasons to believe that some of these studies had serious shortcomings. To make vitamin C a real benefit, it is important that a minimum dose of vitamin C be used in treatment. Many studies have shown that there was no benefit from vitamin C if it was taken too little for too short a time.

Doses of Vitamin C With

In studies that showed the benefits of vitamin C, participants took at least 2000 mg of vitamin C per day from the onset of the first symptoms of a cold to its complete cessation. Proponents of vitamin C recommend taking it at a dose of 5000 mg or more per day.

One of the main problems in using this mega dose of a vitamin is that you can suffer from diarrhea. To avoid diarrhea, you need to use calcium powder, ascorbic acid. Calcium ascorbate is one of the forms of vitamin C, which irritates the gastrointestinal tract and often causes diarrhea. It is enough to take calcium ascorbate 1 teaspoon four times a day.

Vitamin C and formation of stones

Anyone who suffers from kidney stones should avoid using vitamin C supplements for a long time. Most kidney stones are made up of calcium salts, but anyone who suffers from acid stones in the kidneys must be extremely careful in using vitamin C.

Zinc against colds

If your diet contains zinc deficiency, the body can significantly reduce the amount of neutrophils, andyou become more susceptible to all kinds of infections, including those causing colds. In a study that sought to test the effectiveness of zinc tablets in treating colds, the researchers found that people with colds and taking 23 mg zinc gluconate tablets every 2 hours recovered significantly faster than people taking placebo. Other studies have shown that tablets such as zinc glycine gluconate or zinc acetate can significantly shorten the duration of cold symptoms.

Zinc works best if you start taking the pill at the first sign of a sore throat. Take one tablet every 2 hours until your symptoms become weak if they increase the risk of a stomach upset. In this case, you can use them as often as you can be comfortable. Do not use tablets for longer than one week. Zinc can suppress the immune system and is used for a long period of time. There are also a number of studies that show that zinc can be an excellent helper in Alzheimer's disease.

Chicken soup against cold

Chicken soup, also known as "Jewish penicillin," has been the foundation of folk medicine for 800 years, since the Egyptian doctor Moses Maimonides recommended it as a remedy for colds.

And it really works, as many modern studies have shown. These researchers suggest that fighting chicken soup flu is effective not because of the chicken, but because of the vegetables that are usually part of the dish. Soup leads to a decrease in cold symptoms, especially nasal congestion.

Mushrooms against cold

Oriental mushrooms, such as shiitake, maitake and reishi, contain compounds that can strengthen your immune system.

Thus, when eating these kinds of fungi, people are much better able to fight the common cold.

Spicy food against colds

If you feel how hot spices help your body fight the cold, include them in the diet.

Fight with a cold with a bowl of chili or other spicy foods, such as horseradish, include pepper, hot sauce, mustard or curry in the diet. Hot Mexican and Indian products are very good for eliminating colds and its symptoms.

Drink lots of hot liquid

Cold viruses grow and multiply quite quickly when the temperature around them is high. However, they are eliminated and killed when their environment is excessively heated. Drink a hot liquid. It will warm your throat.

This should also worsen the spread of the virus. Hot liquids have a moderate effect of a decongestant, which helps to relieve nasal congestion. Taking herbal drinks, such as ginger tea, is doubly useful, because its heating effect has an antiviral effect.

Avoid sweets

Neutrophils are a special type of white blood cells that absorb and destroy cold viruses and other invader substances. Neutrophils become weak and lethargic when you eat sweets. Thus, you need to stay away from sweets when you have a cold, and also as a preventive strategy in the cold season.

In one study, volunteers consumed 100 grams of sugar, which is equivalent to two cans of soda. When scientists took blood samples from volunteers, they found that after consuming sugar, neutrophil activity in volunteers fell by 50 percent. Five hours later, the activity of neutrophils remained significantly below normal.

All products that contain any form of sugar, including sucrose, fructose, corn syrup - can lead to impairment of neutrophil activity: malignant rations are sweets and sweets that have little nutritional value.

Other nutritional supplements to combat colds

Vitamin A is vital for the entire mucous membrane of the respiratory tract during a cold or flu. It can be taken in the form of beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, but at higher doses.

Amino acid lysine also has antiviral properties. Take 500 mg of L-lysine three to four times a day for one week - and signs of a cold will quickly recede.

Pantothenic acid supports adrenal function, which is often compromised when you have a cold. It also helps to minimize nasal congestion and fatigue. Take 250 mg pantetonic acid three times a day for one week.

Bioflavonoids have anti-inflammatory properties and help ease the course of the common cold. Take 500 to 1000 milligrams of bioflavonoids every hour for eight hours at the first sign of a cold.

Recommended dosage of anti-cold medications

A person with a cold can use the following vitamin supplements, mineral and vegetable, to help reduce the duration of the cold and reduce the severity of the symptoms:

  • Vitamin C, bioflavonoids, 1000 mg every few hours throughout the day, until the bowels are fully healed.
  • Zinc lozenges, with 3 mg of copper, every few hours, up to 70 mg daily during the course of the common cold and 30 mg per day as prevention.
  • Garlic, 2 capsules or slices three times per day
  • Vitamin A, 25,000 IU per day( up to 50,000 international units of vitamin A three times a day for no more than five days.)( Avoid this vitamin during pregnancy)
  • 2 capsulesEchinacea three times a day( or as a tincture, 15 drops four times a day)
  • To eliminate sore throat, take one zinc tablet every two to three hours or as needed.
  • To eliminate nasal congestion, use steam inhalations with the addition of eucalyptus oil in water.

Products that can activate the immune system

Researchers find a positive link between the immune function and components in food. If you or your children suffer from a cold, you need to make sure that they eat a lot of immunostimulating products.

Garlic can activate your immune system, increasing its resistance to infections and stress. To obtain the immune strength from garlic, you need to crush the lobules with the flat side of the knife before adding them to the food. This relieves garlic juice, which has a great potential of immune properties.

Cheese and other dairy products contain linoleic acid, a natural component of milk fat, which has contributed to the growth of the immune response in animal studies.

Yoghurts and other fermented milk products contain probiotics, useful bacteria with immunostimulating benefits. Look at the "live active cultures", which indicate that probiotics have been added to them. Also check the labels of dairy products for the presence of vitamin D. Early studies show low levels of vitamin D, which may be associated with seasonal increases in cold and flu, as well as a higher incidence of respiratory infections.

Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits and juices, can also help the immune system fight the cold.

Zinc is found in meat, chicken, peanuts and peanut butter, it plays an important role in the proper functioning of the immune system in the body.

Products that cure colds

Fresh ginger root can help you when you are sick, causing sweating and decreased nausea and diarrhea. Make ginger tea easily by filling a teaspoon of ginger with half a liter of boiling water. Cover the tea with a lid and boil it over low heat for 10 minutes. Add lemon and honey to taste.

Chicken soup and hot drinks help alleviate the symptoms of colds. Of course the taste and wonderful flavor of chicken soup can be an important part of the positive effect of colds.

Healthy nutrition during the cold and flu season means getting a daily requirement for essential vitamins and minerals and a balanced diet that contains a variety of foods from all food groups.

Kill microbes for colds

The most important thing you can do to not get sick is to wash your hands. A common way to catch a cold is to rub your nose or eyes with dirty hands, so wash your hands often to protect yourself from infection.

Your hands can pick up germs from other people or from contaminated surfaces. Use warm water, soap and wash your hands for several minutes for best results.

Another good practice is to wash cups, cutlery and silver, as well as surfaces of home furniture such as door handles, taps and phones, with soap and water.

Boost the performance of the immune system

Even when your hands are clean, staying healthy means more than just avoiding germs. Healthy organs are easier to tolerate the fight against infection. To stay healthy and activate your immune system:

  1. Get plenty of rest
  2. Eat well-balanced food
  3. Regularly exercise
  4. Take care of stress
  5. Reduce bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol

Studies have shown that moderate physical activity has a positive effect on the immune system. Over time, this means less colds and other infections of the upper respiratory tract.

Folk remedies for colds are very good. If the doctor has not prescribed you a chemical for the treatment of complications of flu and cold, folk remedies will help to cope with the diseases.

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