What is the difference between cold and cold?

What is the difference between flu and cold (symptomatic)?


Free like a wind

colds are common symptoms, and when the flu really sucks

Ivan Kruptchev

With the flu, the temperature rises sharply.


Very high temperature.


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look at the page - there Pts in detail everything is painted.


The symptomatology is the same, but the consequences are worse, the possibility of complications.

Elena Crow

a sharp increase in the temperature is not less than 38.5 and sooooo poor samochustvie.

Eugine Klein

Both the flu and the cold are viral infections that can cause symptoms such as coughing and sore throats. The common cold is an easier viral infection of the respiratory tract. Influenza, as a rule, proceeds much more heavily and is accompanied by pains in muscles and joints.
Symptoms of influenza usually appear 1-3 days after infection. The disease almost always begins suddenly - the flu simply "knocks down." Typical manifestations of influenza are sudden onset, high fever and chills, coughing, pain in the muscles and joints, headache and severe weakness. Some people also have nasal congestion and sore throat.

instagram viewer

Sometimes influenza causes such serious infectious complications as pneumonia, pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis and inflammation of the middle ear (otitis). Immediately consult a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:
cough with thick sputum stained or streaked with blood
repeated fever, pain in the chest, swelling of the face,
pain in the ear or sharp pain in the face or forehead.
Colds, SARS usually starts smoothly, the temperature rarely rises above 38 degrees. Sometimes from the very beginning of the disease the throat hurts, then there is a dry, abrupt cough, a feeling of heaviness in the chest; eyes turn red in case of bacterial infection.


temperature, but is fraught with the flu in the main complications.


Both colds and flu cause viruses. There are a lot of such viruses, which explains the fact that in some cases the disease lasts much longer than in others and has other symptoms. Colds are caused by viruses belonging to 5 viral families. Influenza viruses are of 3 types - A, B and C.
Influenza caused by the virus types B and C in adults is usually expressed in moderate form, it can be confused with a severe cold. If a person has had type C flu, his immunity persists for a lifetime, repeated diseases are rare.
The influenza A virus is less stable, it is much more likely than the type B and C virus to be mutated. Since this virus often changes its genetic constitution, its immunity to it is negligible or does not last long:
Influenza A type is different in its symptoms from colds. You can say that this type of flu has more severe symptoms than a cold. Patients with this type of flu have a high fever, there are stagnant phenomena in the respiratory system. It is this type of virus that often causes epidemics and influenza pandemics.
As mentioned above, most of the viruses that cause colds belong to 5 viral families. Almost half of them belong to the family of rhinoviruses, discovered in the late 1980s.
Colds are an infectious respiratory disease that affects the nose, throat and upper respiratory tract. Most colds are unusual high fever, chills and other more serious symptoms, characteristic of the flu.
Influenza, especially type A, almost always occurs in a heavier form than a cold. A characteristic feature of the flu, which distinguishes it from the common cold, is a sudden onset of the disease, which is usually accompanied by fever and chills.
Common symptoms for colds and flu are weakness, cough and runny nose. The active phase of influenza lasts for about a week on average (although residual effects - weakness, loss of strength - may persist for several weeks after the disappearance of most of the symptoms). Recovery from cold usually takes less time than after the flu

Marina Vorobyeva

not necessarily a great temperature... now there is a flu with a small temperature, like my example, 37... or even without it ...

How to tell if the flu is cold. Cold and flu - what's the difference?

All people occasionally get colds. And, by the way, in our country very rarely they turn to the doctor for help. This is why not everyone knows how to distinguish between flu and cold.

A few words about colds

At the very beginning I want to say that most people come across colds, not flu. Surprisingly, today there are 250 varieties of viruses that can cause this ailment. Doctors say that a healthy adult can catch an average of two to four times a year. Everything depends on the body's resistance. Children are more likely to get sick. After all, their resistance is much lower. Breasts are sick even more often. They may have a runny nose from 6 to 10 times in 12 calendar months. Also it should be noted that those who are in different collectives are more often ill: in kindergartens, at school, at work. After all, it's easier for them to catch an infection.

A few words about the flu

It is important to understand how to distinguish influenza from colds. Features of influenza - that's what you need to first tell. So, this is a very contagious and rapidly spreading disease. It strikes the body more strongly than the catarrhal disease. It's also worth mentioning that you should not underestimate the flu. After all, in about a third of cases, it flows into a different, more complex disease. It can be, for example, a genyantritis or an inflammation of lungs. Beware of this disease is, above all, young children, the elderly, as well as people with emaciated immunity. It is much more difficult for them to cope with it. Also, the period of adaptation after recovery will be more difficult.

The first difference: the appearance of disease

How to distinguish flu from cold and not make a mistake? The main thing here is to pay attention to the appearance of the disease itself. After all, if it is a cold, its symptoms grow slowly. First there is a runny nose, there may be a swelling in the throat. Only after a while, the temperature may appear, and the patient's condition will worsen. If we are talking about the flu, this disease manifests itself with lightning speed. All symptomatology is usually immediately, brightly and acutely.

The second difference: temperature

The next tip is how to distinguish the flu from colds: examine the temperature indicators. If it is an ARVI, it will not immediately appear. The rates will rise later than other symptoms. In addition, the numbers most often do not cross the mark of 3, ° C. It takes all a couple of days. This temperature can be "carried on your feet although this is highly discouraged.

If it is a case of influenza, body temperature indicators are rising rapidly. The figures are often frightening: 39-40 ° C. The temperature lasts about three days. Man can not work effectively in this state.

The third difference: sensations

The following advice how to distinguish the flu from ARVI, cold: you need to follow your feelings. They will be significantly different. So, if it is a cold disease, a person can have a weakness, a slight chill, fatigue. Expressed pains will not be. The patient will be able to serve himself without any problems.

If we are talking about the flu, the patient will have a chill in the whole body, fever. There may also be pain in the temples, eyes. Thinking activity falls. A person can develop photophobia.

The difference is the fourth: a runny nose

The next clue is how to tell the flu from a cold: you need to see if the patient has a runny nose. His presence can tell a lot. So, if he appeared first, before the manifestation of other symptoms - this is most likely a cold. Also at this time, usually stuffy nose, there is a puffiness. Allocations are strong, can change color. Often also watery eyes, but there is no conjunctivitis. The patient will also often sneeze.

If it's flu, the cold will not appear earlier than on the second day of the illness. Or it may not be at all. Eyes can only be watered in case of conjunctivitis. Sneezing will be rare.

The fifth difference: the throat

What else is the difference between a flu and flu? So, the state of the throat can tell about it. If there is a cold, it will be friable throughout the entire period of the disease, red. In this case, pain can be of any strength. Coughing is often abrupt. At first dry, then wet - when there is a coughing up of phlegm.

In the case of influenza, the back wall of the throat, as well as the palate, is most often affected. Later, after about a day, there is a painful cough that causes pain in the chest. It is very long in time: 2-3 weeks. Often develops into an additional disease - bronchitis.

The sixth difference: the digestive system

Surprisingly, the human gastrointestinal tract also reacts to the flu-like state. At this time, patients often have diarrhea, less often - vomiting. With cold disease, this happens very rarely.

The seventh difference: the duration of the disease

The last difference between a cold and the flu is the duration of the disease itself. The course of the disease will be different, this is clear. The flu will last for about 10 days (during this time, the body temperature is normalized). The first four of them are the acute period when the patient has a fever, and all the symptoms will be bright. After this time, for another couple of weeks, headache, insomnia, irritability may persist. Also, low performance, and fatigue - high.

If it's a cold, all the symptoms will be in a week. In this acute state will be only one day, usually not the first, but the second-third. Then everything will slowly decline. Workability is maintained for the entire period of the disease. However, it is better to spend this time in bed. Also after ARI there is no asthenic syndrome. Those. after recovery, a person will not feel a sense of weakness, fatigue.

Treatment of colds

How to distinguish influenza from ARVI and what is the difference in their treatment regimens? If it is a cold, then at the first symptoms of its manifestation you need to start taking action. So, if pershit throat, it must be started immediately rinse. If the runny nose - you need to wash your nose and dig it with healing drops. So, it's good to clean your nose with a so-called shower. It is necessary to take a lot of warm drinks, the food should be easily digestible. The temperature can not be brought down until it has passed beyond the level of 38 ° C (the body is still trying to cope with the infection itself). It should also be noted that let the patient's condition and not the worst, yet at this time it is better to limit activity. So it will be easier to cope with the symptoms and bring the moment of recovery closer.

Treatment of influenza

How else can you tell if the flu is cold? What is the difference between flu and symptoms? By the methods of getting rid of him! In this case, the patient should immediately go to bed, because the symptoms will be acute, bright. Performance will be very low. And besides, the sick person instantly becomes the carrier of a dangerous infection. Self-medication in this case can be dangerous, so it's best to call the doctor's house. He will prescribe the right drugs. Important: antibiotics for the flu will not help. So you do not need to exacerbate the course of the disease and the condition of your body.

As a small conclusion, I want to say that, of course, it is important to know how to distinguish the flu from ARVI. But it is best to ask the doctor for help with the first symptoms of any illness. This is the only way to help your body deal with the problem much faster.


How to distinguish ARVI from influenza? Signs of flu and ARVI

For many, the off-season is the most dangerous time of the year. It is during this period that most people are attacked by viruses. As a consequence - SARS and influenza, which are knocked out of the usual pace of life and cause significant discomfort. To start effective treatment of ailment, it is necessary to correctly determine its etiology. Therefore, it is so important to know how to distinguish ARVI from influenza by clinical manifestations.

What is ARVI?

If the doctor diagnosed ARVI, you should know that this ailment is a generalizing concept for all respiratory diseases that have a viral etiology. These diseases include influenza.

For diseases of this group is characterized by the rapid emergence of symptoms, such as respiratory symptoms, lacrimation, general weakness, sweating and fever. The virus infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, while it spreads rapidly and affects 75-80% of people who have been in contact with the patient. Such a sad statistics is explained by the fact that the human body is not able to develop immunity to viruses, since the latter are constantly mutating and mutating.

What do you need to know about the flu?

Many people do not consider this affliction serious and make a huge mistake, exposing their bodies to danger. After all, the flu is one of the most insidious respiratory viral diseases. It annually spreads across our planet in the form of global pandemics and epidemics, which take from 300 to 500 thousand lives. Therefore, it is so important to know how to distinguish ARVI from influenza in the initial stages of pathology development in order to start effective therapy.

To date, scientists have identified more than , 00 subspecies of the virus. The most dangerous of them are Spanish (A / H1N1), pork (H1N1) and avian influenza. Like all SARS, the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets and is characterized by high "infectiousness". The last fact is explained by the fact that the incubation period of influenza and ARVI lasts from two to four days, and during this time the patient has time to infect many other people.

The disease begins with acute manifestations of intoxication, such as headaches, vomiting, chills, dizziness, and sometimes disturbed sleep and even hallucinations. Treatment should include bed rest, symptomatic therapy and antiviral medication. It is also worth noting that the patient is necessarily isolated from healthy family members at the time of treatment.

Diagnosis of ailments

To determine an acute respiratory viral infection, it is sufficient for the therapist to examine the patient, but to determine the etiology of the disease in this way will not work, as the symptoms of influenza and SARS are very are similar. For an accurate diagnosis of the disease, the doctor must send the patient to the laboratory for the delivery of a number of tests. This is the only way to detect the presence of a virus in a person's blood.

In the laboratory, to determine the disease, the most commonly used crops are infected blood in specific nutrient media. To do this, a series of studies based on serological reactions, with the help of which the concentration of antibodies in the patient's blood to the virus is determined.

But if we take into account the fact that laboratory analyzes are rather complicated and expensive, not all of them are passed. And pediatricians categorically diagnose influenza only on the basis of information received about the onset of the epidemic. In exceptional cases, only the first patients go through the study, and all others until the end of the epidemic situation the ailment is put "automatic". It is for this reason that treatment of the disease is not always effective and can lead to a mass of undesirable consequences. Therefore, those people who care about their health, it is necessary to know how to distinguish ARVI from the flu on their own.

The initial stage of the disease

Despite the fact that the two diseases are very similar in symptomatology, there are a number of differences in which a person can independently determine what exactly he is sick. So, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the speed of the disease. As a rule, the initial stage of acute respiratory distress is prolonged for 1-2 days, while the symptomatology manifests itself sluggishly, but the person feels significant discomfort (lethargy, stuffiness of the nose, sore throat, sometimes a fever) and partially loses ability to work. A memo on ARVI and influenza, which, as a rule, always, and especially in the period of epidemics, is present on one of the bulletins in the clinic, contains a lot of useful information about the development of the disease and its prevention.

With regard to the flu, it is still healthy in the morning, after lunch, the person completely loses strength and feels bad because of the high temperature. This disease is characterized by a rapid acute onset.

The nature of the development of pathology, like other signs of influenza and SARS, allows the patient to determine independently which of these ailments is being attacked by the body.

Body temperature

As already mentioned, in many respects the symptoms of these diseases are similar, and one of the signs is an increase in body temperature. But here there is one nuance. So, the flu is characterized by a rapid (for 1-2 hours) temperature jump to 39-40 oC. Almost all the antipyretic agents are not very effective. And even if the temperature was lowered, it will begin to rise again within 1-2 hours. In such cases, the sick doctors prescribe not only drugs for influenza and ARVI, but also several antipyretic drugs, which need to be alternated and taken every -3 hours.

As for ARVI, then, as a rule, the temperature does not exceed 3, -3, ° C. It is easily reduced after taking such drugs as Paracetamol or Ibufen. If the patient's condition is stable, there is no deterioration, then you can do without antipyretic drugs to enable the immune system to cope with the disease on its own. But if the child is sick, self-medication is not worth it. After all, the organism of a crumb can not cope with the disease, which will have a detrimental effect on its health. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you need to go to an appointment with a pediatrician who will assess the condition of a small patient and prescribe a treatment.

General condition of the patient

It's no secret that flu, colds, and ARVI are diseases that cause a decline in performance and cause significant discomfort. But even on these grounds, you can independently understand which ailment has broken daily plans.

So, with the flu, patients complain of severe muscle and headaches (especially in the area of ​​the temples), as well as body aches, chills and increased sweating. In addition, in some cases, there is pain in the movement of the eyes and photosensitivity.

If we talk about the general condition of a patient with acute respiratory viral infection, weakness and weakness are present throughout the illness. But the pain in the head and muscles is very weak.

Nasal congestion and runny nose

Influenza viruses and ARVI are provocateurs of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. In this case, the patient begins coughing, the body temperature rises, and a stuffy nose and a runny nose appear. However, with the flu, inflammation and swelling of the mucous nasal cavity occurs much less often than with ARVI. And after 2-3 days the rhinitis completely passes.

In acute respiratory viral infection, the nose lays already in the first two days, then, in addition to the swelling of the mucous nasopharynx, there is a strong cold and sneezing. This increases tear.

Throat condition

For those who do not know how to distinguish ARVI from influenza, doctors recommend paying attention to the condition of the mucous membranes of the throat and pharynx. Infirmity caused by the influenza virus, characterized by severe swelling, as well as reddening of the soft palate and back of the throat. In the patient, the SARS is swollen and red, while it has a loose structure.

By the way, if such signs of influenza and ARVI, as a swelling and hyperemia of the throat, are common, then the plaque on the mucous membranes is typical only for the latter.


Before you determine which ailment the body was struck with, it is worth remembering when the cough appeared. If this symptom began to bother at the very beginning of the development of the disease, and only then the rhinitis joined and the temperature rises, it is ARVI.

If the disease started with fever, body aches and headaches, and only on 2-3 days a dry cough appeared, any doctor diagnoses the flu. Confirm the diagnosis can accompany cough pain in the trachea and chest. If you do not start taking medicines against influenza and ARVI ("Cycloferon" Viferon "Immunoflazid" Arbidol "Anaferon" Ingavirin "Rimantadine Tamiflu, etc.), the patient's condition can deteriorate significantly, because the virus will continue to exert its pathogenic effect on the respiratory system and the body in whole.

Gastrointestinal reaction

In some cases, the reaction of the body to the influenza virus may be a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea and vomiting in the patient appears already on day 2-3 after infection and lasts 24-48 hours. Without symptomatic therapy, the manifestation of this symptom can last for several more days and lead to dehydration of the body.

Despite the fact that many symptoms of influenza and SARS are very similar, you can independently diagnose the disease yourself. It is enough to carefully analyze the order and nature of the main clinical manifestations.

Duration of illnesses

At observance of all recommendations of the doctor the status of the patient ARVI improves already on the third day, full recovery comes on 6-7 days. After a man has suffered ail quickly restores strength and efficiency.

Despite the fact that the incubation period of influenza and ARVI is the same, the active phase of the latter is much more complicated and longer. Only a fever in the patient can last up to 5-6 days, and the ailment begins to recede only for 10-12 days. However, this is not all "surprises" from the flu. After all, even after full recovery within 2-3 weeks a person experiences weakness, malaise and headaches.


How is the flu flu symptom?


Temp Name

The only reliable way is virological research. Actively practiced in developed countries. The main disadvantage is high cost. Therefore, we manage with clinical signs.
The flu begins sharply, within a few hours, the temperature rises during this time by 1-2 degrees. Of complaints - headache, weakness, inhibition, photophobia. Sore joints often, but not necessarily. The better the immunity, the more acute the flu, sometimes 1-2 days.
What do you call a cold - other viral infections, including. rhinovirus, coronary, adenoviral, and the like. Bacterial nature has a small percentage of ARI, antibiotics are taken only with them.
For all viral infections, treatment is symptomatic, i.e., relief of symptoms - a runny nose, headache, fluid loss. Immunomodulators drink senselessly, the effect will begin after recovery. Take vitamins, antipyretic and sour drink. That's all.


the flu comes SHARP... if a couple of hours ago, you felt good then a sharp decline in strength, the temperature is high Pts, shivering


Yes, doctors themselves often can not distinguish one from another even looking at the patient, and you want us here on the Internet to do it. On good, it's only tests in the laboratory can show, crops are made special ...


Only with the flu are the following symptoms: joint aches, photophobia, painful sensations when lifting the head and a high, poorly confusing and constantly rising temperature.


Well well! How can I not want a doctor? " A complication of the heart or kidney after the flu "? You must love yourself, but do not mock yourself! Urgently to the doctor!

Katerina Egorova

I was sick with the flu this year. Horror. The temperature rises, body aches, lack of appetite, dizziness, wild weakness... I have relatives all the doctors, so they treated me. Had been sick for more than a week. Simply it is better not to engage in self-medication, because now there is a flu with complications. There is a complication of the kidney and heart. Work in this state at all.

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