Cough in the throat

Sore throat and cough: causes, treatment

There are many different conditions with which it seems like you do not want to contact a doctor. One of them is a sore throat and cough. These symptoms were probably felt by every person. This is what I want to tell you about right now.

What it is?

At the very beginning you need to understand what is persecution. This is a rather unpleasant symptom, which is often accompanied by a loud cough. Also, scientists say that this is a kind of protective reaction of the body, more precisely - the mucous throat. At the same time a person feels discomfort (as if the throat is injured by the bread crumbs that got there). Another accompanying symptom, in addition to coughing, is lacrimation. It continues throughout the attack.

Inflammatory processes

Why can there be a sore throat and cough? So, first of all it can be a consequence of the inflammatory process, which affects the mucous membrane of this organ. In this case, it is customary to talk about the following diseases (causing these symptoms):

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  1. Pharyngitis (acute or chronic, often accompanied by fever).
  2. ARVI, i.e. an ordinary cold.
  3. Flu.
  4. Tracheitis.
  5. Laryngitis.
  6. Whooping cough.
  7. Angina.
  8. Nasopharyngitis.

Allergic reactions

There is a perspiration in the throat and cough can also due to allergic reactions of the body to a certain pathogen. In this case, not only external but also internal factors can play a role. What in this case can trigger the occurrence of such symptoms:

  1. Dust.
  2. Badly tidied and unprotected premises.
  3. Pollen of plants.
  4. Wool of animals.

Another reason is the load on the ligaments

Quite often there is a perspiration in the throat and coughing in people of certain professions. So, often these symptoms occur in teachers, teachers, lecturers, etc. T. e. for all people whose work is associated with an increased burden on the vocal cords. In this case, the cause of the symptoms is not the disease.

Faults in the digestive tract

Why else can there be a perspiration in the throat, cough? The causes are often hidden in the digestive tract. These symptoms are often accompanied by such diseases:

  1. Gastritis, or inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
  2. Gastric ulcers.
  3. Cholecystitis (inflammatory processes in the mucosa of the gallbladder).
  4. Herniated hernia.
  5. Reflux gastroesophagitis (gastric and esophageal mucosa are irritated, which can lead to impaction).


There is a perspiration in the throat that causes a cough, due to neoplasms on the thyroid glands. In this case, the nodes during growth begin to exert pressure on the trachea, which causes perspiration in the throat and cough. In addition, there will also be symptoms such as worsening of appetite, general weakness of the body, as well as changes in voice.

Pharyngeal neuralgia

Another cause of the occurrence of a perspiration in the throat may be pharyngeal neuralgia. This is a pathological condition caused by malfunctions in the central nervous system. The main symptomatology in this case is a sore throat. However, there may be other problems, such as burning, sensation of a "lump" in the throat, soreness of the tissues of the larynx. Lead to the emergence of such symptoms can:

  1. Various neuropsychic disorders.
  2. Syphilis.
  3. Tumors (both malignant and benign).

Other reasons

A dry cough in an adult, a sore throat can also occur due to the following reasons:

  1. Smoking.
  2. Taking certain medications.
  3. Work in a dusty, unventilated room.
  4. Dry air in a room where a person is for a long time.
  5. Food (for example, a swelling in the throat can cause a stuck bone or bread crumbs, which for some reason were delayed in the esophagus).

Night Pershing

In some people, such symptoms can appear only at certain times of the day, or more precisely - at night. Why is this happening? So, experts say that during sleep, the muscles of the nasopharynx relax, and the mucous discharge can flow down the back wall of the larynx, irritating it. If the child coughs at night, this may indicate that the baby is sick or already ill with whooping cough. In this case, perspiration and coughing can remain for a long time (even up to six months).


If a person has pershit in the throat, the treatment will depend precisely on what caused this symptom. In this case, you must first seek medical help. It's the only way to find out the right diagnosis and get an adequate solution.

  1. If the patient has an inflammatory throat disease, which caused persecution, then take one of the following drugs: "Geksoral" - spray, "Tharyngept" - pills, "Cefaclor" - " suspension. Also an excellent medication is the drug "Bioparox".
  2. If the cause of the decision was an allergy, you need to take an antihistamine. These can be the following drugs: Tavegil, Zirtek, L-Cet.


If there is a perspiration and dry cough in an adult, the cause of which is not established, you can cope with these symptoms by rinsing.

  1. Medications (solutions): Angilex, Givalex.
  2. Herbs: infusions of calendula, chamomile, propolis, oak bark, etc.


To get rid of perspiration in the throat, you can also use a form of medications such as sprays. They are perfectly dispersed in the oral cavity, eliminating unwanted symptoms. In this case, you can use such drugs: "Ingalipt "Cameton "Chlorophyllipt" (all based on herbs). Excellent help to cope with the problem and a drug such as "Yoks which is based on iodine.


To pass the perspiration in the throat, you can also use a variety of medicinal candies. It can be such drugs as "Trachsen "Strepsils".

If you have to use any of the above drugs without prescribing a doctor, you should first read the instructions and read the contraindications for use. This is especially important if the medicines are taken by children or pregnant women. It is also very important to adhere to the authorized dosage of medication.

Sore throat when coughing - causes, treatment and prevention

Sore throat and cough are those symptoms that people often encounter. Sometimes for their appearance it is enough to drink a cold drink or to eat ice cream. After drinking hot tea or taking a light medicine, you can easily get rid of these ailments. But if they do not disappear for a long time, and since their appearance your body has acquired more and more symptoms, it is worth thinking about the safety of your health.

Diseases that cause a sore throat and cough

By itself, this ailment is not a disease, but a sign of a developing disease, in most cases associated with hypothermia or all kinds of respiratory infections. But sometimes everything is not as simple as it seems to us at first glance. The prolonged perspiration in the throat and cough, without the remaining symptoms of a cold, can be a signal of serious disruption in work the body and the development of serious abnormalities, such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, various oncology, as well as neuroses and all kinds allergies. And this is not the whole range of diseases, because of which it can severely throat and torment cough.

It is very important at the outset to correctly diagnose and identify the cause of this symptom. So, for example, the initial elimination of the cold caused by a cold is fundamentally different from getting rid of the same ailment with allergies. Incorrectly selected treatment can cause serious consequences in the form of complications and acute reaction of the organism to their effect.

Here are some of the causes of perspiration and pain in the throat and cough:

  • In the case of colds, perspiration and cough are caused by inflammation of the mucous throat caused by infection. As a result, the throat begins to swell and there is hyperemia, dryness in the larynx. Its shells are not capable of self-moisturizing and producing the necessary amount of mucus for this. To help the body includes a protective reaction in the form of a cough to moisten the dry throat. But this does not help, since bronchial tubes produce insufficient moisture and because of this cough becomes dry. This type of respiratory attacks irritates the mucous membrane even more, which leads us to a closed circle, only one of the causes can be removed from it. But the transition of a cough to a wet form will solve this problem.
  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, such as sore throats, pharyngitis and others, cause not only coughing attacks, but also the appearance of perspiration in the throat. These diseases are also characterized by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever and a runny nose. Getting rid of the symptoms comes only with full recovery, so the process of treatment must necessarily be completed.
  • A dry cough with perspiration that lasts for a long time without the typical signs of respiratory ailments may be a sign of an allergy. Treatment with antihistamines will help you get rid of the symptoms of this annoying ailment. But after it is necessary to take tests to identify the cause of allergies, which may include animal hair, dust or other substances.
  • Quite often the cause of such disorders is neurosis. This disease is not caused by any infections or inflammations, but is associated with a central nervous system disorder in which these symptoms acquire a purely reflex value and are not a means of protecting the body and removing bacteria from respiratory ways. For example, in patients with hysterics, severe respiratory attacks may occur and difficulties with breathing may develop. With such diseases as neuroses of different types, patients have cough, pershit and throat in the throat, speech disorder and uncontrolled outflow of saliva from the mouth are observed. Ignoring these symptoms in the future leads to a complete loss of speech. Typically, such a disease treats several specialists at once, such as a neurologist and an otolaryngologist.
  • Strange sensations in the throat can be caused by oncological diseases. Very often such symptoms begin with larynx or throat cancer. The signs of these diseases are not specific and resemble acute respiratory diseases or angina. Persecution in the throat, dry cough, as well as hoarse in the voice, after a while can turn into a loss of the ability to talk. In this case, time plays a key role. If the perspiration does not occur within 3-4 days, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • In fairly rare cases, the throat persists with the first symptoms of impending diabetes. Because of the high sugar content in the blood, the mucous throat dries up, and the cough seems to rip up the throat. To get rid of this feeling is difficult and without the expert here not to manage.

Causes of cough and sore throat, not associated with diseases

Another reason for the appearance of dry cough and perspiration in the throat are, deviations caused by occupational specificity of work, habitat and bad habits:

  • The first of these is work related to polluted air. Constant contact with air polluted by all kinds of dust of different sizes leads to the strongest irritations in the respiratory tract, resulting in serious symptoms of cough and perspiration in a person in the throat. The workers of metallurgy, as well as miners, librarians of archivists, as well as builders dealing with concrete and plaster mixtures, are most susceptible to this disease. Help in this situation can only precautions in the form of ventilation of the workplace, as well as protective equipment (respirator, gauze bandage).
  • The second kind is deviations caused by excessive vocal cord strain. Often this is the reason for the appearance of perspiration in the throat and dry cough in people whose profession is related to creativity (singers, theater and film actors, cultural workers).
  • A prolonged conversation on elevated tones, a desire to speak louder than the vocal cords allow, lead to the appearance of perspiration in the throat, dry cough, and in some cases loss of voice. To avoid this, after a stormy conversation, you should unload the vocal cords (speak in a low tone, completely silent). Since there is no medicine for this ailment, the doctor independently selects more suitable means for this.
  • People who abuse bad habits, such as smoking, are at high risk of developing perspiration and coughing. Tobacco smoke adversely affects the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, irritating it and causing respiratory attacks. With constant smoking, people have a greater chance of acquiring oncology.

Treatment and prevention of perspiration in the throat and cough

If you feel such symptoms, you need to urgently take measures to eliminate them, and in the case of prevention, you need to do everything to protect yourself from the appearance of these ailments:

  • If you feel your temperature, sore throat and cough, urgently need to take anti-cold medications prescribed by your doctor to treat the ailment.
  • To eliminate local symptoms, you can drink hot tea with honey, take syrups and infusions of cough.
  • In the presence of serious diseases, you need, first of all, to get rid of them. Symptoms go away only by curing the cause of their appearance.
  • With professional specifics you need to protect yourself from the consequences by consulting with a doctor and selecting the necessary funds.
  • In the case of smoking, the abandonment of this problem will help not only to get rid of the persistent cough, but in general to improve the state of health.
  • At least once a year you need to undergo an examination to identify oncology and various pathologies in the body.

With timely treatment, you will rid yourself of the negative consequences and eliminate the occurrence of complications. For detailed advice, contact your doctor who can not only diagnose, but also prescribe an effective treatment.

Searing throat

Pershing is a symptom of a dry cough. In the throat pershit with acute respiratory diseases, when the mucosa is strongly irritated.

Cough sore throat badly

If you have a sore throat and have a perspiration, you do not need to start a course of expectorants. After all, these funds are used for a damp cough, which appears due to the death of microbes.

Coughing throat is treated with rinsing. Usually a solution of soda and sea salt is used, or a decoction of herbs. For an early recovery, it is important to drink a lot. As a drink, doctors recommend warm milk with honey, mineral water, decoction of herbs and crimson mors. You can also do steam inhalation with the addition of a few drops of eucalyptus oil.

Traditional medicine recommends using a mixture of natural fat with honey and lemon juice. To prepare the medicine, you need to take one piece of bearish or badger fat, one part of lemon juice and two parts of honey. The mixture is recommended to take one teaspoon every three hours, preferably on an empty stomach. The medicine helps with laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Everyone knows about the miraculous properties of black radish. To prepare the medicine, you need to take a radish, wash it and cut off the tip and tail. Vegetable should be put in a glass ponytail down, make a deepening in the radish and pour honey there. When honey mixes with radish juice, a good medicine will turn out.

Sadness in the throat may be due to the dry air in the room. In order to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to buy an air humidifier - a device that is now sold in every electronics and home appliances store.

Sore throat with dry cough

Persecution in the throat arises most often due to viral infections, can be accompanied by cough, pain, runny nose and deterioration of the general condition.

The mucous membrane of the pharynx dries up due to the dry air and dust that is in it. The cause of coughing and perspiration can be irritation caused by cigarette smoke, paints and varnishes.

Many allergy sufferers in the spring begin to have a perspiration, which is caused by flower pollen. In addition to perspiration, sneezing, lacrimation, swelling of the nasopharynx and redness or rash appear.

Osiplost and pershenie can appear due to intense and prolonged voltage of the voice device, this happens in the operators of call centers, radio hosts and teachers. In order to restore the voice and get rid of the persecution, it is necessary to drink warm tea and for a while to be silent.

Pershing in the throat may be due to the pathology of the thyroid gland, stomach problems and neurological diseases.

If you have a sore throat with a dry cough, you need to rinse. Well cleanses and moisturizes the throat of a decoction of chamomile, plantain or sage. You can also use a solution of soda or sea salt. The procedure is carried out every three hours. The amount of rinses can depend on your own sensations. If pershit, you must rinse.

Doctors recommend a sparing diet. Food should not be strong hot, salty, rough or spicy. The diet should include soups and cereals.

Do not forget about the regular ventilation and humidification of the room. You can do a wet cleaning and put a special humidifier.

In order to lessen the pain, it is necessary to dress in accordance with the weather. When cold, a cold appears immediately.

If the cause of the persistent allergen has become, it is necessary to eliminate the irritant and begin the course of taking antihistamines.

The cause of a sore throat may become a pharyngeal neurosis. In this case, without the help of a good neurologist, it will not be possible to manage. Probably, it is necessary to pass or take place a course of a psychotherapy.

Sucks throat, what should I do?

In the treatment, the treatment is directed to the removal of inflammation and softening of the mucous membrane. The throat dries up due to colds or changes in weather conditions. Cold, dry and windy weather provokes the appearance of dryness in the throat. Also, the condition of the mucous membrane is affected by heating devices, which are included in the house, when it gets colder in the street.

Throat can tear because of coffee or alcoholic beverages, and also because of some medicines. Dust and smoke contribute to loss of fluid from the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which quickly dries up and signals that something is wrong.

Infections of the tonsils, tumors and abscesses cause swelling of the mucous membrane, as a result of which saliva does not enter the throat and dryness appears.

Sucks throat, what should I do? In order to exclude the presence of serious diseases, it is necessary to visit the therapist and the otolaryngologist.

An excellent remedy for dryness in the throat is apple cider vinegar. Prepare a rinse solution simply, you need to add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water. This tool not only removes irritation, but also destroys the bacteria that settled in the throat.

Reduces irritation of fresh juicy fruits and candies, and it is not necessary to buy special candies at the pharmacy. In this situation simple candies "Barbaris" or "Duchess" will help.

Sometimes you have to resort to antibiotics and antiseptics, as well as to physiotherapeutic procedures that help regenerate tissues and improve blood supply.

Is throat thinner than cure?

Often a cough is preceded by a tickling in the throat. Since cough helps to release the respiratory tract from irritating and bacterial substances, it needs the body. The main task of treatment is to make dry cough wet. After all, only a productive cough is able to remove from the body viruses and bacteria from the environment.

Is throat thinner than cure? In order to get rid of cough, it is not enough to work on the cough center, you also need to treat the bronchial mucosa. Therefore, complex therapy involves the creation of special conditions: it is necessary that the room was clean, humid and cool, it is also of great importance to drink abundantly, without which not one treatment. Doctors recommend gargling and using aerosols, such as "Oracept" and "Ingalipt".

Cough sizzles baby's throat

Children can not always say what exactly bothers them and delays discomfort. They can restlessly drive themselves, be capricious, but do not indicate the cause of the ailment, because they do not understand what is happening to them. That is why it is better to immediately show the child to a pediatrician. If an adult feels well and understands his body, then the child can not do this. Self-medication in this situation can be dangerous.

The cough sores the child's throat. What can parents do before visiting a doctor? The task of moms and dads is to provide conditions favorable for the mucous membrane. It is necessary to constantly ventilate the room in which the child is located, carry out a wet cleaning and put a humidifier in the room. Also, you need to constantly give your child something warm, fit fruit, teas, herbal tea and milk. It is useful to eat foods that contain a large amount of fats, antioxidants, vitamins E and A. Such products envelop the sore throat, restore mucous membranes and facilitate breathing.

Spicy and spicy food should be excluded from the diet, since it can cause inflammation. But there is nothing to refuse from garlic and onions, because they contain a large amount of essential oils and phytoncides, which actively fight infection. Children rarely agree to eat onions and garlic, so these vegetables can be grated, laid out in a bowl and placed in all rooms.

Honey is an immunostimulant and a natural antiseptic. If the child does not have allergies, you can use it in treating the throat.

In order to lessen the pain, you need to eat right, play sports and temper the body. Many doctors recommend annual trips to the sea. Such trips are not affordable for everyone, so hardening is our everything.

Cough and sore throat - reasons, treatment

One of the most unpleasant symptoms is a perspiration in the throat accompanied by a cough. Such attacks instantly cause tears and deprive the person of the opportunity to speak. Of course, such a few will like it. Let's try to understand why this is happening and what to do about it.

Causes of Persecution and Coughing

In fact, there are many reasons. Someone can catch a cold, and someone may become a victim of an allergy. However, approximately all reasons can be divided into two groups: inflammatory and non-inflammatory.

The first group includes:




During these diseases, characteristic inflammatory processes take place in the pharynx, which cause these unpleasant sensations. If you do not start treatment on time, the infection will pass to the trachea, bronchi and lungs. Then the discomfort and pain will increase several times, it can even reach a bloody cough.

Consider the second group of causes that cause perspiration and cough.

-pharyngeal neurosis

Nerve damage is caused by this condition. This, in turn, innervates the pharynx and or centers located in the brain. Therefore, in addition to coughing and perspiration, a person can feel sore throats, giving in the tongue and ears, numbness or tingling, lump in the throat. When eating, it's painful to swallow, it's easy to choke. Such symptoms are peculiar to such diseases as syphilis, CNS disorder, brain tumor.


Often the fault is allergic reactions to anything. Often the irritant is dust, animal hair, pollen of plants. When directly interacting with the source of irritation, the body immediately "turns on" its reaction, which is manifested in a strong cough, "fighting" persecution and the urge to drink water.

-disease of a professional nature

The described symptoms are often peculiar to people whose occupations are related to metallurgy. Suffer from cough and miners, slingers. This is due to the constant exposure to the body of dust and high temperatures. In works where you constantly need to strain your voice device, loudly shouting also has a risk of getting chronic persecution along with a cough. This is, first of all, teachers, singers, etc.

-Thyroid gland diseases

This disease involves the manifestation of the described symptoms. However, they usually arise when the disease is accompanied by the development of nodes. In other cases, it can do without persecution.

-reflux esophagitis

During this disease, the acid content of the stomach goes up. Therefore, after eating, discomfort is felt, the pharynx is irritated and there is a sensation of perspiration.


This disease often has symptoms such as perspiration. This is due to the fact that the sugar dries the mucous membranes. As a consequence of this, a person suffers from a dry cough. If it dies down after taking water or any other liquid, it's best to check the blood for sugar. Most likely, the diagnosis with diabetes is correct.


Of course, this bad habit can not help but make itself felt in the form of unpleasant sensations in the throat. Smokers probably already noticed this for a long time. And if you have not seen such manifestations yet, this does not mean that they will pass you by. So think again, do you need this bad habit.


Children often suffer from persecution because of too active games. They like to be worn as restless, while breathing with their mouths and screaming. As a result, the following symptoms appear. Therefore, before the time is not necessary to breed a panic. The main thing is do not let the child drink anything cold. But if after a while the persecution does not go anywhere, then maybe the child is sick.

If the perspiration in the throat has been bothering you for a long time, immediately contact a specialist without delay. Perhaps, it makes itself felt by some kind of disease. Especially if discomfort is disturbed in the lying position, after eating. Then it will be an excuse to worry, because such symptoms are often inherent in the hernia of the esophagus, gastritis and other gastric diseases. In this case, the sooner you start treatment, the faster you will get rid of the disease.

How to cure pershenia?

There is no universal method. This will be confirmed by any specialist who knows his business. Treatment in any case will depend on the causes of the onset of symptoms. Therefore, the first task will be to determine these very reasons.

If the cause of the inflammatory nature, it is usually prescribed antiseptics like falimint, inhalipt or libexin. In bacterial infections, treatment will be based on bioparox. Also actively used anti-inflammatory drugs on medicinal herbs: infusions of chamomile, sage, calendula, etc. Among home remedies, it is worth emphasizing warm drinks. So drink more tea with honey or raspberries, milk. Of course, the smoking and drinking spirits will have to be forgotten. In addition, reduce the intake of salt and spicy food. And in general, revise your diet. Fried, flour and fatty dishes for you while under the ban. Food should not be too hot or too cold.

When perspiration occurs as a result of the action of allergens, it is necessary to undergo a course of antihistamines. In a number of such put tavegil, suprastin and analogues. Of course, try not to contact with allergens, otherwise the treatment will lose all meaning. Often clean the house, if the cause of your allergy is dust, solve the problem with pets.

The fight against the neurological imbalance of folk remedies is ineffective. Without supervision of the doctor and his recommendations can not do, so do not delay the visit to a specialist.

If you do not have time to go to the examination or there is no extra money for this, you will have to turn to folk medicine. There are simple enough, but effective recipes to get rid of the disease.

The simplest option is mint candies. You can at any moment be able to calm a fit of coughing, if in your pocket there will be a mint candy. Cheap and angry.

You can buy in the pharmacy, olive, sea buckthorn or dog rose oil. To drip it it is necessary in a nose, it will go down on a back wall of a pharynx and will calm a tussis.

Also, with such symptoms helps onions. Take two medium bulbs, finely chop and fry in sunflower oil until a golden crust appears. At the same time, the oil should not be boiled. On cooking, strain the oil through the cheesecloth, cool it and rinse the throat. Onion can be added to a dish and eaten.

Very useful in the coughing and coughing of juices. Among them, carrot, currant, cherry. The old grandfather's remedy, the juice of black radish with honey, will also come in handy. The truth with the last option is not to get involved, there are enough and three spoons before bed.

But from what you need to warn, so it is from mouth rinsing with salt, soda and iodine. Contrary to popular belief, this explosive mixture will have the opposite effect and will only irritate the irritated mucous membranes.

But once again: if cough and perspiration torment you for a long time, do not limit yourself to folk remedies. They can be used only to calm down unpleasant sensations. It is necessary to treat the very problem, not its manifestations.

Cough as if something arises in the throat

Cough in the throat can occur for various reasons. This symptom can not be called painful or debilitating, but it still delivers certain inconveniences to the patient. In order to understand how to treat the throat symptom, it is necessary to correctly determine its etiology. This can only be done by a qualified person.

Cough in the throat causes

The most common diseases that cause a cough in the throat are a cold or SARS. During these ailments the pathogenic bacteria multiply on the mucous larynx. It is for this reason that the sensation of scratching and perspiration arises in the throat. They lead to the appearance of a dry cough.

Often the cause of this symptom is laryngitis, tracheitis or tonsillitis. The nature of the cough arising in these diseases varies depending on how complex and neglected the disease is. With laryngitis, the symptom emerging in the throat is barking and with it a small amount of sputum is sometimes separated. This disease is especially dangerous because in some cases it leads to swelling of the larynx, which requires immediate medical intervention. Patients with an attack are prescribed hormonal drugs in the form of droppers or inhalations.

In tonsillitis, sputum is not separated. Pain sensations in the throat with angina irritate the cough receptors, which leads to the appearance of this symptom. It is worth noting that he rarely accompanies tonsillitis. As a rule, the disease only occurs with a sore throat.

Pharyngitis, which develops as a result of inflammation of the posterior wall of the larynx, is accompanied not only throat dry cough, but also inflammation of the lymph nodes located near the upper respiratory ways. As a result, severe pain and a visually perceptible increase in the facial area of ​​the face occur.

Cough in the throat, like an allergic reaction

The cough that appears in the pharynx can also be the cause of an allergic reaction. A similar condition can be accompanied by a runny nose or a feeling of nasal congestion, as well as redness and itching on the skin. Allergic reaction requires mandatory medical supervision and competent timely treatment, as it can develop into bronchial asthma or lead to the edema of Quincke.

It is important to know that a similar symptom can also arise as a result of irritation of the larynx mucosa with combustion products, dust or a pungent chemical odor.

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