We treat the sweating in adults at home - quickly and effortlessly

If small itchy vesicles appear on a large area of ​​the skin, it says that a person manifests a sweating. Most often this pathology is observed in obese people, in people with sensitive skin, as well as those who suffer from increased sweating. How to treat a chicken in adults at home we will consider in our article.

  • What is the treatment directed at?
  • Antibiotics
  • Ointments
  • What will help for treatment of folk ways
  • Red sweatshop
  • Decoctions against itching
  • Reception of soothing baths
  • What will help starch
  • Diet with adult cotton
  • If the perspiration has appeared ..
  • On foot
  • In the groin
  • Fighting sweat under the armpits
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Important!Most often, rashes appear in places where the skin has been exposed to the greenhouse effect for a long time, was not clean enough or constantly sweated. Sweating is often accompanied by fever and fever.

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What is the treatment directed at?

Much, when treating sweating in adults at home, will depend on the degree of the disease. Its easiest form is called red and does not require any special treatment. You can just sprinkle the place of the rash with talc, gel or baby powder.

At other stages of the disease, when a person does not simply have reddening of the skin, but bubbles appear with a liquid of white or yellow color, one should go to the doctor. The course of treatment can be carried out at home, but the use of medicines (most often antibiotics) is prescribed by a doctor.


Antibiotics are not used in all cases - only in severe forms. The most common among drugs:

  • Doxycycline - is prescribed by a doctor;
  • Azithromycin - available without a prescription;
  • Amoxicillin in case of sweat;
  • Ciprofloxacin.

The course of treatment is at least five days. It must be continued even after the disappearance of the rash and redness. In parallel, you need to drink antihistamines.

Possible antihistamines (eliminate puffiness):

  • "Diphenhydramine";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Tavegil".

Means for skin care:

  • boric or salicylic acid variant;
  • diluted in water potassium permanganate;
  • use of a solution of chlorophyllipt;
  • fucocin.


It is recommended to use ointments containing menthol, camphor oil. These are quite effective tools that allow you to see the result the next day.

  1. It is popular - 10% zinc ointment. It is applied 3 times a day until the rash completely disappears, but not more than 21 days. Apply a thin layer of ointment on the affected areas.
  2. Ointment Bepanten is often used for allergic sweating. It nourishes and restores the skin well.
  3. Nystatin should be applied, as well as zinc thin layer, and you can do compresses at night.
    Any of the above ointments are applied to clean skin.

What will help for treatment of folk ways

What is the treatment for adult cholera? It is understandable that treatment at home often involves the use of folk methods. In particular, various decoctions and compresses help to rub the skin, relieve inflammation and itch. Here are the most effective home recipes from sweating in an adult.

Red sweatshop

Before the treatment of red sweating in adults, it becomes necessary to get rid of the causes that affect its origin:

  • normalize the temperature in the room, room;
  • wear things from natural fabrics (flax, cotton);
  • adherence to hygiene rules.

To reduce the separation of sweat apply powder, formalin solution.

In certain cases, the hormone, antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil, Dimedrol) are administered. Ointments are prescribed on the basis of camphor and menthol.

Sometimes you can not do without surgical intervention. Red sweats require special attention, revise your diet - stick to some diet time. Folk remedies against chalk: 1 tbsp. l. chamomile or turn pour 1 liter of boiling water and put on for half an hour to brew, strain and the resulting infusion add to the bathroom with water.

Decoctions against itching

To prepare a decoction, traditional medicine recommends the use of calendula, fresh or dried bay leaf. Also good is the bark or young leaves of oak.

Reception of soothing baths

When the affected area is too large to not wipe it, you can take medicinal baths. The water should be warm, about 37 degrees, and the time of taking a medical bath is 15-20 minutes. You can pour broths of string and chamomile into the water. It is good to cope with the eruption and itching decoction of the yarrow.

Important!After taking a bath, you need to let the skin dry out, and then additionally treat it with talc, powder (choose cosmetics with zinc oxide in the composition).

What will help starch

To handle problem areas, you can use any starch that is available in the kitchen: potato, rice or corn.

Interesting!Different ointments, based on menthol or camphor alcohol, also help to cope with any stage of sweating.

What other folk remedies will help:

  1. Economic was. On the shelves in the shops there is still a wide range of laundry soap, but not everyone understands why it is needed. Just the situation when soap will help. It perfectly cleanses and dries the skin, plus everything, has an antibacterial effect.
  2. A solution of soda with water. Also suitable for rubbing the skin, especially if the sweating is hidden in deep skin folds.
  3. Also, a baby powder with an antibiotic from sweating in adults helps.

Diet with adult cotton

You can normalize the food to quickly get rid of annoying rashes. In particular, doctors recommend eating more plums, pomegranates, sorrel and lentils. These products help to cope with excessive sweating.

Raisins, dried apricots, tincture of hawthorn or valerian should be taken for treatment if the cause of the heart is a problem with the heart.

When the sweating occurs on the background of nervous disorders, mint, motherwort, hops or other plants that will have a calming effect on the body will help.

If the perspiration has appeared ..

On foot

Take care of shoes: legs in it should breathe, if it is autumn or winter footwear it is desirable that it was made of genuine leather, suede and fur should be non-artifical. Socks and tights also choose the right, give preference to cotton.

  1. Regularly do night foot baths: with chamomile, celandine, sage, St. John's wort, string.
  2. Take antihistamines: Suprastin, Tavegil.
  3. Perhaps the use of ointments and creams with antibacterial properties is required: Levomycetin and Tetracycline.
  4. Boric acid will help with perspiration on the legs.

In the groin

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that influenced the emergence of sweating in this area. Treatment Scheme:

  • antiseptic agents (solution of potassium permanganate and salicylic acid);
  • decoction of herbs (chamomile, sage, oak bark, string);
  • ointments with antibacterial and drying effect (zinc, Bepanten, Nystatin, tetracycline, levomycetin).

In severe forms of the disease, it is recommended to take hormones, antibiotics. Carefully follow the hygiene, use only a personal towel, wear cotton linen that does not cut into the skin.

Fighting sweat under the armpits

To begin with, find out the cause of the sweating. Probably, the antiperspirant (deodorant) is not suitable, or the common factor is synthetic clothing. Also, the causes may be: stale air, diseases, excess weight, temperature, load. After you determine the influencing factor - try to get rid of it. Than to treat a chalk under a mouse?

It is important to carefully monitor hygiene and use antiseptic drugs - this is for light forms. With complicated: you need antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs.

To fix the treatment of sweating in adults at home, you need to eliminate those factors that led to the appearance of rashes. In the heat, try to avoid the constant separation of sweat, observe the rules of personal hygiene. It is also recommended to ventilate the room regularly, and clothes to wear exclusively from natural fabrics, ideally suited to the size.

Important!Oily and spicy foods should be discarded. It is better to replace it with daily use of fresh carrot juice or pomegranate.

It should also be remembered that in the treatment of sweating at home, peace, relaxation and comfort are important. To restore the nervous system you need to walk more often in parks, do light physical exercises and spend more time alone with yourself.