Which doctor treats gout?


  • 1Which doctor and how does he treat gout?
    • 1.1Basic information about gout
    • 1.2Primary treatment of gout
    • 1.3The main treatment program
  • 2Which doctor treats gout: to a doctor of what specialty to apply
    • 2.1What is the disease?
    • 2.2Manifestations of gout
    • 2.3Which doctor treats gout?
    • 2.4The main methods of treatment
  • 3What kind of doctor treats gout?
    • 3.1Choose a specialist
    • 3.2Diagnose
    • 3.3We treat
    • 3.4We are being rehabilitated at home
    • 3.5We use folk remedies
    • 3.6Tincture from the root of red madder
    • 3.7Tincture of onions
    • 3.8Compress from a tincture of valerian
    • 3.9Compress with iodized salt
    • 3.10Fish wrap
    • 3.11Compress of activated carbon
    • 3.12Cold and hot shower
    • 3.13We follow a diet
  • 4Which doctor treats gout: the name, features and reviews:
    • 4.1Description of the disease
    • 4.2Features of nutrition as a provoking factor
    • 4.3What are the manifestations of gout?
    • 4.4Diagnosis of the disease
    • 4.5Which doctor treats gout?
    • 4.6Methods of treatment
    • 4.7Complications
    • 4.8Patient Reviews
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Which doctor heals gout on his legs and to which specialist to apply
    • 5.1Symptoms and features
    • 5.2Help of a qualified doctor
    • 5.3Causes
    • 5.4Methods of treatment
    • 5.5Auxiliary therapies
  • 6Gout who heals which doctor
    • 6.1Which doctor treats gout?
    • 6.2Diet for gout will replace the doctor and long-term treatment!
    • 6.3Causes of gout
    • 6.4Symptoms of arthritis as an occasion to consult a doctor
    • 6.5Gout on the legs. How to treat?
    • 6.6Treat gout at home
    • 6.7Which doctor treats gout?
    • 6.8How to recognize pathology?
    • 6.9To what doctor to go?
    • 6.10Principles of treatment

Which doctor and how does he treat gout?

The question of which doctor heals gout, arises almost every person who has encountered this kind of problem.

And if earlier people with a considered disease addressed mainly to the therapist and already together with it The expert understood, to what doctors it is expedient to address further, now the situation is a bit has changed.

Many sick, not aware of the peculiarities of the manifestation of gout, do not understand what is happening to them, in view of which is not addressed to the doctor or decide not to seek medical help at all, which is absolutely wrong.

To avoid such difficulties, familiarize yourself with the symptoms of gout, and after that, learn about the nuances of cooperation with specific medical specialists. This you are invited to do next.

Basic information about gout

Gout is a chronic disease that occurs due to disruptions in the normal course of metabolic processes.

The disease is characterized by the appearance of deposits of uric acid salts in various places: mainly the joints of the thumbs, as well as wrist, ankle and knee joints.

The risk group in the case of this disease includes men who have crossed the 40-year age limit. In addition, gout is increasingly diagnosed in elderly women.

As a result of the deposition of salt crystals in the affected area, inflammation begins to develop, which causes the patient great inconveniences and a lot of unpleasant sensations.

To at least a little to imagine the patient's condition, it should be remembered that from the Greek language the name of the ailment in question can be translated as a "trap for the feet". In the old days, gouty arthritis was a "proprietary" disease of aristocrats.

The bottom line is that the disease is most often diagnosed in patients who consume alcoholic beverages and include a large number of protein and fatty foods in their diet.

In addition, the risk group includes people with diabetes, hypertension and obesity. A sudden occurrence and rapid course is characteristic of acute gout. If the patient has found the symptoms of the disease, and after a while they disappeared without treatment, then in 6 to 12 months the disease will again manifest itself, but in this case its character will be chronic and get rid of the problem will be substantially more difficult.

Among the typical signs of gouty arthritis should be:

  • redness of the skin near the affected joint;
  • acute pain, the intensity of which increases at night;
  • fever.

The duration of attacks of gouty arthritis can be from several hours to several weeks (delayed if there is no appropriate treatment).
In this case, even minor touches to the affected joint provoke the appearance of very severe pain.

Two main factors lead to the appearance of the ailment under consideration: heredity and nutrition peculiarities.

Heredity is laid down at the genetic level, but the disease does not always go from parents to children.

Even with the condition that both adults suffer from a similar disease, the development of gout in a child is not necessary.


That's why a diet is included in the complex program of gout treatment.


Feeling a strong pain, many patients rush to a consultation with a traumatologist, surgeon or therapist.

At the same time, doctors of other specializations are authorized to deal with the treatment of the ailment in question.

The key reason for the appearance of gout is the violation of metabolic processes in the body, and joint pain is already a consequence of the described failures.

In view of this, the best option for treating gout is working with a rheumatologist. Nevertheless, an experienced therapist can help in solving the problem. To make a diagnosis, usually one inspection is enough, after which you can start treatment.

Primary treatment of gout

In most cases, patients think about the need to treat gout only at the time of exacerbation.

The first sensations arising in this disease are remembered for a long time: burning pain in the joints is not enough for anyone.

As a rule, the thumb on the leg suffers, but the deposition of salts in other places is not excluded. The treatment program is prepared exclusively by a qualified specialist.

The list of preparations is standard for arthritis, arthrosis and other pathologies of joints. At the heart of the therapy are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Do not rule out the use of corticosteroids. The primary task is to eliminate inflammation.

As a rule, doctors appoint patients with gout colchicine - this drug has a selective effect on the body, defeating the inflammation at the site of localization of the pathology in question. When it is used, the duration of the acute period decreases to 2 - 3 days.

The main treatment program

Eliminating the inflammation, the specialist appoints the main treatment. And although gout is most often localized on the legs, the preparation of therapy under any circumstances is suitable in a complex manner.

The drugs are used in 2 key groups: uricodepressants and uricosuric agents.

Under their influence, the concentration of uric acid in the body decreases, whose salts are the main link in pathogenesis.


The most popular urikodepressantom (inhibits the occurrence of acid) is the drug Allopurinol. Dosage and frequency of admission is prescribed by a doctor.


Even if the recommendations of a specialist will differ from those specified in the instruction, there are objective reasons based, first of all, on the individual features of the patient's condition.

Urikozuricheskie drugs are appointed selectively. Under the influence of such drugs, there is an increase in urate clearance in the kidneys, which is the main danger. It has been established that gout causes problems not only to the joints, but also to the kidneys. As a result, gouty nephropathy can develop, often leading to death. If a patient is diagnosed with nephropathy, treatment with drugs of the group of uricosuricides is not applied.

Only by going to a rheumatologist, treatment is not limited. In addition, the patient is recommended for spa treatment, physiotherapy, therapeutic massage, physical culture, diet, etc.

Particularly important is the point regarding the diet. First, the patient is recommended to observe the water regime with the use of at least 2 - 3 liters of high-quality mineral water per day.

Secondly, an important component of therapy is the correction of the diet. In the diet should be present a large amount of plant and milk food. The consumption of meat, especially fried and fatty, is reduced to a minimum.

Chocolate products, cocoa, tea, coffee and spirits are excluded from the diet.

Thus, only a timely, competent and comprehensive approach to the treatment of gout makes it possible to count on obtaining good results and reducing the frequency of recurrence of exacerbations.
Be attentive to the condition of your body, promptly consult a doctor, follow the recommendations of a specialist and be healthy!

A source: http://1PoSustavam.ru/podagra/kakoj-vrach-lechit-podagru.html

Which doctor treats gout: to a doctor of what specialty to apply

To answer the question, which doctor treats gout, you first need to understand what the disease is, how it affects the person and what the danger of pathology is.

Gout is called the disease of the musculoskeletal system, and specifically - the change of joints. Because of the ailment, the shape of the foot is characteristic. Not all people know the name of this disease. Most often gout is simply called a "protruding bone on your legs."

What is the disease?

About man's gout knew at the dawn of medicine. The disease has many unpleasant manifestations and possible complications.

Gout on the feet affects the musculoskeletal system, changing the joints to the feet and forming a bone that hurts and causes discomfort when wearing shoes.

Over time, the leg expands, as the altered joint needs a large area. Pathological bone brings not only discomfort due to the inability to wear your favorite shoes, but also pain.

Bony enlargement is not just the displacement of the joints. The process begins with inflammation of the joint and the deposition of salts, and sometimes - urinary crystals. Such deposits negatively enhance the inflammatory process, and the joint begins to break down from the inside.

The development of the process is influenced, in the first place, by the peculiarities of the daily diet of human nutrition.

Products that are not recommended for use:

  • alcoholic beverages,
  • fatty and protein foods,
  • products containing cocoa and chocolate,
  • caffeine.

Manifestations of gout

The disease has a large number of characteristic symptoms. The most important sign is pain in the area of ​​the joint of the thumb with the foot.

In addition, this area should swell and visually change.

As a rule, these phenomena are observed when a person uses foodstuffs prohibited during gout.

There is a high probability of this symptom when combining several groups of forbidden food in the diet. For example, a negative effect on the body is the combination of fatty foods with wine. Improper eating behavior is harmful not only to the joints of the thumbs, but to all other joints.


The disease can affect different joints, but most often gout is observed. The joint is affected very quickly, the pain arises from the slightest touch. Around the diseased joint begins to blush skin, which is typical for the future tumor.


Discomfortable sensations can be continuously observed in a person for several days. All bones of the skeleton are interrelated, therefore, due to pain, it is sometimes impossible to step on the foot.

If you have the first slightest symptoms, you need to see a doctor. Even with the use of strong painkillers that will quickly relieve pain, a person with gout can not independently stop the development of the pathological process.

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When the patient with the first symptoms of the disease turned to the doctor, he is assigned a list of tests and issued the appropriate directions. The patient must undergo a diagnosis, so that the doctor receives exhaustive information about the state of human health.

A doctor can recommend a patient to do four types of tests at once:

  1. Kidney ultrasound,
  2. blood chemistry;
  3. radiographic examination of joints,
  4. general examination of joints.

There are signs characteristic only of people suffering from gout:

  • pain in the joints,
  • severe burning pain in the thumb,
  • change the color of the skin,
  • rapid inflammation of the joint,
  • excess uric acid in the blood.

Which doctor treats gout?

Since gout is a disease of the foot joints, patients can refer to such physicians as:

  1. traumatologist,
  2. surgeon,
  3. orthopedist.

The list is not complete, because the cause of gout is considered to be malnutrition. A person should consult a dietician who will prescribe a suitable diet.

The main methods of treatment

Modern medicine offers two ways to combat gout:

  • Drug therapy. The doctor prescribes special medicines. Proper selection of medicines positively affects the process of recovery, while eliminating the occurrence of side effects.
  • Diet, that is, the formulation of a proper diet by a dietitian. The use of permitted products is the key to a quick cure for gout. Special physical activities are added to the treatment course.

Due to improper selection of medicines, the following complications can develop in a person after a short time:

  1. cardiac ischemia,
  2. urolithiasis disease,
  3. pyelonephritis,
  4. arterial hypertension,
  5. renal insufficiency.

There are other types of gout treatment. These include instrumental devices designed to combat the inflammatory process and return the foot to its original form. The possibility of such treatment and its duration is within the competence of the doctor.

And the video in this article will give an exhaustive answer, how to be a patient with this disease, and what to do to improve life.

A source: http://sustav.info/bolezni/podagra/kakoj-vrach-lechit-podagru.html

What kind of doctor treats gout?

→ Home treatment → Diseases of the musculoskeletal system → Gout

Despite the widespread belief that gout on the legs is more common in women from wearing heels, the cause of the illness lies in another and is more common in men 45-50 years old. Due to the fact that the stronger sex has more concentration of uric acid in the body. In women, the disease can develop during the menopause, closer to 60 years.

In addition to inconvenience in wearing shoes, signs of gout can be accompanied by severe pain, inflammation of the joints. If you do not know which doctor heals gout, then we will tell you in more detail who to contact.

Choose a specialist

As a rule, a qualified doctor can easily diagnose and treat gout. This can make a good therapist, an experienced orthopedist, a professional rheumatologist and even a surgeon.

Which doctor to go to depends on the availability of specialists and the level of their qualifications in your clinic. Since the rheumatologist is the most competent for such diseases, it is better to consult him.

In his absence in the hospital at the place of residence, you will be given a referral to the consultation center on rheumatic and autoimmune diseases. You can also contact a neurologist.

In the treatment of gout, the integrated approach of several specialists will not be superfluous.


The diagnosis is based on the characteristic symptoms. After examination, the specialist reveals the degree of inflammation of the joints and the presence of tofusi - the formation of characteristic cones.

A blood test for biochemistry will determine the level of urates - the presence of crystals that must be excreted through the kidneys.

X-ray images also help determine the degree of joint damage, the formation of subcutaneous nodules and their consistency.

We treat

At home, with this pathology, the patient must first of all observe peace. On joints advise to apply cold compresses. To excrete urates should take the vitamins of groups C and P.

However, if the disease has worsened, it is better to undergo treatment in the inpatient department of rheumatology. The period of therapy will take from 7 to 14 days, depending on the severity of the gout.

Medical treatment under the supervision of a doctor will prevent complications and prevent the possibility of relapse.


In a hospital, a course of treatment with colchicine is usually performed, uricodepressant drugs that reduce the level of uric acid concentration in the blood are prescribed.


Reception of uricosuric drugs promotes the excretion of acids.

We are being rehabilitated at home

After the termination of clinical treatment during rehabilitation it is recommended to undergo a course of physiotherapeutic procedures. It is possible to use a laser, magnetic or paraffin therapy. It is necessary to increase the motor activity.

We use folk remedies

Tincture from the root of red madder

200 ml of boiling water boil 1 teaspoon of madder roots. Insist and soak in water steam for 15 minutes. Take inside twice a day for 100 g.

Tincture of onions

2-3 bulbs and peel pour a liter of water, boil until steaming. Insist. Take 100-150 g 3 times daily before meals for 10-15 days.

Compress from a tincture of valerian

Three vials of pharmacy tincture of valerian are combined with a bubble of triple cologne. Insist 12 hours. The resulting solution before the sleep lubricate the sick places - the cones on the legs. Roll your feet into a bag and put on woolen socks. Repeat daily.

After several such procedures, the joint will begin to twist, itching may appear. You need to have patience, and conduct a course of such compresses.

Compress with iodized salt

Pour water 500 grams of iodized salt, boil until the water evaporates. Then add 200 g of medical Vaseline or chicken fat, mix. From the received mass to do compresses for the night, legs to wrap with a warm cloth, it is better woolen.

Fish wrap

From 2 kilograms of fish pruning, to separate bones. The resulting fish fillets are divided into 10 portions, put in bags and put into a freezer. Within 10 days, put on a bag with a defrosted fish on its leg, wrap it in heat.

Compress of activated carbon

10 packs of chemically activated charcoal grind into a fine powder. Add 1 tablespoon of flaxseed and water, mix. Before going to bed, lubricate the sore spot with the mixture obtained, apply a pack and wear warm socks.

Cold and hot shower

Prepare two containers. In one pour very cold water, and the other - boiling water with the addition of grains of cereals. When the grains are broken up and the water remains hot, lower the leg first into a container of cold water and then with a hot one. Put on woolen socks.

Repeat the procedure daily for 2-3 months. Grains should be steamed and stay hot, so that the joint can be lowered into them. Now lower the diseased joint first into a container of cold water for 3-5 seconds, and then immediately into a vessel with grains.

We follow a diet

When treating gout at home, you must observe a fairly strict diet, since uric acid is part of many products. In the diet of a person suffering from gout, its amount should not exceed 150-200 mg.

While a healthy person is allowed 500 mg of its consumption. Otherwise, medications will not have time to break down the acid until the appearance of a new portion. It is recommended to drink more water - from 2 liters per day.

It is necessary to exclude coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

In the patient's menu should be as much as possible dairy and other calcium-containing products. Include in the diet more fresh vegetables and herbs.

It is important to strictly monitor the amount of calories consumed (no more than 1500).

But sweets should be limited, as this will slow the period of excretion of uric acid from the body.

A source: http://www.lechim-prosto.ru/kakoj-vrach-lechit-podagru.html

Which doctor treats gout: the name, features and reviews:

Which doctor treats gout? We will deal with this issue in more detail.

In order to answer the question of which doctor is involved in the treatment of gout, What is this disease and how does it affect a person, and what is the danger of this pathology.

Gout is called the disease of the motor system, in particular, it is a question of changing joints. Due to this ailment, for example, the shape of the feet may change. Not all people correctly call this disease.

Most often it is called "sticking on the feet of a bone". About what this pathology represents, and also about what doctor heals gout, if there is no rheumatologist, we will tell in this article.

Description of the disease

About mankind has known such a disease as gout for a very long time. This disease has many different unpleasant manifestations and possible complications.

Gout on the legs affects the musculoskeletal system of the body and changes the joints on the feet, forming a kind of bone.

Such a bone can be very sick and cause discomfort when wearing shoes.

Over time, the leg of a person suffering from gout can expand, as the altered joint requires a large area. The presence of a pathological bone brings a person not only discomfort due to the impossibility of wearing their favorite shoes, but also severe pain.


The growth of this bone is not just the displacement of the joints. This process begins because of inflammation of the joint and the deposition of salts.


Sometimes urinary crystals can be deposited. These deposits further increase the inflammatory processes, as a result of which the joint can begin to break down from the inside.

Which doctor heals gout, interests many.

Features of nutrition as a provoking factor

The development of such a pathological process is primarily influenced by the characteristics of daily nutrition of people. Products that should not be used as part of preventing the appearance of gout with age are as follows:

  • All kinds of alcoholic drinks.
  • Excessively fatty and proteinaceous.
  • Containing cocoa or chocolate.
  • Coffee.

On the development of gout, among other things, the presence of other diseases, regardless of the nature of their origin. Gout is a frequent companion of people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

What doctor treats gout on his legs, we will consider below. In the meantime, find out how this disease manifests itself.

What are the manifestations of gout?

This disease has a large number of typical symptoms. The most important sign is pain in the area of ​​the joint of the thumb and foot.

In addition, this site can swell or visually change.

As a rule, similar phenomena can be observed when people use gout-forbidden foods in their diets.

There is a high probability of occurrence of this symptom in the event that to combine in a diet some categories of the forbidden food.

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For example, a negative effect on the body of a combination of fatty foods with wine.

Incorrect eating behavior can harm not only the joints of the thumbs, but also for the rest, including.

Thus, this disease can affect different joints. True, it is often observed gout of the big toe.

This joint is affected very quickly, and the pain itself arises from the slightest touch.

Around the aching joint, as a rule, reddens the skin, which is typical for a future tumor.


These or other uncomfortable sensations can be constantly observed for several days.


Absolutely all the bones in humans are interrelated, for this reason, due to the presence of pain, it is sometimes impossible to step on gout for the entire foot.

Allocate the following signs, characteristic exclusively for people who suffer from gout:

  • The presence of pain in the joints.
  • Presence of severe burning pains in the thumb.
  • Noticeable discoloration of the skin.
  • Rapid inflammation of the joints.
  • Excessive presence of uric acid in the blood.

Which doctor heals gout, to which doctor to turn, do not know everything.

Diagnosis of the disease

If the first symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor. Even with the use of strong analgesic drugs that relieve symptoms, people with gout can not by means of independent efforts stop the development of pathological processes.

When patients with the first symptoms of the disease go to the hospital, they are assigned a list of tests, and besides, they give out the appropriate directions. Therefore, it is so important to know which doctor heals gout, to whom to address the problem.

The patient must undergo a full diagnosis, so that the doctor can get exhaustive information about the overall picture of his health. So, as part of the diagnosis, doctors recommend that patients undergo the following tests:

  • Ultrasound examination of the kidneys.
  • Delivery of biochemical blood test.
  • X-ray examination of joints.
  • Perform a joint examination of the joints.

Experienced doctors define gout in the context of a primary examination. But in order to accurately diagnose, information is required on all the above analysis.

Which doctor treats gout?

Given that this is a disease of the joints of the feet, it is advisable for patients to refer to such specialists as:

  • Traumatologists.
  • Surgeons.
  • Orthopedists.

And what kind of doctor treats gout?

True, the above list is not complete, since the cause of gout is considered, above all, the wrong food. A person is also required to apply in a similar situation to a dietician, so that he appoints a suitable diet.

Methods of treatment

Modern medicine offers two ways to combat gout:

  • The first of these is the conduct of drug therapy. The doctor appoints special medicines in this case. A competent selection of medicines positively affects the process of recovery. In addition, the occurrence of any side effects is also excluded.
  • Diet, in which the compilation of the right nutritional diet. Appoints the required dietary dietary doctor. Nutrition with approved products is the key to a quick cure for gout. Also, special physical activities are added to the treatment course.


As a result of the wrong choice of medications in the patient after a short time, the following complications may develop:

  • Development of ischemic heart disease.
  • The appearance of urolithiasis.
  • Development of pyelonephritis.
  • The appearance of hypertension.
  • Development of renal failure.

There are other options for treating gout. These include instrumental devices that are designed to fight inflammatory processes, returning the footsteps to their original form. The possibility of such treatment along with its duration is within the competence of a specialist.

Patient Reviews

A source: https://www.syl.ru/article/369122/kakoy-vrach-lechit-podagru-nazvanie-osobennosti-i-otzyivyi

Which doctor heals gout on his legs and to which specialist to apply

At the first signs of gout before a person, there are questions about where to go to be treated, to which specialist is best to apply.

In earlier times, people turned to the therapist, and he sent patients to that doctor who is already treating gout. Today the situation has changed radically.

Many sick people, who do not know anything about the manifestations of this disease, do not understand how serious and dangerous is the ailment. Not everyone knows what kind of doctor to turn to, and many do not want to get help from doctors.

To avoid future complications, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of the disease and find out which doctor is treating gout.

Symptoms and features

Examination of the foot by a doctor

Gout is an insidious disease, accompanied by constant relapses. In particular, unbearable pain can be felt in the feet, which indicates the destruction of the joints.

Among the typical signs of gout are the following:

  • Education on the joints of specific growths.
  • Signs of local inflammatory process.
  • Heat.
  • Redness of the skin around the damaged area.
  • Pain significantly worse at night. If you ignore the treatment, the pain can last for several weeks in a row. In this case, even a very slight touch of the hand to the affected area, causes severe pain.
  • Problems with active movements due to pain in the joints.

Help of a qualified doctor

A competent specialist should diagnose and treat gout. It is necessary to know who to turn to first.

When gout symptoms are detected, the patient is most often sent to the clinic in the hope of the therapist's help. A complete picture of the disease can be evaluated by this specialist already at the initial examination.

An accurate diagnosis is made only after the delivery of additional tests and a complete examination.

When the therapist installs "gouty arthritis the patient should be treated by a rheumatologist.

Patients with acute or chronic stage of gout development get to it.

The appointment of a course of treatment is usually dealt with by a rheumatologist, who treats various rheumatic disorders, including joints.

There are situations when a patient needs the help of more than one qualified specialist, and at once two. Sometimes a therapist and a rheumatologist have to consult each other in order to choose the most effective method of treatment.

In some cases, a nutritionist can also be connected if difficulties arise in terms of prescribing diets for gout. This specialist can get an individual meal schedule.


Principle of gout

Having ascertained to which doctor to apply for gout, the patient will receive full information not only on how to get rid of this illness, but also about the reasons for his appearance:

  • Heredity. The likelihood of developing a disease in a person whose genus is directly affected by a direct gangrene is high enough.
  • Chronic diseases. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, chronic heart disease and so on.
  • The use of certain medicines that suppress immunity.
  • Sex and age. Male gout affects more often than women. This especially applies to people of retirement age.
  • Drinking alcoholic drinks, soda and some products.
  • Obesity. People who are overweight often suffer from gout. This is evidenced by many years of research.

Methods of treatment

Drug treatment Allopurinol

Most often people begin to treat gout on their legs at the time of its aggravation.

The first sensations that appear in this disease are remembered for a long time, since severe pains do not allow even a normal sleep. Only a person who has turned to a doctor in a timely manner can count on a quick recovery.

Joint pain sometimes leads to irreversible consequences - a significant restriction of movement, up to the wheelchair.

People who have learned from their own experience will never engage in self-treatment, but they will necessarily turn to a specialist. Gout and the doctor - the concepts are inseparable. It is best to get rid of this disease will help rheumatologist.

In most cases, a big finger suffers from gout. Treatment is made for each patient individually and only by an exclusively qualified specialist.

The list of medications is identical to those intended for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases. Most often, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for treatment.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroids. the task of treatment is the elimination of inflammation. First of all, patients with colchicine are prescribed. This is a unique drug, because it is influenced by the organism selectively.


It eliminates inflammation in the affected areas, is taken internally, after which the duration of the acute period decreases to three days.


Mostly used Urikozuric drugs and uricodepressants. They reduce the concentration of uric acid in the body, because it is the main culprit in the development of gout.

Allopurinol is the most common uricodepressant. The frequency of its administration, as well as the dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

Sometimes a rheumatologist prescribes one dosage and the number of daily doses, and the instructions for use indicate a completely different dose. Always follow the recommendations that the doctor prescribed.

After all, he calculates the dosage based on the individual characteristics and condition of the patient.

Urikozuricheskie drugs rheumatologist appoints selectively. This is due to the accelerated cleansing of the kidneys from urates, which is also harmful to the body. Doctors call this process the main danger.

The fact is that gout brings great problems not only to one joints, but also to the kidneys. This leads to the development of gouty nephropathy, which can lead to death. Therefore, the specialist first conducts a thorough examination of the patient.

If he finds signs of nephropathy, therapy with uricosuricides is not prescribed.

Auxiliary therapies

Gout and mineral water

The greatest effect is provided by complex therapy.

This diet, easy sport, as well as therapeutic massage, physiotherapy procedures, spa treatment.

In this list, it is the diet that is the most important item. First of all - the introduction in the daily diet of at least three liters of mineral water.

Real mineral water contains a wide variety of natural microelements that favorably affect the body:

  • Stimulate the work of the liver.
  • Reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.
  • Helps neutralize toxins.
  • Reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Discharge harmful substances from the body.
  • Dissociate uric acid salts.
  • Soften the inflammatory process.

Mineral water can be eaten regularly, as it does not harm the body. Especially when gout is useful alkaline mineral water, which significantly improves the work of all organs.

The usual diet should be changed. Diet should consist of dairy and vegetable dishes.

From fried and fatty meat, as well as from alcoholic beverages, chocolate and coffee, it is necessary to abandon completely.

A source: https://NogoStop.ru/stopa/zabolevaniya/kakoj-vrach-lechit-podagru.html

Gout who heals which doctor

To answer the question, which doctor treats gout, you need to understand what kind of illness it is and how it manifests itself.

If there is a metabolic disorder, a chronic disease - gout, characterized by joints of the thumb, joints of the hands, ankles, knee and wrist joints of urinary salts acid.

The disease is susceptible, for the most part, to men after the age of forty, but recently the disease has become increasingly diagnosed in women of retirement age.

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Crystals of uric acid salts are deposited in the joint, this causes inflammation, which causes a lot of discomfort to the patient. Not without reason, the word "Gout" in Greek means "Trap for feet".

Gouty arthritis, which is better known as "Gout was formerly called aristocratism.

This is due to the fact that it most often affects people who eat often fatty and protein foods and alcoholic beverages.


Often the disease is diagnosed in people with excessive body weight, hypertension and diabetes.


Acute gouty arthritis has the property of sudden onset and rapid leakage.

If symptoms of the disease appear, then after a while they passed by themselves, without any treatment, the patient should be ready for the fact that in six months or a year the disease will return, only the character will be already chronic and cure it will be much more difficult.

As a rule, the symptoms of gouty arthritis are very pronounced: redness of the site skin near the joint, acute pain, worse at night, local and general increase temperature.

A gout attack can last from several hours to several weeks, if not treated. In this severe pain occurs even with a light touch to the affected joint.

If the patient has any of these symptoms or a predisposition to gout disease, then it is necessary to contact him, first of all, to the therapist.

The therapist will decide who to send the patient to.

But, if nevertheless he diagnoses gout, he will definitely send to a rheumatologist who will conduct a further examination and prescribe a treatment.

Treatment of gout is very complex and requires an integrated approach that rheumatologist will develop for the patient individually. Advise patients not to seek an answer to the question of which doctor heals gout, and make an appointment with a therapist.


Which doctor treats gout?

Suspected or diagnosed with gout, the doctor will refer the patient to a rheumatologist, a doctor who is struggling with joint diseases, with heart defects of a rheumatic nature.

Gout more often has a chronic course, so you need constant treatment and follow-up with a doctor. There is an opinion that rheumatologists, as specialists are narrow-profile, however it is not so.

It is often necessary to analyze the symptoms, since there are diseases similar to rheumatic, but having other causes, of an infectious or oncological nature.

And this analysis is very important for finding out the causes of the disease and a successful cure.


For example, a patient's joints hurt, and the cause may be a venereal disease, or excess weight, or flat feet. In general, we need a comprehensive approach to every person with current illnesses.


The ill should clearly understand that to effectively combat gout, you need to come to the doctor as soon as possible.

When the patient suffers to the last, and then appears before the doctor with severe changes in the joints, enslaving the movements in them, the doctor can not fix anything.

In such cases, patients are sent for endoprosthetics.

Diet for gout will replace the doctor and long-term treatment!

One of the main factors in curing rheumatic diseases is diet compliance. The cause of gout is the increased content of uric acid in the circulatory system.

Reducing it is the priority of treatment.

Before you look for information about which doctor heals gout, you need to understand what is there a certain diet for gout, which excludes the eating of foods with high content purines. Each rheumatic disease has its own symptoms.

  1. If you have a jaw in the joints lasting longer than thirty minutes and and lasting more than three weeks, you need to contact a rheumatologist.
  2. Increased for unknown reasons, the temperature, which lasts for a long time, is an occasion to think about visiting a specialist and treating.
  3. In addition to gout, a rheumatologist treats a variety of abnormalities. This and osteoarthritis, and all sorts of arthritis, osteoporosis, heart defects of a rheumatic nature.

The main way to study patients with these diseases has always been x-rays, his doctor appoints first. This is the first step on the path to treatment.

It is cheap, affordable, and gives a lot of information about the affected area. It is believed that x-ray irradiation can damage health, but technological progress has long made it safe.

Tomography and densitometry are also used.

If there is excess weight - you need to adjust body weight as much as possible. In life there should always be feasible physical activity, this is the basis of treatment. And also it is necessary to arrange once a week a fasting day and you will not need any doctor.


Causes of gout

The development of the disease is directly related to the increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood, formed when the purine compounds are destroyed as protein products.

Consequently, the abuse of protein foods (red meat, liver, kidneys, fatty fish, seafood) provokes the disease.

Knowingly gout was considered from ancient times a disease of rich people who had enough money to consume a lot of meat.

In addition to the nutritional factor, other conditions contribute to the development of gout, in which there is a violation of all types of metabolism:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • alcoholism;
  • hypodynamia;
  • use of drugs (aspirin, nicotinic acid).

The hereditary predisposition is important, since we inherit from parents the features of the metabolism that lead to the realization of the disease against the background of family traditions.

Symptoms of arthritis as an occasion to consult a doctor

Manifest arthritis may have the following symptoms:

  • joint pain during movement;
  • limitation of mobility;
  • puffiness, skin hyperemia locally.

With a prolonged course of the disease, the rounded formations "tofuses" appear in the places of urate deposition, the joint itself is deformed.

First you need to visit a district doctor, undergo a preliminary examination.

It is mandatory to determine the level of uric acid in the blood (norm milligram per decilitre).


If an increase in the index is recorded against a background of normal kidney function, the therapist will give a referral to a rheumatologist.


If the joint is severely deformed and worsens the quality of life, the surgeon will need help with the prosthesis.


Gout on the legs. How to treat?

Most often gout occurs in individuals with excessive body weight and increased blood pressure, so a crucial role in the prevention of disease plays adherence to the rules of a healthy lifestyle - the use of an optimal amount of fluid, control of body weight, the transition to a healthy food. During the exacerbation of the disease, it is important to minimize the burden on the damaged joints. The doctor prescribes painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (rheopyrin, ketazone, colchicine), in the case the transition of the disease to a chronic form - drugs that normalize the process of the exchange of uric acid (benemide, allopurinal).

Treat gout at home

Acute pain, swelling, redness of the affected joints, fever - these are signs of a gout attack.

In this state, the patient must comply with bed rest (the patient's limb should be given an elevated position), take a large amount of fluid and observe a special diet that excludes meat and fish products, alcohol.

To ease the condition and reduce pain, it is recommended to apply ice to the inflamed areas, apply bandages with Vishnevsky ointment.

It is strictly forbidden to take aspirin - it negatively affects the excretion of uric acid and aggravates the course of the disease.

People's remedies such as decoctions, sage, chamomile, onion soup, apples and even lard or fish fillets make it easier to use them - they can be used as a compress.

Which doctor treats gout?

The doctor-rheumatologist deals with the treatment of gout. He diagnoses on the basis of various studies - a general blood test, determining the level of uric acid, X-ray of the joints, after which he prescribes medication and gives recommendations concerning nutrition and motor activity.

Gout is a serious disease that can lead to serious kidney problems later, so editorial board of uznayvse.ru advises at the slightest symptoms to consult a doctor to get a qualified help.


How to recognize pathology?

Before finding out which doctor is engaged in gout,should assess the presence of symptoms of the disease. The main ones are:

  • the appearance of specific growths on the joints (most often in the area of ​​the big toe, but any fingers can be affected);
  • soreness in the affected area, as well as local signs of the inflammatory process;
  • problems with active and passive movements in the joint.

These general and non-specific symptoms of a doctor who treats gout should differentiate with a variety of other joint pathologies. The main difference in the clinical picture of the disease is the presence of a painful attack.

In the aggravation of the disease arises a gouty attack, which is characterized by acute soreness in the joint (in mostly the thumb of the foot, since it is affected in the first place), as well as the redness and puffiness of the local character.

To what doctor to go?

With gout, you should apply for specialized care immediately, as the disease gradually progresses and causes irreversible changes in the joints and bones. However, it is rather difficult to answer the question, who exactly cures pathology, since the disease affects several systems at once.

The first who treats such a defeat of the joints istherapist. If you suspect a surplus of uric acid, a person should go to him.

The doctor will adequately assess the patient's condition and carry out the necessary studies.

If the therapist confirms the patient's suspicions, he will write a referral to another doctor.

The main expert in this field of medicine is rheumatolin The doctor treats gout and arthritis, as well as all pathologies associated with connective tissue problems and joints (systemic lupus erythematosus, arthrosis, spondylitis and so on).


First, the doctor will accurately establish the diagnosis, since the disease does not have pronounced specific symptoms, and only then will prescribe appropriate therapy.


Unfortunately, the ailment is a chronic disease, so treatment for a rheumatologist will be lengthy.

The specialist of this profile is well-informed not only in the field of gout treatment, but also will help in the prevention and rehabilitation of the patient.

Principles of treatment

The success of treating the disease will depend entirely on the response rate of the patient. To avoid irreversible consequences it is possible at the reference to the doctor right after the first attack of a pain.

If you ignore the symptoms of the disease, the process of joint destruction begins, and other organs are affected. The effectiveness of therapy depends on which doctor heals gout.

This should only deal with a rheumatologist.


A source: https://sustav5.ru/bolezni/podagra/podagra-kto-lechit-kakoj-vrach.html

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