How to take licorice root when coughing children

How to give syrup a root of licorice to children

How to give syrup a root of licorice to children

Syrup of licorice root is a natural herbal remedy. This drug is an effective and safe cough medicine, has long been very successfully used in medical practice. How to give licorice root syrup to children?


  1. The composition of the syrup of licorice root includes a large number of biologically active substances. Its effect on the body occurs in several directions. The licorice root syrup dilutes sputum in the respiratory tract and stimulates its withdrawal, has a disinfectant effect and promotes the healing of small pharyngeal wounds that occur when coughing occurs.

    Use licorice root syrup for complex treatment of respiratory tract diseases, which are accompanied by a cough. These include acute and chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchiectatic disease, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis and others.

    The licorice root syrup not only helps to get rid of the painful cough, but also supplies the body with some the number of tannins, which have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

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  3. Children over the age of twelve let syrup on one teaspoon three times a day, pre-dilute it in 100 ml of warm water. It is important to remember that when using licorice root syrup, you should significantly increase the amount of liquid you drink. This is necessary to reduce the viscosity of phlegm.
  4. Children from 6 to 12 years old dilute 50 drops of licorice root syrup in half a glass of water, this dose is needed three times a day.

    Give licorice root syrup to a child from 2 to 6 years should be in the amount of 2 to 10 drops three times a day, dilute the medicine in a teaspoon of warm water.

    Children under the age of two years, the drug is prescribed in dosage of not more than 2 drops per teaspoon of water, drink the baby syrup of licorice root 3 times a day.

  5. At any age, treat the syrup with licorice root for no more than 10 days, the need for a second course is determined by the attending physician.

    The composition of the drug includes sugar syrup, so children with diabetes mellitus are given a syrup of licorice root with caution.

Syrup of licorice root

Syrup of licorice root is a medicinal product that is made from the rhizome of the plant of the same name. This drug has long been used in medical practice for the treatment of cough and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract in adults and children.

Composition of syrup

solodki-kornya-siropLicorice root contains twenty-seven flavonoid compounds (chalcones, flavonoids and their isoforms), as well as essential oils, polysaccharides, glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizic acid, which have a pronounced therapeutic effect. In the pharmacy bottle of this drug contains (per 100 grams):
  • 96% ethyl alcohol (10 gr.);
  • extract of licorice root (4 g.);
  • sugar syrup (86 gr.).

Due to this composition, this drug is actively used for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Properties of the medicinal product

The preparation on the basis of vegetable raw materials is issued in the form of a dense liquid of brown color, which has a sweet taste and a pungent smell. Use this syrup is recommended only if the treatment requires the patient's useful properties. This product has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, immunostimulating, antispasmodic and regenerating effect. Also, the licorice root has antitumor and antiviral activity. Due to this, it is able to suppress the development of mycobacteria, pathogenic microorganisms and staphylococci.


Instructions for use of this drug recommends the use of syrup for chronic and acute bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchial asthma (medical indications), atelectasis (if the patient has a mucous plug), as well as with gastric ulcer and gastritis (only outside the stage of exacerbation). Also, the agent is actively used for the treatment of wet and dry cough.


Syrup medicinal plants can not be used to treat cough and other diseases in the following cases:

  • in the presence of gastritis (in the stage of exacerbation);
  • with peptic ulcer of the stomach (in the stage of exacerbation);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the agent;
  • during pregnancy;
  • nursing mothers;
  • people with diabetes.

In the presence of bronchial asthma, the drug can be used only for medical reasons, and after consulting with the doctor in charge.

Possible side effects

After taking the syrup, the patient may experience minor allergic manifestations (on the skin or mucous membranes), as well as an increase in blood pressure.

Instructions for use

To achieve a better therapeutic effect, licorice root should be taken three times a day after meals. Dosage for children and adults:

  • Children 2 years and younger drug syrup should be given 2 drops, diluting them with warm water (in the first dessert spoon).
  • Children from 2 to 12 years old should take this remedy for ½ teaspoon (must be diluted in a quarter of a glass of warm water).
  • Children over 12 years of drug syrup based on licorice root naked should be given on a full small spoon. The preparation should be previously dissolved in boiled water (in ¼ cup).
  • Adults are recommended to take this remedy on a teaspoon, diluting it in half a glass of warm water.

Duration of treatment with herbal preparation

Treatment of wet or dry cough, as well as other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, should last from the 1st week to 10 days. Adopt the root of licorice to adults and children is recommended only after a medical examination, as prescribed by the doctor. With caution, this drug should be given to a child, since it contains 96% ethyl alcohol. During prolonged treatment with syrup, it must be remembered that it can easily contribute to the onset of swelling.

Form of issue

This product is available as a syrup in a vial that is placed in a cardboard box. Also, the drug is enclosed with instructions for use. In it you can find information on how much and how many times a day you should take syrup with dry cough and other diseases. All the above figures on dosage, contraindications and indications in it are also reflected.

Method of drug storage

Medicinal preparation based on the rhizome of licorice naked should be stored in a cool and dark place for no more than 2 years. Before using such a tool, it is recommended to visit a doctor, and also carefully study the attached instructions.

How to give licorice syrup to a baby

How to give licorice syrup to a baby

Syrup of licorice root is a natural herbal cough remedy. It is especially important for treating children. The main thing to understand how to give it, depending on the age of the baby.


  1. Syrup of licorice root consists of a large number of biologically active substances. This drug helps to dilute sputum in the respiratory tract and stimulate its retreatment, disinfection and healing of small pharyngeal wounds that occur when coughing. Licorice root is an excellent tool for the treatment of chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchiectasis, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis and so on.
  2. The first condition for the treatment of licorice root syrup is abundant drinking. This is important to reduce the viscosity of phlegm. Otherwise, the mucus becomes dense and will cause difficulty in breathing.
  3. Dilute the syrup only in boiled warm water. Do not add syrup to tea, or another hot drink, because under the influence of temperature, its useful properties are significantly reduced.
  4. Children under the age of 2 let the licorice root 2 drops, diluted in a teaspoon of water 3 times a day.
  5. Syrup of licorice root for a child from 2 to 6 years, plant in an amount of 2-10 drops in 1 teaspoon of water and give 3 times a day.
  6. To a child from 6 to 12 years, dilute 50 drops of this medicine in half a glass of water and give 3 times a day.
  7. In 100 milliliters of water, dilute 1 teaspoon of licorice root syrup. This dosage is intended for a child over 12 years of age. You need to take the medicine 3 times a day.
  8. At any age, the treatment course with licorice root syrup should last no more than 10 days. If you need to repeat the course, always consult a pediatrician.

Licorice root of cough: use in the treatment of children and adults

Liquorice rootIn the treatment of respiratory diseases accompanied by cough, many people use traditional medicine. Especially popular among them is the root of licorice, or liquorice. Initially, the plant was used as a laxative and expectorant, but eventually began to use the licorice root from a cough.

What is the use of the plant?

Licorice is naked

Licorice is naked

The healing properties of licorice root have long been used and they are valued by many. It helps to get rid not only of cough and colds, but also will be effective for rheumatism, asthma, eczema, gout. However, in folk medicine licorice occupies a special place due to its medicinal properties, which allows curing a child and an adult.

Licorice from cough is used in the form of broths, infusions and syrups. They work well with a dry cough that occurs with many respiratory diseases, whooping cough, viruses and infections that enter the respiratory tract.

Licorice favorably affects the entire body: affects the hormonal system, promotes the dilution of sputum, increases immunity, facilitates the breathing of a person with respiratory diseases. The plant is endowed with a pronounced antipyretic and antiviral effect.

The composition of the licorice root includes bioflavonoids, after they enter the body, muscle pain is weakened. Also this folk remedy struggles with the simplest helminths, which too can be the causes of a dry cough.

The most common application of licorice is the treatment of respiratory diseases. It is used for asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia. Means based on the extract of this plant have become the most common in pediatrics, since they are made from natural raw materials, safe even for young children.

Licorice is characterized by a rich composition, due to which the high effect of cough treatment with this remedy is achieved. Glycyrrhizin, present in the root of the plant, promotes an increase in the secretory activity of the respiratory tract, it activates the ciliate epithelium on the walls of the trachea and bronchi. In addition, this substance gives the plant an enveloping and expectorant action. Flavonoids - another component of the plant, allows you to remove the spasms of smooth muscles of the bronchi in a short time, thereby eliminating the pain of coughing.

Pediatric Use

Children from coughing licorice root pediatricians are appointed in the form of syrup for such diseases as:

  • Syrup of licorice root for childrenbronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tracheitis.

Also, the drug helps to cure the child of bronchoecstatic disease.

When treating these diseases of the respiratory tract with licorice root syrup from cough, the following effect is observed:

  1. Sputum is excreted and excreted from the bronchi and lungs;
  2. The process of sputum expectoration is facilitated;
  3. Coughing seizures are being shot;
  4. Disinfection and healing of respiratory tracts and wounds occurring with a strong cough occurs;
  5. The body's defenses increase;
  6. The antiviral effect of the drug is noted.

Licorice root syrup improves the body's defenses

This safe remedy allows you to get rid of respiratory diseases, preventing the development of complications. True, if the disease is started or is marked by its rapid development, prescribe a licorice from cough for children and adults in combination with other drugs.

Syrup can be given to children immediately after birth, because the medicine is absolutely safe. In addition to strengthening the respiratory tract, tannins, which are part of the root of the plant, will improve the digestive system of the baby. Another advantage of this medicine is its pleasant sweet taste, so children gladly accept it. Infants syrup is better to dilute a small amount of water.

Despite the safety of treatment with this antitussive drug, with a dry cough licorice can be prescribed only by a pediatrician. As a rule, the course of therapy is 10 days, but if necessary the attending physician can prolong it.

In some cases, children who are prone to allergic manifestations, when treated with licorice-based syrup, may experience side effects - itching, redness and skin rashes.

The child is given syrup

Syrup of licorice root can be prepared at home: take 4 g of licorice root extract, 10 g of alcohol and 80 g of sugar syrup.

When treating a cough, you can use a syrup cooked by yourself. To do this, take 4 g of licorice root extract, 10 g of alcohol and 80 g of sugar syrup. All components are mixed, placed in a glass container, closed with a lid and stored in a cool place. Give the child this medicine is needed in the same dosage as the drug bought in the pharmacy.

Given all the useful properties of liquorice, do not forget about some contraindications to its use. It is contraindicated in childhood obesity, increased blood pressure, liver and kidney disease, diabetes, violations of water-salt balance in the body.

Competent use of useful properties of licorice root will help cure cough quickly and without dangerous consequences.

Licorice root syrup with dry cough

Licorice syrup with dry coughSyrup, prepared from the root of licorice, is often used to treat cough. And doctors prescribe this medicinal product of natural origin not only to adults, but also to children.

pharmachologic effect

Syrup, prepared from licorice root, is of vegetable origin, which explains the safety of its use. It has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and expectorant effect. Used for dry cough, if there is thick and difficult to separate sputum, it is expectorant drug and not antitussive. In addition, the use of this drug contributes to the healing of ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.

In the body, the drug undergoes metabolic changes, rendering an ISS-like effect. Syrup increases the nonspecific resistance of the body, that is, increases its resistance to a variety of pathogens. Licorice root has an antimicrobial effect (mainly in relation to staphylococcus).

The licorice root syrup contains many biologically active substances that act on the patient's body in several directions at once. This agent dilutes sputum and promotes its escape from the respiratory tract. In addition, it has a disinfectant effect and accelerates the healing of very small wounds in the pharynx, which are often formed with a dry, painful cough.


Syrup helps cure both wet and dry cough. Therefore, it is prescribed for the treatment of various infectious and inflammatory diseases affecting the respiratory tract: tracheitis, acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, etc. In addition, this drug is used as part of complex therapy in such pathologies as peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach, as well as in hyperacid gastritis.


Despite the fact that the drug is of vegetable origin, it also has contraindications. Therefore, before treating them with a cough, especially in children, it is recommended to consult a doctor and ask him if it is possible to use syrup.

This drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components, as well as during pregnancy. In addition, it is forbidden to take it simultaneously with antitussive drugs. Patients with diabetes mellitus can drink this syrup only under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Side effects

This drug can provoke allergic reactions, at the appearance of which it is worth stopping its use and inform the doctor who will choose another medicine. With prolonged use of syrup, blood pressure may rise, and peripheral edema may also occur.

How to take syrup?

The medicine is taken orally in a warm form in the infusion of 100 ml or as a syrup 5-10 ml 3 times a day after meals. And the syrup must first be diluted in 200 ml of water or tea. It should be noted that the period of treatment with this drug should not exceed 10 days.

To prepare the infusion, you need 2-5 briquettes of licorice root to put in an enameled pot or bowl, pour 200 ml enough hot water, and then cover and warm in a water bath for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Then the infusion should be cooled 10 minutes and strain, wringing out the remaining raw materials. The amount of infusion should be brought to 200 ml with boiled water.

If the child is less than two years old, the syrup should be given 3 times a day, adding two drops of medicine to a teaspoon of water. For children 2-6 years in a teaspoon of warm water drip 2-10 drops of the drug three times a day. A child of 6-12 years of age, doctors prescribe 50 drops of syrup, diluted in half a glass of water, three times a day. And children over 12 years old, as well as adults, are recommended to take the medicine on a teaspoon 3 times a day.

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