Massage of the neck and collar zone: indications and contraindications


  • 1Help yourself: we learn to massage the neck and collar zone
  • 2Massage of the neck and collar zone: indications and contraindications, massage technique, possible complications
    • 2.1Massage of the collar zone and benefit from it
    • 2.2Indications for the massage of the neck-collar zone
    • 2.3Contraindications to the massage of the neck-collar zone
    • 2.4Preparation for massage and massage technique
    • 2.5The danger of massage SHVZ
  • 3How is neck cervical massage done?
    • 3.1Benefit or harm?
    • 3.2Indications for use
    • 3.3Contraindications
    • 3.4Technique of execution
    • 3.5Classical massage
    • 3.6Children's massage
    • 3.7"Procedure with vacuum banks"
  • 4Benefits and contraindications to the massage of the collar zone
    • 4.1Indications for massage of the cervical-collar zone
    • 4.2Contraindications
  • 5What are the indications and contraindications for the massage of the cervical collar zone?
    • 5.1What is the technique of neck-and-neck massage?
    • 5.2Indications for massage of the cervical-collar zone
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.3How is neck massage done at home?
    • 5.4The sequence of actions for massage of the cervical collar zone
  • 6Massage of the neck and collar zone
    • 6.1In what cases is massage of the neck useful?
    • 6.2Contraindications
    • 6.3The basic receptions of massage
    • 6.4Scheme of massage movements
    • 6.5Training film from Vladimir Varshanidze

Help yourself: we learn to massage the neck and collar zone

Most modern people work sitting. Professions, where you need to move, you can count on the fingers - builder, the seller in the store, the educator ...


Large suppliers, office workers, guards and many others - all sit at the computer, being afraid to skip a client or alternate the operational process.

Schoolchildren and students are sitting still, already and kindergartners learn computer during developmental activities.

No wonder that cervical osteochondrosis has become very widespread.

Its signs: headaches, tension and pain in the shoulder region, numbness of the fingers, insomnia, nausea, dizziness.

Not everyone can afford to change their way of life - especially for a long time - but why not solve the problem "without getting away from the place" of the work.

This can help massage the neck-collar zone. During the procedures, the blood supply is accelerated, the tension in the cervical and brachial muscles is relieved, the headache is stopped. Weekly course of massage returns the desire to work and saves from insomnia.

The main function of the procedure is to relieve tension in the neck and shoulder region through relaxation of the trapezius muscles and restore blood supply in the collar zone. With muscle relaxation, oxygen exchange of the brain improves.

Indications for the procedure:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • decreased ability to work;
  • insomnia;
  • need to spend a long time in a state of immobility;
  • pain in the muscles of the collar zone in the absence of inflammation;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • traumatic lesions - during the rehabilitation period;
  • physical inactivity.

But self-resort to massage with all the above problems is undesirable. The procedure has its own contraindications, and if they are neglected, the general condition will be heavier.

You can not massage the cervical collar zone in such diseases:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • heart failure at the stage of decompression;
  • any malignant processes, regardless of the location of the tumor - with massage, the lymph flow increases, and this expands the area of ​​the oncological process;
  • infectious and purulent-inflammatory processes - the cause is the same as in cancer;
  • injuries and wounds in the acute period in the cervical region;
  • dermatitis of the neck, head, upper back;
  • instability of cervical and thoracic spine.

Vessels and lymphatic drainage ducts carry blood to the brain, massage on them has a serious effect. In this zone there are reflex points, also affecting the brain.

The effectiveness of the procedure depends largely on the ability to perform it and the strength of the impact, so the choice of a masseur is to be taken responsibly.

If the condition deteriorates after the massage, bruises remain on the skin, dizziness appears and nausea - the massage therapist should be changed.

Massage movements are easy to master even without certain skills and then perform the procedure at home. But once it is worth mentioning - the technique of massage for an amateur and a professional may be the same, but it is not worth counting on the effectiveness of independently conducted procedures.

To be able to really do a massage is to know how the pressure on certain reflex points will affect on well-being, and be able to influence pressure by deliberately lowering the pressure or causing a healthy sleep. To fully master this medical massage, you need a long time to learn and constantly practice.

Massage is carried out with the following movements:

  • smoothing;
  • warm-up;
  • tapping;
  • vibromassage.

Begin a massage with warming up the muscles. Movement circular kneading from top to bottom - from neck to upper back.

Children warming should be carried out with a terry towel - they have a skin tenderer, the bones are more fragile and the muscles lie on the surface.

Scheme massage of the collar zone - all actions are performed from the top down. The patient is seated on a chair facing the table, he must put his head on the countertop and rest his head against the pillow or hands.

First, the muscles are warmed up:

  • Next, hands grasp the muscles of the neck and, pressing them with a little effort, hands are lowered, hands are grasped in parallel. Movement stops at the level of the forearms and again repeats from the occipital zone. Running up to 5 times;
  • The direction of movement is the same, the muscles are kneaded by the thumbs. Parallel to the vertebrae, the movements are circular;
  • Then again rubbing - intensive movements alternate with stroking. The neck is rubbed with pads of the fingers, for the shoulders and shoulders all fingers or palm are involved;
  • Then comes the turn of vibration effects. Alternating vibrational and shock motion. During oscillatory movements, the arm does not tear off the area of ​​influence. For men, vibratory tapping is advisable to carry out a clenched fist - they have coarser skin and dense muscles, fingers will not be able to create the effect of the necessary force.

It takes 15 to 20 minutes to massage the house. After the procedure, you should hold your neck in warmth for a while.

During massage the child is better to put on a chair.

  1. First, strokes are done along the lymph flow to the axillary lymph nodes. Begin the movement from the back of the head and gradually descend. Reception is carried out by 2 hands;
  2. The warm-up is performed by hands alternately - the fingers are simultaneously stroking and tapping the skin - the child should experience only pleasant emotions.

All movements are performed at least 10 times, the body should be moist and ripen, but not redden.

  1. Rubbing of the spine from the top down is done with the pads of the fingers;
  2. By the same method - descending from the nape to the neck - rubbing to the peripheral areas, covering the entire back surface of the neck, shoulder and shoulder. Pads of fingers move away from the spine, and again return to it. In the field of the shoulder, massage effects are performed alternately - first on one side - then on the other;
  3. Another 30 seconds are devoted to rubbing;
  4. Vibration effects are performed by the fingers at a rapid pace with a shift in the skin. At this stage, a significant reddening of the skin is permissible - the blood supply is significantly increased;
  5. After smoothing, rubbing is repeated - now with the ribs of the palms. Effective action - combine at one stage of rubbing with the ribs of the palms and knuckles of the fingers;
  6. Next, kneading muscles of the neck and back with fingers, while on the surface of the skin a spiral is drawn. The movement starts from the thoracic region, then moves along the trapezoidal tufts, from spine to the front surface of the neck, from the spine to the joints, from the spine through the forelegs to shoulders. Again smoothing. The neck in pre-school children should be kneaded very carefully - this place is very vulnerable, the bones are fragile, the muscles are extremely mobile. If you can "get carried away" a little, you can injure a child;
  7. Helical kneading is performed with knuckles. Strong pressure and jerks should be avoided. First, the muscles gently move the muscles from one side - then the other. Interblast area is cautious;
  8. The kneading of the shoulder-lines takes no more than 30 seconds - this is enough;
  9. The massage ends with a vibrating technique - the amplitude of effleurage is small.

After the massage, strokes are carried out, which calm the little patient and finally relax him.

After the massage, the skin may remain reddened for a while, and there may be a slight tingling sensation in it. This happens because after the procedure the blood flow increases, metabolic processes are accelerated.

The appearance of bruises, bruising, acute painful sensations and fever is unacceptable. If this happens, then the massage is performed incorrectly, and if you want to continue healing, you should find a skilled expert.

Health and well-being to you and your loved ones!

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Massage of the neck and collar zone: indications and contraindications, massage technique, possible complications


Some modern medical problems have become widespread among people, for example, hypodynamia, characterized by a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, frequent headaches, stress and tenderness in the shoulder and neck area, sleep disturbance and overall decline working capacity.

In the modern world, many people are used to spending a lot of time sitting at the computer or in front of the TV, which causes unpleasant consequences for the health of the neck and shoulder girdle. Nevertheless, the stagnant tension of the muscles of the neck and shoulders can be eliminated.

Cervico-collar zone

Massage of the collar zone and benefit from it

Undoubtedly, the best way to deal with such situations is to change the way of life, but not every modern person is ready to do so. There is another way to combat the unpleasant phenomena of the neck-collar zone.

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Massage of the collar zone and head, even performed only once, helps to eliminate headaches and relieve the feeling of fatigue and chronic fatigue.

According to experts, after the course of this procedure, normalization of sleep and a significant increase in efficiency.

The benefits of head and neck massage are determined by the following important mechanisms:

  1. The mechanical effect on the muscles of the shoulder and neck contributes to their relaxation, elimination of a feeling of tension and fatigue;
  2. Massage significantly improves blood transport at the tissue level in the cervical collar zone to reduce Pain syndrome in the presence of puffiness or accumulation of lactic acid after intense physical loads;
  3. Due to relaxation of the neck muscles, the blood supply to the brain improves. It is this effect that contributes to the normalization of sleep and the elimination of headaches;
  4. Effects on the reflexogenic areas located in the cervical collar zone, improves the functioning of internal organs;
  5. The totality of the effects obtained from the massage of the head and neck, contributes to an increase in vitality and ability to work, improves the overall well-being of the person.

Of course, the effectiveness of massage depends on the professionalism of the specialist performing it, therefore, the selection of a masseur should be handled responsibly and carefully.

In general, the technique of such a massage is not too complicated knowledge, therefore, in case of its mastering, a person has the opportunity to carry out massage of the cervical collar zone at home.

Massage helps to correct posture due to proper relaxation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck.

In addition, the elimination of stagnant phenomena with the help of a massage course reflects on the quality of attention, memory and promotes learning achievement.

Interestingly, the effect on the reflexogenic areas of the neck contributes to the normalization of the hormonal background, which is important for a person of adolescence.

Massage of the collar zone

Indications for the massage of the neck-collar zone

Neck and head massage is a curative effect that has its own testimony:

  • Cervical osteochondrosis;
  • Fatigue and tension of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck due to prolonged sitting position due to study and work;
  • Hypodinamy, a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Decrease in general tone, disturbed sleep, decreased level of working capacity;
  • Injuries of the cervical spine and neck, but not in an acute period;
  • Soreness in the neck and upper back, if it is not associated with inflammatory processes and has the character of muscle overstrain.

Separate indications for such a massage are available for children:

  1. Vegetosovascular dystonia, where the benefit is associated with the elaboration of reflexogenic areas;
  2. Scoliosis of the initial stage, disorders of posture;
  3. Violation of the hormonal background. It is used as an auxiliary therapy.

IMPORTANT: Massage of the collar zone and head, even performed only once, helps to eliminate headaches and relieve the feeling of fatigue and chronic fatigue.

Of course, massage of the neck-collar zone can also be prescribed in some other cases individually. If a person feels the need for a massage of the collar zone, a specialist can refuse to give you only if there are serious contraindications.

Contraindications to the massage of the neck-collar zone

In the cervical region is the focus of some vital structures, which can be affected by a similar massage. That is why, in the presence of contraindications, experts do not recommend performing a neck-and-neck massage.

This type of massage has the following contraindications:

  • Common infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • Hypertensive disease, characterized by high blood pressure;
  • Injuries and injuries in the neck during a period of exacerbation;
  • Heart failure, especially in the stage of decompensation;
  • Instability of the cervical spine;
  • The presence of malignant neoplasms of the fourth stage;
  • Neoplasms in the cervical-collar zone;
  • Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the head, upper back and neck;
  • Infectious diseases of fungal or bacterial origin.

Preparation for massage and massage technique

Before the beginning of massage procedures it is recommended to prepare all necessary equipment:

  1. A chair with a high back;
  2. Pillow. It is used when necessary;
  3. Massage cream. It is optional, but can be used if necessary.

Immediately before the procedure, it is necessary to install a chair in such a way that the ward sat comfortably facing the back of the chair. The head can be massaged by the person on its hands or on the pillow, which should be placed on the back of the chair.

Massage of the neck and collar zone

The approximate course of preparation for home massage of the cervical collar zone includes the following items:

  • The initial stage of massage of the neck-collar zone is the warming up of the muscles of the periostal fossa. Movement should be conducted along the shoulder, while directing the fingers to the side of the neck in a spiral. Work should be done with the help of finger pads. Each shoulder should be kneaded for 40-60 seconds. After working through the shoulder area, you should apply vibration reception: directing your hands from the top down, you must perform amplitude manipulations along the dorsal body;
  • Then you can go to the back area. Clean hands need to perform stroking in an amount of 8-10 from the bottom up on both sides. Move from the center of the back to the axillary basins. After that, we move 10 times down from the top of the neck 10 times;
  • We spend by the pads of fingers longitudinal rubbing, lasting 20 seconds, after which we stroke the back. With the help of the ribs of the palms, it is necessary to rub the longitudinal parts of the back about 10-15 times. After each movement, we perform 2-4 strokes of the massage zone. Further within 10-20 seconds it is necessary to perform combined rubbing;
  • After this, it is necessary to cross-rub against the palms for 15 minutes. Dorsal muscles at this time are actively warmed up because of the pronounced blood flow. Further massage the back in a spiral with the help of pads of fingers. Perform movements along the trapezius muscle, first from the bottom up, then - in the opposite direction. Manipulation lasts from 30 to 60 seconds from each side, after which it is necessary to stretch the muscles of the interblade area on both sides of the spine.
  • With alternating we perform tapping with fingers and "finger rain". In the neck area, use only "rain without tapping. We continue massage with the help of the ribs of the palms, we tap the collar part of the back. After stroking for 10-20 seconds, knocks your fingers, and in the neck we perform "finger rain
  • At the end of the massage, you need to beat your fists with your hands on the back, in the neck area, use a weak tapping. The therapeutic massage ends with gentle stroking movements on the collar zone with repetitions of about 12-15 times.

IMPORTANT: In the presence of contraindications, experts do not recommend performing neck-and-neck massage.

Self-massage of the collar zone is a rather complicated task. With the tension of the neck muscles, you can only relieve tension with the use of a massager or simple massage techniques.

Experts recommend kneading your neck yourself, keeping your hands on the muscle and gently turning your neck in different directions, sometimes slightly shifting the muscle.

Complicated techniques can be learned in courses for this type of massage.


Self-massage of the collar zone


Remember that without special skills and training, you can not carry out a collar zone massage for a child, since inept manipulations can cause severe harm to the child.

The danger of massage SHVZ

Cervical-collar zone - the area is very delicate, so many people face a number of problems after her massage.

Some note pain in the neck, others generally begin to have problems with mental activity and coordination.

Usually this happens if during a massage accidentally pinch the vertebral artery, but it's exactly possible to say this only after ultrasound.

To avoid such unpleasant consequences, you should only contact a qualified massage specialist.

Also, before the massage of the cervical collar zone, you need to make sure that you really need it - it is better to even visit several doctors, so that they confirm the problem in this area.

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How is neck cervical massage done?

Carrying out massage sessions of this site should be no more than 30 minutes in adults, about 15 minutes in children for 10-15 massage procedures.

It is more preferable to do with a specialist, but you can also use self-massage.

If this is an independent treatment, it is more comfortable to use a massager, which can be purchased at pharmacy stores of special equipment.

With manual massage, the area of ​​exposure to the skin is covered abundantly with a special oil or anti-inflammatory cream. It is better to massage every other day in the absence of severe pain. With strong painful sensations, a daily procedure is allowed.

Benefit or harm?

Due to a long time in an uncomfortable position, or because of uncomfortable furniture, muscle inflammation occurs.

Such manifestations in the neck region provoke a worsening of blood flow to the brain, causing lethargy, muscle pain and burning sensation.

The importance of massage of this part of the body has a curative as well as preventive purpose in order to prevent the onset of the disease.

Timely procedure has an effective effect on the body. The result is:

  • elimination of puffiness;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • liberation from muscle tissue spasm;
  • decrease in fat thickness;
  • normalization of mobility of cervical joints;
  • improvement of respiratory function;
  • improving the flow of blood to the brain;
  • alignment of posture;
  • strengthening of general working capacity.

Indications for use

Negative signals, in which the use of this method of treatment is advisable:

  • constant weakness;
  • reduced working capacity;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • lack of mobility;
  • muscular spasms and painful sensations in the collar part;
  • manifestation of osteochondrosis;
  • recovery from injury.


Applying massage to the neck of the collar body, it is necessary to take into account contraindications to its use, so as not to cause irreparable harm to the body. Among them:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • acute heart failure;
  • oncology;
  • infection and purulent-inflammatory processes;
  • wounds, injuries, dermatological diseases of the head, upper dorsal region.
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Technique of execution

The actions used for massaging are easy to master without having special experience and doing house sessions. At the same time, they are technically less effective.

When carrying out this method of treatment, certain knowledge of the impact on certain points is needed.

If you want to achieve that it was a full-fledged therapeutic massage, you need a long practice.

The procedure starts by warming up the muscle tissue, applying circular movements from the cervical to the collar zone. At a children's massage for muscular relaxation a terry towel is used.

Classical massage

When carrying out a massage, a person should take a lying or sitting position, tilting his head down, and placing his hands on the table. This is an important condition for creating the necessary degree of relaxation.

Begin the session with the collar area, shoulder joints, gently proceeding to massage the neck. Soft massage actions should be performed in the direction of movement of the lymph, avoiding the lymph nodes.

There should not be a feeling of pain.

Performing massage actions must begin with stroking. They are produced with the help of the palms of both hands with circular, spiral and rectilinear soft movements.

Then there is an increase in physical impact. To prepare the body for a full-fledged massage, also apply a pinch-like stroking.

It is necessary to press the muscles with the thumb and index finger, while doing stroking movements.

Then follows the method of grinding, in which the skin becomes plastic for further work on it. The procedure is done with grasping movements, at the end applying rubbing with the palm of your hand, while clenching all your fingers into a fist.

The next step of the massage is to knead the most clamped areas of the neck and collar zone, gradually adding the applied force to the next reception. Then a vibratory method that helps to eliminate the pain syndrome.


The procedure in the upper parts of the back is done by tapping the edge of the hand, or by patting the palms. In the neck area, you should use a quick tapping with your fingers.


The final part of the procedure is soft stroking and patting of the problem part of the body. All of the above types of massage should be done 15 to 20 times.

Children's massage

When massaging the neck and collar zone, the best position for children is sitting on a chair. Initially, they produce warming stroking movements from the occipital part, descending below. The procedure is performed using both hands alternately. Thus the child should feel a pleasant feeling.

  1. Reception to spend about 10 times, not allowing reddening of an integument. Rubbing is done with the help of finger pads.
  2. Over the shoulders massage actions should be performed in turn from two sides.
  3. Then follow the rapid vibrations.
  4. And again repeat rubbing, only now with the help of the ribs of the palms. Do not pressurized heavily.
  5. At the end of the session, stroking is necessary to fully relax a small patient.

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"Procedure with vacuum banks"

How is the massage session, using cans, look at the video.

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Benefits and contraindications to the massage of the collar zone

Of course, the best way to deal with such problems is to change the way of life, but not everyone can afford it. There is a much simpler way to deal with these unpleasant phenomena.

Massage of the head and collar zone (even once) effectively removes the headache, relieves fatigue.

After a course of procedures lasting at least a week, sleep is normalized and working capacity is significantly improved.

The benefits of neck and scalp massage are determined by the following mechanisms:

  1. mechanical influence on the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, relaxes them. This relieves fatigue and tension;
  2. massage improves microcirculation of blood in the cervical collar zone, which helps to reduce the pain syndrome in the case the presence of edema (this is what is called "blown muscle"), or accumulation of lactic acid (after significant physical loads);
  3. due to the fact that the muscles of the neck relax, the blood supply of the brain improves. It is this effect that helps to relieve the headache and normalize sleep;
  4. the effect on the reflexogenic zones located in this area improves the functioning of the internal organs;
  5. all these effects, in the end, improve overall well-being, increase vitality and ability to work.

Of course, the effectiveness of massage directly depends on the professionalism of the person who performs it. The choice of the masseur must be approached responsibly.

However, the technique of performing massage is not particularly difficult. Therefore, if you can master it well, then you will have the opportunity to do massage at home.

Massage neck and collar zone is useful not only for adults, but for children. As is known, about 75% of all schoolchildren suffer from a violation of posture, and 10% have a diagnosis of "scoliosis".

This is not surprising, given that school desks are not adapted to maintain normal posture.

Massage helps to correct posture due to the same relaxation of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle.

In addition, the elimination of stagnant phenomena improves memory, attention, improves performance (of course, this is not a one-time session).

It is also believed that the effect on the reflexogenic zones of the neck normalizes the hormonal background, which is especially important for adolescents.

Indications for massage of the cervical-collar zone

Massage of the head and neck is, first and foremost, a therapeutic massage, and, like any other medical procedure, it has its own indications and contraindications.

So, here's what is considered an indication for the massage of the collar zone:

  • fatigue, tension of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle due to prolonged sitting position (sedentary work, study);
  • painful sensations in the region of the upper back and neck, if they have a purely "muscular" character and are not associated with inflammatory processes;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • trauma to the neck and cervical spine (not in the acute period!);
  • sedentary lifestyle, inactivity;
  • sleep disturbances, decreased overall tone, decreased level of working capacity.

There are also testimonies in children:

  • disorders of posture, scoliosis in the initial stage;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (the beneficial effect here is associated with the effect on the reflexogenic zones);
  • hormonal disorders (as an auxiliary).

Of course, such a massage can be prescribed not only in the above cases.

By and large, if you feel the urgent need for a massage of the collar zone, then no one has the right to refuse.

Of course, if you do not have any contraindications to this procedure. About contraindications - more.


In the neck area is the concentration of many vital structures, massage affects them and, importantly, the brain.

That is why, in the presence of contraindications to massage in any case should not resort to it.

Contraindications to massage of the collar zone include the following diseases and conditions:

  • Hypertonic disease with high blood pressure figures;
  • Decompensated heart failure;
  • trauma in the neck in an acute period, wounds;
  • inflammatory processes in the neck, head, upper back;
  • infectious diseases of bacterial, fungal origin;
  • general infectious disease in acute period;
  • instability of the cervical spine (can lead to a sharp deterioration in the condition);
  • neoplasms in the cervical-collar zone;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasm in 4 stages.

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What are the indications and contraindications for the massage of the cervical collar zone?

Often, people are limited in intensive workloads. Many work at a computer in a sitting position, incorrectly located in the workplace. Over time, this leads to discomfort in the spine and all kinds of deformations in its departments, especially in the cervical and spinal.

To solve such a problem, and sometimes complete elimination of such symptoms as headache and swelling, it is often considered effective to massage the neck of the collar zone, which can be carried outeven at home. This kind of massage can easily be performed by a master who has been specially trained. He only needs to be accurately diagnosed.

What is the technique of neck-and-neck massage?

If you consider the technique of neck massage at the collar zone at home, you can be sure that it is not so complicated.

Initially, it will be necessary to warm up the neck with circular motions.

In this case, you can use a terry towel to rub the cervical and back.

FurtherThe procedure consists of four stages:

  1. Smoothing. That includes the basic preparatory actions. It must be done neatly and smoothly, gradually moving to the next stage.
  2. Muddling. This stage involves squeezing the skin with your fingers and its easy tingling along with squeezing movements.
  3. Tapping. This approach is used for stagnant phenomena in tissues and fatty deposits. It can also be used in preventive measures. This type of massage is performed by strong and rapid pressure on the fingers. Such movements well warm up the muscles and contribute to the tone.
  4. Vibromassage. It is marked by the manifestation of an immediate effect. After it, the occipital occlusion is markedly reduced.

All types of massage promote the activation of nerve endings. Applying them in turn leads to the desired effectafter a couple of procedures.

It is also important to know that after the first procedures, reddening of the skin, pain in the area of ​​massage and even general malaise can be observed.

This is considered normal, so massage should not be stopped.

After all, the problem area has been accumulating for years and some patience is needed to remove such deposits.

Indications for massage of the cervical-collar zone

Of course, any massage can be applied only if necessary. Massage the cervical spine is necessarywith frequent headaches, dizziness, frequent stress.

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It will help to regulate the circulation of blood flow to the brain, which will have a beneficial effect on the vegetative system.

In addition, the massage technique will help to correct various curvatures in the spine and prevent osteochondrosis and other disorders.


As for contraindications, they can be: temporary, local and absolute.


Temporary it is considered to be:

  • the appearance of acute fever and inflammatory foci;
  • the occurrence of bleeding and infectious skin lesions;
  • the manifestation of hypertonic and hypotonic disorders, cerebral disorders;
  • the occurrence of allergic rashes and edema;
  • the appearance of acute pain in the abdominal region, emetic syndrome;
  • the occurrence of cardiac and renal insufficiency.

Local contraindications are observed when:

  • the defeat of some parts of the body with fungal and viral diseases, warts, herpes, specimens;
  • presence of tumor formations in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • with mastopathic growths;
  • with cystic fibrosis in the pelvic region;
  • varicose-venous lesions and birthmarks in massage sites.
  • with menstruation and pregnancy, stones in the bile ducts and kidneys.

Absolute are:

  • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • thrombotic disorders, tuberculous lesions;
  • presence of venereal diseases and HIV infection;
  • manifestations of osteomyelitis in acute and chronic forms;
  • all types of heart failure and circulatory disorders;
  • susceptibility to bleeding tissues;
  • Atherosclerotic abnormalities and cerebral vascular trauma.

How is neck massage done at home?

Now almost everyone can learn how to perform a massage. After all, the services of a massage therapist are not affordable for everyone. To perform such a procedure at home, it is importantread video courses, which will teach methods and methods of neck massage of the collar zone.

For the procedure, you must prepare all the necessary accessories. Particularly useful is the presence of a chair, which will have a high back and a pillow so that the patient can be conveniently located.

In addition, you need a cream for massage, especially with a very dry skin. The chair is set so that the patient is comfortable to accommodate for a massage.

Usually the patient's face rests against the back, releasing the cervical collar area for the procedure.

The sequence of actions for massage of the cervical collar zone

To begin massage it is necessary from a back department. Before a massage, it is better to wash your hands. First it is necessary to make stroking movements, starting from below and smoothly passing to the top.

Such strokes are performedon each side of the back about 10 times. After that they need to be repeated only in the opposite direction: from the neck to the middle of the back.

Next, rubbing with palms is performed. They need to be produced for at least 15 minutes. This helps the muscles warm up due to the blood tide. After such reception spiraling movements by fingertips are made.

It is especially important to pay attention to the trapezius muscle, massaging it from the bottom to the upper and vice versa. Each side must be massaged for one minute. It is also necessary to warm up the area of ​​the blades from both sides.

The next stage involves massaging the fossa over the bone on top of the spine. It is produced along the side of both shoulders with spiral movements closer to the neck.

These movements are done with your fingertips. Warm up each shoulder should beabout one minute.

After shoulder therapy, it is necessary to apply vibratory movements that are directed from the upper back to the lower one.


All movements must necessarily alternate. Vibration should be replaced by tapping with your fingers.


And the neck is kneaded only with the help of fingers, and it is already possible to apply the palms to the ribs.

The end of the massage is performed by slow stroking the entire cervical-collar part of the back. All movements are repeated about 15 times.

Neck and collar massage can be done in the supine position. It is important that the entire area of ​​the back is accessible to the masseur. At the same time self-massage is not allowed, as it is simply inconvenient. The muscles of the neck and back of the patient should be relaxed, then the effect of the massage will be greater.

If the massage is performed in compliance with all the rules, then after the first procedure a person will receive considerable relief andwill feel light in movement.

But, if the disease is started, then the initial sessions can cause pain syndromes in the muscles, which pass after 3 procedures. One session should not exceed the time of 20 minutes.

Massage techniques should be applied gradually increasing with each procedure. The whole course should be no less than 10 sessions.

Of course, it is best that the neck massage of the collar zone is performed by an experienced specialist with a medical background who knows all the subtleties of this procedure and the structure of the spine. But this phenomenon is very rare now.


Therefore it is enough that the master of massage wastrained in special courses. The most important is the compatibility of the master with the patient. Not every patient will benefit from the technique used by this master.


And the positive result also depends on this subtlety.

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Massage of the neck and collar zone

There is a great variety of types of massage, and neck-and-neck massage is one of the most popular. Most often, massage of the neck and collar zone is part of a whole complex of therapeutic measures.

In what cases is massage of the neck useful?

The collar zone is inactive, and together with general hypodynamia leads to edema, salt deposits and pinching in this part of the spine.

With the help of simple massage techniques, you can remove feelings of fatigue and stiffness, reduce tension, reduce headaches, increase cerebral circulation.

Neck massage is shown to people whose professional activity is associated with significant visual tension, as in the cervical region there are nerve endings associated with the eyes.

General indications for neck and collar massage:

  • Headache;
  • Mental or physical fatigue in the course of a working day or at its end;
  • Prolonged strain on the cervical spine and shoulders of a static or dynamic nature;
  • Relief of symptoms in neurasthenia and neuralgia;
  • Correction of sleep disorders.

Often for massage there are medical indications:

  • Rehabilitation after a stroke;
  • Vegetosovascular dystonia;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Scoliosis.


Not always massage benefits, there are a number of medical cases when the effect from it can be directly opposite.Contraindications for neck massage are:

  • High fever, fever;
  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • Dermatoses and infectious rashes on the skin;
  • Exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • Oncology;
  • Open wounds;
  • Hemorrhage disorders, for example, thrombosis;
  • Menstruation;
  • Violation of the functioning of the kidneys and liver, heart.

The basic receptions of massage

  • The strokes usually begin and end the massage session. They are carried out with two hands, the direction of movement is from the top down. In this case, the thumbs should act on the central part of the neck, and the rest on the side.

    The intensity of movements is moderate, and the amplitude of reception is large.

  • Rubbing is performed interspersed with stroking, giving a fairly intense effect.

    The purpose of this method is to warm up the muscles and prepare for a massage to avoid painful sensations. Perform with your fingertips or the palms of both hands.

  • Mention should take slightly more than half of the session.

    Perform it in several ways and only after complete relaxation of the muscles. You can grab the muscle and lead it along the spine, using the thumb, middle and index fingers.

    Or carry out circular movements of the tips of the thumbs from top to bottom along the spine. You can not act directly on the vertebral column itself, if you do not have the skills of manual therapy.

    There should be no painful sensations when kneading. Maiming is mainly subjected to a trapezius muscle. If it is tense, then taking it can hurt the patient, in which case it is necessary to reduce the intensity of the exposure.

  • Vibration is carried out evenly and rhythmically, movement is carried out by two hands. The hands of the massage therapist can both break away from the patient's body, and perform the reception continuously. In the collar zone, the vibration is performed with fingers clenched into a fist, or with a palm.

Scheme of massage movements

When carrying out the massage, all the tricks are performed strictly from the top down. Begin massage with strokes, they also finish. The emphasis during the session is done for kneading.

The first pass is made vertically, and the next one is directed towards the forearms.

From stroking to the subsequent techniques gradually pass, gradually increasing the intensity of the impact.

After kneading the trapezius muscle, the massage therapist should massage the shoulders and the upper back area.

Light grinding and kneading techniques are subjected to shoulder joints and wide dorsal muscles. These methods should be given no more than a quarter of the session.

Finish massage with light sliding strokes on the entire massaged surface.

The massage should last about 15 minutes. Procedures should be conducted at least twice a week for a long time to achieve a sustainable result.

Training film from Vladimir Varshanidze

A training film on neck and neck massage from Vladimir Varshanidze.

The use of neck massage should not be understated.

It helps to remove salt deposits in the neck and shoulder region, stagnant and edematous phenomena, Helps normalize blood circulation, relieves tension and stiffness of muscles, increases their elasticity and tone. Regular massage helps to maintain health for a long time.

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