Treatment of the spine (intervertebral hernia) in China


  • 1How an intervertebral hernia is removed in China: an overview of the treatment methods
    • 1.1Non-surgical methods of treatment
    • 1.2Traditional Chinese Medicine
    • 1.3Cost of treatment course
    • 1.4Minimally invasive methods of treatment
    • 1.5Spinal surgery
    • 1.6Microsurgical Discectomy
  • 2We treat a back hernia in China: unusually and effectively
    • 2.1Gentle methods
    • 2.2Minimally invasive methods
    • 2.3A Radical Method
    • 2.4Denial of responsibility
  • 3Treatment of a hernia of the spine, arthrosis and joints in China Dalian
    • 3.1Treatment of a spinal hernia in the Military Hospital of China
    • 3.2The examination is an important part of the technique of treating problems associated with the spine
    • 3.3Also we are reconstructing the disks of the spine
    • 3.4Comprehensive treatment of hernia in China has proven effectiveness
    • 3.5Extension of the vertebrae
    • 3.6Vertebrae reduction with the help of manual therapy
    • 3.7Acupuncture
  • 4Treatment of a hernia in China
    • 4.1Drain hernia through tubes
  • 5Treatment of the intervertebral hernia in China
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Treatment of spine diseases in China
    • 6.1Methods of treatment of the spine in Chinese clinics
    • 6.2What are the advantages of treatment in China?
    • 6.3Treatment of osteochondrosis and hernia of the spine

How an intervertebral hernia is removed in China: an overview of the treatment methods

Treatment in China should not be considered only from the point of view of traditional methods and minimally invasive procedures.

The Chinese clinics have all the necessary equipment and competent specialists who conduct complex surgical operations according to generally accepted international standards.

Such a balanced approach provides a more effective result of treatment.

Non-surgical methods of treatment

Traditional Chinese Medicine

The first stage of treatment is designed to eliminate pain and tension in the muscles. The following procedures are assigned for these purposes:

  • acupuncture;
  • acupressure;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • stone therapy;
  • Spinal traction.

After passing through the first stage of therapy, the patient normalizes blood circulation, metabolism is activated substances, nutrition of disk tissues is provided, the inflammation and jamming of nervous endings.

As a result: pain, muscle spasms and numbness in the upper and lower extremities pass without a trace.

The second stage is aimed at eliminating edema, formed around the compressed nerve roots. For these purposes, procedures are prescribed that have a warming effect:

  • cauterization of wormwood cigars;
  • heating;
  • paraffinotherapy.

At the last stage, rehabilitation therapy is performedwith the help of special gymnastics and phytotherapy.

Cost of treatment course

Complex Diagnosis 300 rubles.
Complex X-ray diagnostics 800 rubles.
Specialized massage (1 session - 30 min) 600 rubles.
Manual therapy (1 session - 30 min) 600 rubles.
Acupuncture (1 session - 30 min) 1000 rubles.
Electrotherapy 400 rubles.
Needlebar 1800 rub.
Therapeutic sauna (1 session - 30 min) 1000 rubles.
The course of treatment with herbs The cost depends on the price of the selected drugs

Minimally invasive methods of treatment

Minimally invasive operations are called sparing procedures that provide less interference in the body than open operations for the same purpose. Thanks to the use of endoscopic instruments, the spine can be kept intact after the operation.

Main advantages:

  • almost no scars;
  • bleeding is minimized;
  • local anesthesia;
  • fast rehabilitation.

Rise and walk can be a couple of hours after the operation.Term of hospitalization lasts no more than 5-7 days.

Needlebar The most effective and popular method of treatment of diseases of the spine. Applicable only in China. The needle allows you to perform accurate punctures in diameter, mm without injuring the nerve channels.
Hydrophlastics Manipulation is carried out with the help of small punctures through which a special solution is applied to the cavity of the disc under high pressure, removing the affected tissue.
Radiofrequency ablation In small punctures, a probe is inserted with electrodes that are heated to a high temperature. From the effect of heat, hernia is destroyed.
Laser vaporization Relatively new method of treatment by heat. Helps reduce the volume of hernia.
Laser reconstruction It differs from the above two factors in that the cell is stimulated during the operation cartilage, which contributes to the rapid growth of cartilage tissue, which fill the cracks and emptiness of the disk.

Spinal surgery

Microsurgical Discectomy

Discectomy is performed using a microscope and a laser. Intervention is performed through a small incision through which the tissues of the damaged vertebra are removed. As a result, decompression and release of the roots of the spinal nerves is achieved.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia for several hours.Relatively safe for elderly patients.

In the recent past, a complex operation to remove the hernia of the cervical spine was It is unsafe, but with the advent of endoscopic microsurgery, similar procedures do not represent danger.

The probability of nerve damage during surgery and inflammation during the postoperative period is minimized.

The operation involves replacing the damaged disc with an artificial (mobile implant). All the actions of a neurosurgeon are controlled by an operating microscope or an endoscope. To shorten the rehabilitation period, a laser reconstruction procedure is assigned.

To get up and start walking patients begin already on the second day after the operation. Seams are removed on the tenth day. Back home you can in two weeks - independently, without a wand, crutches and other means of support.

A source: http://xn7sbldqajrn6f0hc.xnp1ai/zabolevaniya/lechenie-mezhpozvonochnoj-gryzhi-v-kitae

We treat a back hernia in China: unusually and effectively

is a fairly common disease. Based on the complexity of the disease and its neglect, one or another method of alleviating a person's condition is recommended.

Often in the absence of effect, experts recommend.

Indisputable leaders in the treatment of intervertebral hernia are physicians from China. Offering patients from all over the world traditional methods of eliminating the disease, they give people a chance to return to normal life without surgery.

Gentle methods

In Chinese medicine, the spine of a person is regarded as the basis of health. Therefore, this part of the body is paid great attention.

The technique of treatment of intervertebral hernia by Chinese specialists is highly effective and consists of special procedures:

  • Phytotherapy. It is selected individually and includes the use of herbal infusions that relieve pain and inflammation, strengthen the tendons and bones that accelerate blood circulation.
  • Some types of massage, allowing you to remove the adhesions in the muscles and reduce pain.
  • , pointwise affecting the nerve endings.
  • Fire therapy. It lies in the application of herbal compresses, which are subsequently ignited - this helps to activate blood circulation and deep penetration of the drug into the body.
  • Cauterization with cigars from wormwood has a powerful effect on the active points, while restoring the functions of the body.
  • Electrotherapy can alleviate pain in diseases of the spine.

When conducting the diagnosis, Chinese physicians detect abnormalities by an unusual method - with the help of a pulse.

He gives exhaustive information about the state of the liquid components of the body - blood and lymph. You can also determine the level of functioning of internal organs and the localization of pain.

The only drawback of conservative methods of treatment is a temporary relief of the condition due to the removal of the inflammatory process.

When returning to the ordinary way of life, there is a high likelihood of new incursions, which will inevitably result.

Minimally invasive methods

Such ways of getting rid of the intervertebral hernia allow minimally injuring surrounding tissues during manipulations.

A person is more quickly recovered and has fewer complications after such an intervention, in contrast to a surgical operation.

This achieves high efficiency of treatment. In addition, the time spent by a doctor on such a sparing intervention does not take very little.

In China, also, treatment of the spinal hernia is carried out using the following techniques:

  • Hydroplastic. A solution fed with high pressure into the affected area causes the intervertebral disc to become in place.
  • . The inserted light guide removes the protrusion and thus reduces the volume of the hernia.
  • Laser reconstruction. The principle is similar to vaporization, it is possible to perform the procedure more than once.
  • Nerve destruction. Using a special probe, pain receptors are blocked.

The absence of probable complications after minimally invasive operations makes such a method of hernia treatment in China quite popular.

A Radical Method

When a patient is diagnosed with an "intervertebral hernia not everyone thinks about the possibilities of curing her.

So, with the advanced form of the disease or some indications, only one method is recommended - a surgical operation.

Surgical intervention makes sense for serious complications in the form of unbearable pain, damage to nerve endings. Specialists in China treat spinal hernia with such operations as:

  • Discectomy. The removal of affected vertebral tissues is performed, but if diagnosed, then a laminectomy is performed.
  • Endoscopy. The operation itself is controlled by a special device called an endoscope, and the principle of action is analogous to a discectomy.
  • The needle. A unique technique that allows bloodless and with minimal punctures to remove a hernia, even if the operation is repeated.

How many people who do not believe that it is possible to cure a hernia of the spine, turned to the specialists of China for help, and the result is worth it. Patients from different countries receive comprehensive treatment without resorting to surgical intervention.

Chinese traditional methods allow without pain to cope with the disease. The specialists not only individually prescribe the treatment, but also conduct intensive rehabilitation therapy.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

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This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.


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Treatment of a hernia of the spine, arthrosis and joints in China Dalian

The Sino-Korean clinic conducts treatment for all types of diseases of the spine.

In this case, the clinic's employees consider the case of each individual patient in a private order for the selection of individual treatment.

Only after a thorough study of the state of the organism, all the results of the analyzes done, dynamics of protrusions, a program of treatment can be developed that will take into account all the specific features of the disease specific patient. In our clinic you can apply as already with the passed analyzes, and without. The main thing is that they were passed no more than six months before the operation.

Treatment of a spinal hernia in the Military Hospital of China

All over the world, thousands of people suffer from back pain. This is the problem of the modern way of life. Back problems for today are the most common among older people and among young people.

Our mode of operation gradually changes to a sedentary image, be it an office worker or even a territorial manager, who spends most of his working hours driving. The emergence of problems with the back in the conditions of modern life, is simply inevitable.

A person spends too much time sitting, which weakens the muscle corset. The vertebrae begin to shift, squeeze the vessels, the nerve processes.

Excessive loading can provoke the appearance of protrusions and as a result a rupture of fibrous shell and leakage of collagen fluid, which in turn contributes to the appearance of the intervertebral hernia.

The diagnosis also often occurs due to a surgical intervention on the spine. For this purpose, there is our scientific center, we are always on guard for your health. Therefore, in our hospital, preference is given to conservative methods of treating hernia and methods that can replace surgery and do not damage the bone system of the spine.

The peculiarity of the therapy of our clinicis the non-surgical treatment of many problems associated with the spine. For example, in no other country in the world is the intervertebral hernia treated, so as not to violate the integrity of the spine.

Treatment of the intervertebral hernia in China is carried out by the same equipment that is used to remove brain tumors. For the first time, treatment with a minimally invasive method was applied in 1996. Chinese professor Pei Qing.

The duration of the operation does not exceed 20 minutes, with continuous monitoring of the process using an X-ray machine, and the patient is given local anesthesia.

Despite strict recommendations in rest for several hours after the operation, the person who transferred such an operation can stand up and go on their own, without any complications.


There are certain recommendations for the postoperative period after the hernia has been removed: for example, you can not wear anything heavy for months, play sports and swimming. To speed up the recovery and to consolidate the result of the operation, we need more restorative procedures, which include massage and acupuncture. Some patients are prescribed a drug course, to continue the recovery of the treatment at home. In addition, doctors after the operation for five years continue to maintain communication with the patient, although there has not yet been a single case of complication.


At the medical center in China, both conservative protrusion treatment and innovative treatment are used, but most often doctors use an integrated approach to the treatment of any problems.

The methods of conservative protrusion therapy include massages in various ways, drawing and directing vertebrae, hydromassage and mud therapy, manual therapy and others.

In addition, pharmacological treatment of hernia is used all over the world - drugs that help relieve pain, relax muscles and reduce inflammation. With all these tasks acupuncture copes much more effectively.

The examination is an important part of the technique of treating problems associated with the spine

Treatment of a spinal hernia in China begins with qualitative, high-precision diagnosis. Of great importance is the patient's current health status, the dynamics of the disease and other informative parameters.

Part of the tests for hernia operation can be done independently, but this is not necessary. After all, the medical center in China conducts various surveys, exactly which one will not have to doubt.

Diagnostics is carried out by experienced specialists in the most modern and high-tech equipment using advanced medical techniques.

Before beginning any procedures and treatment methods, the patient must undergo a series of studies.

The results of magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography, which were made in a medical institution at the place of residence, can be brought with you.

And in a research center, surveys are usually supplemented with the following procedures:

  • spondylourography;
  • epidurography;
  • radiology;
  • discography;
  • complete radioisotope scanning of the skeleton;
  • ultrasound dopplerography;
  • electromyography and others.

Modern equipment and high information content of these research methods allow obtaining maximum information about the state of the organism and those problems that need to be solved and cured. After their treatment, the hernia in China will be directed to the right side and will give the maximum results.

Also we are reconstructing the disks of the spine

In order to undergo treatment for the spine and intervertebral hernia, you need to come to the military hospital for 2-4 weeks.

During this time, the doctors will make the necessary diagnostics, observe the dynamics, and only after this will be treatment is prescribed and it will be possible to proceed directly to affected sites the spine. In order to restore the intervertebral disc, experts of the Chinese scientific center conduct procedure of laser irradiation, the effect of which provides heating of the disk and stimulated growth of cartilaginous tissue. To implement this process, a puncture needle is used.

After a while, the cracks and ruptures that were on the ring of the disk, are tightened and overgrown. For people of different ages and the degree of damage to the intervertebral disc, this time can last from 3 to 6 months.

Reconstruction of discs by our methods works well independently, but can also be used as an additional procedure after removal of intervertebral hernias.


After any impact on the spine, the treating professor prepares the program for further rehabilitation, which will consolidate the effect and prevent a similar problem in a weakened place the spine.


Most often, the basis of rehabilitation is the methods of ancient Chinese medicine, which for many millennia have proved their effectiveness and benefit. Among the methods of treatment popular are:

  • acupressure;
  • natural herbal medicine;
  • procedures by the apparatus of the meridian, which allows to reveal the internal reserves and possibilities of the organism;
  • & amp; gloeflexotherapy and others.

Comprehensive treatment of hernia in China has proven effectiveness

Thanks to the comprehensive treatment of hernia in China, many have got rid of painful symptoms.

Simultaneous impact of several methods has a fruitful impact not only on the painful area, but also stimulates the whole organism.

The duration of the recovery period depends on several factors. Has the meaning:

  • age of the patient;
  • intensity of tissue regeneration;
  • The degree of complications with which the patient addressed before treatment.

For a speedy recovery it is important to follow all the recommendations received regarding the regimen during treatment, motor activity, nutrition and taking prescribed medications. And if we compare the treatment of the spine abroad or the treatment of a spinal hernia in Dalian, then our Military Hospital Lianonin in China has a number of advantages:

  • Treatment is conducted full day, although other clinics in China, the treatment is already finished at lunch
  • The cost of full treatment is lower than in other clinics in China, so you get more treatment at a lower cost.
  • We apply not only the treatment methods developed in China, but the newest Korean and European therapy
  • Patients supplement the basic treatment with rehabilitation in a sanatorium at a hospital on thermal hot springs.
  • Doctors of the clinic have extensive experience in the treatment of intervertebral hernia and a high level of education, tk. The clinic is a state medical facility and all admission to work is strictly controlled by the Ministry of Health China.
  • The possibility of patients and accompanying patients in the clinic, in a cozy modern room equipped with satellite TV and Wi Fi
  • In the hospital there are discounts for treatment for the disabled
  • Prices are public and the cost of treatment is fixed, the patient is paid on site at the clinic

Extension of the vertebrae

Another physiotherapy method that helps in solving problems related to the spine is traction. Specialists of our clinic in China have long used this simple and effective method, which helps to widen the spacing between vertebrae up to 3 mm.

Elastic muscles and ligaments of the spine can stretch the entire spine, eliminate compression of nerves and reduce inflammation. For each patient an individual method of stretching is selected: vertical or horizontal.

In addition, specialists select the private duration of the procedure, the direction of the impact on the spine and force, and also determine whether additional gravity is needed for stretching or enough of its own mass body.

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Feedback from our patients who have undergone this procedure are only positive

Vertebrae reduction with the help of manual therapy

An ancient method of treating protrusions, which was used many thousands of years ago, allows you to relax and restore muscles, or put internal organs in their places.

Movement of organs or disruption of their location adversely affects the internal blood supply, the nerves may become jammed, and pain appears.

Only a highly qualified manual therapist can carry out such procedures, because such an effect on the human body should be very accurate and precise.

The Chinese Science Center employs professionals who know their business, which can eliminate the displacement vertebrae and restore normal functioning of all ligaments and cartilages of the spine without operative interference. Positive feedback on the effectiveness of such techniques in China is higher than in any other country in the world.


The oldest Chinese methods of acupuncture solve the problems not only of spine diseases, but also neurological and pulmonological disorders of health.

The main positive point of acupuncture is the absence of contraindications and side effects.

With the proper procedure of acupuncture, needles can be a substitute for anesthesia, reducing the impact of pain when performing operations of various kinds.

In the human body, there are points in which energy flows are blocked and clamped, so acupuncture is used to restore the balance of organs and systems.

Depending on the complexity of the problem, the duration and frequency of the procedures may vary. Most often, the problem can be resolved in one or two procedures.

This method is also used in the treatment of hernia in Korea, the doctors adopt the positive experience of their colleagues.


From the level of qualification and professionalism of the doctor depends most of the success of any treatment. Treatment of the spine in China in our clinic is in the hands of unique specialists in various fields of medicine that can help in solving almost any problems.


The main specialist in orthopedics over the last decades is Professor Pei Qing, who learned medicine from his mother, known at one time Chinese doctor.

The professor was able to improve the developed methods of influencing the spine and to achieve the efficiency of removing the hernia of the spine in 97% of cases. Pei Qing uses not only acupuncture in his practice, but also other methods of Chinese medicine.

In the reviews of our patients, only gratitude is to him.

Patients who treated their problems specifically to the professor, noted the almost magical effect of his hands on the spine and joints.

Pei Zinn - a doctor who, indeed, is in his place and found his vocation, the proof of this can be list of problems and diseases with which the professor copes with the highest level of professionalism and feedback patients.

The main task of any specialist in the field of diseases of the spine is not just to eliminate the pain, but to influence the very cause of the problem that has arisen, to choose the individual treatment that is right for you. Only in this case, you can be sure that the disease or violation will not happen again in the near future, but will be eradicated completely.

Another definite advantage to undergo spinal treatment in China is the affordable cost of the procedures, as well as only positive patient feedback. The payment of medical services in the scientific center is much less than what can be spent for similar treatment in clinics in Europe or the USA.

A highly qualified staff of doctors and the availability of the most modern equipment make it possible to believe that the effectiveness of treatment will be higher than in the world orthopedic clinics.

You can come to the treatment of the spine with a hernia of any size, we will choose a treatment plan that will suit you, and our prices will pleasantly surprise you.

For consultation on the issue of hospitalization, you can send surveys or radiographic findings on the working e-mail of the

ru orviber, whats app + 86-182-4643-6468

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Treatment of a hernia in China

Treatment of a hernia in China is the most effective technique, most patients with an acute form of this disease after a few days of treatment are relieved.

The department of orthopedics has everything necessary to not only treat, but also carry out rehabilitation therapy.

In a military hospital, a hernia with dimensions up to 15 mm is treated, without surgery, including complications such as compression (squeezing) of nerve roots and protrusions. If you have an MRI or CT scan no later than 6 months, bring it with you or go to the site.

Intensive treatment is an average of about 2-3 weeks.

This course includes a large number of techniques, thanks to which in 96% of patients patients there are improvements in state of health and condition of intervertebral discs.

The course mainly consists of non-surgical treatment, drug therapy, restorative and physiotherapy, massage with exposure to bioactive points, directing, stretching, steaming and herbal infusion in vertebral canal. And the effectiveness of these methods does not depend on the degree or complexity of the disease, but the effect of therapy is directly related to the time on which the patient has the opportunity to come to China. The terms of treatment can be preliminarily agreed on the basis of sent MRI findings by e-mail of the hospitalThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Thanks to the organ-preserving technique, it is not necessary to interfere with the intervertebral disc and A positive result is guaranteed without surgery, with complete preservation of the integrity vertebral column.

On the first day of diagnosis, the professor prescribes a preliminary treatment plan describing the procedures. First of all, acupuncture relaxes muscles, relieves pain, eliminates inflammation in the disc.


Further, carbon or wormwood cigars on hands and feet warm up remote bioactive points for Improvement of metabolic processes in the intervertebral disk and removal of edema formed around the compressed nervous roots.


After 3-4 days from the beginning of treatment, the previously prescribed procedures are adjusted taking into account the individual condition of the patient.

Disc protrusionswith time will be transformed into herniated intervertebral discs, which entails the development of radicular syndrome (violation sensitivity, limitation of the motor function of the lower limbs - paresis and paralysis, expressed pain syndrome, as well as violation functions of the pelvic organs. In this situation, treatment should be started as soon as possible!

Such an effective recovery helps our patients to lead a full-fledged healthy lifestyle.

Here are somemethods that are conducted in the hospital and allow you to replace the operation in the treatment of a hernia of the spine.

Needlebar- a special technique, which is applied only in China. It has been used for many decades and only brings positive results.

96% of patients helped the practice of the needle-pad, and no complications were registered for the whole time. Treatment of the spine in China with an igloo needle is bloodless, such an operation will not leave any traces or scars.

The diameter of the punctures is only, mm, after the anesthetic agent and the knife needle itself is introduced.

Such a technique allows absolutely painless relief of the patient from inflammation and pinching of the nerve, remove any damage to the muscle or bone tissue and restore the blood circulation of the body.

In addition, with the help of an echinoderm, patients get rid of cervical and lumbar hernia, osteochondrosis, facial paralysis, necrosis of bones and keloid scars. If the hernia is large, in place and in the process of treatment itself, a decision is made about carrying out several procedures for needle-nails.

Drain hernia through tubes

If the disease is aggressive, anothermethod of minimally invasive dissection.

During the procedure, an incision is made in the form of a small opening in the back of the spinal canal, special tubes, called dilatators, make tunnel access to the ridge by increasing the diameter of the incision and stretching tissue.

The piece of bone that interferes with access to the nerve is removed. Such treatment is being conducted in Dalian, and for him an endoscope and a microscope are used to accurately eliminate the hernia of the spine.


the goal of non-invasive methods is not the surgery of the disc itself, but the decompression of the spine, as it must be mobile and not damaged.


Doctors of the hospital in the conduct of such therapy, if possible, minimize the formation of scar tissue, thereby creating additional conditions for instability in the spine.

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Treatment of the intervertebral hernia in China

The development of hernia of the spine against the background of diseases such as osteochondrosis, kyphosis, scoliosis, arthrosis of the spine, is very common and requires special approaches to cure.

The earlier the measures are taken, the better the disease is curable. To begin with, a set of conservative measures is considered, and in case of its ineffectiveness resort to surgical treatment.

How does a spinal hernia develop? With the development of a hernia, a ruptured fibrous ring breaks, with further nerve infringement, the patient develops pain, numbness and other symptoms that, in the absence of treatment, progress.

Traditional methods of treatment of a hernia of a backbone in China

For the treatment of a spinal hernia, patients from all over the world come to China, because here unique recovery therapy, which demonstrates effectiveness even in the most complex cases.

Initially, Chinese traditional medicine considered the spine as the foundation of the health of the whole organism. Therefore, the treatment of the spine was considered as a basis.

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To date, for the treatment of spinal hernia in China, the following methods are used in the complex:

  • Different types of massage;
  • Reflexology;
  • Individual herbal medicine;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Moxotherapy;
  • Hardware therapy;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Fire therapy;
  • Moksteriya;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Spa treatment (mud of Tanganza);
  • Extension of the spine.

The effectiveness of the treatment program is proved by the example of tens of thousands of patients who annually come to China for rehabilitation.

Chinese specialists in traditional medicine also practice special diagnostic methods and make a diagnosis based on examination of the patient - his pulse, breathing, pupils. However, treatment in China should not be considered only from the point of view of traditional methods.

The clinics have all the necessary equipment and specialists who treat according to generally accepted international standards. Such a balanced approach to therapy provides a more effective result.

Possible complications of a hernia of the spine

With prolonged absence of treatment or ineffective therapy, there is a high risk of developing various complications. These include pain syndrome, the development of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spinal column, the limitation of mobility, up to disability.

The main drawback of conservative treatment should be considered the fact that any procedure only relieves inflammation, but does not radically treat a hernia. When restoring the habitual way of life, there is a new infringement of the nerve root of the hernia and after a time there is an exacerbation.

Operative treatment of a hernia of a backbone in China

Minimally invasive hernia treatments in China

Hydroplastic hernia of the spine.

Manipulation is carried out with the help of small punctures, through which a special solution is supplied to the disk cavity under high pressure.

When the solution passes at a very high rate, the affected tissues are removed. As a result of the intervention, the tissues of the disc are shifted and become in place.

Laser vaporization of disks.One of the newest methods of treating hernias, its essence is to introduce a special light guide through which the core is heated and the liquid evaporates. This process helps to reduce the volume of the tissues of the nucleus of the disc and protrusion of the hernia.

Laser reconstruction of disks.It is carried out on the same principle as vaporization.

During the heating of the disk, there is a powerful stimulation of the cartilage cells, which contributes to the rapid growth of cartilage tissues that fill the cracks and voids of the disc.


The effect will be felt in 3-6 months, it is possible to carry out the procedure repeatedly.


Destruction of the facet nerve.Microsurgical operation, which consists in blockade of painful recipes of intervertebral discs. It is performed with arthrosis of intervertebral joints.

The blockade of the nerve endings is performed before the operation, with a positive result, the destruction is carried out using a radio-frequency probe. The operation is performed on the principle of puncture.

Radical methods of treatment of hernias in China

The next stage of treatment is applied in the presence of absolute indications for removal, as well as in the development significant complications (limb weakness, severe pain syndrome, neurological damage).

Operation of a discectomy followed by a laminectomy.Intervention is performed through a small incision. Having access to the affected area, the surgeon removes all or part of the arches of the vertebrae.

At the same time, the nerve roots are moved away, and later, the partial removal of the tissues of the vertebral nucleus is performed. As a result, decompression and release of nerve roots is achieved.

With stenosis of the spinal column, a subsequent laminectomy is performed.

Microsurgical or endoscopic removal of the hernia of the spine.

The essence of the operation is that all the neurosurgeon's actions are controlled either with the aid of an operating microscope or an endoscope.

The procedure is similar to standard discectomy. To shorten the rehabilitation period, a laser reconstruction procedure is assigned.

To date, the treatment of a spinal hernia in China has become a very common alternative for many patients.

Now they are going to China in order to receive complex conservative treatment and the most modern medical treatment that is most justified in the world.

There are several clinics in the country that specialize not exclusively in neurosurgery and spinal treatment with traditional Chinese methods.


When you contact NewMed China for help, you can be sure that you can get an appointment with experienced neurosurgeons, diagnosticians, manual therapists.


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Treatment of spine diseases in China

Almost every modern person who pays minimal attention to his health, understands that the condition of the spine has a great deal of attention on overall well-being and operability.

Unfortunately, to find a man or woman who has never felt pain in the main element of the musculoskeletal system, every day it becomes more difficult - unpleasant sensations or mobility limitations in different segments of the spine may appear even in a young rights. On how timely and qualitatively the medical help will be rendered, the patient's health depends - that is why the huge popularity in recent times acquires the treatment of the spine in China, because the specialists of this country have combined in their technologies the achievements of traditional eastern medicine and the possibilities of modern diagnostics.

Methods of treatment of the spine in Chinese clinics

The main difference between Chinese and European medicine, common to most of our compatriots, is the complex impact and the solution of problems of the whole organism - any technique of treatment of the spine in China provides for the detection and comprehension of the causes of problems with health. Only after understanding the provocative factors, specialists with extensive experience in practical work conduct a complex of diagnostics, which necessarily include unusual for many patients moments - visual, audible, mandatory diagnosis and study pulse.

Traditional methods of treating the spine in China show very good results

For the treatment of spine diseases, experts working in clinics in China suggest using:

What are the advantages of treatment in China?

Most of the patients who underwent spinal treatment in China, in the reviews indicate the high qualification of the staff most large medical-diagnostic complexes and excellent technical equipment of state and frequent medical centers. As a result, patients are given the opportunity to simultaneously examine all organs and systems of the body, and for this widely used as the centuries-old developments of Chinese medicine, and the best developments of scientists in Europe, America and Israel.

Treatment with mud in the sanatorium of Tanganza

Most clinics in China organize the treatment of diseases of the spine in such a way that patients can comfortably and it is convenient to feel during the examination and treatment - the possibility of getting unpleasant sensations is reduced to minimum.

Methods of traditional medicine in China (complexes of special therapeutic gymnastics, special massage and acupuncture, phytotherapy) have proved their high efficiency and effectiveness, and their influence is based on activation of the organism's capabilities rights.

Today, the best local clinics offer effective methods of treatment of the spine in China - help is provided to patients suffering from osteochondrosis, including complicated forms of this common pathology of the musculoskeletal system, hernias of intervertebral discs, diseases of vertebral column joints, traumatic injuries back.

Treatment of osteochondrosis and hernia of the spine

In the event that a patient develops complaints typical of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, the clinic offer unique methods of treating spinal hernia in China - the methods of the best hospitals and hospitals of the country allow to assign effective procedures to patients, the use of which guarantees getting rid of already existing problems for a very a short time. Their use allows you to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, regardless of the localization of the hernia and prevent the progression of the pathological process and the development of unpleasant complications.

Treatment of the back with moxibustion is sometimes more effective than acupuncture

The experience of patients who underwent treatment in clinics proves that the price of treatment in China remains available (it is often lower than in the leading domestic clinics and much lower than in medical institutions in Western Europe), while the result of the therapy demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed activities.

Specialists with extensive experience in practical work select a complex of therapeutic measures individually for each patient.


In Chinese clinics, the hernia of the intervertebral disc remains a condition in which only conservative treatment is shown, whereas adherents of classical medicine of the Western Europe believe that surgical intervention, even with the current level of development of medicine, remains the only method that guarantees the elimination of manifestations of the disease and its progression.


Reviews of patients who have been treated for spine in China, show that any technique is selected individually and only after a thorough and comprehensive examination of the body.

A full range of laboratory tests and instrumental examination of the organs of the musculoskeletal system (radiography, tomography) are mandatory.

Such a comprehensive examination allows us to identify not the disease itself, but the cause of its appearance and influence it - in this casethe results of therapy are much higher than with traditional methods of treatment of the spine, and the effect will be sustained for a long time.

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