What pathology reveals treadmill testing, how it passes

From this article you will learn: what it is - treadmill test, for what and to whom it is assigned by a doctor. Do you need preliminary preparation before the research, as it is carried out. What are the indications, contraindications and possible negative consequences during or after testing.

Contents of the article:

  • Treadmill test objectives
  • Preparation for treadmill test
  • Procedure
  • Contraindications
  • Complications
  • Interpretation of results

Treadmill test is a study of the work of the heart during physical activity, which consists in removing the electrocardiogram and monitoring blood pressure before, duringand after dosed physical activity in the form of walking. Under the supervision of the doctor of functional diagnostics, the patient walks along the treadmill( the treadmill simulator) at a given speed, and at this time the apparatus tracks the work of his heart.

This test is widely used in cardiological practice to detect latent( latent) cardiac pathologies, as well as to determine the tolerance of the myocardium( cardiac muscle) to stresses. On diagnostic capabilities, this testing is similar to bicycle ergometry, in which the patient receives a load by pedaling the stationary bike.

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The question about the appointment of a study is decided by a cardiologist, in large cities - by an arrhythmologist.

"Treadmill" in English is a "treadmill"."Treadmill test" literally translates as "test on the treadmill

Objectives of the treadmill test

  1. Evaluate the adaptive capabilities of the myocardium and its response to the increasing demand for oxygen, ie, to determine the endurance of the heart to physical exertion.
  2. Diagnosis of IHD: severity assessment, evaluation of treatment effectiveness. Identify ECG signs of arrhythmia and myocardial ischemia, which indicate the presence of coronary artery atherosclerosis.
  3. To detect the initial stages of pathologies that occur asymptomatically or with incomprehensible cardiac discomfort.
  4. To detect violations of the heart rate, which the usual ECG does not record at rest.
  5. Monitoring of patients after a heart attack or surgery - bypass, stenting. It helps to predict the development, monitor the course of the disease and the adequacy of drug treatment.
  6. Choose a load for the rehabilitation of cardiac patients.
  7. Evaluate the degree of recovery and give a prognosis for patients after surgery or a transferred heart attack, including for MSEC.

Preparing for the

treadmill test To reduce the likelihood of developing negative sensations during the study, it is advisable to restrict the consumption of fatty foods several days before it, reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, exclude heavy physical labor, and for a day - stop smoking, alcohol, strong tea, coffee, other beverages, stimulating cardiac activity.

To ensure reliable diagnostic results, it is necessary to reduce, in agreement with the doctor, antiarrhythmic, sedative, antihypertensive agents and other drugs affecting the heart and blood vessels 1-3 days before the test. The last 2-3 hours before the test is better to refrain from food and smoking. You can drink water in the usual way.

Procedure for

The blood test is preceded by a measurement of blood pressure( abbreviated BP) and removal of the ECG by the diagnosis physician. Individually for each patient, he calculates the maximum degree of exercise, given the age, sex, weight, height, presumptive or available diagnosis.

Then the person starts walking on a moving track with electrodes fixed to the chest and a cuff above the elbow at a speed of 1-10 km / h. Every 3 minutes its inclination and speed increase. It simulates fast walking and even easy running with a climb uphill. Throughout the time, the equipment records the changes occurring in the myocardium.

The test is completed after reaching a certain pulse rate, serious abnormalities on the electrocardiogram curve, or unpleasant complaints in the subject - shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, etc.

After the walk, ECG and AD continue for about 10 minutes, after which the treadmillthe test is considered passed.

The total duration of the study is about 35-40 minutes, 9-12 of which are allocated for walking.

Most often, testing does not cause any undesirable consequences, especially serious complications, because with the slightest deterioration in the state of health, the doctor stops the diagnosis.


Absolute( the test is always prohibited) Relative( cases are treated individually)
Heart failure, especially in the decompensation stage Different types of arrhythmias
Unstable angina Hypertension with pulmonary hypertension and blood pressure above 170/130 mmHg. Art.
Acute myocardial infarction( in the first 1-2 weeks) Cardiac malformations of mild to moderate
Aortic aneurysm Cardiomegaly - enlargement of the size and mass of the heart
Acute vascular disorders Thrombophlebitis
Uncontrolled disturbance of the heart rhythm Postinfarction aneurysm with local extension and protrusionleft ventricular wall
Inflammation of the pericardium, myocardium, other cardiac structures in the acute phase Dilation - expansion of the heart cavities
DefectsDCA Infectious diseases of chronic nature, such as viral hepatitis
System thromboembolism - the femur, pulmonary, mesenteric arteries Varicose
first 6 months.after a stroke
Acute surgical pathology, for example, perforation of the stomach ulcer, acute pancreatitis
Diseases of the respiratory, endocrine, digestive systems in the decompensation stage
Acute infections with

fever Possible complications

The treadmill test can lead to some complications in people who are contraindicated in occupationssport

In addition to the usual physiological changes, the physical load in patients can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of deterioration. Treadmill test in some can trigger the appearance of the following complaints from the heart and other systems:

  • Too frequent pulse.
  • Acute coronary syndrome with the appearance of pain in the projection of the heart.
  • Excessive pressure increase, not appropriate physical exertion, with the appearance of headache, tinnitus.
  • Arterial hypotension with dizziness, loss of consciousness.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Respiratory tract spasm, especially in patients with asthma, obstructive bronchitis or other pulmonary pathology.
  • Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.
  • Sharp appearance of weakness.

To very serious, but rarely occurring complications include stroke, ventricular fibrillation, heart attack, pneumothorax - air accumulation in the pleural cavity, aneurysm rupture.

Decoding of test results for

A few minutes after diagnosis, a conclusion is ready. The form is issued either to the patient's hands or sent to the doctor who ordered the trial. Formulations of the result can be several.

Test negative

This is considered after passing all diagnostic criteria and lack of objective signs of myocardial ischemia and rhythm disturbances. This is the most favorable result, since it excludes cardiac pathology.

Doubtful test

The patient presents complaints that allow him to assume IHD, but according to the diagnosis, the exact signs for this pathology are not fixed. Such a result does not confirm or refute ischemia, being the most difficult in the diagnostic and treatment plan. Picking up medicines in such cases is difficult, long follow-up of the patient's condition and additional studies are required.

Test positive

The treadmill test revealed a violation of the blood supply to the heart. This is evidenced by the obvious ECG signs of ischemia. Adaptation to the load in the heart is also reduced.

There are two more interpretations of the positive result:

  1. "False positive" it is considered when lifting or ST depression at 1 mm, ST shift in the first 6 minutes of the recovery period.
  2. "Positive clinically" it is when the study is discontinued due to a drop in pressure without signs of ischemia or an onset of angina in patients with coronary artery disease in the anamnesis.
An example of a positive treadmill test in a patient with ischemic heart disease

A noninformative( incomplete)

test This conclusion is made by a functional diagnosis doctor after a check that was not brought to a diagnostic test - fatigue at maximum load, maximal or submaximal heart rate,samples. At the same time, during the time of its holding, there were no signs of a pathology of the heart.