Diet with reduced gastric acidity

  • Principles and rules for the diet
  • Permitted and prohibited products
  • Examples of the menu
  • Related videos

The content of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, that is, the level of its acidity, is the most important factor affecting the condition of the whole organism. With a decrease in this indicator, which is due, for example, to the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa( gastritis), the process of digestion of food is primarily disturbed. Food that is "deposited" in the stomach, as a result of a lack of hydrochloric acid is not digested enough, and the food lump almost unchanged enters the small intestine. This leads to an increased burden on the intestine and to its relative functional deficiency( lack of enzymes and weakening of peristalsis), which causes symptoms such as belching and heartburn, abdominal pain and flatulence, stool disorders and changes in appetite.

But the failure in digesting food is not the only consequence of lowering the acidity of gastric juice. A sufficient level of hydrochloric acid also acts as a protective barrier, which "saves" the gastrointestinal tract from colonization of bacteria and microscopic fungi. It's not for nothing that the Helicobacter pylori microorganism, the causative agent of many stomach diseases, is found in most cases in patients with insufficient acidity of gastric juice.

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The pathological condition, characterized by a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid by the cells of the gastric mucosa, is the stage preceding a number of pathologies. It must be timely adjusted, normalizing the level of acidity, in order to prevent the formation of serious diseases. For this, various drugs of stimulating and substitutional use are used, but other therapeutic direction is of great importance. This is a special diet with reduced gastric acidity, which is not inferior in effectiveness to other therapeutic methods of .

Lowering the acidity of the stomach is formed by reducing the production of mucosa by hydrochloric acid

Principles and rules of the diet

Food masses entering the stomach directly affect its mucous membrane. They should not injure the inner shell of the organ, so as not to aggravate the pathology, and should also contribute to the regeneration process. In addition, many products are able to influence the production of hydrochloric acid, so the preference should be given to the food that stimulates its production. The quickest way to restore acidity during meals is to eat foods that already have a certain level of acidity, which, at the same time, will not be too "aggressive" for the mucosa of the stomach and intestines. This method can be called substitutive.

Therefore, a diet with reduced gastric acidity, called table number 2, has the following principles:

  • gentle action on the digestive organs;
  • stimulation of secretory activity of organs;
  • stimulation of the motor function of organs;
  • substitution intake of products having the necessary acidity.

To ensure all these areas of the diet, it is important not only to correctly select products that increase the acidity of the stomach, but also to know the rules for their preparation. You can boil, stew, steaming, bake in the oven and even fry a little, but without using any breading. Those products that have coarse fiber( raw fruits and vegetables) or connective tissue fibers( sinewy meat), it is recommended after addition of boiling or baking to turn into a puree-like mass. The rest of the products can be consumed in the form of small pieces, broths, minced meat of various fractions.

Special attention is paid to the temperature of ready meals. A person suffering from reduced gastric acidity should not consume too cold or hot dishes, their temperature should be moderate.

In general, nutrition with reduced gastric acidity is characterized by the following features:

Menu with gastritis
  • balanced ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • increased daily calorific value, up to 3000 kcal;
  • division of daily volume of food for 5-7 receptions( fractional food in small portions), the total mass of dishes - no more than 3 kg;
  • use of broth as a stimulant of secretion and motility in the stomach and intestines;
  • expansion of a range of methods for processing products;
  • optional use of product purging;
  • a small restriction on the daily amount of salt;
  • amount of liquid - 7 cups;
  • Drinking liquid can not be done immediately after a meal and during a meal;
  • optimum( moderate) temperature of dishes.

Food should not be too hot or cold

Compliance with these principles and rules of diet number 2 is necessary for a variety of diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in acidity. These are hypoacid chronic gastritis at the stage of suppression aggravation and remission, periods after acute gastritis, colitis and enteritis, as well as periods of remission of inflammatory phenomena in chronic enteritis and colitis. Properly administered nutrition in these pathologies increases the secretion of not only hydrochloric acid, but also digestive enzymes, for example, in the pancreas.

Permitted and Prohibited Products

Every person suffering from stomach diseases with a decrease in acidity should know what can and can not be consumed. Information on this he receives from his attending physician, who, when drafting recommendations, necessarily takes into account the pathology of the patient.

Lists of allowed and "dangerous" products are more conveniently presented in the form of the following table:

Can Can not be
Broths from meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, mushrooms not strong Vegetables with coarse fiber( radish, turnips, rutabaga, daikon, sweet pepper, onion, cucumbers)
Low-fat meat and poultry Leguminous crops( peas, beans)
By-products( liver, tongue) Milk and pea soup, okroshki
Low-fat sea and river fish Lamb, goose meat and ducks
Cereals, except for pearl and milletMeat and fish
Fermented products Hard boiled eggs
Virtually all vegetables Butter, fat, cooking fat
Fruits, berries Spicy spices
Confectionery without large amounts of fat Fresh bread
Natural juices, kissels, fruit drinks, compotes Baked eggs
Tea not strong Milk and cream
Berries with coarse skin and grains( grapes, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries)
Chocolate, ice cream

Broths should be prepared on lean meat or fish, adding differentlybraznye cereals, vegetables, dill, parsley, bay leaf. In addition to nutritional value, the first dishes are quickly and completely absorbed, further stimulating the mucous membrane to produce gastric juice and increase acidity. You can use a variety of vegetables: potatoes, carrots, zucchini, squash, tomatoes, beets, cauliflower and broccoli. Caution is allowed to enter in the menu cabbage white and green peas, in a "milky" degree of maturity.

Preference should be given to sour-milk products

Low-fat fish, poultry or meat are used in the form of boiled, baked or fried without panning. You can also chop them in a meat grinder and cook cutlets, hedgehogs, knels, zrazy. The tongue and liver is better to boil or stew. Permitted and herring, but only soaked in water. As a second course, various casseroles of cereals, pasta, potatoes and other vegetables are also welcome, with the addition of meat or fish mince, fruit or berries.

It is very important to know which products can increase or decrease acidity in the stomach. These are dairy and sour-milk products containing certain microorganisms that produce various acids.

With reduced gastric acidity, only fermented milk products will be shown: kefir, sour cream, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurts, yogurt. They contain their own acids, which has a "substitutional" value and directly increases the level of acidity in the stomach. In addition, these sour-milk products stimulate the own cells of the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid.

Confectionery products are those that are not too fatty or do not contain animal fats at all. Therefore, preference is given to marmalade, pastille, meringue, marshmallow, jelly, not baking types of baking. Soft fruits or berries without pits can be consumed fresh at 200 g per day, apples and pears should be baked. Any compotes( except dried fruits), fruit drinks, kissels are allowed.

Baked biscuits with reduced acidity are not recommended.

. Examples of the

menu. Special preference for planning a daily diet is given to sour-milk products that cause acid formation in the stomach. Therefore it is desirable that they are present in the menu every day. Here are some examples of how to eat a variety and nutritionally with gastritis with low acidity, some forms of colitis and enteritis:

Breakfast 1 : porridge porridge on water, bread dried, tea is not strong.
Breakfast 2 : two eggs boiled "soft", yoghurt.
Lunch : soup on beef broth, boiled rice with meatball, slice of tomato, dried bread, compote of fresh berries.
Snack : a glass of yogurt with 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, dry biscuits.
Dinner : mashed potatoes, stewed pollock, fruit juice.
Before going to bed : a glass of kefir.

Breakfast 1 : boiled pasta with grated cheese, tea, 1-2 pieces of marshmallow.
Breakfast 2 : two baked pears.
Lunch : mushroom soup with potatoes, dried bread, vegetable stew with boiled chicken, mors, dry biscuits.
Snack : cottage cheese casserole with sour cream, tea.
Dinner : buckwheat, meat zuza with mushrooms, tea
Before going to bed : yoghurt.

Breakfast 1 : rice porridge with jam, tea.
Breakfast 2 : two toasts with cheese, tea.
Lunch : borscht on chicken broth with a spoon of sour cream, boiled potatoes with goulash from beef, bread, compote.
Snack : jelly, dry biscuit biscuit.
Dinner : stewed zucchini with minced meat, tomatoes with sunflower oil, tea, marmalade.
Before going to bed : kefir.

In case of insufficient production of hydrochloric acid, even taking into account the restrictions in the diet, you can eat very differently. Properly selected and cooked products will not have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa and help to adjust the acidity.

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