Any sensations in the human body, both external and internal, are possible only thanks to the functioning of the nervous tissue, the fibers of which are found in almost every organ.Eyes do not constitute an exception in this plan, therefore, when destructive processes begin in the optic nerve, a person is threatened with partial or complete loss of vision.
1Definition of disease
5Possible complications
7.1Medication Therapy
7.3Folk remedies
Definition of disease
Atrophy of the optic nerve (or optic neuropathy)- the process of dying of nerve fibers, which proceeds gradually and is most often a consequence of a disturbance in nerve tissue supply due to poor blood supply.
The transfer of the image from the retina to the visual analyzer in the brain occurs by a kind of "cable" consisting of a variety of nerve fibers and packed in "isolation."The thickness of the optic nerve is not more than 2 mm, but it contains more than a million fibers.
Each part of the image corresponds to a certain part of them, and when some of them cease to function, "mute zones" appear in the image perceived by the eye (image violation).
With the death of cells of nerve fibers, they are gradually replaced by a connective tissue or a nervous auxiliary tissue (glia), which is normally designed to protect neurons.
Depending on the causative factors, there are two types of atrophy of the optic nerve:
Primary.The disease is caused by the affected X-chromosome, so only men aged 15-25 years are ill. Pathology develops according to a recessive type and is inherited;
Secondary.It occurs as a consequence of an ophthalmic or systemic disease associated with impaired blood supply or stagnation of the optic nerve. Such a pathological condition can appear at any age.
Classification is also carried out on the localization of the lesion:
Ascendant- characterized by lesions of nerve cells that are on the retina of the eye. The process progresses in the direction of the brain. Such a variety of lesions is observed in ocular pathologies (myopia, glaucoma);
Descending- the process occurs in the opposite direction from the visual center to the retina. Characteristic of its development in retrobulbar neuritis, pituitary tumors, brain injuries affecting the site with optic nerves.
Also distinguish the following types of atrophy: initial, partial, complete and incomplete; one-sided and two-sided; stationary and progressive; congenital and acquired.
The frequency of various pathological processes in the optic nerve is only 1%, and in 19-26% of them the disease ends with complete atrophy and incurable blindness.
The cause of the development of atrophy of the optic nerve can be any disease, the consequence of which becomes swelling, squeezing, inflammation, damage to nerve fibers or damage to the vascular eye systems:
Eye pathologies:pigmentary degeneration of the retina, neuritis, etc. ;
Diseases of the brain:abscess, multiple sclerosis, arachnoiditis;
Traumatic injury;
Infectious diseases: meningitis, encephalitis, syphilitic damage, tuberculosis, influenza, measles, etc.
Whatever the reason for the onset of atrophy of the optic nerve, the nerve fibers die irrevocably, and the main thing is to perform diagnostics promptly in order to slow down the process in time.
The main sign of the onset of pathology can be a steadily progressing deterioration of vision on one or both eyes, and it does not respond to conventional correction methods. Gradually lost visual functions:
The disappearance of the side view(narrowing of the fields of vision);
Appearance of "tunnel" vision;
Cattle formation(dark spots) in different areas of the field of view;
Lowering the pupillary response to light while maintaining a friendly reaction.
Symptoms may occur depending on the severity of the lesions for several days or months, but without timely response invariably leads to complete blindness.
Possible complications
The diagnosis of "optic nerve atrophy" should be made as early as possible, otherwise loss of vision (partial or complete) is inevitable.Sometimes the disease affects only one eye - in this case the consequences are not so severe.
Rational and timely treatment of the disease, which caused the atrophy, allows, in some cases (not always) to keep the vision. If the diagnosis is made at the stage of an already developed disease, the outlook is usually unfavorable.
If the disease has begun to develop in patients with visual impairment rates, 1, then therapeutic interventions will likely not yield any result.
A purposeful ophthalmological examination is the first mandatory step in the suspected case. In addition, consultation with a neurosurgeon or neurologist may be required.
To identify atrophy of the optic nerve, the following types of examinations can be performed:
Examination of the fundus(ophthalmoscopy or biomicroscopy);
Visometry- determination of the degree of visual impairment (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism);
Perimetry- investigation of visual fields;
Computer Perimetry- allows you to identify the affected area of the nervous tissue;
Assessment of color perception- determination of localization of lesions of nerve fibers;
Video-ophthalmography- identification of the nature of damage;
Craniography (X-ray of the skull)- the main object in this case is the area of the Turkish saddle.Perimetry
To clarify the diagnosis and additional data, it is possible to conduct studies: CT, magnetic resonance imaging, laser dopplerography.
With partial damage to nerve fibers, treatment should be initiated quickly and intensively.First of all, the efforts of doctors are directed at eliminating the cause of the pathological condition in order to stop the progression of the disease.
Medication Therapy
Since the restoration of dead nerve fibers is impossible, therapeutic measures are carried out to stop the pathological process by all known means:
Vasodilators:Nicotinic acid, No-shpa, Dibazolum, Euphyllinum, Complamine, Papaverin, and others. The use of these drugs helps to stimulate blood circulation;
Anticoagulants:Heparin, Tyclid. Drugs interfere with blood thickening and blood clots;
Biogenic stimulators:Vitreous body, Aloe extract, Torfoot. Increase metabolism in the neural tissues;
Heparin ointment is used in the treatment of optic nerve arthrophy
Vitamins:Ascorutin, B1, B6, B2. They catalyze the majority of biochemical reactions occurring in the eye tissues, as well as amino acids and enzymes;
Immunostimulants:Ginseng, Eleuterococcus. Necessary to stimulate the processes of regeneration and suppression of inflammation in infectious lesions;
Hormones:Dexamethasone, Prednisolone. They are used in the absence of contraindications to relieve the symptoms of inflammation;
Improving the work of the central nervous system:Emoxipine, Nootropil, Cavinton, Cerebrolysin, Fezam.
Dexamethasone is used in the treatment of optic nerve
In each specific case, treatment is individually administered under the supervision of the attending physician.
In the absence of contraindications, an additional effect can be achieved using acupuncture, as well as methods of physiotherapeutic treatment:
Electro-and laser stimulation of the optic nerve;
Such procedures can have a positive effect with incomplete loss of nerve cells of their functionality.
Surgical methods are resorted to with the threat of complete blindness, as well as in other situations requiring surgical intervention. The following types of operations can be used for this:
Vasoconstructive interventions.When the vessels of the temporal, parietal or carotid arteries are bandaged, the blood flow is redistributed. As a result, the blood supply to the orbital artery is improved;
Extracleral operations. Having created a focus of antiseptic inflammation in the areas surrounding the optic nerve, cause a curative effect. This is achieved with the transplantation of their own tissues, which also stimulates increased blood supply;
Decompression operations. A dissection of the scleral or bony canal of the optic nerve is carried out, which causes an increase in the outflow of venous blood. As a result, the pressure inside the nerve bundle decreases, and the functionality of the optic nerve improves;
Choroid revascularization.Bunches of direct eye muscle are transplanted into the subarachnoid space, which leads to stimulation of the growth of new blood vessels.Gradual process of laser surgery
Various methods for surgical treatment are successfully practiced in clinics in Russia, Israel and Germany.
Folk remedies
Treatment of atrophy of the optic nerve should be carried out by medicinal preparations under the guidance of a qualified physician. However, often this therapy takes a long time, and in this case, funds for folk recipes can provide invaluable help - after all, the action of most of them is aimed at stimulating metabolism and enhancing blood circulation:
Dissolve in a glass of water, gmummy,drink before dinner on an empty stomach, and also in the evening for a glass of funds for 3 weeks (20 days);
Make infusion of ground astragalus grass(2 tbsp. l. dried raw materials for 300 ml of water), insist 4 hours. Within 2 months. take 100 ml of infusion 3 r. in a day;
Mintpeppery is called eye grass, it is useful to consume it for food, and bury the eyes with juice mixed with equal amounts of honey and water, morning and evening;
Eliminate eye fatigue after a long time on the computer using the lotion frominfusions of dill, chamomile, parsley, cornflower blue and ordinary tea leaves;
Unripe pine cones to grind and 1 kg of raw materials to cook, hours.After filtering add 1 tbsp. honey, stir and refrigerate. Eat 1 p. per day - in the morning before meals 1 hour. l. ;
Pour 1 tbsp. l. leavesparsley200 ml of boiling water, let it brew in a dark place for 24 hours, then take 1 tbsp. l. in a day.
Use in the treatment of folk remedies should only after consulting an ophthalmologist, since most plant components have an allergenic effect and can have an unexpected effect in the presence of some systemic pathologies.
In order to avoid atrophy of the optic nerve, it is worth paying attention to preventive measures not only of eye, but also of systemic diseases:
Timely treat eye and systemic infectious diseases;
Prevent eye and head injuries;
Do preventive examinations in the oncology clinic;
Limit the use or exclude alcohol from your life;
Take control of blood pressure.
Atrophy of the optic nerve is an almost incurable disease in later stages, which threatens the patient with complete blindness.However, partial atrophy can be suspended, and the main direction before the development of medical tactics there should be extensive diagnostics - after all it will allow to establish the reason of changes and to try them stop.
Therefore, try to pay increased attention not only to the health of the eyes, but also to the whole organism. After all, everything is interconnected in it, and diseases of blood vessels or nerves can affect the quality of vision.