Cough at night with a child what to do

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Methods for removing a strong cough in a child at night

Attacks of night coughing disrupt the sleep of the child, do not rush to give antibacterial drugs, can only worsen the situation. It is important to find out the reason in time, only then to begin the necessary course of therapy. If at night the child is disturbed by a cough that can result in vomiting, the main thing is not to panic. Cough is a defense, it appears in the inflammatory process in the bronchial system, the upper respiratory tract. During the cough, the body is cleared of a large number of bacteria in the disease.

Causes of coughing at night

When a child sleeps, a lot of mucus begins to accumulate in the area of ​​the nasopharynx, it does not resolve, it can stagnate. When a large amount of mucus accumulates, it begins to overlap the area of ​​the nasopharynx, because of this cough is reflex.

This happens to the lungs, when a person lies, mucus and sputum may not resolve at all, because of this, blood circulation in the lungs area may be disturbed. Most often the disease appears in late autumn.

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Provokes a paroxysmal cough at night cold, overdried air. Because of it, the mucous membrane is strongly irritated in the larynx, so a strong cough appears.

It is important to treat the cough under the supervision of the therapist, because often, especially in young children, a strong cough at night can cause choking. It must be urgently treated.

Diseases that cause a violent cough at night

1. If a cough is provoked by a viral infection at night, it is accompanied by a strong cold.

2. Cough can appear due to chronic rhinitis, sinusitis.

3. If the cough is accompanied by tingling, perspiration, this indicates pharyngitis of a chronic nature.

4. When a coughing wheezing, it speaks of bronchial asthma. If the child has a mild form other than a cough at night, there are no other symptoms. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to immediately consult a therapist.

5. If the cough lasts a long time at night, while it is dry, it indicates a disease - whooping cough. The disease is easy to distinguish from others, seizures are repeated at the same time, can be aggravated at night. When a child coughs, his face becomes very red, tears appear, lead breath, may be accompanied by severe vomiting.

6. When a child is often troubled by heartburn, a cough at night can be a symptom of reflux.

7. Because of adenoiditis, when the mucus enters the laryngeal region, the child breathes in the air with air, begins to dry out the mucous membrane, a violent cough begins.

8. Care must be taken to the symptom, which is accompanied by high fever, deterioration of the child's condition, it can speak of a serious illness.

Ways of getting rid of a child from a night cough

1. How often can I give a baby at night? With the help of it you can get rid of a dry cough. It is best to prefer warm milk with the addition of Borjomi mineral water, honey, butter, as well as herbal tea based on chamomile, dog rose, linden. When a child does not breathe a nose, he makes it with his mouth. With abundant drinking, you can moisturize your throat, so get rid of a strong cough. If the child has six months, you need to give a decoction on the herbs with a spoon, no more than three times a day, under one teaspoon. If the child is an adult, you can give a decoction on the herbs on a tablespoon.

2. Pay attention to the air in the room, do not allow dry air, constantly ventilate room, especially when the room is heated, because of it respiratory organs begin to irritate system.

3. Often a cough can be triggered by an allergic reaction, this requires the child to give an antihistamine.

4. If the child has not yet reached the age of six months, in no case should antihistamines, rub off the breast, use steam inhalation.

5. Force the child to roll over, so the sputum will not have time to accumulate.

In cases where a cough after a course of treatment has not been taken for a long time, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician, to pass blood tests, to undergo an x-ray, additionally it will be necessary bronchoscopy.

Remember that coughing always indicates that the body is actively fighting the disease, so It is not necessary to aggravate the focus on cough treatment, we need to get rid of the main reason that it has caused. Most often at night, an allergic cough worries, so pay attention to which pillow the child is sleeping on, maybe his the body does not perceive stuffing from sheepskin, feathers, poor-quality sofa padding, pajamas, on powders that wash away bed. If the cough has appeared abruptly, notice that you have a new one at home, often allergies are aggravated by red eyes, a problem with the skin, dermatitis, itching, redness in the face or body.

That the child was easier to clear his throat, the child's therapist can prescribe medications that will help to get out sputum faster and cough will become productive

If the child's cough is dry at night and it is difficult for him to clear his throat - the doctor can prescribe expectorant medications.

At night, advise to use a pack of potatoes, for this you need to boil it first, cool a little, fold, mash in a mash and attach to the back of the baby, first lay down the diaper, then just compress to not burn the skin child. On top put on something warm, so that the respiratory organs get warm well. After cooling, the compress is removed.

Thus, cough at night is a symptom of many diseases, do not immediately begin to stuff the child with different medicinal chemical preparations, if he has an allergy and you start giving antibiotics, the situation is only more aggravated. The main thing is to monitor the air in the room, give the child plenty of drink and provide him with peace of mind, often in children a strong cough at night can be a consequence of severe stress, nervous strains.

What to do if the child coughs at night, and in the daytime there is no

Coughing a child is a sign of a certain disease. To eliminate it you need to treat the underlying ailment that caused it. Improve the child's condition can be with the help of syrups, pills and other means, but you can cure the disease only with the help of well-chosen treatment. Very often a child attends a strong cough at night. Let's try to figure out what contributes to this development of events, and how it can be prevented.

The reasons for this phenomenon

Strengthening of cough at night occurs as a result of the fact that in the horizontal position the distribution of fluid in the body is carried out evenly, and not as usual, rushes to the legs.As a result, sputum accumulation occurs and coughing is aggravated.

Provoke a cough can be a variety of diseases. For example, gastroesophageal reflux can cause a night cough in a child. You can recognize the ailment earlier in children at an older age, since they can explain the heartburn caused by them.

In infants, nocturnal cough causes the cutting teeth. The child is simply choked with saliva, which at this point is released in large numbers, and begins to cough.In this period, put the baby to sleep on his side, and put a small mattress under his head.

A night cough can also indicate the presence of dry air in the room where the baby sleeps. Eliminating this problem is very simple, just to ventilate the room. Still it is possible to use improvised means, for example, on a battery to lay a damp towel.

Do you know how the allergic rhinitis differs from the common cold?

Learn how to treat perspiration in the throat and cough.

Causes of persistent sore throat:

If accompanied by the creaking of teeth

If, when a child goes to bed, during a night cough the child still creaks his teeth, then these are obvious signs of a common cold, inflammation of the pharynx and trachea. In addition, a night squeaking in combination with a cough can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Allergy.
  2. Clay invasion.
  3. Foreign body in the bronchi.

If accompanied by a discharge of a snot

Often coughing at night is accompanied by a common cold. At the same time, there is no temperature rise in the child. The causes of such symptoms are infectious or allergic reactions.


Cough and severe rhinitis with normal temperature indicators speak of colds of a viral origin.If bacterial diseases occur, then a rise in temperature is observed.If untimely therapy, the following consequences may occur:
  • sinusitis (by reference you can read how to treat chronic sinusitis in the home);
  • sinusitis (here the symptoms of sinusitis in children are described);
  • laryngitis (read how you can take a cough syrup with laryngitis in children);
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis (here you can see which antibiotic can be used for tonsillitis and pharyngitis);
  • bronchitis.

Colds of a viral nature greatly weaken the immunity, which contributes to the attachment of a bacterial infection. Against the background of common cold, chronic ailments can awaken and pathogenic microorganisms come into action.


Symptoms such as cough and snot at night, often serve as a manifestation of an allergic reaction. As in the previous case, there is no rise in body temperature. With allergies, the following symptoms occur:

  • dry cough;
  • strong discharge from the nose;
  • swelling in the nose;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • erythema and rash on the skin.

There may be an allergy for the following reasons:

  • prolonged exposure in a smoky environment;
  • heavily dusty room;
  • smoking people are near the child;
  • period of flowering of trees and plants;
  • use of cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • dry air in the baby's room.

The manifestations of an allergic reaction are very similar to those of a common cold. If you notice a cough and runny nose at night in your child, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor for examination and to determine the exact diagnosis. When you know for sure that the cause of a cold and cough is an allergy, you must immediately determine the type of allergen. For this child it is necessary to show the doctor-allergist. This ailment requires specific therapy, during which it is necessary to eliminate contact with the component that causes an allergic reaction. If at the time of not proceeding to treatment, then a dry cough provokes such a pathology as chronic bronchitis. Here you can read more about how to recognize an allergic cough in a child.

In the video - the reasons why the child coughs hard:

If you recently got sick

Quite often cough occurs at night after a long illness. Most often, these are manifestations of inflammatory and allergic bronchitis, which take a chronic form. Thus, the baby will attend a cough at the stage of exacerbation. In addition to coughing, a small patient can visit a strong OTT of bronchial mucosa. As a result, breathing becomes worse and an intense cough occurs.

Another disease that can leave a trace in the form of a night cough is called a respiratory syncytial virus.It affects children during the first 2 years. This disease most often occurs when a child visits a kindergarten. Typical symptoms of the disease are edematous bronchial mucosa, poor airflow and obstruction of the lower respiratory tract. After some time, the baby may have shortness of breath, prolonged exhalation and convulsions. The overwhelming cough strikes him at night.

What to do

How to stop a coughing fit in a child at night? In order to alleviate a little the condition of the baby, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Before you go to bed, fill the child's room with fresh air.
  2. Perform a wet cleaning 2 times a day.
  3. Use additional methods of humidifying the air indoors.
  4. The child must consume a large amount of liquid during the day.The best option will be fruit drinks, warm broths of dogrose, tea.
  5. Keep your baby's nose breathing throughout the day. If the baby does not learn to blow his nose, it is worth to wash his nose with a saline solution.
  6. To facilitate dry cough, inhalation should be used. But it is not necessary to perform such treatment for patients younger than 6 months.
  7. The child's code suffers from a dry suffocating cough, then it is worth giving him an antitussive drug.

Do not give the baby cough for antibiotics. With a wet cough, you should not give antitussive drugs, and in case of dry cough, expectorants. With special care, it is necessary to rub small patients. Do not use antihistamines without the approval of a doctor. If you want to ease the sleep of a child during an attack of a cough, it is just to change its position of the body.

If coughing attacks do not leave the machine for a long time and all the above recommendations do not give the desired effect, then it is necessary to immediately go to the clinic. There, the doctor will be able to determine the causes of night cough and prescribe an effective treatment for its elimination.

The advice of Komarovsky

Dr. Komarosky recommends, for ease of night coughing attacks, to be with a child in the open air more often. This is the best prevention of mucus drying. Particular attention requires a runny nose. You can not let the child's nose not breathe. Otherwise, he will inhale the air through his mouth, and this will help the desolation of mucus.

If a child has a fever other than a cough, then it also mucus discharge. Komarovsky advises to give in this case to the child antipyretic drugs. They are released in the form of syrup, candles. But before using them, consult a specialist.

The video tells what to do if the child coughs at night, when he sleeps, and in the daytime there is no:

The danger of bronchitis is that thick mucus clogs the lumen in the bronchi. As a result, natural ventilation of the lungs is disrupted. Here bacteria will settle down, which will provoke pneumonia. This ailment is considered more dangerous and requires prolonged therapy.

To ease the attacks of night cough Komarovsky advises to apply massage. But it is allowed only if the child has a normal body temperature. Kid to the knees so that the head was below the fifth point. To the back attach 2 fingers in the lungs. Perform light and smooth tapping with the fingers of the other hand.Such activities will help to sputum natural way. As a result, the ailment begins to leave the body of the child.

Komarovsky does not recommend the use of drugs that inhibit cough reflex or thinning mucus with the help of chemical components, without the permission of the doctor is unreasonable. Such treatment will only forget about the symptoms, but will not eliminate the disease itself.

Cough itself is a very unpleasant symptom, and especially if it arose at night. And it does not matter what nature it is - viral or allergic - it must be treated. If you do not start therapy in time, the disease can take a chronic form, and it will be virtually impossible to cure it.

If a strong cough in a child at night, what should parents do?

Sometimes a bad cough begins in the baby at night. What to do, parents do not know, and begin to question friends who have encountered such a situation. If parents turned to the doctor, then the problem of a night cough could be solved much faster.

What can cause coughing attacks?

Coughing attacks can cause viral diseases and diseases

respiratory system. Parents should know that some ailments, such as bronchitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and even pneumonia, can occur without temperature. During the day, the child swallows up the mucus that swallows, and while it is sleeping, sputum drips down the back wall, causing a reflex cough.

If the child is suffering from coughing at night, then it can be assumed that he has irregularities in the breathing system. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician, does the child have a predilection for bronchial asthma?

Sometimes coughing at night is caused by an uncomfortable posture in bed or an allergic reaction to sleep accessories. Down or feather fillers for pillows can be a strong allergen.

It happens that the culprit of a night cough in a child becomes overdried air in the room.

How to help a child who coughs at night?

When there is a constant seizure of a strong child cough at night, what should parents do first of all:

  • consult a doctor;
  • exclude suspicions of respiratory system diseases;
  • change bedding;
  • Buy a humidifier or put in a vessel with water without lids.
If the disease is already cured, and the cough continues, for example, after pertussis, attacks at night worry about having had the disease for up to six months, then you can ask the pediatrician to prescribe a medicine that facilitates them flow. Very often physicians in this case are advised to give children lollipops that soften the throat or antitussive pastilles.

There is another way how to relieve coughing at night. It is necessary to make sure that the baby is as little as possible on his back. The position on the side facilitates breathing and does not allow mucus to enter the trachea.

Home remedies for cough relief

Traditional medicine offers a variety of methods that help to soothe a strong cough in a child at night. What can and can not be done?

You can make a warming compress before going to bed. The simplest version of it is made from cooked potatoes, which are pressed, wrapped in a rag and applied to the chest. This means 2 in 1: compress warms, and couples from boiled potatoes act like inhalation.

You can not do an alcohol compress.

Also make compresses from heated oil, honey, apple cider vinegar. Sometimes enough to wrap the neck with a woolen scarf, as did our grandmothers.

If you drop a few drops of eucalyptus oil on the pillow, it will ease the child's breathing.

Children over the age of five can be inhaled, give a steam from boiled potatoes, decoction of chamomile, mother-and-stepmother.

Internal funds from the arsenal of traditional medicine also stop a strong cough in the child at night. What can I do to make the child drink homemade potion with pleasure? Choose those decoctions that have a sweet taste.

Anise with honey in a proportion of 2/1 and several crystals of salt boil in a glass of water. The drug effectively helps to prevent night cough. The only contraindication to this medicine is diarrhea, the broth is weak.

From cough will help decoction of viburnum with honey. Sugary taste should not be, otherwise the irritation of the mucosa will intensify.

Coughing spells are eased herbal teas made from oregano, St. John's wort, chamomile.

Ways mass. You can always choose the one that is suitable for the child. The wrong method of getting rid of cough can do more harm than the cough itself.

Why does the child cough only at night?



Night cough in a child, as a rule, happens in children with inflammation in the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis) and sometimes with asthma. Day cough in children reflects inflammatory changes in the lower and / or upper respiratory tract. This is how the bronchitis manifests itself, the sputum stagnates, the baby turns over and cough starts, and even if it's a cold, then it's with it that all the troubles begin often. And you can help him by calling a doctor at his house so that he listens well to him and prescribes treatment. If there is no temperature, mustard plasters are not superfluous. And not treated only folk medicine, and to pneumonia is not far away. Get well!

Margarita Dyachenko

put him a pillow higher.. It will be easier

Marina Nikolaeva

Probably it's cold to him.


At night, always so and remember and the stomach usually hurts at night, so bear with it, compress make warming


yes not only the child, so at all))))

Denis THE KILLER Kilinsky

the child coughs at night because his drumstick is tickling his leg, and by that, it's the cough that wants to scare him away... himself did so ...


Because during sleep the body is just in such a position, when the sputum can come out of the lungs (something like that someone explained to me) and accordingly irritating the bronchial mucosa occurs a cough more often than in the vertical position. But when coughing honey is good. We are so grandmother treated with a cough. In a spoon, heat the honey so that it becomes fairly warm and liquid and rub it on the breast in front and behind, and heels. it's all ochtym sweet, so on the legs at once toes and on the chest with a back T-shirt and top blouse, it is so absorbed that by morning there is almost nothing left. At what when the child will recover honey will not be absorbed. )) We are so treating children from coughing) Good luck.)

Gulyaeva Maria

Cough occurs at night, because the child is in a horizontal position and sputum gets into the neck. I can advise you here such a recipe. He helped my daughter very much.
Onion milk: bring to a boil or almost to a boil 0.5 liters of milk, this time cut finely 1 medium onion. Put in milk and in the oven for 1.5 hours. The temperature is 150-200 degrees. Then take out, cool a little, filter. Onion, which will remain in the strainer, put in gauze and squeeze into the milk juice. That's all. You can put more honey - to taste! You can make 1 liter - 2 bulbs... In the oven, it's better to burn in a clay pea! The medicine is very good. She herself did a little daughter (2 years 3 months). Cough was in 4 days... but coughed, could not sleep at night. And without any medication. I gave before bedtime 200 ml before going to sleep - day and night.
If you do not like it and will not drink, then do it with bananas:
Take 2 bananas, cut, pour a liter of milk and fry in the oven for 2 hours. Take 6 times a day on a tablespoon. This remedy will help to get rid of a cough for bronchitis, colds or bronchial asthma. It is a good wrapping and expectorant.
Also, radish with honey is also a great cough medicine.
Get well! I hope my advice will help you! (if that ask).

natalia linnik

Humidify the air in the room, dry air - a frequent cause of coughing at night. Either purchase a moisturizer, or a wet towel on the battery, and next to the bed - a container with water

Dry cough at night: what if a dry cough in a child at night?

When stimulating the receptors of the tracheobronchial tree, a person may have coughing attacks. Cough can be dry or wet, that is, with sputum discharge. With some diseases, such coughing appears much more often at night than in the daytime, this is due to the fact that mucus drains more strongly in the back wall of the pharynx and irritates it. Also, sputum, which is in the lungs, in the prone position is less effectively absorbed, due to poor blood supply to the lungs at night. However, if a person suffers from a dry cough at night, this indicates serious disturbances in the respiratory system. So, bronchial asthma or whooping cough may appear, cough after suffering pertussis can be troubling for many months. Do you want to sleep dry cough at night? What if the dry cough in a child at night or in an adult? Answers to these questions will be read in this article.

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Why does dry cough occur at night?

1. Bronchial asthma is accompanied by severe coughing attacks, most often at night. Given that the muscles of the diaphragm are constantly straining, the patient may experience pain in the chest and in the abdomen.

2. A disease like pertussis is accompanied by a strong, convulsive dry cough at night. First it manifests itself in the form of an ordinary cold, but it can not be treated with the usual means, for example, mustard plasters, inhalations, and is strengthened over time. Most often, attacks of dry cough occur at night, can be accompanied by vomiting.

3. Sometimes severe attacks can occur with respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract, that is, the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx. Diseases are accompanied by a dry "barking" cough. If the disease is properly treated, then cough recedes after 3 days, in the absence of treatment, complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia may appear.

Other causes of dry cough at night

Dry cough at night can accompany a sharp form of bronchitis. The disease occurs as a result of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, other symptoms, such as a runny nose, a sore throat, hoarseness, an increase in temperature, may also appear. First a dry cough develops, severe attacks are more often observed at night, after a few days passes into a wet cough. the duration of the disease is from 5 to 15 days.

A dry cough that appears only at night can also indicate an incorrect angle inclination of the pillow, or allergies to feather ticks that are contained in natural fillers pillows.

What if the baby coughs dry at night?

With some diseases, dry cough in children at night appears much more often than in the daytime, this is due to the fact that mucus drains more intensively on the back wall of the pharynx and irritates it. Also, sputum, which is in the lungs, in the prone position is less effectively absorbed, due to poor blood supply to the lungs at night. However, if a child suffers from cough only at night, then this indicates serious irregularities in the respiratory system. So, bronchial asthma or whooping cough may appear, cough after suffering pertussis can be troubling for many months.

1. In children, bronchial asthma is accompanied by severe attacks of cough, most often at night. Given that the muscles of the diaphragm are constantly straining, the patient may experience pain in the chest and in the abdomen.

2. Pertussis is accompanied by a strong, convulsive cough. First it manifests itself in the form of an ordinary cold, but it can not be treated with the usual means, for example, mustard plasters, inhalations, and is strengthened over time. Most often attacks come at night, can be accompanied by vomiting.

3. Sometimes severe attacks can occur with respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract, that is, the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx. Diseases are accompanied by a dry "barking" cough. If the disease is properly treated, then cough recedes after 3 days, in the absence of treatment, complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia may appear.

4. A dry cough in a child at night can appear due to over-dried and warm air in the room. In order not to open windows for the night, because of this the child can catch a cold, you can use specially bought humidifier, or put in the middle of the room a large basin of cold water or spread out on wet batteries towels.

5. A dry cough that appears only at night can also indicate an incorrect angle inclination of the pillow, or allergies to feather ticks that are contained in natural fillers pillows.

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