Temperature without symptoms of cold

High fever without cold symptoms

The temperature of a person, if healthy, can range from 35 to 37 degrees. The norm is 36, 5 degrees, when a person measures the temperature under the mouse. If the measurement takes place in the mouth, it can rise to 37 degrees, in the ear and rectally - the temperature will reach 37.5 degrees. Because the body temperature of 37, 2 degrees without signs of a cold and a temperature of 37 degrees should not bother a person. But, if the body temperature rises higher - this indicates that the body is protected from the infection that leads to the disease.

Because doctors often say that the temperature to 38 degrees - this is evidence that the body began to fight with infection, thus, produces protective antibodies, cells that are important for immunity - interferon and phagocytes.

If the heat of the body for a long time does not fall, while the person is very ill, then begins to increase the burden on the lungs and heart, at the same time there is an increase in energy consumption and tissues are not enough nutrition and oxygen must necessarily seek help from the doctor.

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Temperature without signs of cold, what is hyperthermia or fever?

It is very important to regulate the temperature of the human body, it occurs at the level of reflexes, an important part of the brain - the hypothalamus - is responsible for it. He must control the vegetative nervous and endocrine system, it is in it that the centers are located, which are responsible for body temperature, thirst, hunger, sleep and wakefulness, and other physiological and psychosomatic processes.

Increases body temperature due to protein substances - pyrogens. They can be primary (exogenous - toxins of microbes or bacteria), or secondary, internal, which are produced by the body. When a person falls ill, exogenous pyrogenes begin to produce internal pyrogen, then they are transmitted by the pulse to the thermoreceptors of the hypothalamus. A person can be tormented by a fever until the balance between the formation of heat and its recoil is regulated.

Often the temperature that has no signs of a cold is characteristic of hyperthermia, in this process the hypothalamus does not participate, because it does not receive a signal that it is necessary to protect the body. This happens when the process of heat release is broken, when a person is exposed to strong physical stresses or overheats in the sun.

What are the causes of fever without cold symptoms?

Elevated body temperature can accompany acute infectious diseases, as well as if a chronic illness worsens.

If there are no symptoms of a cold, then it is necessary to determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process or the cause of the infectious disease.

It is very difficult to know the cause of the temperature in cases when the disease has arisen because of the fact that the organism was influenced by conditionally pathogenic microbes - mycoplasmas, fungi or bacteria, because of that it decreased immunity. In this case, it is necessary to take an analysis of blood, bile, mucus, sputum and urine.

If the temperature is above 38 degrees without signs of a cold or other symptoms lasting several days, it indicates a fever, if a person visited hot countries abroad - Asia or Africa, he could be bitten by a mosquito that is often infected and a person is ill malaria. What are the signs of this disease? The body temperature rises, there is a severe headache, vomiting and chills.

Body temperature without signs of cold can increase due to such diseases

1. If the inflammatory disease has a bacterial origin - pyelonephritis, prostatitis sepsis, andexitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, osteomyelitis, inflammation of the uterus, endocarditis.

2. Because of infectious diseases - tuberculosis, Lyme disease, brucellosis, typhus, HIV infection.

3. If the disease has a viral, fungal or parasitic origin - candidiasis, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, mononucleosis, malaria.

4. With cancer diseases - lymphomas, kidney cancer, lungs, bronchi, stomach, liver and leukemia.

5. With systemic inflammations that are autoimmune in nature - polyarthritis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic polymyalgia, Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus.

6. In diseases of the endocrine system - thyrotoxicosis.

The temperature may increase due to changes in hormones, with the menstrual cycle, a woman often experiences an increase to 37.2 degrees. The body temperature can sharply rise when the woman's early climax comes.

The temperature is often the satellites of subfibral fever, which occurs when anemia occurs, when the level of hemoglobin in the blood drops sharply. Because of emotional stress, a lot of adrenaline can be released into the blood, which also contributes to a rise in body temperature and can cause adrenaline hyperthermia.

If the body temperature rises suddenly and abruptly, due to the fact that a person takes medicated drugs - antibiotics, anesthetics, sulfonamides, barbiturates, antidepressants, salicylates and other diuretics means.

Very rarely body temperature can increase due to diseases of the hypothalamus.

Treatment of temperature without cold symptoms

To itself, in no case can not prescribe a treatment, it can only be done by a doctor, he must conduct a comprehensive survey, which should answer the question because of what the temperature rises body.

If the disease has an infectious-inflammatory character, antibiotics will be prescribed.

But it is very important to determine because of what the temperature rises, because in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis one drug is used, for syphilis it is quite another.

So, the body temperature can rise due to a variety of reasons, so it is important to find out why this happens so that the disease can start on time. Remember that if the disease provokes a fever, then it is very serious.


The temperature at the child without attributes of cold, what to do or make?

If we say that a person has a temperature, then this means that on the thermometer there is a mark above 37 degrees. Most often, the temperature increase in a child is associated with catarrhal diseases. But, why then on a thermometer of +37 degrees, and a cough and a cold in this case there. What to do in this case and whether it is worth to be afraid of this state - these questions are answered in the article.

Is it dangerous to raise the temperature?

Pediatric Doctors say the following: throughout the day the temperature of the child (and also of the adult as well) can jump. What does it mean? The fact that in the morning there is a normal increase in temperature from 36, 5 degrees and up to 37. If you measure temperature not in the armpit, but, for example, in the ear or rectally, its value can be above 3 ° C. Therefore, if the child has a fever to this mark, then there is no need to panic. Just watch the baby for a while.

If the temperature is held for a long period of time, it means that the body began to protect against infection, which, in turn, is a sign of some kind of disease. In most cases, pediatricians claim that if the child's temperature rises to a level of 38 ° C, it is not necessary to knock it down (only to observe the condition of the small patient). With such an increase in temperature, the body intensively produces antibodies, as well as useful cells of immunity, which are good preventive measures against any disease.

When the heat accompanies the child for more than 2 days, then in this case there is an increased stress on the cardiovascular system, as well as the lungs. Internal organs at high temperature begin to badly need oxygen and increased nutrition.

Important! If the fever without signs of cold lasts for a child more than 2 days, then urgently need to see a doctor!

A fever or a hyperthermia?

Body temperature is regulated by special centers of thermoregulation, which work at the level of reflexes. For the temperature increase corresponds to the brain department - the hypothalamus, which refers to the parts of the midbrain.

In addition to temperature regulation, its functions include:

  • Regulation of the endocrine system;
  • Normalization of the vegetative system;
  • Regulation of the central nervous system.

It is this part of the brain that normalizes our sense of thirst or hunger, normalizes the periods of wakefulness and sleep. If the work of the hypothalamus is disrupted, then the disorder comes to all the physiological processes in the body, as well as psychosomatic reactions. Therefore, one of the severe pathologies and causes of fever without cold symptoms can be a disruption of the brain.

Physiology of temperature increase

When the body temperature of the child (and the adult also) increases the body temperature, then the specific materials such as pyrogens are used. These are proteins that are classified into primary and secondary. Primary pyrogens are common to all toxic substances in the form of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, which when infiltrated into the body, cause a rise in body temperature.

If we talk about secondary pyrogen, then they arise in the body at a time when the infection begins to provoke a hotbed of inflammation. Consequently, the heat exchange in the body is broken, and the child begins to fever.

So, a child's fever without the characteristic signs of a cold can be observed with such a phenomenon as hyperthermia. This means that at some point there was a disruption of the brain, which led to dysfunction of heat transfer. But, it is also worth noting that few of the medical staff will be so deeply analyzing the processes in the life of the child. Therefore, all that remains is to observe the state of the baby's health and provide first aid in time. It is not recommended to bring down body temperature until it really becomes critical.

Causes of fever without colds

A sharp rise in temperature in a child usually increases if there is a progressive infection in the body. Also, this condition is typical in the period of acute acute diseases in the body, which were already before. To determine the presence of this or that disease, the child needs to take a blood test.

If the temperature has increased under the influence of infection, then in this case it will be necessary to pass an analysis of blood, urine, sputum, mucus, and also bile.

When diagnosing a temperature that lasts for more than a week without obvious signs of a cold, doctors usually conclude that it is a fever of unclear etymology.

Other causes of fever without clear signs of cold are the following:

  • Inflammations, the cause of which is the penetration of bacteria into the body - endocarditis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, sinusitis, osteomyelitis, and also adnexitis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Typhus;
  • Malaria;
  • Malignant or benign pathology of the lungs, as well as bronchi;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Tumor of the lungs;
  • Pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Disorders in the thyroid gland.

Also, in children, the often low level of hemoglobin in the blood immediately reflects on the external physiological state and manifests itself in the form of fever.

Children who are exposed to stress, shock, depression because of the constant release of adrenaline suffer from so-called adrenaline hyperthermia.

In some children, high temperature can be a reaction to prolonged treatment with antibiotics. If you give your child any medications, then be sure to read the side effects of each of them.

Depending on the true cause of the pathology, a qualified physician should prescribe a treatment. It is not recommended to conduct therapy independently!


What to do if the fever has risen without the symptoms of a cold

The temperature of the human body is a natural indicator of its thermal state. Exceeding the temperature of the mark to 37oC in medicine is called hyperthermia. If the body does not manage to cope with this sign of the disease for several days, you should immediately consult a doctor, without waiting for the development of dangerous complications.

No colds, but the temperature is raised: is there an explanation for this?

The value of body temperature from 3, to 3, oC is considered an indicator of a person's healthy state, and her slightest increase signals the course of any pathological process. In most cases, fever is the first sign of a cold, but how is it understood in the absence of other symptoms of acute respiratory disease?

The reasons for which the body temperature rises, are the most diverse. If this phenomenon was preceded by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, perhaps, so the body reacted to the use of poor-quality food.

In some people, a slight increase in temperature can occur after taking certain medications - antibiotics, sulfonamides and antifungals. This is due to either excess dosages, or excessive sensitivity of the body to a particular drug. Infection-inflammatory process, taking place in a mild form, can also provoke a one-time episode of temperature increase. The body struggled with the pathology.

Why did the baby suddenly get fever?

Small children do not like excessive wrapping, although their thermoregulation system is still far from perfect. Overheating, provoked by the actions of caring parents, in infancy is not permissible.

Teething is a natural process, can also occur accompanied by periodic temperature changes. In the first case, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime in the children's room and to ventilate it more often. Dressing the baby follows the weather. In the period of teething about any deviations in health, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. Harmless removal of the temperature in the child can be done with a lot of drinking. Green tea, berry fruit drinks, compotes from dried fruits contain many useful substances necessary for the weakened organism.

What to do if the temperature rises without other signs of the disease?

If the cause of fever has become a mild poisoning, lower it with medicines is not worth it. It will bounce back on its own as the toxins leave the body.

The episode of fever, caused by the use of medication, requires an immediate refusal to use them. Also, tell your doctor about this case.

The rise in temperature as a pyrogenic reaction is considered the norm. So the body shows its reaction to foreign antibodies. Usually, this phenomenon is observed in children after vaccinations.


High fever without symptoms - an excuse for a diagnostic search

There are not many people in the world who, suspecting an increase in their body temperature, remain indifferent to this. By itself, a high temperature means that something has got into the body with which it needs to cope. And if in infectious and purulent diseases without such a reaction, recovery (despite treatment) is slower, then in some other diseases, the temperature can only deplete a person. In any case, the heat is a request of the body for help: you need to find the cause and eliminate it.

Why does a fever without symptoms appear?

The appearance of high temperature can be caused by an acute and chronic process. Acute fever is one that lasts up to two to three weeks, the chronic fever is the one that exceeds this period. The causes of these two types of fever are different. Also, the starting factors of temperature increase in adults, children and adolescents differ.

When there is an acute fever without symptoms?

1. With infectious and purulent diseases. It can be any viral, bacterial, fungal, rickettsial pathologies. If there are absolutely no symptoms (no cough, no runny nose, no diarrhea, no vomiting, etc.), at the first stage, the nature of the fever will help in diagnosis:

a) When the temperature during the day falls to normal numbers: it can be an abscess (accumulation of pus anywhere in the surface, in some internal organs). Such a temperature curve can also be with tuberculosis.

b) The temperature has a diurnal rhythm of fluctuation (in the morning below), but it does not drop to normal figures. This fever is not characteristic of any particular disease.

c) High fever without symptoms is observed during the day, not particularly decreasing. It can be with typhus or typhoid fever, some other diseases.

d) Increase body temperature to high digits, followed by its decrease, which can last even a few days. This can be for:

- malaria - after staying in countries with a hot climate where there are mosquitoes;

- Soda - after a rat bite;

- disease of the bile ducts - Charcot's disease;

- urinary tract infections.

2. Mechanical injury: bruise, crushing, fracture. Even infection splinters can cause a rise in body temperature.

3. Neoplasms, especially malignant ones. In this case, the temperature without symptoms of a cold (and any other symptoms) may become the first sign of a tumor of any organ.

4. Some endocrine diseases: thyrotoxicosis, goitre, porphyria.

5. Acute destruction of erythrocytes (hemolysis) due to various causes.

6. Infarction of the lung, myocardial infarction can also cause a rise in body temperature.

7. Diseases of the blood, including leukemia (it starts with the appearance of high temperature without others symptoms), lymphoma (it is characterized by fever with a drop in temperature to normal in during the day).

8. Systemic diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis.

9. Mental disorders.

Why can the temperature rise sharply in a teenager?

The temperature in a teenager without symptoms may indicate bacterial endocarditis (the formation of bacterial raids on the valves of the heart - this is usually combined with drug addiction, but can occur without it), leukemia, haemolytic crisis, the use of some "medicine" for weight loss or muscle building masses.

Why can an acute temperature rise in an infant of an early age?

High temperature without symptoms is most often of infectious origin (ARI, meningitis, angina, intestinal infection, appendicitis, otitis and others). But it can be the first sign of heart disease, blood disease, allergies. There may be a "fearless" increase in temperature during teething, after grafting, with prolonged crying in response to a psychogenic factor.

What to do if the temperature increases without symptoms?

To be surveyed at the doctor-therapist (or the pediatrist). Sometimes, you are not a symptom of the disease, it is. Many serious diseases (eg, leukemia, hemolysis or kidney disease) can be detected by a routine blood or urine test. If necessary, you will be prescribed ultrasound, x-ray, blood culture, urine and sputum for various media. It is not necessary to "heal" the disease with antipyretic - so you prevent the body from fighting, and doctors are confusing.


The child has a fever of 38 without symptoms

In most cases, the fever in a child can be explained by a cold disease, because it accompanies severe cough, nasal congestion, pain and discomfort in the throat and other signs of similar ailments. ARVI in children is quite common, and almost all young mothers already know what to do in case of bad health of their child.

If the temperature at the child has risen above 38 degrees, but thus passes without symptoms Most parents begin to worry very much and do not know how to behave. In this article, we will tell you what this can be related to, and what needs to be done in this situation.

Why does the child have a fever of 38 without symptoms of a cold?

Raising the body temperature in a child up to 38 degrees and above without symptoms of a cold can have different causes, for example:

  1. In crumbs up to a year the cause of such a rise in temperature can be a banaloverheat.This is because the thermoregulation system in newborn babies is not completely formed, which is especially noticeable in those babies who were born before the term.
  2. In addition, the newly born baby quite a long time passesperiod of adaptation to new conditions of life.If some babies relatively calmly survive this time, then the other is much harder - against the background of adaptation they have a marked increase in temperature, and sometimes even convulsions. This phenomenon is calledtransient feverand is completely normal for infants, whose age does not exceed half a year. Again, in preterm babies, the adaptation period is much more difficult and lasts longer.
  3. Often the temperature 38 in a child without signs of a cold occurs within a few daysafter vaccination.Most often this situation is observed in cases when a "live" vaccine was used. Since in response to vaccination in the child's body is the development of immunity, it is often accompanied by a rise in temperature.
  4. Strong fever in a child is almost always due toflow in the child's body inflammatory process.If the cause of this inflammation lies in a viral infection, it is always accompanied by the usual signs of a cold. If a child has a temperature above 38 degrees that lasts for 2-3 days without symptoms of the disease, most likely, his immune system is actively fighting bacteria. Under such circumstances, as a rule, local manifestations of the disease occur later.
  5. The cause of inflammation, which causes a fever in a child, can become all kinds ofallergic reactions.In this case, the allergen can be anything, - medicines, food, household chemicals and so on.
  6. Finally, the reason for raising the temperature to a level of 38 degrees without signs of colds may beteething.Although some doctors believe that the period of dentistry can not be accompanied by a strong fever, many children endure it that way.
What should parents do?

To begin with, it is necessary to provide the baby with the right care - to give him a drink more often, preferring warm tea and compote from dried fruits, regularly ventilate the room and keep the air temperature in it no higher than 22 degrees, and also feed light food and only if the child has appetite.

If the temperature does not exceed 3 degrees, and the child tolerates it normally, it is not recommended to use antipyretic drugs.

The exception is weakened children with chronic diseases, as well as infants who have not reached the age of 3 months. If this threshold is exceeded, you can give syrup "Nurofen" or "Panadol" in a dosage corresponding to its age and weight.

As a rule, with the provision of the necessary conditions for the child, the temperature of his body returns to normal values ​​in a few hours and does not rise again. If the fever persists for 3 days, consult a doctor, regardless of the presence of other symptoms.


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