Massage with scoliosis of the spine


  • 1Technique of spine massage in scoliosis
    • 1.1The main and important thing about the disease
    • 1.2Massage as part of an integrated approach
    • 1.3Primary tasks of massage
    • 1.4Indications
    • 1.5Contraindications
    • 1.6Key moments of the massage
    • 1.7Technique of massage with scoliosis
    • 1.8Back massage for scoliosis
    • 1.9Massage the abdomen
    • 1.10Foot and buttock massage
    • 1.11Doing it yourself
  • 2Therapeutic massage for scoliosis in children and adults: appliances and videos
    • 2.1Massage with scoliosis and its effect on the body
    • 2.2Method of conducting
    • 2.3How to do a massage with scoliosis - technique and video
    • 2.4Massage procedures at different degrees of scoliosis
    • 2.5Varieties
    • 2.6Features of massage for scoliosis in children
  • 3Back massage for scoliosis
    • 3.1The effect of massage on the human body
    • 3.2Forms of procedure and requirements for conducting
    • 3.3General form
    • 3.4Private form
    • 3.5Requirements for massage
    • 3.6Contraindications
    • 3.7Technique and technique for scoliosis
    • 3.8Treatment of children
    • 3.9Session frequency
    • 3.10Expected effect
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Secrets of therapeutic massage in scoliosis of the spine
    • 4.1Known massage techniques
    • 4.2Stages of massage with the development of C-shaped scoliosis
    • 4.3Stages of massage with C-shaped scoliosis in the lumbar region
    • 4.4Stages of the massage with S-shaped scoliosis
    • 4.5We recommend that you study:
    • 4.6In addition, we recommend:
  • 5Massage with scoliosis: how to
    • 5.1Toning or relaxing?
    • 5.2What methods are used?
    • 5.3C-shaped (thoracic area)
    • 5.4C-shaped (lumbar region)
    • 5.5S-shaped
    • 5.6Technology of massage
    • 5.7Recommendations and instructions
    • 5.8Children's scoliosis

Technique of spine massage in scoliosis

If you ask a simple philistine who is far from medicine and everything that is associated with it, whether the massage can be done with scoliosis of the spine, the answer will be yes.

But is it really so, and in what cases can you expect an absolute victory over this disease, and in which and there is a risk of harming even more, you can figure it out only after learning all the features of the course of the disease, like scoliosis.

After all, often a person who is diagnosed, or even several, immediately hastens to fulfill all recommendations of doctors, take all the medications that are prescribed, and even follow the advice of all the compassionate neighbors and relatives.

And there are those who are not in a hurry to draw up an action plan to fight the disease, hoping that everything will heal.

The main and important thing about the disease

Scoliosis is a common disease that manifests itself in the visible deformation of the spine in the frontal plane, that is, to the right or to the left, with its characteristic torsion of the vertebrae.

There are two types of scoliosis: simple (with one bend) and complex (with two or more bends).

In addition to the problems associated with aesthetic issues, this condition leads to the malfunctioning of deformed organs, and subsequently to serious diseases.

So, the alveolar ventilation is disturbed, then under the influence of hypoxia, there are difficulties in the full functioning of the heart and oxygen starvation of the heart muscle, brain, skeletal muscles. Perhaps the main side effect of scoliosis is the constant discomfort and back pain that do not give rest even at night.

The development of the curvature of the spine takes in periods of intense growth and active hormonal changes, namely at 6-7 and at 12-15 years.

The reason for this is an insufficiently developed muscular corset, caused either by low mobility, or lack of nutrients, as well as by diseases such as rickets, poliomyelitis.

Experienced doctors and holders of academic degrees believe that according to the physiological characteristics of the human body vertical position and walking on the legs - this is a constant load with which a weak organism can not cope in full least.

Massage as part of an integrated approach

The main condition for a successful outcome with the possibility of correcting even the apparent degree of illness is, first of all, the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.

Only after completing a full medical examination, after consulting with several specialists, It is possible to draw up a course of measures for curing, taking into account all the permissible loads in the individual order.

As a rule, in addition to the massage of the spine in scoliosis, no less effective exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and a medicament course are prescribed.


Modern development of techniques for recovery offers classes on special simulators, which proved their right to exist by most satisfied and pain-free patients.


But massage stands apart from all the components of the course of treatment. No wonder he was practiced in ancient times, and to this day he has not lost its relevance.

Due to the relevance of this procedure, the offer market is very rich. Masseurs now in great demand, even with experience in several sessions.

At first glance, they know not only how to do massage with scoliosis, but even own different exotic techniques.

But do not believe in a word and be lazy to look for a qualified specialist, and also try to save on this matter. Such frivolity can become the price of one's own health.

Primary tasks of massage

Massage - a combination of mechanical techniques and techniques aimed at stimulating the processes in the tissues and organs of man.

The main tasks of back massage in scoliosis are the acceleration of blood circulation in the muscles, the improvement of lymph drainage, the optimization of tone muscles of the whole body, their strengthening, elimination of the curvature not only of the spine, but also of the internal organs, the removal of fatigue and getting rid of pain.

Always with the help of additional tools can enhance the effect of manipulation. Using special oils with natural extracts, you can fix a tonic or relaxing effect.

The massage technique for scoliosis of the first degree may include classical techniques and techniques. When it comes to the second or third degree, it requires a differentiated effect on the convex and concave zones of the back.

There are two completely opposite opinions of doctors about which of the parties possesses hypertonicity and which of them is hypotonia.

Literacy will be different that the masseur who is experienced, relying on his knowledge and careful monitoring of the patient's condition and sensations, will determine the dynamics of changes in muscles from session to the session.

And this is the only way to achieve positive results. First of all, the masseur should study all aspects and prescriptions of the doctor, in order to choose the optimal set of receptions according to the degree and form of scoliosis.


Often the question is raised whether it is possible to carry out a massage with scoliosis. Yes, and even necessary. Massage is indicated in this disease, as in the following pathologies:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Headaches, back pain, neck.
  • Disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Hypertension.
  • Chronic gastritis, ulcers.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Recovery after severe illness, surgery.
  • Bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia.

The list can be much longer, but it's basic.


Of course, there are cases when the spine massage is contraindicated in scoliosis. It can not be done if, in addition to curvature, the following diagnoses or conditions are present:

  • Presence of spinal cord compression.
  • Purulent inflammation, accompanied by fever, rashes.
  • Any diseases of organs in the stage of exacerbation.
  • Diseases of the blood, leukemia, bleeding, anemia, thrombosis.
  • Oncology, AIDS, mental disorders.
  • Osteoporosis, osteomyelitis.
  • Vertebrate tumors are large (mechanical action can damage the vertebrae).

These are the main contraindications, but not all.

Key moments of the massage

The massage table should be at the level of the fingers of the specialist's lowered fingers. This is the most optimal height for using your own weight during intense impacts.

It is recommended to massage all muscle groups for a better result: hands, feet, feet, buttocks, abdomen.

It is necessary to identify hyperalgic zones, seals, nodes in tissues, areas of hypertonia for treatment by segmental-reflex techniques and the use of very effective point massage.

As you go through the course after each session, the masseur should monitor the tension of the back and changes in the patient's state of health.

If necessary, you should change the technique to avoid inflammation in the muscles from the monotonous effect on them. As a rule, massage of the spine with scoliosis begins with a concave side, and then go over convex.

Any massage consists of three stages: preparatory, basic and final.

Technique of massage with scoliosis

  • Stroking.
  • Friction.
  • Kneading.
  • Squeezing.
  • Tapping.
  • Vibration.
  • Cutting.

Back massage for scoliosis

The patient is placed on the table with his belly down, hands are located along the trunk.

If there is no special notch on the table, then the head should be placed on its side, facing away from the scoliotic curvature.

The patient needs to relax muscles as much as possible and tune in to a pleasant and useful procedure.

First, a preliminary massage is performed to warm the tissues in the form of strokes along the back, starting from the middle, for several minutes. Then lateral movements are made.


Squeezing is carried out by the palm base on the same lines as strokes. It is necessary to exclude pressure on the bony protuberances.


The kneading of long and broad muscles with the help of fingers helps to remove toxins and increase the blood supply of tissues. Next is the capture of the subcutaneous fold with the rib of the left arm and the base of the right.

Many professionals instead of the rib of the left hand act with the elbow. Then the right hand moves to the next area of ​​the skin. Thus, stretching is performed.

After each reception, you need to make a few strokes and shakes. Intense and rhythmic rubbing with the palm of the hand completes the first stage.

If the patient felt warmth spreading throughout the body, and slight hyperemia is observed, then everything is done correctly.

To adhere to such sequence of actions it is necessary during massage at a scoliosis of a thoracal department of a backbone - the most widespread kind of deformations.

Massage of the lower thoracic region is carried out between the seventh and twelfth vertebrae. This zone is worked out in the same algorithm, adding shock and shaking techniques, if there are recommendations from the doctor.

Too intense and abrupt movements can lead to pain, due to the location of the kidneys in the immediate vicinity.


If the muscles in the concavity zone are shortened, especially the long ones, the ribs are brought together, the intercostal areas are narrow, then it is necessary to apply the stretching, sawing, grinding technique.


It is necessary to be more attentive to the intercostal spaces, penetrating deeper, stretching, rubbing with the pads of the fingers. And if there is a tonus, then relaxing strokes and vibration will help to cope with the task.

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Usually, on the convex side, the long muscles are stretched, atrophied. They need to be toned up by kneading, lateral squeezing, percussion techniques.

When the local elaboration of the long muscles is completed, proceed to smooth out the protruding rib arches.

Applying the palm to the top of the hump and pressing with medium strength, rhythmically smooth in the direction of the lateral surface of the chest.

Very often the consequence of such diseases as scoliosis and osteochondrosis, in the subscapular zone painful points are formed. Massage of the spine with scoliosis will not be complete without treatment of all affected areas.

One hand covers the shoulder and pulls it up a few centimeters. The shoulder will not rise if there is any tension. The patient needs to completely relax. With the other hand, interloculatory muscles are massaged in a circular motion.

The same is done with the opposite shoulder. Then the peripodal zone is triturated, with the thumb extended widely.

In the process, the asymmetry of the tone of the superficial muscles will be more noticeable, so the relaxed areas can be treated by tingle, tapping, and strained - by strokes.


Massage of the collar zone should be performed with much less pressure and intensity.


All methods are performed along lines first symmetrically to the spine, along it, between the scapulae along the direction to the neck, then diagonally to the sides, then across and to the sides and at the end along the neck with side of the head.

The sequence of receptions is the following: stroking, squeezing, rubbing, kneading, vibrating techniques and finish stroking and shaking with your fingertips.

Massage of the lumbar and sacral region is done on the lines coming from the spine, dosing the force of pressure.

So, in the sacrum area, the impact will be more intense than in the lower back, due to the location of internal organs.

The order and techniques are the same as those for the collar zone.

Massage the abdomen

With scoliosis, the muscles in this area are flaccid, weak.

They need to be strengthened and toned up with the help of classical stimulating effects: stroking, kneading, ring kneading, a circular phalanx of fingers, tingling.

First, circular strokes are performed clockwise, then kneading is performed on the straight muscles and in the end - on the skew.

Strengthening the muscles of the abdominal wall is one of the components of a therapeutic massage for scoliosis.


The procedure will be beneficial if the intestines are emptied, but an absolutely empty stomach is undesirable. During the procedure, the patient lies on his back, bending his knees.


Movements should be smooth, manipulation should not cause pain and discomfort to the patient.

Foot and buttock massage

Great attention is paid to the gluteal, tibial, calf muscles. Strong enough influences by such methods as rubbing, squeezing, kneading are required.

If there is a location for varicose veins, then a doctor's consultation is necessary. Flat-footedness is not uncommon in curvature.

The kneading of the foot with the application of point massage to certain zones gives an excellent result.

Doing it yourself

Does it help independent scoliosis at home? Professional massage can not perform any of the family members, even after watching the video lessons and having studied a short course.

This is taught for years, and then they gain experience in practice. Moreover, if at best such manipulations remain useless, then at worst they can seriously harm.

The best alternative is reflexotherapy. It is only necessary to determine the specific points on the body and to self-massage these zones.

Eastern medicine has gained immense popularity due to the positive effect, which many people note.

Massage with scoliosis in adults, as in children, plays, perhaps, the most important role in the complex.

In fact, along with the colossal benefit for tissues and muscles, the patient receives a powerful charge of energy and positive.

Massage removes fatigue, relaxes, stimulates the production of the hormone of happiness - endorphin. And the emotional state is the key to recovery from any disease.

A source: http://.ru/article/350217/tehnika-massaja-pozvonochnika-pri-skolioze

Therapeutic massage for scoliosis in children and adults: appliances and videos

Scoliosis in Latin means "curve" and this word accurately reflects the essence of the pathological changes that lead to the curvature of the spinal column.

Treatment of the disease is long, requiring patience and the use of various therapeutic techniques. Massage with scoliosis is an important part of complex treatment.

Regular procedures will help to strengthen the muscular skeleton of the abdomen and back, improve blood circulation, normalize metabolic processes and restore nutrition to the tissues of the spine.

There are many reasons for the development of the disease.

They can be associated with innate or acquired factors and consist both in a genetic predisposition to weakness muscle corset, and develop due to a number of diseases, as a result of high loads on the spine or a sedentary image life.

Scoliosis is a progressive disease, but different massage techniques, applied simultaneously with therapeutic physical culture, swimming, physiotherapeutic procedures, can stop its development and help to eliminate pathology. What massage techniques are used, and at which stages of the disease will this method of treatment be most effective? The answers to these questions can be found in our article.

Massage with scoliosis and its effect on the body

Therapeutic massage is a complex of mechanical influences on certain parts of the human body, it can be performed manually or with a special massage.

Massage can be used for almost any degree of curvature of the spine, but it must be performed by a qualified, experienced specialist.

At a scoliosis resort basically to manual massage which in turn shares on two kinds: classical and segmental-reflex.


Therapeutic massage with scoliosis positively affects all processes in the body, strengthens the muscular corset and prevents further curvature of the spinal column.


With scoliosis, muscle tone in the zone of deformation of the spine is broken.

Those muscle fibers that are on the concave side of the arc are shortened, and those muscle groups that are located on the convex side relax and stretch.

This leads to a complication of destructive processes and increases the load on the curved spine. Moreover, the greater the angle of deformation, the more intense the load.

In this situation, special methods of therapeutic massage are able to return the muscles to their natural position and break the vicious cycle of the disease.

In addition, manual manipulations provide the following positive effect:

  • Normalize the processes of blood circulation and lymph flow in the affected area;
  • Strengthen the inflow of nutrients to the tissues of the spine;
  • Relieve tension and muscle spasms;
  • Reduce pain, relieve stiffness, return the spine mobility;
  • Significantly improve the overall condition of the patient with scoliosis.

With the diagnosis of scoliosis, no self-medication should be, massage is done only by a specialist with experience in this field.

Method of conducting

The course of massage with scoliosis is recommended to be performed every six months. In one part of the body, the duration of exposure should not exceed 3 minutes.

The total duration of the session at the initial stage is 20 minutes, starting from the middle of the course increases to 40 - 60 minutes.

All movements of the masseur must be performed along the lymph nodes.

For a better slip and ensure the elasticity of the skin, special massage creams are used, based on natural oils.

When performing the manipulations adhere to a certain sequence.

The effect starts from the back, then goes over to the buttock and abdomen, the chest is the last to be massaged.

The technique of massage with scoliosis is based on the use of a variety of techniques. So, on the concave side of the arc, use kneading, squeezing, shaking, rough vibration. On the convex side - use tricks of rubbing, sliding, stroking and weak vibration.

The choice of technique depends largely on the nature of lesions, the degree of scoliosis and the individual characteristics of the patient.

For each patient, the attending physician should choose the most effective and safe technique.

The masseur or manual technician will carry out the procedures in accordance with his recommendations.

Back massage for scoliosis is performed taking into account the type and degree of curvature of the spine. During the session, the masseur pays attention to the direction of the arc, depending on this, various massage techniques are used.


If the arc is concave, that is, C is turned towards the spine, the movements are relaxing, this method relieves tension.


If, however, the arc in the form of C is curved outwards, in this case a toning massage is applied.

How to do a massage with scoliosis - technique and video

Let's consider some basic techniques of massage:

  1. Massage with C-shaped thoracic scoliosisbegin with stroking your back. Then massage the concave and convex side and proceed to the kneading of the muscles. The muscles of the intercostal spaces are massaged with rectilinear movements, the broadest muscles are circular. Then, the cervical and trapezoid muscles are massaged. Massage techniques should alternate with stroking and vibration. The goal of breast massage with scoliosis is to maximize relaxation of the convex part of the back and relieve tension from the muscles of the neck. After processing the back, go to massage the muscles of the chest and abdomen.
  2. Massage with C-shaped scoliosis of the lumbar regionalso begin with stroking your back. But in this case, the technique of influence is based on the methods of "squeezing." The effect is carried out in the same sequence, processing first the concave and then the convex part of the back. With massage of the lumbar region, circular and rectilinear movements are used. After the back massage the pelvic area, stretching the sacrum and the crest of the ilium, and applying a certain sequence of techniques of squeezing and stroking. At the final stage, the muscles of the legs are massaged, paying special attention to the limb on whose side the bulge is located.

Watch a video of a therapeutic massage for scoliosis:

Massage procedures at different degrees of scoliosis

Massage for scoliosis of the first degree

The first degree of scoliosis in most cases occurs imperceptibly, but if you seize the disease at this early stage, the effect of the treatment will not take long to wait

  • Massage with scoliosis of the first degree. All attention is paid to correcting the posture and strengthening the thoracic, dorsal muscles. In this case, therapeutic massage sessions are of a preventive nature, they affect the muscular skeleton, preventing further progression of scoliosis. Simultaneously with massage sessions, it is recommended to undergo a course of physiotherapy exercises, engage in swimming, perform exercises aimed at stretching the spine and follow the posture.
  • At the second degree of scoliosis changes in the spine are already noticeable. In this case, the complex treatment is complemented by physiotherapy procedures and manual therapy. Massage with scoliosis of the second degree is of a curative nature, its function is to eliminate the deformation of the spine.
  • At the third and fourth degree of scoliosis, massage procedures take place with greater intensity and duration. Apply the technique of deep rubbing, kneading, vibrations and fretting along the convex side of the curvature.
  • With S-shaped curvature of the spine massage should be carried out by a highly qualified specialist. This is the most complex type of scoliosis, requiring a special approach. If you look closely, it becomes noticeable that in this case the back is divided into four sections, while for each of them the massage is performed individually.
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In the treatment of scoliosis are not limited to manual massage. Modern methods suggest the use of several other types of therapeutic effect:

  1. Can massage. This kind of procedure affects the diseased organ through a vacuum. Use sterile medical jars, inside of them air is burned, creating a vacuum, after which they are installed along the spine. Before the procedure begins, the vertebral area should be heated and rubbed with a massage cream or natural oil.
  2. Acupressure. The procedure requires a deep knowledge of the human body and specific skills. The specialist must find certain points on the body, the effect on which will have the necessary therapeutic effect.
  3. Thai massage. When it is carried, the patient is laid on the floor, his hands are wound behind his back. The masseur makes pressure moves in the back and waist, along the spine. At the final stage, stretch the arms.
  4. Differentiated massage allows not only to relax and stretch, but also to tone up the muscles of the back, chest, abdomen and extremities.

Features of massage for scoliosis in children

Massage with scoliosis in children requires special care. The intensity of massage movements should be regulated in accordance with the constitution and age of the child.

Depending on the type of scoliosis, the masseur needs to correctly choose the position of the body patient during the procedure, because it will allow to achieve effective impact on the affected body parts.

An important role is played by the height of the massage table, it is set in such a way that the specialist is able to freely regulate the intensity of the force action. During the procedure, the masseur should find foci of hypertension, seals and ensure their elimination.

A lot depends on the skill level of a specialist.

The masseur is obliged to fully report in his actions and to implement therapeutic techniques as safely as possible.

It is very important that during the procedures a variety of techniques are used, and not just the basic movements used in the treatment of scoliosis.

Treatment procedures should be applied in two stages: the first - to maximize the use of intensive massage, his goal is a kind of preparation for the next stage; second-direction of all efforts to correct violations. Massage gives the best result, if you start treatment as early as possible, in this case you can achieve full recovery.

For a child's massage, an experienced professional is needed, since the child does not have all the tissues completely formed, because of what they have increased plasticity. This feature must be taken into account during the procedure. The technique of massage with scoliosis in children includes the following actions:

  • First, the child is placed on the stomach. The specialist makes strokes in the chest and waist, then proceeds to vibrating techniques.
  • Then the baby is laid on his side, and the masseur uses the technique of acting on the iliac crest.
  • Then the patient rolls over to the abdomen, and with a relaxing movement massage the lumbar region and stretch the subscapular zone.
  • Then the child lies on his back, he is massaged in the thoracic region. End the session by stroking the back and shoulder area.

It is widely believed that orthopedic massage can be performed by any physiotherapist or masseur. This is a deeply erroneous error.

The use of special techniques in the treatment of scoliosis requires from the expert deep knowledge, understanding of the features of the disease and perfect management of massage techniques.

To obtain a lasting effect, it is necessary to undergo a minimum of three courses of massage with a break between them for three to six months.


For young children, therapeutic massage should be done by a highly qualified specialist with knowledge of children's anatomy and physiology.


Adults should also trust massage procedures for specialists trained to conduct orthopedic massage.

Only in this case one can be sure of the quality and effectiveness of treatment.

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Back massage for scoliosis

Back massage in scoliosis refers to the methods of conservative treatment of curvature of the spine of any degree.

However, the maximum effect can be achieved only with the combination of massage with other methods: physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

Massage allows you to improve the position of the spinal column, relieve muscle tension and reduce the arc curvature.

Massage in the treatment of scoliosis of the second and higher degree needs to be differentiated. That is, the shortened muscles in the area of ​​concave arcs of curvature must be stretched and relaxed, and the stretched muscles in the convex region, opposite stimulate and tonify.

Also before the massage, the location of the foci of pain, the area of ​​local hypertonic muscles and seals in the tissues are revealed. Then they are affected by massage techniques: point and segmental-reflex.

It is very important to understand the master of massage tasks and the ability to assign techniques depending on the individual characteristics of the disease, based on the overall treatment plan.

The effect of massage on the human body

What happens in the body after a massage:

  • prevention and treatment of various diseases;
  • increases the general tone of the body;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • improves the emotional state;
  • relaxation and stretching of muscles;
  • Flexibility, elasticity and mobility are returned to the tissues;
  • fatigue is removed;
  • there is an increase in vivacity, working capacity;
  • Muscle pain is relieved;
  • improves posture;
  • muscles are brought into a state of natural balance;
  • breathing becomes deeper;
  • expand capillaries and other blood vessels;
  • blood is saturated with oxygen;
  • there is an outflow of lymph;
  • stimulates the work of sweat, sebaceous glands, due to which the skin cools, cleanses and moistens;
  • stimulation of gas exchange;
  • increased release of mineral salts, uric acid and urea;
  • metabolites and poisons of movement are washed away;
  • the regeneration of tissues is accelerated.

Back massage is an excellent tool for getting rid of fatigue after work.

It is not always possible to consult a specialist, in such situations it is recommended to perform a massage at home yourself.

Forms of procedure and requirements for conducting

General form

Massage is performed on all areas of the body, paying special attention to the zones associated with the disease.

Lead time:50-70 minutes, frequency - every other day.

Private form

Massage is carried out on separate parts of the body.

Duration:3-30 minutes.

Requirements for massage

  • the patient should be in a position in which his ligamentous apparatus of the joints and muscles will be in the most relaxed state;
  • patient, during the massage should not make any effort;
  • The patient's body should be covered with a sheet, excluding the zones on which the massage will be performed;
  • Do not change the patient's position during the session without special need;
  • During the massage in the room should not be strangers, should avoid bright light and extraneous noise.


  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in which massage can harm;
  • diseases of other body systems, which are subject to a ban on manual therapy;
  • weak general physical condition of the patient;
  • age: Massage sessions for very old people and young children should be conducted in a gentle manner.

In any case, the masseur is obliged to monitor the dynamics of changes in the patient's condition and reactions. Given these indicators, you may need to periodically change the technique, frequency, depth and strength of massage techniques.

Technique and technique for scoliosis

Order of massage for scoliosis:

  1. Before the appointment of a massage course, radiography of the patient's general condition is necessary;
  2. stimulation of segmental roots located in the region of the exit from the spine;
  3. The massage procedure begins only when there is no stress on the skeletal muscles, then the lower segments are massaged;
  4. then there is a transition to the high spine;
  5. During the massage, the surface tension must first be removed, and then the deeper areas (it is important: the massage of the child needs to be done much softer, they do not need to so much flex the muscles as adults);
  6. segmental effect is carried out in the direction from the periphery to the center - this is the only way to ensure maximum complete relaxation of muscles and stimulation of cutaneous blood supply;
  7. in the case of pain in the limbs, the massage session should begin with a segmental effect: while the massage moves in the direction from the periphery to the heart.

Treatment of children

Features of massage in children's scoliosis:

  • immediately after eating, you can not put the child horizontally, wait at least 40-50 minutes;
  • You can not knead the area of ​​the nipples - children are very delicate area, it is easy to damage by one careless movement;
  • hands should be soft, necessarily greased with oil or cream;
  • movements are smooth, slow and very cautious;
  • Do not exert pressure directly on the spine;
  • listen to the child's complaints, his wishes and adjust the massage technique, taking them into account.

Session frequency

The duration of the massage course depends on the degree of curvature of the spinal column.

Usually it is from 10 to 20 sessions, then if necessary, a doctor appoints a second course (conducted in a month or six months).

Frequency of massage procedures per year:2-3 courses.

If you abuse the massage, its effectiveness will decrease over time.

It is necessary to combine massage with physiotherapy exercises to achieve maximum effectiveness of treatment.

Expected effect

What helps massage with scoliosis:

  • removes pain in the back;
  • has a strong beneficial effect on the whole organism;
  • corrects the curvature of the spinal column;
  • perfectly strengthens the muscular corset;
  • significantly accelerates the circulatory processes;
  • It negates the feeling of chronic fatigue: general and muscular;
  • forms a muscular corset;
  • corrects vertebral curvature;
  • relieves acute and chronic pain.

It is worth noting that a single massage course is unlikely to cure scoliosis completely and straighten the spine. It is compulsory for the patient to take a one-year course. It must be combined with other therapeutic methods: exercise therapy, physiotherapy.

The main thing is not to start the disease, but in time to diagnose and get the appointment of a doctor.
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Secrets of therapeutic massage in scoliosis of the spine

Scoliosis is the process of curving the spine in one of the sides, accompanied by pronounced deformities of the back and irregular functioning of the organs close to the spine.

The treatment process can be conducted in a conservative and operational way.The most effective methods include massage with scoliosis of the spine.

This procedure many times proved undeniable benefit to the human body, helped to stop the pain and prevent exacerbations.

Known massage techniques

Back massage in scoliosis should begin with the muscles on the legs, then the specialist gradually shifts to the hips, abdomen and only in the end touches the back.

The technique involves strengthening the weak muscles and relaxing those that are too tense.

The technique involves strengthening the weak muscles and relaxing those that are too tense. With different forms of lesion, an appropriate massage is performed. The strength of the effect in scoliosis of the 2nd degree, degree 1 and more of the neglected forms is also different.

Stages of massage with the development of C-shaped scoliosis

  • With this curvature massage should begin with simple strokes of the back. The master initially massages the concave part, and only then - the curved part.
  • Then he starts to warm up the longest and longest muscles with the help of circular movements with his hands. And rectilinear movements massaged muscles in the intervals between the ribs.
  • With the same duration and dynamics, you need to continue massage on the neck and trapezius muscle.
  • It is necessary to alternate massage with simple strokes.

We advise you to read about the use of manual therapy for scoliosis of the 2nd degree in addition to this article.

Massage should be started with simple strokes of the back.

Do not forget about the pectoral muscles - they also need relaxation, and the muscles on the stomach - in an additional strengthening to unload the back. Massage with right-sided scoliosis or with lesion of the left side is practically no different.

More details about the curvature of the lumbar spine, we wrote earlier and advised to add the article to the bookmarks.

C-shaped scoliosis.

Stages of massage with C-shaped scoliosis in the lumbar region

Therapeutic massage in scoliosis should begin with light strokes, turning into "squeezing". The stage-by-stage process is no different - first act on the concave side, then on the convex side.

C-shaped scoliosis of the lower back.

  • Warm-up for long and broad muscles using circular movements with hands.
  • Straight-line massage for the muscles in the area between the ribs.
  • Massage separately for the waist with circular movements.
  • Massage of the pelvic area - first stroking, then "squeezing warm-up for the sacrum and crest located in the ileum.
  • Pressing on the convex region of the back, pushing the spine back into place.
  • In conclusion, a massage is performed for the muscles on the legs.

Possible causes of curvature or bending of the coccyx

The coccyx is the lower part of the vertebral column, consisting of five fused vertebrae.

At distant ancestors, if to follow the theory of Darwin, he acted as a tail support, and at the modern person has the status of a vestigial organ.

However, this rudiment brings a number of inconveniences and painful sensations in his injuries and pathologies. One of the serious pathologies is the curvature of the coccyx.

Stages of the massage with S-shaped scoliosis

Another severe case of curvature of the spine is S-shaped scoliosis. To correct it, massage should be done on the thoracic and lower back, following the same sequence as described.

The video shows a therapeutic massage for scoliosis

S-shaped scoliosis.

We recommend that you study:

  • Operation in the scoliosis of the spine: training, methods and life after
  • The degree of curvature of the spine and the causes of this pathology

Massage with curvature of the spine is used in the complex of the therapeutic process and is prohibited for self-realization at home!It helps to strengthen muscles, stimulates blood flow, metabolic processes in the body, and restores the entire locomotor system of a person. Massage should be done only by a professional. For this purpose, there is a special massage technique developed in accordance with the principles of its implementation known in medicine when diagnosing scoliosis. These principles include:

  • A differentiated effect on shortened or, conversely, stretched muscles on the buttocks, chest, abdomen, arms and legs.
  • Differentiated effect on the muscles of the back: the concave arcs need to stretch and relax the muscles that are too strained, the arched arches - you need to tone up and stimulate the work of the stretched muscles.
  • The specialist should find the places where the muscles are in the hypertension, the places of pain localization, compaction, and then act on the above disorders by reflex or point massage techniques.

We advise you to read additionally about the massage for scoliosis in children in addition to this material.

Massage helps to strengthen muscles, stimulates blood flow, metabolic processes in the body.

In addition, we recommend:

  • The causes of scoliosis of the cervico-thoracic spine
  • What causes the curvature of the cervical vertebrae?

Thai massage is considered an effective method for the comprehensive treatment of scoliosis, helping to combat its consequences. The session should begin with a slight pressure on the back area. Further, a massage of the waist is performed and the lateral areas are worked through by means of rotational movements.

The procedure ends with a stretching for the hands and a slight pressure on the side surfaces of the back.

Thai massage for the spine.

So, a massage for scoliosis therapy, supplementing other methods of treatment, helps to quickly correct dislocation of the spinal column.

The result appears after a few months.

The duration of procedures for adults is individually determined by the attending physician, and in children the therapy is performed until the time of complete recovery.

A source:

Massage with scoliosis: how to

In order for scoliosis therapy to be effective, an integrated approach must be applied.

Conservative treatment includes: exercise therapy, swimming, exercising in the gym, physiotherapy, and also massage with scoliosis is mandatory.

With it, you can improve the position of the spine and relieve the patient of pain.

Toning or relaxing?

Doctors can not clearly separate the muscles into tense and relaxed muscles. It is impossible to say unambiguously which muscles are in hypertonia.

To determine their condition, you need to massage from scoliosis. The patient should monitor his state of health and sensations.

If some manipulation will cause discomfort, be sure to tell the expert, you do not need to endure the pain.

What methods are used?

Back massage for scoliosis of 1 and 2 degrees is done with the main goal: to relieve tension and strengthen weakened muscles. But manipulation should change in accordance with the type of scoliosis.

C-shaped (thoracic area)

In this case, massage from scoliosis begins with stroking. First of all, it is necessary to massage the area that is concave and then convex.

All the broadest muscles need to be stretched in circular motions, and intercostal spaces - by rectilinear manipulation. After that, you can go to the neck.

The dynamics of massage with scoliosis in this area does not change. To the main influences it is necessary to add shaking and stroking. As a result of the first sessions, muscles must relax.

Then the opposite part of the back should be strengthened. The muscles of the chest need to be relaxed, and the stomach - to strengthen.

C-shaped (lumbar region)

Massage from scoliosis 1 and 2 degrees is better to start with stroking movements, and then apply "squeezing."

The sequence of manipulations does not differ: first the concave side, and after it - convex. Muscles in scoliosis are kneaded by movements like a ring.

The lumbar region is massed with circular and rectilinear movements.

The pelvic region is treated in such a sequence: stroking, "squeezing and then kneading the sacrum and the crest of the ilium. The convex part of the back is massaged as if the correct position should be returned to the spine. In conclusion, the feet are massaged.


Manipulation should be performed on the thoracic and lumbar spine. Therapeutic massage for scoliosis in this case is carried out according to the method described above. The massage from scoliosis includes from 10 to 12 procedures. To conduct a course is necessary at least two or three times a year.

Technology of massage

If the patient lies on his stomach, the masseuse should be on the right. In the case when the patient lies on his back, the massage therapist should be on the left.

If the bending of 1 or 2 degrees is double, the technique should be conditionally divided into four parts and practice a differentiated approach to each particular case.

First, you need to make general strokes of the entire surface of the back.

After this, you can perform a sedative effect on the trapezius muscles: stroking and rubbing your fingers in different directions.


In the area of ​​elevation of thoracic curvature, it is necessary to rub, knead and vibrate. All receptions that are aimed at toning should be done locally.


The next step in scoliosis 1 and 2 degrees - massaging the area of ​​lumbar concavity. All techniques are used by analogy: stretching, stroking, labile vibration.

The patient turns over to the left side, where it is necessary to hold receptions, consisting in pulling the iliac crest. When the patient lies on his stomach, you need to continue massaging movements in the lumbar region.

Treating the subscapular area with scoliosis, you need to do a grabbing stroking, rubbing and vibration. Then you should gently pull the left angle of the scapula from the concave part of the spine.

After massaging the shoulder and trapezius muscles, the patient should roll over on his back.

On the surface of the chest are receptions aimed at stimulating and strengthening the muscular corset: rubbing, intermittent vibration, kneading and light strokes.

In the area of ​​protrusion, it is necessary to do manipulations with pressure. Movements should be directed backwards.

Recommendations and instructions

Massage from scoliosis should be done with great care, so as not to harm the patient. If the ribs and muscles have sunk, it is impossible to implement techniques that involve rigid pressure.

It is necessary to strive to restore the symmetry of the body. Sometimes this requires passive correction techniques.

You can simultaneously perform manipulations aimed at stimulation and relaxation. Such a massage from scoliosis is a corrective method that is effective in combination with other types of treatment of diseases of 1 and 2 degrees.

Children's scoliosis

Massage with scoliosis in children is carried out according to a certain method. The child lies on his stomach. The masseur begins to manipulate the thoracic region. They include:

  • stroking;
  • sedative effects;
  • relaxing movements.
  • rubbing and vibration first in the zone of thoracic scoliosis, and then in the lumbar concavity.

The child turns over on the left side, and the masseur uses techniques with which the iliac crest is drawn.

After that, the child lies on his stomach, and the specialist massages the lumbar region. It is necessary to carry out manipulations that will be aimed at relaxing and stretching the subscapular zone.

With the proper selection of the massage technique, you can get rid of discomfort and pain. Such treatment has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improves overall well-being, therefore it is not worth underestimating its effect.

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