X-ray therapy with heel spur


  • 1Treatment of calcaneal spur with X-ray therapy: indications, symptoms
    • 1.1Properties of X-ray irradiation
    • 1.2Procedure
  • 2X-ray spine X-ray: the pros and cons of the method
    • 2.1X-ray treatment
    • 2.2How does treatment work?
    • 2.3Advantages
  • 3Treating the calcaneal spur with X-ray therapy
    • 3.1When they resort to X-ray therapy of the calcaneal spur
    • 3.2What is this method of treatment?
    • 3.3How to treat the calcaneal spur with an X-ray
    • 3.4The effect of X-ray therapy on the heel spur
    • 3.5Contraindications
    • 3.6Advantages and disadvantages
  • 4X-ray spine x-ray
    • 4.1What is X-ray therapy?
    • 4.2How is the procedure performed?
    • 4.3How to achieve the effect?
    • 4.4What do patients say?
  • 5X-ray therapy with a calcaneal spur, where they make also reviews about treatment
    • 5.1X-ray therapy with heel spur
    • 5.2How does the procedure itself
    • 5.3The positive effect of X-ray therapy
    • 5.4Is this type of therapy harmful to health?
    • 5.5Contraindications to X-ray therapy
  • 6What is X-ray of the calcaneal spur?
    instagram viewer
    • 6.1What is the calcaneal spur
    • 6.2Symptoms of the calcaneal spur
    • 6.3Diagnosing the calcaneal spur
    • 6.4Treating the calcaneal spur

Treatment of calcaneal spur with X-ray therapy: indications, symptoms

The calcaneal spur is the growth of bone tissue in the region of the calcaneus calcaneus, as a result of which the plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis, develops.

The damaging effect of the marginal osteophyte on the soft tissues of the foot causes intense pain syndrome, which is enhanced by physical exertion.

As a result, the motor activity is impaired, the work capacity is reduced, the quality of life deteriorates.

Properties of X-ray irradiation

X-rays are used not only for the diagnosis of diseases, but also for the therapy of the pathological process.

First of all, x-rays are used to destroy atypical cells of malignant tumors, less often prescribe as a method of treatment of benign formations located far from the vital bodies.

The localization of the calcaneal spur is ideal for the application of X-ray therapy without detrimental effects on surrounding tissues.

X-rays are electromagnetic radiation with a short wavelength penetrating deep into the tissue. For therapeutic purposes, use radiation, the energy of which is 10-250 square meters. Depending on the purpose, two types of x-rays are used:

  • short-focus (energy up to 60 kV) - penetrate into tissues to a depth of no more than 5 cm, affect the skin, muscle fibers, fasciae, ligaments;
  • long-focus (energy 60-250 sq.) - penetrate into tissues to a depth of more than 5 cm, affect bone tissue, large vessels, nerve fibers.

The structure of the foot and localization of the heel spur

For each type of radiation, select the appropriate type of X-ray tube. The specificity of therapy depends on the nature of the pathological process, the degree of growth of the calcaneus, the severity of inflammation of the soft tissues.

X-ray treatment has the following therapeutic effects:

  • analgesic - eliminates pain syndrome after the first procedure by blocking the effect on pain receptors;
  • anti-inflammatory - reduces the inflammatory process by improving local blood flow, normalizing metabolism, reducing the synthesis of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins);
  • hypoallergenic - protects tissues from hypersensitivity to biologically active substances;
  • destructive - destroys old cells, promotes the renewal of tissues in the pathological process.

Therapy of the heel spur with the help of X-rays is carried out as part of the complex treatment of the disease. Before the advent of shock wave therapy, the method was considered one of the most effective in getting rid of the disease and is currently used when contraindications to UVT are detected.


X-ray therapy is prescribed by an orthopedic doctor after ineffective use of conservative methods and the preservation of pain syndrome.

Given the condition of the patient and the severity of the disease, the doctor recommends the duration of the course of treatment and the duration of the procedure.

To improve the condition and consolidate the positive effect, it usually takes 7-10 sessions for 8-10 minutes each. Manipulation is carried out in a clinic or a specialized medical center.

Carrying out the procedure of X-ray irradiation of the heel spur

During the procedure, the patient is laid on the couch, the diseased leg is given an elevated position. The area of ​​localization of the heel spur is induced by an X-ray tube, which irradiates the site of the pathological process, without affecting the healthy tissues.

After the treatment session, it is recommended to unload the aching leg by restricting physical activity, using orthopedic insoles, walking sticks.

To normalize metabolic processes and improve the effectiveness of treatment, before starting the procedure should establish a diet for patients with excessive body weight.

Advantages of X-ray therapy with a calcaneal spur:

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  • the procedure is painless and does not take much time;
  • manipulation is carried out on an outpatient basis and does not require hospitalization of the patient;
  • decrease in pain syndrome occurs after the first treatment session, in order to consolidate the positive effect and eliminate inflammation, it is necessary to complete a complete course;
  • selective exposure to X-rays without negative influence on healthy parts of the body;
  • carrying out of procedures helps to avoid surgical intervention and complications as a result of surgery;
  • minimum of contraindications, which includes the period of gestation and lactation;
  • treatment for 10 days in most cases relieves discomfort and pain in the foot, returns the patient to daily life and work.

X-ray therapy requires the consent of the patient and is often the last treatment method before resorting to surgery to remove the marginal osteophyte.

Wearing orthopedic insoles to unload the foot during the treatment of calcaneal spur with X-ray radiation improves the results of therapy

In recent years, an effective technique has emerged for radical treatment of the heel spur by shock wave radiation, which eliminates not only the pain syndrome, but also bone formation.

While the X-ray is unable to remove the osteophyte, it only blocks pain and relieves the inflammatory process. However, UHT has a fairly large list of contraindications, which does not allow the appointment of a technique to all suffering heel spurs.

It is in such clinical cases that therapy is prescribed with the help of X-rays.

Treating the heel spur with X-ray radiation has a lot of advantages and is used when conservative therapy is ineffective.

The ability to quickly eliminate the pain syndrome and restore full motion of the affected foot with an accessible method allows you to apply the procedure in medical institutions of different levels.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/lechenie/pyatochnoy-shpory-rentgenoterapiey

X-ray spine X-ray: the pros and cons of the method

Plantar fasciitis is popularly called heel spur, which exactly reflects the essence of the disease. The main symptom of the disease are severe pain in the calcaneus, which can be compared with the injection of sharp spurs into soft tissue.

Patients without appropriate treatment with time lose their ability to work, as they develop a limitation of movement.

X-ray spinal X-ray therapy refers to physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, which are successfully used in complex therapy of the disease.

X-ray treatment

In general, X-ray therapy refers to methods of irradiation, in which X-ray radiation (energy from 10 to 250 kV) is used for medical purposes. Two types of X-ray radiation are used:

  • Short-focus therapy, at which the energy used does not exceed 60 square meters. This type of X-ray therapy is used to treat tumors, as well as other growths of the body tissue, located shallow from the skin surface (6-7 cm);
  • Long-focus therapy, when the depth of penetration of the rays is from 30 to 60 cm, and the length of the rays - from 60 to 250 square meters.

Depending on the depth of exposure to the rays, two types of X-ray tubes are used.

The mechanism of action and the effect of therapy are based on suppression of cell growth processes, as well as processes of destruction (destruction) of some cells.

These processes are due to the absorption of rays by certain tissues (in the region of the focus of pathology).

The results of X-ray treatment depend on the age, general condition of the patient, dose, rhythm of radiation, as well as on the stage of the disease and the severity of clinical symptoms.

  • Anti-inflammatory effect. X-ray beams effectively suppress inflammation and relieve its symptoms.
  • Destructive action. Old cells are destroyed, and the process of cell renewal is launched.
  • Analgesic effect. Irradiation reduces pain sensitivity and relieves pain syndrome.
  • Desensitizing effect. The signs of hypersensitivity of tissues are eliminated.

Treating the calcaneal spur with X-ray is carried out as part of complex therapy and gives in most cases a positive effect.

In patients after several sessions, signs of inflammation are removed, bone growths are destroyed, and pain at the site of a soft tissue injury is reduced, and then completely disappear.

How does treatment work?

The physiotherapeutic effect that is performed during the treatment of the calcaneal spur is very useful and gives good results.

Before the appearance of the shock wave method, the X-ray method was almost the only method that gave good results in conservative treatment.

Short-focus and long-focus therapy are used to treat the disease. With the help of short-focus treatment, the area of ​​the skin, as well as the adjacent fascia and ligaments, is treated. With the help of long-focus radiation, the bone tissue and the outgrowths on it are irradiated.

From the point of view of the convenience of impact, the calcaneal spur is located far from other organs and systems, therefore, during short-term irradiation of bone growths, other organs are not harmed. How to get rid of the heel spur, applying the X-ray treatment?

One procedure for the duration of exposure lasts only 8-10 minutes. The number of necessary procedures is determined only by an orthopedic physician and depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease. The average number of sessions is 9-10.

X-rays are sent to the heel bone, which immediately block the nerve endings and reduce pain. Since the main symptom of this disease is painful, the effect of X-rays greatly facilitates the movement of patients and improves the quality of life.

But you need to know that the treatment with X-rays is not a panacea for the treatment of the calcaneal spur.

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It is the complete unloading of the foot and the combination with other methods of treatment that will lead to a relief of the condition.

If you do not remove the main causes of the disease (uncomfortable narrow shoes, high heels, excess weight, and so on), then the need for treatment will have to come back again and again.

Carry out the method of X-ray therapy is not possible only during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. In other cases, the method has no contraindications.


  • The procedure is absolutely painless and does not give the patient any discomfort.
  • The duration of the session is not more than 10 minutes, which reduces the time for treatment.
  • To achieve the therapeutic effect of a course consisting of 10 procedures, usually enough.
  • The minimum of contraindications (except for pregnancy and lactation) and the absence of side effects.
  • Pronounced analgesic, desensitizing and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • The course does not require hospitalization in a hospital.

If necessary or exacerbation of the disease, X-ray treatment can be repeated after 2-3 months. The method itself is inferior to the efficiency of shock wave therapy, and this is its minus.

But, on the other hand, this extreme measure, which is used in cases where all other methods of treatment have not had the desired effect. In practice, it turns out that the orthopedic doctor can resort to such treatment before the appointment of an operative intervention.

Comments on x-ray therapy of the calcaneal spur are always positive. And during the research it was proved that exposure to small doses of X-ray irradiation does not cause any harm to the body and does not cause side effects.

A source: http://ProStopu.ru/bolezni/rentgenoterapiya-pyatochnoj-shpory/

Treating the calcaneal spur with X-ray therapy

Heel spurs are most often the result of flat feet, injuries, excess weight, wearing uncomfortable shoes and constantly staying on their feet.

The disease is asymptomatic until some time, but one day, waking up and getting out of bed, the patient can feel a strong pain under the heel.

The disease progresses on increasing and the patient begins to walk on the agony - one method of treatment is replaced by another without a lasting result.

When conservative ways of treatment do not give effect, one of the methods that is used as an extreme measure of getting rid of pain is the treatment of the calcaneal spur with X-ray therapy. What is X-ray therapy and is it dangerous? How to use it to heal the spur and does this result? Let's understand.

When they resort to X-ray therapy of the calcaneal spur

When therapeutic gymnastics became the norm, and orthopedic footwear, insoles and heel pads have become a constant partner in the life of the patient with a calcaneal spur.

When the massage and physiotherapy courses were left behind, steroid and nonhormonal drugs were treated, but the pain does not go away - then the patient is recommended X-ray therapy.

The use of X-rays removes the inflammatory process and relieves the person of pain. Patients feel relieved after the course of treatment. However, the duration of the therapeutic effect is only a few months, especially if the cause of the calcaneal spur is not eliminated.

What is this method of treatment?

What is X-ray therapy for the calcaneal spur, and by what method is it used? X-ray therapy (a synonym for radiotherapy, radiotherapy) is a method of treatment using X-rays. The radiation source is a special tube with a radioactive substance. The most acceptable method for health is surface and local application of X-rays.

There are 2 types of X-ray therapy.

  1. Long distance, at which the radiation strength is from 60 to 250 kb, and the penetration depth of the rays is 30-60 cm.
  2. Briefly, distance therapy, when the rays pass to a depth of up to 7 cm with a radiation power of not more than 60 kb.

X-ray therapy is used for persistent severe pain in the heel after other methods of treatment. To do this, use small and safe doses of X-rays. To protect the patient from unnecessary radiation, the doctor at the stage of diagnosis as accurately as possible determines the affected area.

Treatment consists in the fact that radiation affects the autoimmune processes, as a result of which the pain syndrome is removed. However, the mechanism of action of radiotherapy is not fully understood.

How to treat the calcaneal spur with an X-ray

During the session, the X-ray beam is guided directly into the heel. The dose and number of sessions is determined by the doctor.

He chooses the minimum dose, which effectively affects the inflammatory process and does not harm the human body. The duration of the course is 3-5 weeks.

One treatment session lasts from 1 to 9 minutes. At least 6 procedures are prescribed for the course of radiotherapy.

Short-term X-ray therapy is used to influence the inflammatory process. This technique does not affect the spur itself. It is used as an anti-inflammatory therapy. After all, pain with plantar fasciitis occurs due to inflammatory processes in the plantar fascia.

X-ray therapy sessions are conducted in conjunction with other methods of treating the heel spur, and not instead of them.After the application of X-ray therapy, only pain sensations are blocked, and the disease itself does not go away.Therefore, after applying the X-ray, unloading the foot is mandatory.

For this, orthopedic shoes and insole, weight control and exercise therapy are used to restore the elasticity of the plantar fascia. In other words, everything starts from the beginning. In case of pain return, a second course of radiotherapy is prescribed no earlier than 6 months later.

The effect of X-ray therapy on the heel spur

Doctors-radiologists say that after x-ray therapy of the heel spur, improvement occurs in 80% of patients. Radiation therapy eliminates or reduces pain, the first results are palpable after 3-4 sessions.

As a result, X-ray therapy has such an effect:

  • analgesic - a significant or complete elimination of pain in the heel;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • desensitizing action.

The American journal "Radiation Oncology" published the results of a study on the use of X-ray therapy in patients with a calcaneal spur.

Studies have shown that this treatment relieves pain and inflammation. After a course of radiotherapy pain does not resume for several months.

This improves the quality of life of patients.


Treatment of plantar fasciitis with X-ray therapy has a number of contraindications - the technique is not indicated to people under 40 years of age.

There are other contraindications for the use of radiation therapy:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • reduced weight of the patient;
  • radiation sickness in the anamnesis or at present;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation;
  • change in the formula of the blood - leukopenia, anemia or thrombocytopenia.

Given contraindications and a short period of positive effects, radiotherapy is prescribed only in extreme cases according to strict indications.X-ray therapy is the last method of choosing the elimination of pain in the foot with the inefficiency of other methods.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of heel spur treatment by X-ray therapy:

  • painlessness of the method;
  • rapid analgesic action;
  • brevity of the session;
  • outpatient treatment conditions.

The disadvantages are:

  • potential health hazards under the influence of ionizing radiation;
  • absence of a protocol of treatment depending on the stage of the disease and the severity of the pathological process;
  • the lack of evidence-based medicine about the persistence of the curative effect of X-ray therapy on the heel spur;
  • The inconvenience of treatment associated with a trip to the center of oncology or radiology.

An essential shortcoming of the method is the relatively short duration of the therapeutic effect of the X-ray - repeated x-ray sessions may be required after 6-10 months.

Among doctors, there is no consensus on the effectiveness of treatment of heel spurs with X-ray therapy. If some doctors advocate the wide application and effectiveness of the method, others call for caution.

Summarizing the topic of the use of X-ray therapy in the treatment of the calcaneal spur, we emphasize the main thoughts.

Radiation therapy doctors appoint for limited indications in cases of ineffective treatment of heel spurs in other ways.

An important point is also that x-ray therapy only relieves pain and inflammation. If you do not eliminate the reason for the appearance of the heel spur, then after a short period the pain in the heel will return.

A source: http://shporynet.ru/lechenie/rentgenoterapiya-pyatochnoj-shpory.html

X-ray spine x-ray

Treating the calcaneal spur with X-ray therapy is a fairly common physiotherapy method, which is often part of a complex of therapeutic effects.

People suffering from plantar fasciitis experience severe pain in the heel. There are several methods to combat this problem.

What is X-ray therapy?

As it becomes clear from the very title, X-ray therapy is a method of irradiation using an x-ray. There are 2 types of such emissions:

  • short-focus;
  • long focus therapy.

At short focus energy is not more than 60 square meters.

To treat spurs with an x-ray of this type is possible if pathological changes of tissues are not too far from the surface of the skin (approximately 6-7 cm). Long-focus therapy is aimed at combating deeper neoplasms (30-60 cm).

Given the depth of influence of the rays, two types of X-ray tubes can be used.

How does the heel spur affect? The meaning is that the waves emitted by the apparatus act overwhelmingly on the processes of cell growth, besides this, some of them are destroyed.

This effect is due to the fact that certain tissues in the pathological zone absorb X-rays.

An unequivocal answer to the question whether x-ray therapy is effective at the heel spur is impossible to give. The result of irradiation is always individual.

It can depend on what age group the patient is in, what his general health status is, at what stage the disease is, how severe the symptomatology is.

The final result is necessarily associated with the dose and rhythm of the rays directed to the affected area.

It is believed that the described physiotherapy method has a sufficient number of advantages:

  1. First, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. This is explained by the fact that the X-rays can cope well with the pathological process in the heel and eliminate its symptoms. Inflammation is removed due to the fact that the blood flow improves in the area of ​​tissue damage, the cellular metabolism is normalized, the synthesis of mediators of the cause of the disease is reduced.
  2. Secondly, the destructive effect plays an important role, that is, the procedure leads to the destruction of old cells and their renewal.
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The benefits should include the analgesic effect. Thus, the use of X-ray therapy irradiation can eliminate painful sensations in the foot.

This is due to the fact that pain receptors are blocked in the pathological focus.

This procedure is aimed at eliminating signs of the hypersensitivity of tissues to various biologically active substances.

After several procedures for impact on the heel, patients feel a noticeable relief.

They are on the decline of the inflammatory process, the soreness is decreasing or completely disappearing, the bone growths are being destroyed.

To date, shock wave therapy is considered to be more effective, but before its emergence, X-ray irradiation was the most needed.

How is the procedure performed?

If we talk about the duration of one session, then it is short enough: from 8 to 10 minutes. The number of procedures required is different for patients.

It is established by an orthopedic doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the human body and the stages of the disease. On the average, the expert appoints 9-10 exposure sensors.

This physiotherapeutic procedure can be performed only in a polyclinic or a specialized medical center.

For the procedure the patient must lie down on the couch. Physician-physiotherapist disposes the patient's leg so that it is in an elevated position.

On the heel with the spur the X-ray tube is directed and the apparatus is turned on. During the session, the zone of localization of the pathological process irradiates without affecting the healthy tissues.

This blocks the nerve endings, and the pain becomes less pronounced.

After the end of the required number of sessions, the doctor makes an examination. If necessary or in case of an exacerbation of the disease, a second course can be prescribed. However, it can be implemented not earlier than in 2-3 months.

How to achieve the effect?

Experts advise adhering to some recommendations in order that X-ray therapy has a positive result. For this, the normalization of the exchange processes is important.

To achieve this, you must follow a diet, especially for people with excessive body weight.

During the sessions and at the end of them, you also need to limit physical activity to reduce the load on the heel, refuse to wear uncomfortable (narrow or high-heeled) shoes. Sometimes a doctor can recommend the use of orthopedic insoles.

The procedure of X-ray therapy has a sufficient number of advantages over other methods of treating the heel spur. The manipulations themselves are completely painless, during the irradiation the patient does not feel any discomfort.

Importantly, this procedure has only 2 contraindications, which were mentioned earlier, and there are no side effects at all.

Thanks to X-rays, patients receive exposure to the affected area of ​​anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing nature.

Many people who treat spurs with X-rays, after the first session, felt a reduction in the pain syndrome. Often this procedure helps to avoid surgical intervention and various complications.

Experts argue that, contrary to popular belief, spur treatment with radiation is safe.

This is explained by the fact that X-rays have a selective effect, affecting only the site with pathology, without affecting the healthy zones.

What do patients say?

Reviews of X-ray therapy with spurs in the heel are predominantly positive.

Marina, 48 years old, Nizhny Novgorod.

The heel spur worried for several years. Tried to be treated with folk remedies, however, relief did not come for long. When I went to the hospital, they said that an operation was required.

She asked about alternative methods, and the doctor offered to undergo a course of X-ray therapy. After the first sessions, I felt a noticeable relief, and at the end of the course the symptoms almost completely disappeared.

However, the doctor recommended a second treatment after 2 months.

Inessa, 39 years old, Pskov.

When they found a spur on the heel half a year ago, I decided to find a good orthopedist. I read reviews on the Internet about clinics and found what I need. The doctor prescribed treatment, part of which was irradiation of the spur with X-rays. Now I forgot about the problem and I feel fine.

Marina, 62 years old, Melitopol.

With a spur on the heel, it was already 10 years ago. The stage of the disease was not neglected. In this regard, after the course of treatment in conjunction with X-ray therapy, all symptoms were quickly removed. Now the spur again makes itself known. X-ray procedures have already begun. I hope for a speedy recovery.

So, to struggle with a spur in a heel it is possible by means of a roentgen. This procedure has a number of advantages and is distinguished by the absence of side effects. For a better end result, do not delay the solution of the problem, you need to hurry up for medical help.

A source: https://OrtoCure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/pyatochnaya-shpora/lechenie-rentgenoterapiej.html

X-ray therapy with a calcaneal spur, where they make also reviews about treatment

The heel spur is a benign bone growth that forms on the heel bone.

When walking, other loads on the feet, the spur presses on the fascia - a tissue enveloping the heel bone and connecting it with the toes.

Subsequently, a person feels a pain in the foot, which increases during the movement, towards evening, and also in the mornings. Therefore, the victim must necessarily undergo a course of treatment.

The spur looks like a pin that grows underneath the calcaneus

X-ray therapy with heel spur

X-ray therapy is one of the physiotherapy methods of calcaneal spur. This method is based on irradiation of the affected area with X-rays. As a rule, it is used in conjunction with the appointment of a patient anti-inflammatory drugs.

The effectiveness of X-ray therapy depends on many factors: the degree of neglect of the disease, the age of a person, the dose of radiation, the individual characteristics of the organism. According to experts, this method is very popular in medical practice and ranks second in frequency of use after shock wave therapy.

How does the procedure itself

The decision on the need for X-ray therapy is taken by a surgeon or orthopedist on the basis of a diagnosis study patient, stage of the disease, the results of drug treatment, the presence of contraindications to this and other methods treatment.

X-ray therapy does not require special training.

The procedure is as follows:

  • the patient is placed on the couch and the foot to be treated is slightly raised;
  • on the place where the build-up is located, an X-ray tube is induced;
  • Ionizing X-rays of the appropriate power are conducted to the affected site.

The session lasts about ten minutes. The number of necessary procedures individually and installed by the doctor depending on the stage of the disease, the characteristics of the patient's body.

Treatment of the heel spur, depending on the severity of the disease, the size of the build-up, its distance to the plantar skin, is carried out with the help of such types of apparatus:

  • for surface therapy (voltage from 10 to 60 kV);
  • for intracavitary therapy (voltage from 60 to 100 kV).

X-ray therapy is absolutely painless procedure and does not require hospitalization

Apparatus also has various attachments to X-ray tubes. They are used to limit the area of ​​irradiation and ensure the presence of a distance from the tube to the affected heel.

It is very important to understand that the earlier the outgrowth is detected, the smaller the dose of irradiation is required.

Therefore, if there are systematic pains in the heel, which can sometimes be accompanied by redness, swelling, it is necessary without delay to seek medical advice from a surgeon or an orthopedist.

After the procedure, it is recommended not to load the affected leg for a minimum of 24 hours.

Unlike the removal of spurs surgically, X-ray therapy does not require any post-rehabilitation measures.

However, specialists highly recommend to use orthopedic insoles in the future, which help to reduce the load on the foot and hinder the impact effect when walking.

Despite the fact that such insoles are not cheap, for effective treatment and, what is very important, to prevent foot inflammation in the future, they should still be purchased. If you still do not have enough money, you can try to make insoles at home.

To do this, you will need cotton wool, a patch and a piece of dense fabric. From the fabric, cut the insole in the image of the foot, lay on it evenly cotton wool, plaster, then apply from above another piece of cloth, cut it into the shape of the foot and sew on edges.

Orthopedic insoles will help to protect against the development of inflammation in the foot

The positive effect of X-ray therapy

X-ray therapy positively affects the affected heel, namely:

  • removes inflammation of the foot;
  • Eliminates pain by blocking the nerve endings of the heel;
  • destroyed destructive cells;
  • promotes cell renewal.

It should be noted that the treatment with this method will not be able to get rid of the spur itself. It will continue to exist in the heel. Only in very rare cases, at the initial stages of the disease, a small-sized build-up was destroyed under the influence of x-rays.

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However, X-ray therapy can eliminate the inflammation and pain that is required in the first place. After all, a growth in itself does not cause harm to health.

Discomfort during movement is caused by the fact that the spur presses against the connective tissue (fascia) when loading the feet, which causes painful sensations.

X-rays contribute to the elimination of hypersensitivity to the tissues of the heel, relieve the inflammatory process, the bone growth itself weakens, resulting in painful sensations disappearing

If the built-up edge develops on the heel for a long time, in the future with heavy loads on the legs, wearing narrow shoes, high heels or shoes with very thin soles, the inflammatory process can resume.

In this case, you may need to undergo another procedure of X-ray therapy.

If the doctor finds that re-use of this method of treatment will not produce results, it will be necessary to resort to prompt removal of the spur.

If we talk about the effectiveness, most experts believe that more effective with a calcaneal spur will be shock wave therapy. However, it is more expensive in cost and has more contraindications than X-ray therapy.

Is this type of therapy harmful to health?

Everyone knows that irradiation kills not only pathogenic cells in the human body, but also healthy ones.

Therefore, anyone who encounters the issue of X-ray therapy will immediately think about the level of her harm.

It should be noted that therapy is carried out exclusively with the patient's consent.

Also in this case, the dose of radiation is minimal and it is carried out point-by-point - that is, it acts only on the affected area of ​​the foot.

Therefore, no harm is done to the health of the body with X-ray therapy.

However, it should be understood that each person has his own characteristics of the body and the patient should warn the doctor about the possible contraindications, clearly explain the state of your body at the moment (which worries, perhaps there are suspicions of some kind of disease, allergies).

Contraindications to X-ray therapy

The use of X-ray therapy is prohibited in the following cases:

  • at pregnancy, feeding by a breast;
  • if recently the body was exposed to a large radiation load;
  • trauma to the foot;
  • diseases of the blood, kidneys;
  • dermatitis.

Despite the effectiveness of X-ray therapy, doctors recommend that it be used in cases where the patient has not been able to help the patient medically, or if the bone growth is quite large.

X-ray therapy does not remove the build-up, so it is necessary to take care of your heels to prevent the resumption of inflammatory processes

A source: http://HodiZdorov.ru/pjatki/rentgenoterapiya-pyatochnoj-shpory.html

What is X-ray of the calcaneal spur?

X-ray spinal X-ray therapy is one of the effective methods of getting rid of plantar fasciitis. What is this disease and how to treat it. Why is irradiation with X-rays so effective? What are the consequences of the procedure?

What is the calcaneal spur

In case of a disease, a growth occurs in the form of tubercles at the end of the calcaneus, as a result of its proliferation, X-ray looks like a spike, which has a point usually directed downward from the foot or slightly parallel fascia. This growth injures soft tissues, forming micro-ruptures and nerve endings, which causes pain.

Various causes lead to it, such as:

  • flat feet;
  • metabolic disease;
  • excess weight;
  • wearing the wrong shoes;
  • sports loads;
  • large physical loads, etc.

Symptoms of the calcaneal spur

Very many people especially after the age of 40-50 complain of pain when walking around the foot in the calcaneal region.

It often turns out that this disease is calcaneal spur or plantar fasciitis and subclavian bursitis in the aggregate. It causes sharp pain in the heel.

Usually occurs in the morning, after the leg has been relaxed, when we get out of bed, a day can subside, but by the evening it is getting stronger again.

And also during the day, when the relaxed state of the foot is again given a load in the form of walking or getting up. It feels like a nail to the heel. Externally, the spur is not manifested in any way, but in time it can change the gait because of pain, and often does not allow walking at all.

The pain can be either acute, or accruing, localized in the region of the heel or in the entire foot.

When squeezing the heel and probing it, pain also arises.

Diagnosing the calcaneal spur

To clarify the diagnosis should consult a doctor - orthopedist, rheumatologist, surgeon. Diagnosis of this disease experienced doctor will put it easily. The expert makes an opinion on the basis of:

  • firstly - the patient's complaints, his interview;
  • with the help of a blood test excluded Bechterew's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Reiter's syndrome;
  • further X-rays of the foot and ultrasound (if the spine on the x-ray is not visible, but there are pains, and the analysis of a blood has not revealed diseases of a rheumatoid character, most likely, the heel spur).

The nature of the pain may be different, or it may not be pain at all, it depends on the individual's sensitivity to the person. With a large spike, there may not be any pain at all, but it can cause an intolerable pain of a very small outgrowth.

Sometimes pain can accompany a person from the moment of appearance for the rest of his life, and may go away in a few months. It also happens that the spike is flattened over time, and the pain stops torturing the patient.

Treating the calcaneal spur

There are many treatments for the disease, both in traditional medicine and in traditional medicine

In the beginning, the disease is treated with conservative methods.

Any treatment should begin with the unloading of the heel. To do this, use orthopedic insoles or heel pads with a groove in the center of the heel so that the foot tissues are not injured while walking. Shoes are picked up comfortable. Revise should be and nutrition, moving to a rational and correct.

For pain, non-steroidal anesthetics are prescribed for oral administration. They not only reduce pain, but also have anti-inflammatory effect.

The doctor can recommend and apply external means (gels, ointments) to relieve pain in the place of its localization.

In some cases, with severe pain, not amenable to previously taken measures, hormonal drugs are used, which are usually injected into the tissues of the heel.

However, for such appointments and manipulations, you should consult your doctor. Self-medication in such cases can be fraught.

There are a lot of folk recipes.

In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures are well assisted: electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, laser treatment of spurs with X-ray therapy.

These procedures are conducted by courses of 7-10 times and have positive results. It is completely painless, contraindicated only during pregnancy.

Apply the technique when conservative treatment did not give the desired results.

Radiation therapy is the effect of directed x-rays with a lower dose of radiation on the calcaneus region.

The session continues for 10 minutes. The rays block the nerve endings, as a result of the pain disappear.

The course usually consists of 10 procedures that are recommended to be done every other day.

For a long time, treatment of calcaneal spur with X-rays was considered harmful, since it was believed that a person under such treatment could receive increased doses of radiation.

In the newest apparatus used for the procedure, the harmful effect is minimized and the rays are directed only on the heel, and the method showed good results.

Therefore, the removal of the calcaneal spur by X-ray therapy has again become popular.

X-ray therapy can be of two types:

  • Long-focus therapy: when the rays penetrate to a depth of 30 to 60 cm, a salt deposit, a spike, is destroyed.
  • short-focus method, when the rays penetrate to a depth of up to 7 cm, in this case, the surrounding ligaments dissolve.

The decision about which technique is more appropriate is taken by the doctor, depending on the complexity of the disease. Where to do this procedure? In any city you can find an office or clinic where there is a device for X-ray therapy.

The effectiveness of exposure to radiation depends on factors such as:

  • dose of X-ray,
  • age of the patient,
  • stage of the disease,
  • severity of symptoms,
  • rhythm of radiation,
  • human health.

Treating the heel spur with an X-ray has the following effects:

  • analgesic - relieves pain syndrome by blocking nerve endings,
  • anti-inflammatory: is achieved by improving blood circulation
  • Hypoallergenic: tissues become insensitive to different allergens
  • renewing action, destruction of destroyed cells and restoration of damaged cells.

Where do x-ray therapy, and how much does the session cost?

In many cities of Russia, you can undergo a course of treatment using this technique. The price of X-ray therapy for calcaneal spurs in different clinics can be different.

If other methods do not give a visible result - you can turn to radiation therapy and you can immediately start with it. It gives 80-90 percent efficiency.

Reviews about it are more positive.

A source: http://kostochek.net/rentgenoterapiya-pyatochnoj-shpory.html