Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities

Trophic ulcer is a complex disease of the skin that never appears on its own. It is a serious complication in diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, erysipelas or atherosclerosis. As a rule, the ailment appears due to injury, burns or scratches. The ulcer looks like an open, moist wound that does not heal for several weeks. Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities occurs for a long time and with possible relapses. During treatment, medics not only conduct wound therapy, they try to eliminate the cause of its appearance. In this article we will talk about drugs that successfully fight this pathology.

  • Basic principles of therapy of trophic ulcers
  • Groups of medicines used
  • Venotonics
  • Anticoagulants
  • Fibrinolytics
  • Medicines for external use
  • Antibacterial agents
  • Regenerative drugs
  • In demand topical products
  • New drugs for the treatment of trophic ulcers
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Basic principles of therapy of trophic ulcers

Treatment of trophic ulcers begins with the elimination of the root cause of its formation. As a rule, when the venous ulcer affects the veins, so they must be treated first. This is done in order to restore normal blood flow and the leg was able to fully perform its functions. If the condition is not neglected, then the treatment is conservative. However, in advanced cases, doctors can recommend surgery.

Read it!In detail about the treatment of trophic ulcers on the leg in our article.

Once therapy is established to eliminate the cause of wound formation, physicians begin to treat ulcers. If it is superficial, then the recovery is carried out on an outpatient basis. It is important for a patient to visit a specialist on a regular basis so that he can monitor the recovery process. In the event that the wound is deep and extensive, the treatment must pass in the hospital under strict supervision of medical personnel. Such pathology can cause serious complications, to which the doctor will respond immediately.

General therapy of trophic ulcers of the extremities is carried out by drugs that are aimed at stabilizing the blood flow, feeding all layers of the epidermis, and also provoking the wound to a speedy healing.

Particular attention is paid to the substances of local therapy. Medicinal products are directed to long-term use. Their composition contributes to the restoration of infected tissues, the establishment of metabolism, cell regeneration, improves the formation of collagen and the influx of oxygen to the epidermis.

Groups of medicines used

In the therapy of wounds on the lower extremities, doctors prescribe a specific treatment regimen that performs qualitatively and is aimed at improving the general condition of the patient and treating ulcers. As a rule, doctors prescribe drugs for the treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs, which perform many functions simultaneously.


The drugs effectively strengthen the walls of the vessels, improve their elasticity, and restore normal blood circulation in the lower extremities. Usually, doctors prescribe such medicines:

  • Detraleks;
  • Venoruton;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Flebodia.


The drug helps to thin the blood, improving its movement along the vessels, and also does not allow the formation of blood clots, which cause other serious complications. Doctors prescribe, such drugs:

  • Heparin;
  • Dicoumarin.


The drug dramatically reduces the likelihood of blood clots in the venous system of the whole organism. He is appointed to patients who are on inpatient treatment, since internal and external bleeding may occur. Such complications should be supervised by specialists in order to regulate this process. Of the effective drugs prescribed:

  • Urokinase;
  • Streptokinase.
  1. Anesthetics. The medicine perfectly removes pain and dilates the vessels. Most often doctors prescribe: Papaverin, No-shpa.
  2. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications are aimed at relieving inflammation in the vessels and anesthetizing. In such cases, doctors usually recommend Ibuprofen.
  3. Medicinal products that restore fat metabolism. They effectively remove harmful toxins from the body, normalize cholesterol, normalize the number of pancreatic enzymes. To normalize these functions, physicians choose the Fisher-S enterosorbent, it is made of natural components, of high quality.
  4. Systemic enzymes. Preparations aimed at the normalization of metabolism.
  5. Antibiotics. One of the most effective drugs is Rifampicin, which is prescribed for many diseases

All these drugs are prescribed from a trophic ulcer of a complex degree and some of them in the early stages.

Important!Complex therapy allows qualitatively healing ulcer of the extremities, therefore the patient goes faster on the amendment.

Medicines for external use

For better treatment, doctors recommend using ointments, creams and gels. They act directly on focal inflammation, destroy the infection and promote the early healing of the wound. Physicians prescribe different drugs for trophic ulcers of the lower extremities. Below are the names of the most common medicines.

Antibacterial agents

Doctors prescribe medications for this group in the early stages of the lesion, when the ulcer is not large. These creams or ointments effectively destroy the infection in the wound and reduce the risk of re-infection. These tasks are performed qualitatively by such drugs:

  • Levomekol;
  • Actovegin;
  • Solcoseryl.

Ointments with natural plant substances. These are powerful drugs that qualitatively destroy the infection. As a rule, doctors appoint Vul'timulin. Ointment is designed specifically for a wet wound, the drug qualitatively removes inflammation, removes the infection and quickly heals an ulcer.

Regenerative drugs

Such ointments are prescribed, at a time when a thin layer of epidermis appears during the treatment on the wound. It is then important to use these tools, as they allow you to quickly restore the skin, which leads to complete healing. Doctors prefer such proven ointments:

  • Bepanten;
  • Mephenate;
  • Kuriyozin.

Complex therapy will quickly overcome the ailment and put a person on their feet. It is important to carefully follow the doctor's recommendations and start treatment in time.

In demand topical products

In pharmacology, there are many drugs that are aimed at treating trophic ulcers of the lower extremities. However, there are more common ointments and gels, which have proven themselves on the good side, they are most often appointed. Below is a short list of such medicines:

  1. Solcoseryl. Ointment is an excellent antibacterial agent, and also it effectively restores the affected skin. During application, slight tingling and burning can be felt, but this reaction is normal. The drug is not harmful and has no adverse reactions, so it is important to suffer a little and continue local treatment.
  2. Iruksol. The gel cleans the ulcer qualitatively from harmful bacteria and contaminants, which provoke pathogenic development. The composition of the drug is collagenosis. This substance can cause adverse reactions, so it is important to take it as prescribed by the doctor, in order to stop the therapy in a timely manner.
  3. Delaskin. A unique substance that contains synthetic tannin. The preparation is produced in the form of a cream or powder. After applying the drug to the ulcer, it forms a thin film on the surface. It effectively protects the wound from repeated suppuration and infection. Preparations powder or creamy well dries the ulcer and promotes early recovery of the skin. In addition, it perfectly removes itching, burning and pain.

Important!Any medicine should be prescribed only by a doctor. Do not engage in self-medication, because you can cause irreparable harm to your health.

New drugs for the treatment of trophic ulcers

In addition to the usual methods of treatment, physicians introduce new agents into therapy, which qualitatively supplement the usual methods. Preparations for local treatment are developed for the treatment of trophic ulcers. Among the most common medications, doctors recommend:

  1. Branolind N. Produced in the form of special bandages that are superimposed on the affected leg. It is made of natural cotton material with large through holes. The entire surface is thoroughly impregnated with essential oils, medicinal acids and Peruvian balsam. The bandage performs, the role of drainage, helps to repair damaged skin areas and prevents the formation of scars. It also removes swelling, inflammation and healing of the ulcer.
  2. ActiveTex. It is made in the form of cotton napkins, which are impregnated with various medicinal substances (vitamins E and C, chlorhexidine, furagin, sea buckthorn oil). They have a positive effect on trophic ulcers on the legs, removing inflammation, removing the infection, stopping the blood flow.
  3. Witargol. The preparation is made in the form of a spray. This substance is based on water, with the addition of colloidal silver. It must be sprayed directly onto the affected area, if necessary, a bandage can be applied to the ulcer. Spray qualitatively removes harmful microbes and relieves inflammation.

Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities is not an easy task. It is important to seek qualified help in a timely manner and begin treatment. Do not disregard the doctor's recommendations, since it depends on complete recovery. Be healthy!

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