Chroches in the sternum and cough treatment

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Chroches in the sternum and cough: treatment of the chest in an adult

Even if the wheezing in the chest is not constantly worried, but only from time to time, this condition is called pathological.

Cough with wheezing, especially in an adult - it is always a rather formidable symptom of respiratory, lung, trachea, or bronchial diseases.

Treatment should be started as early as possible, without complications. But first you need to establish their reasons.

Why rales in the chest

Chryps in the chest appear when an obstacle is created to pass through the air. Sometimes this narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi themselves. But more often normal breathing is hampered by congestion of mucus, swelling and inflammatory processes of a different nature. It can be such a disease in an adult:

  • Pneumonia, tuberculosis or bronchitis of various forms, in which the respiratory tract becomes inflamed and mucus forms in them;
  • Bronchial asthma, viruses, in which the lumen in the bronchi narrows and their spasm occurs;
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  • Tumors of a different nature and etiology that can be localized both inside the bronchi and pressure on them from the outside;
  • Chryps in the chest region arise if there is a foreign body in the bronchi;
  • Pulmonary edema, cardiac and vascular pathology. Allergic reactions can also cause this phenomenon.

Treatment depends on what caused the cough with a wheezy - for this it is necessary to undergo qualified diagnostics.

What other symptoms accompany wheezing

Very rarely, noises in the chest are observed as a single phenomenon.

  1. Dry or wet cough - rales can be of different intensity.
  2. Pain in the sternum.
  3. Typical signs of an organism intoxication are fever, headache, weakness.
  4. Dry cough, wheezing, which can be audible at a distance without a stethoscope - for example, with bronchial asthma.
  5. Puffiness of the lungs, at which gurgling, bubbling rales in the chest are observed.

Noises in the chest may be different, but more often they are classified into wet and dry. Dry in turn are:

  • Whistling - such sounds appear if the air passes with difficulty through inhalation due to swelling, bronchial asthma, COPD, tumors;
  • Buzzing - if the patency of the passages is normal, but a thick, viscous sputum accumulates in the lungs and bronchi.
Wet wheezing indicates that there is liquid slime in the lungs or trachea - it can be not viscous sputum, blood, secret secreted by swelling of the mucous membrane. When air passes through the liquid substance during breathing, bubbles of different diameters are formed. When these bubbles burst, characteristic noises appear.

To detect rales in the lungs and bronchi, they are auditioned - auscultation. For an experienced doctor, the situation becomes clear even with the first changes in the patient's breathing, but an X-ray can be prescribed to confirm the diagnosis.

Chrypas in the throat often occurs in small children after loud crying. But treatment in this case is not necessary - the noise will pass by itself, as soon as the child calms down, and there is no reason to call a doctor.

There are reasons for concern, if wheezing appears and at rest, they are joined by shortness of breath, blue lips.

Treatment of noises and wheezing in the lungs

Treatment is selected only after the diagnosis was performed and the patient was examined. If there is inflammation of the respiratory organs, then the treatment is as follows:

  1. Therapy with antibacterial agents to relieve inflammation or at least reduce it. Antibiotics are always selected only by a doctor, since these are potent drugs, almost all of them have side effects and should be taken on a strictly defined schedule in the indicated dosage.
  2. Taking mucolytics and sputum-thinning medications - you need to stimulate their removal from the lungs.
  3. When the mucus becomes liquid, they switch to treatment with expectorants - they can be folk or medicamentous.

If there is no inflammation, but the passages in the bronchi are narrowed, bronchodilators are used. Treatment with these agents can improve the patency of the ducts and the outflow of mucus. After the main treatment is over and there are no more wheezing, you need to restore immunity. For this purpose, immunomodulating medications are taken, in addition, hypothermia and contact with infected infectious diseases should be avoided.

It is important to feed the person and his way of life - it is noted that wheezing in the chest occurs more often in smokers, those who eat poorly, rest poorly, work in harmful enterprises.

How to treat rales with folk remedies

Chryps of any character and intensity are almost always a sign that slime accumulates in the bronchi. Treatment is always aimed primarily at getting rid of phlegm, regardless of whether there is an inflammatory process or not. But sometimes medications are not suitable for this.

Guided by folk recipes, you can eliminate wheezing at home. But it should be understood that even such a sparing treatment should be carried out under medical supervision and only in the absence of contraindications. Such methods of treatment are applied in folk ways:

  • Inhalations. To prepare inhalants used herbal medicinal herbs, boiled potatoes, salt and soda solutions. Adults can breathe over a pot or bowl, but for small children it is better to use a kettle with a spout for safety. It is very convenient to do inhalations when coughing with a nebulizer. Not all medicines can be filled in such a device;
  • Warm alkaline drink - warmed mineral water "Borjomi" or milk and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda. After such a drink, you can wrap your throat with a scarf and lie down under a blanket;
  • Teas and herbal teas. Promote liquefaction and excretion of sputum such herbs as thyme, linden, mother-and-stepmother, plantain;
  • Inflammation of the bronchi removes honey and onions well. To prepare the medicine you need to clean and chop the onion, take the same amount of fresh honey, mix the ingredients. Take the medicine on a tablespoon before eating several times a day. But this recipe is not suitable for those who are allergic to honey and other beekeeping products;
  • Warming compresses on the chest. Prepare them at home from boiled crushed potatoes, mustard and alcohol. Effective pharmacy products for external use with a warming effect for strong wheezing in the bronchi and cough. But it should be remembered that all thermal procedures are carried out only if there is no temperature.
How effective the treatment can be can be estimated after two or three days. By this time, wheezing should become wet, and liquefied mucus - go away. This means that the procedures and medications are selected correctly. But if there are no results, and wheezing remains dry and intense - you need to re-examine.

Perhaps the diagnosis was incorrect. Or, because of the weakened immunity to inflammation of the bronchi, another infection has joined. It is important not to delay the visit to the doctor - a prolonged accumulation of thick mucus in the bronchi leads to the transition of the disease into a chronic form. In this case, treatment can be delayed for weeks and even months.

But in this case there is no guarantee that the chronic bronchitis will not become aggravated again after a while. Therefore, even in the absence of temperature and other symptoms of the inflammatory process, but disturbing noises in the chest, you need to see a doctor.

What else should alarm the patient? If wheezing in the chest arose unexpectedly, while there is shortness of breath, pain in the sternum and heart, you need to call an ambulance immediately. This suggests that the bronchi may have a foreign body. The same symptoms are observed with the development of anaphylactic shock.

Trying to alleviate the condition in this case by yourself, using the home medicine cabinet is impossible - emergency medical help is required, otherwise a person may simply suffocate. Folk remedies for bronchitis can be used, but not with exacerbation. In general, with a timely appeal to doctors and the fulfillment of all prescriptions, a dry cough passes into wet a few days after the start of treatment, and a week later the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

It is popular to tell about the cough treatment in her program Elena Malysheva in the video in this article.

The wheezing in the lungs during breathing and exhalation in an adult: reasons rather than curing

Harsh sounds and wheezing when breathing or whistling in the bronchi are sounds that are listened to when examining a patient in the lungs, bronchi or trachea.

Whistling or dry sounds and wheezing in the lungs and throat, wet wheezing, coughing are all symptoms of colds, bronchitis, tracheitis or pneumonia. So other serious diseases can appear:

  1. Tuberculosis.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Anaphylaxis.
  4. Swelling of the lung, heart attack, lung cancer.
  5. Bronchiectasis.

If you hear a wheeze in the lungs, you need to establish its causes and necessarily treat the pathology.

Causes of wheezing in the lungs

Crippling in the lungs and throat causes two main causes:

  • Narrowing of the lumen in the bronchi during their spasm;
  • Inflammatory processes.

Depending on this, wheezing in the throat varies in intensity and localization. In addition, mucus can accumulate in the bronchi or throat. Purulent discharge begins to move with inspiration and exhalation, and thus also cause sound fluctuations.

Determine why wheezing in the lungs and how it should be treated by a specialist. Whistling in the lungs and coughing are often symptoms of serious pathologies and can cause complications.

What are wheezing in the lungs - varieties

If sputum, pus and mucus accumulate in the bronchi, wet rales are observed. To determine their appearance, the method of auscultation is used. When inhaling in the throat, when air passes through the mucus, small bubbles emerge, they burst - so there are wet rales. The wheeze with exhalation is much less common.

Vesicles can be of different sizes - it depends on how much mucus accumulated in the bronchi and throat, how much it is dense, the diameter of the lumen in the bronchi, the volume of the cavity. According to this feature, there are:

  1. Fine-bubbly moist wheezing.
  2. Medium bubbles wet rales.
  3. Large bubbles wet rales.

A hoarse sound in the lungs during inspiration can be heard with a lung infarction, bronchiolitis, bronchopneumonia. Small-bubble noises of this nature resemble the hiss of soda water.

Middle bubbles cause wheezing in the lungs with bronchiectasis or hypersecretory bronchitis. Wet rales in this case resemble the sound of bubbling fluid, if air is blown through it through the straw. These are signs of small abscesses in the lungs or bronchi during pneumonia. A similar wheezing during breathing can also be observed at the initial stage of the pulmonary edema.

If lung fibrosis or pneumosclerosis develops, the medium-bubble noises resemble a crackle. They arise when the walls of bronchioles and acini break open. Large bubble wet rales appear if a large amount of dense mucus accumulates in the throat, lungs and bronchi. They are audible at auscultation, when the patient breathes in and air passes through congestion of mucus.

A rattling wheezing in the lungs and throat is audible even without special instruments, he says of the late stage of pulmonary edema development. Sputum accumulates and remote noises appear if the patient is absent or has a mild cough.

Dry rales in the lungs are usually whistling or buzzing. Whistlers are audible in asthmatics with an attack of the disease, when there is bronchospasm and the lumen in the bronchi narrows.

The causes of a buzzing wheeze in the lungs are the formation of mucous membranes in inflammation.

How to treat wheezing in the lungs and cough

Small-bladder, large-bubble, whistling or buzzing noises in the bronchi and lungs require different treatment. It is always directed at eliminating the cause that caused them. Coughing, snot, fever, most often talk about a cold or flu. But if there was a wheezing when breathing, the reasons are somewhat different.

Not always finely bubbling sounds during breathing, distant or bubbling sounds can be clearly localized even with the use of a stethoscope. Therefore, the doctor can prescribe a radiograph. Severe wheezing in the lungs without temperature, bronchospasm and shortness of breath can be the reason for placing the patient in a hospital.

First, the patient will be connected to the artificial respiration apparatus, and then they will select the optimal treatment program. Choose such drugs that will remove inflammation, eliminate coughing and narrowing of bronchial lumens. Dry cough is treated with special medications.

It is necessary to try to dilute thick sputum and stimulate their departure. At the initial stage of treatment, the patient will have to take medication of various groups and actions. It is necessary to comply with bed rest, the patient is arranged in such a position of the body that cough and rales disturb him as little as possible without hindering breathing.

If finely bubbling rales are retained, but there is no escaping sputum, a diagnosis and therapy should be reviewed. When the sputum appears, you need to pay attention to their color and density. Dense, greenish or yellowish sputum may indicate the development of a serious infection.

Folk remedies can also be used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and improve the patient's condition. From medicinal plants, infusions and decoctions are prepared which are taken or used for medical inhalations. Distributed in folk medicine warm compresses of vegetables, root vegetables and other products. in general, compresses in bronchitis and other problems with the lungs, a very effective remedy.

It is important not to forget to take more fluids during illness. Complex approach and the right mix of medicines, bed rest, fulfillment of all medical prescriptions will quickly overcome the disease and prevent its transition to chronic shape.

From smoking during the treatment of the disease must be abandoned - this will reduce its effectiveness to zero. In addition, it is advisable to avoid contact with allergens. Diseases of the bronchi and lungs can be prevented if you follow the preventive measures. In epidemics of colds, crowded places should be avoided, and if you have to use public transport, wear a bandage.

Supports the immune system, vitamin complexes, regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to be hardened, but do not overdo it and prevent a sudden hypothermia.

If wheezing and coughing do occur, do not postpone the visit to the doctor. Timely treatment at the initial stages of the disease is always faster and more successful.

Folk remedies for wheezing in the bronchi

Although only folk remedies can not cure serious diseases of the bronchi or lungs, in some cases they are very effective. Doctors recommend including them in treatment, especially if antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are taken for a long time.

Before starting therapy using folk recipes, you should make sure that all plants and foods do not cause allergies in the patient and do not provoke unwanted side effects. Here are the most tested and simple recipes from wheezing in the chest.

  1. In the pelvis should be poured, a liter of hot water and diluted in it 2-3 tablespoons of soda food. Soda should be completely dissolved. Then you need to bend over a basin with a soda solution, cover yourself with a towel and inhale such steam for 10 minutes. Vapors contribute to the dilution of sputum and improve their separation. You need to do the procedure on a daily basis, and such inhalations from cough and wheeze will prove extremely effective.
  2. It is necessary to prepare a pulp from the fleshy leaves of aloe vera perennial and fresh lemon. Combine the products in equal proportions, add the same amount of honey. The mixture is transferred to a glass container, tightly closed and left in a cool place for a week. Then you can take the medicine on a tablespoon before eating. The course of treatment lasts forty days, after which you need to do a ten-day pause and repeat the course of treatment.
  3. You need to take thirty grams of birch buds and crush them. At this time, in a water bath, melt half a glass of high-quality butter. Combine both ingredients, put them in a pot and put in a warm oven. It is necessary to simmer this remedy on a small fire for about an hour. Then the mixture is cooled, filtered, combined with a glass of honey. Use the medicine on one spoon 3-4 times a day.

Hot milk with soda, butter or a drop of iodine is a familiar remedy for coughing and wheezing in the chest. And in conclusion, do not miss the video in this article, which will talk about the prevention of bronchial diseases. Extremely informative video.

Thoracic deep cough with wheezing without fever

A severe chest cough with wheezing without fever is a serious cause for concern. This symptom may indicate the presence of various diseases. If this symptom appears, consult a doctor immediately. Only an experienced specialist can determine the etiology of the disease and prescribe the right treatment.

Deep cough without fever with rales, as a sign of bronchitis or pneumonia

There are two options for the development of diseases:

  • Bronchitis or pneumonia occur after a previous cold or infectious disease. Most often, these ailments occur with an increased body temperature. Bronchitis or pneumonia, which are complications of these diseases, this symptom does not always cause. Despite the fact that there is no temperature, the patient experiences weakness, quickly becomes tired. Breathing can be rattling and difficult, and breathing in and out is often accompanied by pain in the chest or lung area.
  • Bronchitis or pneumonia can cause a deep cough, wheezing without temperature, due to severe hypothermia. Bronchi and lungs are affected very quickly. Pain during breathing and coughing may appear within a few hours after hypothermia.

Chest cough without fever due to heart disease

If this symptom worries for a long time and is accompanied by pain in the chest, wheezing, shortness of breath, with physical exertion and tingling in the heart, then, most likely, we are talking about diseases of the cardiovascular system. There is a whole range of diseases that occur with similar symptoms. Therefore, if they occur, visit a cardiologist.

Deep cough with wheezing without fever with tuberculosis

This symptom is also caused by any form of tuberculosis. Deep and chest cough with wheezing appears with a miliary form. At destructive - it can be also painful, with insignificant hemoptysis.

With tuberculosis, it often appears in the morning and does not stop until the lungs are completely freed from the sputum accumulated in them during the night. Often, this symptom is accompanied by cuts in the throat and wheezing. When suspected of tuberculosis, the patient is sent for a fluorographic study.

Deep cough, chest pain without fever

The presence of such a sign without accompanying temperature may also indicate the development of bronchial asthma. This, bronchitis-afflicting disease is always accompanied by pain in the chest and strong attacks of deep cough with wheezing. With asthma, the bronchi narrow. This causes breathing problems and pain when exhaled. Asthma is characterized by a dry, unproductive act with wheezing, attacks of which occur mostly in the evening and at night.

Remember that these symptoms can also indicate the presence of more serious diseases, such as oncology. Therefore, self-medication is in no case impossible.

Chreeps in the lungs of a child without fever

A child can often experience a dry cough with wheezing, when a person inhales air. This indicates a disease of the bronchi, lungs, throat. Chryps are different - dry and wet. With the second kind of wheezing, sputum quickly departs, in case of dry cough it is important to monitor the time and take measures to make the cough productive.

Causes of wheezing in the lungs of a child

Often wheezing in a child can be provoked by a foreign body. It often appears in the larynx, bronchi, and trachea. Little children are pulling everything in the mouth. A foreign body can get into the lumen of the trachea, when the child coughs, talks. Because of this, the lungs suffer from acid starvation, the child begins to breathe often, except wheezing suffocation is observed.

It is dangerous when wheezing is caused by inflammation in the lungs and there is no temperature. It can be a croupier, focal, chronic inflammatory process in the lungs. If there is no temperature, this does not mean that everything is normal. Such symptomatology signals a latent form of pneumonia. Therefore, it is so important after having suffered the flu, colds, bronchitis, for a long time does not pass a cough in the child, consult with the attending physician.

Types of wheezing in the lungs in a child

1. Chryps with a whistle appear when the air passes through the bronchi, it can narrow, swell, there is a strong spasm.

2. Humming rattles are accompanied by thick viscous sputum, often occurs with obstructive processes in the lungs.

3. Wet rales appear because of the accumulation of blood in the bronchi, liquid phlegm. They are typical for tuberculosis, lung abscess, bronchiectasis, pneumonia.

4. Silent wheezing occurs if the lungs swell, with chronic heart failure.

Symptoms of pneumonia with wheezing without fever

1. There is a strong weakness.

2. The headache worries.

3. The child may be in a fainting state.

4. At physical exertion there is a strong dyspnea.

5. Acute and aching pain in the chest.

6. Increased sweating, weakness, tormenting constant thirst.

7. Heart palpitation is increasing.

8. Painful sensations when turning.

9. In the chest there are wet rattles.

To know for yourself if your child has pneumonia. Raise the outer clothing so that the thoracic part of the body is visible, ask him to hold his breath, then make a sharp exhalation. You will notice that the chest works inadequately.

Symptoms of pneumonia without fever with wheezing in infants

1. Breastfeeding.

2. The child is restless, sluggish.

3. The chair is getting stiff, the baby constantly belches.

4. Violent shortness of breath.

5. Near the eyes, nose, you can see a cyanotic shade.

6. There is a strong cough, runny nose.

7. The newborn is very ill.

Pneumonia with wheezing without temperature is often provoked: parasites (chlamydia, mycoplasma); bacteria (pneumococci, streptococci); viruses; fungus candida.

Treatment of wheezing in the lungs without temperature in children

Despite the fact that the child does not have wheezing, he is hospitalized in the hospital for the treatment of pneumonia. After the blood test, without leukocytes, the ESR can be elevated. Hidden pneumonia is determined with the help of fluorography, sputum analysis is also taken, pulmonary volume is investigated.

Inflammatory process and wheezing in the lungs are treated with the help of antibiotics. In doing so, do not forget to monitor the air in the room, constantly air it, give the child as much as possible compotes of their dried fruits, fruit drinks, tea, decoctions of herbs. Constantly perform respiratory gymnastics. Pay attention that the latent pneumonia at the child, can end with a lethal outcome.

In the event that such rales are caused by inflammation, it is necessary to use a nebulizer. You can use the kettle, equip it with a tube and breathe in pairs. If the child does not suffer from various allergic reactions, eucalyptus, chamomile broth is used, sometimes essential oils are added, but for the child they are not recommended to use. The child can not breathe boiling water, it is best for him to use water, which has cooled down a little.

With a dry and moist cough, if there are rattling in the lungs, despite the fact that there is no temperature, you should immediately contact your doctor.

In case of foreign matter, you need to call for emergency help. Before their arrival try to provide medical food. To do this, tilt the child, strike between the shoulder blades a little. When this method does not help, the abdomen, the ribs from below, are strongly squeezed. So you can push out the foreign body.

Treat wheezing with:

1. Mukoliticheskie drugs, funds that will help to sputum expectoration. Their doctor prescribes, if sputum is viscous, it is difficult to separate.

2. Expectorant medication. They are necessary to ensure that liquid sputum is better off.

3. Bronchodilators help to expand the narrowed bronchi, with the help of medicines it is possible to restore respiratory functions.

To protect the child from wheezing in the lungs, he should, as little as possible, be exposed to allergens. Also, you can not let the child become hypothermic, in time to treat all viral, infectious diseases.

Danger of wheezing in the lungs for a child

It is important to treat the disease in time, because breathing can stop. This happens if the organs are infected with a viral infection, toxic substances. Often the disease begins to affect other organs.

So, to prevent wheezing in the lungs in a child, you need to protect it from inhaling smoke, allergen, various harmful elements as much as possible to walk in the air. In summer the child should rest in a sanatorium near the sea. If the wheezing in the lungs does not raise the temperature, it can be a dangerous symptom. Therefore, the child should immediately contact the doctor who is treating him, undergo an additional examination. Then, effective and safe methods of treatment are selected on the basis of the data analyzed. In no case can the wheezing in a child be treated with folk methods, everything can lead to serious consequences.


Sighing breath on exhale

A person's healthy breathing should not interfere with anything, it is carried out quite calmly and is not noticeable for a person. If, on the contrary, breathing becomes difficult, there is a whistle on exhalation or inspiration, this indicates the presence of a disease of the respiratory tract. Most often, wheezing occurs on exhalation, this happens due to the narrowing of the larynx lumen.

Causes of wheezing

The reasons for wheezing, a lot, consider some of them.

Asthma is an allergic disease. It is present at the person constantly, then calms down, then becomes aggravated. If a person ate, something from food for which he has an allergy, or sighed, got allergens by any means. There is inflammation on the walls of the bronchi, as a result of which there is swelling and narrowing of the lumen, and we hear a loud whistle.

Anaphylactic shock (reaction) is when a person was injected into the blood of some, the drug for which he has an allergy, an insect bite. Immediately after that, breathing becomes apparent, breathing becomes difficult with the nose, the person sneezes, swallowing is difficult, and because of the narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi a whistle is heard.

If a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, a person could inhale something, and a foreign body gets into the lungs or bronchi. As a result, there is a strong dry cough, whistling, palpitation, lips and face become cyanotic color, the temperature rises.

Damage to the lungs, this occurs with a trauma, an explosion, an accident. Such damage is very dangerous for life and a person urgently needs medical help. There is swelling, difficulty breathing, pain in the chest, whistling with breathing, bleeding.

Bronchitis is a fairly common disease, a man has caught cold. There is inflammation in the bronchi, accompanied by a cough, whistling, fever, weakness, the appearance of wheezing.

Tracheitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi and trachea. Symptoms are the same as those of bronchitis, it results from a complication of the common cold.

Lung cancer, a tumor appears, and it lends the lumen of the respiratory tract, because of this there is wheezing, and as a cough with blood, a person quickly becomes tired, loses weight.

Treatment of wheezing

It is necessary, please consult a doctor for an examination. He will determine that you have a disease, will prescribe an effective treatment if you need to take pictures. By the way, by the color of phlegm, it is easy to determine what a person has a disease. If the color of phlegm after coughing is yellow, then it is an infectious disease, and it requires treatment with antibiotics. As a rule, in such cases, the doctor prescribes preparations for liquefaction and expectoration of sputum, such as syrups, herbal decoctions, tablets. To relieve the spasm appoint treatment with inhalers, nebulizer to breathe, antiallergic drugs.

Wheezing in the child

Sizzling breath in a child occurs as a result of the accumulation of mucus in the trachea or bronchi due to spasm. It is necessary to observe how the child breathes, the whistle appears on inhaling or exhaling, if on inhalation, it can talk about that, a child in the respiratory tract could get a foreign body and he urgently needs to provide the first help. When a child has a whistle, it is necessary to show the wheeze to his doctor, to determine the nature of the disease. This may be a sign of asthma, acute bronchitis, laryngitis, a manifestation of allergy. The earlier the causes are clarified and the treatment is started, the sooner the disease will recede.

Whistling breath in an adult

In an adult person, wheezing can occur, as well as a child as a result of hypothermia, bronchitis. In adults, obstructive bronchitis occurs most often with such breathing. It is influenced by many factors. Such as, inflammatory-infectious diseases of the respiratory system. Pneumonia, bronchitis, swollen bronchi and trachea, allergies, burns of the larynx, trauma, smoking.

Coughing and wheezing

Most often, first there is a cough with inflammation in the airways, and only then a whistle. Sizzling breath when coughing is a complication, and whatever it takes to get to that, you need to contact the doctor in a timely manner and with proper treatment it will not come to this.

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