Dislocation of foot: symptoms and treatment at home


  • 1Dislocation of foot: symptoms, signs and treatment at home
    • 1.1Symptoms and Recommendations
    • 1.2Dislocation of metatarsus
    • 1.3Rehabilitation therapy
    • 1.4Dislocation of phalanx of finger
  • 2Stretching or dislocation of the foot: treatment at home
    • 2.1How is the dislocation manifested?
  • 3Dislocation of foot: treatment, symptoms and first aid
    • 3.1Structure
    • 3.2Causes
    • 3.3Varieties
    • 3.4Symptoms and signs
    • 3.5How to determine: dislocation or sprain
    • 3.6First aid: what to do
    • 3.7Treatment
    • 3.8Home Treatment
    • 3.9Rehabilitation and recovery
    • 3.10How much is the trauma
    • 3.11Complications and consequences
  • 4Dislocation of foot
    • 4.1What to do first
    • 4.2about dislocation of foot
    • 4.3Watch the video on this topic
    • 4.4Effective treatment of this problem
    • 4.5Home therapy
    • 4.6Tinctures and broths
    • 4.7Other effective remedies
    • 4.8Help of sea salt
    • 4.9Procedures for rehabilitation and rehabilitation
  • 5Dislocation of the legs: what to do and how to treat at home, first aid foot
    • 5.1First aid with dislocation of foot
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.2Dislocation of foot
    • 5.3Than a dislocation is dangerous
    • 5.4Symptoms
    • 5.5Treatment of injured foot
    • 5.6Prophylaxis of dislocations
  • 6How and what to treat the dislocation of the foot
    • 6.1First Aid
    • 6.2Effective methods of combating
    • 6.3Folk remedies

Dislocation of foot: symptoms, signs and treatment at home

A dislocation of the foot is a trauma of the lower limbs, accompanied by a rupture of ligaments with an ankle bone displacement. In such a situation, the victim needs prompt hospitalization.

It is in the hospital that he can receive consultation and objective treatment of qualified specialists, undergo radiography. You should not do self-correction, these actions can only increase pain in the leg.

Everyone should know what to do with a dislocated foot.

Symptoms and Recommendations

Blue Feet with Swelling

The following signs of dislocation are distinguished:

  • Sharp growing pain.
  • The appearance of edema.
  • Bruising, blueing.
  • Deformation of the joint.

Symptoms of dislocation of the foot can have different manifestations depending on the severity of the injury.

The most common types of dislocations:

  • Damage to the tarsus caused by sharp turns of the foot.
  • Subtalar dislocation is a consequence of an incorrect leg position, complicated with the risk of fracture.
  • Damage to the phalanx.

The main recommendations for the provision of emergency assistance to the victim:

  • Apply the fixation joint.
  • Give the patient an anesthetic drug.
  • Apply a cooling ointment to avoid swelling.

Dislocation of metatarsus

Dislocation of the metatarsus and the first phalanx

Plyusna - consists of five tubular bones, which are located between the tarsal and phalanges.

These bones serve an important role and provide active movement of the legs.

Traumatic metatarsal of the metatarsal bone, occurs with a direct stroke or may appear due to an incorrect leg position when walking.

Trauma of the foot is accompanied by:

  • Not characteristic crunch in the joint.
  • Deformation or deflection of the finger.
  • A fit of sharp pain of a growing character.
  • Puffiness at the site of injury.

When the integrity of the base of the fifth bone is violated, a slow recovery period is characteristic. Factors that cause the emergence of microcracks:

  • Defects of bone structure.
  • Physical work.
  • Distortion of shape.

Also, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the possible consequences of stretching the metatarsal and self-treatment. You may encounter the following problems:

  • Disturbance of healthy joint tone.
  • Restriction of mobility of the foot and other inconveniences.
  • Appearance of manifestations of arthrosis.
  • Development of chronic pathologies of the foot, which leads to impaired motor function.

If you contact a qualified orthopedist in time, these complications can be avoided.

Rehabilitation therapy

Treatment of dislocation of the foot can be carried out at home, if you follow all the recommendations of a traumatologist.

With a strong dislocation of the foot, the affected area is fixed with an elastic bandage, the leg should be raised slightly above the head. Pain syndrome can be eliminated with the help of analgesics.

Restoration does not exclude the use of therapeutic massage with various ointments, which without pressure are rubbed into the place of injury. To avoid inflammation and swelling during dislocations, rubbing of the skin is used.

You can also take advantage of folk medicine or combine them in combination with traditional methods.

Information on how to treat a dislocation of the foot, you may need any person at the most unexpected moment.

In case of any damage, it is necessary to seek medical help, since the correction can only be done by a doctor.

Therefore, the patient should be treated by going through a multi-stage therapy that allows to create an uninterrupted process.


Patients are recommended for pedestrian walks to strengthen the joint membrane, however, it is not recommended to run after stretching to avoid relapse, and re-dislocate with accidental impact.


An important role is played by properly selected methods of rehabilitation in case of foot damage. Treatment of injuries of metatarsal bones is prescribed by a specialist, depending on the nature of the trauma. In severe strains and deformities, such emergency methods can be used:

  • Surgical intervention, if suspected of a fracture with a bias.
  • Apply a cast or tire.

Dislocation of phalanx of finger

Therapy of violation of the integrity of the leg depends directly on the nature of the injury and severity of trauma to the metatarsal bone. Usually the examination is performed by an orthopedist and traumatologist.

If a multiple dislocation of the toes is observed, a temporary plaster cast is applied, which is called a "boot". The terms of wearing gypsum are 2 weeks.

Mobility is restored in 4-5 weeks.

Usually, slight dislocations recover quickly and without pain. The main method of rehabilitation of closed dislocations of the foot phalanx is the conservative method.

After the damage correction operation, an adhesive bandage is applied, which favorably affects the results and process of restoring the functional abilities of the PC.

The correction of metatarsal bones in most cases is performed by traumatologists in a closed manner.

After the procedure, a tire or a fixative bandage is applied to the damaged joint of the foot, then it is plastered for 7 weeks. Load the leg can be no earlier than 2-3 weeks after removing the bandage.

Orthopedist should appoint light gymnastics, massage, swimming, wearing shoes with stupinators.


If the patient has signs of unsuccessful correction - this can lead to relapse and additional damage to soft tissues, cartilage and joints, there may be arthrosis and arthritis. Then the open direction of the dislocation of the phalanges of the toes is assigned.


After 1 month after the surgery, the fixators are removed, the gypsum or elastic bandage is replaced. To avoid necrosis of metatarsal bones, the early loading of the injured limb is prohibited.

The clinical manifestations of stretching depend on the duration of the injury, the severity of soft tissue damage.

Rapid appearance of puffiness and blueing makes diagnosis of the disorder difficult, it can lead to necrosis and gangrene.

Precisely diagnose the injured help modern radiographs.

During the hardware examination, the nature of the foot deformity, location of the joint disorder is considered.

The correct tactics of treating fresh dislocations of the foot bones determines the outcome of the splice, and relieves the patient of complex surgical reduces the period of incapacity for work, which allows a person to completely eliminate the risks of chronic diseases of the bone system.

A source: https://NogoStop.ru/stopa/svod/vyvix-stopy.html

Stretching or dislocation of the foot: treatment at home


  • How is the dislocation manifested?
  • Treatment of dislocation at home
  • Traditional methods of treatment

Today, such an ailment as a dislocation of the foot will be considered, treatment at home is quite feasible when using correctly selected methods of traditional medicine.

How is the dislocation manifested?

A fairly common trauma - a dislocation of the foot, no one is immune from it. Especially often suffer athletes and older people.

This can happen because of a sharp load on the ankle (when running and jumping).

In such cases, the bone is expelled from the joint, which can lead to stretching or rupture of the ligaments. What should I do if my foot is dislocated?

Depending on the degree of severity, the following forms of dislocation are distinguished:

  • sprain of the ligament (lung);
  • partial ligament rupture (mean);
  • complete ligament rupture (severe).

In case of stretching, the victim feels a sharp pain in the joint, which increases with walking, and observes the swelling of the joint.

Also, with a dislocation, there may be acute, severe pain, limited mobility may appear or the lack of it may occur, the joint deformity occurs. It happens that during a dislocation the bone leaves the joint and sticks into place.


In such cases, if you do not give this value and take no action for treatment, then you can earn chronic inflammation of the ankle.


Therefore, it is extremely important to contact a specialist in a timely manner so that he at least delivers a clear diagnosis. Well, in the absence of such an opportunity it is necessary to be able to provide first aid.

First aid in case of dislocation begins with the fact that the victim needs to be planted or put on a flat surface. By any means it is necessary to immobilize the joint and, without disturbing it, to deliver the patient to the hospital.

It is strictly forbidden to manually twist the dislocated joint: this should be done by a specialized doctor, since it is possible to cause more serious harm to the joint.

Do not give the victim to drink and eat with the expectation that he will need to do anesthesia, and it is done only on an empty stomach. And in the end the doctor will determine how much the injury is serious.

As a rule, only with minor dislocations a doctor can allow to be treated at home.

Treatment of dislocation at home implies the imposition of a soft tightening bandage of elastic bandages on the crippled place.

It is necessary to make cold compresses (ice wrapped in fabric, a bag of frozen fruits or meat) to relieve pain and swelling of the damaged joint.

Apply them in a day for 3-4 times for 15 minutes.

Also, for faster recovery, use various anti-inflammatory drugs or ointments, for example, Voltaren or Dolobien. Rub the ointment very gently and gently.

Excellent help salt baths, which are recommended a couple of times throughout the day.


In addition, the crippled joint is necessarily rest, so that the minimum mobility and load for the patient should be ensured.


When walking, it is advisable to use crutches, and if the leg is heavily swollen and the pains become unbearable, then it is mandatory to go to the hospital to a specialist. With such symptoms, home treatment will not help.

To apply the dressing, you will need a special elastic bandage, which you can buy at the pharmacy. Begin bandaging should be from the base of the fingers and each subsequent turn to cover the previous about 3 centimeters.

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It is necessary to periodically turn the bandage until the joint is securely fixed. Fasten the bandage with special staples, which usually come with it in the kit.

If there is no elastic bandage available, it can be replaced by the usual, cutting it in half to fix the bandage. Bandage the foot should be until the pain is fully extinguished.

Or in the pharmacy you can buy a special case. It's much more practical, because you just need to put it on your foot like a normal sock.

If we talk about treatment at home, then it is worth mentioning folk recipes that are prepared easily and can replace medicines from the pharmacy. Your attention is represented by simple but effective folk recipes:

  1. Compress with the help of the colors of the string, celandine, tansy, calendula. The mentioned flowers should be poured with water and insisted for about an hour. Then you will need to apply the wetted piece of tissue to the damaged area.
  2. Three heads of garlic grate on a fine grater and pour apple cider vinegar. Insist for 6 days. Rub the mass on the site of a bruise or dislocation.
  3. Soak the laundry soap, then add ammonia, camphor powder. Then you need to pour the lamp oil and white turpentine, mix everything thoroughly until the condition of the ointment and rub on the bruised place.
  4. Pour half a cup of 9% vinegar and add a teaspoon of rock salt. Stir and soak the napkin with this solution, after putting it on a sore spot. This remedy helps relieve pain and prevents swelling.

It will be useful to walk on the inner and outer parts of the foot or perform circular movements with stops. In this case, jumping rope and training of caviar muscles will also help.

The latter implies, for example, the implementation of a simple exercise: stand on the daisy so that the heels hang from it, then on the toes you need to climb and slowly go down.

You can also do a round object on the floor with bare feet or if possible walk barefoot on sand or small pebbles.

It would not hurt to additionally monitor the level of calcium in the body and use it in the proper amount together with food.

A source: http://ZdorovyeStopy.ru/travmy/vyvix-stopy-lechenie-v-domashnix-usloviyax.html

Dislocation of foot: treatment, symptoms and first aid

A dislocation of the foot is a damage in which the bones are displaced relative to each other. Injury takes approximately 2% of the total damage.

In this case, there are many of its varieties. It is not determined who suffers more from such traumas.

Men and women have approximately equal chances of getting a dislocation.


Variety and many types of this damage are due to the large number of bones that make up the foot.

In all, it consists of 26 (sometimes 27) bones. Accordingly, the variants of their injuries are several times larger than those of other parts of the body.

So, what are the bones forming the foot:

  1. Bones of the tarsus (talus bone, navicular, calcaneal, cuboidal and sphenoid bone). The heel bone is the largest bone of the tarsus. The talus bone (sometimes called the supraclavicular bone) consists of a head, a body (the so-called "block" that connects the bone to the shin and is part of the ankle) and the posterior process. Some people in the posterior process have a small extra bone, called a "nadtarannoy" bone. Cuboid bone is the connecting link between all bones of the tarsus;
  2. Plusset bones. The prong is formed by five tubular bones;
  3. Phalanges. In total there are 5 fingers formed by three phalanges on the foot. The exception is the first finger - it consists of two phalanges. Some people may have a fusion of the phalanges of the fifth finger (little finger), so for the X-ray study it will seem that there are only two phalanges.

In addition to bones, the foot consists of muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerve fibers and blood vessels. Therefore, even minor damage to the bones can trigger additional injuries (for example, rupture of the tendon or nerve fibers).


The main and main cause of dislocation is a certain traumatic force that affects the bones. For example, it can be a sharp turn of the foot around the foot inside. Some people are more at risk of getting such damage:

  • Lovers of extreme sports;
  • Professional wrestlers;
  • People who are overweight;
  • Lovers of shoes with high heels;
  • Elderly people with disorders of the ligament apparatus;
  • People suffering from genetic disorders of the musculoskeletal system.


Depending on the pathogenesis, the lesions are distinguished by:

  1. Traumatic dislocations;
  2. Pathological (caused by diseases of the bones - tuberculosis, for example);
  3. Congenital (occur in a child in the womb or at birth).

The subcategory of a traumatic dislocation is habitual. It occurs as a result of overstretch of the joint capsule or damage to the joint surface.

Can occur in everyday situations (taking a shower, cooking food). In most cases, the patient can fix it independently. Sometimes such dislocations occur several times a day.

Classification of dislocation of the foot relative to the anatomical location of the lesion:

  • Dislocated feet in the ankle joint. Often combined with various types of injuries. The reason for the dislocation is the tucking of the foot or a straight blow to the joint area;
  • Dislocation of the talus;
  • Subtalar dislocation. It is rare (especially trauma to the back), combined with a fracture of the talus bone. The treatment succumbs badly, often becomes the cause of disorders of trophism (nutrition) of tissues. A characteristic sign is a strong soreness in the palpation of the Achilles tendon (lower posterior part of the shin). Subtalar dislocations also include dislocation of calcaneus;
  • Dislocation in the joint Shoppara. It is combined with a fracture of the tarsal bones. It occurs very rarely. The reason is the impact of a heavy object (for example, wheels or dumbbells);
  • Dislocation of metatarsal bones in the joint of Lisfanka. It is rare. It does not happen to be isolated, it is combined with fractures;
  • Dislocations of phalanges in the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints.

Concerning the displacement of bones are:

  1. Full dislocation;
  2. Incomplete dislocation (subluxation);

Depending on the violation of the skin:

  • Closed (tissues are not broken);
  • Open (there is a wound). Such dislocations are dangerous for possible infection. In this case, the treatment will be delayed for a long time.

Symptoms and signs

Each type of damage has its own symptoms:

  1. Dislocation of the ankle is characterized by severe pain, visible deformation of the foot and impaired functions (it is impossible to stand on foot and walk);
  2. With subtalar dislocation, severe soreness and deformation of the foot outside are observed;
  3. The dislocation of the tarsus is accompanied by a lack of mobility of the foot and a sharp pain with the slightest movements. Progressing edema leads to the fact that the leg is swollen and blue;
  4. If the metatarsal is damaged, shortening of the foot in the anterior part, deformation and severe pain are observed;
  5. The dislocation of phalanges is characterized by deformation of the fingers and pain. When the first finger is dislocated, the victim complains that the bulging bone is swollen and very sore.

How to determine: dislocation or sprain

Stretching is the rupture of ligaments. Fibers can be damaged minimally (then soreness and swelling are felt) or a complete rupture of the ligament can occur (severe pain, formation of a hematoma, edema).

The difference between dislocation and stretching is obvious: when stretching, bone tissue is not affected.But during a dislocation it is likely to damage the muscle fibers.

To differentiate these diagnoses, the following table is suitable:

Injury Pain Edema Hematoma Visible deformation Damage to tissues with visible wounds
Dislocation + + + + +
Stretching + + + - -

First aid: what to do

A dislocation of the foot can happen in any person. Do not be afraid of this. In order not to be caught unawares, it is worth knowing the methods of emergency care. When a dislocation is necessary:

  • Fixing the leg in a stable position. Do not try to straighten the limb yourself or fix the dislocation. So you can provoke serious complications (fractures, tendon ruptures);
  • Give the patient an analgesic pill;
  • Apply to the place of damage ice or snow. Cold will help prevent edema and will have a mild analgesic effect;
  • Call an ambulance team or transport the victim yourself to a trauma clinic.


Treat the dislocation only after X-ray examination. Depending on the severity of the injury and the type of displacement, appropriate therapy is prescribed. The closed dislocation of the foot is treated like this:

  1. Under local anesthesia, bone is being repositioned;
  2. A gypsum langeta is applied on the foot, preventing movement in the joint and repetition of the bones;
  3. Appointed analgesics and ointments that help to remove edema.

Open dislocation of the foot requires surgical treatment:

  • Anesthesia is chosen based on the severity of the injury;
  • The wound surface is disinfected;
  • The correction, reposition of bones (if there is a fracture), stitching ligaments and tendons;
  • The gypsum langete is applied;
  • Appointed analgesics, absorbable ointments (from hematomas), antibiotics (for the prevention of infections), antiseptics on the wound.

Home Treatment

Doctors around the world say that the treatment of any disease at home is possible only after consulting a specialist.

If the attending physician has approved home treatment, then only this can be done. Be sure to consult before using new products and formulations.

What folk remedies apply:

  1. Compresses from grated potatoes. They remove puffiness and accelerate the regeneration of tissues;
  2. A warm bath with sea salt helps to cure the dislocation. It is necessary to keep the feet for 10-15 minutes. Contraindications are inflammation, open wounds, large bruises and fractures;
  3. Iodine mesh. Our grandmothers and mothers have long been convinced of the ability of iodine to remove edema and inflammation, to dissolve bruises in the shortest possible time;
  4. Lotions with white and blue clays. They remove edemas, inflammations and accelerate the healing of tissues;
  5. Lavender oil. Has an easy analgesic effect. It is necessary to smear the damaged areas before going to bed. Additional effect - sleep will become much more calm and stronger;
  6. A pack of baked onions with honey. This mixture removes inflammation, accelerates the healing of tissues and tones muscles.

Rehabilitation and recovery

After the restoration of the joint capsule, it's time to begin rehabilitation activities:

  • Every day you need to do light gymnastics. Exercises for recovery will be prompted by the attending physician or physician for exercise therapy;
  • Massage of the feet. The course of massage must be done by a specialist. The masseur will develop all the muscles, joints and ligaments. After complete healing it is worth asking the specialist to show a set of actions available for self-fulfillment;
  • It is recommended to wear orthopedic shoes. It prevents muscle atrophy and deformation of the foot;
  • Residual pain in the recovery period will help to remove the gel with an analgesic. Widely used are "Diclofenac gel "Diclogel" and others.
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How much is the trauma

The duration of the healing period of the dislocation depends on the severity of the lesion. Accordingly, the easier the damage, the sooner the full recovery will come. The duration of the recovery process can vary depending on the attendant factors.

What are the terms of recovery:

  1. At a dislocation of an easy degree the term makes 1-2 weeks;
  2. With a moderate injury, recovery will occur in a month;
  3. In severe cases, the duration of recovery may last for several months.

Complications and consequences

After the dislocation of the foot, the following consequences may remain:

  • Chronic dislocation. It is the result of incorrect treatment of primary dislocation;
  • Arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Neurological disorders due to damage to nerve fibers;
  • Infection of the wound with an open dislocation. The main symptoms are high body temperature, redness of the skin, discharge from the wound;
  • Thromboembolism of blood vessels due to circulatory disorders.

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A source: https://travmagid.ru/vyvikhi/vyvikh-stopy.html

Dislocation of foot

Treatment of dislocation of the foot in the home - an acceptable option for mild damage.

This is a widespread damage, which can happen even from an incautious turn of the foot. Most often, such a trauma can be obtained in winter, when the street is slippery.

Symptoms of dislocation of the foot:

  1. Dislocation immediately causes a very sharp and sharp pain, which lasts about half an hour.
  2. In parallel, the area of ​​the lesion swells and the skin becomes noticeably bluish.
  3. If the injury has damaged the capillaries, you can not rule out the appearance of internal bruising.
  4. It is also possible to easily deform the foot, it is visually shifted to the side.
  5. At the time of injury, patients often hear a characteristic crunch.

Primary symptoms of dislocation and fracture of the ankle are very similar, so an accurate diagnosis can be made only with the help of:

  • radiography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • computed tomography.

↑ http://gidpain.ru/vyvih/stopy-lechenie-uslovijah.html

What to do first

  1. To reduce the pain, to the injured place through a towel or gauze, you need to put ice or at least a bag of frozen fruits.
  2. Before sending the victim to the hospital, an armband is put on the ankle.

    Bandage begins with fingers, overlapping the previous coil of centimeter by three.

  3. From time to time, the bandage should be twisted, fixing the dressing. Use for bandages can be both normal and elastic bandages.

    And if there is an opportunity, it is better to buy a case in the pharmacy, designed specifically for this type of injury.

  4. In the provision of first aid can be used and simple tools, such as a rope or twisted cloth clothing.

    The main thing is to do everything necessary to fix fixation of the damaged joint and take the patient to traumatology.

Categorically it is inadmissible to attempt to correct the dislocation independently, because this way you can further damage the tissues located in the region of the joints.

about dislocation of foot

Watch the video on this topic

Effective treatment of this problem

  1. To recover more quickly, it is necessary to completely immobilize the injured limb. For this, a tight bandage is applied on the foot, and crutches are used when walking.
  2. When the patient is in bed, the leg should be placed on the pillow so that it is raised 40 degrees from the surface of the bed.
  3. In the complex treatment of dislocation, doctors often prescribe acupuncture and special massage.
  4. In cases of severe pain, it is recommended that drugs such as naproxen, ibuprofen and even narcotics be recommended.
  5. To remove less severe pain, experts recommend lidocaine ointment and "Venoturon" gel.

    In turn, the oil "Wessima" has not only an analgesic property, but also removes inflammation and swelling.

  6. Traditionally, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs accelerate recovery.

Home therapy

The best option is an integrated approach to treatment, so traditional medicine can help.

Treatment of dislocation is carried out using the following folk recipes:

Tinctures and broths

  1. Well in such cases, various plant tinctures help. To prepare one of them, you must carefully crush the head of garlic, pour it with apple cider vinegar and insist for about a week. Such a drug is rubbed into the area of ​​the injury.
  2. While preparing garlic infusion, you can brew a herb collection, which includes celandine, calendula flowers, tansy and string. They need to moisten the tissue and apply to the sore spot throughout the day.
  3. Good cleanses the broth chamomile.

    For its preparation, the inflorescence should be boiled for 15 minutes. Then the tincture is bred in a basin with warm water and the leg is hovering in it.

  4. The mixture of bark and the root of barberry is filled with a glass of milk, brought to a boil and drunk chilled in three meals.

    The drug helps to strengthen the damaged joints.

  5. If, together with the dislocation, they diagnosed also the sprain of the ligaments, it is necessary to take a bowl of cornflower thrice a day. For its preparation, 3 tablespoons of flowers are filled with a liter of boiling water.
  6. With a rupture of muscles irreplaceable compresses from the tincture of elecampane: finely shabby root of the plant should be poured with boiling water (200 g) and insist half an hour.

Other effective remedies

  1. If the dislocated joint has been successfully corrected by the doctor, but the periodic pain does not go away for a long time, then a twig of common wormwood can be applied to the injured place before the appearance of juice.

    In such cases, the plant is bandaged to the foot for 5 hours until all the pain sensations disappear completely.

  2. The baked onion is grinded with sugar until a gruel is obtained, which can be applied to a sore spot for 5 hours in the form of an ordinary compress.

    To prepare a similar drug, raw grated onions are also used.

  3. An ointment prepared at home is also considered effective. To do this, you need to grate on a conventional grater laundry soap, mix it with camphor powder and dilute with ammonia.

    Then turpentine and lamp-oil are put into the prepared medicine. Apply ointment to the damaged area.

Help of sea salt

  1. To prevent swelling and bruising, you can also use brine. For its preparation, the floor of a spoon of ordinary or sea salt is dissolved in half a glass of vinegar. Apply a moistened napkin to a sore spot.
  2. No less useful are also daily salt baths with the addition of a small amount of iodine. The water temperature during the whole procedure should not be below 36 degrees. It is best to use sea or Himalayan salt.

Procedures for rehabilitation and rehabilitation

Physiotherapeutic procedures significantly accelerate the process of recovery when the ankle is dislocated, so patients are often prescribed UHF or electrophoresis with a solution of potassium iodide.

Equally effective is the therapeutic exercise, consisting of several simple exercises:

  1. You must simultaneously or alternately bend your fingers and rotate the feet of both legs, repeating the movements at least 20 times.
  2. Sock one leg should be put on the sock of the other, and then bend and unbend the foot of one leg as if the second is providing this movement with reasonable resistance.
  3. In a sitting position, you should try to grab your fingers with any small objects lying on the floor. It is best to use balls, pens or pencils.
  4. In standing position, you should try to gently stand on your fingers, and then sink to the foot.
  5. The most gentle exercise is regular muscle tension in the damaged leg area. This passive gymnastics prevents muscle atrophy.

It is necessary for such traumas and simple enough massage. For this purpose, circular movements gently massage the muscles and the diseased joint. It is also useful to massage the foot of the injured leg.

The process of treatment and rehabilitation of ankle dislocation lasts an average of three weeks.

For prevention of foot injuries, experts advise to include in their diet products that are rich in summer, barefoot on sand or small gravel, and also use only a comfortable footwear.

At home it's better to walk barefoot or in socks, refusing slippers. Circular movements of the foot as regular gymnastics also serve as the prevention of various dislocations of the limbs.

A source: http://GidPain.ru/vyvih/stopy-lechenie-uslovijah.html

Dislocation of the legs: what to do and how to treat at home, first aid foot

What to do if the foot is dislocated? This question is of interest to many, since anyone can dislocate a leg. Occupation and age here do not play a role. Dislocations of the foot can occur in the home, at work, while playing sports or in the winter on a slippery pavement.

Often, injuries of the lower extremities occur in the ankle. Usually this is a stretching of the knee or ankle, but there may be fractures. How to distinguish a fracture from a dislocation?

Important! If the dislocation of the leg is significant, and this occurs in most cases, diagnose the injury, provide first aid and prescribe further treatment of the foot can only the doctor. To make the correct diagnosis, you need to take an X-ray, which is impossible at home.

Therefore, when a person simply unsuccessfully stepped on the leg, but the limb after that does not stop to hurt, and mobility has decreased, you should immediately contact a traumatologist. Symptoms of dislocation of the foot in many ways resemble signs of fracture. The patient can not independently distinguish one pathology from another.

First aid with dislocation of foot

How to help with the dislocation of the leg should know everyone. In such a situation, one should not panic or try to put the joint in place, pulling at the leg. This method is generally very dangerous. Thus, the patient can be seriously injured, which will lead to disability.

Only a manual therapist or a professional chiropractor can resort to this method, they know exactly what to do with a leg dislocation.

But even a doctor can not do this without the results of a joint radiograph. The injured person should create a quiet environment and take him to the emergency room.

Dislocation of foot

What is a dislocation of the legs and sprain? In this situation, the joint, often the ankle, is damaged. But you can dislocate both the pelvic bone and knee diarthrosis.

It should be noted that there are 26 bones in the human foot, therefore the dislocation of the leg may be different. To have an idea of ​​how to treat a dislocation of the foot, it is necessary to establish exactly the type of damage. There are several types of dislocation of the limbs, and they all have their own symptoms.

  • External dislocation of the foot. In this case, the foot is turned inward or outward. With internal tucking, a fracture occurs most often, and in the case of an outer tuck, a stretching occurs.
  • The posterior dislocation of the leg is caused by a significant blow to the ankle or a sharp bending of the ankle.
  • Anterior dislocation of the foot can occur with a sharp bending of the limb in any direction. The same is observed when the shin strikes from behind.
  • Upper dislocation of the foot (see photo). It is observed very rarely, mainly when a person falls from a height.

Than a dislocation is dangerous

The main danger of this damage lies in the fact that with delayed treatment it goes into a chronic form.

It is necessary to understand that any dislocation or stretching entails loss of the functionality of the joint, so you need to know at least at an initial level what is the first help with dislocations.

Suffers and joint bag, which contains synovial fluid. If the bag ruptures, a hemorrhage will occur, which will result in a hematoma. In such a situation, a leg dislocation has the following symptoms:

  • cyanosis or redness at the site of injury;
  • inflammatory process;
  • the rupture of tissues leads to the formation of a scar, which is subsequently removed purely surgically;
  • constant pain when walking;
  • with a chronic dislocation - the lack of the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle.

Sometimes it happens that the scar is large and prevents a person from moving. In such cases, the doctor decides on the appointment of an operation. Treatment of leg dislocation is a rather lengthy process and should not be rushed here.


There are obvious manifestations of leg dislocation:

  1. At the time of injury, the victim clearly hears a crunching or clicking.
  2. Injury of the ankle is accompanied by sharp and severe pain that does not pass for a long time and limits the motor activity of the patient.
  3. In the ankle area, there is swelling, which rapidly increases in size.
  4. Local increase in body temperature.
  5. Appearance on the skin in the area of ​​injury of blue or red spots.

Here are the main symptoms of dislocation of the foot. But the same manifestations are characteristic for the fracture of the ankle. Therefore, if any of these signs appear, you should immediately contact a traumatologist.

In no case can not refuse to undergo radiography. After all, only with the help of this method can you distinguish the dislocation of the leg from its fracture and determine the severity of the injury. Use all sorts of popular ointments and gels for dislocations can only be after the diagnosis.

Treatment of injured foot

After the initial examination and examination of the X-ray, the doctor will determine the severity of the dislocation and will prescribe the appropriate treatment. The duration of therapy in each case is different.

The doctor will give the patient all the necessary recommendations on how to behave further.

There are basic manipulations that should be carried out to alleviate the condition of the victim:

  • After receiving a subtalar dislocation of the foot or stretching immediately after the injury and in the following days at home, it is necessary to apply ice to the affected area. It should be spread around the injured foot and keep at least 15 minutes. This procedure, for the speedy removal of edema, is recommended to be done every day.
  • The place of injury should be fixed with an elastic bandage (immobilize), but not too tight. Otherwise, the blood circulation in the limb will be disturbed.
  • The foot must be held most of the time. To do this, you can build a special soft roller at home, with which the limb will get the most comfortable position, but above the level of the heart.
  • Treatment of dislocations of the ankle at home is the daily lubrication of the damaged area with ointments and gels that remove the inflammatory process and give relief in the form of anesthesia.

With strong dislocations of the leg, it happens that no methods help. Then the doctor recommends the patient for a few days the imposition of gypsum.

Refuse to do this, the victim should not, this measure will help maximize immobilize the injured limb, avoid the development of complications and provide the patient with a speedy recovery.

Prophylaxis of dislocations

Unfortunately, people start to behave cautiously only after they have already been injured once. Those who have experienced soreness and discomfort during a dislocation, understand the seriousness of the situation and try to protect their legs.

It is important to understand that the injuries of the limbs often take on a chronic form, and the problem remains for life. That is why it is necessary to observe precautions for any movement:

  • In the winter season, only comfortable shoes with a non-slip sole should be worn.
  • When wearing heels, the gait should be unhurried, you need to look at your feet all the time.
  • You can not run after the transport, even when there is a catastrophic lack of time. Especially it concerns those people who do not go in for sports.
  • When descending the stairs, you should hold on to the handrails and look at the steps.
  • You can not jump from the station platform or from other high places.

A source: http://sustav.info/travmy/vyvikhi/vyvix-nogi.html

How and what to treat the dislocation of the foot

None of us is immune from injuries. People who lead an active lifestyle, go in for sports or are overweight, are at risk.

It is our legs that are vulnerable to various injuries and injuries. Dislocation is the most frequent type of injury, often occurring during movement or as a result of mechanical stress.

First Aid

The first help in case of a dislocation is that it is necessary to completely immobilize the injured limb.

To prevent further damage to the ligaments, as well as the discrepancy of the foot bones, the following measures should be taken:

  • fixation of the injured limb. To do this, it is not necessary to use a longit, you can make an improvised device from improvised materials;
  • to relieve pain and to avoid the development of massive swelling, it is necessary to apply cold to the damaged area;
  • as an anesthetic to give any analgesic drug;
  • immediately transport the patient to a trauma center.

Self-medication can aggravate the problem, which sometimes leads to swelling, bleeding, or paralysis.

Effective methods of combating

How to treat a dislocation of the foot? First of all, you should conduct a diagnostic examination, and then decide how to start treatment and what to do in the future.

Treatment of the dislocation of the foot begins with a repositioning that allows the bone to return to its normal position. Then, in order to make sure that the damaged area is in the correct position, a control X-ray is taken.

In no case is it permissible to direct the dislocation themselves. This should be handled by a professional traumatologist in a hospital

Further treatment for an ankle dislocation involves applying a gypsum for 21 days, which comes from the toes of the foot to the surface of the thigh. Rehabilitation period, as a rule, lasts about two months.


If subtalar dislocation is diagnosed, the patient should be prepared to wear plaster for a month and a half.


With the removal of gypsum, therapeutic measures do not end. Now it's important to restore the functionality of the foot.

To do this, it is necessary to perform a special exercise complex exercise therapy and wear orthopedic shoes.

If the metatarsal bones were dislocated, surgery can not be avoided with the subsequent application of gypsum.

You can correct dislocation under general anesthesia or with the help of conductive anesthesia (introduction of anesthetic into the spinal canal). After the correction is done, a snapshot is taken, and then a plaster is applied.

Depending on the dislocation and its location, the period of immobilization can range from two weeks to three months.

For all this time the patient is strictly forbidden to lean or stand on the damaged place.

Dislocation causes an inflammatory process in the joint. Therefore, the patient should be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs.

Appointment of external means (ointments) is often useless. They can be used already during the rehabilitation period as a fight against bruising

Folk remedies

Is it possible to cure the dislocation of the feet with the help of folk recipes? Naturally, people's methods of dislocation do not fit themselves, but they will help to remove unpleasant pain and swelling. Such funds are used during the rehabilitation period after the adjustment of the dislocation. Consider the popular recipes:

Another advise:Treatment of ankle dislocation

  • medical dough. You can make dough from flour with the addition of vinegar. The resulting mass is applied to the site of the lesion, and then fixed with a bandage;
  • sagebrush. You need to take fresh leaves and turn them into gruel. In the form of lotion wormwood is applied to the joint and wrapped with a cold wet cloth;
  • lavender. It is necessary to make lavender oil from flowers and plant grass. They must be crushed and mixed with vegetable oil;
  • onion. Onions must be mixed with sugar and applied as a lotion to the sore spot;
  • barberry. You will need the bark and root of this plant. Raw materials should be crushed and combined with milk. Then the resulting mixture must be boiled well. The medicine is taken daily. To achieve a general strengthening effect, you should drink three times a day for one teaspoonful;
  • alcohol tinctures. For example, you can take a mountain arnica and connect it with alcohol. It is necessary to insist the drug within a few weeks;
  • milk. To begin with, it should be heated. Then we take gauze and moisten it with milk. Impregnated gauze is applied to the affected area, and on top we put a compress paper. All this should be fixed with a woolen shawl and change as the gauze cools.

A dislocation of the foot is a serious enough complication of trauma, which requires a competent approach. Do not self-medicate. Immediately address to the traumatologist!

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/bolezni/kak-lechit-vyvih-stopy