Degenerative changes in knee joint menisci, degree


  • 1How to treat degenerative meniscus changes? Tips and Tricks
    • 1.1Common causes
    • 1.2Clinical manifestations
    • 1.3Stages of the disease
    • 1.4General clinical signs of degenerative injury to the ISS
    • 1.5Degrees of damage to the ISS
    • 1.6Forms of manifestations of diseases
    • 1.7Diagnostics
    • 1.8Treatment of degenerative changes
    • 1.9LFK and massage
    • 1.10Prevention
  • 2Degenerative changes of the meniscus: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment
    • 2.1What are the degenerative changes of the meniscus?
    • 2.2Symptoms
    • 2.3Causes of degeneration
  • 3Degenerative changes in the medial meniscus (horn) of the 2nd degree
    • 3.1Features of degenerative changes
    • 3.2How are the changes manifested?
    • 3.3Causes of degeneration
    • 3.4Methods of diagnosis
    • 3.5Methods of treatment
  • 4Degenerative damage to the meniscus: signs, causes, diagnosis and treatment
    • 4.1General information
    • 4.2Causes of meniscal lesions
    • 4.3Forms of the disease
    • 4.4Damage to the external meniscus of the knee joint
    • 4.5Damage to the medial knee joint meniscus
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.6Chronic process of degeneration and meniscus trauma
    • 4.7Diagnosis of the disease
    • 4.8Researching
    • 4.9Treatment
  • 5Symptoms of degenerative knee meniscus damage
    • 5.1Causes of degeneration
    • 5.2Symptomatology
    • 5.3Diagnostics
    • 5.4Healing measures
    • 5.5Chondroprotectors and surgery

How to treat degenerative meniscus changes? Tips and Tricks

Menisci are the interlayer inside the knee joint between the surfaces of the hip bone and the shin in the form of a crescent, consisting of cartilaginous tissue. Distinguish between the medial (inner) and lateral (outer) menisci.

Conditionally, in the meniscus of the knee joint (ISS), the horn, the front horn and the body are distinguished.

Cartilaginous discs evenly distribute the load on the knee joint, reduce surface friction and act as a shock absorber when moving.

Degenerative changes are the loss of functions and the process of reverse development of cartilage, resulting from trauma, developmental abnormalities or after a transferred disease. The outer meniscus is less prone to injury than the inner one due to better mobility.

separation of the cartilage at the attachment site;
ruptured body, anterior or posterior horn;
excessive mobility in case of intermenus sheath injury;
cyst formation;
meniscopathy - degenerative-dystrophic changes that develop after trauma.

Types of dystrophic lesions

Degenerative changes in the ISS occur in people of different ages. The risk group includes patients whose activities are associated with active movements: ballerinas, athletes, dancers.

Common causes

change in the development and formation of tissues (dysplasia);
gout, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, tuberculosis of bones and other diseases affecting the knee joint;
flat feet (changing the shape of the foot);
excessive physical exertion;

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of lesions of the knee joint meniscus depend on the causes of the disease. There are acute and chronic knee injury.

The main symptoms include swelling of the joint, redness, limited mobility, painful sensations. Serious damage to the joint cavity can get blood.

Stages of the disease

The duration of the acute stage depends on the causes that caused the disease. In ten or fourteen days, the acute stage becomes chronic. At this stage, the patient complains of painful sensations that increase with movement.

A characteristic feature is the appearance of a crunch and clicks when walking, with palpation determined by the joint roller. Cartilage tissues become thinner, joint instability develops, muscles of the thigh and lower leg are atrophied.

The patient is recommended to lie more so as not to burden the injured leg.

In the absence of treatment for meniscopathy, contractures may develop (mobility limitations of the joint).

General clinical signs of degenerative injury to the ISS

pain syndrome;
limitation and stiffness of movements;
crack and crunch when flexing and bending the knee;
blockage articulation in a bent position.

Degrees of damage to the ISS

In the first degree of dystrophic changes of cartilaginous tissue, minor damage to the horn occurs, swelling and tenderness of the knee. After three weeks, the symptoms described above go away.

The development of the first degree of dystrophic changes in the medial meniscus is possible with injuries, obtained during jumping, squatting with a heavy load, moving along an inclined plane.

At the second (severe) degree, the intensity of pain increases, the swelling of the tissues increases.

In the joint bag blood accumulates, the horn of the meniscus breaks away and its parts fall into the joint cavity, causing blockade of movements. At this stage, a surgical operation is indicated.

Forms of manifestations of diseases

Damage to the lateral ISS is more common in childhood and adolescence. The main symptoms are:

pain in the collateral ligament tissue zone;

pronounced inflammatory process in the synovium (synovitis);
discomfort and painful sensations of the area of ​​the fibular fold;
lowered muscle tone of the anterior femoral part.

If the outer cartilage is torn, the knee is at an angle of 900 and the patient can unlock it himself.

Symptoms of this pathology are poorly expressed and difficult to diagnose because of the inconsistency of soreness.

There is a congenital anatomical abnormality, which is sometimes confused with the rupture of the cartilaginous tissue - the discoid (solid) lateral meniscus. When ruptured cartilage has the shape of a disc.

The solid outer meniscus is predominantly found in adolescents, but is also found in older people.
The most common damage to the internal ISS is the rupture of its middle part with the integrity of the ends.

Types of damage:
rupture of ligament, fixing organ;
rupture of the cartilage itself;
rupture of cartilaginous tissue.
Blocking the knee with the restriction of its bending, temporarily provokes the detachment of the front horn of the ISS with a pinch.

After unlocking, movements in the joint are restored. To a more serious trauma, at which blocking, bending and popping out of the knee joint occurs, the trauma of the horn of the inner meniscus is attributed.


Acute damage to the ISS in 85-90% of cases is diagnosed by characteristic features:
blockade of the knee joint in a certain position of the foot;
the appearance of pain and clicks when trying to straighten the lower limb.

To clarify the diagnosis resort to instrumental research:
With the help of radiography determine the stage of degenerative damage. At the first degree, the picture shows an uneven narrowing of the joint gap, while the second - on the articular surfaces appear bony proliferation.

Having made MRI and CT, in the volume image determine the degree of damage and tissue of the knee joint: articular surfaces, ligamentous apparatus, articular cavity and bones. With a sagittal (imaginary vertical) plane, the cartilage is shaped like a butterfly.

At rupture, the meniscus adjoins the posterior cruciate ligament, falls into the intercondylar fossa of the hip bone and is determined by the symptom of the "double posterior cruciate ligament".

Arthroscopy allows you to determine the condition of the tissues and joint (synovial) fluid with the help of an endoscope, introduced into the joint cavity through minimal incisions.

Treatment of degenerative changes

Methods of therapy for changes in the ISS depend on the causes, stages and forms of violations. Acute damage is treated in conservative ways.
The patient immediately after the injury must ensure complete rest.

Apply a cold compress or ice pack on the inside of the thigh.
To stop a strong pain syndrome, narcotic analgesics are used, since other painkillers do not bring relief to the patient.

The injured limb is immobilized (immobilized) by applying a plaster bandage for two weeks.
With the aim of eliminating edema and restoring movements in the knee joint, it is punctured.

In the first three to four days of active discharge of fluid (exudate) into the joint bag, the cavity is punctured several times.

The duration of treatment for degenerative-dystrophic changes in menisci varies from six to twelve months.
When blockade, reposition (repositioning) of the knee joint is performed, using manual methods.

To restore the damaged cartilage tissue of the ISS, appoint hyaluronic acid and chondroprotectors.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain syndrome and signs of inflammation (caver, don, synartha, ibuprofen, indomethacin).

To reduce edema and early recovery of the damaged ISS first-second degree, externally on the skin use ointments (dolgite, diclofenac, voltaren).
Assign physiotherapy (UHF, shock wave therapy, ozocerite, ionophoresis) and exercise therapy.

A good healing effect is the massage of the affected knee area.

In the second degree of severity of degenerative changes in the internal meniscus (tears, displacement, detachment of the anterior and posterior horn of the ISS, crushing cartilage), surgical intervention is indicated. It includes: removal of cartilage completely or damaged horn, suturing the rupture, fixation of detached horns, transplantation (transplantation).

To a minimally invasive surgical operation carry arthroscopy, in which through two notches to one centimeter introduce an arthroscope, remove the torn part of the meniscus and align its inner edge.

When transplantation is most often used such prostheses:
To replace worn out internal or external ISS use a sliding prosthesis.
Surface substitutes are used for more severe destruction (abrasion) of the cartilaginous tissue.

With the help of a rotational prosthesis fixed with pins in the femoral and tibia, the knee joint is replaced.
Replace the entire joint and ensure its stabilization allows a hinged prosthesis.

All operations are performed only after the signs of acute inflammation decrease.

After a surgical operation, rehabilitation measures are carried out to restore the functions of the knee joint, namely: exercises of therapeutic gymnastics, massage and physiotherapy procedures.
The physical load of the operated patient is categorically contraindicated.

LFK and massage

In the treatment of degenerative injuries of the ISS, a significant role is given to therapeutic gymnastics and massage, due to the fact that the restoration of damaged tissues comes faster with adequate physical activity, prevents the development of contractures and allows you to return the lost volume of movements in the joint.
LFK during immobilization is carried out for intact parts of the lower limb, and when removing the plaster bandage or the tire, the gymnastics is aimed at restoring the joint. The load is gradually increased by adding exercises with weighting and on the simulators.

Goals of rehabilitation:
reduction of pain;
improvement of blood circulation;
return of the muscle tone of the injured limb;
restoration of the full volume of movements of the knee joint. The complex of exercises, their intensity, is developed by the doctor individually to each patient on the basis of the complexity of the disease and the trauma suffered.

With conservative treatment of meniscus injuries, exercise therapy begins two to three weeks after trauma, and after surgery, two months later.

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If a person takes care of his health and adheres to basic preventive measures, the risk of injury to the ISS is reduced by 90-95% of cases.

To play sports is necessary in a stable, well-fixed and comfortable sports shoes, able to minimize the risk of falling.


For uniform and safe load distribution, the knee should be fixed with special pads (knee pads, orthoses, bandages) or elastic bandage.


Before physical work or sports, it is necessary, gradually increasing the volume of movements, warming up, warming up muscles and articulations.

Control the body weight, do exercises and eat well, but do not overeat, because excess weight increases the load on the joints.

Degenerative changes in the ISS are very common and are manifested by various types of pathologies, part of which requires an immediate request to the doctor to clarify the diagnosis and designate an adequate treatment. A timely visit to a specialist will help preserve the functionality of the knee and prevent the involvement of other joint tissues in the pathological process.

Dacher Ziad Rashid

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Degenerative changes of the meniscus: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment

The human body is often compared to cars: the heart is the motor, the stomach is the fuel tank, and the brain drives the entire device.

Where are the shock absorbers in humans? Of course, in places that experience increased stress: between the vertebrae are located cartilaginous discs, and in the knee joint there are as many as two "shock absorbers" - menisci. Lateral (external) and medial (internal).

The results of degenerative changes of the meniscus, though not stop the activity of the organism as a whole, but a lot of unpleasant sensations will be delivered accurately.

What are the degenerative changes of the meniscus?

Degenerative changes are anatomical damage to the organ, resulting from trauma, atypical joint structure or disease.

The degeneration of the meniscus is most often the result of trauma, sometimes even unobvious: one unsuccessful turn of the shin can cause damage to the cartilaginous disc, which is accompanied by a strong painfulness.

Most often, because of the anatomical structure of degeneration, the medial meniscus undergoes.

If the outer cartilage, which damages the movement of the knee joint, does not have a rigid fixation and is shifted to either side in If necessary, the medial is rigidly fixed in the joint, and its horns are in close proximity to condyles. One sharp turn of the shin - and the meniscus does not manage to slip away from the displaced bone, the result is its damage or rupture.

Degenerative changes may be different:

  • separation from the attachment point;
  • rupture of the horns and the body of the meniscus;
  • excessive mobility as a result of rupture of intermenal ligaments;
  • cyst - the formation inside the cartilage of cavities filled with liquid;
  • meniscopathy - dystrophic changes that develop under the influence of minor injuries, as well as complications of gout, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, tuberculosis and a number of other diseases.


If you are haunted by aching pain in the knee, which then disappears, it appears with a new force - one can already assume the presence of changes in the meniscus.About 90% of the pathologies of the knee joint are precisely the damages of the "shock absorber".

Symptoms largely depend on the nature of the pathology. Gaps are accompanied by severe soreness, blockage of the leg in a bent state and swelling.

With severe damage to the medial meniscus, hemorrhage to the joint cavity - hemarthrosis - often occurs.


Significant edema and severe pain are also characterized by cystic meniscus.


Rifts, detachments from the attachment site are often chronic and manifest as a periodic appearance of pain and a sense of interference in movement.

There is such a diagnostic test: climb and go down the stairs or the slope. With the pathology of the meniscus, when moving down, the pain in the knee increases.

Chronic course is characterized by secondary degenerative-dystrophic transformations in the medial meniscus, that is, arising from other pathologies of the body or diseases.

Often in such cases there are clicks and rolling * of the joint in motion after prolonged rest, sometimes there is pain in the knees.

The increase in symptoms occurs gradually as the cartilage layer becomes thinner and the salts or crystals of uric acid accumulate in it (the latter - with gout).

In the absence of adequate treatment, the final stage of meniscopathy becomes contracture - a stable violation (restriction) of the mobility of the joint.

* Rolling - sensations of pathological mobility, instability and displacement of articular surfaces of bones.

Common to all types of meniscus degeneration are the following symptoms:

  • soreness,
  • puffiness,
  • blockage of the joint in a bent position or sensation of a foreign body in the knee,
  • clicks and crunch,
  • swelling of the knees with a long absence of movement.

Causes of degeneration

Anatomical features of the location and structure of the meniscus cause a high incidence of pathologies both among young people and among people of mature age.

Most often from ruptures, injuries and cystosis suffer athletes, ballerinas, dancers - that is, people who are in constant movement and experiencing high loads.

Other possible reasons:

  • dysplasia - incorrect formation of the knee joint;
  • gout, syphilis, tuberculosis, rheumatism and other diseases that can affect joints;
  • stretching of ligaments, as well as their incorrect formation;
  • flat feet (low foot damping is compensated by increased load on the knee);
  • high physical activity;
  • excess weight.

With acute meniscus lesions, there is usually no doubt - a knee blockage in a characteristic position, pain and clicks when straightening make it possible to establish a correct diagnosis in 90% of cases.

Degenerative-dystrophic transformations can not be determined by examination, not always because of the lack of bright symptoms and, often, a positive response to special tests. In such cases, resort to instrumental methods of research:

  • MRI allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image of all the tissues of the knee: articular surfaces of bones, ligament apparatus and the joint itself.
  • With arthroscopy through a miniature incision into the joint cavity, an endoscope is introduced, with the help of which one observes the state of the tissues and synovial fluid (on the monitor).

Therapy for degenerative changes in the meniscus depends entirely on the nature of the lesions. Acute lesions serve as direct indications for the use of conservative methods of treatment:

  • First of all, joint puncture is performed, eliminating its swelling and restoring mobility. Sometimes, several procedures are required, since active exudation (release of inflammatory fluid) in the joint lasts up to three to four days.
  • Assign analgesics, preference is given to narcotic drugs (Promedol and its derivatives), because other drugs in this case, as a rule, are not able to save the patient from pain.
  • Chondroprotectors provide the body with the necessary substances to repair the damaged portion of the meniscus.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • At the stage of rehabilitation, physiotherapeutic methods - ozocerite, UHF, ionophoresis, shock wave therapy - serve as an auxiliary tool.
  • For 14 days on the straightened leg a tire is applied, which ensures the fixation of the joint in the required position.

In case of ruptures, surgical intervention is shown: through two miniature incisions, the instruments are inserted into the knee joint and the damaged site is stitched.

Serious injury can cause the removal of the cartilage joint and its replacement by an artificial joint.

All surgical manipulations are performed only after the extinction of signs of inflammation.

Chronic dystrophies, joint dysplasia and abnormal development of the ligamentous apparatus require exceptionally prompt treatment.

If the cause of degeneration is chronic diseases, such as rheumatism and gout - along with surgical methods also produce and treat the underlying disease (diets, immunocorrectors and others methods).

Degenerative transformations of menisci are a common pathology, which requires an immediate appeal to a specialist.

From the timely treatment depends on the functioning of the joint in the future, and procrastination can cause the spread of dystrophic processes to other elements of the joint.

So do not delay the visit to the doctor, take care of yourself and be healthy!

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Degenerative changes in the medial meniscus (horn) of the 2nd degree

In the human body, there are places in which there is an increased load. These include cartilaginous discs between the vertebrae and menisci of the knee joint. Over time, there are degenerative processes of the lateral (external) and medial (internal) menisci.

The result of this pathology can give a sick person a large number of unpleasant sensations.

Features of degenerative changes

The term degenerative changes is understood as the anatomical deformation of an organ of varying degrees (by stoller), which is the result:

  • injuries;
  • diseases;
  • atypical structure of the joint.

The degeneration of the meniscus often becomes the result of a trauma that is not always obvious. The usual unsuccessful turn with the shin can be a prerequisite for the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue, accompanied by severe pain.

Often, the medial disc may be damaged. If the external cartilage, which damages the motor activity of the knee joint, does not have a rigid fixation, the cartilage moves to one side.

His horns in this case will be located next to the condyles. With a sharp turn of the lower leg, the meniscus may not be able to escape from the displaced bone process and immediately there is damage or even a rupture.

The degenerative lesions of the meniscus can be different:

  • rupture of the horn and body of the outer and inner meniscus;
  • full separation from the attachment point;
  • excessive mobility due to rupture of ligaments between menisci;
  • cystic neoplasms within the cartilage cavities of the knee joint;
  • meniscopathy - dystrophic changes that occur under the influence of minor injuries and as a result of complications of gout, tuberculosis, rheumatism and osteoarthritis.

How are the changes manifested?

If a person is constantly tormented by aching pain, each time arising with a new force, then it is possible that he began pathological changes in the horn of the medial meniscus. In almost 90 percent of cases, changes in the knee joint are associated with damage to the natural "shock absorber" of the lower limbs.

Symptomatology in many respects will depend on the nature of the pathology itself. The gap is always accompanied by:

  1. strong painful sensations;
  2. blockage of the lower limb in a half-bent state;
  3. extensive swelling.
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Serious damage to the medial meniscus occurs against a background of hemorrhage into the joint cavity (hemarthrosis). Edema and pain are also characteristic of meniscus cystosis. All tears and detachments are chronic, they can manifest temporary pain and a sense of interference with motor activity.

For self-diagnosis, you can conduct a special test. It is necessary to rise and go down the stairs. If the pathology of the meniscus is there, then when you come down, the pain in the knee joint is significantly strengthened.

Chronic course is accompanied by secondary degenerative and dystrophic changes in the posterior horn of the medial meniscus (caused by other diseases).


As a rule, in such situations, clicks and a feeling of pathological mobility of the joints (rolling) will be noted. Such a process is particularly noticeable in motion after a prolonged state of rest.


Often there may be pain in the knees.

With the development of the disease, a gradual increase in symptoms occurs. The cartilaginous layer is thinned, and salts or crystals of uric acid accumulate beneath it. If the patient does not seek adequate medical care, then the final stage of meniscopathy will be contracture.

Common for any degree of degeneration should be called such symptoms:

  • pain;
  • edema;
  • crunch and clicks;
  • blockade of joints;
  • swelling of the knee joint with prolonged absence of movement.

Causes of degeneration

The high incidence of pathology among patients of any age is caused by a special anatomical structure and the location of the horn of the meniscus.

As a rule, injuries and cystoses occur in those people whose activity is associated with high motor activity and significant loads (dancers, ballerinas, athletes).

Degenerative changes in menisci can be caused by:

  1. dysplasia (incorrect formation of the knee statute);
  2. diseases affecting the joints (gout, tuberculosis, rheumatism, syphilis);
  3. stretching of ligaments and their inadequate formation;
  4. flat feet (low foot absorption, compensated by excessive load on the knees);
  5. too high physical exertion;
  6. overweight.

Methods of diagnosis

If the patient suffers from an acute form of damage to the medial meniscus, then blockade, pain syndrome and characteristic clicks will be observed when straightening the knee joint. This makes it possible to establish a true diagnosis by almost 100 percent.

Degenerative damage and changes in the internal meniscus during visual examination may not always be was established because of the lack of clear, vivid symptoms and even a positive reaction to the tests.

In this situation, one should resort to instrumental diagnostic methods:

  • magnetic resonance imaging, MRI of the knee joint (using the stoller classification). The study helps to get a three-dimensional picture of almost all tissues of the knee joint;
  • arthroscopy. Thanks to a miniature incision, a special endoscope is inserted into the joint cavity. With its help you can observe the state of the synovial fluid and tissues.

Methods of treatment

Therapy for degenerative changes in menisci of varying degrees depends entirely on the nature of the lesions. Acute lesions serve as direct indications for the use of conservative methods of treatment:

  • puncture of the joint. The procedure is necessary to eliminate pain, swelling and restore mobility. In some cases, several procedures may be required at once, for example, when the exudation of the knee joint does not stop for several days;
  • the appointment of analgesics. As a rule, preference is given to narcotic drugs, for example, Promedol. This is important, because other drugs with lesions of the horn of the medial meniscus are not able to save the patient from excruciating pain;
  • use of chondroprotectors. Preparations of this group provide the patient's body with all necessary substances, which has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the affected area of ​​the meniscus;
  • the use of anti-inflammatory drugs (with problems of varying degrees).

For treatment, it may be necessary to impose a tire on the affected limb (for 2 weeks). This will help to ensure a reliable fixation of the joint in the required position.

If there was a gap, then in such cases the mandatory surgical treatment is shown, the surgeon will perform:

  1. two small incisions;
  2. insert into the cavity of the knee joint tools;
  3. saves the damaged area.

If the degenerative changes of the menisci are serious, then it may be necessary to remove the cartilage and replace it with an artificial one.

Virtually all surgical procedures should be performed only in a state of remission.

Exceptionally, the operation is necessary when:

  • chronic dystrophy;
  • dysplasia of the joints;
  • abnormal development of ligaments.

With timely access to the doctor, degenerative damage to the internal meniscus will be stopped at the very beginning of development.

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Degenerative damage to the meniscus: signs, causes, diagnosis and treatment

The degenerative changes of the meniscus are its anatomical damages that occur after trauma, previous illness or atypical joint structure.

Most of the pathological changes in menisci occur as a result of injuries, when the cartilaginous disc is damaged and causes pain attacks. Degenerative damage to the inner meniscus occurs more often in men than in women.

It manifests itself in almost half the cases.

General information

The human body is an extremely complex mechanism and its work must always be established. Articular cartilage serves as a shock absorber, which normalizes and facilitates the mobility of the joints.

Cartilage tissue, being in the knee joint in the form of meniscuses, helps reduce friction surfaces, improve the rotation of the joint and restrict mobility.

In the knee joint of the meniscus are two: the outer (lateral) and the inner (medial).

Degenerative changes in cartilaginous knee joint pads are called characteristic lesions, which are the result of injuries (often, in athletes), they can be complicated by the course of the disease or the characteristics of the structure the joint. Among all joint diseases, the degenerative changes of the meniscus are in the first place.

The signs of changes are:

  • the rupture of the horns and the body of the meniscus;
  • the formation of a hollow cyst that is filled with fluid;
  • the development of meniscopathy, the process of degeneration that occurs as a result of rheumatism, tuberculosis;
  • separation of cartilage;
  • a rupture of ligaments that connect the menisci.

Meniscus is called the cartilaginous layer inside the knee joint, which, in general, performs a cushioning function.

Gaps in joint pads can occur after injuries that occur in young people during physical exertion, and may also be degenerative, which occur in the elderly and can develop without injury on the background of degenerative changes of the meniscus, which are an option for the flow of knee arthrosis.

The absence of treatment of a traumatic rupture can lead to the fact that it subsequently becomes a chronic pathology.

To diagnose a meniscus rupture, ultrasound and MRI should be performed. Meniscus tears can be in the anterior horn, hindbust, and in the body of the meniscus. Damage to the meniscus can lead to mechanical obstruction of movements, and cause pain syndromes.

The loose part of the meniscus provokes the destruction of the neighboring cartilage.

With traumatic rupture of the meniscus, there is swelling of the knee joint and pain. If the rupture occurred in a place where there are blood vessels, then there is hemarthrosis. It is manifested by swelling above the kneecap.

If the cartilaginous lining is damaged, the part that detaches and dangles may interfere with free movement in the knee.

Discontinuities of small size can cause painful clicks or a sense of constraint.


If the gap is large, joint blockage can occur because the torn fragment of the cartilaginous lining is moved to the center of the joint and provokes "jamming" of the joint.


With the hamstring of the horn of the meniscus, there is a restriction of the flexion process, with the tearing of the body of the meniscus or its anterior horn, pain occurs during the process of extension in the knee joint.

Painful syndromes with a rupture of the horn of the meniscus can be so strong that it is impossible stepping on the foot, and sometimes the break of the meniscus is manifested only by pain in the production of certain movements.

With an acute tearing of the anterior cruciate ligament, swelling can develop faster and be more pronounced. Also, the lateral cartilaginous lining is damaged.

Degenerative cartilage ruptures can occur with the slightest physical exertion, especially when it comes to the older generation.

With degenerative rupture of the medial meniscus, neighboring cartilage, which covers the tibia and femur more often, is damaged.

General symptoms of cartilage damage:

  • clicks and crunch;
  • swelling;
  • soreness;
  • with a long stay in one position, knees are swelling;
  • blockade of the joint with bent knees.

Causes of meniscal lesions

The structure and anatomical features of the location of the meniscus cause a high incidence of pathology in different age categories. The risk group consists of athletes who are prone to ruptures, injuries and cysts.

Possible causes of cartilage rupture:

  • incorrect formation or sprain of ligaments;
  • flat feet;
  • incorrectly formed knee joint;
  • presence of gout, syphilis, tuberculosis, rheumatism and other diseases that can affect joints;
  • excess weight.

Forms of the disease

Damage to the external meniscus of the knee joint

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Trauma of the lateral meniscus in adults occurs extremely rarely. More often this happens to children and adolescents. In consequence of such injury, the blockade happens rarely.

Symptoms of damage to the lateral meniscus include:

  • pain syndromes in the tissues in the region of the collateral ligament;
  • pronounced synovitis;
  • unpleasant sensation of pain in the area of ​​the peroneal ligament;
  • low tone in the muscles of the front of the thigh.

When the outer cartilage ruptures, the knee joint can be bent at right angles and the patient himself can unlock it. In general, the signs of this trauma are not very pronounced. Diagnosis of such an injury is problematic because of unstable pain.

A congenital developmental anomaly is possible - a solid (disk-shaped) outer meniscus. It is easy to confuse with the rupture of cartilage. With this pathology, the cartilage has a disc shape.

Signs of a solid outer meniscus can appear in adolescence, and can also be detected at an older age.

Damage to the medial knee joint meniscus

The common trauma of the medial meniscus is the rupture. Basically, the middle part breaks, at the time when the ends remain intact.

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There are three types of damage to the medial meniscus:

  • the ligament rupture that fixes the internal organ;
  • rupture of the cartilage itself;
  • rupture of cartilage tissue.

Detachment with a pinching of the anterior horn of the inner meniscus provokes blockage of the knee joint, which does not cause bending of the knee.

This phenomenon is temporary, since carrying out the unlocking will restore motion in the joint. Damage to the horn of the medial meniscus is a more serious injury.

thus blocking, popping up and bending of the knee occurs.

Chronic process of degeneration and meniscus trauma

The process of damage to the left and right cartilage is equal.

The causes of degeneration of the meniscus include:

  • sharp extension of the leg;
  • deposition of mucin in tissues;
  • severe injury;
  • rheumatism;
  • gout.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of the disease can be carried out with the help of such studies:

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging;
  2. Ultrasound;
  3. CT scan;
  4. Radiography;
  5. Diagnostic arthroscopy.

In order to identify an accurate diagnosis - a break in the meniscus, you should consult a specialist.

He needs to tell you under what circumstances you have painful sensations. Any changes in the meniscus cause pain.

On examination, examine the thigh and knee joint. When swelling, there may be suspicions of the development of hemarthrosis or synovitis.


Radiography - is performed with any pain in the knee joint. It is carried out in such projections:

  1. Lateral projection;
  2. Direct projection in standing position, and with bending of knees at 45 °;
  3. Axial projection.

MRI - allows you to see the cartilage in several planes, assess the condition of other periarticular and articular formations, which is important when there are doubts about the diagnosis. MRI in diagnosing meniscus problems has an accuracy of up to 95%.

At the sagittal plane, the cartilaginous lining takes the form of a butterfly.

When a rupture occurs, the symptom of a "double posterior cruciate ligament" occurs when the meniscus is attached to the posterior cruciate ligament and is located in the intercondylar fossa of the femur.


After conducting the diagnosis and confirming the diagnosis, the specialist appoints complex therapeutic methods, including a set of such measures:

  • a puncture from the knee;
  • the appointment of physiotherapy: phonophoresis, UHF, ionophoresis, ozocerite;
  • prescribing analgesics, drugs containing narcotic substances (promedol), NSAIDs, Chondroprotectors (provide the body with substances that contribute to the restoration of damaged section of the meniscus).

For 2 weeks on the straightened leg a tire is applied, which ensures the fixation of the joint in the desired position.

With tears, chronic dystrophy, joint dysplasia, surgery is performed.

In the presence of gout or rheumatism, treatment of the underlying disease that provoked the process of degenerative changes is also performed.

The main method of treating pathologies of knee cartilage is surgical intervention. The arthroscopy is carried out, the operation is performed through two incisions, one centimeter in length.

The severed part of the meniscus is removed, and its inner edge is leveled.

After such an operation, the recovery period depends on the patient's condition, but on average it is from 2 days to several weeks.

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Symptoms of degenerative knee meniscus damage

Degenerative changes in the knee joint meniscus occur for various reasons, most common of them: excessive loads and dystrophic processes that develop in the elderly patients.

These cartilaginous pads perform an important function - protect the hard tissues of the joint. In addition, menisci play the role of shock absorbers.

They take on a significant part of the load, so that the structure of the articular cartilage and the bone heads last longer.

Causes of degeneration

Distinguish between the lateral (external) and the medial (internal) meniscus. Both cartilages can undergo changes. Degenerative processes usually develop under the influence of a number of factors:

  • congenital pathologies;
  • joint disease;
  • injury.

The risk group includes people who regularly experience significant physical exertion: professional athletes, loaders, etc. Any careless movement can lead to degenerative changes in the lateral meniscus or medial cartilage.

In case of trauma, the integrity of the ligaments is disrupted, and the cartilage, bone tissues are affected. The altered position of the bones or torn ligaments causes the load to be redistributed to the joint.

As a result, mucinous degeneration of the meniscus develops.

The nature of pathological processes can be different. Sometimes a cyst develops in the meniscus - it is a neoplasm in the cartilaginous tissues, inside which the liquid is contained. This condition is defined as mucoid degeneration.


There is another kind of pathology - meniscopathy. In this case, there are dystrophic changes in the structure of cartilaginous tissues caused by chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteoarthritis, rheumatism) or trauma.


In addition, degenerative damage to the internal meniscus or external cartilage can occur. Effects:

  • separation from the attachment point;
  • excessive mobility;
  • violation of the integrity of the meniscus.

The symptoms in any of the cases will be different. The more serious the damage, the more pronounced the pain.


Most varieties of joint pathologies affect menisci. With trauma symptoms appear immediately.

If degenerative processes are a consequence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, unpleasant sensations increase gradually.

Damage to the medial meniscus can be accompanied by a hemorrhage into the joint cavity. This condition is called hemarthrosis. Common symptoms for all pathologies:

  • pain of different intensity;
  • swelling;
  • redness of the skin;
  • extraneous sounds (clicks) appearing in the region of the knee while moving;
  • change in the shape of the joint;
  • difficulty in moving, there is a sense of interference in the knee;
  • blockade of the leg, which manifests itself in a bent position.

If mucoid degeneration occurs, edema occurs. This condition is accompanied by intense pain. The most common sign of degenerative-dystrophic processes is an extraneous sound (click), issued by the joint during movement.


In case of trauma, pathology is much easier to identify, since in this case the symptoms are acute. Damage to the outer meniscus happens more often, because this cartilage is more mobile.

If there is blockage of the joint in a certain position, a crunch occurs, in most cases this means that the pathology develops in the meniscus.

But the moderate degenerative and dystrophic processes are not so obvious that complicates the diagnosis.

Symptoms may not appear soon, but only if the disease of the musculoskeletal system develops quite strongly.

To confirm the diagnosis of an external or internal meniscus, an additional examination is prescribed:

  1. Radiography. In this case, the pathological process can be determined by means of a contrast medium.
  2. MRI. A more accurate method. With its help, the degree of wear of cartilaginous tissues, as well as their damage, is revealed in a timely manner.
  3. CT scan.
  4. Ultrasound.
  5. Endoscopy. Using an arthroscope, an internal examination of the knee joint is performed. This method allows you to identify pathology when examining tissues through a small video camera, which is inserted into the joint cavity and transfers the image to the monitor.

Healing measures

In most varieties of pathologies in the knee joint meniscus, conservative treatment is ineffective. Such a method can improve the condition with deformations of the medial cartilage.

Medical products help prevent the development of pathology: stop the inflammatory process, eliminate pain and swelling.

However, if the question is solved, how to treat the joint with degenerative changes in the meniscus, you should know that conservative therapy does not completely cure the knee.


When the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to reduce the load on the affected joint. First, you need to eliminate the signs of an acute form of the disease, since in this state it is forbidden to perform any manipulation. To exclude the displacement, a fixing bandage or a tire is applied for 2 weeks.


With a hemarthrosis, a puncture is indicated. This procedure allows you to remove the accumulated blood. Due to this, puffiness, pain intensity is reduced, and mobility is partially restored.

Assign analgesics. Drugs of this group eliminate pain.

This can not always be done using non-steroid drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac), so when bright expressed degenerative processes in the meniscus prescribe drugs of a narcotic nature - Promedol and him similar. In some cases it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs. The joint is injected with glucocorticosteroids.

After removing the tire, when the acute manifestations were eliminated, they move on to the next stage -physiotherapy procedures (phonophoresis, UHF, ozocerite, ionophoresis), as well as exercise therapy.

Exercise strengthens the muscles, which helps reduce the load on the joint and meniscus, in particular. At the initial stage, static exercises are performed. At the same time there is no load on other parts of the body, only the muscles of the affected limb are involved.

Chondroprotectors and surgery

These are preparations of a special group. They are offered in different forms: injections, tablets.

The main purpose of such medicines is the restoration of cartilage tissues, the cessation of degenerative processes.

In addition, chondroprotectors significantly reduce the likelihood of pathology in the future. They deliver useful substances to the joint.

With degenerative changes, meniscus is prescribed:

  1. Protekon. This combination drug relieves pain, prevents the development of inflammation, restores cartilaginous tissue.
  2. Dona. A drug that affects the metabolic processes in the cartilage.
  3. Teraflex. The composition includes substances that are related to the compounds contained in the cartilage tissue. Indications for use: any degenerative-dystrophic processes in the joints, which are the consequence of chronic diseases, for example, osteoarthrosis.
  4. Arthron. The drug promotes the restoration of cartilage, prone to intense physical exertion, as well as injuries and diseases of various types.

Serious pathologies (highly developed degenerative processes, deformation, separation from the attachment site) can not be treated conservatively.

In such cases, the joint is restored by surgery. It may be necessary to replace the entire knee with a prosthesis.

Use a sliding, rotational, hinged or superficial prosthesis.

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