Halyazion of the lower eyelid

Halyazion is a tumor-like formation, which is sometimes confused with barley. Both externally and by feeling they manifest themselves almost identically. The person feels a burning sensation, the eyelids turn red and swell. But there is one significant difference - halyazion has the form of a dense small tubercle, which is located a century below the eyelashes, but barley appears on the line of the eyelashes.

Not everyone knows how to properly treat halyazion, but this is very important, because a neglected disease requires surgical intervention. Therefore, in this article we will talk not only about the methods of treatment, but also about the symptoms of halyazion.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Halyazion is a cyst that appears due to blockage and inflammation of the meibomian gland.Most often it appears on the upper eyelid, but in some cases it may occur on the lower eyelid. Externally, haljazion looks like the swelling of the edge of the lower eyelid.

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Touching it can cause pain, but it happens only at the initial stage of its development.

Tumor formation may be one, but several may appear at once.The cyst is formed under the upper layer of the skin of the eyelids.It can grow up to seven millimeters or more. A large cyst begins to press over the eye, which contributes to the development of astigmatism.

Halyazion can go into a chronic form. In this case, it occurs with colds, decreased immunity, non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, with hormonal regulation.

It should be noted that haljazion can be the result of a barley not healed up to the end.Halyazion of the lower eyelid occurs in both young children and adults.Especially often it occurs in people after forty years.

Halyazion of the upper eyelid


The main reasons for the appearance of haljazion in the lower eyelid are a decrease in immunity and a violation of the hormonal balance.

Other causes contributing to the development of cysts include:

  • Postponed colds;
  • Long stay in the cold, hypothermia;
  • Stay in a stressful state;
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Inflammatory processes in the sebaceous glands;
  • Excess formation of secret glands;
  • Non-compliance with personal hygiene;
  • Disease of diabetes mellitus.


Halyazion of the lower eyelid at the initial stage manifests itself as a swelling.There is a burning sensation.After a couple of days, these symptoms disappear, and in the lower eyelid the tubercle begins to grow.It significantly increases in size during the week, after which it ceases to grow.

If the lower eyelid is pulled down, then on its inner surface you can see a speck of red-gray color.

At haljazione the person complains of sensation of hit in an eye of a foreign body.


Halyazion can be diagnosed without the use of additional instruments and the delivery of tests.It is enough for the doctor to listen to the patient and conduct a routine examination of the condition of his eyelids.

In most cases, patients complain of the appearance of swelling in the lower eyelid in the form of a pea, redness of the eyelids.With haljazione, it is possible to hamper blinking.

Once a specialist has diagnosed halyazion, it is necessary to start treatment. Timely therapy will avoid surgical intervention.


As soon as there was a burning sensation, it is necessary to start taking measures to treat chalazion.To do this, you can apply a hot compress, for example, a hot chicken egg wrapped in a kerchief, or a bag of heated salt. You can do eyelid massage with warm hands.

Similar treatment methods get rid of the chalazion of the upper eyelid.

At the very beginning, when halyazion has not yet begun to progress, it is necessary to act as quickly as possible, since then it will not be possible to warm up again.

Treatment with medicines is also effective at an early stage.Usually prescribed eye drops or ointments that relieve inflammation. It can be Hydrocortisone ointment or drops of Floxal or Torbex and others.

In the affected eye drip one or two drops of the drug, after which the eyelid is applied ointment. You can massage the swelling finger with the ointment applied to it.

Together with medicines, physiotherapy, eyelid massage, dry heat can be prescribed.

At later stages, preparations with corticosteroids, for example, Kenalog, may be prescribed. It promotes resorption of swelling.

In more neglected cases, the following can be carried out:

  1. Surgery.It is carried out under local anesthesia and lasts only twenty minutes. For this, a conjunctival incision is made, and then a halyaz capsule is removed. After its removal, the incision site is treated with an antiseptic and an antibacterial ointment is applied. That there was no edema of eyelids and a bruise, impose a tight bandage.
  2. Laser treatment.Instead of a scalpel, a laser is used here. The essence of the operation remains the same. After her appoint the same antibacterial drugs, but there is no need to impose a bandage. Such a laser operation can be carried out by persons over fourteen years of age.

Folk medicine and homeopathy can be used as alternative methods of treatment of the halachion of the lower eyelid.In the first case, you can bury in the eye aloe juice or rinse it with tincture or a decoction of marigold.As for homeopathy, it can only be used after consultation with a homeopath.

Before and after the surgery to remove the halachion


Possible complications of the lower eyelid halyazion include decreased vision and keratitis. In the first case, vision deteriorates due to the fact that the cyst, increasing in size, begins to press on the eyeball.

Keratitis occurs in more neglected cases. As a result, the cornea becomes damaged and cloudy, and this is very dangerous, since a person can completely lose sight.


As a preventive measure that will prevent the emergence of haljason, you can use the following recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to cure up to the end all infectious diseases.
  2. To wash and wash your hands you need only clean water, and soap should have a neutral pH.
  3. Compliance with the regime of the day will prevent the appearance of fatigue, deterioration of immunity.
  4. Do not supercool the body.
  5. Inclusion in the daily diet of vitamins and healthy products and refusal to eat "garbage".
  6. For pillows, it is better to choose a synthetic filler, since dust mites do not multiply in it.
  7. With the self-massage of the eyelids for a couple of minutes using the ointment containing hyaluronic acid, you can cleanse the sebaceous gland ducts and restore blood circulation.
  8. You can use eye drops that purify the sebaceous glands of the eyelids, for example, Fizosigmine.



The advent of haljazion is a rather unpleasant situation. But with timely treatment, it is possible to prevent the growth of the cyst and the development of dangerous complications, such as, for example, keratitis. Unreleased halyazion can be cured quickly and fairly simply.

And, of course, do not forget about the measures to prevent halazion. A healthy lifestyle, compliance with the regime of the day, timely treatment of infectious diseases and proper nutrition will protect the eyelids from inflammation.

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