Viral conjunctivitis in children - features of the disease

Viral conjunctivitis is one of the most common problems that young mothers face as soon as a child begins to visit a kindergarten or school. The disease can occur even several times a season, especially if the child is weak. In order for you to have a quick and easy way to deal with this problem, let's look at the features of viral conjunctivitis and how to quickly cure conjunctivitis in children.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Conjunctivitis as a whole is an inflammation of the mucous eye, which can have a different origin.Its viral form is the most common and is often associated with infections of the respiratory tract.In particular, this regularity manifests itself in children, where cases of infection of the mucosa during the transfer of biological material from nose to eye are not uncommon.This is one of the few forms that can in a short time cause a real epidemic, if not take action in the team.With this form of the disease, both eyes are usually affected.

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In addition to the fact that the disease can be transmitted and as an ordinary cold, that is, by airborne droplets, infection occurs through personal hygiene, for example, when contact with a handkerchief, a pillowcase patient.

Usually the acute phase of this illness lasts up to 10 days, then the illness passes, often, without consequences for vision.


This form of conjunctivitis is caused by a viral infection.

Pathogens can be of various types, including, this ailment can be observed in ARVI.

At present, there are at least 25 strains of the body capable of provoking a similar pathology.However, he receives a pronounced development often thanks to additional contributing factors, among general weakness of the body, violation of sleep and wakefulness, lack of useful substances in organism.Often it occurs and against the background of a weakening of another infection.


The course of the viral form of conjunctivitis in a child is accompanied by a number of specific symptoms. Among them:

  • itching;
  • swelling and redness of the mucosa;
  • photophobia;
  • increased fatigue, drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite.

As for the excreta accompanying this type of disease, they can be meager, usually transparent and do not contain pus.Also, if conjunctivitis is accompanied by another acute infectious disease, the child and the fever may be observed.

The intensity of manifestation of the characteristic conjunctivitis of a symptomatic virus form directly depends on how active the virus itself is, and also on the general condition of the child.

Some children may have 2-3 symptoms, others suffer from all the above, including a fever.Be that as it may, such a state of the child should cause concern to the parents and encourage their prompt treatment for help directly to qualified specialists.


In order to diagnose a child is the viral form of conjunctivitis, it is enough to have a routine examination with an ophthalmologist.He should assess the condition of the mucosa, interview the child and mother about complaints, measures taken to treat the disease when it is detected, the order of the day of the child. In addition, it is he who must establish the presence of concomitant diseases, and if they occur, send the baby to the appropriate specialist.In order to accurately identify the type of pathogen and select appropriate medications for treatment, a scraping of the material is taken.

Based on the results of such a survey, the doctor will be able to diagnose and appoint a full patient to a full patient. It is usually outpatient and does not involve the taking of heavy drugs, requiring the supervision of specialists. Repeated visits to the doctor for the child's diagnosis are usually prescribed on the 7th or 10th day after the initial treatment.


Usually, with such a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment by local means. Ethen antiviral drops, as well as antiviral ointments, which are laid behind the eyelid.Also, along with such medications, children are often prescribed common firming medications so that the disease can be overcome quickly by the body. Also, the child is prescribed special means for regular eye rinsing.In the event that there is an increased dryness, discomfort, prescribe and moisturizing drops, which it is desirable to use after washing, so as not to create an infection-friendly Wednesday.

Even if the child is sick often enough, and the parent himself knows by heart the drugs used in such cases, the treatment must be selected each time again. This will allow you to correctly identify the type of pathogen, as well as reduce the risk of mutations of viruses with their acquisition of resistance to a particular drug that you usually use.


Often, even without special treatment, the child's conjunctivitis in the virus passes in a few days itself. But sometimes, with high activity of the virus, and also very low immunity of the child, it can give very unpleasant consequences. One of the main complications in this case is keratitis, corneal damage. It gives the formation of scars.And if the acute illness occurs concomitantly, the risk of corneal damage increases, in which even spots of turbidity develop.

Remember, unlike conjunctivitis itself, its complications never per se pass by themselves. If you notice them, you should immediately consult a doctor to provide the baby with the best level of medical care.


It is quite difficult to avoid infection with viral conjunctivitis in children in the case when the child regularly visits school, kindergarten, or other children's collective.After all, it is enough for one child to become infected with such an ailment, and all the others automatically fall into a risk group.However, you can reduce the risk of infection with this disease. For this it is recommended:

  • Refuse to visit the kindergarten if there are children with acute illness in the group;
  • To accustom the child to use only personal hygiene items, in any case not to take someone else's scarves, towels;
  • Provide the baby with the right nutrition so that he gets the right amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • Strengthen immunity;
  • Regularly visit the doctor to have a full picture of the current state of the child's health and be able to take measures if necessary, to avoid the appearance of complex diseases.

In the event that you have already noticed the child's first symptoms of conjunctivitis, he will need to provide peace, proper care, protect from communication with peers, games at the computer or viewing TV.

And then he will be able to recover as quickly and without detriment to a small organism.



Although viral conjunctivitis is a rather unpleasant contagious disease, it is possible to effectively combat it. For this, it is very important to pay due attention to the prevention of the spread of infection in children's institutions, to teach the child to observe the hygiene of sight, and also at the first signs of the disease specialists. And then you can quickly and effectively deal with such a disease.

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