What cough drugs can I have in pregnancy?

What can I take from a cough during pregnancy?

In this important and very critical period of life, it is more important than ever to maintain good health and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. What if the insidious cold had fallen in wait just now? How to overcome a cough during pregnancy, what medicines and folk methods are guaranteed to help and not harm a child? You will find answers to all these important questions in our article.

Causes and Dangers of Disease

First of all, coughing is not a disease, it's just a symptom caused by a number of reasons. The first thing that comes to mind is a cold disease, after all, this unpleasant condition most often arises. Depending on the type, distinguish dry (unproductive) and wet (productive) cough. Preparations for each species will be separate, aimed at diluting sputum, or on a safe and rapid excretion.

A separate category - an allergic cough, usual medications here will be powerless, it is necessary to eliminate the acting allergen and to remove the manifestations of this substance.

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Depending on the severity of the reactions, you can take antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs in the form of tablets, syrups, drops or even injections.

Cough can also be caused by special conditions: dry air in the room, dustiness or gas contamination can lead to periodic coughing. If these circumstances change for more suitable, this unpleasant and dangerous symptom will pass by itself.

The video tells that you can take from a cough during pregnancy:

A peculiarity of the course of any disease or symptom in pregnant women is the impossibility of taking the majority of medications. The big risk to health and even a life of the kid forces the woman to use national methods of treatment that also it is not always safe.

In time, not cured cough, in turn, may well lead to threatening conditions and exacerbation of the disease. A real threat during a harsh dry cough is increased tone of the uterus and involuntary contraction of the abdominal muscles. All this in a complex can provoke miscarriage and premature birth, especially if there is a medical indication and threat of abortion. To avoid this and to recover as soon as possible will help specially selected preparations for coughing.

Than to treat: we go to a drugstore

Medications in most cases either categorically deny the possibility of using "in an interesting position, "or caution that no safety research has been conducted and data are unknown. Thus, the manufacturer will insure itself against possible consequences or simply not sure about the harmlessness of the main active substance.

On the other hand, if there is a problem, it is necessary to solve it, so there is still a special category of drugs designed to combat diseases in pregnant women as well. Usually therapists prescribe baby syrups on herbs or homeopathy.The general rule is this: if a drug can be used by a child at birth, it is safe for pregnant women.Do not prescribe yourself a medicine, depending on the severity of the condition, even the option with antibiotics and day hospital, so a simple syrup here will be powerless and only aggravate the disease, taking away precious time.

Dry cough syrups for pregnant women

  • Stood (read about the application of Stodal from a cough during pregnancy);
  • Stoppussin Fito;
  • Propane cough syrup;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Sinecod.

The maximum danger threatens the baby in the early stages of pregnancy, and already in the second and third trimester the child will be reliably protected by the placenta and most of the substances already do not reach him. But this does not mean that you can use absolutely all means, just the range of medications allowed will increase significantly.

We treat a productive cough

Wet cough is not less harmful than dry cough, despite the fact that it does not cause strong spasms and tonus the uterus, accumulated sputum can aggravate the course of the disease and provoke a repeated infection of the body.

Quickly and effectively with wet cough will help such drugs:

  • Syrup of licorice root (read how to take the root licorice syrup to adults);
  • Bromhexine;
  • Tussin;
  • Prospan;
  • Gedelix;
  • Herbion;
  • Dry cough medicine (here you can see the instruction for the use of children's dry medicine for cough).

If cold cough was added and sore in the throat, it is optimal to supplement the treatment with rinses. You can use pharmacy herbs, soda or sea salt. A good effect is a fresh juice of beets and carrots, which for rinses are bisected with warm water.

Therapy of concomitant symptoms

What can I drink with my medicine during pregnancy? Medications in other dosage forms (hot teas, solutions and sachets) can also be used during pregnancy, the main thing is to choose the right composition.

Examples of other drugs:

  • Coldrex Knight;
  • Libexin;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Libexin;
  • Breastfeeding (the link describes how to take breastfeeding from a cough during pregnancy).

With any manifestations of cold cough, inhalations are good. To find a safe composition and the duration of the procedure will help the doctor, but the purchase of a good inhaler is useful in the future - for the prevention of respiratory diseases in the child.

On the video - more information about what can be done when coughing during pregnancy:

Allergic cough

Allergic cough also can not be ignored, the peculiarity of the treatment is the elimination of the very reason for a possible allergy. It should not be forgotten that at this stage of life the body reacts very sensitively to any external stimuli and such a reaction can appear even in the most innocuous thing. It is very important to regularly ventilate the premises and conduct periodic wet cleaning.

Often go to nature and away from the gassed streets.The positive moment of such walks is not limited to medical indications and lack of fresh air.This is a kind of training for the upcoming motherhood: beforehand choosing suitable places, you will not subsequently have problems walking with the child. Here you can read about the treatment of allergic cough in adults by folk remedies.

Smoking in the bearing of a child

An important factor affecting the appearance of cough in pregnant women will also be a very addictive habit - smoking. Unfortunately, many future mothers see absolutely nothing wrong with this pastime. There is an opinion that one should not quit sharply, ostensibly it will cause more harm to the child, rather than further smoking. It will be difficult to agree with this, especially after all the studies on the harm of this occupation. There are many simple and safe methods of quitting smoking, which can be applied in the pregnant state. The earlier and faster you quit smoking, the more chances are that it will not cause irreparable harm to your future child.

On the video - about smoking during pregnancy:

Folk remedies

Official medicine has long borrowed some "grandmother's" recipes for the treatment of certain diseases, in particular, various types of cough for colds. Proof of this are natural syrups and supplements, as well as the fact that many doctors prescribe some methods of home medicine in complex treatment with medications.

Especially relevant are the secrets of traditional medicine in the "pregnant state when many drugstores are contraindicated. It should be understood that you can not use even the most proven methods without first consulting a specialist.Pregnancy is not the time for experiments, because you are responsible for the health and life of another person.Reasonable approach and timely treatment to the doctor - these are the main trumps of the treatment of all ailments. If there are no contraindications and threat of pregnancy, the therapist himself will prescribe to you relatively safe and natural remedies, sometimes even without pharmacy analogues.

On the video - what can cure cough during pregnancy:

Good methods of cough treatment folk remedies:

  1. Milk with soda or mineral water. For a glass of milk, no more, a teaspoon of soda, drink warm for the night. Good for dry cough. If you use alkaline mineral water, the required proportions:. Milk with oil and soda from cough also helps.
  2. Radish with honey.Radish with honey from cough during pregnancy is the most popular home remedy, especially for children's treatment. For this purpose, a deep groove is cut in the root crop, which must be filled with honey. After the syrup appears more liquid consistency, the agent can be consumed. Do not use this method for any manifestations of allergy to components.
  3. Milk with figs. Half a liter of milk boil with 3-4 fresh or dried fruits. Ready mixture to boil until thick and slightly brown. Take half a glass three times a day. Here is described in detail how to take figs with milk from a cough during pregnancy.
  4. Cabbage leafsmear with honey and apply as a compress to the chest, throat or back. The desired improvement is usually noticeable after three procedures.

Any thermal procedures: mustard, cans and steaming legs are prohibited during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that thermal effects increase blood supply and can provoke bleeding and the threat of early miscarriage and premature birth. Do not take additional medications containing vitamin C in large quantities.

Pregnancy is a wonderful waiting time, which is sometimes clouded by unplanned diseases and problems.With honor to get out of this test and give your child the necessary health and strength will help simple recommendations. They are known to everyone since childhood, but very few people used them all the time.

Full nutrition and rest, active pastime in the open air and rejection of bad habits (in food including) - that's what will help to strengthen health and will prepare for the main exam in your life - motherhood. Here you can read whether you can warm your throat during pregnancy.


The use of tablets in the treatment of cough in pregnant women

Coughing for a pregnant woman and her baby is a serious danger, it is for this reason that it should be tried as soon as possible to cure. Considering the fact that during pregnancy a woman is forbidden to take almost all medicines, it is not so easy to conduct treatment. The future mother should remember that the medicine should be prescribed only by a specialist who necessarily takes into account the position of a woman. Cough syrups or tablets can be prescribed for pregnancy of plant origin.

What tablets to choose?

Over the years, the most common safe remedy, which can cure cough in pregnant women, are Muciltin tablets. This product of plant origin has an expectorant effect on the body. Also, with their use, secretion is intensified, resulting in a dry cough, inflammation in the respiratory tract. With the resorption of tablets, the nasal mucosa moistens, so the medicine has a beneficial effect on the nasopharynx.

After the application of this medicine for cough, sputum is diluted, making it easier to get out of the respiratory tract. This cough medicine for pregnant women is prescribed only by a specialist, while the treatment regimen and dosage of the drug for each patient is determined individually. Mukaltin can not always be used in pregnancy, it is contraindicated in such cases:

  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Despite the vegetable origin of many cough medicines, one must carefully select them, it is necessary to exclude the treatment tablets, made on the basis of such plants as violet field or tricolor, ledum, mother-and-stepmother, plantain.

All medicines during pregnancy should be prescribed by the attending physician

All these plants are undoubtedly very effective in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, but not for pregnant women. If the extracts of these plants get into the body of the woman, miscarriage or other dangerous complications in the development of the child may occur. They can not be ingested, but some of these herbs can be very effective in inhalation.

In addition to Mukaltin, the following preparations, produced in the form of tablets, are widely used in the treatment of cough in pregnant women:

  • Bronchipret;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Flavamed;
  • Biopriks.

Each of the medicines during pregnancy should not be used independently without prescribing doctor, otherwise there may be irreversible consequences, dangerous not only for the health of the baby, but also for his life.

Bronchitis in the treatment of pregnant women

Very often a pregnant woman is given a pill from a cough. Bronchipret is a herbal preparation based on the extract of the roots of the primrose and the herb of thyme.They are very well tolerated by future mothers, in addition they are absolutely safe for the baby - in no way affect his physical and mental development without posing a threat to life crumbs.

Bronchypret tablets exert a bronchospasmolytic, secretholytic effect on the woman's body, so bronchial tubes expand, the sputum begins to separate and cough. Also, the bronchial drug has an antibacterial effect, so it is advisable to use it in the treatment of cough of various origins.

Other drugs

Ambroxol tablets can be used only in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, but even at this time, treatment should be carried out with caution, following the instructions in the instructions.

When coughing in a pregnant woman who is associated with the course of such a disease as bronchitis, a future mother may be prescribed antibiotic Biopriks. The active substance of the tablets is practically not absorbed into the blood, so it can not harm the baby. However, it should be used only if it is not possible to cure the disease with other drugs.

A woman who is nursing a child should carefully study the composition of the drug before using it, since many drugs for cough include substances such as ethylmorphine and codeine. They are the ones that can cause the threat of abortion. Also, every woman at the time of pregnancy usually knows what substances she may have allergies, for this reason, you should also read the instructions. Flavamed tablets are used in the treatment of children and pregnant women, getting into the body, they exert a liquefying and expectorant effect on the mucus. This drug is better not to be taken simultaneously with other antitussive drugs, because of their incompatibility there can be serious side effects.

Bromhexine belongs to the number of drugs that are safe for pregnant women, but they are prescribed only in extreme cases. It is very important to know what can be pregnant for a cough, and what is better to give up without risking a child's health.


Treatment of cough by folk remedies during pregnancy

The woman during pregnancy increases the load on the body, reduces immunity. During this period, avoiding various diseases is not easy. Coughing is one of the most common symptoms of many ailments - bronchitis, viral infections, pneumonia, laryngitis. By nature, it can be dry, wet, spastic, chronic. As you know, during this period to take uncontrolled synthetic drugs for coughing categorically impossible, as there are too many contraindications and side effects. It is better to take advantage of inexhaustible healing powers of nature - folk remedies for coughing. Recipes based on plants, honey are effective and with proper intake are safe. They act on the body gently, are well tolerated and have virtually no adverse reactions. They have a rich chemical composition and extensive healing properties.

Herbs for coughing during pregnancy

During pregnancy, not all herbs can be used. For example, oregano is contraindicated. Thermopsis lancet is a reliable cough remedy, but it is toxic, and it can not be used in recipes for cooking tinctures. Among the known plants, the following expectorant herbs are safe:

  • Plantain large.
  • The lungwort is the softest.
  • Mother and stepmother.
  • Linden blossom.
  • Chamomile officinalis.
  • Thyme is creeping or thyme.
  • Clover red.
  • Primula is coarse-scaly.
  • Liquorice root.

Herbalists do not recommend getting involved in polysyllables in preparing recipes for cough during pregnancy. It is enough to use 2 to 4 plants. Chamomile officinalis, St. John's wort, sage, calendula have anti-inflammatory properties to a greater extent. They are best used in inhalations with dry cough and as an addition to expectorant charges.

Of course, it is impossible to cure people's cough remedies for 1 to 2 days. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and is at least 10-14 days. It is worth noting that too long reception of one national remedy for coughing during pregnancy is also undesirable. There is an addiction, allergic reactions can develop.

Recipes for coughing during pregnancy

On the forums there are a lot of folk recipes from cough with the use of onions. With it are prepared decoctions, infusions, rubbings. With a strong reflex act in pregnant women will help the following composition:

  • Onion - half a kilogram.
  • Honey - 2 tablespoons.
  • Sugar-sand - 400 g.
  • 1 liter of water.

Blend for about 3 hours, drain, cool, store in the refrigerator. Drink a tablespoon 4 - 6 times during the day.

An excellent folk remedy for a strong reflex action is a cocktail of milk and Borjomi.

The old tried and tested folk remedy for coughing during pregnancy is a black radish with honey. Freshly squeezed radish juice is mixed with honey in equal proportions. Take 4 to 6 times a day.

The drug from the fig, cooked in milk, useful and pleasant to the taste. Prepare from 2 tablespoons of crushed figs and a glass of milk. Brewed until softened berries. It is taken half the glass twice a day.

Cough inhalation during pregnancy

When inhaled, the medicinal components penetrate directly into the respiratory tract. The healing effect comes faster. With a dry reflex act, it is useful for pregnant women to breathe on a potato welded in a uniform. Sputum is well diluted and is excreted from the trachea and bronchi.

For inhalation of herbs take a teaspoon of lime flowers, eucalyptus, chamomile, sage. Pour a liter of boiling water, insist for 10-15 minutes and as much inhale. You can use other combinations of expectorant and anti-inflammatory herbs to treat an ailment in pregnant women.

Compresses for coughing during pregnancy

Compresses will require the usual available ingredients:

  • 3 - 5 potatoes welded in a uniform.
  • 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons of any vegetable oil.
  • 3 - 4 drops of iodine (if the allergy, you can do without it).

Potatoes crushed, mixed with butter and iodine. The composition is layered on the fabric and put on the chest to the throat, wrap it. Keep until the compresses cool down. It is possible to act easier. Cook the boiled potatoes in half. Densely spread on the chest or back, close the blanket. Both procedures pregnant women should do before bedtime.

Some folk remedies, including herbs, vegetables, plants, broths are contraindicated in pregnancy. To be sure of their safety, you should always consult a doctor.


Medicines (tablets, medicines) from coughing during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the woman's immunity decreases drastically, as a result of which she is susceptible to various colds and viral diseases. The most common complication of such conditions is cough. To the choice of medications for the treatment of women in the situation should be approached especially scrupulously. After all, most of them are able to freely penetrate the placenta and have a negative impact on the fetus. Drugs for cough during pregnancy are prescribed only after the examination and to find out the reasons for this symptom.

Tablets for coughing during pregnancy

Since cough during pregnancy most often occurs against the background of colds, bronchitis or influenza, it is very important to treat the underlying disease, and not just a visible symptom, for a quick recovery. To ensure that the treatment was not only effective, but also safe, tablets and candies should be prescribed by a doctor.

Dry cough

For its treatment, antitussive tablets are usually used. Their action is aimed at inhibiting the cough reflex. Such medicines include Tusuprex (from the first trimester), Stoptussin (from the second trimester). If you talk about less severe drugs, you can use candy - for example, Travisil.

Moist cough

For its treatment, mucolytics and expectorants are used. Mucolytics contribute to the dilution of thick and viscous sputum, thereby facilitating its further excretion. The permitted medicines include Bromhexine (from the second trimester), Lazolvan, Abrobene, Stodal.

With regard to expectorant drugs, the best way is to give preference to products with herbal components: Mukaltin, Herbion pastilles.

In the treatment of pregnant women, it is strictly forbidden to use drugs that contain ethylmorphine and codeine. These substances easily penetrate the placenta and contribute to the development of intrauterine malformations of the fetus. However, to arrest the disease can be prescribed more serious cough medicine during pregnancy - antibiotics. They are recommended for admission only if the damage to the disease is much greater than the drugs of this group.

Cough medicine during pregnancy

It is best to give preference to syrups with plant components. Their action is aimed at moistening the reflex act and the rapid withdrawal of sputum, which is very important. And most importantly, the medicines from this group are absolutely safe for the baby. The most effective plant components in such preparations are: plantain, thermopsis, altein roots, ipecacuanas and licorice. To the permitted medicines are: Dr. Mom, Gedelix, Herbion, Pectusin.

Nebulizer for coughing during pregnancy

The most effective and safe device for treating cough during pregnancy is the nebulizer. Inhalations, especially with complex treatment, significantly reduce the period of the disease and contribute to a faster recovery. The essence of the action of the nebulizer is to spray the drug into fine dispersed dust, which settles on the bronchi. Due to the fact that the drug is delivered directly to the site of inflammation, the effectiveness of treatment is significantly increased.

So, there are a lot of effective medicines for treating women in the situation. However, you should not self-medicate and put your child's health and health at risk. At the first signs of the disease it is better to immediately consult a doctor. And remember, the best medicine is prevention!


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