Vitamins for vascular strengthening: how they act, the indications for admission

From this article you will learn: why vitamins for blood vessels are needed. Which of them should be used to strengthen the walls of the capillaries and improve the performance of the entire cardiovascular system. Whether it is possible to recover from diseases of arteries and veins, using only vitamins.

  • Indications for the use of vitamins
  • The purpose of their appointment
  • What exactly vitamins take, their effect on the vessels

Vitamins are a large group of organic substances, different in chemical composition, which unites one feature: no one can function properly without themsystem in the body. A person needs vitamins for life, but only a small part affects the vascular walls.

Despite the fact that the article is devoted to vitamins, we can not say about the minerals that ensure the normal operation of blood vessels. And any pharmacy complex always contains both, as they strengthen each other's actions and do not work alone.

The effects of vitamin and mineral substances in relation to veins and arteries are made up of:

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  1. Strengthening the wall by exposing the cells to smooth muscles and increasing the elasticity or dilatability of the vessel.
  2. Reduces the harmful effects of free radicals formed during oxidative reactions.
  3. Binding harmful cholesterol fractions and removing them from the body.
  4. Improvements in rheology( fluidity) of the blood and obstruction of the formation of small blood clots that disrupt normal blood flow in the vessels.
  5. Normalization of all kinds of metabolic processes in cells and intercellular space of the vascular wall.

Given the effect of vitamins on the vascular system, their use includes:

  • to prevent possible pathological changes;
  • treats existing problems as one of the elements of complex disease therapy.

Speaking about the preventive intake of vitamin and mineral complexes, it should be noted that the modern rhythm of life often does not allow a person to include in his diet all the necessary food so that the amount of incoming vitamin molecules correspond to the needs of the body. Therefore, the use of additional sources of useful substances is already a necessity.

One intake of minerals and vitamins can not completely remove the possibility of the onset of the disease and especially cure the already existing pathology. The mechanism of development of any disease is always associated not with one factor. But the lack of basic vitamin molecules and minerals is one of them.

The opinions of doctors about the importance of using vitamins vary considerably: from total denial of their importance( with the reservation for a full meal) to the absolute certainty that without the mineral-vitamin support the risk of vascular pathology increases significantly. But so far no reliable research has been carried out on this subject, and it is impossible to give evidence in favor of any of these opinions.

Most doctors still believe that this issue needs to be addressed individually, after assessing the patient for the presence of vascular and heart disease, the usefulness of the diet and signs of vitamin deficiency.

Get information on:

  • what vitamins are needed for the vascular system;
  • in which food or pharmacy they are;
  • how much you need to consume,

is available from a therapist, cardiologist, neurologist or vascular surgeon.

Indications for use

Vitamins for strengthening the vessels and improving their work are recommended for prevention purposes, as well as in any cardiovascular treatment regimen.


Its goal is to reduce the possibility of disease, so the use of minerals and vitamins in this case is shown to people at risk for developing vascular pathology, as well as healthy people who want to prolong the normal performance of their arteries and veins.

It is recommended to take drugs as an additional source of necessary substances in winter for 4-6 weeks. This is due to the cumulative properties of many of the vitamins and minerals, whose stocks from summer-autumn time come to an end just in January-February.

The use of more than six weeks is impractical due to the sufficiency of this period for the restoration of "stocks" in the body.


For therapeutic purposes, mineral-vitamin supplements are recommended to include in the complex treatment of vascular pathology of any kind. The time of taking the medications in this case is determined by the attending physician, based on the stage of the course of the disease and the degree of changes in the walls of the vessels.

In this case, use of vitamins as the only means of treatment is fraught with serious, and sometimes fatal, complications.

Group of diseases or conditions Specific types
Acute forms of vascular lesions accompanied by structure and function of the organ Phlebitis
Aortic dissection
Arteries and / or veins thrombosis
Chronic disease variants that are accompanied by a secondary lesion of healthy vesselsin the zone of pathology Posttrombotic disease
Aneurysm of all localizations
Varicose disease
Systemic pathological changes of blood vesselsLeading to disruption of the structure of their walls Vasculitis
Surgical interventions on the organs of the cardiovascular open or endovascular nature of the system Endarterectomy
balloon dilation
Vascular suture for any reason
Damage to the vascular wall Bruises
Diagnostic procedures

Purpose of their assignment

Any combination of vitamins and minerals that areThey mean for the vascular system, they have a number of general effects. They are used to obtain a therapeutic effect.

1. Strengthening properties of

Vitamin molecules have an effect on the cells of the muscular layer of the vessels, increasing their ability to contract and relax in accordance with the volume passing through the lumen of the blood. If this process is violated, the capillaries can not cope with the load and are torn, further worsening the disturbed blood flow in the tissues. The prolonged expansion of the vessel leads to a significant propotion of the fluid through its wall, contributing to its accumulation in the tissues. The strengthening effect of vitamins manifests itself in the blocking of this process.

2. Protective properties of

In conditions of low blood flow in cells, the processes of oxygen-free energy production are activated to support vital activity, which leads to the formation of so-called "free oxygen radicals".Such molecules exert a destructive effect on surrounding tissues and lead to their withering away.

A number of vitamins neutralize such dangerous molecules and save cells from death.

3. Cleansing properties of

When the fat metabolism in the blood is disturbed, the level of cholesterol fractions increases - substances that settle on the inner surface of the vessels and form overlays or plaques that destroy the normal structure of the wall and its function.

Vitamin molecules "catch" such fractions in the blood and remove them from the body.

4. Anti-clogging properties of

Vitamin or mineral
Natural source
Natural source
Nicotinic acid( PP, B3) Derives cholesterol and its fractions from the plasma

Extends the lumen of small and medium vessels





potato Rutozid( P) Strengthenswall of the vascular bed

Reduces the throughput of small capillaries for liquid


Citrus fruits

Green leaf tea



Ascorbic acid( C) Prepit acts on the formation of blood clots, acting on platelets

Suppresses oxygen-free oxidation processes

Protects vascular wall cells from internal inflammation factors

Reduces the ability of capillaries to flow fluid




Sweet pepper


Pantothenic acid( B5) Restoration of the walls of the vascular system

Normalization of cholesterol fractions in the blood






Tocopherol(E) Reduces the formation of blood clots within the vessels

Improves the vascular wall nutrition

Suppresses the oxidative and destroying action of oxygen radicals

Inhibits oxygen-free oxidation processes

Strengthens the walls of the vascular system by affecting elastin

Vegetable oils


Sea products



Thiamin( B1) Suppresses the effect of oxidative radicals on vascular wall cells

Normalizes adequate workat smooth muscle, acting on the process of nerve impulse transmission

Participates in lipid exchange of cholesterol fractions




Seeds of sunflower


Pyridoxine( B6) Supports normal hemoglobin level and saturation with iron to provide vascular wall cells with necessary amount of oxygen

Active participant in lipid metabolism, without which cholesterol-producing cholesterol

is formed. Spinach



Sweet pepper


Retinol( A) Suppresses oxidative processes and the destructive effect of already formed active oxygen molecules on surrounding structures

Member of internal regulation of blood coagulation






Omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids( F) Removal of excess cholesterol fractions

Normalization of fat metabolism

Restoration of physiological coagulation of blood



Red fish



Ubiquinone( Coenzyme Q10) Suppression of oxidative reactions

protection from the damaging effects of oxidation products

not give platelet clots formed in the vessel lumen


Vegetable Oils Fish



Potassium and sodium Providing adequate blood flow reduction for smooth muscle fibers of vessels Dried apricots





Calcium Nutrition for the process of muscle contraction and relaxation Dairy products




Selenium Suppresses oxidation anddestruction of cells of the vascular system Liver




Magnesium Normalizes the work of potassium-sodium transfer

Reduces the processsy formation of clots in blood vessels


Nuts Cereal


Phosphorus responsible for the stability and resistance of cells during contraction of smooth muscle

Member nervous momentum transfer process to the walls of blood vessels

Fish Meat



The slowing of the blood flow rate through the vessels leads to the fact that platelets( the main participants in the processes of clotting or clotting) begin to "rub" against each other, activating their own ability to glue together. This is how the intravascular microthrombi form, which, falling into narrow capillaries, cover their lumen. If there are defects in the inner layer of the vessel, which is typical for venous pathologies, the platelets are fixed to this zone, and a thrombus is gradually formed there.

Certain types of "vascular" vitamins have an effect on platelets, preventing them from sticking together and improving the fluidity of the blood.

5. Humoral properties of

When there are problems with the progress of blood( intake and( or) outflow), the normal processes of metabolism of electrolytes and nutrients in the cell are violated. This is the reason for the decline, and then the complete disabling of the tissue and organs. An excess of some exchange products and a lack of others is formed.

Minerals and vitamins compensate for this condition, returning the balance to normal.

What exactly vitamins take, their effect on the vessels

In this part of the article we will analyze specific minerals and vitamins for blood vessels, because not all of their huge amounts act on the vascular system.