Inflammation of the century - causes of the disease and methods of effective treatment

Inflammation of the eyelids is one of the most common diseases. It occurs in people of all ages in various forms - from mild, accompanied by only reddening and swelling, and to severe, provoking ulcers and eyelid twists. All of them, fortunately give in to treatment. In order for you to be able to determine in a timely manner the disease and take measures for its correct treatment, let's consider how the inflammation of the century manifests itself, for what reasons it arises, and what help you can be provided by the doctors in this case disease.


  • 1Symptoms of inflammation of the upper eyelid
  • 2Symptoms
  • 3Causes
    • 3.1The Upper Era
    • 3.2The Lower Era
  • 4Methods of treatment
    • 4.1Medicamentous
    • 4.2Surgical
    • 4.3People's means
  • 5Eye Care Tips
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Symptoms of inflammation of the upper eyelid

Inflammation of the upper eyelid (blepharitis) has a number of pronounced symptoms, due to which it is not difficult to diagnose it. To them it is necessary to carry:

  • Puffiness of the eyelid, redness of the skin;
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  • Narrowing of the eye gap;
  • Burning and severe itching;
  • Formation of scales of sores at the roots of the eyelashes (depending on the form of the disease).

Also blepharitis can be accompanied by general weakness, fever, photophobia.

Symptomatology for this disease will manifest itself in the first hours after the onset of the disease, because in time to determine it and contact a specialist for qualified help to the patient will not be so complicated.Do not confuse with barley on the eye, which often happens in a child, but adults are also susceptible to this disease.

Since the symptoms with the development of the disease only worsen, it is important for the patient to pay attention to the first signs of the disease, such as reddening of the eyelid and itching. Otherwise, serious complications such as a twist of the eyelid, loss of eyelashes, and damage to the cornea can threaten him.


Inflammation of the lower eyelid, as a rule, has less pronounced symptoms, rather than similar processes in the upper eyelid.Most often it is limited only to reddening of the skin and the formation of a slight swelling.May be accompanied by increased eye fatigue, photophobia. Rarely and only in some forms accompanied by the formation of scales or sores. In this case, with inflammation of the lower eyelid, there may be a secretion of pus or loss of cilia.


The formation of the inflammatory process of both the upper and lower eyelids is caused by a number of factors, which, by the way, are very similar to each other.With them in order to avoid this problem, as well as more appropriate selection of treatment methods in case of its appearance, you need to read more. The same goes for the halachion of the lower eyelid.

The Upper Era

Inflammatory process of the upper eyelid can provoke:

  • Endocrine diseases and metabolic disorders;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Infectious and viral diseases of a chronic nature;
  • Bacterial damage to the eye;
  • Demodecosis;
  • Violation of the stomach;
  • Decreased immunity, lack of necessary vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • Molluscum contagiosum;
  • Mechanical eye injury.

In addition to provoking the appearance of this ailment, general violations of personal hygiene rules, thermal and chemical burns, as well as getting the infection on the nasal sinus can occur.

The Lower Era

In this case, there may also be various factors. Among them:

  • Decreased immunity, malnutrition;
  • Violation of hygiene standards;
  • Burns, eye trauma;
  • Reaction to cosmetics, eye fatigue, including after crying;
  • Common diseases, including endocrine diseases - diabetes;
  • Uncorrected myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism.

Factors may appear only once, however, there are usually several causes of inflammation of the lower century, for example: reduced immunity and violation of hygiene standards, a reaction to cosmetics in diabetes mellitus of the second type.

Combinations can be mass.

Methods of treatment

Immediately after finding the symptoms of inflammation of the upper or lower eyelid, the patient should immediately consult an ophthalmologist.He will conduct a comprehensive examination, if necessary, take analyzes of excreta from ulcers or a sample of scales, and then offer an adequate treatment option. Currently, depending on the severity of the disease, such can be local therapy, surgical treatment or the use of strengthening agents at home. They need to be discussed in more detail.


This type of treatment involves three areas of exposure:

  • Local therapy - drops, ointments antibacterial and antiseptic.
  • General, aimed at eliminating the cause: allergies, infections, general diseases. May suggest the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, antiallergic drugs, antiviral complexes.
  • Strengthening the body.This direction provides for the intake of vitamins and fortified preparations. It can be used both as part of general practice and as an independent type of treatment (if the disease was noted against a background of decreased immunity).

Medical treatment with timely access to a doctor gives high positive predictions.It is always selected individually, therefore, patients should not prescribe it themselves according to old recipes or the recommendations that were received at one time by a friend or relative with similar symptoms.

If the patient's illness is started and his condition is quite difficult, the doctor can decide to prescribe along with the general therapeutic methods of surgical treatment. It is necessary in the event that there is a threat of injury to the cornea and loss of vision.


This type of treatment is prescribed mainly in the diagnosis of eyelid twist.With it, an operation is recommended that involves turning the edge of the century. It is usually performed in a hospital under local anesthesia. Also, surgical treatment for inflammation of the eyelids can be prescribed in the presence of large purulent formations. In this case, the doctor will have to remove the affected tissue and treat the site with antiseptic agents in order to stop the infection.

Surgical restoration (1, 2, 3) with eyelid twisting

People's means

There are about a dozen effective national recipes that help quickly get rid of the uncomfortable sensations in this disease. The most popular among them are:

  • Application with Kalanchoe juice.
  • Infusions based on fresh cucumbers. Prepare this way: half a cup of rind cucumbers pour hot water in the proportions: then add there 1/2 cup of soda food. All insist for several hours and apply in the form of lotions up to 5 times a day.
  • Rinsing of the eyelids with infusion of thyme (for him 2 tbsp. Spoons of leaves pour a glass of boiling water, then the liquid is cooled and filtered).

Also for this purpose use infusions of chamomile, decoction of onion, infusion of althea root.You need to choose only the tool that will be most effective and easy to use for you.

In many cases it is these methods of treatment that give a very good effect and are, in truth, very effective in combating the inflammation of the eyelids.

However, we must remember that they remove only the symptoms of the disease, but do not eliminate its cause. Therefore, they are recommended to be used as an adjunct to general therapy. Then their application will be as safe as possible.

Eye Care Tips

In addition to the basic medical measures, it is very important to lead the proper care for the sick age. It is best to follow it, guided by such recommendations:

  • Do not rub your eyes (usually inflammatory processes are accompanied by severe itching), especially with pads of fingers.Thus, you can bring the infection and worsen your condition. Use for this purpose a clean handkerchief, and better - a napkin.
  • Limit the time spent in front of a computer screen or a TV set up to an hour a day.If your work is related to such activities, take time off to a full recovery.
  • Limit alcohol and cigarettes, without fail, fill your diet with products containing vitamins, walk more.
  • Strictly observe the rules of hygiene.Several times a day, rinse your eyes with herbal infusions. If there is no opportunity to use them, take strong freshly brewed tea for this purpose.
  • Change the pillowcase, as well as the towel.At the time of treatment, take the time to update them every three days.
  • Give up cosmetics if you usually use it every day. Eyelids are generally recommended to be replaced with new ones, since they can be left with microbes that provoked the disease.

In the course of treatment, especially medication, after consulting a specialist, you began to develop sores, cracks, wounds in the eyelid area and immediately consult a doctor. Take care of your health, do not delay the visit to a specialist, because the consequences of such events can be severe.



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Inflammation of the upper and lower eyelids is a fairly common disease, to which all people are exposed to varying degrees. However, if you are faced with this problem, you need to remember that this ailment is quite simple and quickly treated. It is enough to apply to the ophthalmologist in a timely manner to undergo a comprehensive examination and, of course, to follow the recommendations of a treatment professional. And then you will certainly succeed. The same applies to the ptosis of the upper eyelid.