The best tablets to reduce cholesterol: a list and prices

Excessive concentration of cholesterol in a person's blood is a serious threat to his health.

The substance freely moves through the bloodstream, and is able to settle on the vascular walls, forming the so-called cholesterol plaques. They, in turn, threaten narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels and the development of such dangerous diseases as heart attack and stroke.

In elderly people, patients with aneurysms of blood vessels, as well as those who have had a previous heart attack or stroke, vasoconstriction can cause more serious damage to health, and cause the development of other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to resort to medications that lower blood cholesterol.

However, tablets from cholesterol should be prescribed exclusively by a competent specialist. Their uncontrolled use and neglect of contraindications can lead to unpredictable consequences, and significantly complicate the patient's condition. But do not forget that, together with conservative therapy, or when there is no need to conduct such, the patient should reconsider the menu, and make some adjustments in the way of life.

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How to reduce high cholesterol?

To reduce the content of cholesterol in the blood, first of all, the patient must abandon most of the harmful products. Maintaining the normal tone of the blood vessels is also very important, so do not forget about the benefits of sports and outdoor walks.

The course of conservative therapy with elevated cholesterol is quite long, and the patient should be ready for this. In this case, it is important for the patient to comply with all the prescriptions and instructions of the attending physician in order to stabilize the condition without harming one's own health.

So, for lowering cholesterol in the blood it is necessary:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • to exclude or reduce the amount of fatty foods consumed;
  • give preference to vegetable fats instead of animals;
  • enrich the menu with products enriched with vegetable fiber;
  • use enough complex carbohydrates;
  • it is necessary to include in the diet products rich in polyunsaturated acids.

The list of prohibited products includes:

  • different types of sausages (including sausages and sausages);
  • biscuit;
  • baking;
  • cakes;
  • rolls.

The correct approach to the issue of nutrition with increased cholesterol will not only help to "knock down" its indicators, but also contribute to improving the overall well-being of a person.

Most (80%) of cholesterol is contained in the liver cells, and only 20% is ingested with food. But a correct and balanced menu can contribute to normalization and a significant decrease in the concentration of this substance in the blood.

The principles of treatment that each patient should follow are:

  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • daily sports;
  • careful monitoring of calories consumed per day;
  • refusal from alcohol and cigarettes;
  • avoidance of stressful situations and psychoemotional shocks.

To significantly reduce the concentration of this substance in the blood and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, you can use special herbal preparations and dietary supplements. So, with the help of sufficient intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 reduces the risk of thrombosis on the walls of blood vessels.

In some situations, adjustments made to the rhythm of life and the patient's menu do not help to get rid of high cholesterol. In this case, the only way out is to resort to the use of special medications, which, however, can only be prescribed by a doctor!


To lower the concentration of cholesterol in the patient's blood, doctors prescribe, as a rule, tablets. They are divided into 5 groups:

  1. Statins. This group of medicines is prescribed by doctors in case the cholesterol level is too high and it must be immediately reduced. These are quite effective drugs, the effectiveness of which can be noted as early as 14 days after the beginning of admission. Statins can be taken for a long period of time.
  2. Fibrates. This group of drugs is aimed at increasing the amount of "useful" cholesterol in the human body. Thanks to their reception, the risk of adverse effects on the cardiovascular system is significantly reduced.
  3. Absorption Inhibitor. Such a drug does not allow cholesterol to be absorbed in the intestines, but it does not penetrate into the blood. It is most suitable for patients who have a hypersensitivity to statins.
  4. A nicotinic acid. Preparations on its basis have a complex effect on the patient's body: they remove excess "harmful" cholesterol, while increasing the level of "useful", as well as normalize blood microcirculation. You can see the first positive dynamics from the treatment in a few days.
  5. Dietary supplementsare considered universal agents widely used in the fight against high cholesterol. They have practically no contraindications, "knocking down" high indicators of "bad" cholesterol and raising the level of "good".

All of the above groups of drugs from high cholesterol differ from each other in their composition and the principle of action on the body. Each of these medicinal groups has its pluses, minuses and side reactions, which you need to know about.

Best cholesterol tablets

In order to understand which preparations deserve special attention, we briefly review the most effective of them, depending on which of the above-described drug groups they belong to.

Statins for lowering cholesterol

Before deciding on taking statins, it is important to understand what these drugs are. These are chemical elements that inhibit the natural production of enzymes involved in the synthesis of cholesterol.

If you believe the instructions for use, the therapeutic effect of statins is achieved by:

  • decrease in cholesterol concentration in the blood plasma due to inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase and partial blocking of the production of this substance by liver cells;
  • reduction of cholesterol in patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, which is not cured when taking drugs that inhibit lipid production;
  • lowering the total cholesterol level by 30-45%, and, in particular, "harmful" - by 40-60%;
  • reducing the risk of ischemic processes in the blood vessels by 15-25%;
  • absence of a carcinogenic or mutagenic effect.

Statins can also cause various side effects in the form of:

  • sleep disorders;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • cephalgia;
  • nausea;
  • stool disorders;
  • abdominal pain;
  • bloating and meteorisms;
  • muscle pain;
  • general malaise;
  • memory impairments;
  • vertigo;
  • hypoesthesia;
  • paresthesia;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • vomiting;
  • stool disorders;
  • development of hepatitis;
  • anorexia;
  • cholestatic jaundice;
  • pain in the back;
  • muscle cramps;
  • articular arthritis;
  • skin allergic reactions: rash, hives, anaphylaxis;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • weight gain;
  • development of obesity, etc.

In men, taking statins can cause the development of impotence.

When should I take a statin?

Despite the assurances of advertising and manufacturers, the complete safety of such drugs for patients today is unproven. If we talk about the relationship between the benefits and harm of statins, some researchers emphasize that the risk of side effects is much higher a positive effect of their administration, especially if it is carried out for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in hypercholesterolemia.

However, this group of drugs is extremely necessary for some categories of patients. Statins of the latest generation are shown for mandatory use in order to:

  • preventing the recurrence of a heart attack or stroke;
  • recovery after a previous reconstructive surgery on the heart or large blood vessels (or in preparation for such);
  • acceleration of the recovery process in case of an infarction or acute coronary syndrome;

These medications are also needed in IHD with a high risk of developing a heart attack or stroke.

Categorically it is not recommended to use statins for patients:

  • with a low risk of complications of hypercholesterolemia;
  • suffering from diabetes;
  • women who are not on the threshold of menopause.

When using statins, it is important to consider their compatibility with other medication.

The study of the effect of statins on the body

Scientists from different countries have their own point of view about the expediency of prescribing these drugs with elevated cholesterol.

  1. German researchers have proved that lowered cholesterol leads to the development of cancer and dangerous hepatic pathologies. They argue that hypocholesterolemia leads to early death, and also increases the number of suicides. Consequently, this condition is more dangerous than the high concentration of cholesterol in the human blood.
  2. American scientists argue that heart attacks and strokes are not a consequence of a reduced concentration of cholesterol. The main reasons for these pathologies are the researchers consider magnesium deficiency in the human body.
  3. Cholesterol - a substance that contributes to the regeneration of damaged tissues. The use of statins inhibits this function, because even "bad" cholesterol is useful for a person. With his help, there is an increase in muscle mass, but its deficiency can lead to muscle pain and dystrophy.
  4. The intake of statins inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol, which reduces the production of mevalonate. This substance is responsible for the production of cholesterol and many other useful elements. Their deficiency can lead to the development of various dangerous pathologies.
  5. Statins increase the risk of developing diabetes. Its occurrence is observed in 10-70% of patients undergoing treatment with this group of drugs. And diabetes mellitus, in turn, causes an uncontrolled increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  6. Side effects from the use of statins develop very slowly, so at first the patient may not notice them. This is a serious threat to his health if such medicines are taken over a long period of time.
  7. Statins have a harmful effect on the liver. People suffering from obesity note a temporary improvement in the state of the vessels, but over time, there is a disruption in the brain, especially in elderly patients.

If an elevated cholesterol level is found in people under 50, this indicates a serious malfunction in the body that requires immediate medical attention. In some countries, the prevention of this condition is promoted through the rejection of bad habits, the management of healthy lifestyles and the exclusion of statins.

The appointment of statins to the elderly

In the study of the influence of this group of drugs on the body of patients older than 60 years, the occurrence of muscle pain in 30% of cases. Patients complain of fatigue, lethargy and decreased muscle tone. The pain in the skeletal musculature arises, mainly in patients who have just started taking the drug.

Based on the foregoing, most people suffering from hypercholesterolemia experience a decrease in mental and physical activity by 40 minutes per week. Because of muscle weakness, patients lose interest in sports, and even in ordinary walking. This, in turn, increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Statins - list of drugs

In pharmacies in Russia, you can buy the following high-performance statins to reduce cholesterol:

  1. Rosuvastatin, which lowers cholesterol by 55%.
  2. Atorvastatin, which reduces the level by 47%.
  3. Simvastatin (38%).
  4. Fluvastatin (29%) and others.

A complete list of drugs from high cholesterol can be viewed below:

Name of the preparation Form of issue Average price
in pharmacies (2018)
Atomax 10 mg. Table. 30 pcs. 360-380 rub.
Atorvastatin Canon 10 mg. Table 30 pcs. 260 -280 rubles.
Atoris 30 mg. Table 30 pcs. 450-480 rub.
Lymaris 10 mg. Table 30 pcs. 800 rubles.
Torquard 10 mg. tablets 30 pieces 270-300 rub.
Tulip 10 mg. Table. 30 pcs. 260-280 rub.
Liptonorm 20 mg. Table. 30 pcs. 260-280 rub.
Akorta 10 mg. table 30 pcs. 500 rubles.
Crestor 10 mg. Table. 7 pcs. 650 rubles.
Crestor 10 mg. Table. 28 pcs. 2500 rub.
Deadlyl 5 mg. Table. 30 pcs. 450 rubles.
Rosuvastatin 10 mg. Table. 30 pcs. 290 rub.
Rosacard 10 mg. Table. 90 pcs. 1400 rub.
Rosulip 10 mg. Table. 28 pcs. 700 rubles.
Roxer 10 mg. Table. 30 pcs. 500 rubles.
Tevastor 5 mg. Table. 30 pcs. 350 rubles.
Wazilip 10 mg. Table. 28 pcs. 280 rubles.
Zocor 10 mg. Table. 28 pcs. 160 rubles.
Ovenkor 20 mg. Table. 30 pcs. 550 rubles.
Simvaghexal 20 mg. Table. 30 pcs. 330 rubles.
Simvardeau 10 mg. Table. 28 pcs. 220 rubles.
Simvastatin 10 mg. Table. 20 pcs. 180 rubles.
Simvastol 10 mg. Table. 28 pcs. 200 rubles.
Symvor 20 mg. Table. 30 pcs. 300 rubles.
Simgal 40 mg. Table. 84 pcs. 800 rubles.
Simlo 10 mg. Table. 28 pcs. 180 rubles.
Sinquard 10 mg. Table. 30 pcs. 350 rubles.
Cardiostatin 20 mg. Table. 30 pcs. 280 rubles.
Холетар 20 mg. Table. 20 pcs. 320 rubles.
Cardiostatin 40 mg. Table. 30 pcs. 400 rubles.
Lescola Forte 80 mg. Table. 28 pcs. 2700 rub.

Whether it is worth taking a statin or better to abandon them - this should be decided by the patient himself, based on the recommendations of the attending physician. If the patient, nevertheless, decided on such therapy, then it is not necessary to select the drug on its own - it should to do exclusively the expert, considering all possible risks and presence at the person of chronic pathologies.

Medicines of the group of fibrates

Fibrates are medicines that are manufactured by fibroic acid. Just like statins, they are successfully used to combat elevated cholesterol. Linking to bile acid, these substances significantly inhibit the process of cholesterol synthesis by liver cells.

Fenofibrates help to lower the level of lipids in the body, which automatically leads to a decrease in the amount of cholesterol. Together with ciprofibrates, they reduce the risk of developing extravascular complications of hypercholesterolemia, since they normalize the indices of not only cholesterol, but also triglycerides.

The most effective and known fenofibrates include drugs:

  • Gemfibrozil;
  • Taikolor;
  • Lipantil;
  • Exilip 200 and e.

But to decide on the purchase of a certain funds is necessary in the event that the benefit / harm relationship for health has been determined. Such drugs can cause a number of side effects, the most frequent of which can be attributed:

  • eructation;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating accompanied by flatulence;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • development of hepatitis;
  • the formation of concrements in the gallbladder or its ducts;
  • diffuse myalgia;
  • muscle spasms;
  • cephalgia;
  • disorders in the sexual sphere;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • skin rash;
  • allergic urticaria;
  • itching of the body;
  • photophobia.

To reduce the negative impact of statins on the body, they can and should be used in conjunction with fibrates.

Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors

Ezetemib (Ezetiol) - a new drug that reduces the level of lipids in the body. Due to this, the process of absorption of cholesterol in the intestine is inhibited.

In addition, Ezetemibe, in contrast to Orsotene and other similar drugs, rarely leads to the development of diarrhea. The maximum allowable daily dose of the drug is 10 g.


In addition to lowering the cholesterol level, niacin is promoted by:

  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • establishing the metabolic process;
  • prevention of avitaminosis;
  • elimination of toxins from the body.

This group of medications can be used either alone or as part of complex therapy. It is best to use nicotinic acid or its derivatives with elevated cholesterol.

Other medicines

After a preliminary consultation with a doctor, the patient may try to lower the cholesterol level with the help of dietary supplements.

Name of the preparation Form of issue Average price
in pharmacies (summer 2013)
Omega Forte 30 tablets 130-140 rubles.
Doppelherz Omega 3 30 capsules 210-250 rub.
Tykveol 50 tablets 190-200 rub.
Lipoic acid 50 tablets 30 rubles.
SievePro (dietary supplements) 60 tablets 600 rubles.

However, dietary supplements and homeopathic preparations are not suitable for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia, since they have a rather weak effect on the body. If it is necessary to prevent the development of cardiovascular disease or premature death, it is better, nevertheless, to resort to taking statins.

List of dietary supplements that can be used for high cholesterol:

  1. Preparations with Omega-3 (fish oil, Omega-3, Okeanol, etc.) prevent heart and vascular pathologies, strengthen joints and reduce the risk of depressive conditions. Take these medications with extreme caution, as they increase the risk of developing chronic pancreatitis.
  2. Lipoic acid has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism. Its reception improves trophic neurons and increases the level of hepatic glycogen.
  3. Tyqveol is a medicine based on pumpkin seed oil. It is especially useful in atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, cholecystitis, hepatitis. The drug has choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects.
  4. Vitamin compounds. Particularly important for high cholesterol are vitamins B: B6, B9, B12 and nicotinic acid. In this case, it is not only about pharmaceuticals - to normalize lipid metabolism, you need to eat foods containing the above substances.
  5. Polikonazol. It is a biologically active additive containing vegetable wax extract. Helps prevent atherosclerosis of blood vessels and lowering the level of low-density cholesterol.


Drugs that reduce the concentration of cholesterol, have a lot of shortcomings, because they can cause a number of unpleasant side effects. For this reason, the opinions of doctors about their use are radically different.

Moreover, neither statins nor any other medicines are recommended for patients younger than 35 years of age. Since women are less likely to develop cardiovascular diseases, it is better to refrain from drugs that lower cholesterol. To get rid of the existing problem, it is necessary to make certain adjustments in the diet and change the way of life.

But there are cases when taking pills is extremely necessary for stabilizing the patient's condition. Under such circumstances, a specific medicine can be prescribed exclusively by a specialist!

In addition to drug therapy, it is important to exclude bad habits and engage in exercise therapy. Only then will the chances of recovery significantly increase!

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