Conjunctivitis in a newborn: features of diagnosis and treatment

Conjunctivitis in newborn infants is one of the most frequent diseases that can be provoked by various pathogens.Many mothers are familiar with the symptoms of this ailment: puffiness of the eye, redness, the appearance of a yellow crust on the eyelid.Although the disease is not recognized as serious, it can lead to complex consequences, up to loss of vision.To learn how to recognize conjunctivitis in a newborn, and how to properly treat this disease, will tell this material.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, accompanied by itching, increased tearing and, often, photophobia.It can be caused by various pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, allergens. As a rule, this disease affects the mucosa of only one eye, later the infection spreads to the second one.Symptoms of conjunctivitis persist for 1 week, after which they disappear by themselves, but with the slightest weakening of immunity the disease will again manifest itself.

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The disease can be acute, subacute (at the older age is often observed and chronic), act as an independent disease, and an accompanying phenomenon in other diseases, including measles, rubella, chickenpox smallpox.

In newborn children, the likelihood of conjunctivitis is directly related to the characteristics of childcare.So much more often infection occurs in premature babies, children who have a low weight, as well as those babies who were born at home.


In newborn children, conjunctivitis can occur for a number of reasons, among which:

  • bacterial infections;
  • viruses, including the herpes virus;
  • fungal diseases;
  • exposure to allergens;
  • mechanical eye trauma;
  • common diseases.

Also, the causes of conjunctivitis in infants can be genital infections that are transmitted to the newborn from the mother while passing through the birth canal.Thus, infection of the child with genital herpes, fungal infection, chlamydia and other conjunctivitis pathogens is possible.

Accompanying phenomena provoking infection are: low immunity, poor diet, insufficient body weight of the child, hypothermia.


Typical manifestations of conjunctivitis in newborns include:

  • increased separation of tears;
  • redness of the eye;
  • photophobia;
  • gluing eyelids after sleep;
  • purulent discharge (with some forms of the disease), the appearance on the eyes of dry yellow crusts, first of all, after sleep.

Also, conjunctivitis can be accompanied by a loss of appetite and a worsening of sleep. In addition, it provokes such common symptoms as increased fatigue, drowsiness, anxiety.

The above symptoms may have varying degrees of intensity depending on the level of immunity of the child, and also features of the course of the disease, but they are in any case a weighty indication for an urgent appeal to the doctor.The doctor must conduct a full examination of the child and, on the basis of the data obtained, prescribe him a treatment.


If there is any suspicion of conjunctivitis, you should immediately contact a pediatric ophthalmologist and undergo a full examination.The doctor will determine the stage of the disease, and also take samples of excreta in order to identify the cause of the disease.Also, the doctor will conduct a detailed survey of parents about the contact of the baby with infected adults or other children, general complaints, as well as the living conditions of the child.

Also, a child may be assigned an additional examination from a dermatologist, an allergist or a venereologist, especially if there are specific infections.

After a complete examination of the newborn, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a comprehensive treatment for the child.


The list of preparations, as well as the scheme of their application, is determined by the ophthalmologist on an individual basis, depending on the causative agent of the disease.The child in this case may beassigned dropsfor eyewash, anti-inflammatory ointments, which should be laid under the eyelid, with acute forms of the disease - antibiotics and restorative medications. Treatment of babies from conjunctivitis is very similar with the treatment of dacryocystitis in newborns.ATMost cases are performed at home, and only with complicated forms of purulent conjunctivitis is hospitalization indicated.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in babies with the help of drops

The use of drugs by the medical scheme also has its own characteristics.For fast and effective treatment of this disease in newborns, the following rules must be observed:

  • Wash your eyes 6 times a day;
  • It is necessary to remove crusts and discharge from the eye, and also to place a special anti-inflammatory ointment behind the eyelid.
  • In order to instill a child, it is necessary to prescribe drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Eyes are very important for newborns to dig in properly.In order to do this competently, it is necessary to adhere to such recommendations:

  • Before using drops, they need to be slightly heated, so that they do not cause the child uncomfortable sensations.
  • The baby should be laid on a flat surface without a pillow.It is desirable that someone supported the child's head with his hands.
  • The solution must be instilled with a round pipette, so as not to damage the mucous eyes.
  • Further it is necessary to easily pull the upper eyelid and drip 1-2 drops of solution into the corner of the eye.The medicine itself is distributed on the mucous membrane. Remains of it can be soaked with a napkin.
  • In the event that the child tightly squeezes his eyes, you can simply easily stretch the eyelids and drip the eyes with a solution- its right amount will fall on the mucous membrane.

Do not apply to the treatment of those drops that have long been stored in the clear, as well as medicines with expired shelf life.

Usually treatment of conjunctivitis of bacterial, fungal and viral nature takes up to 6 days.After that, the symptoms of the disease go away.During this period, it is very important to show the child to the treating doctor and take control tests in order to avoid relapse of the disease.

As for the popular methods of treating this disease, it is not recommended to resort to them.Broths of herbs and other grandmother's recipes can be applied only to alleviate the condition of the child before going to the doctor. They relieve or relieve the symptoms of the disease, but are unable to overcome the bacterial or fungal forms of the disease.That is why self-medication due to such drugs is risky and can lead to serious health problems.


Conjunctivitis itself in newborns is not a dangerous acute disease, but it can lead to various unpleasant complications, among which:

  • Keratitis (corneal damage);
  • Decreased visual acuity;
  • Scarring of the eyelids and cornea;
  • Dry eye syndrome;
  • Perforation of the cornea;
  • Turbidity of the cornea (with viral form of the disease).

Most of the diseases listed above are amenable to treatment and the prognosis is not bad, but they often have a bad effect on the development of the child's vision.

That is why it is so important, if there is a slightest suspicion of any complications in conjunctivitis, to immediately consult a doctor, consult and receive the necessary treatment.Prevention of similar phenomena, as well as reduce the risk of the underlying disease will help prevent.


Conjunctivitis in newborns is much easier to prevent than later treat.To avoid the occurrence of such a disease in a child will help such measures:

  • Regular airing of the room in which the baby is located, the use of cleaners and humidifiers if necessary;
  • Take walks with the baby in the open air for at least 2 hours a day;
  • Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for bed linen, as well as towels for the baby;
  • Strengthening the immunity of the child, especially when it comes to a baby with a low birth weight or prematurely born;
  • Observance of personal hygiene by all those people who provide care for the child;
  • The exclusion of contacts of the newborn with people who carry the infection.

Also in the number of preventive measures, this ailment includes a full examination of the mother before giving birth in order to detect infections of the urogenital tract, as well as further treatment of the detected infections.

The above-described preventive measures are common to all newborns, but they can be dependence on the innate inclinations of the baby to certain diseases of the characteristics of his residence, as well as other nuances.

To receive additional recommendations for the child, parents can visit a pediatrician or a pediatric ophthalmologist and take a prophylactic examination with a baby.


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In general, conjunctivitis in a child - the disease is not dangerous and easily amenable to cure.The mothers of the newborn need only strictly follow the prescription of the attending physician and observe all sanitary and hygienic requirements for the care of the child, otherwise the development of chronic conjunctivitis in child.