Coughing with badger fat

The method of using badger oil for coughing

Healing properties of badger fat are explained by the presence of biologically active substances, which the animal accumulates in order to suffer a prolonged hibernation. Thanks to subcutaneous fat reserves, the badger does without food and water for several months. looking at this feature, a man learned to use for his benefit fat reserves badger. The drug has proven effective in diseases accompanied by coughing.

Than to treat a dry cough at the child and what preparations, it is possible to learn or find out from the given article.


Such a miraculous drug, like badger fat, has been used for centuries. The great physician Avicenna wrote about him in the Treatise on Medicine. And today it is used as an alternative therapeutic and prophylactic.

The effectiveness of the product is based on a unique composition:

  • vitamins B2-B6, B12, A, E, PP, K;
  • a set of polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6);
  • cytamines (bioregulators);
  • micro- and macro elements;
  • minerals.
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Fat allows badgers to endure, without losses, heavy winters and other troubles. There are substances in it that can even dissolve the shot of a wounded badger. It has long been noted that badger fat:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • successfully fights against colds;
  • heals burns, frostbite, psoriasis.

In the video - the use of badger fat when coughing:

After reading the article, you can know how to recognize an allergic cough in a child.

Badger fat quickly and gently treats diseases that are accompanied by a cough. All due to polyunsaturated fatty acids: they act as an anti-inflammatory agent and participate in the formation of immunity.

Bioregulators act at the cell level. These substances normalize the processes of metabolism in the body, help absorb nutrients, which is important for an organism weakened by a cold.

Organic acids have a bactericidal property. In this case, vitamins A and E activate their action of acids and the function of cytamines. They also stimulate the synthesis of hemoglobin.All this leads to an increase in the body's resistance to infections and the regeneration of damaged tissues.

From this article you can learn how to stop a cough at night.

The drug is effective for such diseases, accompanied by a cough, like:

  • influenza states;
  • ARVI;
  • bronchitis;
  • angina;
  • acute and chronic inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

How to use

How to drink badger fat when coughing, is quite a legitimate question. For treatment, take natural fat or a capsule drug. The properties of these bioadditives are identical. They differ in ways of use. If capsules can only be taken orally, then the melted fat is suitable for external and internal use.

How does coughing at night look like in children is indicated in the article.

The video tells about the use of badger fat when coughing in children:

How to distinguish a quality product

Quality Badger Badger has a white, sometimes slightly creamy color. A fresh high-quality product is not yellow. Should be pricked up and an unpleasant putrefactive smell, and bitter or sour taste. These indicators indicate that the shelf life of the fat has expired or the product was stored incorrectly.

For what reason there is a cough for tonsillitis in a child, indicated in the article.

Harvest the badger fishers hunters. In order to preserve the medicinal properties of the product, the fat must be properly prepared and heated.For treatment, fat is taken only from healthy badgers. To do this, the veterinarian must inspect the animal and issue an appropriate certificate.According to the technology, they heat the fat in a Russian oven or on a steam bath.

On the video - more information about the benefits of badger fat:

Keep the fat in a tightly closed container. The bank is put in a refrigerator with a temperature of + 4oC... + 6oC. At a temperature of about 34 ° C, the badger fat melts. In the cold, the substance solidifies and acquires a dense consistency. Room temperature is sufficient to make it viscous. The most useful is fat, harvested in autumn. During this period, animals have time to accumulate the maximum amount of nutrients.

What to do when a strong barking cough appears, is indicated in the article.

How to use

A valuable therapeutic product is consumed orally and externally. Unpleasant smell and taste of the product masked with honey, jam, drink it with warm milk, washed down with broths of wild rose or other medicinal herbs.

The treatment and prophylactic scheme for taking badger fat is as follows:

  • Inside fat badger is consumed 1 hour before meals;
  • number of receptions per day - 2-3;
  • course of admission - 1 month;
  • the course is repeated 2-3 times a year, if necessary;
  • you need to do 2-4 week breaks between courses.

For what reason there is a barking cough without temperature, you can learn from the article.

Regardless of the method of application, the fat needs to be heated. For this, the portion needed for a single take gets their refrigerator 20-30 minutes before the planned use and put on a plate. When fat acquires a gelatinous consistency, it is ready for consumption.

You can put a spoonful of cold fat in a glass of warm water and so drink. It is not recommended to heat the fat in a microwave oven or on a fire. From this, it loses its properties.


Despite the fact that badger fat is not a medicine, but a biologically active additive, its application has a number of limitations.

  • Propensity to allergies and individual intolerance.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Diseases of bile ducts in acute form.
  • Children under three years of age are not recommended to drink inside.
  • External application is prohibited in diseases accompanied by high fever.

When there is a strong barking cough in a child, it is worth reading this article.

How to do rubbing

To combat coughing, in addition to internal reception, they practice rubbing with badger fat. For this, a small amount of fat is applied to:

  • back;
  • feet;
  • chest area;
  • shoulder blades.

Rub the body fat badger better before going to bed. Fat is applied by massage movements. After the appearance of light burning, rubbing should be stopped and the place wrapped in massage.You can wear warm underwear, socks and cover the patient with a blanket.Note that the fat soaked in the laundry and a peculiar smell will be difficult to neutralize by simple washing. Perhaps with this clothes you will have to say goodbye.

For a long time, there is no coughing with phlegm, what to do about it, you can learn from this article.

Remember that at elevated temperature, you can not carry out any warming procedures, including grinding badger fat. Such manipulation can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Children do not like this massage because of the strong smell of the drug. If the child does not allow him to rub his chest and back, try to apply a tool even on the legs. Together with the intake of such manipulation will also have a positive effect.

What to do when the child does not get cough, you can learn from this article.

From what age can you use

Badger fat for external use has no age restrictions. With internal use, the situation is different. A single dose of admission depends on age. Children under 3 years old should not be given this remedy, they later give one in one step:

  • adults with a weight of up to 80 kg - 1 dessert spoon of fat (you can add honey in the proportion or:);
  • adults weighing over 80 kg - 1 tablespoon;
  • children 3-6 years old - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • children 6-12 years - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • children 12-16 years old - 1 teaspoon.

Rubbing of babies

All manipulations with badger fat for babies should be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician. In children of this age, a short funnel-shaped trachea. Such features of the structure of the respiratory system at an early age limit the use of highly odorous fats in the treatment of babies.

Careless application of badger fat can lead to stenosis (narrowing of the larynx). Therefore, small children are shredded with badgers' fat, and then they put on socks. Young children should not apply fat to the heart area. Since three years you can use the cream "Badger".

Rubbing the children

Not all types of cough can be treated with warming rubbing. With bronchitis, the external application of badger fat can be carried out only after consulting a doctor. And in other cases, the doctor's advice will not be superfluous.

To treat a cough, the badger fat, heated by a natural method, is applied to the back, feet and chest, avoiding the heart area, and bypassing the nipples.Then, the skin is gently triturated and the places of application of fat are insulated. The procedure is best done at night.

At observance of the recommended dosages and application of qualitative fat cough quickly recedes. Positive dynamics is noticeable after a few days of treatment, but the course should be continued for at least seven days.


Ancient recipes of badger fat are passed down from generation to generation. More than one generation of children has grown up, which helped cure this cough. Evidence of this is user feedback.

  • Irina:"My son is two years old. He has frequent colds. In this case, the cough torments so that he can not sleep. Strong medications at this age I'm afraid to give. I tried rubbing badger fat for the night. The smell of the drug is really persistent. Even after washing, there was a strong smell. But this is nonsense compared to the effect of treatment. For a week we completely got rid of a cough. "
  • Larissa: "Relatives handed a jar of badger fat. So he stood in the fridge until I caught the flu. The temperature after treatment by traditional means slept pretty quickly, but the cough did not pass. Then I remembered badger fat. Two weeks of a three-hour reception on a dessert spoon on an empty stomach with milk did their job: the cough was gone. Now I take it in the morning on a teaspoon for prophylaxis. "
  • Victor:«I decided to make a nice wife on the wedding anniversary - to quit smoking. All would be nothing, only after that I began to suffer coughing attacks. I read that badger fat helps cough smokers. I started to drink it in the morning and in the evening on a tablespoon a day. At lunch, I did not succeed. Within a week I began to cough much less. I continue to drink, I hope that the cough will pass completely. And I would not say that fat has such a strong smell. Unpleasant - yes, but no more. "

Badger fat is a real storehouse of useful elements. He quickly cures a cough, and does it safely. In people it is called panacea for cough: grandmothers always kept a jar with medicinal composition in a cold place. Admission funds for an empty stomach really gives an amazing therapeutic effect in the treatment of cough of different origins. But, as well as in any other method of treatment, the consistency and observance of dosages is necessary here.

Badger fat from coughing. Badger fat treatment - recipes

Since ancient times, when there were no antibiotics and other strong medicines, for getting rid of various diseases people have learned to use the fat of wild animals, including badger. It has a mass of medicinal properties. The remedy is effective both for disease prevention and for treating various ailments. Badger fat from cough helps best. Its price is low (120 - 180 rubles.), So everyone can afford to purchase this unique tool.

Composition and properties

The composition of badger fat is unique. It contains mono- and polyunsaturated acids, such as oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. In the organization of correct metabolism, these compounds participate, and cholesterol, useful for the body, is formed from linoleic and linolenic acids. They also reduce inflammation and help improve tissue nutrition.

In addition to unsaturated fatty acids, the composition of the substance under consideration contains vitamin A and B vitamins. Also fat is rich in mineral compounds. Vitamin A helps slow down the aging process, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. He also hinders the development of cancer. Thanks to vitamins of group B the organism is filled with energy, metabolic processes are improving. Having such a composition, badger fat will strengthen immunity, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, relieve inflammation and generally improve the body.

Indications for use

The agent in question can be used for medicinal purposes in a number of diseases. Excellent badger fat helps cough, so it is used primarily for the treatment of respiratory system. This product helps to treat such ailments:

1. Pharyngitis.

2. Laryngitis.

3. Bronchitis.

4. Pneumonia.

5. Bronchial asthma.

6. Tuberculosis, etc.

Badger fat also has a positive effect in the treatment of viral diseases, such as ARVI, ARI and influenza. As an addition to the main treatment, the agent is also used in cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, thrombosis, ischemic heart disease, etc.

The medicinal product will energize the body, exhausted by a serious illness, and also help to restore strength sooner after a surgical operation. In addition, badger fat is used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers. A good result is the application of this tool in cosmetology. The badger fat is treated with diseases of the genitourinary tract, the musculoskeletal system, and also it is used for intoxication of the body.

How to choose?

Harvesting badger fat should be done according to certain rules in order to preserve all its useful properties. You can buy it in pharmacies or directly from hunters. Before buying, you need to evaluate its appearance. The present badger fat will be white or yellowish, with a characteristic aroma. Being subjected to heat treatment, it acquires a bright poisonous-yellow shade and a sharp smell. This fat is not worth buying, because at best it will not bring any effect due to the lack of useful qualities, and at worst can even cause poisoning. Choosing the drug in the pharmacy, you should carefully study its composition. It should have a minimum number of components. If the composition abounds in different obscure terms, then, most likely, this drug does not contain anything useful. In order not to get a fake (for example, dog or pork fat), it is worth to read a copy of the veterinary certificate, which should be available in every pharmacy.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any medicine, badger fat has its contraindications. A direct ban on its oral use is the children's age of up to 1 year, as well as exacerbation of chronic liver, gallbladder and pancreatic diseases.

Outer (with caution), this remedy can be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years.

Side effects of badger fat include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It is also possible to develop allergies, which will require the withdrawal of funds and treatment with antihistamines.

Before using badger fat, especially for children, a doctor's consultation is mandatory.

Storage conditions

Keep badger fat in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to +5 degrees. In such conditions, its shelf life is extended to two years. However, it is necessary to check its appearance and aroma before each reception. When there is a putrefactive odor or a bitter taste, you should not use the drug to not get food poisoning.

Healing product for the youngest

Badger fat is used as an additional agent in treating children from acute respiratory infections. Frequent complications of ARVI are bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases of the respiratory system. Badger fat from cough is very effective. Children with immunocompromised, often infected with viral infections, the drug is recommended as an immunostimulant. In this case, to achieve a positive effect, it should be used up to one month.

This product is available in liquid form and in capsules. Most often, it is more convenient for children to give capsules, since not every child will agree to drink a specific taste of the medicine.

Depending on the age, the dosage of badger fat is determined. Children under 12 years of age should be given a small amount. In this case, you can track how the child's body reacts to it. In the future, you can give half a teaspoon to three times a day.

Use externally

Since badger oil from cough is an effective remedy, it can also be used for grinding. Especially this method is good for children, who by virtue of their age can not use this product inside. Badger fat massages the back, chest and feet of the child. The treatment area is better supplied with blood, which gives a warming effect. Before the first rubbing it is necessary to put a little badger oil on the skin. This is done to see if there is an allergic reaction. Do not rub at high temperature, and also at the very beginning of the disease. This will lead to an intensification of the inflammatory process. The agent is applied only to a small area of ​​the skin.

It is worth considering that badger fat is not a medicine. It is a biologically active additive that can be used as a preventive agent.

Methods for treating cough

Badger fat possesses powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. The use of this drug for coughing gives good results. There are many recipes for badger fat. Depending on the disease, the agent in question is combined with various components.

Treatment of badger fat from cough can be done using a universal Tibetan prescription. The mixture can be ingested or applied to the skin. For its preparation, the following components are required:

- To 100 g. Badger fat, honey and cocoa.

- To 50 g. aloe and butter.

- Bee Propolis and Mummy Extract (1 and 2 g. respectively).

- 1 hour. l. 94% alcohol.


Inside: 1 tbsp. mix in a glass of hot milk. Eat 1 hour before meals, 2 to 4 times a day.

Outer: a certain amount of the composition mixed with vodka in the proportion:. Razirat at night 1 time per day.

Also badger oil from dry cough, causing pain in the throat and lungs, is effective. Cure it will help "a cocktail which includes 1 glass of hot milk and 1 tbsp of the drug under consideration. Drink it in small sips before eating. After receiving this remedy, sputum begins to depart. Symptoms of the disease go through 3-4 days.

Badger fat from cough caused by infectious or viral diseases, including pulmonary tuberculosis, helps to cope faster with the disease. To do this, you must use the mixture of the drug in question with medical alcohol, honey, aloe juice and lemon. To prepare the composition, you need 100 grams of each component, which must be mixed well and stored in a refrigerator in a glass tightly closed container. You need to use such a remedy half an hour before meals in the amount of one tablespoon, slowly dissolving.

A severe cold is often accompanied by high fever and inflammatory processes in the lower respiratory tract. In this case, the badger fat from coughing will be effective. The recipe for preparing a remedy is not that difficult. He has known many from childhood. You need a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of fat to dissolve in a glass of hot milk. The resulting solution is better to drink at night to sweat well.


Badger fat is a very valuable product, it helps in the treatment of many diseases. However, we must not forget that this is a popular tool. Use it is only as a supplement to the basic treatment, in no case replacing them with traditional medicines that the doctor appointed.

Badger fat from coughing

Amazing next door. It would seem that when coming to the pharmacy most people find there the required medications. But, everything turns out to be completely wrong. After all, after using some medicines, one has to resort to others in order to cure the consequences of previously taken medications. And so on a circle. But you can always try on yourself badger fat from a cough and evaluate all its advantages, which is really a whole storehouse.

The use of badger fat for lungs

Considering all the useful properties of badger fat, you can get carried away. The use of badger fat for the lungs is invaluable. Moreover, it perfectly stimulates the work of the immune and nervous systems, allows you to easily get rid of chronic diseases and addictions.

A very important point is the use of badger fat in various diseases of the lungs. In this case, it is not just about coughing, but even about such a serious disease as tuberculosis. Due to the content of unsaturated and polyunsaturated acids in fat, the tubercle bacillus itself is destroyed, which leads to a complete cure of the disease. Although the reception of some effective drugs, no one has canceled.

The use of badger fat for the lungs is also in the large content of vitamin A. As it is known, a sufficient amount of it helps prevent the development of chronic diseases respiratory system, as well as actively fighting the formation of malignant and benign tumors.

Badger fat is used to restore and prevent the development of various lung diseases:

  • Pleurisy.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Chronic and acute bronchitis.
  • Catarrhal diseases.
  • A variety of suppuration in the larynx.
  • Pneumonia.

Even as a general restorative and stimulating immunity, this panacea is the best.

Badger fat from coughing to children

When an annoying and prolonged cough prevents a child from living normally and developing, it is worth taking emergency measures. Badger fat from coughing to children is an effective tool that brings exceptional benefits. Stagnant processes of accumulation of purulent formations gradually cease, since active excretion of pathogenic microbes from the body takes place and the baby begins to feel better. And the main thing is that cough becomes productive, sputum is actively excreted. Especially the use of this natural product is useful in cases of suspicion of pneumonia, when the baby has a dry and barking cough. It is necessary to act immediately. The only problem, in this case, is the child's refusal to accept this component. Therefore, it is worth going to small tricks and mixing fat with milk, honey or even jam. In that case there will be a double benefit.

In order for badgered fat from coughing the children had the right effect, take it 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. Drink it is a curative decoction of wild rose or thyme.

Badger fat from coughing during pregnancy

In the period of gestation of a child, every woman aspires to injure her body as little as possible and thus affect the baby. But, despite all the precautions and protection of respiratory diseases can not be avoided. In this case, it is recommended to select natural remedies that have an exceptionally beneficial effect on the body. Badger fat from cough during pregnancy is an ideal option. It stimulates the work of almost all body systems and helps to cope with many complex diseases.

If desired, as soon as possible to get rid of cough should be properly calculated its dose of admission. Almost always it is one tablespoon three times a day. It should be borne in mind that the reception should be done before meals at least for half an hour. The length of the course depends largely on the patient's condition. But, badger fat from cough during pregnancy can be taken for a long time, as there is a significant strengthening of the body, nervous and immune systems.

Treatment of badger fat from cough and bronchitis

For even a large number of vitamins and amino acids, many bronchial problems are solved quite quickly. In this case, the treatment of badger fat from cough and bronchitis is carried out systematically and constantly. One or two spoons have never cured a patient. In this case, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dose. If the patient weighs up to 60 kilograms, then it is worth taking 1 teaspoon for 30-50 minutes before eating. At a weight of up to 100 kilograms, the recommended dose is 1 tablespoon. If the body weight exceeds 100 kilograms, then it is worth taking two tablespoons.

How to take badger fat from a cough

The reception of this natural remedy is almost always the same. But, much depends on the type of disease and its stage. In this case, how to take badger fat from a cough will be prompted by the attending physician. It will more accurately calculate the required dose and the number of times that it is taken.

Badger fat from cough: rubbing

Along with internal reception, it is possible to use in another way badger fat from a cough. Rubbing is an excellent option, especially at night. Thus, it is possible to treat both adults and children. It is good to rub the back and feet of the patient, in order to enhance the effect of taking the product. Quite quickly, this approach will bear fruit and help to cope not only with colds, but also skin diseases and nervous stress.

Compress with badger fat from cough

In this case, the treatment is almost identical to grinding. The only exception is that a compress with badger fat from a cough means a strong wrapping of the stretched places. But, at a high temperature, this method of treatment is not permissible.

Badger fat with milk from a cough

This method of using the product is useful in cases of tuberculosis treatment. Badger fat with milk from a cough is taken 40 minutes before meals. It is very important that its medicinal properties are not mixed with food and managed to prove itself. In this case, the tubercle bacilli are rapidly destroyed and the patient receives the proper effect from the influence of badger fat.

Badger fat from cough: reviews

Even from a long time badger fat from coughing reviews had exceptionally positive. Due to its healing properties, almost incurable patients were cured. Healers used it in their drugs, getting really miracle cures.

It is important to remember that the use of any traditional method of treatment should be reported to your doctor. And let the badger fat from a cough has phenomenal properties, it is worth remembering that in some cases it is recommended to combine several drugs to obtain a stable effect.

Badger fat, fat from cough

Among the various means and methods of traditional medicine, which help to fight reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, the use of the internal fat of animals stands out in its effectiveness. Badger, bear, dog, goose, mutton, groundworm, goat fat from cough used to heal from various ailments from time immemorial. Symptomatic treatment of sharp spastic exhalations with the help of these products gives staggering results, bribes with its simplicity and accessibility.

Non-fatty fat from cough: external application

A common method of dealing with reflex spasms of the respiratory tract are rubbing and warming compresses with the help of fat of various animals. To do this, any available internal fat: badger, pig, goose, mutton, bear, dog. There are several ways in which the use of interior fat from cough has the maximum effect:

  • Animal fat (for example, badger) needs to melt. Imbue them with gauze or a wide bandage, folded several times. Wet cloth put on your back. Top with a clean cut or towel. Then an oilcloth, a warm kerchief and a blanket.
  • Take the heated lard (for example, badger) and rub the back and chest of the patient before going to bed. Top with a polythene and a warm scarf. To wind the person in a blanket.

Rubbing fat with cough is very effective. Often an unpleasant symptom occurs even after the first application. However, do not forget that this remedy can not be used at elevated temperature and children up to a year old.

In addition to external application, fat from cough is taken inside. There are many different recipes. Let's get acquainted with the most effective.

Badger fat: use for coughing

Interior badger fat is a unique therapeutic agent, possessing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Used badger fat from coughing with rubbing, compresses, and also taken inside.

There are a lot of folk recipes, which include this component, it can also be used in pure form:

  • Badger fat from cough is taken 3 times during the day for 1 tablespoon. Duration of treatment for colds is a week, with chronic or severe - a month. The product is very effective, but not all can use the product in its pure form.
  • Badger fat helps with coughing and in combination with other ingredients. It is necessary to take 6 tea spoons of cocoa powder, 8 - interior badger fat, 100 grams of chocolate and butter. Such ingredients are recommended to be added to those who do not tolerate a pure badger product or are going to treat a child. The composition of the cough is prepared as follows: chocolate and oil are heated on a water bath, then interior badger fat and cocoa are added. All is mixed until uniform. The mass is allowed to cool. The medicinal composition can be smeared on a sandwich and eat like chocolate butter.

On the use of badger fat from cough, the reviews are most positive. Often with its help, you can remove a chronic symptom, as well as reflex spastic exhalations caused by pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Goose Fat from Cough

In addition to grinding and compresses, this animal product is also applied inside and successfully fights with respiratory tract spasms. The therapeutic effect has a raw fat, which is heated from a bird in a water bath for about 4 hours. It has a yellowish tinge. Its healing properties are quite high. Goose fat:

  • Acts as an immunostimulant.
  • Softens mucous throat and nasopharynx.
  • Eliminates inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.
  • Stimulates liquefaction of mucus.

Goose fat for cough can be taken in pure form. This is done in the morning on an empty stomach in the amount of 1 tablespoon. And you can use it as an ingredient in various folk remedies:

  • 5 ml of honey and 15 ml of fat put in a glass of hot milk. Drink in the morning before eating.
  • Within 10 minutes, boil the lemon. Cut and squeeze it into the water in which it was boiling. Add 30 ml of goose fat to the solution. Drink a few days until the reflex spasms of the airways disappear to 5 tablespoons before eating.

Bear oil: use for coughing

The inner fat of the bear has long been considered an excellent assistant in the treatment of various colds and their symptoms. It is rich in various microelements, proteins, acids, oils, vitamins A, B, E. Bear lard is a great help:

  • Reduce the intensity of sharp spastic exhalations caused by a cold.
  • To soften mucous throats.
  • Activate the process of expectoration of mucus.
  • Strengthen the protective functions of the patient's body.

Bear oil from cough is used as a means for rubbing, compresses and inside. To do this, a teaspoon of melted bacon is placed in a glass of milk, preheated to 60 degrees. They drink in small sips. For taste, you can add a little honey. After taking the medicinal composition, to enhance its effect, it is recommended to eat fresh or canned raspberries, currants, blueberries.

Canine fat from cough

Such a remedy is very effective in the symptomatic treatment of reflex respiratory tract spasms caused by various pulmonary diseases. Applying canine fat is simple enough: you need to eat three meals a day with food on a teaspoon of the product. You can add to the soup or smear on bread.

Goat fat for coughing

Quality interior viscid fat must be pure white color and a dense consistency. It does not have any unpleasant or sharp odors. If the fat pick with a knife, it easily crumbles.

There are many recipes for coughing with this ingredient. Here are some of them:

  • A slice of goat's fat, honey, soda is added to the glass of hot milk. This drink should be drunk 3 times a day. With its help, the cough caused by inflammation and swelling of the throat, as well as by perspiration, is perfectly removed.
  • In a glass of milk, boil 4 garlic cloves and 1 chopped onion. Add a little soda and a small piece of goat's fat. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day. The drink helps to cope with a strong chest cough.

  • In a glass of hot milk put a tablespoon of honey, a piece of goat fat, a few drops of propolis tincture, which is sold at the pharmacy. Take the composition in the morning and at bedtime. The medicine perfectly suppresses reflex spastic exhalations, which are a symptom of respiratory diseases of respiratory organs.

Lamb fat from coughing

Very often, for therapeutic purposes, the interior fat of ram is used. This product contains a large amount of saturated organic acids, as well as vitamins A, B1, E. Sheep fat is considered a potent cough remedy. The product is contraindicated for people with diseases of the bladder, liver, kidney, stomach ulcer, atherosclerosis and gastritis. All the rest of the drug should be used carefully, adhering to prescription doses.

A simple, effective and popular recipe is the following: put a tablespoon of heated lamb fat in a glass with hot milk. Allow to cool slightly and drink. This composition perfectly helps with prolonged cough, associated with chronic bronchitis and smoking.

Pig fat from cough

This product is very widely used in folk medicine when getting rid of sharp spastic exhalations of various etiologies. Pork fat is an affordable remedy available on the shelves of many shops and markets. Unlike many other animal fats, you do not need to specifically look for it in pharmacies or order it to friends.

Pork fat perfectly cope with a cough caused by colds and bronchitis. The main thing is to start applying on time and do it regularly. In addition to grinding and compresses, there are many recipes for the internal reception of the product:

  • Brew hot milk with green tea. Put in a drink a piece of pork fat, a pinch of red and black pepper. Drink before going to bed.

  • To heat the fat, dilute the product with honey and broth of dogrose. Drink 3 times a day.

Internal fat when coughing (whether it be badger, bear, pig or any other) has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. However, this does not mean that the product is a panacea for any cough. After all, a symptom can be caused by various diseases and before it is treated it is absolutely necessary to visit the doctor and establish the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon. Only after receiving an accurate diagnosis and agreement with a specialist of all methods of fighting cough, you can proceed its symptomatic treatment by various means, including with the help of interior badger or other fat animals.

Badger fat treatment

Badger fat- one of the popular natural remedies, which possesses anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, fortifying and immunostimulating properties. In folk medicine, badger fat is used widely enough, primarily in the treatment of lung diseases.

Treatment by badger fat of diseases of the respiratory system

Badger fat is taken internally, and is used externally, for grinding during treatment:

  • cough of various etiologies;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

To treat cough badger fat is taken 1 teaspoon to 3 times a day (on an empty stomach, in the afternoon, 30-40 minutes before meals and at bedtime). For best effect, fat is recommended to be mixed with honey, broth of wild rose or currant in the ratio:. When treating bronchial asthma honey is better to exclude and take badger fat in pure form or with milk.

In addition, with bronchitis and damp cough badger fat is rubbed chest, back and legs.

Tibetan prescription for the prevention of lung disease


  • butter - 50 g;
  • aloe juice - 50 g;
  • cocoa powder 100 g;
  • badger fat - 100 g;
  • liquid honey - 100 g;
  • propolis - 1 g;
  • mummy - 2 g;
  • alcohol medical - 50 ml.

Preparation and use

Propolis and mummies put in the freezer for several hours, then grind to a powdery state. Stir all components until smooth. A tablespoon of the mixture is bred in a glass of hot milk and drunk before eating. Take the medicine 2-3 times a day.

Treatment of badger fat diseases of joints

Recipe 1


  • badger fat - 100 g;
  • jojoba oil - 50 ml;
  • essential oil of rosemary - 10 drops;
  • lavender essential oil - 10 drops;
  • essential oil of peppermint - 5 drops.

Preparation and use

All components are thoroughly mixed, for better mixing badger fat can be slightly heated in a water bath. The finished composition should be stored in the refrigerator. This ointment is used for injuries, pain in the muscles and joints. In addition, it can be used for rubbing with a cough.

Recipe 2


  • badger fat - 4 tablespoons;
  • red hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • turpentine - 2 tablespoons.

Preparation and use

Pepper is preliminarily passed through a meat grinder, all components are mixed and infused for at least 24 hours prior to use. This ointment has a strong warming effect and is often used in the treatment of rheumatism and arthrosis.

Treatment of Badger Fat Hemorrhoids

Prescription means


  • badger fat;
  • goat fat.

Preparation and use

The components are taken in equal proportions, melted in a water bath, after which candles are formed from the semi-oily mass. For best effect, in addition to using candles, it is recommended to drink more badger fat a month.

Also badger fat in its pure form or with the addition of a few drops of oil solutions of vitamins A and E, is used to treat skin diseases (irritations, psoriasis, eczema) and heel cracks.

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