Stretching of ankle joints treatment at home


  • 1Treatment at home stretching of the ankle ligaments
    • 1.1Risk factors: why there is an extension of the ankle ligament
    • 1.2Signs of stretching
    • 1.3What does it mean to "pull" the ankle ligaments?
    • 1.4Medication Therapy
    • 1.5Recovery period after stretching
    • 1.6Physiotherapy
    • 1.7Physiotherapy exercises with stretching: we restore the functionality of the ankle
    • 1.8Basic Exercises
    • 1.9Prophylaxis of repeated stretching: prevent relapse
  • 2How to treat ankle sprain
    • 2.1Reasons for stretching
    • 2.2Types of stretching
    • 2.3The main signs of stretching
    • 2.4First aid
    • 2.5Treat stretching at home
    • 2.6Help with stretching using folk remedies
  • 3Sprain of the ankle joint treatment at home
    • 3.1Mechanism of ankle ligament injury
    • 3.2Symptomatic Tension
    • 3.3Nature of ligament damage
    • 3.4What should I do if I stretch my ankle joints?
    • 3.5Principles of therapy
    • 3.6Rehabilitation therapy
    • 3.7Folk recipes in the treatment of sprain in the ankle joint at home
  • 4Sprain of the ankle joint: treatment at home, photo
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1What an ankle injury can be treated at home
    • 4.2When to call a doctor
    • 4.3What to do first of all with ankle injury
    • 4.4Domestic ointment for ankle
    • 4.5Ankle pack at home
    • 4.6Products from an ankle garden
    • 4.7What to take off edema

Treatment at home stretching of the ankle ligaments

When a person encounters an ankle sprain, he immediately feels uncomfortable, a sharp pain. The ankle suffers, it becomes difficult to walk, move.

And measures must be taken urgently. That is why today we will consider in more detail how to treat the stretching of the ankle ligaments at home.

We will pay attention to drug therapy, we will consider some preparations and ointments, we will tell about physioprocedures and therapeutic physical training. It is also important to remember preventive measures to prevent stretching in the future.

Specific advice on how to treat the sprain of the ankle joint is given to us by folk medicine.

There are good recipes of various formulations, compresses, which should help to remove swelling and eliminate inflammation, reduce pain.

The optimal solution is to combine different methods and methods of treatment.

Be sure to remember: with any stretching, even not so significant, you should definitely contact a specialist, undergo an appropriate examination in a hospital.

Risk factors: why there is an extension of the ankle ligament

Let us first consider the most common risk factors. We will clarify, because of what usually there is a sprain of ligaments, why the ankle suffers.

  1. Increased motor activity. It is worth remembering all those who are actively involved in sports. And professional athletes take into account the increased risk of spasms. Therefore, they fix special elastic bandages in problem areas.
  2. Overweight. When a person suffers from excess weight, his blood circulation, balance, and freedom of movement are impeded. This increases the load on the joints. And with an unsuccessful fall, the podvorachivanii feet are much more likely to stretch the ligaments.
  3. Congenital instability of the ankle, violation of its configuration. People are sometimes born with flat feet, which immediately puts them at risk. In addition, the joint is simply unstable. The person often podvorachivaet a foot, especially a foot, on the inside. They even get used to it, but at some point such a violation of mobility can lead to sprain.
  4. Excessive physical activity also provokes similar injuries. For example, the risk of carrying heavy loads. It is necessary to exercise caution, if possible, to exclude physical overloads.
  5. Inconvenient shoes are a very serious risk factor. And here, first of all, women suffer. It is extremely important to carefully monitor your health and not expose it to such a great risk because of the desire to wear beautiful fashionable shoes. If the shoe is uncomfortable, unstable, the heel is too tall, you should refuse such shoes. Otherwise, the woman runs the risk of causing trauma and lameness.

Signs of stretching

How to determine that a person is not just a bruise, but a stretch?

First of all, this will be signaled by a sharp pain in the joints. Let's see what symptoms are present in this type of injury:

  1. Mobility of the leg is reduced.
  2. There is swelling in the site of the injury.
  3. The skin turns red.
  4. In the ankle area, a person feels severe pain, while it is clearly localized in the joints, and not only in external soft tissues.
  5. The body temperature may rise.
  6. There is a hematoma at the site of injury.

If such a clinical picture is observed, there is probably a sprain in the ligaments.

What does it mean to "pull" the ankle ligaments?

Consider the first medical help in detecting sprain of the ankle:

  1. First you need to carefully remove the shoes from your feet. The fact is that the swelling will begin quickly. And after it is almost impossible to remove the shoes without cutting it.
  2. The leg should be well fixed. Gypsum in such cases is usually not used. In the role of a clamp for the ankle, stretching of the ligaments is more suitable elastic bandage. If you can not use it, you can take any tissue and make a tight bandage. Wrap the material around the foot, shin. The tension should be good.
  3. To the place of injury it is desirable to immediately apply something cold. The best option is to use ice. But it is applied not directly to the skin, but through the tissue. Ice will help reduce swelling, prevent the formation of bruises, remove, at least in part, pain.
  4. When there is a worsening of the condition, for example, pain increases, there is a noticeable edema, a hematoma,call a doctor immediately.

In general, the best decision is to undergo examination in a medical institution.

Medication Therapy

When there is a stretch, immediately the question arises, what is the best way to treat the trauma, what methods and means are better to use. Let's consider the main options:

  1. Actively used modern ointmentswith ankle sprain. Particularly popular now is Dimexide - gel, which is good for stretching. It removes swelling, relieves pain, has a stimulating, therapeutic effect. Leontone, Troxevasin, a known heparin ointment can also be swollen. An anti-inflammatory effect will be provided by Fastum, Nurofen. They perfectly cope with swelling and pain. After 4 days, it is already allowed to use warming ointments to restore blood microcirculation, for example, Capsicum.
  2. You can make compresses. They help to remove swelling, reduce pain, stop the inflammatory process. Popular advice will be useful here. For example, a good result is the use of a vodka compress, as well as a composition of grated onions and salt. People are willing to use compresses made of tea, infused with laurel leaves, a mixture of honey and black bread. Virtually all of them are aimed at removing inflammation, eliminating edema.
  3. To relieve the pain will come in handydrugs that relieve unpleasant sensations, spasm. It can be analgin, tempalgin, nurofen. They act quickly, purposefully, help to get rid of the pain.

Recovery period after stretching

Many people are interested in the question of how much time can be recovered after stretching the ankle ligaments.Of course, the rehabilitation period will depend entirely on the individual characteristics of the trauma, the state of health of the patient.

There are certain regularities. Mostly they depend on the degree of stretching.

Consider how long the sprain of the ankle is healing, with a trauma of the first and second degree.

1st degree stretching When diagnosed in hospital conditions, a stretching of the 1 st degree, the doctor makes a special fixing bandage on the problem zone. The best option is to use an elastic bandage with an average stretch. You can also go to a specialized salon, an orthopedic goods store, to get a comfortable bandage of elastic material on Velcro. Such are widely distributed among athletes. The bandage will need to be worn for at least a week. During the treatment, doctors recommend refraining from walking, to minimize the burden on the ankle ligament. If there is a need to leave the house, it is necessary to wear shoes with a hard back. The leg should be well fixed in the shoe to completely eliminate the re-stretching of the ligaments.
Extension of the 2nd degree When diagnosing the tension of the 2nd degree, the specialist must impose a langete. It is the langet applied to the joint on the leg that will completely prevent movement. A one hundred percent fixation is required for treatment. They wear such a langet for at least 10 days. In some cases, you have to spend more time recovering. Here everything will depend on the individual ability of the ligaments of the ankle to restore.

What if the therapy does not bring the desired results? How is the treatment more effective, what can be done other than taking tablets and using ointments, fixing the joint?

Let's consider features of physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises with ankle sprain.


Additionally, it is prescribed for restorative treatment after stretching and physiotherapy. Of course, you can carry out the basic treatment at home, but you should not abandon physiotherapy procedures.

The main thing is to ensure that the patient reduces the load to a minimum. It is necessary to move with someone's help, go to the clinic or hospital only by car.

Specialists prescribe the following procedures as part of physiotherapy:

  • phonophoresis with hydrocortisone;
  • electrophoresis with calcium;
  • UHF.

In addition, treatment with paraffin, as well as procedures using mud therapy techniques, is carried out. A good set of procedures will allow you to quickly restore ligaments, restore their elasticity, health.

Thus, it is advisable not only to conduct treatment at home, but also to take the patient out to the procedures to achieve a better effect.

Physiotherapy exercises with stretching: we restore the functionality of the ankle

Great value in the treatment of sprain of the ankle joint has a special physical training.

It is advisable, at least for the first time, to perform exercises under the guidance and careful supervision of a specialist. Then the patient will be able to continue the exercises of physiotherapy exercises independently, at home.

Why do we need exercise therapy for injuries of ligaments?Here are just the main advantages of such classes:

  1. The mobility of the ligamentous apparatus, joints develops well.
  2. There is a more effective rehabilitation of the ankle, and it is introduced into the usual mode of work gradually, according to a thought-out plan of exercises. Loads grow according to a certain algorithm.
  3. Stimulates blood circulation, which allows you to quickly restore the working condition of the ligaments.
  4. The muscular system is effectively strengthened.
  5. Pain, unpleasant sensations go much faster. Adaptation of the ankle is carried out.
  6. The general tone of the body is significantly increased.

Be sure to allocate time for exercise therapy. This will allow you to recover much faster, restore mobility of the ankle and get rid of all the unpleasant symptoms.

Basic Exercises

Consider the most common, effective and safe exercises that you need to perform with restorative therapy of the ankle joint:

  1. Grasp firmly at the back of the bed or chair. Cautiously, slowly rise on socks, and then as slowly fall.
  2. The toes begin to gradually knead. To do this, you need to exercise regularly, picking up small objects from the floor with your toes.
  3. Now you can lie down or sit on a chair. It is necessary to lie on the back. Bend your knees. Then bend and unbend your toes 10 times. After this, you need to do a stop rotational movement, in a circle.
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Remember! Immediately heavy loads can not be given. The ankle should be restored gradually, extremely cautiously. The body should get used to entering the usual rhythm.

If the stretching was not strong, and the pain had already passed, the swelling subsided, it was allowed to swim a little in the pool, to work out on the stationary bike. But overload must necessarily be ruled out!

The best option is to hold all the exercises only after a detailed consultation with the attending physician. It should be not just a coach, but that specialist who knows all the details of your injury thoroughly.

Prophylaxis of repeated stretching: prevent relapse

It is extremely important to continue to maintain the health of ligaments, to protect the ankle from all risk factors. It is necessary to prevent re-injury. Then the ligaments, the muscles will always be in good condition.

Here are the key points to consider:

  1. Muscles of the feet must be constantly strengthened. To do this every day, perform special exercises. You can use the training from the passed complex of therapeutic physical training. In addition, you have to walk more, ride a bicycle and swim, and make jogs. All this is very useful for joints and ligaments, muscles, general condition of the legs.
  2. Choose the right shoes. Avoid models with an excessively high lift, heels, uncomfortable shoes. It is especially important to wear comfortable shoes in winter, when the risk of injury is sharply increased due to poor balance.
  3. When you are already injured ankle, but at the same time actively engaged in physical education, do complex enough exercises, do not forget about preventive fixation of ligaments. Always use an elastic bandage or special bandage.
  4. Be sure to carefully watch your weight. Admit excessive body weight can not be, because it disrupts mobility, balance, as a whole badly affects the condition of the joints, blood circulation, human health.

Why should not relapse be allowed in any case?The problem is that frequent sprains are really dangerous. Joints can lose elasticity, become inactive.

In addition, the age-related changes in the body will also be affected. The older a person becomes, the more difficult it is for him to repair ligaments after an injury, to return the former elasticity and mobility.

The load on the legs also increases additionally if the person has concomitant ailments, for example, arthrosis or arthritis.

Watch your health, contact your doctors in a timely manner, then you will be able to fully repair the ankle ligament after stretching at home and avoid injury in the future!

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How to treat ankle sprain

In the practice of a traumatologist, there are often cases with a breach of integrity or stretching of the ankle ligament.

And this is not surprising, because this joint has a rather big load during walking, jumping or running. The ligamentous apparatus performs the task of restricting movement and strengthening the joint.

Therefore, the treatment of ankle sprain is absolutely necessary, because if they are damaged, a person will not be able to walk, and even normally stand.

Reasons for stretching

There are many reasons for this phenomenon, it occurs with excessive load or incorrect placement of the foot. Therefore, most often ligaments suffer in such situations:

  • playing sports;
  • In women, when using inconvenient and impractical shoes with high heels;
  • long walking, especially on rough roads;
  • a sharp load on the ankle in the absence of habit or training;
  • running for long distances.

Stretching of the ligaments of the ankle joint is formed as a result of turning the foot inward or outward when there is a stretching of the gastrocnemius muscle. As shown by medical practice, most often patients are treated with damage to the outer part of the ligament apparatus.

The predisposing factors are:

  • excess of body weight;
  • disorders of the structure of connective tissue;
  • clubfoot or flat feet;
  • occupation of professional sports;
  • arthrosis changes in the joint;
  • trauma of this joint in the anamnesis.

Stretch the ligaments often can be hyperactive children, because they are very mobile and are most prone to traumatization. Therefore, parents should pay much attention to them, and immediately contact a doctor if they have ligament disorders.

Types of stretching

Treatment of rupture of ligaments of the ankle joint and its technique depends on the severity of the disorder:

  1. At the initial degree, multiple microscopic fiber breaks occur. In this case, the person practically does not have symptoms, and the volume of motion in the ankle does not suffer.
  2. At the second degree, the majority of the fibers are damaged, which leads to severe soreness, movement disturbance. The patient can not step on foot for about one week.
  3. The heaviest form is the third, in which there is a complete rupture of one of the ligaments. Symptomatically, such a violation resembles a fracture. Accompanied by severe pain and total lack of ability to stand on his own and move independently.

The main signs of stretching

When signs appear that are similar to the sprain of the ankle, treat the pathology only in the traumatologist. At the first degree, the physical activity of the patient is practically not disturbed.

Often the first signs of trouble arise only the next day: there is swelling, a local fever, a slight inflammation, a hematoma is formed. Patient walking a little limps.

If the gap has a second and third degree of severity, then in this case there are bright and pronounced signs:

  1. The pain syndrome develops immediately, and it is so strong that it can simulate fracture. The greatest intensity of pain is during the first few hours after injury, but can resume when a person tries to get on a sore leg. The intensification of unpleasant sensations provokes edema, as it creates pressure on surrounding tissues and nerve endings.
  2. Edema is a constant companion of sprain, it can be local, or spreads even on the foot. Usually it lasts for about ten days.
  3. Hematoma is considered an indirect sign when the ankle sprain is stretched. At first the bruise forms in the area of ​​the rupture, and then goes down, grabbing the foot, and gradually changes color.

If treatment of an ankle joint injury begins on time, then a full recovery should occur within 10-14 days.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is recommended to take an X-ray or to undergo ultrasound. In rare cases, the attending physician may recommend an MRI.

First aid

Since sprains are sprained as a result of trauma, it is recommended to call a doctor. But first you should provide first aid:

  1. Put your foot on the dais and apply ankle to the ankle. To do this, you can use ice from the refrigerator or some product that is in the freezer. A plastic bottle with cold water will do. This technique will reduce the magnitude and spread of edema, since the cold narrows the local vessels.
  2. The foot needs to be provided with rest, it should not be lowered, and even more so try to walk. If possible, the ankle should be fixed using a tire made from improvised means.
  3. If the dislocation is accompanied by severe pain, then before the arrival of a specialist, you can drink an anesthetic drug. And then tell him about it.

Treat stretching at home

In mild cases (in the first and second stages), treatment of sprains in the ankle joint can be performed at home. Conservative therapy in this case is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. It is necessary to apply the cold on the first day after getting the injury for ten minutes to six times a day, and put a roller under the leg to give it an elevated position.
  2. To wind an ankle joint with the help of an elastic bandage (in some cases a physician impose a plaster) for up to 10 days. When using a bandage, it should be removed at night. Longer wearing of the dressing is not recommended, as this will lead to destabilization of the joint.
  3. To treat the zone in the area of ​​traumatization when the ankle is stretched with ointments with anti-inflammatory properties. They not only relieve swelling and signs of inflammation, but also help to remove unpleasant pain.
  4. To improve blood supply, local remedies should be used in the form of a gel or ointment with heparin content. This tool will help to eliminate swelling, and contribute to the rapid resorption of the hematoma.

How to treat ankle sprain with a complete ligament rupture? To do this, surgical treatment is performed, the purpose of which is to restore the integrity of the ligament apparatus. After this, the patient is given a plaster cast, which he wears for about 30 days.

What to do when stretching in any case impossible?You should not rub the damaged area with vodka or alcohol, make foot baths or warm them for five days. You should not develop a joint before the doctor allows it (the first week requires maximum rest).

Some people who require rapid rehabilitation, especially related to professional activities, raise the question of how to quickly cure the stretching around the ankle.

After removing the gypsum or bandage, the result should be fixed with the help of physiotherapy procedures. For this, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, UHF, ultrasound, paraffin therapy are used.

It is also important, after an acute period, to begin physical therapy exercises to restore the mobility of the joint and strengthen the ligaments.

Help with stretching using folk remedies

With this pathology, you can refer to the recipes of healers and conduct treatment with folk remedies.

However, before treating the sprains of the ankle by such methods, one should consult a doctor.

At the same time, one should not forget that non-traditional medicine is used exclusively as an additional way of providing assistance, and can not replace the intake of medicines.

  1. Treatment of ankle sprain can be performed using an onion compress. We turn several heads into gruel with a blender and add one large spoonful of salt. This mixture is put on gauze and placed in the form of a compress on the edematous part of the foot. Hold for about five hours.
  2. There is a method how to cure breach of the integrity of the ankle ligaments at home, using clay. It must be diluted with water so that it resembles sour cream in consistency, and applied to the area of ​​injury, pribintovat gauze. Once the compress is hot, it needs to be removed. Usually from the time of the beginning of treatment takes about 3 hours. After 2-3 such lotions the edema is eliminated completely.
  3. Since the treatment of sprains should be treated for a long time and in a complex, it is recommended to prepare and use the drug as an ointment. For her, you need to take the root of comfrey in the amount of 100 grams and insist in 50 ml of olive oil for 14 days. Then the product must be filtered, add melted beeswax (40 grams), 200 ml of castor oil and 20 drops of ethereal. Store in a cool place. A ready-made ointment is recommended to lubricate the foot before going to bed.
  4. How can I treat sprains if it is accompanied by unbearable pain?It will help to remove pain and speed up the healing of ointment based on propolis. For cooking, melt 100 grams of Vaseline in the saucepan, add 15 grams of propolis and cook for about 10 minutes. After that, the product should be filtered and applied thickly to a sore spot, placing waxed paper on top.
  5. Stretching of the ankle will be faster if you use a pack of grated raw tubers of potatoes. Kashitsu should be put on gauze or a rag and put it tightly to the foot at night.
  6. Treatment of the house damage the tendons of the ankle joint and possibly with the help of a sponge of the bodyguard. It can be bought in a pharmacy and applied to the area of ​​edema. The swelling and bruising in this case will dissolve twice as fast.
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Sprain of the ankle joint treatment at home

In the diagnosis of ankle sprain, treatment at home is allowed if the injury is not associated with complications or concomitant injuries. This pathology refers to a fairly common and requiring immediate care and competent treatment, regardless of the degree of damage.

Mechanism of ankle ligament injury

The ankle joint has to take enormous loads.

The unique structure of the joint provides its functionality, which on the other hand causes frequent damage.

The ligaments of this joint are represented by wide dense bundles of muscle fibers, which helps to ensure both the stability of the leg, and the stabilization of the ankle itself.

Thanks to the ligamentous structures, the joint is protected from damage. But if the permissible volume of movements is exceeded, stretching of the ligaments of the ankle joint occurs, which heals quite problematically.

Most often, the trauma is associated with turning the foot inside, which can happen while walking, running or playing sports. The second mechanism of ligament damage is associated with sudden inhibition at high speed, when the foot goes inside due to rotation of the rotational movement.

Stretching usually occurs under the influence of contributing factors:

  • excess weight;
  • increased motor activity;
  • congenital foot pathologies;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • carrying large or heavy loads.

In addition, with stretching, patients with ankle instability who have a history arthrosis and inflammatory pathologies that have occurred due to metabolic disorders, previous injuries or infections.

Symptomatic Tension

Before deciding what to do when stretching the ligaments of the ankle joint, it is necessary to make sure of the presence of this particular pathology. Many ankle damage has a similar symptom, but it is possible to determine the stretching by characteristic features.

Such a trauma is necessarily preceded by an inaccurate or unnatural movement of the foot, followed by rather severe pain. In addition, there is observed:

  • swelling of the joint;
  • problems with movement;
  • stupidity of the ankle;
  • instability;
  • local hyperemia.

The presence of signs of damage depends both on the severity of the injury, and on whether the patient had such damage before.

Nature of ligament damage

How much the sprain of the ankle joint heals, depends directly on the nature of the lesion.

For an easy degree, there is a slight damage, which stops worrying the patient after a few hours, showing pain only with loads. There is a slight swelling without bruising. An easy degree of ankle sprain is treated at home.

The average degree is manifested by sharp piercing pains, which disturb the patient even without exercise.

With such damage it is impossible to rely on the limb, which swells and loses mobility. A partial tearing of the ligaments is diagnosed.

With such an ankle sprain, how much damage heals, so much pain disturbs.

With severe damage, there is a strong symptom in the form of extensive bruising, puffiness, severe pain, which provokes dizziness, loss of consciousness.

What to do with this stretching of the ligaments of the ankle joint will have to be decided after the examination.

Since the symptomatology indicates a possible rupture of ligaments or dislocation of the joint.

What should I do if I stretch my ankle joints?

After injuring the leg in the form of an ankle sprain, treatment at home begins with the provision of emergency care.

In such a trauma, a person loses the ability to move independently, so third-party assistance is required. First, loose the injured leg from shoes and clothes.

In the future, because of the edema, this will be problematic.

The ankle provides peace and immobilization. To do this, the leg is fixed with a bandage, placing the foot perpendicular to the shin. Use an elastic bandage or any fabric.

If there is a suspicion of a fracture, fix the shin itself, applying boards or branches, other improvised material.

The leg is kept in a raised state, which helps the outflow of lymph and prevent swelling.

Ice compresses are also used, for the preparation of which ice is used, wrapped in a cloth or a heating pad with a cooled liquid. Fit any frozen food.

This compress is kept in place of damage for about 15 minutes. After a while, the compress is applied again. If you are concerned about intolerable pain, you can give the patient a pill of a group of analgesics or non-steroid drugs.

Suitable Diclofenac, Analgin, Ketonov.

To determine what to do with stretching the ligaments of the ankle joint in the future, you need to contact the doctors to make an accurate diagnosis and choose adequate therapy.

Principles of therapy

Treatment at home stretching ligaments of the ankle has several purposes:

  • eliminate soreness;
  • to remove puffiness;
  • remove blood in the presence of hemarthrosis;
  • to eliminate hematomas.

Without solving these problems, it is impossible to begin rehabilitation therapy that allows mobility to return to the ankle.

In the acute period after receiving an injury, treatment is carried out with the help of:

  1. Providing immobilization of the ankle, which helps prevent inaccurate movements and complications. Immobilize the ankle is most easily with the help of elastic bandage or special orthoses.
  2. During the first couple of days, cryotherapy is required. For this, not only ice compresses are applied to the ankle, but also cooling ointments are used. Most often it is ointments with menthol.
  3. Assign and anti-inflammatory ointments that help reduce the negative symptoms in the form of swelling and pain. When stretching, it is advisable to use the ointment Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Lyaton, Fastum-gel, Diklak-gel.
  4. Appointed and preparations of anti-inflammatory action in the form of tablets or injections. Medicines of the non-steroid group in the form of Orthofen, Diclofenac, Naiza help to cope with pain.

Bundles are restored due to the elasticity of undamaged areas. Therefore, surgical intervention is resorted to only in the presence of complications in the form of hemarthrosis or accompanying lesions, such as complex fractures.

Rehabilitation therapy

When an acute period, accompanied by pain and inflammation, passed, go to rehabilitation activities.

What to do when stretching the ligaments of the ankle joint during the recovery period will be described in detail by an orthopedist or traumatologist.

It will be useful to consult a rehabilitologist and physiotherapist.

The main role in the recovery after damage to ligament structures is played by physical activity. When stretching the ligaments of the ankle joint, treatment at home involves a therapeutic complex of exercises.

Begin gymnastics with a minimum load on the joint. Do isometric exercises, turns, rotation of the foot. Later add dynamic exercises, as well as movement for coordination.

Complement the complex with force loads, which strengthen the ligaments and increase the strength and endurance of muscle tissue.

At this stage of treatment, sprains of the ankle joint at home are supplemented by thermal procedures. For this, ointments of warming nature are used, which are made on the basis of hot pepper, as well as venom of bees or snakes.

Supplement the treatment with physiotherapy procedures. UHF, electrophoresis with calcium, analgin, phonophoresis with hydrocartisone is used.

Paraffin or mud procedures have recommended themselves.

Such therapy helps to improve blood flow, reduce puffiness, pain and restore metabolic processes of a local nature.

Helps with stretching and massage. However, the damage site itself is not massaged, but the periarticular tissues.

Massage manipulation is recommended to be done before exercise therapy, which will help prepare tissues and ligaments for exercise.

If doing gymnastics provokes soreness, massage and thermal procedures help get rid of them. Take medication at this stage to eliminate pain is not desirable.

Folk recipes in the treatment of sprain in the ankle joint at home

Treatment at home stretching of the ankle joint is complemented with folk therapy. To do this, apply compresses, applications, lotions, warming and bath.

  1. With the help of a vodka compress, puffiness is eliminated for 2 days. Prepared bandage is wetted in diluted alcohol or vodka and applied to the damaged joint, the top is fixed with a film, insulated with cotton and cloth. Keep the compress up to 8 hours.
  2. Stretching is treated with onion-salt lotions. Prepare them by skipping the onion grinder and mixing with a spoonful of salt. Kashitsu is placed on the ankle, wrapped in gauze.
  3. Warm up the damaged area with the help of heated sea or salt, dry mustard.
  4. Helps rubbing, which is prepared on the basis of alcohol with the use of vinegar and garlic. Insist a medicine from 100 ml of alcohol, 200 ml of vinegar and 5 teeth of chopped garlic a week. The joint is triturated or used to make compresses.
  5. Make and foot baths. For their preparation different ingredients are used in the form of pine extract, turpentine, bischofite, sea salt, mustard.
  6. At home, you can do thermal heating with the use of paraffin, ozocerite, therapeutic mud. Such components are sold in pharmacies. Make heat cakes every other day, alternating with other procedures.

No matter how much effort is exerted during the treatment of ankle sprain, it heals such damage for up to three weeks. If a partial tear is observed, the recovery can last up to a month.

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Sprain of the ankle joint: treatment at home, photo

Stretching the ligaments of the ankle and treatment at home is becoming a problem for many people every year. Due to the peculiarities of the structure, such a trauma is common in both adults and children. It is not necessary to play sports to stretch the ligaments on the leg.

Orthopedists are advised to consult a doctor in difficult cases to avoid worsening the situation and spreading the inflammatory process.

The first way to assess damage is the amount of edema and its color. The main symptom - a sharp pain and swelling, appearing in minutes. The joint can crack.

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Sprain of the ankle ligaments heals slowly.

What an ankle injury can be treated at home

Degrees of sprain

If an ankle is injured, an inflammation of the ligamentous apparatus is formed on the foot and any movement of the diseased leg causes discomfort to the person. The nature of pain varies from pulsating to stitching.

If the ankle is deformed outward, and this is the most common scenario, then you can take care of your leg health at home. Thus it is necessary to consult with the doctor and to make at least an x-ray. You can cure almost any ankle injury.

Not more than five percent of all cases of ankle injury occur in the deformation of the inner side, the ligament does not stand up.

However, this is possible with dislocation, jumping and sports injuries.

Despite the threat of specialists, on the topic of prompt treatment for medical help with a sick ankle, many prefer to do home treatment.

This is justified in the absence of fractures or strong dislocation. If there is a complete rupture of the ligaments of the ankle joint, treatment at home is prohibited. In this case, the treatment will take about a year, together with rehabilitation.

In order to provide first aid to the victim, there are enough handy tools that can be found in any medicine cabinet. The hospital compress usually consists of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

A similar effect can be added yourself. It is necessary to impose a cold compress, it is advisable to attach a crumb of ice wrapped in clean gauze.

This will stop the inflammatory process and reduce pain.

When to call a doctor

Applying a cold compress on the leg

During ankle ligament injury, a person experiences severe and severe pain.

In case of unsuccessful circumstances, the ligamentous apparatus is deformed and the tissues are partially or completely ruptured. Depending on the degree of disruption in the soft tissues, the swelling in the ankle will be either stronger or less.

Do not step on the damaged leg, trying to reach the nearest point of help.

It is necessary to stop and wait for help, this will prevent further destruction.

If you can not touch the leg from the pain or the sensation starts to lose in the foot, you need to see a doctor.

Home medicine here does not help, the picture is not iridescent and may require surgery.

Injury of the ankle, when treatment at home is safe, should be without suspicion of a fracture or a complete tearing of the ligaments.

It is important to remember that soft tissues tend to grow unevenly.

If there is a rupture of ligaments in the same place several times, you can get a limp for life.

At home, you can check the degree of damage to the joint by standing on your toes.

If, with the tension of the ligaments, the pain binds the leg, it means that negative processes take place inside the body, inflammation from the gaps occurs. The size of the tumor matters.

If it is more than a tennis ball, one should not treat such a problem alone. If it is not possible to bend and unbend the leg in the ankle area, you need to see a doctor.

What to do first of all with ankle injury

Elastic bandage for swelling of feet

With a light or medium stretch of the Achilles tendon ligament, which can be obtained by slipping on the street or while practicing mild fitness, the leg hurts up to five days.

It all depends on the degree of rupture and inflammation. Immediately after receiving the injury, one should occupy a comfortable position of the body, when the injured leg does not touch the floor, this is the basic condition.

It is advisable to lie on your back and lift your ankle up, without bending your foot.

To relieve pain, you can apply any of the above techniques, each method individually or all at once:

  1. Apply a clean gauze with crumbled ice to the damaged bundles. You can use whole pieces, if only they do not squeeze the soft tissues. Apply ice for at least five minutes on each side. The total duration of the session can be up to half an hour.
  2. Compress on the basis of a home ointment that removes inflammation can be applied within 24 hours after getting an injury. It is important to do light massaging movements to disperse blood and lymph. Massaging for more than 10 minutes is not necessary to not increase the inflammatory process, even if there is a rush.
  3. To fix an ankle joint with the help of a dense elastic bandage, an elastic bandage is also suitable. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to soak the bandage in vinegar solution.
  4. The leg needs to be held at the top. You do not need to squeeze it, and you do not need to violate the flow of blood.
  5. At home, with ankle injury, you can quickly drop the injured limb into a container of cold water. The bath will remove the sharp pain.

Simple techniques will help to eliminate the complication and growth of the bruise. Blood in soft tissues forms an unpleasant visual effect, the ankle can become red-blue.

To remove a similar photo effect, it is recommended to perform massage movements clockwise. As a first aid during the day you can use cabbage decoctions and compresses.

If the bathroom set allows, you can fill the container with medicinal broths and lower your leg there.

Domestic ointment for ankle

Applying an anesthetic ointment to the leg

You can use the ready-made ointment from the pharmacy. Well suited "Apizartron" from inflammation, "Lyoton" as an angioprotector and "Ibuprofen "Dolobene" for pain relief.

However, many prefer natural compounds as safer for health and more useful for ligaments. What means to choose for permanent treatment, should choose a doctor.

Even natural medicines can cause unwanted symptoms.

A home remedy for getting rid of troubles with the ankle is an ointment for treating the stretching of the ankle ligaments on natural components. It is based on the following components:

  • Comfrey officinalis;
  • olive oil;
  • essential oils of lavender and tea tree;
  • Castor oil;
  • warm beeswax.

To prepare the ointment, take a tincture of 100 grams of comfrey mixed with 50 ml of olive oil. Wax mixed with filtered oil in which the comfrey stood, and add essential oils, ten drops. Liquid bees melted wax will perfectly connect the components.

After hardening, the ointment will have a pleasant soft consistency. The product is ready for use immediately after hardening. Ointment on the basis of comfrey and beeswax favorably affects the skin and ligaments, in addition, it relieves inflammation in soft tissues.

Ankle pack at home

Preparation of an ankle compress

A good compress is obtained using a grass bruise. The popular name indicates a strong connection with such a phenomenon as bruises on the human body.

The natural ingredient can well fight stagnant phenomena.

To get a ready-made compress for applying a bandage or gadget to the ankle with a partial rupture of ligaments, you need to take one spoonful of grass with a bruise and brew in a glass of boiling water. Insist should be up to half an hour.

To apply the resulting composition squeeze and cool. Hot compress to do on a sick leg is not necessary.

Regularity of compresses depends on the severity of ligament damage.

Contraindications, except for individual intolerance, no, so you can do compresses every day until the full recovery of mobility in the ankle.

Another superfood for the treatment of the ankle at home is wormwood. She is insisted in a glass of boiling water to half an hour and then immediately used in a cool form.

It should look like a translucent solution. Wormwood relieves pain and inflammation, has a beneficial effect on local immunity and promotes rapid regeneration of tissues.

This is good for partial ligament ruptures, when intensive recovery is required.

Products from an ankle garden

Compress of grated garlic on the leg

If there is an extension of the ankle ligaments, then treatment at home can be done with the help of proven folk recipes. Most ingredients can be found in the garden.

After removal of the basic pain syndrome it is possible to apply natural components for effective restoration of ligaments.

The most popular product is good - garlic and compresses based on it.

If daily applied to the injured ankle mashed garlic in combination with aloe and olive oil, recovery will go much faster.

At night, you can wrap your foot in warm socks. When applying a natural ointment from such ingredients, the time-limited treatment depends on the condition of the ankle. Allowed to use the medication until the full recovery.

The main method of treatment with simple injuries, for example, a slight dislocation or partial stretching, is a state of rest. You can not give a load to the injured leg.

It is advisable to use a stick or crutch to move without resting on the aching leg. Even if a person is strong, it is better to insure yourself.

If you constantly give pressure to torn muscles, they will be harder to heal.

Among the products from the garden, able to save the ankle after a slight stretching marked elder. On its basis, it is possible to prepare compresses and decoctions for external use.

It helps to remove inflammation and stop aching pain. From the swelling well rubbed onions, mixed with elderberry.

If steaming the onion until softening and using a squeezed mush, you can leave a bandage with this compound for the night.

If at hand, none of the above is not there, you can make a compress of black tea at home. It works, while it remains wet, so you need to refresh it every half hour.

What to take off edema

Preparation of salt compress on the leg

Salt compress allows you to quickly remove the swelling. They literally draw fluid from the injured ankle.

To quickly remove the bluish from your feet, you can use a powder of the body sponge. It causes the blood to pour more intensively, due to which the swelling and bruising dissolve faster. They can fall overnight.

This may leave a reticulum on the skin, but this is not dangerous. She will later resolve.

If you treat an ankle sprain by all the rules, it will take about a month. The child recovers faster due to high metabolism.

How much can you experience abnormalities in the ankle joint? Experts say that everything depends on the intensity of the violation.

But it is believed that more than three in a row - this is already bad, and at home, it is better not to treat frequent problems.

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