Can I wash myself with genyantritis

Is it possible to visit the bath with sinusitis and if so, how can he be cured in a bath?


adeem shaya

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process affecting the paranasal sinuses, located in the cavities of the bones of the facial part of the skull and using various channels connected with nasal cavity. Sinusitis, as a rule, is the result of a prolonged flu or runny nose. The cause of its occurrence can be some infectious diseases, including scarlet fever and measles.
Treatment with the methods of traditional medicine
Before the treatment of sinusitis, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis with the help of radiographic equipment, which allows to examine the areas of the paranasal sinuses. Treatment with kerosene Sinusitis can be treated with kerosene. The most effective remedy is a special ointment, prepared from interior pig fat and purified kerosene. Ingredients are mixed as a percentage:. The ointment is rubbed into the skin of the cheeks on both sides of the nose and into the forehead region located directly above the bridge of the nose. This procedure should be carried out simultaneously with the laying in the nasal passages of special tampons, impregnated with ointment. Tampons should be left in the nasal passage for 3 hours, 1 time per day. You can also lubricate the nasal sinuses, nose and cheeks with kerosene, mixed with vegetable oil in the following proportions:. A good remedy for the treatment of sinusitis is fasting. After the first day of fasting, relief begins, after 3 days of complete starvation, recovery may occur.

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Treatment with other means
To treat sinusitis, hard-boiled hot eggs are put on both sides of the nose and kept until they cool down completely. It is also recommended to wash the nose with urine or warm water with the addition of salt and iodine tincture. Usually 10 drops of iodine are diluted in a glass of water. At the initial stage of the disease, mustard plasters are put on the heels for the night and woolen socks are put on. In the morning, after removing the mustard plaster, it is recommended to walk a bit. For the treatment of sinusitis lubricate the nose with freshly squeezed Kalanchoe leaves 2-3 times a day or dig in 3-5 drops of juice from the leaf. With an acute cold, every 30 minutes, sniff ammonia in turns, each nostril. Also, 3-4 drops of menthol oil are buried in the nose, they lubricate their forehead, whiskey, and nose. You can mix menthol oil in equal parts with camphor. Inhalation is well assisted in pairs of onions and garlic. An effective remedy is the juice of onions or the gruel from its pulp, which is injected into the nose in case of genyantritis, runny nose and purulent otitis. Also instilled in each nostril for 5-6 drops of fresh beet juice. You can add honey to the beet juice. For the treatment of chronic forms of the common cold and sinusitis at the initial stage, do the following: - every day draw salt water into the nose, diluting 1 h. l. salt in a glass of water; - wash the nose with a stale and fermented beet broth; - draw in the nose and rinse the mouth with the following composition: 4 h. l. drinking soda and 5 drops of iodine per glass of water; - wash the nose with warm, slightly salted water with the addition of 1 h. l. tinctures of calendula or eucalyptus on a glass of water. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening; - daily rubbed the mustard oil of the area above the eyes, near the nose, at the temples. The product has an effect only with regular use: - regularly visit a Finnish or Russian bath; - exclude from the diet milk and dairy products, as well as food containing a lot of starch and sugar; - with loss of smell pour vinegar on a hot frying pan and inhale it couples; - with a headache that arises from the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, the newest folk nasal medicine, is buried in the nose with a fresh undiluted cyclamen juice. After instillation a strong reaction comes: a sneeze, a cough, a sensation of intense heat in the body, sweat appears. Then a thick yellowish pus is released from the nostrils during the day, after which a strong sleep comes, which can last almost a day, after sleep, well-being is improved; - you should prepare a special mixture and use it as a warming ointment for compresses and for grease

Ekaterina Vasilyadi

Sauna and bath at a genyantritis-categorically are contraindicated! Cure sinusitis can only the doctor-otolaryngologist.


You can not go to the bath.

Elena Morozova

All thermal prtsedury and massage with inflammatory diseases are contraindicated!

Olga Gromova

No bath. You can wash your nose with saline or furacilin and perfectly. CINNABSIN helps. I just and it was treated. These pills help to remove inflammation puffiness, the nose can breathe freely after a few days.

Those, then sick with (a) genyantritis!


Masha the Beetle

I was sick with genyantritis at the age of 9 and remember vaguely - but I remember writing
The head can be washed without problems - if there is no temperature
the illness was terrible, the head hurt heavily, I could not breathe with my nose at all, all the time I blew nasty things from the nose green snot - I refused to make punctures, I was put in a hospital and pricked with antibiotics - thank God, maxillary sinusitis was cured and without puncture


Baska was sick and under the eye. And snot. The head - essno soap, do not go with the "icicles".
Saw Norfloxacin and Sinupret (this is a bomb! awesome thing)

Svetlana Goreglyad

firm "tentorium" is hey-pi-vi drip into the nose (on propolis), pus comes out in large quantities, and then everything passes.


I made drops of propolis tincture + camphor oil + sunflower oil all:

Veronika Glukhova

Yes you can of course. Heal and have success in this! I, too, managed to be cured without punctures, but for this, the medical examination was necessary, I was in bed for two weeks in the hospital, but I got rid of it. In the meantime, it hurt - only the cuckoo and sinuporte were saved from congestion, only this way they could cleanse the sinuses, no vasoconstrictors could save.

Can I go to the sauna and sauna for sinusitis?

As with many other diseases, patients with maxillary sinusitis are forced to limit themselves in some familiar ways.

This measure is necessary in order not to worsen the state of the body during the period of exacerbation.

Lovers of steam should know that in certain cases inhalation of moist air and strong heating can be dangerous.

Despite the fact that going to the bath, washing your head and soaring your feet, for example, with maxillary sinusitis is not prohibited, this procedure should be done very carefully.

Bath or sauna involves a significant overheating of the body, after which people usually also wash.

Can I go to the sauna and sauna in case of maxillitis?Water, as a rule, is somewhat cooler than the air that reigns in the room, so you can easily earn an additional cold.

However, if the body is tempered - it does not threaten it. Therefore, an unequivocal answer to the question: is it possible, for example, to wash my head or to soar my feet in a bath with genyantritis? - no.

In addition, the stage of the disease should be taken into account.

If you go to a sauna or bath in a chronic sinus anemia is not only acceptable, but also useful, if the illness worsens, these activities can bring significant harm.

How to behave properly in a bath with genyantema

When you decide for yourself this question you need to determine the state of the body.

  1. For example, such heating procedures are strictly prohibited in the presence of high body temperature.
  2. If the genyantritis is at the very beginning of its development and the maxillary sinuses are not inflamed much, a good warming can be of immense benefit.
  3. Regular visitors to the steam room know that it is possible to put various herbs on the stove, which can provide invaluable support to the weakened organism.
  4. It is best to prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs in advance and sprinkle it in the steam room.
  5. But after the steam room it is strictly forbidden immediately to go out into the cold air, otherwise the inflammatory process will become aggravated.
In genyantritis is best to visit the saunaIn genyantritis, it is best to visit the sauna, because it differs from the bath with its effect. But if it is a question of a bath, it is possible to say with certainty that it is very useful to warm your feet in a basin with hot water in the absence of an elevated temperature. During such hot baths, it is necessary to pour hot water on as it cools down.

This procedure is used for many colds, as it contributes to the warming of the entire body.

Another way to warm up: you need to sit on the shelf, stretch your legs and whip yourself on the feet of a bath broom. To soar feet is allowed even in the acute stage of sinusitis, but you can not warm up your head, especially your nose.

You can soar your feet not only in simple hot water, it is best to add dry mustard to the basin: 1 liter of water / 1 tablespoon of powder. In addition to mustard in hot water, it is recommended to add essential oils of eucalyptus and mint. by the way, it will be useful to learn how to soar your feet with a cold.

Doctors say that hygienic procedures during sinusitis can not be damaged. Just during them you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • The water temperature should be moderate. To wash a head and a body very hot or on the contrary cold water it is inadmissible.
  • You should try to avoid getting water in your ears, so the auditory holes should be covered with cotton swabs.
  • After visiting the sauna on this day, going out is not recommended.
  • To wash a head it is necessary quickly, and after procedure to dry hair a hair drier.

To go for walks with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is possible only in the absence of temperature, and if the outside is warm dry weather.

What is the use of bath procedures for rhinitis and sinusitis?

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Severe nasal congestion without a cold.
  2. Absence of nasal breathing.
  3. Pain sensations in the zone of maxillary sinuses.
  4. Deterioration of general condition.
  5. Lachrymation.
  6. Increased body temperature.
What is the use of bath procedures for rhinitis and sinusitis?These manifestations of the disease give the patient considerable discomfort. If the symptomatology is bright, they try to eliminate it with the help of medicines or folk methods, among which not the last place is occupied by visiting the bath. With this procedure, you can activate all the vital forces of the body.

Most sauna lovers go to it not only to wash their bodies, but mostly to improve and strengthen their immunity. People who suffer from chronic sinusitis, doctors even recommend a similar heating.

After one or two visits in the patient's condition, there are noticeable improvements. This method of treatment people have been using for many years, and always it guarantees a positive effect.

To strengthen it is recommended to make a decoction of the following plants:

  • mother and stepmother;
  • yarrow;
  • plantain;
  • lavender;
  • St. John's Wort.

To prepare the broth, a tablespoon of the mixture is poured with steep boiling water, placed on a water bath and boiled for another 10 minutes. Ready to boil the decoction and dilute in 3 liters of water.

Another hot drug is recommended to be wrapped in a thick blanket, so the liquid is better than infused. Decoction in the bath is taken inwards in a warm form. One glass of liquid should be drunk for three meals.

If you follow all the recommendations given above, visiting a bath with sinusitis will only benefit. A video in this article will help in the treatment of this disease.

With genyantritis can be at sea? Yeisk.


New Caliber fresh

With genyantritis it is better to go to the Black Sea - to bathe and wash the nasopharynx. Yeisk for this is not the best option. And in general vacuum suction tried to do? At me after a course of these procedures a genyantritis has disappeared in neizvesnnom a direction

The Count de Vall

And more mug in the sun to fry!
Throat and nose with salty seawater rinse.


I would even say that you are recommended to go to the sea. Since the sea air is therapeutic

Nike Borzov

At a genyantritis yes! With hemorrhoids there!
For sinusitis use! For hemorrhoids harm!


Be sure to go! In another, you feel yourself after a trip.

Vladimir K.

even need

Lyuda Vysotskaya

Even not bad. Buy here a curriculum for mud treatment.
And to live with a private trader. In the guest houses. So it comes out cheaper.
Water is always above 25 *. And very much sun.


It is necessary and good there to rinse with sea water all this business deeper to breathe the sea air


In the acute period it is not necessary to sharply change the climate

Pantera belaya

Be sure to come!! !
I invite you to our sunny city of Yeisk! Have a great time and heal the sea air!
We have sandy beaches! I can offer you to stay in our private sector.
The sea, the city center, the main park, the aquarium, the water park, the dolphinarium, cafes and shops... all at your fingertips! We have already opened the season!
Write, I'll tell you more about the prices and show the conditions for living! We have very reasonable prices!

Starets Fura

On the beach, hot stones are treated by people all! I back "correct" I lay on them all day! To you with your illness or disease most that !!!

kisa abrikosa

can and will help. And you usually what antibiotic stuff? it's a constant stress for the body, ask at least for ecoantibiotics you translate

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